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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En balansakt – att vara lagom bra mamma : En kvalitativ studie om normer kring moderskap och jämställdhet / Balancing – to be a moderately good mother : A qualitative study about norms concerning motherhood and gender equality

Ålander, Katarina, Klar, Elin January 2016 (has links)
This study was conducted to investigate norms for motherhood and gender equality among Swedish mothers. The aim was to find if there are differences in how women relate to the norms, how they control impressions they send out, and if there is any conflict regarding these norms. Used theoretical framework was norms in general and impression management. We used a qualitative approach, and conducted interviews with mothers of young children.   The results show that women relate to the norms about the good mother as a norm, feeling guilt and shame, not being able to reach up to all expectations, but also facing sanctions when being too good. On the other hand we find that the Swedish gender equality ideal, aren’t a norm but an ideal and that some women refer to equality in the household as a question of that both should be satisfied. We believe this is a proof of that the Swedish equality has not yet been integrated in the society norms, for our informants. We also find that norms and ideal affect the impression management. Various number of expectations therefore results into a norm conflict for the mother. All together these expectations are unreachable, and results in sanctions of for example guilt and shame. We introduce a new concept to describe all these norms and the norm conflict within the mother; norm conglomeration. Our conclusion are that to be a good mother you must be moderate both related to motherhood norms and ideals of gender equality.

Do people actually listen to ads in podcasts? : A study about how machine learning can be used to gain insight in listening behaviour

Hane, Sara, Angergård, Madeleine January 2019 (has links)
Today, listening to podcasts is a common way of consuming media and it has been proven that listeners are much more recipient to advertisement when being addressed in a podcast, rather than through radio. This study has been performed at Acast, an audio-on-demand and podcast platform that hosts, monetizes, and distributes podcasts globally. With the use of machine learning, the goal of this study has been to obtain a credible estimate of how listeners outside the application tend to respond when exposed to ads in podcasts. The study includes a number of different machine learning models, such as Random Forest, Logistic Regression, Neural Networks and kNN. It was shown that machine learning could be applied to obtain a credible estimate of how ads are received outside the Acast application, based on data collected from the application. Additionally, out of the models included in the study, Random Forest was proven being the best performing model for this problem. Please note that the results presented in the report are based on a mix of real and simulated data.

Etude de la Micro-Impression d'Eléments Biologiques par Laser pour l'Ingénierie du Tissu Osseux

Catros, Sylvain 22 November 2010 (has links)
L'ingénierie tissulaire osseuse est un domaine multidisciplinaire qui vise à produire des substituts tissulaires pour la médecine régénératrice. Ce travail visait à produire des substituts osseux structurés tridimensionnels grâce à un système d'impression d'éléments biologiques par laser développé au laboratoire Inserm U577 (Projet LASIT: LASer pour L'Ingénierie Tissulaire). Les étapes de la thèse ont consisté tout d'abord à préparer des matériaux adaptés à l'impression par laser et à les caractériser au niveau physico-chimique et biologique. Il s'agissait d'hydroxyapatite nano-cristalline, de cellules humaines et d'hydrogels (alginate, matrigel). Ensuite des impressions structurées combinant ces matériaux ont été réalisées en 3 dimensions avant d'être implantés in vivo chez la souris. Les résultats ont montré que l'impression par laser d'éléments biologiques est une méthode efficace pour organiser des matériaux tridimensionnels à plusieurs composants pour l'ingénierie tissulaire. / Bone Tissue Engineering is a multidisciplinary field which aims to produce artificial tissues for regenerative medicine. The purpose of this work was to produce three-dimensional bone substitute using a laser-assisted bioprinting (LAB) workstation developped in the laboratory INSERM U577 (TEAL Project: Tissue Engineering Assisted by Laser). The first step of the work consisted in the synthesis of specific materials for LAB and in the characterization of their biological and physico-chemical properties. We have prepared a nano-hydroxyapatite bioink, human cells bioinks and hydrogels bioinks. Then, three-dimensional materials have been prepared using LAB and have been implanted in vivo in mice. The results have shown that Laser Assisted Bioprinting is an efficient method fo patterning 3-D materials using biolgical elements.

Avaliação in vitro da precisão de três técnicas para moldagem do arco superior parcialmente edentado / Evaluation in vitro of the accuracy of three impression techniques for the partially edentulous upper arch

Bueno Junior, Eliseu Antonio 29 September 2005 (has links)
Este estudo serviu ao objetivo de avaliar a capacidade de reprodução da região do palato e o posicionamento de pilares em modelos de gesso de um arco superior parcialmente edentado, obtidos a partir de três técnicas de moldagem: 1) alginato em moldeira de estoque - AL; 2) pasta zincoeugenólica em moldeira individual, seguida de sobremoldagem com alginato em moldeira de estoque - MS e 3) silicone de condensação em moldeira de estoque pela técnica da dupla moldagem ou do reembasamento - SC. Os modelos de gesso testados foram obtidos a partir de moldagens executadas sobre modelo padrão metálico. Pontos representativos do perfil palatino, a distância relativa entre os pilares, bem como suas inclinações, foram mensurados com um aparelho de medição tridimensional de coordenadas e analisados quanto à sua fidedignidade em relação à morfologia do modelo padrão. Os resultados demonstraram que: 1) ocorreram distorções verticais positivas e negativas nos modelos produzidos pelas três técnicas, sendo que a técnica SC apresentou as maiores variações, predominantemente negativas, produzindo modelos com palato mais profundo quando comparados àqueles obtidos pelas técnicas M e A; 2) foram observadas distorções horizontais positivas e negativas nos modelos produzidos pelas três técnicas, com tendência de aumento das distâncias inter-pilares para as técnicas AL e SC e de encurtamento para a técnica MS; 3) os desvios angulares foram inexpressivos no comprometimento da inclinação axial dos pilares quando considerada a estabilização da estrutura metálica de uma prótese removível; 4) as distorções verificadas com as três técnicas estudadas estão dentro dos parâmetros de aceitabilidade clínica estabelecidos neste trabalho. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproduction potential of the palate area and the position of abutments in partially edentulous, upper stone casts produced with three impressions techniques: 1) irreversible hydrocolloid in stock tray - AL; 2) zinc oxide-eugenol paste in a custom tray with a pick-up impression of irreversible hydrocolloid - MS and 3) putty-wash condensation silicone in stock tray - SC. Representative points on the palatal surface and the relative distance between the abutments as well their inclination were measured with a three-dimensional coordinate measurement equipment and the data used to analyze the fidelity of the casts in relation to the original metal model. The results showed: 1) positive and negative vertical discrepancies on casts made from all impression techniques, with SC responsible for the highest variations (predominantly negatives) that rendered casts with a deeper palatal vault when compared to those obtained with AL and MS; 2) positive and negative horizontal discrepancies on casts produced from all impression techniques, with AL and SC tending to increase the distances between supports while MS seemed to decrease these distances; 3) the angular deviations observed represented no substantial compromise to the axial inclination of the abutment when considering the stability of the removable prosthesis framework; 4) the discrepancies evidenced with the three techniques were within the benchmark values for clinical acceptability initially established.

Synthèse de formes fabricables à partir de spécifications partielles / Synthesis of fabricable shape from partial specifications

Hergel, Jean 01 February 2017 (has links)
Les techniques de fabrication rapide, issues des techniques de prototypage rapide comme l’impression 3D ou la découpe laser permettent de fabriquer des pièces uniques sans demander d’expertise particulière du procédé mis en œuvre. En revanche la modélisation de nouveaux objets tout comme la personnalisation d’objets existants restent difficiles. En effet, les techniques de prototypages rapides imposent des contraintes sur la géométrie du modèle qui doivent être respectées. Cette thèse présente un ensemble de techniques qui ont pour point commun d’assister l’utilisateur dans la modélisation d’un objet, en tenant compte des contraintes du procédé qui permettra de le fabriquer. À cette fin, l’algorithme prend en charge tout ou partie de la modélisation. En particulier, les problématiques suivantes sont abordées : Tout d’abord, je propose d’améliorer la qualité des objets fabriqués avec une imprimante 3D en minimisant certains défauts qui apparaissent lors de la fabrication. Les approches développées modifient uniquement les algorithmes de pilotage de l’imprimante. En second lieu, je propose d’aider l’utilisateur à prendre en compte les contraintes de fabrication pendant la modélisation. Mes techniques utilisent des informations partielles sur la forme que l’utilisateur souhaite fabriquer, comme le dessin en deux dimensions d’un mécanisme, ou un modèle paramétrique qui définit un meuble. L’algorithme optimise une forme finale qui améliore des critères liés à sa fabrication (gaspillage, encombrement, etc.). Enfin, dans certains cas (e.g. grand public) l’utilisateur n’est pas forcément à même de modéliser ces formes via des logiciels spécialisés. Pour ce cas précis, je propose une technique de synthèse de meubles à partir de spécifications fonctionnelles, e.g. la spécification de poids à porter dans l’espace / The Rapid Manufacturing techniques that emerged from Rapid Prototyping techniques such as 3D printing or laser cutting allow to fabricate unique objects. However, the design of those objects with existing CAD software remain a difficult task: rapid prototyping processes impose constraints on the geometry of the model. This thesis presents a set of techniques that assist the user in the design of an object by taking into account the constraints of the fabrication process. To achieve this, the algorithm automatically performs part of the modelling process. The following problems have been tackled: First, I propose to improve the quality of 3D printed objects by minimizing defects that appear during the fabrication. The technique developed impacts only the algorithm that drives the printer. Then, I propose to help the user to take into account the fabrication constraints during the modelling process. My techniques rely on partial information about the shape that the user wants to fabricate like the 2D sketch of a mechanism or a parametric model of a furniture. The algorithm optimizes the initial shape to improve fabrication objectives(Wastage, etc.) Finally, in some cases, the user does not know how to operate dedicated software. In this case, I propose a synthesis technique of furniture from functionnal specification, e.g. loads that have to be supported in space

The directionality of person-situation transactions: Spill-over effects among and between situation experiences and personality states

Unknown Date (has links)
To elucidate temporal sequences among and between person and situation variables, this work examines cross-measurement spill-overs between situation experiences S (on the Situational Eight DIAMONDS characteristics) and personality states P (on the Big Six HEXACO) in experience sampling data in two studies. Multilevel modeling of lagged data at tn-1 and non-lagged data at tn grants the opportunity to examine (a) the stability (P --> P, S --> S), (b) cross-sectional associations (S <--> P), and (c) cross-lagged associations among and between situation experiences and personality states (S --> P, P --> S). / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2017. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Effects of impression management on interview performance: an analysis of behavioural description interview and situational interview. / Impression management

January 2011 (has links)
Mak, Ho Ling. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 49-53). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / Acknowledgement --- p.iv / List of Tables v --- p.ii / List of Figures vi --- p.ii / List of Appendices --- p.ix / Chapter Chapter 1: --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 2: --- Method --- p.23 / Chapter Chapter 3: --- Results --- p.31 / Chapter Chapter 4: --- Discussion --- p.38 / References --- p.49

Pode a seleção da técnica ser superior ao material escolhido para a união de transferentes? / Can the selection of the technique be superior to the material selected for the splint of transferents?

Mariotto, Guilherme de Aguiar 27 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Edineia Teixeira (edineia.teixeira@unioeste.br) on 2019-03-12T21:59:27Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Guilherme_Mariotto_2018.pdf: 1557188 bytes, checksum: a9d67c335a6fbbe03d061239156c3baf (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-12T21:59:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Guilherme_Mariotto_2018.pdf: 1557188 bytes, checksum: a9d67c335a6fbbe03d061239156c3baf (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-27 / STATEMANT OF PROBLEM: The splint transfer technique in implant impression can result in misfit on prosthetic structures. PURPOSE: To evaluate the linear dimensional change of polymerization from 3 materials and 2 techniques of splint transfer technique for implant prostheses used in the open tray technique. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two implants were installed in a nylon mastermodel whith the shape of a upperjaw, over this two implants, miruscone were tapered. Open tray transfer impression coppings were coupled in to the miruscone, and a silicone guide was made standardizing the unions between the transfers. The samples were divided in six groups (n=20): autopolymerizing acrylic resin Pattern Resin (PA) and Durallay (DU), and bis-acrylic resin Protemp4 (BI), with single step and sectioning and bonding segments techniques (PAC, DUC, BIC). The values of linear dimensional change between these transfers were measured in a profile projector (VB300; Starret) coupled to the Quadra Check apparatus, with a measurement capacity of 0.001 mm, performed by a calibrated single operator. Data were submitted to factorial ANOVA, two-way: Materials and technique (p <0.01) RESULTS: Statistically significant results were found in all comparisons. The PA resin presented the smallest values (μm) of linear dimensional change, both in the single-step technique and in the section and conding, in the following order: BI 255.73(+3.81), DU 173.75(+2.30), PA 95.97(+3.20), BIC 23.82(+1.71), DUC 20.85(+2.53), PAC 13.27(+2.09). The single-step technique obtained worse results regardless of the material. CONCLUSIONS: The sectioning and bonding technique reduced the dimensional change of the samples in all materials, and the Pattern Resin LS presented the lowest contraction, followed by Durallay and Protemp4. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: For the transfer splintage in implant prothesis the choice of technique seems to be more importante than the selection of the material to get fidelity of the models / DECLARAÇÃO DO PROBLEMA: A técnica de união entre os transferentes de moldagem para próteses sobre implantes pode resultar em desadaptações nas infraestruturas protéticas. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a alteração dimensional linear de polimerização de 3 materiais e 2 técnicas de união de transferentes de moldagem para próteses sobre implantes utilizados na técnica da moldeira aberta. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foi confeccionada uma matriz em forma de maxila em nylon, instalados dois implantes osseointegráveis e, sobre esses dois, minipilares cônicos retos. Transferentes de moldagem de moldeira aberta foram acoplados aos minipilares, e uma guia de silicone foi confeccionada padronizando as uniões entre transferentes. As amostras foram divididas em seis grupos (n=20): resinas acrílicas quimicoativadas Pattern Resin (PA) e Durallay (DU), e resina bisacrílica Protemp4 (BI), com as técnicas passo único e secção e união dos segmentos (PAC, DUC, BIC). Os valores de alteração dimensional linear ocorridos entre esses transferentes foram mensurados em projetor de perfil (VB300; Starret) acoplado ao aparelho Quadra Check, com capacidade de mensuração de 0.001 mm, realizado por único operador calibrado. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste de ANOVA fatorial, two-way: Materiais e técnica (p<0,01). RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados resultados estatisticamente significantes em todas as comparações. A resina PA apresentou os menores valores (μm) de alteração dimensional linear, tanto na técnica de passo único, quanto na técnica de secção e união, na seguinte ordem: BI 255.73(+3.81), DU 173.75(+2.30), PA 95.97(+3.20), BIC 23.82(+1.71), DUC 20.85(+2.53), PAC 13.27(+2.09). A técnica de passo único obteve piores resultados independente do material. CONCLUSÕES: A técnica de secção e união reduziu a alteração dimensional das amostras em todos os materiais, e a resina Pattern Resin LS apresentou a menor contração, seguida pela Durallay e Protemp4. IMPLICAÇÕES CLÍNICAS: Para a união de transferentes em próteses sobre implantes a escolha da técnica de união parece ser mais importante do que a seleção do material para a obtenção de maior fidelidade dos modelos.

Reconstruction de solides à partir d'acquisitions surfaciques

Synave, Rémi 08 December 2009 (has links)
Le scanner laser est un périphérique permettant d'analyser un objet réel et d'extraire des informations de sa surface. Grâce à cet outil, il est possible d'obtenir la représentation numérique de tout ou partie de la surface frontière d'un objet réel. Les scanners laser sont livrés avec un logiciel permettant de faire l'acquisition des données brutes, le recalage des différentes parties acquises et la reconstruction de la surface. Cette suite d'opérations permet de construire le modèle numérique et est communément appelée pipeline 3D d'acquisition. Dans cette thèse, nous développons notre pipeline, que nous nommons A2RI, et y ajoutons une étape d'impression. Ce pipeline permet la reproduction d'un objet à partir de son acquisition au scanner laser. Nous veillons particulièrement à quantifier et maîtriser l'erreur commise dans chaque maillon de la chaîne grâce à des mesures euclidiennes et géodésiques sur l'objet réel et le modèle numérique. / Abstract

Influência de técnicas de moldagem e de dois vazamentos na precisão dimensional de modelos de gesso e adaptação marginal de infraestruturas CAD/CAM em Y-TZP /

Messias, Aion Mangino. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: José Maurício dos Santos Nunes / Banca: Francisco de Assis Mollo Júnior / Banca: Mauro Antonio de Arruda Nóbilo / Resumo: Este estudo objetivou analisar a exatidão de modelos de gesso, a partir de diferentes técnicas de moldagem e segundos vazamentos de gesso, bem como mensurar o desajuste marginal de infraestruturas de zircônia sobre preparos dentais reproduzidos nesses modelos. Um modelo mestre, com preparos para coroa total nos dentes 14, 16, 21 e 25, foi obtido e infraestruturas em zircônia CAD/CAM foram confeccionadas. Moldes totais com moldeira de estoque e silicone de adição foram obtidos a partir de três técnicas de moldagem (n=15): T1) mistura simultânea; T2) reembasamento - alívio com filme de PVC e T3) reembasamento - alívio com movimentação da moldeira. Foram aguardados 120 min para o 1º. vazamento de gesso (Tipo IV). O 2º. vazamento foi realizado 120 min após a remoção dos primeiros modelos. Para a mensuração da adaptação marginal das infraestruturas utilizou-se estereomicroscópio LEICA (50x). Para a análise da precisão dimensional linear, os modelos foram fotografados e, a partir de pontos pré-definidos, mensurações oclusais lineares latero-laterais (LL) e anteroposteriores, direita (APD) e esquerda (APE), foram realizadas (ImageJ). Mensurações das dimensões mésio-distais (MD) e vestíbulo-linguais (VL) dos preparos e da distância interpreparos do segmento 14-16 foram realizadas. Após verificação da distribuição e da homocedasticidade dos dados, métodos estatísticos (α=0,05) foram empregados para avaliar a influência das variáveis independentes. De maneira geral, os modelos geraram maiores desajustes marginais em relação ao modelo mestre, independente do vazamento (1º ou 2º). Após 1º. vazamento, a técnica simultânea apresentou tendência a apresentar valores de desajuste menores do que as demais técnicas. Com exceção da dimensão MD do dente 21, a técnica simultânea produziu dimensões MD e VL similares ao modelo mestre. Não houve...(Resumo completo clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study conducted laboratory analysis of dental casts' accuracy obtained from different impression techniques and two castings, as well as measure the cervical marginal fit of zirconia infrastructures on dental preparations played in these models. Master model was used, with crown preparations in the teeth 14, 16, 21 and 25, on which zirconia infrastructures were made by CAD/CAM technology. For each impression technique full molds (n=15) were obtained by a single calibration operator with stock tray and polyvinylsiloxane: (T1) simultaneous mixture; (T2) reline - relief with PVC film and (T3) reline - relief with small movement of the tray. After mold removal, it was expected 120 min to realize the first pouring (type IV gypsum). The second pouring was made after 120 min from the removal of the first cast. To measure the marginal adaptation of infrastructure was used stereomicroscope LEICA (50x). For the analysis of linear dimensional accuracy, the models were photographed and, from pre-defined points, linear lateral-side occlusal measurements (LL) and anteroposterior, right (RPA) and left (EPA), were performed (ImageJ). Measurements of mesiodistal dimensions (MD) and bucco-lingual (VL) of the preparations and interpreparos distance segment 14-16 were performed. After verification of distribution and homocedasticity data, statistical methods (α = 0.05) were used to assess the influence of the independent variables. In general, larger models generated fringe displacement in relation to the master model, irrespective of the time of pouring (1º ou 2º). After 1st. pouring, the simultaneous technique tended to have lower misfit values than other techniques. Aside from tooth MD dimension 21 simultaneous technique produced dimensions MD and BL similar to the master model. No differences in inter-preparation linear dimensions and the occlusal line...(Complete abstract electronic access below) / Mestre

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