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Transformational leadership, leader-member exchange (LMX), and OCB: The role of motivesConnell, Patrick W 01 June 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of employee motives regarding select leadership-OCB relationships. Based on previous research, it was hypothesized that the relationships observed between transformational leadership and various dimensions of OCB would be mediated by subordinate Organizational Concern. In contrast, the relationship between LMX-quality and subordinate Altruism was predicted to be either mediated or moderated by subordinate Prosocial Values. Two hundred and one part-time and full-time employees (subordinates and supervisors) served as participants in this study, representing a total of 13 organizations in the Southeast United States. Results were based on a final sample of 131 supervisor-subordinate pairs. In general, participants responded to questionnaires that measured transformational leadership, LMX-quality, and OCB Motives (i.e., Prosocial Values, Organizational Concern, and Impression Management).
Both subordinate and supervisor ratings of OCB were also collected. Analyses were based upon Baron and Kennys (1986) approach for mediation and moderation, as well as the Aroian version (1944/1947) of the Sobel test (1982). Across self- and supervisor-reports of OCB, results revealed that the Organizational Concern Motive significantly mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and various dimensions of OCB (Conscientiousness, Sportsmanship, Courtesy, and Civic Virtue). Results also supported the Prosocial Values Motive as a partial mediator in the relationship between LMX-quality and self-reported Altruism. Surprisingly, a stronger mediating effect was consistently observed for the Organizational Concern Motive across both leadership styles and all five of Organs (1988) OCB dimensions. In contrast, no evidence was found for either motive with regard to moderation. Results also differed based on leadership perspective (subordinate versus supervisor).
Taken as a whole, these results suggest that both transformational leadership and LMX-quality are strongly associated with an employees general concern for the organization. This motive is, in turn, associated with a variety of citizenship behaviors. In summary, this evidence addresses an important gap in the OCB literature by providing evidence for an indirect relationship between leadership perceptions and OCB.
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The effect of thin slicing on structured interview decisionsSchmidt, Gregory F 01 June 2007 (has links)
This study examined whether hiring recommendations based on thin slices of a structured interview were associated with recommendations based on the interview in its entirety. After viewing 12 seconds of silent interviewee behavior, participants made hiring recommendations that were significantly correlated with those produced by individuals viewing a still-frame of the interview and the entire interview. In an effort to determine what sources of information participants were using to arrive at their recommendations, nonverbal behaviors were examined in detail. Applicants who appeared attentive, not anxious, competent, confident, dominant, optimistic, and professional were more likely to receive positive hiring recommendations than others. Additional analyses reveal that these nonverbal behaviors impact hiring recommendations in both the still-frame and thin-slice video conditions after controlling for applicant physical attractiveness. Overall, results indicate that despite the availability of verbal content, interviewers may be heavily influenced by their first 12-second impression of a job applicant.
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The prop metaphor : how consumers and socially-visible brands connectSchulz, Heather Marie 01 June 2011 (has links)
Post-purchase consumer behavior is an area of consumer research that is underdeveloped. One new phenomenon that can be used to study post-purchase consumer behavior is the individual behavior related to “socially-visible brands.” A socially-visible brand (SVB) is a brand located on or near a person’s physical body while they are out in the public atmosphere. Understanding consumers’ use of their socially-visible brands sheds light onto this form of post-purchase behavior. From a theoretical standpoint, impression management theory from the field of social psychology and consumer culture theory from the field of consumer research were juxtaposed and applied to the topic of socially-visible brands. An organizing framework is presented which adapts the dramaturgical concepts from impression management theory to the field of consumer behavior. Two studies are then presented which look at consumer behavior through this organizing framework. Study one delves into the consumer culture surrounding consumer behavior associated with socially-visible brands. Study two shows how market segmentation factors predict consumer behaviors associated with socially-visible brands. The overall argument being made here that socially-visible brands are a “prop” or tool consumers use during their presentation of self to others. / text
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Dynamic Interviewing Agents: Effects on Deception, Nonverbal Behavior, and Social DesirabilitySchuetzler, Ryan M. January 2015 (has links)
Virtual humans and other virtual agents are becoming more common in our everyday lives. Whether in the form of phone-based personal assistants or automated customer service systems, these technologies have begun to touch more of our activities. This research aims to understand how this technology affects the way we interact with our computer systems. Using a chat bot, I studied the way a conversational computer system affects the way people interact with and perceive automated interviewing systems in two different contexts. Study 1 examines the impact of a conversational agent on behavior during deception. It found that a conversational agent can have a powerful impact on people's perception of the system, resulting in individuals viewing the system as much more engaging and human. The conversational agent further results in a suppression of deception-related cues consistent with a more human-like interaction. Study 2 focuses on the effect of a conversational agent on socially desirable responding. Results of this study indicate that a conversational agent increases social desirability when the topic of the interview is sensitive, but has no effect when the questions are non-sensitive. The results of these two studies indicate that a conversational agent can change the way people interact with a computer system in substantial and meaningful ways. These studies represent a step toward understanding how conversational agents can shape the way we view and interact with computers.
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Kvinnors attityder till skönhetsideal : En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors upplevelser kring det rådande skönhetsidealetObeidat, Sandra, Kanat, Seval January 1900 (has links)
Skönhetsideal är ett område som är aktuellt i dagens samhälle. Skönhet har genom alla tider haft en stor inverkan på framförallt kvinnor. Syftet med vår uppsats är att studera, förstå och förklara åtta unga kvinnors upplevelser och attityder till det rådande skönhetsidealet samt vad det är som påverkar kvinnorna till att de vill eller har genomgått skönhetsförändringar. Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i våra frågeställningar som är följande: (1) Hur upplever unga kvinnor det rådande skönhetsidealet? (2)Vad är drivkrafterna som gör att unga kvinnor genomgår skönhetsförändringar? Undersökningen är en kvalitativ studie baserad på semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med åtta unga kvinnor i Halmstad. Reflexivitet i det moderna samhället, objektifiering och intrycksstyrning, användes som teoretiska perspektiv. Dessa teorier är sociologiska analysverktyg som har använts för att förstå och förklara kvinnors attityder till det rådande skönhetsidealet. Resultatet visade att de unga kvinnornas upplevelser av det rådande skönhetsidealet innebar att man som kvinna ska vara ung, smal, vacker och vältränad. Dagens rådande skönhetsideal visade sig vara det ideal som ansågs vara mest hälsosamt, jämfört med tidigare skönhetsideal. De unga kvinnorna blev i största utsträckning inspirerade av sociala medier när det kommer till skönhet. Kvinnorna var positivt inställda till skönhetsoperationer och plastikkirurgi ansågs vara ett medel för att förbättra utseendet samt stärka kvinnors självkänsla samt självförtroende. / The beauty ideal constitutes a significant part of today's society. Beauty has throughout the time had a great impact on women in particular. The purpose of our paper is to study, understand and explain eight young women's experiences and attitudes towards society’s ideal of beauty, and what it is that makes them want to or go through beauty changes. The study has its starting point in our two questions: (1) How do young women experience the current beauty ideal? (2) What are the driving forces for young women to undergo beauty changes? This study, is a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with eight young women in Halmstad. Our theoretical perspective used are reflexivity of modern society, objectification and impression management. These theories will be the sociological analysis tools in order to understand and explain women's attitudes to the current ideal of beauty. The results indicated that the young women's experiences of the current ideal of beauty meant that the women should be young, slim, beautiful and fit. Today's current ideal of beauty proved to be the ideal that was considered most healthy, comparing to previous beauty ideals. The young women were very inspired by social media when it comes to beauty. The women were positive about cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery was considered out to be a tool to improve the appearance and enhance women's self-esteem and self-confidence.
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Nouvelles possibilités de création intrinsèques à la technologie d'impression numérique textile à jet d'encreSchweizer Simac, Christine 01 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Contrairement à l'industrie graphique qui s'est très rapidement convertie à l'impression numérique à jet d'encre, l'industrie textile manifeste de fortes réticences envers cette nouvelle technologie. Ce procédé d'ennoblissement offre pourtant, dans les domaines de la création et de la production, de nombreuses possibilités d'innovation. L'objectif de ce travail est, d'une part de mettre en exergue le potentiel créatif iconographique de cette technologie et d'expliquer les changements de la notion de dessin textile qu'il induit. D'autre part, en les confrontant aux limites actuelles de l'impression traditionnelle aux cadres, il détaille les nouveaux modes de production à même d'insuffler une nouvelle dynamique aux métiers de l'impression textile. En dernier lieu, sont exposés les facteurs environnementaux qui seront appelés à jouer un rôle de plus en plus important dans l'économie du futur. L'ensemble offre ainsi une présentation complète et actualisée des différents aspects de l'impression textile à jet d'encre.
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Utilisation de cellulose pour l'élaboration de matériaux photoluminescents ou conducteursPras, Olivier 12 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le contexte de la fonctionnalisation de matériaux cellulosiques dans le domaine de l'électronique imprimée. Une première approche a mis en évidence la possibilité d'imprimer des formulations aqueuses à base de nanoparticules de polymères semi-conducteurs photoluminescents. L'influence de la taille des nanoparticules, ainsi que leur composition (ajout d'un polymère dérive de la cellulose) sur la couleur de l'émission a été mise en évidence. Les applications potentielles peuvent être l'élaboration de papiers sécurisés. Une seconde approche s'est portée sur l'utilisation de microfibrilles de cellulose et de microparticules de cuivre afin d'élaborer des films composites conducteurs autoportants grâce aux excellentes propriétés mécaniques des microfibrilles. L'influence d'un calandrage (pression et température de calandrage) des films sur la conductivité électrique a en particulier été étudiée.
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Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Wiedergabegenauigkeit optoelektronischer berührungsloser und plastischer Abformungen weicher GesichtsstrukturenBirkner, Luisa 05 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Wiedergabegenauigkeit optoelektronischer berührungsloser und plastischer Abformungen weicher Gesichtsstrukturen
Universität Leipzig, Dissertation
Problemstellung: Deformation der fazialen Weichgewebe bei liegenden Patienten, hervorgerufen durch schwerkraft- und materialgewichtabhängige Einflüsse der bei konventionellen Abformmethoden verwendeten Materialien Hydrokolloiden und Elas- tomere.
Ziel: Vergleich der Wiedergabegenauigkeit weicher Gesichtsstrukturen bei konven- tionellen plastischen Abformmethoden und einem optischen, mechanischen berüh- rungsfreien dreidimensionalen fotorealistischen Modell.
Material und Methode: Konventionelle Abformung bei 20 Probanden mit Hydrokolloid und Elastomer sowie ein optischer Gesichtsscan vom Mittelgesicht. Studienaufbau: Digitali- sieren der Gipsmodelle und Auswertung aller STL-Datensätze zum Vergleich zwischen plastischen und optoelektronischen Abformungen sowie die Evaluation der vorhandenen Abweichungen in 34 konstruierten Punkten. Statistik: Testen auf Normalverteilung und Varianzengleichheit zum Prüfen der Signifikanz mittels Zweistichproben-t-Test und Wilcoxon-Rangsummen-Test.
Ergebnisse: Der allgemeiner Abformfehler zwischen optischem Scan und konven- tionellen Abformungen liegt bei 1,19 mm ± 0,32 mm mit Variationen bei den Ma- terialien Alginat 1,02 mm ± 0,24 mm und Silikon 1,36 mm ± 0,31 mm. Signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Abformmaterialien zeigen sich in 6 von 34 Messpunkten (p < 0,05). Alginat weist tendentiell die besseren Ergebnisse auf und ruft weniger Weichgewebsveränderung hervor. Die beschriebenen Differenzen entstehen durch die Deformation der Weichgewebe bei der Gesichtsabformung. Bei den Punkten ohne statistische Signifikanz ist die Abformtechnik als sehr präzise zu betrachten. In gut skelettal-unterstützten Regionen zeigt Silikon in einigen Messpunkten geringere Abweichungen.
Schlussfolgerung: Die Auswahl des Abformmaterials sollte in Abhängigkeit von der Ausgangssituation gewählt werden. Trotz der modifizierten Abformtechnik zeigen die Ergebnisse einen deutlichen Unterschied zwischen digital erfasstem dreidimensionalem Gesichtsscan und konventionellen Abformmethoden. Den optischen Systemen ist derzeit der Vorzug zu geben. Die Vorteile sind hinsichtlich noninvasiver, iterierender Aufnahmen, genauerer und effektiverer Analyse sowie CAD/CAM-Herstellung von Epithesen aus biokompatiblen Werkstoffen beachtlich.
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The invisible view: Betwixt and betweenLatimer, Christine January 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores the idea of a liminal space, as being dreamlike, suspended in time and physically unlocatable. It questions and exploits the boundary between abstraction and figuration in painting. This investigation has been considered from a subjective viewpoint allowing a distancing of space to illuminate new perceptions and experiences through the language of painting. The project has sought to explore the relationship between the natural world and seeing, to deepen and emphasize the other worldliness of an in-between space. This third space has been evoked by a process of abstracting pictorial content, juxtaposition of elements, colour and composition. The thesis is constituted of practice-based 80%, accompanied by an exegesis 20%.
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The effect of anxiety on impression formationCurtis, Guy January 2002 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The anxiety-assimilation hypothesis (Wilder, 1993) and the capacity constraint plus control motivation model (Fiske & Morling, 1996) predict that anxiety causes people to form more stereotypic impressions of others. Affect-as-information (Schwarz & Clore, 1983) and affect-priming (Bower, 1991) theories predict that anxiety causes people to form affect-congruent (i.e., more threatening) impressions of others. A novel research paradigm was used in Experiment 1 to separate the predictions of these two classes of theories, recognizing that their predictions were not mutually exclusive. Experiment 1 found that anxious persons formed more threatening, but not more stereotypic, impressions of a target person. This result replicated in Experiment 2, with a different population and a different anxiety manipulation. In addition, Experiment 2 found that the anxiety-congruent bias in impression formation was limited to participants? ratings of traits that corresponded to the information presented about the target. The results of Experiments 1 and 2 were taken as support for an affect-priming rather than affect-as-information account of the effect of anxiety on impression formation. Experiments 3 and 4 investigated anxiety effects on encoding and recall that underlie affect-priming explanation of affect-congruent impression judgment biases. Experiment 3 found that anxious participants spent more time encoding non-stereotypic information and recalled less stereotypic information than non-anxious participants. In Experiment 4 anxious participants again recalled less stereotypic information. This study also found that anxious participants? recall and impression judgments were affect-congruent. ... As predicted by the modified affect-as-information theory, the affect-attribution manipulation left participants? anxiety levels unaltered but it did attenuate the anxiety-congruent impression bias. In addition, anxious participants in this study recalled less stereotypic than non-stereotypic information. The findings of this thesis raised several new questions and theoretical challenges. The new experimental paradigms that were used to examine the questions in this thesis will also allow the examination of the interplay of stereotypes and valence in judgments in future research for persons in affective states other than anxiety. Such research would allow for the continued revision and development of theories of affect and social cognition.
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