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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of Impression-management Motivation on Eating Behavior in Women

Remick, Abigail Karr 17 February 2011 (has links)
Previous research suggests that the amount of food that women eat may fluctuate depending on their impression-management motivation; however, the results do not provide direct evidence supporting such an explanation. That is, no studies conducted to date have actually manipulated impression-management motivation and measured its effects on eating behavior. The present program of research aimed to confirm that eating behavior in women does, in fact, change as a result of impression-management motivation. Experiments 1, 2, and 3 tested this by manipulating impression-management motivation via direct and explicit instructions. Experiment 3 was also designed to investigate how impression-management motivation might affect eating in situations in which females are eating with a friend (as opposed to a stranger). The results demonstrate that women motivated to make a good impression on a male stranger (Experiments 1 & 2) and a female stranger (Experiments 2 & 3) eat less than do those for whom the desire to make a positive impression has been disrupted. The results also confirm previous findings showing that women eat less when eating with a male stranger than when eating with a female stranger (Experiments 1 & 2). The findings from Experiment 3 suggest that there may be a different pattern of eating associated with impression-management motivation when women eat with female friends; it was found that participants ate more with a friend when they were motivated to make a good impression compared to when this motive was not present. These results may be explained by impression-management theory, in combination with notions about the complexity of female friendships and female-female competition surrounding eating, dieting, weight, and appearance.

Organizational Citizenship Behavior- Individual or Organizational Citizenship Behavior- Organization: Does the Underlying Motive Matter?

Newland, Sarah J. 01 May 2012 (has links)
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is considered behavior that benefits others, but is not a part of the employee’s job description. Research has indicated that OCB can be divided into two categories, behavior that is directed towards other individuals (OCBI) and behavior that is directed towards the organization (OCBO). Research has also suggested that there are three different motives behind OCB, impression management, prosocial values, and organizational concern. This study examines the relationship between the motives and the type of OCB that is performed. The results failed to indicate that motives matter in determining which type of OCB is performed. Additionally, participants in all three motives were more likely to engage in OCBO behavior than in OCBI behavior.

Bloggens betydelse för unga  kvinnors självkänsla / Bloggens betydelse för unga kvinnors självkänsla : How important is the blog of young women's self-esteem?

Damm, Martine, Bengtsson, Carolina January 2011 (has links)
Med denna C-uppsats vill vi belysa bloggens betydelse för den unga bloggläsaren i Halmstad och Laholmskommun.  Genom tre teman som är konsumtion, livsstil och intrycksstyrning vill vi få en ökad förståelse för bloggens betydelse för den unga kvinnans självkänsla med fokus på bloggläsaren och bloggerskan.   Metodtriangulering var grunden för vår metodologiska utgångspunkt. Vi har tittat på skriftliga källor, tidigare forskning och tre bloggare som vi sedan intervjuat. Samt en enkätundersökning som utfördes bland elever på olika gymnasieskolor i Halmstad och Laholm, vi lämnade ut totalt 105 enkäter. För att ge undersökningen en bättre bild av hur läsaren upplever bloggen intervjuade vi även tre bloggläsare. Vi har kommit fram till att bloggen har stor betydelse för den unga kvinnans självkänsla och vi belyser detta ur en bredare kulturell synvinkel. / The purpose of this essay is to shine light upon the importance of blogs to young readers in Halmstad and Laholm. We want to, through three themes of consumption, life style and direction of impression, increase the understanding of how blogs affect young women's self- esteem with focus on blogreaders and different kinds of blogs. We used triangulation of methods as our methodical starting-point. We looked at written sources, earlier research and later interviewed three bloggers. We also performed a survey that we handed out to different high schools in Halmstad and Laholm. For this we handed out 105 forms in total. To receive a better picture of how readers experiences blogs, we also interviewed three blog readers. We came to the conclusion that blogs greatly affect young women's self-esteem and we shine light on this through a wider, cultural angle.

Intrycksstyrning i arbetslivet : - En studie om mellanmänskliga relationer i anställningsintervjuer

Strandberg, Patrik, Andreasson Hjort, Helena January 2009 (has links)
som individen tror uppskattas i det sociala sammanhanget, så den får fram rätt framtoning? Frågor av denna karaktär har varit med att bygga upp denna uppsats och drivit oss att ta reda på mer. Ovanstående är temat som denna uppsats behandlar och utreder. I fokus står det mellanmänskliga mötet som sker under anställningsintervjun och hur intrycksstyrning används. För kandidaten och för rekryteraren är anställningsintervjun ett tillfälle då de båda i de flesta fall vill framstå i så god dager som möjligt. Intrycksstyrning är en metod för att skapa och förstärka intryck med hjälp av olika taktiker. Vi har med utgångspunkt i den symboliska interaktionismen hämtat både kunskap och inspiration och överfört dem till anställningsintervjun som är en del av rekryteringsprocessen. Symbolisk interaktionism fokuserar på kommunikation mellan människor och det område som vi studerat närmare. Vi har intervjuat tre rekryterare och tre kandidater som är anställda på Skol- och barnomsorgsförvaltningen inom Växjö kommun. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att få en ökad förståelse och kunskap för hur människor agerar under anställningsintervjun. Vi har bland annat kommit fram till att parterna vill se intervjun som ett samtal istället för ett stelt förhör eller ett tillgjort skådespel. Vi har även kommit fram till att individerna vill agera mänskligt och tillåtas ha fel och brister istället för att ge sken och uppfattas som perfekta. Det har visat sig att det inte enbart är positivt att visa sina goda sidor och agera som en reklamkampanj. Det som framkom var att överdrivna förmågor förr eller senare kommer fram, därför är det av vikt att ha en allmänkunskap som gör det enklare att genomskåda intrycksstyrningen. / Should an individual expose his true personality, express his emotions, reveal his inner-self and disclose exactly how he feels or should the individual assess the social environment and act according to what the individual deems to be the most acceptable behaviour in the social context, and so project the right impression? Questions like this have helped us to put together this essay and have motivated us to find out more. The above is the theme this paper deals with and investigates. Its focus is on the interpersonal interaction that takes place during a job interview and how impression management is used. For the candidate and the recruiter a job interview is a time when both want to appear in as good a light as possible. Impression Management is a method to create and reinforce an impression by using different tactics. We have, from theoretical starting points of symbolic interaction, obtained both knowledge and inspiration and transferred them to the job interview as part of the recruitment process. We have interviewed three recruiters and three candidates who are employed at Växjö municipality’s School and Child Care Administration. The aim of this thesis has been to achieve a better understanding and knowledge of how people inter-act during an employment interview. We have drawn the conclusion that both parties want to see the interview as a conversation instead of a rigid interrogation or play-acting. We also found that the two participants want to appear humane and accept faults and shortcomings instead of giving the impression of being perfect. It is not considered positive to only show their good sides as in an advertising campaign. What emerged was that exaggerated capabilities sooner or later are exposed. It is therefore important to have a general knowledge that makes it easier to expose impression management.


Huang, Yu-feng 30 June 2011 (has links)
Literature has examined the cognitive processes that underlie user evaluation of target websites, apps and information systems (WIS). In general, the studies have found that the consciously reasoning evaluation of a specific WIS¡¦ usefulness and enjoyment can effectively predict the usage that WIS. However, in the trend of consumerzing WIS, users are more likely than before to evaluate WIS by impression, meaning that users browse and appraise multiple novel WISs simultaneously and can pay little attention to each of them. To investigate the impression formation process, the current study develops hypotheses based on social neuroscience literature of emotional processing. This study further captures the transient process of impression formation with the event-related potential (ERP, or the brain wave pattern) methodology. Two ERP experiments were conducted. In the first experiment, 24 subjects made evaluations (like vs. dislike) toward novel website logos that were presented with 200 milliseconds (ms). The results show that, as early as 120 ms after logo appearance, the ERP starts to differentiate between liked and disliked logos. In the second experiment, 18 subjects made enjoyment and usefulness evaluations toward novel logos that were presented with 1 second. The behavior data of the second experiment show that for novel logos, enjoyment and usefulness evaluation scores are correlated. ERP data further indicated that information of both enjoyment and usefulness dimensions are inevitably noticed and processed. These findings suggest that, for WIS, the process of evaluation by impression formation might be different from that by reasoning. The impression formation process might be characterized by the activation of spontaneous emotion and by the interdependence between the enjoyment and usefulness evaluations.

Relationship between Online Social Identity¡BImpression Management and Virtual Community Citizenship Behavior ¢wAn Exploratory Study of Online Game Discussion Forum

Kuo, Keng-Fu 28 October 2012 (has links)
This study investigate how the players' virtual community citizenship behavior were influence by online social identity and impression management of online game discussion forum. A questionnaire was designed for the online survey that resulted in a total of 692 valid responses. The results suggested that the player were more spontaneous involved in organizational citizenship behavior when they had higher identity on discussion forum. The player had more positive action in organizational citizenship behavior when they had higher attention on self impression management. This research is different from those past gaming community researches focus on the user's addiction and motivation, and give suggestions for future research.

Personality, Impression Management and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Su, Wen-yu 17 August 2005 (has links)
The associations between personality, impression management, and organization citizen behavior are discussed. The questionnaire used at current study is designed cross-sectional, containing Self-Monitoring Scale, Machiavellianism Scale, Self-Efficacy Scale, Impression Management Scale, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale, administered to 247 supervisors and 247 employees. The validate response rate was 96.1%. Multivariate analytical results indicated that the differentiations between employees might affect their involvement with impression management; supplication and intimidate tactics may be the intervening variables between Machiavellianism and Organizational Citizenship Behavior; General & Specific Self-Efficacy would directly influence Organizational Citizenship Behavior, which indicates the supervisors¡¦ perception of employees will directly affected by General & Specific Self-Efficacy.

Recognizing facial expression of virtual agents, synthetic faces, and human faces: the effects of age and character type on emotion recognition

Beer, Jenay Michelle 08 April 2010 (has links)
An agent's facial expression may communicate emotive state to users both young and old. The ability to recognize emotions has been shown to differ with age, with older adults more commonly misidentifying the facial emotions of anger, fear, and sadness. This research study examined whether emotion recognition of facial expressions differed between different types of on-screen agents, and between age groups. Three on-screen characters were compared: a human, a synthetic human, and a virtual agent. In this study 42 younger (age 28-28) and 42 older (age 65-85) adults completed an emotion recognition task with static pictures of the characters demonstrating four basic emotions (anger, fear, happiness, and sadness) and neutral. The human face resulted in the highest proportion match, followed by the synthetic human, then the virtual agent with the lowest proportion match. Both the human and synthetic human faces resulted in age-related differences for the emotions anger, fear, sadness, and neutral, with younger adults showing higher proportion match. The virtual agent showed age-related differences for the emotions anger, fear, happiness, and neutral, with younger adults showing higher proportion match. The data analysis and interpretation of the present study differed from previous work by utilizing two unique approaches to understanding emotion recognition. First, misattributions participants made when identifying emotion were investigated. Second, a similarity index of the feature placement between any two virtual agent emotions was calculated, suggesting that emotions were commonly misattributed as other emotions similar in appearance. Overall, these results suggest that age-related differences transcend human faces to other types of on-screen characters, and differences between older and younger adults in emotion recognition may be further explained by perceptual discrimination between two emotions of similar feature appearance.

Intrycksstyrning i arbetslivet : - En studie om mellanmänskliga relationer i anställningsintervjuer

Strandberg, Patrik, Andreasson Hjort, Helena January 2009 (has links)
<p>som individen tror uppskattas i det sociala sammanhanget,</p><p>så den får fram rätt framtoning? Frågor av denna karaktär har varit med att bygga</p><p>upp denna uppsats och drivit oss att ta reda på mer.</p><p>Ovanstående är temat som denna uppsats behandlar och utreder. I fokus</p><p>står det mellanmänskliga mötet som sker under anställningsintervjun och hur</p><p>intrycksstyrning används. För kandidaten och för rekryteraren är</p><p>anställningsintervjun ett tillfälle då de båda i de flesta fall vill framstå i så god</p><p>dager som möjligt. Intrycksstyrning är en metod för att skapa och förstärka intryck</p><p>med hjälp av olika taktiker. Vi har med utgångspunkt i den symboliska</p><p>interaktionismen hämtat både kunskap och inspiration och överfört dem till</p><p>anställningsintervjun som är en del av rekryteringsprocessen. Symbolisk</p><p>interaktionism fokuserar på kommunikation mellan människor och det område</p><p>som vi studerat närmare. Vi har intervjuat tre rekryterare och tre kandidater som</p><p>är anställda på Skol- och barnomsorgsförvaltningen inom Växjö kommun. Syftet</p><p>med denna uppsats har varit att få en ökad förståelse och kunskap för hur</p><p>människor agerar under anställningsintervjun. Vi har bland annat kommit fram till</p><p>att parterna vill se intervjun som ett samtal istället för ett stelt förhör eller ett</p><p>tillgjort skådespel. Vi har även kommit fram till att individerna vill agera</p><p>mänskligt och tillåtas ha fel och brister istället för att ge sken och uppfattas som</p><p>perfekta. Det har visat sig att det inte enbart är positivt att visa sina goda sidor och</p><p>agera som en reklamkampanj. Det som framkom var att överdrivna förmågor förr</p><p>eller senare kommer fram, därför är det av vikt att ha en allmänkunskap som gör</p><p>det enklare att genomskåda intrycksstyrningen.</p> / <p>Should an individual expose his true personality, express his emotions,</p><p>reveal his inner-self and disclose exactly how he feels or should the individual</p><p>assess the social environment and act according to what the individual deems to</p><p>be the most acceptable behaviour in the social context, and so project the right</p><p>impression? Questions like this have helped us to put together this essay and have</p><p>motivated us to find out more.</p><p>The above is the theme this paper deals with and investigates. Its focus is</p><p>on the interpersonal interaction that takes place during a job interview and how</p><p>impression management is used. For the candidate and the recruiter a job</p><p>interview is a time when both want to appear in as good a light as possible.</p><p>Impression Management is a method to create and reinforce an impression by</p><p>using different tactics. We have, from theoretical starting points of symbolic</p><p>interaction, obtained both knowledge and inspiration and transferred them to the</p><p>job interview as part of the recruitment process. We have interviewed three</p><p>recruiters and three candidates who are employed at Växjö municipality’s School</p><p>and Child Care Administration. The aim of this thesis has been to achieve a better</p><p>understanding and knowledge of how people inter-act during an employment</p><p>interview. We have drawn the conclusion that both parties want to see the</p><p>interview as a conversation instead of a rigid interrogation or play-acting. We also</p><p>found that the two participants want to appear humane and accept faults and</p><p>shortcomings instead of giving the impression of being perfect. It is not</p><p>considered positive to only show their good sides as in an advertising campaign.</p><p>What emerged was that exaggerated capabilities sooner or later are exposed. It is</p><p>therefore important to have a general knowledge that makes it easier to expose</p><p>impression management.</p>

Identity Management Strategies of Resident Assistants

Edwards, Rachel 01 August 2010 (has links)
The resident assistant (RA) position at higher education institutions is a position of great influence. RAs have the opportunity to impact many students’ lives through the various roles that they engage in as a RA. The most common roles that RAs are expected to perform include developing community, serving as a peer helper, being a friend to residents, and enforcing policy. The very nature of a multi-role position presents challenges for RAs in understanding how to effectively enact all of their roles. This study aimed at developing an understanding of the ways in which RAs engage in identity management strategies with residents. To accomplish this purpose, 143 RAs were surveyed using an identity management strategies scale designed for this study. In addition, a previously designed self-monitoring scale was also administered to test the relationship between identity management strategies and self-monitoring. These scales were applied to situations representing each of the four primary roles of a RA: community developer, peer helper, friend, and policy enforcer. The results indicate that RAs are more likely to engage in avoidance strategies during the policy enforcer role than any other strategy. In addition, first-year RAs generally use more effective identity management strategies when developing community than returner RAs use. First-year RAs’ identity management strategies also appear to be more influenced by the RAs’ desires to be friends with residents than returner RAs’ identity management strategies. The results also indicate that female RAs are more effective in the community development role than male RAs. However, male RAs are more effective than female RAs in the policy enforcement role. A result that was supported throughout the study was the finding that RAs with upperclassmen residents are not as actively engaged in communicating their roles to residents than are RAs with freshmen and upperclassmen residents or only freshmen residents. Finally, the relationship of perceived self-monitoring to RAs’ choice of identity management strategies was not supported. The results of the study, interpretation of the data analysis, study implications, and directions for future research are discussed in detail.

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