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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation probabiliste d’impression à l’échelle micrométrique / Probabilistic modeling of prints at the microscopic scale

Nguyen, Quoc Thong 18 May 2015 (has links)
Nous développons des modèles probabilistes pour l’impression à l’échelle micrométrique. Tenant compte de l’aléa de la forme des points qui composent les impressions, les modèles proposés pourront être ultérieurement exploités dans différentes applications dont l’authentification de documents imprimés. Une analyse de l’impression sur différents supports papier et par différentes imprimantes a été effectuée. Cette étude montre que la grande variété de forme dépend de la technologie et du papier. Le modèle proposé tient compte à la fois de la distribution du niveau de gris et de la répartition spatiale de l’encre sur le papier. Concernant le niveau de gris, les modèles des surfaces encrées/vierges sont obtenues en sélectionnant les distributions dans un ensemble de lois de forme similaire aux histogrammes et à l’aide de K-S critère. Le modèle de répartition spatiale de l’encre est binaire. Le premier modèle consiste en un champ de variables indépendantes de Bernoulli non-stationnaire dont les paramètres forment un noyau gaussien généralisé. Un second modèle de répartition spatiale des particules d’encre est proposé, il tient compte de la dépendance des pixels à l’aide d’un modèle de Markov non stationnaire. Deux méthodes d’estimation ont été développées, l’une approchant le maximum de vraisemblance par un algorithme de Quasi Newton, la seconde approchant le critère de l’erreur quadratique moyenne minimale par l’algorithme de Metropolis within Gibbs. Les performances des estimateurs sont évaluées et comparées sur des images simulées. La précision des modélisations est analysée sur des jeux d’images d’impression à l’échelle micrométrique obtenues par différentes imprimantes. / We develop the probabilistic models of the print at the microscopic scale. We study the shape randomness of the dots that originates the prints, and the new models could improve many applications such as the authentication. An analysis was conducted on various papers, printers. The study shows a large variety of shape that depends on the printing technology and paper. The digital scan of the microscopic print is modeled in: the gray scale distribution, and the spatial binary process modeling the printed/blank spatial distribution. We seek the best parametric distribution that takes account of the distributions of the blank and printed areas. Parametric distributions are selected from a set of distributions with shapes close to the histograms and with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov divergence. The spatial binary model handles the wide diversity of dot shape and the range of variation of spatial density of inked particles. At first, we propose a field of independent and non-stationary Bernoulli variables whose parameters form a Gaussian power. The second spatial binary model encompasses, in addition to the first model, the spatial dependence of the inked area through an inhomogeneous Markov model. Two iterative estimation methods are developed; a quasi-Newton algorithm which approaches the maximum likelihood and the Metropolis-Hasting within Gibbs algorithm that approximates the minimum mean square error estimator. The performances of the algorithms are evaluated and compared on simulated images. The accuracy of the models is analyzed on the microscopic scale printings coming from various printers. Results show the good behavior of the estimators and the consistency of the models.

Fake it to make it: managing Person-Group fit with impression management

Li, Christina S 01 August 2019 (has links)
Person-Group (PG) fit is defined as the perceived compatibility between an individual and his or her workgroup, reflecting various social- and task-related elements of group work (Li, Kristof-Brown, & Nielsen, 2019). Although Yu’s (2013) theoretical motivation model of fit suggests that individuals are motivated and capable of changing and managing their PG fit perceptions, there is limited research on the specific actions that individuals take to manage their fit perceptions. Rather, most of the research in fit is concentrated on the positive outcomes (e.g., job satisfaction, commitment, performance) associated with fit (Kristof-Brown, Zimmerman, & Johnson, 2005) and portrays individuals as passive recipients of their fit perceptions. The purpose of this study is to extend Yu’s (2013) model to demonstrate that individuals are active agents who seek to maintain high levels of PG fit and alter low levels of PG fit. To understand how individuals manage PG fit, I adopt the perspective that fit perceptions are, in part, socially constructed, such that groupmates’ actions can make individuals believe that they are more/less of a fit (Follmer, Talbot, Kristof-Brown, Astrove, & Billsberry, 2018). Thus, individuals are triggered to use impression management (IM) tactics to create, maintain, alter, control, and protect the images that others form of them (Leary & Kowalski, 1990). However, with the myriad of IM tactics, it is unclear what type of PG fit perceptions will trigger which specific IM tactics. This dissertation develops and tests a model that situates IM tactic usage based on what type of PG fit (e.g., social vs. task-based PG fit) is being pursued and what level of PG fit (higher vs. lower) the individual is currently perceiving. To facilitate the connection between PG fit and IM tactics, I also develop a typology that classifies commonly used IM tactics for explaining the situations that will influence the selection of specific tactics. Finally, I explore the psychological and emotional aftermath of engaging in IM tactics by examining which specific IM tactics are more likely to promote or harm: 1-individuals’ perception of PG fit, 2-individuals’ perception how groupmates perceive their PG fit, and 3-groupmates’ perception of the focal individuals’ PG fit. I tested this model with a multisource, three waved time-lagged field survey study across a two-month period. I collected data in two samples: university staff employees who work in group settings and student groups in a business consulting class. Using structural equation modeling and latent change scores, I found that individuals are not passive respondents of their PG fit perceptions. Rather, they are active agents who seek to maintain higher levels of fit and alter lower levels of fit using IM tactics. Yet, the likelihood of using certain tactics for individuals with higher levels of fit differed from the tactics used by individuals with lower levels of fit. Some tactics were associated with improvements in fit, others were not, and a few were associated with reductions in fit. Generally, individuals who began with higher levels of perceived PG fit engaged in IM tactics that were later associated with improved fit. In contrast, individuals who had lower levels of perceived PG fit (namely social-based PG fit) engaged in IM tactics that were later shown to be associated with reductions in fit. These results suggest that individuals with high levels of fit tend to choose the “correct” IM tactics to maintain and improve their fit to an even higher degree, but the misfits tend to choose tactics that damage their fit even further. This highlights the importance of understanding that even though individuals are active agents who seek to manage their perceived fit, the specific actions they engage in to do so are complex and not always appropriate. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as future research directions, are discussed.


Morin, Christopher Erich 01 June 2017 (has links)
Goal Orientation (GO), the behavioral tendencies for the goals individuals will adopt in a variety of situations has been thoroughly utilized to understand feedback seeking behaviors. While previous and ongoing research has answered many questions within this area, there remains theoretical inconsistencies involving these relationships. For example, the relationship between prove performance goal orientation (PPGO) and feedback seeking has largely been inconsistent. There are also relationships yet to be tested such as how the GO dimensions are related to different sources of feedback within the workplace. Because of this, the purpose of the present research was to examine the relationships between the three GO dimensions and feedback seeking to different sources (supervisor and colleague). Additionally, the impact of impression management on the relationship between PPGO and feedback seeking behaviors, and the impact of feedback source credibility on the relationship between learning goal orientation (LGO) and feedback seeking behaviors was examined. Based on a sample of 291 working adults in southern California, results indicated that LGO and PPGO positively predicted feedback seeking to a supervisor and a colleague. Additionally, APGO (avoidance performance goal orientation) was unrelated to either feedback source in regression models containing LGO and PPGO, but bivariate correlations revealed a small positive relationship between APGO and a colleague. Impression management did not practically moderate the relationship between PPGO and feedback seeking to a supervisor and feedback source credibility did not impact the relationship between LGO and feedback seeking to a supervisor. This means that individuals with a LGO and PPGO have tendencies for seeking feedback from not just a supervisor, but also colleagues within the workplace, while APGO individuals may lean towards a colleague for feedback. For the two interactions, Impression management may not be an adequate measure for finding the inconsistencies between PPGO and feedback seeking. Finally, feedback source credibility does not seem a factor for LGO individuals in the feedback seeking process. Practical and theoretical implications are provided along with the limitations and suggestions for future research.

Nouvelles possibilités de création intrinsèques à la technologie d'impression numérique textile à jet d'encre / New creation possibilities intrinsic to the technology of digital textile inkjet printing

Schweizer Simac, Christine 01 June 2009 (has links)
Contrairement à l’industrie graphique qui s’est très rapidement convertie à l’impression numérique à jet d’encre, l’industrie textile manifeste de fortes réticences envers cette nouvelle technologie. Ce procédé d’ennoblissement offre pourtant, dans les domaines de la création et de la production, de nombreuses possibilités d’innovation. L’objectif de ce travail est, d’une part de mettre en exergue le potentiel créatif iconographique de cette technologie et d’expliquer les changements de la notion de dessin textile qu’il induit. D’autre part, en les confrontant aux limites actuelles de l’impression traditionnelle aux cadres, il détaille les nouveaux modes de production à même d’insuffler une nouvelle dynamique aux métiers de l’impression textile. En dernier lieu, sont exposés les facteurs environnementaux qui seront appelés à jouer un rôle de plus en plus important dans l’économie du futur. L’ensemble offre ainsi une présentation complète et actualisée des différents aspects de l’impression textile à jet d’encre. / Contrary to the graphics industry that very quickly adopted the digital inkjet printing, the textile industry is very reticent to move into this new technology. Nevertheless, this printing process offers many opportunities for innovation in the fields of design and production. There are three main objectives to this study. The first is to focus on the creative potential of this technology and to explain the changes of textile design thereby induced. The second is to present the new production methods and to compare them to the current limitations of conventional screen printing. These methods will be able to inspire new dynamics in the textile printing industry. The third objective is to expose the environmental factors that will become more and more important in the future economy. The combination of these elements will provide a global and modern picture of the different aspects of textile inkjet printing.

Evaluations of White American versus Black American discrimination claimants' political views and prejudicial attitudes

January 2013 (has links)
Although White Americans experience less frequent and less severe forms of discrimination than racial minorities (Schmitt & Branscombe, 2002), White Americans may actually be more likely to make claims of discrimination compared to racial minorities (Goldman, 2001). The present research investigated evaluations of White and Black American discrimination claimants’ political views and prejudicial attitudes. Across two studies, a White American target was evaluated as more politically conservative when claiming discrimination compared to a control condition. In contrast, a Black American target was evaluated as more politically liberal when claiming discrimination compared to a control condition. Both the White and Black American target were evaluated as more prejudiced against the outgroup when claiming discrimination, however the increase in prejudice evaluations was more pronounced for the White American target. The present research suggests that lay individuals make distinct inferences about the political views and prejudicial attitudes of White versus Black American discrimination claimants. / acase@tulane.edu

Avaliação bidimensional e tridimensional da precisão de técnicas de moldagem sobre implantes /

Araújo, Raphael Ferreira de Souza Bezerra. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco de Assis Mollo Junior / Resumo: Devido à importância da obtenção de passividade no sucesso de reabilitações protéticas sobre implantes, e ao fato da não observância de consenso sobre qual a melhor técnica de moldagem, o presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar “in vitro“ a exatidão de modelos totais, simulando uma reabilitação sobre implantes “All-on-4 Concept“ na maxila, obtidos a partir de diferentes tipos moldeiras e técnicas de união dos transferentes de moldagem por meio da avaliação do desajuste vertical e da análise 3D da sobreposição de imagens digitais obtidas por escaneamento. Dose diferentes moldagens sobre implantes foram avaliadas, divididas nos seguintes grupos: Guia multifuncional com palato / transferentes unidos com metal e resina acrílica (PM); Guia multifuncional com palato / transferentes unidos com resina acrílica (PR); Guia multifuncional com palato / transferentes sem união (PC); Guia multifuncional sem palato / transferentes unidos com metal e resina acrílica (OM); Guia multifuncional sem palato / transferentes unidos com resina acrílica (OR); Guia multifuncional sem palato / transferentes sem união (OC); Moldeira plástica / transferentes unidos com metal e resina acrílica (MPM); Moldeira plástica / transferentes unidos resina acrílica (MPR); Moldeira metálica / transferentes unidos com metal e resina acrílica (MMM); Moldeira metálica / transferentes unidos com resina acrílica (MMR); Guia multifuncional / transferentes unidos com metal e resina acrílica (GMM) e Guia multifuncional / ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Due to the importance of obtaining passivity in the success of prosthetic rehabilitation on implants, and because of non-observance of consensus on the techniques of impression, this study aims to analyzes “in vitro” accuracy of total casts, simulating a rehabilitation of “All-on-4 Concept” in maxilla, obtained from different types of trays and techniques of union of transfers trough the evaluation of vertical misalignment and of the 3D analysis of the overlap of digital images obtained by scanning. Twelve different impressions implants were evaluated, separated in this groups: Palate coverage multifunctional guide / metal and acrylic resin splint transfers (PM); Palate coverage multifunctional guide / acrylic resin splinted transfers (PR); Palate coverage multifunctional / without splint transfers (PC); Open palate multifunctional guide / metal and acrylic resin splint transfers (OM); Open palate multifunctional guide / metal and acrylic resin splint transfers (OR); Open palate multifunctional guide / without splint transfers (OC); Plastic tray / resin splinted transfers (MPR); Plastic tray / metal and resin splinted transfers (MPM); Metal tray / resin splinted transfers (MMR); Metal tray / metal and resin splinted transfers (MMM); Multifunctional guide / resin splinted transfers (GMR) and Multifunctional guide / metal and resin splinted transfers - GMM). All the impression (n=8) were made with polyvinyl siloxane impression material in putty and regular consistency. After ve... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Avaliação in vitro da precisão entre técnicas de moldagens convencional e digital no sistema all-on-four /

Tinajero Aroni, Mônica Estefanía January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco de Assis Mollo Júnior / Resumo: O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar in vitro a precisão entre técnicas de moldagem convencional e os diferentes scanners digitais em reabilitações protéticas sobre implantes. Um modelo anatômico metálico de maxila desdentada com quatro implantes, simulando o sistema All-on-four, foi escaneado com um scanner de contato (MDX-40, Roland) e utilizado como modelo mestre para posterior comparação com outros scanners odontológicos. Sobre os implantes do modelo mestre foram instalados scanbodies para permitir a digitalização da posição dos implantes. Dois scanners de bancada e um scanner intraoral foram utilizados para a digitalização do modelo mestre e posterior sobreposição das imagens com o objetivo de comparar o posicionamento em 3D dos análogos em relação à posição dos implantes no modelo mestre e avaliar a precisão dos scanners. Ainda, utilizando o modelo mestre foram realizadas 10 moldagens com a técnica convencional (moldeira aberta), que foram vazadas e os modelos obtidos foram digitalizados com o scanner de contato. As imagens obtidas em formato STL foram exportadas para o programa Bio-CAD para avaliação e comparação da precisão entre as técnicas de moldagem convencional e a moldagem digital. A análise da sobreposição das imagens foi guiada pela pirâmide presente no modelo mestre, o que permitiu avaliar a diferença na posição dos análogos em 3D nos eixos X, Y e Z. Os valores médios dos desvios (μm) da posição do modelo mestre em relação a posição das imagens dos diferentes ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This study aims to evaluate in vitro the accuracy between conventional impression techniques and different digital scanners in prosthetic implant rehabilitation. A metallic anatomical model of a edentulous maxilla with four implants, simulating the All-on-four system, was scanned by a contact scanner and used as a control group for later comparison with dental scanners. On the implants of the master model were installed scanbodies to allow the digitalization of the position of the implants. Two laboratory scanners and an intraoral scanner were used for the digitalization of the master model and later overlap of the images in order to compare the 3D position of the analogs in relation to the position of the master model and evaluate the accuracy of this scanners. Subsequently, from the master model, 10 casts were made using the conventional technique (pick-up technique). The models were created with plaster and the obtained models were scanned by the contact scanner. The images obtained in STL format were exported to the Bio-CAD program for evaluation and comparison of the precision between the conventional and impression technique. The analysis of the superimpose of the images was guided by the pyramid present in the master model, so it was possible to evaluate the difference in a 3D position of the analogues in the X, Y and Z axes. The mean values of the deviations (μm) in relation to the virtual position of the images obtained by the different scanners of the components on ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Double-pulse laser-induced forward transfer / Impression nanométrique par laser

Li, Qingfeng 15 January 2019 (has links)
Pour résoudre la limitation inhérente au procédé d’impression laser LIFT, une approche utilisant une double impulsion (DP-LIFT) a été développée au cours de cette thèse. Dans ce processus, une irradiation laser de durée de quelques dizaines de microsecondes crée un bain de métal en fusion et une seconde impulsion ultra-brève induit le mouvement du fluide, la formation d’un jet ou d’une goutte et le transfert du métal liquide. Cette thèse présente une étude expérimentale détaillée sur le processus DP-LIFT. L'influence des paramètres des deux irradiations laser a été étudiée en s’appyuant sur un ensemble de méthodes d'observation. Pour étudier l’influence de ces paramètres sur la dynamique de l’éjection, un modèle basé sur la conservation de l’énergie a été utilisé. De plus, nous avons démontré que, pour certaines configurations des diamètres respectifs des deux spots lasers, des nanojets focalisés étaient générés. Enfin, en conservant une épaisseur fixe du film métallique, des gouttelettes uniques, sans débris, d'un diamètre allant de 670 nm à 6,0 µm ont été imprimées avec une reproductibilité élevée. des matrices de piliers ont également été imprimées pour démontrer le potentiel de la méthode LIFT à double impulsion pour la fabrication de micro-structures 3D / To solve the inherent limitation of Laser-induced Forward Transfer (LIFT), a double pulse LIFT (DP-LIFT) approach has been developed in this thesis. In this process, a first long pulse laser irradiation creates a melted metal pool and a second ultrashort pulse induces the fluid motion and initiates the jetting transfer. This thesis provides a detailed experimental study on the DP-LIFT process. The influence of double pulse parameters on the jetting phenomena has been carefully studied by means of various observation methods. To predict the jetting behaviors, an energy balanced model has been used. Moreover, we demonstrated that for some configurations of the respective diameters of the two lasers, focused nanojets are generated from the melting pool. Finally, from a fixed thickness of the donor film, debris-free single droplets with diameters ranging from 670 nm to 6.0 µm have been printed with high reproducibility. 2.5 D pillars matrix are printed to demonstrate the potential of the double pulse LIFT method for the fabrication of 3D micro-structures.

Three Essays on Digital Annual Reports for Nonprofessional Investors: The Impacts of Presentation Formats on Investment-Related Judgments and Decisions

Zhang (James), Yibo 21 March 2018 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the impact of presentation formats on nonprofessional investors’ impressions of firm performance in the context of digital annual reports. The dissertation implements a three-essay approach. Essay 1 examines whether the effect of positive/negative financial performance news on nonprofessional investors’ impressions of management and firm performance depends on whether the graphical display of that news is vivid or pallid. Conducting a 2 x 2 between-participants experiment with 470 participants from Amazon Mechanical Turk (M-Turk), I find that when the news is positive, presenting graphs vividly allows nonprofessional investors to have a more positive impression of management and firm performance. In contrast, when the news is negative, presenting graphs vividly has little effect on nonprofessional investors’ impressions. The essay informs regulators and practice by demonstrating that vivid graphical website disclosures can significantly affect the behavior of nonprofessional investors when the financial performance news is positive, but the effect is minimal when the news is negative. The essay also contributes to the financial disclosure literature by demonstrating the impact of graphical vividness in presenting financial performance information. Essay 2 conducts a 2 x 2 between-participants experiment with 565 participants from M-Turk. I investigate whether varying the user interactivity and graphical vividness of the presentation of non-financial good news counteracts bad news presented in the audited financial data. I find a positive effect of user interactivity when the graphical presentation of non-financial information is vivid but not when it is pallid. In mediation analyses, I find unexpected results in that user engagement negatively mediates the effects of user interactivity on nonprofessional investors’ perceptions of firm performance and investment-related judgments and decisions. Subsequent analyses indicate that user interactivity alone reduces nonprofessional investors’ satisfaction with digital annual reports, but the joint effect of user interactivity and graphical vividness overcomes this negative effect. These results have implications for designers of digital annual reports, investor groups consuming this information, and regulators concerned about the need for assurance on the (unregulated) non-financial disclosures in annual reports. Essay 3 studies whether using hyperlinks that connect summarized financial graphs with detailed financial statement information reduces the effect of graphical distortions on nonprofessional investors’ perceptions of firm performance. Using 385 participants from M-Turk, I find that while distorted graphs do bias nonprofessional investors’ perceptions of firm performance, the provision and use of hyperlinks to the underlying source information eliminate those effects (i.e., debias). Using the dual-process theory of cognitive processing (Kahneman and Frederick 2002; Evans 2006, 2008), I find that hyperlinks enhance the overriding effect of System 2 processing (i.e., analytical processing) on System 1 processing (i.e., intuitive processing) and indirectly reduce the decision-biasing effect of distorted graphs on nonprofessional investors’ perceptions. The study contributes to standard setting as well as financial reporting practice by providing empirical evidence that the SEC’s policy guidance on implementing hyperlinks has benefits to nonprofessional investors. Second, it contributes to both the literature on distorted graphs and hyperlinks by suggesting hyperlinking to source data as a technique to mitigate the effects of graphical distortions. The findings of the three essays have implications for the designers of digital annual reports, investor groups consuming this information, and regulators concerned about the need to standardize the presentation formats in digital annual reports and potentially require auditor oversight of graphical displays of both financial and non-financial data in these reports.

The invisible view: Betwixt and between

Latimer, Christine January 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores the idea of a liminal space, as being dreamlike, suspended in time and physically unlocatable. It questions and exploits the boundary between abstraction and figuration in painting. This investigation has been considered from a subjective viewpoint allowing a distancing of space to illuminate new perceptions and experiences through the language of painting. The project has sought to explore the relationship between the natural world and seeing, to deepen and emphasize the other worldliness of an in-between space. This third space has been evoked by a process of abstracting pictorial content, juxtaposition of elements, colour and composition. The thesis is constituted of practice-based 80%, accompanied by an exegesis 20%.

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