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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neural Architectures For Active Contour Modelling And For Pulse-Encoded Shape Recognition

Rishikesh, N 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
An innate desire of many vision researchers IS to unravel the mystery of human visual perception Such an endeavor, even ~f it were not wholly successful, is expected to yield byproducts of considerable significance to industrial applications Based on the current understanding of the neurophysiological and computational processes in the human bran, it is believed that visual perception can be decomposed into distinct modules, of which feature / contour extraction and recognition / classification of the features corresponding to the objects play an important role. A remarkable characteristic of human visual expertise is its invariance to rotation shift, and scaling of objects in a scene Researchers concur on the relevance of imitating as many properties as we have knowledge of, of the human vision system, in order to devise simple solutions to the problems in computational vision. The inference IS that this can be more efficiently achieved by invoking neural architectures with specific characteristics (similar to those of the modules in the human brain), and conforming to rules of an appropriate mathematical baas As a first step towards the development of such a framework, we make explicit (1) the nature of the images to be analyzed, (11) the features to be extracted, (111) the relationship among features, contours, and shape, and (iv) the exact nature of the problems To this end, we formulate explicitly the problems considered in this thesis as follows Problem 1 Given an Image localize and extract the boundary (contours) of the object of Interest in lt Problem 2 Recognize the shape of the object characterized by that contour employing a suitable coder-recognizer such that ~t IS unaffected by rotation scaling and translation of the objects Problem 3 Gwen a stereo-pair of Images (1) extract the salient contours from the Images, (ii)establish correspondence between the points in them and (111) estimate the depth associated with the points We present a few algorithm as practical solutions to the above problems. The main contributions of the thesis are: • A new algorithm for extraction of contours from images: and • A novel method for invariantly coding shapes as pulses to facilitate their recognition. The first contribution refers to a new active contour model, which is a neural network designed to extract the nearest salient contour in a given image by deforming itself to match the boundary of the object. The novelty of the model consists in the exploitation of the principles of spatial isomorphism and self organization in order to create flexible contours characterizing shapes in images. It turns out that the theoretical basis for the proposed model can be traced to the extensive literature on: • Gestalt perception in which the principles of psycho-physical isomorphism plays a role; and • Early processing in the human visual system derived from neuro-anatomical and neuro-physiological properties. The initially chosen contour is made to undergo deformation by a locally co-operative, globally competitive scheme, in order to enable it to cling to the nearest salient contour in the test image. We illustrate the utility and versatility of the model by applying to the problems of boundary extraction, stereo vision, and bio-medical image analysis (including digital libraries). The second contribution of the thesis is relevant to the design and development of a machine vision system in which the required contours are first to be extracted from a given set of images. Then follows the stage of recognizing the shape of the object characterized by that contour. It should, however, be noted that the latter problem is to be resolved in such a way that the system is unaffected by translation, relation, and scaling of images of objects under consideration. To this end, we develop some novel schemes: • A pulse-coding scheme for an invariant representation of shapes; and • A neural architecture for recognizing the encoded shapes. The first (pulse-encoding) scheme is motivated by the versatility of the human visual system, and utilizes the properties of complex logarithmic mapping (CLM) which transforms rotation and scaling (in its domain) to shifts (in its range). In order to handle this shift, the encoder converts the CLM output to a sequence of pulses These pulses are then fed to a novel multi-layered neural recognizer which (1) invokes template matching with a distinctly implemented architecture, and (11) achieves robustness (to noise and shape deformation) by virtue of its overlapping strategy for code classification The proposed encoder-recognizer system (a) is hardware implementable by a high-speed electronic switching circuit, and (b) can add new patterns on-line to the existing ones Examples are given to illustrate the proposed schemes. The them is organized as follows: Chapter 2 deals with the problem of extraction of salient contours from a given gray level image, using a neural network-based active contour model It explains the need for the use of active contour models, along with a brief survey of the existing models, followed by two possible psycho-physiological theories to support the proposed model After presenting the essential characteristics of the model, the advantages and applications of the proposed approach are demonstrated by some experimental results. Chapter 3 is concerned with the problem of coding shapes and recognizing them To this end, we describe a pulse coder for generating pulses invariant to rotation, scaling and shift The code thus generated IS then fed to a recognizer which classifies shapes based on the pulse code fed to it The recognizer can also add new shapes to its 'knowledge-base' on-line. The recognizer's properties are then discussed, thereby bringing out its advantages with respect to various related architectures found in the literature. Experimental results are then presented to Illustrate some prominent characteristics of the approach. Chapter 4 concludes the thesis, summarizing the overall contribution of the thesis, and describing possible future directions

Enhanced Distance Measuring Equipment Carrier Phase

Li, Kuangmin January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Origin and properties of microbial hotspots in top- and subsoil

Hafner, Silke 07 July 2015 (has links)
Mikrobielle Hotspots zeichnen sich durch erhöhte mikrobielle Biomasse und Aktivität im Vergleich zum Gesamtboden aus. Sie umfassen nur einen sehr kleinen Teil des Bodenvolumens, indem jedoch die meisten für Stoffkreisläufe relevanten mikrobiellen biogeochemischen Prozesse ablaufen. In mikrobielle Hotspots sind Prozessraten erhöht, wie beispielsweise verkürzte Umsatzzeiten der organischen Substanz und eine erhöhte Nährstoffmobilisierung im Vergleich zum Gesamtboden. Eine verbesserte Verfügbarkeit von niedermolekularen organischen Substanzen im Vergleich zum Gesamtboden stimuliert das Wachstum und die Aktivität von Bodenmikroorganismen. Mikrobielle Hotspots entstehen in Bodenkompartimenten, die durch Rhizodeposition, den Eintrag von Wurzelstreu, den Eintrag von nährstoffreichem Material von der Bodenfauna und die Auswaschung von organischen Verbindungen aus dem Oberboden einen erhöhten Substrateintrag aufweisen. Im Boden stellen die Rhizosphäre sowie Bioporen wichtige mikrobielle Hotspots dar. Speziell im nährstoffarmen Unterboden sind mikrobielle Hotspots wichtig, da die Nährstoffe in den Hotspots im Vergleich zum Gesamtboden für Pflanzen besser verfügbar sind. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurden 1) mikrobielle Hotspots anhand molekularer Proxies unterschieden; und 2) das Potential von Vorfrüchten mit Pfahlwurzelsystem zur Ausbildung und Aufrechterhaltung von mikrobiellen Hotspots im Unterboden untersucht; darüber hinaus wurde 3) die mikrobielle Umsetzung des wurzelbürtigen Kohlenstoffs entlag eines Teifengradienten bis in 105 cm Tiefe bestimmt; und 4) die räumliche Ausdehnung der mikrobiellen Hotspots im Ober- und Unterboden anhand der Verteilung und anhand des Umsatzes von wurzelbürtigem Kohlenstoff, sowie anhand von sich ausbildenden pH, Sauerstoff- und Redoxpotentialgradienten von der Wurzeloberfläche in den Gesamtboden bestimmt. Im Rahmen eines Feldexperimentes wurde Luzerne (Medicago sativa L.) zwei Jahre lang auf einem Haplic Luvisol angebaut. Drilsophäre, Rhizosphäre und der Gesamtboden wurden in 15 cm Intervallen bis in eine Tiefe von 105 cm beprobt, um mikrobielle Hotspots anhand von molekularen Proxies zur unterscheiden. Die Proben wurden auf ihre Gehalte an freien extrahierbaren Fettsäuren untersucht. Dafür wurden aus dem Gesamtlipidextrakt die Fettsäuren durch Festphasenextraktion abgetrennt. Die Differenzierung des organischen Materials aus der Drilosphäre, der Rhizosphäre und dem Gesamtboden wurde mittels einer linearen Diskriminanzanalyse durchgeführt. Desweiteren wurde auf der Versuchsfläche neben Luzerne auch Wegwarte (Cichorium intybus L.) angebaut. Um den Kohlenstoffeintrag von Luzerne und Wegwarte in den Boden entlag eines Tiefengradientens zu vergleichen, wurden je drei Luzerne und drei Wegwarteparzellen nach 110 Tage Wachstum in situ mittels 13CO2 pulsmarkiert. Die Verteilung des assimilierten 13C in Spross, Wurzeln und Bodenkohlenstoffpools sowie die Bestimmungen der jeweiligen Kohlenstoffpoolgrößen ermöglichte es, den Kohlenstoffeintrag bis in eine Bodentiefe von 105 cm zu quantifizieren. In einer Laborstudie wurde die räumliche Ausdehnung mikrobieller Hotspots untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck wurde Luzerne in T-förmigen Gefäßen mit drei Kompartimenten zwei Monate lang kultiviert. Die Gefäße waren entweder mit Ober- oder Unterboden gefüllt. Die Wurzeln konnten nur im mittleren Teil der Gefäße wachsen, da eine Nylongaze sie daran hinderte in die seitlichen Rhizosphärenkompartimente vorzudringen. Unterschiedliche Maschenweiten der Gaze verhinderten entweder nur das Wurzelwachstum oder sowohl das Wurzelwachstum als auch das Eindringen der Hyphen von arbuskulären Mykorrhizapilzen in die Rhizosphärenkompartimente. Die Dynamik und Verteilung von wurzelbürtigem Kohlenstoff in der Rhizosphäre, wurde durch die Markierung der Luzerne mit 14CO2 und anschließende Messung der 14C-Aktivität im gelösten organischen Kohlenstoff und im gesamten organischen Kohlenstoff ermittelt. Um Unterschiede im mikrobiellen Abbau der abgegebenen Substanzen in der Ober- und Unterbodenrhizosphäre zu bestimmen, wurden die Aktivitäten extrazellulärer Enzyme gemessen. Zur Messung von Sauerstoff- und Redoxpotentialgradienten bei unterschiedlichem Matrixpotenzial in der Ober- und Unterbodenrhizosphäre wurden ein Sauerstoffmikrosensor und Platinelektroden verwendet. Während die relativen Gehalte an ungesättigten Fettsäuren von Drilosphäre, über Rhizosphäre bis zum Gesamtboden abnahmen, verhielten sich die Dicarbonfettsäuren genau umgekehrt. Da diese Unterschiede unabhängig von der Bodentiefe waren, konnten diese Proxies zur Unterscheidung der Herkunft des organischen Materials verwendet werden. Mittels einer linearen Diskriminanzanalyse konnte so das organsiche Material mikrobieller Hotspots von dem des Gesamtbodens durch eine lineare Kombination der relativen Gehalte an ungesättigten Fettsäuren und Dicarbonsäuren unterschieden werden. Die unterschiedlichen Quellen des organischen Materials und dessen intensive mikrobielle Überformung veranschaulichen die Komplexität der Prozessse, die zur Entstehung von mikrobiellen Hotspots beitragen. Um diese Prozesse zu untersuchen, wurde das Potential von Vorfrüchten mit Pfahlwurzelsystem zur Ausbildung und Aufrechterhaltung mikrobieller Hotspots im Unterboden analysiert. Dafür wurde der Kohlenstoffeintrag über die Wurzelbiomasse und durch Rhizodeposition sowie die mikrobielle Aufnahme bis in eine Tiefe von 105 cm quantifiziert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Ausbildung mikrobieller Hotspots im Unterboden während der ersten Vegetationsperiode durch Luzerne stärker ist als durch Wegwarte. Die Gründe hierfür waren: 1) Ein höherer Biomassezuwachs von Luzerne und 2) eine 8 fach höherere Verlagerung des assimilierten Kohlenstoffs in das Wurzelwachstum sowie in Rhizodeposite im Unterboden durch Luzerne. Unter Luzerne wurde durch den erhöhten Eintrag von leichtverfügbarem Kohlenstoff das mikrobielle Wachstum und der Umsatz an mikrobiellem C im Unterboden erhöht. Dies weist auf höhere Nährstoffumsatzraten und damit auf deren höhere Pflanzenverfügbarkeit hin. Das könnte zu einer verbesserten Nährstoffversorgung der Hauptfrüchte beitragen, wenn deren Wurzeln durch die ehemaligen Luzernewurzelporen im Unterboden wachsen. Im Gegensatz zur Luzerne bildete die Wegwarte den größten Teil ihrer Wurzelbiomasse im Oberboden aus wohin sie auch den größten Teil ihrer Rhizodeposite exsudierte. Aus diesem Grund ist die Wegwarte zumindest in der ersten Vegetationsperiode nicht als Vorfrucht zu empfehlen, um die Nährstoffverfügbarkeit im Unterboden zu verbessern. Um die Relevanz von mikrobiellen Hotspots für Nährstoffkreisläufe besser zu verstehen, ist es notwendig die Ausdehnung des Bodenvolumens mit erhöhten Prozessraten und die Gradienten mit denen diese Prozessraten zum Gesamtboden hin abnehmen zu untersuchen. Dies ermöglichte das oben beschriebene Experiment, bei dem Luzerne in den kompartimentierten Wachstumsgefäßen angezogen wurde. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass die Wurzelexsudation in die Oberbodenrhizosphäre verglichen mit der Exsudation in die Unterbodenrhizosphäre deutlich höher war. Allerdings waren die Gradienten der 14C markierten Wurzelexsudate im gelösten organischen Kohlenstoff von der Wurzeloberfläche in Richtung Gesamtboden steiler als im Unterboden. Da zusätzlich zu dem erhöhten Eintrag und den steileren Gradienten auch die Enzymaktivitäten im Oberboden höher waren, kann von einem erhöhtem mikrobiellem Abbau der Wurzelexsudate im Vergleich zur Unterbodenrhizosphäre ausgegeangen werden. Obwohl erwartet wurde, dass erhöhter mikrobieller Abbau zu einer geringeren diffusiven Ausdehnung der Wurzelexsudate in der Oberbodenrhizosphäre führen würde, war dies nicht der Fall. Sowohl in der Oberboden- als auch in der Unterbodenrhizosphäre wurde 14C aus Exsudaten bis in eine Entfernung von 28 mm im DOC und 20 mm im TOC zur Wurzeloberfläche nachgewiesen. Die Sauerstoffkonzentration nahm in Richtung zur Wurzeloberfläche ab, wobei der Gradient in Ober- und Unterbodenrhizosphäre identisch war. Ein Rhizosphäreneffekt auf die Sauerstoffkonzentration konnte bis in 20 mm Entfernung zur Wurzeloberfläche gemessen werden. Das Matrixpotenzial war ausschlaggebend für die diffusive Nachlieferung von Sauerstoff, und damit für die Aufrechterhaltung der aeroben Respiration in der Rhizosphäre. Bei einem Matrixpotenzial von -200 hPa oder weniger fand keine Hemmung der Respirationsprozesse durch mangelnde O2 Nachlieferung zur Wurzeloberfläche statt. Die auf der Sauerstoffkonzentration beruhenden Veränderungen des Redoxpotentials konnten bis in eine Entfernung von 2 mm zur Wurzeloberfläche erfasst werden. Nur unter ständiger Wassersättigung wurden in der Rhizosphäre schwach reduzierende Bedingungen erreicht. Im Rahmen dieses Dissertation konnte gezeigt werden, dass mikrobielle Hotspots im Boden eine größere laterale Ausdehnung erreichen als bislang angenommen. Darüber hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese Hotspots eine Schlüsselfunktion bei der Erhöhung von Kohlenstoff- und Nährstoffumsätzen besitzen. Daher empfiehlt sich der Anbau von tiefwurzelnden Vorfrüchten mit ausgeprägter C-Verlagerung in den Unterboden, wie beispielsweise Luzerne, um die Nährstoffverfügbarkeit aus dem Unterboden in Agrarökosystemen zu verbessern.

Electrodeposition of indium bumps for ultrafine pitch interconnections

Tian, Yingtao January 2010 (has links)
Microelectronics integration continuously follows the trend of miniaturisation for which the technologies enabling fine pitch interconnection are in high demand. The recent advancement in the assembly of Hybrid Pixel Detectors, a high resolution detecting and imaging device, is an example of where novel materials and processes can be applied for ultra-fine pitch interconnections. For this application, indium is often used for the fine pitch bump bonding process due to its unique properties that make it especially suitable, in particular in a cryogenic environment where some types of detector have to serve. Indium bumps are typically fabricated through vacuum evaporation at the wafer level; however, this thesis investigates an alternative low cost manufacturing process at the wafer scale for the deposition of indium micro-bumps through electroplating. The work has placed its emphasis on the requirements of future technologies which will enable a low temperature (<150oC), high density interconnection (> 40,000 IOs/cm2) with a high throughput and high production yield. This research is a systematic investigation of the wafer-scale indium bumping process through electrodeposition using indium sulphamate solution. An intensive experimental study of micro-bump formation has been carried out to elaborate the effects of two of the main electroplating factors that can significantly influence the quality of bumps in the course of electrodeposition, namely the current distribution and mass transport. To adjust the current density distribution, various waveforms of current input, including direct current (DC), unipolar pulse current and bipolar pulse reverse current, were employed in the experiments. To assist mass transportation prior to or during electroplating, acoustic agitation including ultrasonic agitation at 30 kHz frequency as well as megasonic agitation at 1 MHz, were utilised. The electrochemical properties of the indium sulphamate solution were first investigated using non-patterned plain substrates prior to indium bumping trials. This provided understanding of the microstructural characteristics of indium deposits produced by electroplating and, through cathodic polarisation measurements, the highest current density suitable for electrodeposition was achieved as approximately 30 mA/cm2 when electroplating was carried out at room temperature and with no agitation applied. The typical surface morphology of DC electroplated indium contained a granular structure with a surface feature size as large as 10 µm. Pulse and pulse reverse electroplating significantly altered the surface morphology of the deposits and the surface became much smoother. By introducing acoustic agitation, the current density range suitable for electrodeposition could be significantly expanded due to the greater mass transfer, which led to a higher speed of deposition with high current efficiency. Wafer-scale indium bumping (15 µm to 25 µm diameter) at a minimum pitch size of 25 µm was successfully developed through electroplating trials with 3 inch test wafers and subsequently applied onto the standard 4 inch wafers. The results demonstrate the capability of electroplating to generate high quality indium bumps with ultrafine pitch at a high consistency and yield. To maximise the yield, pre-wetting of the ultrafine pitch photoresist patterns by both ultrasonic or megasonic agitation is essential leading to a bumping yield up to 99.9% on the wafer scale. The bump profiles and their uniformity at both the wafer and pattern scale were measured and the effects of electrodeposition regimes on the bump formation evaluated. The bump uniformity and microstructure at the feature scale were also investigated by cross-sectioning the electroplated bumps from different locations on the wafers. The growth mechanism of indium bumps were proposed on the basis of experimental observation. It was found that the use of a conductive current thief ring can homogenise the directional bump uniformity when the electrical contact is made asymmetrically, and improve the overall uniformity when the electrical contact is made symmetrically around the periphery of the wafer. Both unipolar pulse electroplating and bipolar pulse reverse electroplating improved the uniformity of the bump height at the wafer scale and pattern scale, and the feature scale uniformity could be significantly improved by pulse reverse electroplating. The best uniformity of 13.6% for a 4 inch wafer was achieved by using pulse reverse electroplating. The effect of ultrasonic agitation on the process was examined, but found to cause damage to the photoresist patterns if used for extended periods and therefore not suitable for use throughout indium bumping. Megasonic agitation enabled high speed bumping without sacrifice of current efficiency and with little damage to the photoresist patterns. However, megasonic agitation tended to degrade some aspects of wafer scale uniformity and should therefore be properly coupled with other electroplating parameters to assist the electroplating process.

Photoplethysmography in noninvasive cardiovascular assessment

Shi, Ping January 2009 (has links)
The electro-optic technique of measuring the cardiovascular pulse wave known as photoplethysmography (PPG) is clinically utilised for noninvasive characterisation of physiological components by dynamic monitoring of tissue optical absorption. There has been a resurgence of interest in this technique in recent years, driven by the demand for a low cost, compact, simple and portable technology for primary care and community-based clinical settings, and the advancement of computer-based pulse wave analysis techniques. PPG signal provides a means of determining cardiovascular properties during the cardiac cycle and changes with ageing and disease. This thesis focuses on the photoplethysmographic signal for cardiovascular assessment. The contour of the PPG pulse wave is influenced by vascular ageing. Contour analysis of the PPG pulse wave provides a rapid means of assessing vascular tone and arterial stiffness. In this thesis, the parameters extracted from the PPG pulse wave are examined in young adults. The results indicate that the contour parameters of the PPG pulse wave could provide a simple and noninvasive means to study the characteristic change relating to arterial stiffness. The pulsatile component of the PPG signal is due to the pumping action of the heart, and thus could reveal the circulation changes of a specific vascular bed. Heart rate variability (HRV) represents one of the most promising quantitative markers of cardiovascular control. Calculation of HRV from the peripheral pulse wave using PPG, called pulse rate variability (PRV), is investigated. The current work has confirmed that the PPG signal could provide basic information about heart rate (HR) and its variability, and highly suggests a good alternative to understanding dynamics pertaining to the autonomic nervous system (ANS) without the use of an electrocardiogram (ECG) device. Hence, PPG measurement has the potential to be readily accepted in ambulatory cardiac monitoring due to its simplicity and comfort. Noncontact PPG (NPPG) is introduced to overcome the current limitations of contact PPG. As a contactless device, NPPG is especially attractive for physiological monitoring in ambulatory units, NICUs, or trauma centres, where attaching electrodes is either inconvenient or unfeasible. In this research, a prototype for noncontact reflection PPG (NRPPG) with a vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) as a light source and a high-speed PiN photodiode as a photodetector is developed. The results from physiological experiments suggest that NRPPG is reliable to extract clinically useful information about cardiac condition and function. In summary, recent evidence demonstrates that PPG as a simple noninvasive measurement offers a fruitful avenue for noninvasive cardiovascular monitoring. Key words: Photoplethysmography (PPG), Cardiovascular assessment, Pulse wave contour analysis, Arterial stiffness, Heart rate (HR), Heart rate variability (HRV), Pulse rate variability (PRV), Autonomic nervous system (ANS), Electrocardiogram (ECG).

Conception de générateurs d'impulsions ultra-large bande en technologie CMOS

Vauché, Rémy 29 November 2011 (has links)
La théorie de l'information développée par Claude Shannon (1916 - 2001) met en évidence le fait que pour accroître la capacité d'un canal de transmission, il est préférable d'élargir la bande de fréquences sur laquelle les informations sont émises plutôt que les puissances d'émissions. Cette constatation est le point de départ de nombreux travaux de recherche sur les communications Ultra-Large Bande (ULB) qui ont abouti en 2002 à la création aux Etats-Unis d'une bande fréquence dîtes ULB où aucun mode de communication n'est privilégié. C'est ainsi que 2 années plus tard ont débuté à l'IM2NP des travaux portant sur les communications ULB impulsionnelles, et notamment la conception d'amplificateur faible bruit, de détecteur d'énergie, mais également de générateurs d'impulsions qui est l'élément clé des émetteurs impulsionnels. Ces derniers constituent la base des travaux présentés dans le manuscrit qui se sont déroulés de 2008 à 2011. La nature discontinue des communications impulsionnelles a tout d'abord impliquée l'introduction de nouvelles figures de mérite permettant de mesurer les performances des générateurs d'impulsions. Ensuite, il est question de méthodes de conception permettant de dimensionner des structures fonctionnant aux fréquences en jeu mais également d'en réduire les consommations statiques principalement de fuite, et ce en vue de répondre aux contraintes de consommation des systèmes embarqués. Enfin sont développées 3 architectures de générateurs d'impulsions, chacune permettant de répondre à des contraintes différentes en termes de bande de fréquences, de consommation et de portée. / The information theory developed by Claude Shannon (1916 - 2001) highlights the fact that in order to increase the capacity of a transmission channel, it is preferable to extend the bandwidth used rather than the transmission power. This finding is the starting point of many papers on Ultra-Wideband (UWB) which led to the creation in the United States of UWB band since 2002 where no modulation is privileged. Two years later, many works on Impulsionnal Radio UWB (IR-UWB) communications began at IM2NP including the design of low noise amplifier, power detector, but also pulse generators which is the key element of IR-UWB emitters. These form basis of works presented in the manuscript that took place from 2008 to 2011. The discontinuous nature of communications impulse was first implied the introduction of new figures of merit for measuring performances of pulse generators. Then it deals with design techniques for sizing structures operating at frequencies involved, but also to reduce consumption and especially static leakage to reduce enough power consumption for embedded systems. Finally three architectures of pulse generators are developed, each one responding to different constraints in terms of frequency, consumption and range.

Réseaux électriques et filtrage des harmoniques : mise en œuvre et méthode d’étude / Electrical networks and harmonics mitigation : development and modelling method

Sethakul, Panarit 13 November 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse au problème de la qualité de l’énergie électrique sous l’angle particulier des harmoniques, leurs sources, leurs effets et les solutions permettant de les réduire. Deux solutions sont principalement considérées, les convertisseurs à indice de pulsation élevé et les filtres actifs. Ce travail a été mené en faisant porter l’accent sur le réseau électrique thaïlandais. C’est ainsi qu’une présentation de l’évolution de la façon dont l’électricité est produite, transportée et distribuée en Thaïlande est effectuée avant de décrire les contraintes imposées sur les harmoniques. Les différents systèmes de liaison à courant continu haute tension (CCHT) actuellement installés dans le monde sont rappelés avant de décrire en détails les différents composants et le contrôle de la liaison 300-600 MW existant entre la Thaïlande et la Malaisie. Après avoir ensuite présenté les différentes solutions envisageables de réduction des harmoniques, un exemple de réalisation, l’une des premières en Thaïlande utilisant un contrôle numérique, est détaillé afin d’illustrer les avantages de ce type de solution. La thèse se termine sur la présentation d’une méthode originale de modélisation des convertisseurs à indice de pulsation élevé. Cette modélisation repose sur une solution analytique exacte du problème d’état qui est considéré sur le plus petit intervalle permettant, en utilisant des propriétés de symétrie, de reconstruire la période de fonctionnement du dispositif. Le modèle ainsi développé donne des informations sur le fonctionnement du système tant dans les domaines fréquentiel que temporel / The problem of quality of electrical energy is the main object of this thesis. This problem is considered especially from the point of view of harmonics, sources, effects and solutions to reduce them. Two main solutions are considered, multi-pulse converters and active filters. This work is developed with a particular emphasis on the Thai electrical network. Then, the production, transmission and distribution system of electricity in Thailand and the harmonics regulations are presented. The different types of HVDC interconnection systems which are installed in the world today are detailed before presenting the 300/600 MW Thailand-Malaysia HVDC interconnection. After presenting the different possible solutions to avoid harmonics, a realized example, one of the first one developed in Thailand with a numerical control, is detailed to show the advantages of such a solution. The thesis ends on the presentation of an original modelling method of multi-pulse converters. The model is based on an exact analytical solution of the state problem which is considered on the smallest interval, which can, by using property of symmetry, rebuild the whole period. The result model gives the full information on the operation of the whole device both in time and frequency domains

Study of the speciation of Tc and its homologous Mn and Re in concentrated carbonate solution under γ and He2+ irradiation / Etude de la spéciation du Tc et de ses homologues Mn et Re sous irradiations y et He2+ en milieu carbonate hautement concentré

Ghalei, Mohammad 16 November 2015 (has links)
Ce projet s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une étude fondamentale liée à l'oxydation et la réduction de ces éléments sous irradiation γ et He²⁺. ⁺. Tout d'abord la technique d’électrochimie a été utilisée pour la réduction du Mn (VII) afin d'obtenir les meilleures conditions expérimentales. Car les expériences étant réalisées sous irradiation ainsi les radicaux carbonate qui sont produits par radiolyse jouent un rôle important dans les réactions. La cinétique de formation et la décroissance des radicaux carbonate dans les solutions de carbonate concentrées ont été étudiés par radiolyse pulsée β pico-seconde. Après la réduction du Mn (VII) et l'oxydation du Mn (II) dans une solution de carbonate ([CO₃²⁻] = 5 mol.l⁻¹) sont réalisées sous irradiation γ et He²⁺. Par des données obtenues pour H₂ produit, les spectres UV-Vis et structure finale, les mécanismes de la réaction sont discutés. Re (III) est oxydé facilement dans une solution de carbonate concentré sous irradiation (γ et He²⁺) mais Re (VII) ne peut être réduite à moins que l'addition de formiate afin d'empêcher la formation de radicaux carbonate. De la même façon, Tc (VII) ne peut être réduit dans les solutions concentrées de carbonate sous irradiation (γ et He²⁺) sans ajout de formiate. L'état d'oxydation du produit final de la réduction de Tc(VII) a été déterminée par spectroscopie XANES et est de + IV. En outre, la structure finale du produit final a été déterminée par spectroscopie EXAFS. Le mécanisme de la réaction, le rendement radiolytique de décroissance et la formation du Tc et l’effet de concentration du carbonate sur la produit final de la réduction du Tc(VII) sous irradiation sont discutés. / This project is one part of the fundamental study and deals with theoxidation/reduction reactions and speciation of technetium and its homologous manganese and rhenium in highly concentrated carbonate solutions under γ and He²⁺ irradiation. Firstly the electrochemistry experiment is carried out for the reduction of Mn(VII) in order to obtain the best experimental conditions. As the experiments are performed under irradiation, the carbonate radicals,which are produced by radiolysis, play an important role in the reactions. The formation and decay kinetics of the carbonate radicals in concentrated carbonate solutions were studied by electron picosecond pulse radiolysis. The reduction of Mn(VII) and the oxidation of Mn(II) experiments in carbonate solution ([CO₃²⁻] = 5 mol.l⁻¹) are carried out under γ and He²⁺ irradiation. By the obtained data from the produced H₂, UV-Vis spectra and the final structure determination, the mechanisms of the reaction are discussed. Re(III)is oxidized easily in concentrated carbonate solution under irradiation (γ and He²⁺) but Re(VII) cannot be reduced unless addition of formate in order to prevent carbonate radical formation. Also Tc(VII) cannot be reduced in concentrated carbonate solutions under irradiation (γ and He²⁺) without formate addition. The oxidation state of the final product of reduction of Tc(VII) was determined by XANES spectroscopy and is +IV. Moreover, the final structure of the product was determined by EXAFS spectroscopy. The mechanisms of reaction, decay and formation radiolytic yield of Tc and also the effect of concentration of carbonate on final product of reduction ofTc(VII) under irradiation are discussed.

Simulation and modeling of pressure pulse propagation in fluids inside drill strings

Namuq, Mohammed Ali 21 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Modern bottom-hole assemblies are equipped with various sensors which measure the geological and directional information of the borehole while drilling. It is very crucial to get the measured downhole information to the surface in real time in order to be able to monitor, steer and optimize the drilling process while drilling. The transmission of the information to the surface is most commonly carried out by coded pressure pulses (the technology called mud pulse telemetry) which propagate through the drilling mud inside the drill string towards the surface. However, hardly any specific experimental research on the hydraulic data transmission can be found in the literature. Moreover, it is essential to use a reliable model/simulation tool which can more accurately simulate the pressure pulse propagation in fluids inside drill strings under various drilling operation conditions in order to improve the performance of the data transmission process. The aims of this study are to develop and test a laboratory experimental setup, a simulation model and a novel method for detecting and decoding of measurement while drilling pressure pulse propagation in fluids inside drill strings. This thesis presents a laboratory experimental setup for investigating the process of data transmission in boreholes by mud pulse telemetry. The test facility includes a flow loop, a centrifugal pump, a positive mud pulser or alternatively a mud siren, pressure transducers at four different locations along the flow loop and a data collection system. Moreover, it includes an “actuator system” for the simulation of typical noise patterns created by the common duplex or triplex mud pumps. This laboratory setup with great capabilities opens the way for testing and developing new concepts for data transmission. A theoretical model using ANSYS CFX11 (Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) commercial code) was successfully developed to simulate dynamic pressure pulse transmission behavior in the fluid inside the flow loop. The collected laboratory data which simulate various data transmission processes in boreholes were used to verify and calibrate the theoretical method. A pretty good agreement is achieved between the predicted and measured pressure pulses at different locations along the flow loop for positive pulses with various durations using different flow rates and for continuous pressure pulses using different carrier frequencies. A novel approach (continuous wavelet transformation) for detecting and decoding the received continuous pressure pulses in a noisy environment was applied to various simulated drilling operation conditions for data transmission in boreholes in the laboratory. The concept was registered at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) for a patent in 2011. The results indicate that the continuous wavelet transformation can be used to clearly identify and better detect the continuous pressure pulse periods, frequencies and discontinuity positions in the time domain compared to the conventional method (Fourier transformation). This method will contribute to the possibility of transmitting the data at higher rates and over longer distances. A concept for developing an innovative pulser using electrical discharge or acoustic sources for inducing pulses keeping the drill strings fully open (eliminating the problem of plugging the pulser by pumped lost circulation materials) and without any mechanical moving parts (eliminating the failure related to the pulser moving parts) was also registered at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) for a patent in 2012. With this pulser, it is expected that it would be possible to transmit the data over longer distances and at higher rates. Realizing the concept of the new pulser and using continuous wavelet transformation for detecting and decoding the pulser signal are recommended for future work.

Comparison and Optimization of Insonation Strategies for Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Imaging

Narasimha Reddy, Vaka January 2012 (has links)
Evolution of vulnerable carotid plaques are crucial reason for cerebral ischemic strokes and identifying them in the early stage can become very important in avoiding the risk of stroke. In order to improve the identification and quantification accuracy of infancy plaques better visualization techniques are needed. Improving the visualization and quantification of neovascularization in carotid plaque using contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging still remains a challenging task. In this thesis work, three optimization techniques are proposed, which showed an improvement in the sensitivity of contrast agents when compared to the conventional clinical settings and insonation strategies. They are as follows:1) Insonation at harmonic specific (2nd harmonic) resonance frequency instead of resonance frequency based on maximum energy absorption provides enhanced nonlinear contribution.2) At high frequency ultrasound imaging, shorter pulse length will provide improved harmonic signal content when compared to longer pulse lengths. Applying this concept to multi- pulse sequencing (Pulse Inversion and Cadence contrast pulse sequencing) resulted in increased magnitude of the remaining harmonic signal after pulse summations.3) Peak negative pressure optimization of Pulse Inversion and Cadence contrast pulse sequencing was showed to further enhance the nonlinear content of the backscattered signal from contrast microbubbles without increasing the safety limits, defined by the mechanical index.The results presented in this thesis are based on computational modeling (Bubblesim software) and as a future continuation we plan to verify the simulation results with vitro studies.

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