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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A pegada ecológica dos incidentes rodoviários / Ecological footprint of road incidents

Dexheimer, Leticia January 2012 (has links)
Este estudo tem por finalidade modelar a pegada ecológica de incidentes rodoviários que interrompem o fluxo normal de circulação. A pegada ecológica é um indicador que mede o impacto das atividades humanas em quantidades de áreas de terra, água e energia utilizadas para sustentar uma população de determinada região. Em transportes, esse impacto é medido pela área hipotética que deveria ser reservada para a absorção do CO2 emitido que tem constituído, nos últimos anos, a fatia mais significativa das pegadas ecológicas na maioria dos países. A vantagem de utilizar essa abordagem reside na facilidade de entendimento, na simplicidade e na utilização de uma unidade única de comparação entre emissões de diferentes setores. O método proposto e aplicado neste trabalho proporciona a identificação dos impactos dos incidentes, particularmente acidentes viários e obras de manutenção viária, em termos de pegada ecológica. O estudo de caso constou de uma rodovia de pista simples cujas emissões foram avaliadas com a utilização de simulação de tráfego. Como resultado obteve-se uma pegada ecológica de cerca de 2.180 hectares decorrente dos incidentes ao longo de um ano de operação da via. Este valor corresponde a 4% da pegada ecológica da via em condições normais de operação. Ainda, os resultados indicam que os incidentes com maior impacto sobre o meio ambiente são as obras para a manutenção da rodovia que contribuem com 60% do total gerado pelos incidentes. / The purpose of this study is to model the ecological footprint of road incidents that interrupt the normal flow of vehicles. The ecological footprint is an accounting framework that measures the impact of human activities considering amounts of land, water and energy areas used to sustain the population of a region. In transportation, this impact is measured by the hypothetical area required to absorb CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels that has been responsible, over the last years, for the largest share of the ecological footprint of nations. The advantage of using this approach is the ease of understanding, simplicity and the use of a single unit for comparing emissions from different sectors. The method proposed and deployed in this work enables identifying the impact of incidents, basically road accidents and maintenance works, on the transportation ecological footprint. The case study was composed of a single lane highway whose emissions were evaluated with the use of traffic simulation. We obtained an ecological footprint of 2,180 ha due to road incidents over a period of one year. This corresponds to 4% of the ecological footprint of normal road operations. Results also indicate that the incidents with the greatest impact on the environment are the works for the maintenance of the highway which contribute with 60% of the total value.

A pegada ecológica dos incidentes rodoviários / Ecological footprint of road incidents

Dexheimer, Leticia January 2012 (has links)
Este estudo tem por finalidade modelar a pegada ecológica de incidentes rodoviários que interrompem o fluxo normal de circulação. A pegada ecológica é um indicador que mede o impacto das atividades humanas em quantidades de áreas de terra, água e energia utilizadas para sustentar uma população de determinada região. Em transportes, esse impacto é medido pela área hipotética que deveria ser reservada para a absorção do CO2 emitido que tem constituído, nos últimos anos, a fatia mais significativa das pegadas ecológicas na maioria dos países. A vantagem de utilizar essa abordagem reside na facilidade de entendimento, na simplicidade e na utilização de uma unidade única de comparação entre emissões de diferentes setores. O método proposto e aplicado neste trabalho proporciona a identificação dos impactos dos incidentes, particularmente acidentes viários e obras de manutenção viária, em termos de pegada ecológica. O estudo de caso constou de uma rodovia de pista simples cujas emissões foram avaliadas com a utilização de simulação de tráfego. Como resultado obteve-se uma pegada ecológica de cerca de 2.180 hectares decorrente dos incidentes ao longo de um ano de operação da via. Este valor corresponde a 4% da pegada ecológica da via em condições normais de operação. Ainda, os resultados indicam que os incidentes com maior impacto sobre o meio ambiente são as obras para a manutenção da rodovia que contribuem com 60% do total gerado pelos incidentes. / The purpose of this study is to model the ecological footprint of road incidents that interrupt the normal flow of vehicles. The ecological footprint is an accounting framework that measures the impact of human activities considering amounts of land, water and energy areas used to sustain the population of a region. In transportation, this impact is measured by the hypothetical area required to absorb CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels that has been responsible, over the last years, for the largest share of the ecological footprint of nations. The advantage of using this approach is the ease of understanding, simplicity and the use of a single unit for comparing emissions from different sectors. The method proposed and deployed in this work enables identifying the impact of incidents, basically road accidents and maintenance works, on the transportation ecological footprint. The case study was composed of a single lane highway whose emissions were evaluated with the use of traffic simulation. We obtained an ecological footprint of 2,180 ha due to road incidents over a period of one year. This corresponds to 4% of the ecological footprint of normal road operations. Results also indicate that the incidents with the greatest impact on the environment are the works for the maintenance of the highway which contribute with 60% of the total value.

Rapportering av olyckor, tillbud och riskobservationer på byggarbetsplatsen-En fallstudie hos ett bygg- och projektutvecklingsföretag / REPORTING OF ACCIDENTS, INCIDENTS, AND RISK OBSERVATION AT ACONSTRUCTION SITE- A study at a construction and project development company

Renmark, Adrian, Andersson, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Byggbranschen är en av de mest skadedrabbade branscherna idag i Sverige. I byggbranschenär det tre gånger så stor risk att utsättas för en allvarlig olycka jämfört med andraarbetsbranscher. Dödsfall på en byggarbetsplats är alltför vanligt idag och något som behövsändras. För att få en förändring behöver rapportering av olyckor, tillbud och riskobservationeröka. Detta skulle resultera i en säkrare och mindre olycksdrabbad arbetsplats.I examensarbetet har en undersökning av rapportering av olyckor, tillbud ochriskobservationer genomförts. Arbetet är gjort tillsammans med företaget Byggmäster ABsom är ett bygg- och projektutvecklingsföretag och verkar i Västerås. Syftet medundersökningen är att se över Byggmästers rapportering av tillbud, olyckor ochriskobservationer. Målet med studien är att hitta problemen i det nuvarande arbetssättetgällande rapporteringen hos företaget och ta fram förslag på hur rapporteringen kanförbättras. För att samla in data kring ämnet har en litteraturstudie gjorts, intervjuer utförtsoch statistik från företagets rapporteringssystem hämtats.Statistiken från Byggmäster visade att det rapporteras in för få tillbud jämfört med olyckor.En orsak som resultatet från intervjustudien visar är att majoriteten av de intervjuadepersonerna inte kan definiera olyckor, tillbud och riskobservationer. Även att det blir en vanamed att arbeta på en riskfylld arbetsplats framkommer i intervjuerna. Ett annat problem sompåverkar rapporteringen är inställningen hos de anställda. Flera ur personalen hosByggmäster anser att det är tidskrävande och påverkar deras arbete.Arbetets främsta slutsatser är att företaget behöver lära de anställda definitionerna av olyckor,tillbud och riskobservationer för att få en bättre fördelning på rapporterna. Det behöver ävenavsättas tid till att rapportera så att personalens arbetstid och lön inte påverkas. / The construction industry is one of today's most accident affected industries today in Sweden.There is a three times greater risk of being exposed to a serious accident in the constructionindustry compared to other industries. Deaths at a construction site are all too common todayand something needs to change. To succeed, there needs to be an increase in reporting ofaccidents, incidents, and risk observations. This would result in a more safe and less accidentproneworkplace.In this graduation project, an investigation of reporting of accidents, incidents, and riskobservations has been carried out. The work was done together with the companyByggmäster AB, which is a construction and project development company operating inVästerås. The purpose of the survey was to review Byggmäster's reporting of incidents,accidents, and risk observations. The study aims to find the problems in the current way ofworking regarding reporting at the company and develop suggestions on how reporting canbe improved. To collect data on the subject, a literature study was conducted, interviews weremade, and statistics were collected from the company's reporting system.The statistics from Byggmäster showed that compared to occurred accidents there were toofew incidents reported. One reason for this could be found in the results from the interviewstudy, which is that most of the interviewees cannot define accidents, incidents, and riskobservations. The interviews also showed that you get used to working in a risky workplace.Another problem that affects reporting is the attitude of the employees. Several of thepersonnel at Byggmäster believe that it is time-consuming and affects their work.The main conclusions are that the company needs to educate the employees on the definitionsof accidents, incidents, and risk observations to get a better distribution of the reports.Additionally, time needs to be set aside for reporting so that staff working hours and salariesare not affected.

Penalty Enhancement Laws and the Reporting of Patient Assaults on Emergency Department Nurses

Runkle, Thomas 01 January 2016 (has links)
Assaults on emergency department nurses by patients are higher than any other occupation in the private sector. Professional nursing organizations have lobbied for penalty enhancement laws that increase the categorization of assaulting a nurse on duty from a misdemeanor to a felony. As of 2015, 32 states have implemented these laws. Yet, low assault reporting rates by nurses remains a problem, and little is known about whether penalty enhancements improved reporting rates. The purpose of this correlational study was to evaluate the impact of penalty enhancement laws on self-reporting of assault on emergency department nurses in 6 Mid-Atlantic cities. Constructs from organizational culture theory and rational choice theory were tested to determine if actions taken by nurses after assaults were influenced by the organizational culture within the hospital, by the rational choice actions of the individual nurse, or both. Data were obtained through online surveys of 107 emergency department nurses. Data included demographic information, workplace violence experiences, individual actions, and institutional actions. These data were analyzed using multiple regression. Findings indicate that rational choice actions were a significant predictor of nurse reporting behaviors of patient assaults (p <.001). Organizational practices, age, gender, and state penalty enhancement laws were not significant predictors of nurse reporting behaviors of patient assaults. Implications for social change include the development of policies and strategies to improve reporting of assaults in emergency departments. In addition, results may be used to increase awareness of policymakers on the perceived effects of penalty enhancement laws on emergency department nurses.

Impact of Stress Inoculating Training on Police in Aftermath of Critical Incidents

Ford, Russell 01 January 2019 (has links)
Critical incidents (CI) have increased over the last several decades, with police officers experiencing more trauma and a rise in psychological problems. Stress inoculation training (SIT) could possibly lower symptoms of posttraumatic stress experienced by the police officers who have responded to CIs. To date, little research exists specific to using SIT to lower symptomatic effects of CIs in police officers. The purpose of this quantitative ex post facto study was to examine and compare symptoms of posttraumatic stress, depression, and anxiety for police officers who have or have not received SIT prior to a CI. The theoretical foundation was Selye's general adaptation system, a 3-stage response to a stressor: alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion. Survey data from a convenience sample of 85 police officers were collected using a demographic survey and the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist--Civilian version. A Cronbach's Alpha test and a multivariate analysis of variance were used to determine whether SIT has affected anxiety and depression. According to study findings, police officers who received SIT showed no statistical significance for anxiety and depression compared to police officers who did not receive SIT. This study promotes positive social change by contributing knowledge and awareness to the law enforcement field who may find these results important to consider when planning training courses for their personnel.

Does Safety Culture Predict Clinical Outcomes?

Wilson, Katherine Ann 01 January 2007 (has links)
Patient safety in healthcare has become a national objective. Healthcare organizations are striving to improve patient safety and have turned to high reliability organizations as those in which to model. One initiative taken on by healthcare is improving patient safety culture--shifting from one of a 'no harm, no foul' to a culture of learning that encourages the reporting of errors, even those in which patient harm does not occur. Lacking from the literature, however, is an understanding of how safety culture impacts outcomes. While there has been some research done in this area, and safety culture is argued to have an impact, the findings are not very diagnostic. In other words, safety culture has been studied such that an overall safety culture rating is provided and it is shown that a positive safety culture improves outcomes. However, this method does little to tell an organization what aspects of safety culture impact outcomes. Therefore, this dissertation sought to answer that question but analyzing safety culture from multiple dimensions. The results found as a part of this effort support previous work in other domains suggesting that hospital management and supervisor support does lead to improved perceptions of safety. The link between this support and outcomes, such as incidents and incident reporting, is more difficult to determine. The data suggests that employees are willing to report errors when they occur, but the low occurrence of such reportable events in healthcare precludes them from doing so. When a closer look was taken at the type of incidents that were reported, a positive relationship was found between support for patient safety and medication incidents. These results initially seem counterintuitive. To suggest a positive relationship between safety culture and medication incidents on the surface detracts from the research in other domains suggesting the opposite. It could be the case that an increase in incidents leads an organization to implement additional patient safety efforts, and therefore employees perceive a more positive safety culture. Clearly more research is needed in this area. Suggestions for future research and practical implications of this study are provided.

"Such cases are awakenings!" Transforming clinical relationships through critical incidents in refugee care

Petrov, Svyatoslav 08 April 2016 (has links)
A positive physician-patient relationship is crucial for high quality and effective health care. Yet, cultural and language differences between providers and patients often challenge the establishment of effective physician-patient relationships. These challenges are especially evident in provider-refugee-patient interactions in which patients have experienced loss, torture, and trauma. Understanding of what constitutes a positive doctor-patient relationship is fundamental to diagnosis and treatment and is crucial for the delivery of quality care for diverse patient populations, including refugees. This qualitative, phenomenological case-study focuses on physician-reported experiences caring for refugees in order to identify what experiential factors contribute to effective therapeutic relationships.

Dam Failure and Incident Investigations

Gee, Nathaniel 12 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
There are multiple dam failures and dam safety incidents every year in the United States. There are currently no standard policy requirements for when or how to conduct failure or incident investigations. This paper first reviews one of the most significant failures in US history, the failure of Buffalo Creek Dam No. 3 in order to explore the impacts of one significant failure on dam safety policy in the US. The paper then explores the currents state of the industry by reviewing 58 different dam failure or incident investigation reports based on incidents that occurred in the United States from 1960 through 2022. The investigations were analyzed and evaluated for characteristics such as the length of time for the investigation team to get on site, the amount of time to complete the full investigation, what organization funded the investigation, independence of the investigation team, scope of the investigation and several other parameters. This paper makes ten recommendations for improving investigations in the future, including recommended definitions for incidents and failures. The overall purpose was to incorporate all this information to propose legislation that describes the process of performing dam safety incident and failure investigations. The legislation draws from analyses already mentioned and a review of five industry-sponsored safety incident investigation guidelines: (1) the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for investigations of airplane, rail, marine and highway incidents/crashes, in addition to pipeline failures and hazardous material incidents, (2) the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for building failures, (3) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for the nuclear industry, (4) The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for work safety incidents, and (5) the currently proposed legislation for the National Disaster Safety Board. The proposed dam safety incident and dam failure legislation defines a dam safety incident as an event where a failure mode initiates and progresses but does not lead to an uncontrolled release from the reservoir. It defines dam failure as an event where a failure mode initiates, progresses and leads to an uncontrolled release water from the reservoir. Failures are of three types: low consequence, significant consequence and high consequence. The legislation proposes that all high consequence failures and all failures and incidents that cause evacuations of 500 or more people get federally conducted and funded investigations.

From Bondage to Advocacy : Gender, Double Consciousness and Abolitionist Persuasion in Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. / Från fångenskap till frihetskamp : Genus, dubbelmedvetenhet och abolitionistisk övertygelse i Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.

Engström, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to explore how the interplay between gender and double consciousness is used as a rhetorical device in Harriet Jacobs’ autobiographical narrative “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” (1861). Through a feminist theoretical lens and the concept of double consciousness I provide examples from the text illustrating Jacobs’ strategic use of different narrative techniques to convey her abolitionist message.Formulärets överkant The analysis delve into the intricate dual identities that Jacobs’ struggles with as an enslaved woman lacking autonomy, while simultaneously trying to live up to society’s expectation of a “good” woman in the antebellum South. The gendered version of double consciousness works persuasively and highlights her complex situation. By portraying the challenges of an oppressed woman striving to meet societal ideals, Jacobs encourages her readers to support the abolitionist cause.

Analysis of Dam Failures and Development of a Dam Safety Evaluation Program

Imbrogno, David F. 30 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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