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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamique du cycle biogéochimique du sélénium en écosystèmes terrestres : rétention et réactivité dans le sol, rôle de la végétation / Dynamic of biogeochemical selenium cycle in terrestrial ecosystems : retention and reactivity in soil; role of vegetation

Di Tullo, Pamela 03 March 2015 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans la problématique d’évaluation de sûreté préalable au possible stockage de déchets radioactifs HAVL en couches géologiques profondes. Afin de consolider les modèles de prédiction à longue terme des risques associés à une contamination potentielle de la biosphère par le 79Se, la biogéochimie du sélénium stable a été explorée, en visant dans un premier temps un éclairage sur la dynamique du cycle global de Se dans un écosystème forestier en terme de stock et flux annuels. Suite aux résultats de la première partie, qui suggèrent l’importance du sol et son pool organique dans le cycle global de Se, deux études basées sur l’utilise des traceurs isotopique stables ont été ensuite menées afin de clarifier les processus impliqués (i) dans la rétention et la réactivité de Se dans les sols et (ii) dans la bio-incorporation de Se inorganique dans la biomasse des plantes au sein d’une fraction organique. / This work was performed in the frame of the safety assessment program prior to the possible construction of an underground repository for nuclear waste (HAVL). To consolidate risk assessment models associated to a potential 79Se biosphere contamination, biogeochemistry of stable selenium was investigated, aiming firstly to highlight the dynamics of Se cycling in a forest ecosystem, in terms of inventories and annual fluxes. Consequently to these first results, which suggest a clay role of soil and its organic pool in the global Se cycle, two studies based on the use of isotopically enriched tracers were further carried out in order to clarify the processes involved in (i) Se retention and reactivity in soils and (ii) incorporation of inorganic Se within organic pool of vegetal biomass.

Immigrants Facing Immigration Policy : state Laws Regulating Eligibility for In-State Tuition and Belonging among Latino Immigrant Youth in the United States / Les immigrés face aux politiques américaines d'immigration : l'accès à l'université publique et le sentiment d'appartenance chez les jeunes immigrés latinos

Lauby, Fanny 04 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les nouveaux réseaux d’incorporation politique et sur la mobilisation politique des jeunes immigrés irréguliers de la région de New York et du New Jersey. Son objectif est d’évaluer si les politiques qui ouvrent ou ferment l’accès de ces jeunes aux frais d’inscription à l'université appliqués aux résidents de l'État sont associés à différents niveaux d’appartenance et à différents styles d’organisations politiques. La recherche s’appuie sur les théories relatives à l’incorporation politique et sur un modèle de mobilisation collective lié aux ressources disponibles. Elle emprunte aussi aux théories sur la formulation des politiques publiques qui mettent en lumière le rôle de l’image publique associée à la réforme de l’immigration. L'étude de terrain menée dans l'État de New York et dans le New Jersey permet d’analyser un niveau important de gouvernance qui fait souvent défaut dans le débat sur la réforme de l’immigration. L'approche méthodologique est mixte, combinant des données quantitatives tirées d’une enquête en ligne et des données qualitatives recueillies au cours de soixante entretiens. Les résultats indiquent que les jeunes irréguliers se mobilisent davantage dans les États où la loi crée un contexte de réception plus contraignant et où la coalition de soutien est encore en formation. Les politiques publiques des États influent également sur les ressources nécessaires à la participation politique et civique des jeunes immigrés. Cette thèse souligne l’importance du lieu de résidence dans l’incorporation politique des immigrés aux États-Unis, ainsi que la manière dont l’image associée aux politiques publiques encourage ou dissuade l’engagement politique. Ses résultats aideront le législateur à mieux comprendre les contextes de réception que les politiques publiques créent pour les jeunes immigrés. / This dissertation focuses on new paths of immigrant incorporation and on the political mobilization of undocumented youths in the New York-New Jersey area. The goal of this investigation is to assess whether contrasting state laws that either open or restrict eligibility for in-state tuition are associated with different levels of belonging and different styles of organizing among immigrant youths. This research draws from theories on political incorporation and a resource mobilization model of collective action. It also builds on theories of policy design highlighting the role of policy images in immigration reform. The contrasting cases of state-level policy in New York and New Jersey provide for an investigation into an important level of government that has largely been missing from the debate on comprehensive immigration reform. The dissertation relies on an innovative mixed-methods approach, collecting both quantitative data from a survey and qualitative data from sixty in-depth interviews. Results indicate that undocumented youths tend to become mobilized in states which provide more restrictive contexts of reception, and where the coalition of support is still being recruited. However, state laws affecting access to college do shape the availability of political and civic resources for immigrant youths. This dissertation highlights the importance of place in immigrants’ paths of incorporation into the United States, as well as the role of policy narratives in fostering or deterring political engagement. The results will help policymakers better understand the contexts of reception which public policies create for young immigrants.

S'opposer à l'incorporation des professionnels au Québec : une question de justice sociale

Bélec, Guillaume 04 1900 (has links)
Alors que de multiples compressions ont eu des effets négatifs sur le système public, illustrant la « rigueur budgétaire » des dernières années au Québec, nombreuses sont les pratiques permettant à plusieurs citoyens pourtant très bien nantis d’échapper légalement au fisc. Parmi celles-ci se trouve une stratégie fiscale relativement récente et de plus en plus utilisée: l’incorporation des professionnels. Ce mémoire, qui s’inscrit dans une perspective d’éthique sociale et économique, vise à remettre en question cette pratique fiscale d’un point de vue moral. Pour ce faire, nous soulignons d’abord les inégalités fiscales évidentes découlant d’un traitement différencié accordé aux professionnels. Comprenons, pour le dire simplement, que les avantages fiscaux liés au statut légal de l’incorporation sont pratiquement inaccessibles à plusieurs entrepreneurs prenant un réel risque financier dont la rémunération est de loin inférieure à une majorité de professionnels pouvant s’incorporer. Or, de telles inégalités posent des problèmes d’équité substantiels, lesquels sont abordés en deuxième partie de ce mémoire. En effet, en permettant l’abaissement du taux effectif d’imposition chez des professionnels bien situés dans l’échelle socio-économique, l’incorporation contrevient notamment à des principes de capacité de payer et à son interprétation possible du sacrifice égal. Enfin, dans la troisième partie de notre projet axée sur une perspective de justice distributive plus largement construite, nous remettons en question la position gouvernementale s’appuyant sur le principe de différence rawlsien et son argument des incitatifs économiques. Nous soulignons, d’une part, qu’une justification de l’incorporation basée sur ces incitatifs laisse place à de larges inégalités et est révélatrice d’une société dans laquelle s’opère une brèche dans la condition élémentaire de communauté. D’autre part, nous soutenons qu’une telle position va à l’encontre d’un ethos égalitariste que devraient promouvoir les citoyens et le gouvernement en respect au principe de différence et que, selon ce point de vue, permettre l’incorporation revient à cautionner une forte injustice. / While many budget cuts have dented public coffers, illustrating the "budgetary rigor" of recent years in Quebec, some fiscal practices allow very well-off citizens to legally reduce their tax burdens. Among them is a relatively recent and increasingly used tax strategy: the incorporation of professionals. This thesis aims to question this tax practice from a moral point of view. First, we empirically highlight socio-economic inequalities resulting from differential treatment granted to professionals. We assume that the tax advantages associated with the legal status of incorporation are practically inaccessible to many entrepreneurs who take real financial risks and whose remuneration is far less than most professionals who can incorporate. Such inequalities carry substantial equity problems, which will be discussed in the second section of this thesis. Indeed, with the lower effective tax rate of professionals well situated on the socio-economic scale, incorporation contravenes the principle of capacity to pay and its possible interpretation of equal sacrifice. Finally, in the third part of our project focusing on a broader perspective of distributive justice, we question the government's position based on the Rawlsian difference principle and its argument of economic incentives. On one hand, we emphasize that justifying incorporation by appeal to economic incentives leaves place to large inequalities and reveal a society in breach of elementary community condition. On the other, we argue that this viewpoint infringes an egalitarian ethos that should be promoted by the citizens and the government in accordance with the principle of difference and that, according to this view, allowing incorporation amounts to endorse a strong injustice.

Incorporação de inovações de origem externa considerando a complexidade tecnológica / Incorporation of external source of innovation considering the technological complexity

Silva, Marco Antonio Costa da 28 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-06-17T20:42:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco Antonio Costa da Silva.pdf: 1788996 bytes, checksum: bea31a3e14867cdae75eb7bde5b8a5f3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-17T20:42:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco Antonio Costa da Silva.pdf: 1788996 bytes, checksum: bea31a3e14867cdae75eb7bde5b8a5f3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / Companies using open innovation find significant barriers in managing externally acquired technologies incorporation process, which is a critical challenge in evaluating technology investments. The central objective of this research was to construct and validate an incorporation model of technological innovation from external sources based on the assumptions of open innovation. The models that address open innovation processes in the literature are vague and imprecise in relation to the incorporation process and do not address important issues related to culture for innovation, absorption, and dynamic technological capabilities that are important theoretical foundations for innovation and contribute decisively to the incorporation process. The methods used in exploratory research proposed were quantitative. Data were collected by applying a structured questionnaire to managers of 1750 technology-based companies from various sectors of the economy, with a sample of 111 responses. Data analysis was performed using the software SmartPLS, by applying structural equation modeling with partial least squares and the template paths. It was found that the proposed initial model was validated almost entirely with minor adjustments. It could be concluded that the development of a culture for innovation, coupled with the construction of mechanisms for prospecting and processing of external sources of innovation, technological capability accumulation, and the ability to reconfigure internal resources, are important foundations to increase business efficiency in incorporating innovations/external technologies. / As empresas que utilizam a inovação aberta encontram significativas barreiras no gerenciamento do processo de incorporação de tecnologias adquiridas externamente, o que consiste um desafio crítico na avaliação de investimentos em tecnologia. O objetivo central desta pesquisa foi construir e validar um modelo de incorporação de inovação tecnológica de origens externas com base nas premissas da inovação aberta. Os modelos que tratam de processos de inovação aberta encontrados na literatura são vagos e imprecisos em relação ao processo de incorporação e não abordam questões importantes relacionadas à cultura para a inovação, às capacidades de absorção, tecnológica e dinâmica, que são fundamentos teóricos importantes para a inovação e contribuem de forma decisiva para o processo de incorporação. Os métodos empregados na pesquisa exploratória aqui proposta foram de natureza quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados com a aplicação de um questionário estruturado para gestores de 1750 empresas de base tecnológica de diversos setores da economia, com uma amostra de 111 respostas. A análise dos dados foi realizada com a utilização do software SmartPLS, mediante aplicação de modelagem de equações estruturais com mínimos quadrados parciais e o modelo caminhos. Constatou-se que o modelo inicial proposto foi validado quase em sua totalidade, com pequenos ajustes. Pôde-se concluir que o desenvolvimento de uma cultura voltada para inovação, associado à construção de mecanismos de prospecção e transformação de fontes externas de inovação, do acúmulo de capacidade tecnológica e da capacidade de reconfiguração dos recursos internos, constituem fundamentos importantes para aumentar a eficiência da empresa na incorporação de inovações/tecnologias externas.

Legal change in an interest-group perspective: the demise of special corporate charters

Butler, Henry N. January 1982 (has links)
This dissertation presents a legal and economic history of the change in method of incorporation from special corporate charters via legislative act to general incorporation laws which make corporate privileges available to all who meet certain, minimal procedural requirements. Prior to the mid-1800's, corporate privileges were allocated by special legislative act in a market for corporate privileges. In this market, legislators had monopoly control over the use of corporate privileges within their respective jurisdictions. Thus, the issue examined is why the legislators relinquished their monopoly control. The thesis of this dissertation, stated briefly, is that legislators in both the United States and Great Britain abandoned the market for special corporate charters because events beyond their control made it difficult or impossible for them to continue to create and capture rents through the passage of special acts of incorporation. Exogenous legal and economic changes are identified and shown to be reliable predictors of the demise of special corporate chartering. In England, changes through the common law courts produced an inexpensive alternative to the corporate form and lowered the rates of return to legislators from passing special acts. In the United States, the growth of interstate commerce and an important Supreme Court decision, Paul v. Virginia, changed the legislative market for corporate privileges from one of localized monopolies into a competitive, national free market in corporate privileges. The historical experience suggests that the passage of a national incorporation law could lead to the same type of abuses that occurred prior to the development of the national free market in incorporation laws and the passage of liberal state general incorporation laws. / Ph. D.

The recognition and implementation of children's socio-economic rights in Ethiopian law / Abreham Behailu Gebreamanuel

Gebreamanuel, Abreham Behailu January 2014 (has links)
This research examines the current recognition and implementation of children’s socio-economic rights in Ethiopian law. Ethiopia has ratified international instruments of children’s rights, to wit, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Convention on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights as well as regional instruments such as the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and these instruments are made to be part of the Ethiopian law. However, there is neither a translation nor publication of these instruments and these facts obstruct their implementation, as the working language of domestic courts is different from the language of the instruments. Ethiopia also does not incorporate children’s socio-economic rights in its Constitution. Neither does it have separate legislation on children’s rights. Despite the commitment shown by its ratification of international children’s rights instruments, Ethiopia has not yet done anything meaningful towards the realisation of children’s socio-economic rights. Mere ratification of international instruments cannot rectify the lifelong hardship of Ethiopian children without actual implementation. Hence, this dissertation discusses the incorporation of children’s socio-economic rights in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s Constitution, domestication of international children’s rights instruments and the lack of a separate act outlining children’s rights in the Ethiopian legal system in order to establish why current child law in Ethiopia does not solve the suffering of Ethiopian children. The current reality with regard to children’s socio-economic rights in Ethiopia is not an insurmountable hurdle. This dissertation recommends translation into the domestic working language of Ethiopian courts and publication of international children’s rights instruments in order to ease the problem regarding awareness of the laws, as well as their status and validity. Ethiopia could enact a separate act for children’s rights, as well as enshrine the socio-economic entitlements of children in its Constitution. The South African experience is also worthy of consideration. Ethiopian courts should interpret domesticated international instruments by relying on the FDRE Constitution as a legal ground. / LLM (Comparative Child Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The recognition and implementation of children's socio-economic rights in Ethiopian law / Abreham Behailu Gebreamanuel

Gebreamanuel, Abreham Behailu January 2014 (has links)
This research examines the current recognition and implementation of children’s socio-economic rights in Ethiopian law. Ethiopia has ratified international instruments of children’s rights, to wit, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Convention on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights as well as regional instruments such as the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and these instruments are made to be part of the Ethiopian law. However, there is neither a translation nor publication of these instruments and these facts obstruct their implementation, as the working language of domestic courts is different from the language of the instruments. Ethiopia also does not incorporate children’s socio-economic rights in its Constitution. Neither does it have separate legislation on children’s rights. Despite the commitment shown by its ratification of international children’s rights instruments, Ethiopia has not yet done anything meaningful towards the realisation of children’s socio-economic rights. Mere ratification of international instruments cannot rectify the lifelong hardship of Ethiopian children without actual implementation. Hence, this dissertation discusses the incorporation of children’s socio-economic rights in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s Constitution, domestication of international children’s rights instruments and the lack of a separate act outlining children’s rights in the Ethiopian legal system in order to establish why current child law in Ethiopia does not solve the suffering of Ethiopian children. The current reality with regard to children’s socio-economic rights in Ethiopia is not an insurmountable hurdle. This dissertation recommends translation into the domestic working language of Ethiopian courts and publication of international children’s rights instruments in order to ease the problem regarding awareness of the laws, as well as their status and validity. Ethiopia could enact a separate act for children’s rights, as well as enshrine the socio-economic entitlements of children in its Constitution. The South African experience is also worthy of consideration. Ethiopian courts should interpret domesticated international instruments by relying on the FDRE Constitution as a legal ground. / LLM (Comparative Child Law), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Alain Badiou's transitory theatre

Dalmasso, Frederic January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores how theatre informs Badiou's philosophy through detailed analysis of Badiou's theory of theatre and his six plays L'Écharpe rouge, Incident at Antioch and the Ahmed tetralogy . It argues that theatre has provided an ideal and material ground for Badiou to rehearse concepts he developed in his Logics of the Worlds (2006) and Second Manifesto for Philosophy (2009), such as that of ideation and incorporation. By placing theatre at the core of Badiou's work, this thesis provides a different point of entry into Badiou's philosophy: it demonstrates the overarching nature of Badiou's materialist dialectic, which leads to exploring the relationship between politics and theatre. By ultimately defining Badiou's theatre as a theatre of inexist[a]nce and insisting upon the ontological nature of theatre, this thesis heralds new approaches to the relationship between theatre and philosophy.

Založení, vznik a neplatnost obchodní společnosti / Formation, Incorporation and Invalidity of the Business Company

Bažant, David January 2015 (has links)
The topic of the thesis "Formation, Incorporation and Invalidity of the Business Company" has been chosen by the author due to its permanent topicality. The goal is to analyse process of formation and incorporation of business companies according to the Czech legislation. The incorporation of new juridical person consists of two-stage process of establishment. This thesis is primarily based on the analysis of definitions of laws, expert publications and on examples of judicial decisions. It shows risk of insufficient or incorrect formulation in the Articles of Association. With the detection of serious drawbacks in founding legal action, the existing company is threatened with resolution of its invalidity. The thesis is divided into seven parts including introduction and conclusion. The second chapter, most comprehensive, deals with the essentials of form and content of Articles of Association. The part dealing with content essentials is furthermore divided into five subchapters depending on figures, which the Articles of Association must contain so that a company can be properly incorporated. The third chapter describes a process how to get an entrepreneurship authorization aimed on Trade Certificate. The fourth chapter analyses the form of power of attorney, which is required when an associate is...

Compounding and Incorporation in the Ket Language: Implications for a More Unified Theory of Compounding

Smith, Benjamin C 01 January 2014 (has links)
Compounding in the world’s languages is a complex word-­‐formation process that is not easily accounted for. Moreover, incorporation is equally complex and problematic. This examination of compounding and incorporation in the Ket language seeks to identify the underlying logic of these processes and to work towards a typology that captures generalizations among the numerous ways in which languages expand their lexicons through these processes. Canonical Typology provides a framework that does just this. A preliminary canonical typology of compounds is proposed here, one that subsumes a range of compounds as well as incorporation. For this reason, the Ket language, which relies heavily on compounding and incorporation, will be used as a test case. The aim is to define the canonical com

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