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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nekontaktní indikátory poruchových stavů na VN vedení / Contactless Fault Indicator for MV Lines

Pernica, Drahomír January 2011 (has links)
The theoretical findings about methods of earth faults indication are elaborated in this thesis into form, which is applicable to design contactless indicator of failure states on MV lines. This design contains electromagnetic field sensors, evaluation device and software support. The higher effectiveness of clearing of fault and better health and asset protection is supposed by using of these indicators.

Analýza nákladů stavebního objektu v důsledku variantních změn hliníkových konstrukcí / Cost analysis of a building as a result of changes in the variant of aluminum structures

Múčková, Simona January 2016 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is cost analysis of a building a result of changes in the variant of aluminum structures. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part, the issues are addressed in general terms and in the practical applies to specific construction contract.

Podpůrný nástroj pro investování na akciových trzích / Supportive Tool for Investing in a Stock Markets

Blaškovič, Branislav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of supportive tool for investment in the stock markets. The result is a tool that allows investors in making decisions while investing and also can autonomously invest in stock markets by pre-learned heuristics that can help a potential investor to choose their own tactics for investing.

Analýza výkonnosti firmy užitím matematického modelování a počítačového systému pro podporu strategického řízení organizace / Analysis of Corporate Performance Using Mathematical Modelling and Computer System to the Support of Organization's Strategic Management

Horáková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is to analyse financial productivity of a chosen company, to find deficiencies and suggest possibilities for improvement of the situation. First there is theoretical part consisting of an introduction of chosen financial indicators, such as profitability, indebtedness etc., and also a description of Maple, programme used for mathematical exercises. In the practical part there is a description of Brno company TRON, the business objective of which is LED lighting. The financial indocators are made in the programme Maple, the balance and also profit and loss accounts for a few consecutive years are analysed, from which we can determine the financial situation of the company. The result should help the chosen company with future decisions.

Framtagning och applicering av förbrukningsindikator på fuktabsorbent : Ett produktutvecklingsarbete för Smellwell AB

Wallin Berg, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är genomfört på uppdrag av företaget Smellwell AB och ämnar en produktutveckling av deras produkter. Smellwell tillverkar och säljer fuktabsorberande påsar med en fräsch doft för användning i skor och annan träningsutrustning. Målet med detta arbete var att ta fram och applicera en förbrukningsindikator på deras fuktabsorbenter. Det är idag svårt att avgöra när produkten är förbrukad vilket kan leda till att många kunder använder produkten för länge. Detta kan leda till en sämre användarupplevelse. Syftet med arbetet var därför att öka kundvärdet genom att kunna erbjuda kunden ett sätt att alltid veta när det är dags att byta ut sin produkt för maximal effekt.  Problemet delades upp i två delproblem som löstes var för sig. Först togs det fram en lämplig indikator och sedan skapades tre appliceringsmetoder för indikatorn genom en produktutvecklingsprocess. I arbetet med att ta fram appliceringsmetoderna användes två olika 3D-skrivare som hjälpmedel, en Makerbot Replicator+ och en Objet Eden 260v. Arbetet resulterade i en 6-månaders tidsindikator från det engelska företaget Timestrip® UK Ltd och tre olika indikatorhållare för olika appliceringsmetoder på fuktabsorbenten. Resultaten har utvärderats av en fokusgrupp och förslag på kostnad och framtida tillverkningsmetod har angetts. Koncept 2 och koncept 3 fick bäst betyg i utvärderingen och kommer rekommenderas till Smellwell att gå vidare med. / This bachelor thesis has been carried out on behalf of Smellwell AB and aims at product development of their product. Smellwell manufactures and sells moisture absorbing bags with a fresh scent for use in shoes and sports equipment. The aim of this work was to produce and apply a consumption indicator to their moisture absorbers. Today it is difficult to determine when the product is consumed, which can lead to many customers using the product for to long. This can lead to a poorer user experience. The purpose of the work is therefore to increase customer value by offering the customer a way to always know when it is time to replace their product for maximum effect. The problem was divided into two sub-problems that were resolved separately. First, an appropriate indicator was developed and three application methods were created through a product development process. In the process of developing the application methods two different 3D-printers were used, a Makerbot Replicator+ and an Objet Eden 260v. The work resulted in a 6-month’s time indicator from the English company Timestrip® UK Ltd and three different holders for application at different positions on the moisture absorber. The results have been evaluated by a focus group and proposals for cost and future manufacturing methods have been specified Concept 2 and Concept 3 got the best rating in the evaluation and will be recommended to Smellwell to proceed with. / <p>Betyg 181031</p>

Qualification des matériaux cimentaires exposés à l’attaque sulfatique externe : étude des mécanismes et proposition d’indicateurs / Specification of cementitious materials exposed to external sulphate attack : Study of mechanisms and proposal of indicators

Boudache, Sonia 29 October 2019 (has links)
L’attaque sulfatique externe est un processus de dégradation au cours duquel les propriétés mécaniques et la composition chimique d’un matériau cimentaire vont être fortement affectées par la pénétration de sulfates en solution. La réponse à ce problème repose en partie sur la maîtrise de la composition des ciments. A ce titre, la capacité d’un ciment CEM I à former de l’ettringite lors de l’ASE et donc, par extension, d’être considéré comme résistant ou pas face aux sulfates, peut être évaluée par la formule de Sadran qui prend en compte les taux du C3A et C3S. Nous avons mis en place une méthode de caractérisation pour analyser le comportement de ciments CEM I de différents indices de Sadran. L’analyse s’appuie sur une méthodologie permettant une caractérisation globale de la dégradation. La teneur en C3A plus que l’indice de Sadran détermine le type de dégradation d’un ciment. La méthode de suivi et d’analyse utilisée sur les CEM I a été appliquée pour l’étude de ciments composés CEM V afin de comparer leur comportement avec celui de ciments résistants aux sulfates. Un essai incluant un pré conditionnement thermique, pour l’accélération de la dégradation, a été choisi et les résultats obtenus ont été comparés à ceux de l’essai développé précédemment au GeM. Il a été démontré que le pré conditionnement thermique ne permet pas une accélération significative de la dégradation. De plus, le séchage mis en place modifie la microstructure des échantillons de mortiers CEM V ; il ralentit la progression des sulfates et donc allonge le temps de réponse. L’adsorption des sulfates par les C-S-H fait l’objet de la dernière partie de cette thèse, tout en ouvrant sur des perspectives. / During external sulphate attack the mechanical properties and the chemical composition of a cementitious material are strongly affected by the penetration of sulphate in solution. The answer to this problem lies partly in the control of the composition of the cements. The ability of CEM I cements to form ettringite during external sulfate attack and therefore to be considered resistant, or not, to sulphates, can be evaluated by the formula of Sadran which considers the rates of C3A and C3S. We set up a characterization method to analyze the behavior of CEM I cements with different Sadran indexes. Two degradation mechanisms were observed, marked by either expansive phase precipitation or leaching. The monitoring and analysis method used on the CEM I cements has been applied to the study of CEM V blended cements in order to compare their behavior with that of sulphate resistant cements. A test including a thermal pre-conditioning was chosen and the results obtained were compared with those of the test previously developed at GeM. It has been shown that thermal pre-conditioning does not allow a significant acceleration of degradation. The adsorption of sulphates by C-S-H, as well as the loss of calcium, is the subject of the last part of this thesis, while opening up perspectives. The first results showed that sulphate fixation by C-S-H increases with the concentration of the sulphate solution.

The effect of key performance indicators on state owned enterprises performance in South Africa : a critical analysis of three national departments

Ngqumeya, Monde Benedict Afrika 24 February 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this exploratory research was to explore the effect of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on State Owned Enterprises’ performance in South Africa. The aim of the study was to establish the impact that KPIs have on state owned enterprises, how they are currently measured and the causes of success or failure of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on State Owned Companies.Fifteen respondents participated in this qualitative study. The survey method used was a questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions. The respondents were all Senior Executives including Chief Executive Officers, General Managers, Board Members and Senior Management employed by State Owned Enterprises reporting to the Department of Public Enterprises, Department of Transport and Department of Water Affairs. The research instrument that was used was a questionnaire with closed and open-ended questions. / Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / unrestricted

Applying MBTI to analyzing shōnen manga characters : A case study of My Hero Academia

Suvanto, Marttaleena January 2020 (has links)
This is a case study of a popular shōnen manga, My Hero Academia, written andillustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. The study’s aim is to determine the personality typesof five characters, while utilizing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. The secondaryaim is finding out which details help in the MBTI analysis and which do not. Thethird aim is to look into what are the difficulties of executing this kind of study. Theinitial focus of the analysis was the characters’ actions, dialogue, body language,facial expressions, use of role language and how the manga artist utilizes theJapanese scripture. The final results show that the characters are INFJ, ENTP, ENFP,INTJ and ESTJ types, and that the most helpful methods are to look at acombination of the characters’ actions, speech, body language, behavior, andexpressions. In addition, the method of analysis occasionally depends on thecharacter in question. While the scripture does not help in gaining the results, thechoice of language for the characters gives additional affirmation for the resultsbut does not work by itself to affirm any MBTI types. The main challenge is decidingwhich of the MBTI type pair polarities has more value to the character’s personalityto become the preference.

Analyzing the Financial Condition of Higher Education Institutions Using Financial Ratio Analysis

Buddy, Nancy J. 05 1900 (has links)
The problem concerned the financial indicators used to evaluate the financial condition of the six sister higher education institutions under the authority of the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges. The purposes were to determine the financial ratios that best indicate financial condition; to calculate those financial ratios for the six designated Oklahoma higher education institutions; and to evaluate and compare the financial condition of the six institutions. This study attempted to further the use of financial ratio analysis as an objective addition to subjective studies that examine an institution's definition of its mission, objectives, and goals and its own assessment of the degree to which its resources allow it to attain those goals. The data were obtained from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System; the financial reports were audited by independent certified public accountants and presented to the Board of Regents of Oklahoma Colleges; and John Minter Associates, Inc., provided the national norms. The set of financial ratios identified provides a means to study a single higher education institution through trend analysis and in comparison to national norms. It also works well with a sample of homogeneous institutions with interinstitutional comparison. The techniques are intended to provide a general profile of an institution’s financial health. Cause-and-effect ratio analysis has been proposed as another technique to aid administrators in determining changes in their financial statements and what may have caused them. The study identified a set of financial ratios that summarize the financial condition of a higher education institution. The ratios helped to analyze the financial solvency and viability of the six Oklahoma higher education institutions and focused on the ability of the institutions to meet current and future financial requirements. The importance of financial statement analysis should not be underestimated. The understandable format of financial ratios allows virtually any stakeholder to acquire a basic comprehension of the most critical financial policies of institutions and their financial condition.

How Does the Buffett Indicator Work in China?

Gao, Ruixue 01 May 2020 (has links)
This study investigates whether the Buffett indicator can be used to make investment decisions in China. The investigation has two approaches. First, this study determines the scaling relationship between the Buffett Indicator and the GDP in China. Previous research and findings in this research regarding the scaling relationship can help international investors when comparing China with a different country as potential investment opportunities. Second, this study also examines whether the Buffett Indicator, the P/E ratio and composite models including the Buffett Indicator can be used as tools for international investors in predicting the Shanghai Index and making investment decisions for the Chinese stock market. The analysis is based on Chinese data from the World Bank, the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the Federal Reserve and the Yahoo Finance. This study finds that there is a sublinear relationship between the Buffett indicator and GDP in China and that the composite models which include the Buffett Indicator perform better to forecast the stock market in China than other indicators.

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