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Spatial patterns and processes in a regenerating mangrove forestPranchai, Aor 21 April 2015 (has links)
The global effort to rehabilitate and restore destroyed mangrove forests is unable to keep up with the high mangrove deforestation rates which exceed the average pace of global deforestation by three to five times. Our knowledge of the underlying processes of mangrove forest regeneration is too limited in order to find suitable techniques for the restoration of degraded mangrove areas. The general objective of my dissertation was to improve mangrove restoration by understanding regeneration processes and local plant-plant interaction in a regenerating Avicennia germinans forest.
The study was conducted in a high-shore mangrove forest area on the Ajuruteua peninsula, State of Para, Northern Brazil. The dwarf forest consisting of shrub-like trees is recovering from a stand-replacing event caused by a road construction in 1974 which interrupted the tidal inundation of the study area. Consequently, infrequent inundation and high porewater salinity limit tree growth and canopy closure.
All trees and seedlings were stem-mapped in six 20 m x 20 m plots which were located along a tree density gradient. Moreover, height, crown extent, basal stem diameter of trees were measured. The area of herbaceous ground vegetation and wood debris were mapped as well. The mapped spatial distribution of trees, seedlings and covariates was studied using point pattern analysis and point process models, such as Gibbs and Thomas point process, in order to infer underlying ecological processes, such as seed dispersal, seedling establishment, tree recruitment and tree interaction.
In the first study (chapter 2), I analyzed the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the seedling establishment and tree recruitment of A. germinans during the recolonization of severely degraded mangrove sites using point process modeling. Most seedlings established adjacent to adult trees especially under their crown cover. Moreover, seedling density was higher within patches of the herbaceous salt-marsh plants Blutaparon portulacoides and Sesuvium portulacastrum than in uncovered areas. The higher density of recruited A. germinans trees in herb patches indicated that ground vegetation did not negatively influence tree development of A. germinans. In addition, tree recruitment occurred in clusters. Coarse wood debris had no apparent effect on either life stage. These results confirm that salt-marsh vegetation acts as the starting point for mangrove recolonization and indicate that the positive interaction among trees accelerates forest regeneration.
In the second study (chapter 3), I analyzed how intraspecific interaction among A. germinans trees determines their growth and size under harsh environmental conditions. Interaction among a higher number of neighboring trees was positively related to the development of a focal tree. However, tree height, internode length and basal stem diameter were only positively associated in low-density forest stands (1.2 trees m-2) and not in forest stands of higher tree density (2.7 trees m-2). These results indicated a shift from facilitation, i.e. a positive effect of tree interaction, towards a balance between facilitation and competition.
In the third study (chapter 4), I used point process modeling and the individual-based model mesoFON to disentangle the impact of regeneration and interaction processes on the spatial distribution of seedlings and trees. In this infrequently inundated area, propagules of A. germinans are only dispersed at a maximum distance of 3 m from their parent tree. Furthermore, there is no evidence that the following seedling establishment is influenced by trees. I was able to differentiate positive and negative tree interactions simulated by the mangrove model mesoFON regardless of dispersal processes based on static tree size information using the mark-correlation function.
The results of this dissertation suggest that mangrove forest regeneration in degraded areas is a result of facilitative and not competitive interactions among mangrove trees, seedling and herbaceous vegetation. This has important implications for the restoration of degraded mangrove forest. Degraded mangrove areas are usually restored by planting a high number of evenly spaced seedlings. However, high costs constrain this approach to small areas. Assisting natural regeneration could be a less costly alternative. Herbaceous vegetation plays a crucial role in forest recolonization by entrapping propagules and possibly ameliorating harsh environmental conditions. So far only competition among mangrove trees has been considered during restoration. However, facilitative tree interactions could be utilized by planting seedling clusters in order to assist natural regeneration instead of planting seedlings evenly-spaced over large areas.
This dissertation also showed that point pattern analysis and point process modeling can enable forest ecologists to describe the spatial distribution of trees as well as to infer underlying ecological processes.
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Population Dynamics And Factors Affecting Spiny Lobster Small Scale FisheriesLuna, Soledad 05 June 2018 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the effects of current fisheries practices and management regulations of the green spiny lobster (Panulirus gracilis) in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Region (ETP). P. gracilis has reached a critical state in the ETP. Country-based studies report that between 60 and 98% of lobsters caught in the wild are under the minimum landing size (MLS). This means that spiny lobsters are being extracted before reproducing and contributing to the replenishment of interconnected populations. The recovery of green spiny lobster populations in the ETP and the future maintenance of a sustainable fishery will depend on effective management decisions and on taking in account environmental factors that influence the population dynamics of the lobsters.
In the first study (Chapter 2), the B52 Spiny Lobster individual based simulation model was used for conducting a population viability analysis to quantify the effect of current fishing practices and the effect of varying management regulations on minimum landing size (MLS) and fishing effort. The best suit of regulations to maintain the highest abundance, production of offspring and catch is to protect juveniles and egged females, and to establish a MLS that assures the reproduction of individuals before being extracted. This study revealed regional variations, however the patterns and the causes for variation were not yet clear. This led to the next chapters in this dissertation.
In Chapter 3, I used a meta-analysis to explore regional lobster variability by comparing published studies from the ETP. The objective was to identify patterns of variation related to geographic and environmental factors of the region that can inform the establishment and evaluation of coordinated regulations. Morphological relationships showed to be more variable at northern latitudes, where the mean annual sea surface temperatures are higher than at lower temperatures at the Equator. In terms of management, MLS regulations should be adapted accounting for the effect of sea surface temperature and its variation. Additionally, it was observed that monitoring methodologies are not standardized within the region and even in some cases, neither within countries. Furthermore, in most places monitoring of the spiny lobster fishery happens sporadically, only in Galapagos takes place every year. Identifying patterns of variations can improve the accuracy of prediction models which can help to explore, design, and apply more effective management measures, as well as promote regional coordination to support the recovery and maintenance of spiny lobsters.
In Chapter 4, I contrast current Ecuadorian minimum landing size (MLS) regulation to lobster empirical measurements within Ecuador in order to recognize potential pitfalls for management enforcement. I used linear regression and multiple regression models with the objective of identifying potential relative size variations of the individuals caught in the wild over time and in the different fishing areas in Ecuador, as well as to analyse the effect of locality, sex, age and mean SST on the tail length/total length ratio. Morphological relations were significantly different among sexes, in time and by all sites. Most importantly, this study shows that current minimum size regulations are not applicable to all sites. Additionally, I found that water temperature has a significant effect on morphological relationship variations. However, it was not the main site-specific variable responsible for explaining such variations. In general, this work emphasizes the need for length data collection standardization and the consideration of temporal and spatial variation implications in national and regional fishery management planning, enforcement and evaluation.
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Species-oriented model approaches to Daphnia spp.: linking the individual level to the population levelRinke, Karsten 19 April 2006 (has links)
Die Gattung Daphnia nimmt eine zentrale Position im pelagischen Nahrungsnetz vieler Standgewässern (Seen, Talsperren) ein. Aufgrund hoher Filtrierleistungen sind Daphnien für das integrierte Gewässermanagement, z.B. im Rahmen einer Nahrungskettenmanipulation (Biomanipulation), von großem Interesse. Ihre relativ einfache Kultivierbarkeit machte sie außerdem zu einen weit verbreiteten Modellorganismus limnologischer Grundlagenforschung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, ein umfassendes Modellsystem für die Gattung Daphnia zu entwickeln, das wesentliche Kenntnisse der Ökologie von Daphnia miteinander verknüpft, um eine Vernetzung des Wissens zu realisieren. Bestehende Modellansätze konnten diese Aufgabe nur unzureichend erfüllen, weil sie in der Regel einem "Problem-orientierten Ansatz" folgen und somit sehr unterschiedliche inhaltliche Ausrichtungen und verschiedene Modellstrukturen aufweisen. Eine Kopplung bzw. ein direkter Vergleich dieser Modelle ist deshalb in der Regel schwierig. Dieses Modellsystem wurde entwickelt, um ein Instrument zur Synthese des vorhandenen Prozesswissens bereitzustellen, und nicht, um ein spezifisches, abgegrenztes Problem zu bearbeiten; es steht somit diametral zu existierenden Ansätzen. Aus diesem Grunde wird der gewählte Ansatz als ein "Spezies-orientierter Ansatz" bezeichnet. Drei Eigenschaften charakterisieren diesen Ansatz. (i) Das Modellsystem umfasst mehrere hierarchische Ebenen biologischer Organisation, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Ebenen des Individuums und der Population liegt. Interaktionen zwischen diesen Organisationsebenen sind ausgeprägt und in Feld- und Laborstudien gut belegt, in existierenden Modellen aber noch unzureichend miteinander verknüpft. (ii) Da eine quantitative Interpretation der Ergebnisse beabsichtigt ist, wurden die Modellausgaben einer umfangreichen Validation an unabhängigen und bereits publizierten Daten unterzogen. (iii) Das Modellsystem zeichnet sich durch einen geschachtelten Aufbau aus (nested design), wodurch eine einfache Erweiterbarkeit des Modells oder auch die separate Anwendung bestimmter Modellkomponenten gewährleistet ist. / The scope of this thesis was to develop a comprehensive model system of the genus Daphnia, a key organism in the pelagic food web of lakes and reservoirs and a widely used model organism in experimental and theoretical ecology. Although its central role in applied and basic research in aquatic ecology is obvious, there are still fundamental problems in modelling the observed dynamics of Daphnia (for details see chapter 2). Therefore, a basic motivation of this work was to use scientific results obtained in independently conducted research for developing a model that brings these results into context. Instead of following a "problem-oriented" paradigm applicable to a single, well defined problem or scientific hypothesis, the underlying concept of the emerging model system was considered to be "species-oriented". Thus, various relevant processes are included into the framework in order to simulate the dynamics of daphnids displayed on different levels of biological organization. To facilitate its application to various problems in ecological research on the genus Daphnia, the model system fulfills the following three important properties: (1) model outputs are thoroughly validated on experimental data in order to guarantee sound quantitative outputs of the model system (2) the system spans over different levels of biological organization with special emphasis laid upon the individual level and the population level (3) the model´s architecture follows a nested design with a defined individual level model that is integrated into a population level model The whole model system is able to describe an individual´s development over time on basis of physiological properties of the organism and, furthermore, how these individual level processes interact with the dynamics on the population level. Due to its nested design, applications of separate submodels (e.g. the individual-level model) are possible.
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Modeling gap dynamics, succession, and disturbance regimes of mangrove forests: MANDY (MANgrove DYnamics)Vogt, Juliane 16 May 2012 (has links)
Despite their important ecosystem benefits for terrestrial and marine flora and fauna and the human livelihood mangrove forests suffer a high loss rate mainly due to human activity. Aside from these impacts, natural forest disturbances exist more commonly in mangroves compared to other forests as a direct consequence of their exposed coastal location.
Within this thesis I investigate the influence of natural disturbance regimes on the mangrove forest dynamics focusing in particular on the ecological role of disturbances, disturbance patterns, forest structure, succession behavior and long-term vulnerability evaluation.
The study areas were set in the Indian River Lagoon in Florida (USA) and in Can Gio an UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (Vietnam). In addition, theoretical simulation studies were carried out to complement the field studies. Thereby, in our study at the Indian River Lagoon site I investigated the ecosystem response to hurricane events of an artificially impounded mangrove forest. In Can Gio, the suitability of lightning strike – caused gaps for setting a homogenous plantation into more natural-like state according to species composition and forest structure was analyzed. Finally, a theoretical simulation study was carried out to compare lightning strike and hurricane events regarding their homogenization and heterogenization effects on the spatio-temporal forest structure.
The findings of the field study in the Indian River Lagoon indicate that hurricane events had a severe impact on forest areas in higher successional stages by creating open patches, whereas areas in lower successional stages remained largely undisturbed. Furthermore, the impoundment determines the species selection of the post-hurricane succession by favoring flooding-tolerant species. However, regeneration was found to be impaired by the artificially high inundation regime at some disturbed patches.
The lightning-strike disturbances enhance the species composition in the monospecific plantation in Can Gio by providing a sufficient light regime for entering seeds to establish. In addition, lightning-strike gaps increased the plantation structure complexity. Regenerating lightning-strike gaps remained as “green islands” within windthrow sites in the plantation due to their low stature and provided seeds for surrounding disturbed areas thereby accelerating their recolonization.
The results of the simulation analysis of a theoretical landscape showed that in the simulated highly complex natural mature forests all disturbance regimes entail homogenization on the spatial structure compared to an undisturbed scenario. The hurricane scenario showed an increased temporal variation of the forest dynamics whereas lightning-strike gaps were not able to contribute to additional heterogeneity in the simulated area, despite of having the same tree mortality probability during disturbances.
The interaction of the large-scale impoundment in the Indian River Lagoon and medium-sized hurricane events is characterized by partially impeded post-hurricane regeneration. In contrast, small-scaled lightning strikes influenced the regeneration of medium-sized windthrow sites positively within the homogenous plantation.
We therefore suggest management activities aimed at creating small clearances within the plantation in Can Gio to simulate additional small-scale disturbances in order to facilitate heterogenization of the plantation structure. Natural disturbances are found to be able to enhance the species diversity and the interactions of ecological processes. In particular, where sustainable management strategies focused on maintaining ecosystem services especially in restored sites or plantations act as a supportive part.
Natural disturbances are an integral component of mangrove forests and fulfill specific ecological functions. However, our findings indicate that these disturbances, on top of altered environmental conditions associated with climate change and direct human impacts, might jeopardize the natural development in unnatural forest structures as on plantations or restored sites.
This thesis gives an extensive overview about the effect of various disturbances in different mangrove forest systems, including semi-natural forests and strongly modified plantations, on species composition and forest structure. Field studies and simulation analyses contribute in equal parts to the results of the thesis.
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Improving Execution Speed of Models Implemented in NetLogoRailsback, Steven, Ayllón, Daniel, Berger, Uta, Grimm, Volker, Lytinen, Steven, Sheppard, Colin, Thiele, Jan C. 30 March 2017 (has links)
NetLogo has become a standard platform for agent-based simulation, yet there appears to be widespread belief that it is not suitable for large and complex models due to slow execution. Our experience does not support that belief. NetLogo programs often do run very slowly when written to minimize code length and maximize clarity, but relatively simple and easily tested changes can almost always produce major increases in execution speed. We recommend a five-step process for quantifying execution speed, identifying slow parts of code, and writing faster code. Avoiding or improving agent filtering statements can often produce dramatic speed improvements. For models with extensive initialization methods, reorganizing the setup procedure can reduce the initialization effort in simulation experiments. Programming the same behavior in a different way can sometimes provide order-of-magnitude speed increases. For models in which most agents do nothing on most time steps, discrete event simulation—facilitated by the time extension to NetLogo—can dramatically increase speed. NetLogo’s BehaviorSpace tool makes it very easy to conduct multiple-model-run experiments in parallel on either desktop or high performance cluster computers, so even quite slow models can be executed thousands of times. NetLogo also is supported by efficient analysis tools, such as BehaviorSearch and RNetLogo, that can reduce the number of model runs and the effort to set them up for (e.g.) parameterization and sensitivity analysis.
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Plasticité de l'architecture aérienne du blé en réponse à la compétition pour la lumière au sein de cultures pures ou d'associations variétales : caractérisation expérimentale et développement d'un modèle 3D / Plasticity of the aerial architecture of wheat in response to light competition within pure crops or variety mixtures : experimental characterization and 3D model developmentLecarpentier, Christophe 25 January 2017 (has links)
L’étude des interactions entre les plantes au sein de couverts hétérogènes pourrait permettre une meilleure utilisation des associations variétales de blé, car nous manquons de connaissances sur la manière dont les complémentarités, synergies et compétitions entre variétés affectent leurs performances dans ces conditions. Notre étude s'est focalisée sur la compréhension de l'impact de la compétition pour la lumière sur l'architecture aérienne du blé, en couplant une analyse expérimentale et une approche par modélisation. Nous avons dans un premier temps, caractérisé la plasticité de l’architecture aérienne en réponse à la modification de la densité de semis, pour 20 génotypes contrastés de blé tendre. Ainsi, nous avons déterminé que le nombre d’axes par plante était le trait le plus plastique pour tous les génotypes. Nous avons ensuite développé un modèle individu-centré représentant le développement du blé du semis à la floraison. Ce modèle est composé de deux parties : une partie descriptive du développement foliaire basée sur un modèle existant (ADEL-blé) et une partie plus mécaniste où nous avons intégré une régulation du tallage par la ressource lumineuse. Cette régulation du tallage se fait selon deux hypothèses simples : (1) la plante arrête d'émettre des talles dès que le Green Area Index (GAI) de son voisinage atteint une valeur seuil et (2) une talle meurt si la quantité de lumière qu'elle intercepte est inférieure à un seuil critique. La dynamique de tallage simulée par le modèle sur une large gamme de densité de semis est proche de la dynamique de tallage observée expérimentalement. Nous avons également caractérisé expérimentalement la plasticité de l’architecture aérienne de huit génotypes de blé en réponse à la compétition dans différentes associations variétales binaires. Ces analyses ont révélé des réponses assez différentes de celles mesurées en culture pure, soulignant la spécificité de certaines interactions entre plantes de génotypes différents. Ces essais ont confirmé que les associations contribuaient généralement à une augmentation de la production, en particulier dans des itinéraires techniques économes en intrants. Nous avons montré que des associations variétales comprenant des génotypes avec des hauteurs différentes permettaient d’avantager fortement le génotype haut sans trop pénaliser le génotype court. Ce travail a permis de développer un formalisme simplifié des processus régulant le tallage, qui va permettre d'explorer et optimiser les complémentarités/compétitions entre variétés dans des peuplements multi-variétaux. A terme le modèle pourra être couplé à des modèles génétiques pour mieux décrire l'impact de l'interaction plate-plante dans la valeur sélective des individus dans des populations hétérogènes. / The understanding of the interactions between plants within heterogeneous crops could allow for a more efficient use of wheat varietal mixtures, as there is a gap of knowledge on the complementarity, synergy and competition that develop among varieties within these systems. Our study is focused on competition for light, and its impact on the above ground architecture of wheat, coupling experimental analysis and model development. We first characterized the plasticity of the aerial architecture in response to different sowing densities, for 20 contrasting genotypes of winter wheat. The number of axes per plant was shown to be the most plastic trait for all genotypes. We developed an individual-based model representing wheat growth, from the sowing to flowering. The model is composed of two parts: a descriptive part of the foliar development based on the ADEL-wheat model and a mechanistic part which accounts for the regulation of tillering by light. Tillering is regulated by two simple hypotheses: (1) tillering stops when a critical value of local Green Area Index (GAI) is reached, (2) a tiller dies if the amount of intercepted light falls below a critical threshold. A realistic tillering dynamics was simulated by our model over a wide range of sowing densities, with a good fit with experimental data. We also experimentally characterized the plasticity of plant architecture for eight wheat genotypes observed in various two-components varietal mixtures. Contrasted plastic responses were observed when compared to those expressed in pure stands, underlining the specificity of certain plant-plant interactions. These experiments confirmed that the cultivar mixtures generally contribute to an overyielding, particularly in low-input agriculture . Finally, our results revealed that variety mixtures including genotypes with different heights may provide an advantage to the taller genotype with limited tradeoff on the short genotype. This work contributed to the development of a simplified formalism for tillering process, allowing to explore and optimize complementarities / competitions between plants within variety mixtures. Ultimately, the model could be coupled with a genetic model, in order to better describe the impact of plant-to-plant interactions in the selective value of individuals in heterogeneous populations.
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Disease Control through Fertility Control: Explorations in Two Urban SystemsYoak, Andrew James 27 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Développement d’un modèle centré sur l’individu des déplacements du caribou, du loup et de l’orignal, et de leurs interactions, en forêt boréale aménagéeLatombe, Guillaume 04 1900 (has links)
Le caribou forestier est une espèce menacée au Canada, la principale hypothèse au déclin des populations étant l’intensification de la prédation provoquée par les perturbations anthropiques du paysage. Afin de faire face à cette situation, il est nécessaire d’étudier et comprendre l’impact de l’environnement sur les interactions prédateur-proies entre le caribou et le loup, ainsi qu’avec l’orignal, qui est sa principale proie alternative. Pour cela, cette thèse présente la conception d’un modèle centré sur l’individu des déplacements de ces trois espèces en fonction de leur environnement, dont résulteront les interactions prédateur-proies. Afin de permettre l’application de ce modèle sur de longues périodes, et donc pour un environnement changeant, une méthodologie a été développée, qui s’articule atour de deux aspects principaux. Tout d’abord, la notion de niveaux d’émergence est introduite, permettant d’ordonner les comportements observables du système selon leurs interdépendances, afin de choisir comme trait du modèle un com- portement correspondant au domaine d’applicabilité visé. Ordonner les comportements selon leurs niveaux d’émergence permet également d’identifier la redondance entre les patrons, qui peut être à l’origine d’un phénomène de sur-apprentissage lorsqu’ils sont utilisés lors de la calibration. Dans un second temps, un nouveau protocole pour la calibration et la validation du ou des traits choisis à l’aide des niveaux d’émergence, nommé réplication de système basé sur l’individu (Individual Based System Replication - IBSRtion) est également présenté. Ce protocole met l’emphase sur la modélisation directe, contrairement au principal protocole existant, la modélisation orientée patrons (Pattern Oriented Modelling - POM), et permet une approche empirique en générant artificiellement des données non disponibles ou ne pouvant être récoltées par des études de terrains. IBSRtion a également l’avantage de pouvoir être intégrée dans POM, afin de contribuer à la création d’une méthodologie universelle pour la conception de modèles centrés sur l’individu. Le processus de conception de ce modèle aura entre autre permis de faire une synthèse des connaissances et d’identifier certaines lacunes. Une étude visant à palier le manque de connaissances satisfaisantes sur les réponses comportementales à court-terme des proies face au risque de prédation a notamment permis d’observer que celles-ci sont une combinaison de comportements chroniques et éphémères, et que les mécanismes qui en sont à l’origine sont complexes et non-linéaires. Le résultat de ce travail est un modèle complexe utilisant de nombreux sous-modèles, et calibré de façon empirique, applicable à une grande variété d’environnements. Ce modèle a permis de tester l’impact de l’enfeuillement sur les relations prédateur-proies. Des simulations ont été effectuées pour différentes quantités d’enfeuillement, suivant deux configurations spatiales différentes. Les résultats de simulation suggèrent que des plans d’aménagement considérant également l’habitat de l’orignal pourraient être bénéfiques pour le caribou forestier, car ils permettraient d’améliorer la ségrégation spatiale entre les deux espèces, et donc entre le caribou et le loup. En le couplant avec un module de naissances et de morts naturelles ainsi qu’un modèle d’évolution du paysage, ce modèle permettra par la suite d’évaluer l’impact de plans d’aménagement forestier sur la viabilité des populations de caribou forestier. / Forest-dwelling woodland caribou are considered threatened in Canada. The main hypothesis to the decrease of populations is the intensification of predation provoked by anthropogenic perturbations in the landscape. To deal with this situation, it is necessary to study and to understand the impact of the environment on the predator-prey interactions between the caribou and the wolf, and with the moose, its main alternative prey. In this perspective, this thesis presents the design of an individual-based model of displacements of these three species with respect to their environment, from which the predator-prey interactions will result. To allow for the application of this model for long periods of time, i.e. for changing environments, a methodology has been developed, which is based on two key points. First, the notion of levels of emergence is introduced, allowing to order the different observable comportments of the system according to their inter-dependencies, to help with choosing a trait of the model corresponding to the intended domain of applicability. Ordering the comportments according to their levels of emergence also permits to identify redundancy between patterns, which can lead to over-fitting when they are used for calibration. Second, a new methodology for calibration and validation of the trait(s) chosen by means of the levels of emergence framework is also presented, named Individual Based System Replication (IBSRtion). This protocol emphasizes forward modelling, contrary to the main existing methodology, Pattern Oriented Modelling (POM), and allows to use an empirical approach by artificially generating data that are unavailable or that cannot be obtained by means of field studies. IBSRtion can also be integrated into POM, to contribute to the establish- ment of a universal methodology for the design of individual based models. The design process of this model allowed for a synthesis of existing knowledge and to point out some gaps. More specifically, a study conducted to deal with the lack of sufficient information on the short-term response of prey to predation risk allowed to observe that their behavioural responses to prior presence of predators are a combination of chronic and ephemeral behaviours, and that the mechanisms that produce them are complex and non-linear. The outcome of this work is a complex model, using many sub-models, and calibrated in an empirical fashion, that can be applied to a wide variety of environments. This model allowed to test the impact of the encroachment of deciduous trees on predator-prey relations. Simulations have been run for different quantities of encroachment, according to two different spatial configurations. Simulation results suggest that management plans taking into account the moose’s habitat might benefit woodland caribou, because they could increase spatial segregation between the two species, and thus between caribou and wolf. Coupling this model with a module of birth and natural death, along with a model of landscape transformation, would allow the assessment of the impact of different forest management plans on the viability of woodland caribou populations.
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Modélisations mathématiques de l’hématopoïèse et des maladies sanguines / Mathematical modelling of haematopoiesis and blood diseasesDemin, Ivan 11 December 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la modélisation mathématique de l'hématopoïèse et des maladies sanguines. Plusieurs modèles traitant d'aspects différents et complémentaires de l'hématopoïèse y sont étudiés.Tout d'abord, un modèle multi-échelle de l'érythropoïèse est analysé, dans lequel sont décrits à la fois le réseau intracellulaire, qui détermine le comportement individuel des cellules, et la dynamique des populations de cellules. En utilisant des données expérimentales sur les souris, nous évaluons les rôles des divers mécanismes de retro-contrôle en réponse aux situations de stress.Ensuite, nous tenons compte de la distribution spatiale des cellules dans la moelle osseuse, question qui n'avait pas été étudiée auparavant. Nous décrivons l'hématopoïèse normale à l'aide d'un système d'équations de réaction-diffusion-convection et nous démontrons l'existence d'une distribution stationnaire des cellules. Puis, nous introduisons dans le modèle les cellules malignes. Pour certaines valeurs des paramètres, la solution "disease-free" devient instable et une autre solution, qui correspond à la leucémie, apparaît. Cela mène à la formation d'une tumeur qui se propage dans la moelle osseuse comme une onde progressive. La vitesse de cette propagation est étudiée analytiquement et numériquement. Les cellules de la moelle osseuse échangent des signaux qui régulent le comportement cellulaire. Nous étudions ensuite une équation integro-différentielle qui décrit la communication cellulaire et nous prouvons l'existence d'une solution du type onde progressive en utilisant la théorie du degré topologique et la méthode de Leray et Schauder. L'approche multi-agent est utilisée afin d'étudier la distribution des différents types de cellules dans la moelle osseuse.Finalement, nous étudions un modèle de type "Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics" du traitement de la leucémie par l'AraC. L'AraC agit comme chimiothérapie et induit l'apoptose de toutes les cellules proliférantes, saines et malignes. La pharmacocinétique donne accès à la concentration intracellulaire d'AraC. Cette dernière, à son tour, détermine la dynamique des populations cellulaires et, par conséquent, l'efficacité de différents protocoles de traitement. / This PhD thesis is devoted to mathematical modelling of haematopoiesis and blood diseases. We investigate several models, which deal with different and complementary aspects of haematopoiesis.The first part of the thesis concerns a multi-scale model of erythropoiesis where intracellular regulatory networks, which determine cell choice between self-renewal, differentiation and apoptosis, are coupled with dynamics of cell populations. Using experimental data on anemia in mice, we evaluate the roles of different feedback mechanisms in response to stress situations. At the next stage of modelling, spatial cell distribution in the bone marrow is taken into account, the question which has not been studied before. We describe normal haematopoiesis with a system of reaction-diffusion-convection equations and prove existence of a stationary cell distribution. We then introduce malignant cells into the model. For some parameter values the disease free solution becomes unstable and another one, which corresponds to leukaemia, appears. This leads to the formation of tumour which spreads in the bone marrow as a travelling wave. The speed of its propagation is studied analytically and numerically. Bone marrow cells exchange different signals that regulate cell behaviour. We study, next, an integro-differential equation which describes cell communication and prove the existence of travelling wave solutions using topological degree and the Leray-Schauder method. Individual based approach is used to study distribution of different cell types in the bone marrow. Finally, we investigate a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetics-Pharmacodynamics model of leukaemia treatment with AraC drug. AraC acts as chemotherapy, inducing apoptosis of all proliferating cells, normal and malignant. Pharmacokinetics provides the evolution of intracellular AraC. This, in turn, determines cell population dynamics and, consequently, efficacy of treatment with different protocols.
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Initialize and Calibrate a Dynamic Stochastic Microsimulation Model: Application to the SimVillages ModelLenormand, Maxime 12 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le but de cette thèse est de développer des outils statistiques permettant d'initialiser et de calibrer les modèles de microsimulation dynamique stochastique, en partant de l'exemple du modèle SimVillages (développé dans le cadre du projet Européen PRIMA). Ce modèle couple des dynamiques démographiques et économiques appliquées à une population de municipalités rurales. Chaque individu de la population, représenté explicitement dans un ménage au sein d'une commune, travaille éventuellement dans une autre, et possède sa propre trajectoire de vie. Ainsi, le modèle inclut-il des dynamiques de choix de vie, d'étude, de carrière, d'union, de naissance, de divorce, de migration et de décès. Nous avons développé, implémenté et testé les modèles et méthodes suivants: * un modèle permettant de générer une population synthétique à partir de données agrégées, où chaque individu est membre d'un ménage, vit dans une commune et possède un statut au regard de l'emploi. Cette population synthétique est l'état initial du modèle. * un modèle permettant de simuler une table d'origine-destination des déplacements domicile-travail à partir de données agrégées. * un modèle permettant d'estimer le nombre d'emplois dans les services de proximité dans une commune donnée en fonction de son nombre d'habitants et de son voisinage en termes de service. * une méthode de calibration des paramètres inconnus du modèle SimVillages de manière à satisfaire un ensemble de critères d'erreurs définis sur des sources de données hétérogènes. Cette méthode est fondée sur un nouvel algorithme d'échantillonnage séquentiel de type Approximate Bayesian Computation.
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