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Statistical method in a comparative study in which the standard treatment is superior to othersIkeda, Mitsuru, Shimamoto, Kazuhiro, Ishigaki, Takeo, Yamauchi, Kazunobu, 池田, 充, 山内, 一信 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Pedagogiken i tiden : Om framväxten av nya undervisningsformer under tidigt 2000-tal – exemplet Kunskapsskolan / Pedagogy of today : On the development of new teaching methods during the early 2000´s. A case study of KunskapsskolanStåhle, Ylva January 2006 (has links)
The study concerns the new educational activities that emerge within the deregulated school system at the beginning of the 21st century. Which ideas guide the work? How is the activity formed? What does one hope to achieve? The aim of the thesis is to explore these educational practices in one of the larges independent schools in Sweden – Kunskapsskolan. The study was based upon a sociocultural perspective on learning and on twenty situated interviews with seven principals. Tools central for the activity in Kunskapsskolan were used as basis for the interviews. A qualitative analysis has been used; one of the methods for analysis applied is phenomenography. The study shows how the school, with the help of centrally developed tools, organised the teaching and the environments for learning that were implemented in all schools of the company. Individually organised teaching is the foundation for all teaching, where the students are expected to be self-regulated and self-correcting and use the tools provided for their learning. With regards to the students’ learning, the teachers’ role is mainly related to individual tutorial conversations. Thereby the tools intended to create freedom and control for the students, also create problems and obstacles. Students who do not learn to use the tools have difficulties in managing their studies. The new tools also affect the teachers’ work. In comparison with other schools, the teachers are expected to submit to the educational model and a centrally controlled planning. The teaching is centrally planned in subject specific stages or subject integrated courses. Teachers can influence the central planning by working collaboratively in teacher teams but not individually. The main commission of the teachers is to follow the educational model decided by the company. In comparison with the traditional school, both teachers and students are given new roles. When learning is individually organised for the students, the teachers are expected to develop their knowledge collectively. According to the results, both students and teachers have different approaches to the system – they can submit to the system or approach it in a more independent and reflective way.
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Administrator Perceptions of the Individually Guided Education Staff Development ProcessReid, George W. 05 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this investigation is concerned is that of analyzing elementary school principals' perceptions of the Individually Guided Education process of staff development. A survey is made of 100 randomly selected principals from 18 states of the United States with regard to the problems of implementing the process in their schools.
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Spelets regler : En studie av ensembleundervisning i klass / Rules for playing : A Study of Class Ensemble TeachingBackman Bister, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore criteria characterizing music teacher’s strategies when trying to adapt their teaching to individual students. The interaction of three music teachers with their students was explored in case studies in different parts of Sweden (a pre-study, and the main study consisting of two parallel studies). The research interest especially concerns teaching class ensemble addressing teenagers in the tuition provided under the curriculum of Swedish secondary and upper secondary school. This study adopts the perspective of cultural psychology according to which learning is understood as being relational, taking place in a cultural context, depending on available cultural resources and affected by it. Cultural tools are considered mediators of meaning and crucial for learning. Of special interest to the present study are the ways in which teachers distribute knowledge to their students. Many-sided data were collected in all case studies: series of lessons were observed and video-documented; preliminary results were followed up in semi-structured interviews with the teachers, respectively. The results show similarities in the use of general strategies; e.g. peer-teaching and -learning in the classroom and flexibility in using and developing cultural tools. Results also show three diverging practices; rehearsal-room practice, supervisor-practice and ensemble-leading-practice. The results are discussed from a societal perspective, in light of Swedish School history. Issues concerning the government of the School and equivalence are addressed. An unexpected result is that the concept “individually adapted ensemble teaching” may be understood very differently among music teachers actively involved in teachers’ education. The need for development of professional concepts is further underlined by the findings that teachers develop new cultural tools within different practices. This is discussed related to the framing of the central curricula.
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Access, barriers to participation and success amongst mature adult students at a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college in the Western CapeLarke, Sylvia Phillipine January 2021 (has links)
Magister Educationis - MEd / Insights into the experiences of students at TVET colleges can inform policies and practices.
This paper focuses on an investigation into students’ experiences of access, and barriers to
participation, and success at a TVET college in the Western Cape. I mainly used the theories
by Margaret Archer (2003), Anthony Giddens (1979; 1984), Albert Bandura (1989; 2001;
2006), Steven Hitlin and Glen H. Elder (2006), Kjell Rubenson and Richard Desjardins
(2009), and K. Patricia Cross (1981) related to structure and agency to analyse my data. Data
was collected from interviews with the exit level students at a TVET college who are
registered for a National Certificate (Vocational) programme.
The evidence of this qualitative research revealed that students experience several institutional,
dispositional and situational barriers, but find ways of overcoming these in order to complete
their studies successfully. Findings show that elements of ‘agency’ such as ‘intentionality’
‘forethought’ and self-reflectiveness are prevalent in the ways that students overcome barriers.
The findings further revealed that the majority of participants accessed vocational education
at a TVET college to improve their lives with the desire and intention to study further.
This study generally suggests that intentionality and resilience, amongst other factors, are
important elements of agency and are used to explain and interpret the positive relationship
between agency, barriers to participation and success.
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Matematik för alla elever : -möjligheter och svårigheter med individanpassat arbetssättHuldén Sonesson, Inger January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>School is taking on a great responsibility in mediating knowledge of mathematics as technology is assuming greater importance in our everyday life. The aim of this study is to examine how the teachers in year F and 1 view their teaching of mathematics from an individually adapted perspective. I have based my research on different factual study books within the education for younger children’s learning of mathematics, and have from an individually adapted perspective made a comparison between theory and practice. The empirical data has been obtained through interviews with six teachers, three pre-school teachers and three teachers, working with pupils in year F and 1. The result of the study confirms that all teachers have very good knowledge of individually adapted education and its purpose. Different working methods are being used and the individually adapted teaching is being conducted according to the conditions at each school as well as the knowledge and experience of each teacher.</p> / <p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Skolan har ett stort ansvar vad gäller att förmedla matematisk kunskap då teknologins framfart fått en allt större betydelse i vardagen. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur lärarna i år F och 1 ser på sin matematikundervisning ur ett individanpassat perspektiv. Jag har utgått från olika faktaböcker inom undervisningen för yngre barns matematikinlärning och gjort en jämförelse mellan teori och praktik med utgångspunkt från ett individuellt arbetssätt. Empirin har hämtats från intervjuer med sex lärare, tre förskollärare och tre lärare, vilka arbetar med elever i år F och 1. Resultatet bekräftar att alla lärare har en mycket god kännedom om individanpassningens betydelse och målsättningen med ett individuellt arbetssätt. Olika arbetsmetoder används och den individanpassade undervisningen sker efter de förutsättningar som finns på varje skola och efter respektive pedagogs kunskap och erfarenhet.</p>
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Matematik för alla elever : -möjligheter och svårigheter med individanpassat arbetssättHuldén Sonesson, Inger January 2006 (has links)
Abstract School is taking on a great responsibility in mediating knowledge of mathematics as technology is assuming greater importance in our everyday life. The aim of this study is to examine how the teachers in year F and 1 view their teaching of mathematics from an individually adapted perspective. I have based my research on different factual study books within the education for younger children’s learning of mathematics, and have from an individually adapted perspective made a comparison between theory and practice. The empirical data has been obtained through interviews with six teachers, three pre-school teachers and three teachers, working with pupils in year F and 1. The result of the study confirms that all teachers have very good knowledge of individually adapted education and its purpose. Different working methods are being used and the individually adapted teaching is being conducted according to the conditions at each school as well as the knowledge and experience of each teacher. / Sammanfattning Skolan har ett stort ansvar vad gäller att förmedla matematisk kunskap då teknologins framfart fått en allt större betydelse i vardagen. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur lärarna i år F och 1 ser på sin matematikundervisning ur ett individanpassat perspektiv. Jag har utgått från olika faktaböcker inom undervisningen för yngre barns matematikinlärning och gjort en jämförelse mellan teori och praktik med utgångspunkt från ett individuellt arbetssätt. Empirin har hämtats från intervjuer med sex lärare, tre förskollärare och tre lärare, vilka arbetar med elever i år F och 1. Resultatet bekräftar att alla lärare har en mycket god kännedom om individanpassningens betydelse och målsättningen med ett individuellt arbetssätt. Olika arbetsmetoder används och den individanpassade undervisningen sker efter de förutsättningar som finns på varje skola och efter respektive pedagogs kunskap och erfarenhet.
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Brandsäkerhet ur hemtjänstens perspektiv : En enkätstudie med Sveriges hemtjänsterHansson, Petter January 2021 (has links)
9 av 10 bränder där personer omkommer inträffar i bostäder, där. Personer i åldersgruppen 80 år eller äldre är överrepresenterade. Visionen för den svenska nationella strategin för att stärka brandskyddet för individen är att “ingen ska omkomma eller skadas allvarligt till följd av brand”. Delmålsättningen för visionen var att antalet omkomna och allvarligt skadade i bränder ska minska med en tredjedel mellan år 2010 och 2020. När individer bor i sina egna hem, så kallat ordinärt boende, förutsätter bygglagstiftningen att personer själva sätter sig i säkerhet i händelse av brand. Då detta är svårt för äldre med funktionshinder, har MSB har publicerat ett exempel på checklista för kommuner att använda som mall vid riskinventering hos brukare. Syftet med rapporten är att undersöka hur kommunal och privat hemtjänst arbetar med brandskyddsarbete. Men även om synen på brandskydd inom hemtjänsten är olika beroende på vart i landet respondenten är verksam och vilken arbetsform hen har. Metoden som valdes för arbetet var enkätstudie samt litteraturstudie. Enkäten delades upp i olika spår, beroende på om respondenten arbetade ute hos brukare eller inte arbetade ute hos brukare. Målet var att alla enhetschefer (chefer över hemtjänstgrupper) i Sverige skulle få förfrågan att delta i studien. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av respondenterna anser att brandskydd inte är hemtjänstens ansvarsområde. Det pekar även på att det var en skillnad på synen på brandskydd beroende på om respondenten arbetade ute hos brukare eller om hen inte gjorde det. Där respondenter som arbetade ute hos brukare i större utsträckning kontrollerade och jobbade med brukarnas brandskydd än de respondenter som inte arbetade ute hos brukare. Dock var antalet respondenter som arbetade ute hos brukare lägre än de som inte arbetade ute hos brukare. Den visar även att respondenternas syn på brandskydd skiljer sig geografiskt. Detta kunde utgöras av exempelvis användandet av en checklista för riksinventering med avseende på brandskydd, som användes mer frekvent inom vissa regioner än andra. De slutsatser som kan dras av arbetet är att ansvaret för de äldre som inte kan se efter sitt eget brandskydd inte är specificerat. Enligt lagen om skydd mot olyckor så är det den enskildes ansvar att se över sitt brandskydd om hen bor i ordinärt boende. Men om personen inte själv kan göra det, exempelvis på grund av demens eller funktionshinder så finns det ingen klar bild om vem som ska göra det. Socialtjänstlagen kan tolkas så att det är kommunernas ansvar att se över den äldre befolkningen inom kommunen. Dock specificeras brandskydd inte inom lagen. / 9 out of 10 fires in which people die occur in their homes, there. People in the age group 80 years or older are overrepresented in deaths caused by fire. The vision of the Swedish national strategy for strengthening fire protection for the individual is that "no one should die or be seriously injured as a result of fire". The sub-goal for the vision was that the number of fatalities and serious injuries in fires should decrease by one third between 2010 and 2020. When individuals live in their own homes, so-called ordinary housing, the building legislation presupposes that people themselves put themselves in safety in the event of a fire. As this is difficult for the elderly with disabilities, MSB has published an example of a checklist for municipalities to use as a template for risk inventory for individuals. The purpose of the report is to investigate how municipal and private home services work with fire protection work. But even if the view of fire protection in the home care service is different depending on where in the country the respondent is active and what form of work he has. The method chosen for the work was a questionnaire study and a literature study. The questionnaire was divided into different tracks, depending on whether the respondent worked out with users or did not work out with users. The goal was that all unit heads in Sweden would be asked to participate in the study. The results show that the majority of the respondents believe that fire protection is not the home service's area of responsibility. It also shows that there was a difference in the view of fire protection depending on whether the respondent worked out with patients or did not. Where respondents who worked out at users to a greater extent controlled and worked around the users' fire protection than the respondents who did not work out at users. However, the number of respondents who worked out at users was lower than those who did not work out at users. It also shows that the respondents' views on fire protection differ geographically. This could consist of, for example, the use of a checklist for national inventory with regard to fire protection, which was used more frequently in some regions than others. The conclusions that can be drawn from the work are that the responsibility for the elderly who cannot look after their own fire protection is not specified. According to the law on protection against accidents, it is the individual's responsibility to review their fire protection if they live in ordinary housing. But if the person cannot do it himself, for example due to dementia or disability, there is no clear picture of who should do it. The Social Services Act may indicate that it is the municipalities' responsibility to review the elderly population within the municipality, but nothing is printed out exactly regarding fire protection.
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Vilka behandlingsmetoder finns för våldsutövande män? : En litteraturstudie om behandlingsmetoder för män som utövat våld i nära relationGailany, Lara, Lahdo, Gabriella January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är sammanställa forskning om behandlingsmetoder för män som utövat våld mot kvinnor i nära relation. I syftet ligger även att granska vilka metoder som anses vara framgångsrika i detta behandlingsarbete. Åtta artiklar utgör studiens empiri. Vi har gjort en tematisk analys som därefter analyserats utifrån studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter: professionsteorin, arbetsallians, klientorientering och yrkeskompetens. Resultaten visar att individanpassade behandlingsmetoder är avgörande i arbetet med våldsutövare och att ett holistiskt synsätt behöver tillämpas i arbetet. Våra slutsatser är att de som arbetar med behandlingsområdet behöver utgå från individanpassade behandlingsmetoder och upprätthålla en stark arbetsallians med våldsutövare. I enighet med forskningen om behandlingsmetoder ser vi också att det behövs mer forskning inom området. De behandlingsmetoder som har identifierats är duluth-modellen, kognitivbeteende- och psykodynamisk terapi samt motiverande samtal. Resultatet visar att motiverande strategier samt individanpassade metoder är de mest effektiva i behandlingsarbetet / The purpose of this study is to assemble research on treatment methods for men who have perpetrated violence against women in intimate relationships. The aim is also to examine which methods are considered successful in the treatment work. The empirical foundation consists eight articles. We have done a thematic analysis which has been analyzed based on the theoretical framework of the study: profession theory, working alliance, client orientation and professional competence. The results show that individual adapted treatment methods are crucial in working with perpetrators of domestic violence and that holistic approach needs to be applied in the work. Our conclusions are that those who work in the area treatment need to apply individually adapted treatment methods and maintain a strong working alliance with perpetrators of violence. In agreement with the research on treatment methods, we also see that more research is needed in the area. The treatment methods that have been identified are the Duluth model, cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic therapy, and motivational interviewing. The results show that motivational strategies and individually adapted methods are the most effective in treatment work.
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Sistema de ar condicionado com insuflamento pelo piso em ambientes de escritórios: avaliação do conforto térmico e condições de operação. / Underfloor air supply system applied to office buildings: thermal comfort and operational conditions evaluation.Leite, Brenda Chaves Coelho 06 March 2003 (has links)
Desde a introdução do conceito de escritório aberto, o tipo de ocupação e a distribuição das cargas internas têm sofrido grandes mudanças, requerendo maior flexibilidade nos edifícios. Além disto, avaliações de desempenho de edifícios de escritórios da atualidade têm apresentado resultados que são fortes indicadores da necessidade de mudanças de conceitos de projeto, operação e uso de sistemas de condicionamento de ar, devido ao elevado nível de insatisfação dos usuários quanto ao conforto e à qualidade do ar. Para tentar solucionar estes problemas, outro conceito em distribuição de ar, já em uso nos países desenvolvidos, está começando a ser adotado também no Brasil; trata-se de insuflamento pelo piso, com difusores instalados em placas de piso elevado e nas estações de trabalho, que permitem flexibilidade e controle individual de vazão de ar. Neste trabalho foi feita a avaliação de sistema de condicionamento de ar com insuflamento pelo piso em um laboratório com condições controladas. O laboratório em que foram realizados os ensaios foi projetado e instalado com características similares àquelas de ambientes reais de edifícios de escritórios. Este fato, aliado à participação de usuários no processo de avaliação das condições de conforto térmico, tornaram possível a definição de parâmetros para a elaboração de projetos bem como para o estabelecimento de um modo eficaz de operação do sistema. O processo de avaliação das condições de conforto térmico no ambiente envolveu três etapas. Inicialmente, foram feitas medições das variáveis de conforto térmico no ambiente e de variáveis do sistema utilizando simuladores. Posteriormente, foi realizada a avaliação subjetiva do conforto térmico, com a substituição dos simuladores por pessoas no ambiente (usuários), nas mesmas condições da etapa anterior. Finalmente, foram feitas as medições das variáveis de conforto nas zonas de ocupação micro climas na condição de condicionamento individualizado, promovido por ajustes de vazão de ar e direcionamento do fluxo pelos usuários. Os resultados da avaliação permitem concluir que o sistema de condicionamento de ar com insuflamento pelo piso atende às expectativas para promover conforto térmico aos usuários de edifícios de escritórios com potencial de conservação de energia. / Since the introduction of the landscape office concept, the layout type and the internal loads distribution have changed significantly, requesting larger flexibility in the buildings. Besides, building performance evaluation applied to contemporary office buildings has shown that for most such buildings thermal comfort and air quality users level satisfaction is low. These facts are indicating that project concepts, operation and use of air conditioning systems need to be changed. In order to solve these problems, underfloor air supply is becoming a common practice also in Brazil. This system with floor and workstation diffusers allows flexibility and an individualized airflow control. In this work the evaluation of the underfloor air conditioning system was carried out in a laboratory facility with controlled conditions. The laboratory was designed and built up with similar characteristics to those of actual office buildings environments. This fact and the participation of users in the process of thermal comfort evaluation, made possible the definition of design parameters as well as the establishment of the system operation conditions in an effective way. The evaluation of the environment thermal comfort conditions was accomplished in three stages. Initially, measurements of thermal comfort and system variables were made using simulators. Later, in the same conditions of the previous stage, users (a sample of people) have evaluated, in a subjective way, the environment thermal comfort. Finally, measurements of the comfort variables were accomplished in the occupation areas - microclimates - in the condition of individualized conditioning, promoted by air flow adjustments and flow direction by the users. The results of the evaluation allow to conclude that the underfloor air conditioning system satisfies to the expectations to promote thermal comfort to the office building users with potential of energy conservation.
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