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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Industrial land intensification: what is it and how can it be measured

Gilmore, Ryan 10 September 2015 (has links)
The Metro Vancouver region is experiencing high levels of population and employment growth within a strictly limited land base. With increasing competition for land, industrial land in particular is under considerable pressure to be converted to other uses, such as residential and commercial, with the current supply of industrial land is expected to be exhausted within 15 years. Without the ability to expand the industrial land base to meet the region’s future industrial needs, more efficient use of existing industrial lands must be achieved. In recognition of this, the region is investigating intensification policies to encourage better utilization and intensification of industrial lands for industrial activities. The early work on industrial land intensification highlighted a gap in planning literature and practice with respect to how the intensity of industrial land use is defined and measured. A better understanding of intensification in the industrial land context is required for the region to develop industrial land intensification policies. This research practicum explores expanded definitions and measures of intensification. The inquiry develops a prototype analytical tool designed to communicate these definitions and measures and to facilitate the evaluation of industrial land intensification. The prototype tool is based on sustainability assessment tools used in sustainable development planning. Through semi-structured interviews with industrial land stakeholders, expanded definitions and measures of industrial intensification were considered and the prototype tool was refined. The project concludes with a discussion of future directions for the prototype tool, including the development of multiple versions of the tool at different scales and for different industrial sectors; the creation of an intensification rating system; and the adaptation of the tool into a checklist to be integrated into municipal development application processes. These evolutions of the prototype tool anticipate how it could be integrated into planning and development practices and inform industrial land intensification policies in areas such as the Metro Vancouver region. / October 2015

臺北都會區工業變遷與工業用地區位之研究 / The Studies of Industry Alteration and Industrial Land Location for Taipei Metropolitan

陳惠美, Chen,Hui Mei Unknown Date (has links)
現今臺灣地區都市內之工業區不僅面臨低度利用問題,且都市內工業用地 在住宅及商業之競用下,出現所謂廠辦大樓、違規興建之工業住宅等非工 業之使用,這些使用不僅違反都市土地使用分區管制及相關法令之規定, 且令人質疑其使用能否與周圍環境、公共設施負擔相符?此種現象是否顯 示都市內工業區早已失其設置之原義及功能,而一個產業結構如臺北市這 樣的都市,是否仍有工業區設置的必要,因而使筆者對台北市內工業用地 的繼續存在產生質疑,但臺北市與其附近的臺北縣各鄉鎮市間各種產經活 動關係密切,已連成一都會區,若單以臺北市研析,恐有失偏頗,乃以臺 北都會區為範圍,藉其產業結構、工業結構變遷的分析,而對工業用地之 設置提出檢討與建議。本文主要應用歷年台閩地區人口普查、工商普查報 告及筆者蒐集有關臺北都會區工業用地之資料,以相對成長比較分析法、 區位商數、地方化係數、Spearman等級相關分析、複迴歸分析等研究方法 進行分析,得知臺灣地區產業結構已轉為以三級產業為重,而臺北都會區 產業相對於臺灣地區之重要性逐年增加,尤以三級產業最明顯,故臺北會 區未來發展重心應是三級產業,且應是商業、社會團體及個人服務業。再 者,為配合臺北都會區產業及工業發展趨勢,本文綜合臺北都會區目前之 基礎性工業,及適宜於十萬人以上都市發展之工業種類,再整合臺北都會 區內各工業區位分佈所考量因素,而歸納未來臺北都會區適宜發展之工業 種類,而提出臺北都會區未來工業發展及工業用地利用之建議。

都市計畫工業土地轉變使用交易成本之研究 / A Study of Transaction Costs from Conversing the Use of Urban Industrial Land

吳室滿 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化發展及產業結構轉型,造成都市計畫工業土地需求降低,導致工業土地閒置。再者,因都市地區快速發展,都會區住宅需求增加,房價高漲,致引發開發商對取得成本相對較低之都市計畫工業土地開發動機。土地開發過程中,自土地取得、規劃、興建等一連串交易行為所衍生之交易成本不容小覷。當交易成本為零的情況下,財產權得被清楚界定,故賦予財產權予任何人,資源分配結果均不會受影響,此時透過私下協商即可達最有效率之使用,無需政府干預。然在現實生活中,交易成本大於零,使得財產權界定困難度增加。土地使用分區管制界定了土地財產權,致開發商為尋求更大租利,而藉由尋租行為改變土地使用管制環境,進而影響土地使用分區管制決策與財產權結構。   本研究從交易成本理論探討開發商就都市計畫工業土地轉變使用開發架構選擇,藉由就新北市都市計畫工業土地轉變使用與交易成本分析,瞭解開發商就該等土地進行開發時,採取合法或違規轉變使用開發架構選擇及其交易成本暨交易特性。再自土地開發過程、財產權界定、尋租及交易成本理論等相關文獻回顧及所蒐集之新北市都市計畫工業土地轉變使用建案資料中,選取適當變數,建立Logistic迴歸模型。經實證測試結果,影響開發商就都市計畫工業土地轉變使用開發架構選擇因素為建案規模之戶數、總樓地板面積、交易特性中資產特殊性之開發時機及時間之存續時間。最後,依據本研究成果,提供政府機關於管制都市計畫工業土地轉變使用之參考。 / As a result of the development of globalization and the industrial restructuring, the demand of urban industrial land decreased, leaving the industrial land unused. Moreover, because of the rapid development in urban areas, the housing requirements in metropolis increased and the price rose highly, triggering off the motive for developers exploiting relatively low cost urban industrial land. During the process of land development, the transaction cost deriving from a series of trade behaviors including the acquisition of land, planning, construction is high. When the transaction cost turned zero, the property right should be defined obviously; therefore, the property right endued with anyone and the resource-allocation consequence won’t be influenced. Under this circumstance, it can reach the most efficient using via private negotiation, without the government’s intervention. However, the transaction cost is greater than zero in the real life, leading the definition of property right too difficultly. Zoning defined the land property right. In order to obtain more benefits, the developers change the regulatory environment of land use by rent seeking and then affect the decision of zoning and the structure of property right. This study discusses the developers’ choices for converse structure of the urban industrial land based on the transaction cost. According to the New Taipei City conversing use of the urban industrial land and the transaction cost, we could analyzed the developers adopted legal or illegal choices for conversing the exploitative structure and its transaction cost of trade characteristic. Furthermore, the study selects the appropriate variables to establish logistic regression models from the related literature reviews such as the process of land development, property right definition, rent seeking and transaction cost theory and the collected data of the New Taipei City. After actual proof, the factors influence developers’ choices for conversing the use of urban industrial land including the household scale of building project, total floor areas, the development timing and durations of asset specificity for trade characteristic. Lastly, this study will be a reference to provide government in controlling conversion the use of urban industrial land.

Planning for Industrial Land and Industrial Jobs: An Evaluation of New York City's Industrial Business Zone Program

Davis, Jennifer 02 July 2019 (has links)
In recent years, industrial preservation policies, which aim to preserve urban industrial activity and industrial employment often through the preservation of industrial land, have emerged as a flashpoint in cities across the country that have implemented these policies. While critics contend that industrial preservation policies amount to smokestack chasing in “post-industrial” cities like New York City, industrial preservationists argue that such policies help to preserve well-paying, middle-class jobs and thus represent a tool to mitigate rising income inequalities in cities. Despite considerable attention to these policies, minimal research has evaluated the effectiveness of industrial preservation policies as land use and economic development planning tools. This paper inserts itself into the debate surrounding the utility of industrial preservation policies by evaluating the effectiveness of New York City’s 2006 Industrial Business Zone (IBZ) program. Specifically, this paper uses propensity scoring to evaluate various measures of urban industrial activity in designated IBZs compared to a control group of similar areas. This paper finds that IBZs outperformed the control group in terms of better stemming industrial employment losses and industrial land decline. The control group, however, provided a more favorable climate to industrial business starts and performed about the same as IBZs in encouraging capital investments in industrial infrastructure. These findings suggest that the IBZ program yielded mixed results in its efforts to both attract and retain urban industry.

Las áreas de actividad económica ante los nuevos retos territoriales. Revisión y cambio en las estrategias de intervención

Gascón Hernández, Ana María 20 June 2024 (has links)
[ES] En los últimos años, se ha vuelto a considerar a la industria como un factor clave del impulso de la economía nacional y de la competitividad de los territorios. Esta apuesta por la reindustrialización supone un reto también de índole territorial que la investigación urbanística y las administraciones deben poder asumir y saber afrontar. Esto nos obliga a mirar hacia el espacio en el que se han desarrollado tradicionalmente las actividades económicas: los polígonos industriales. Unos lugares que han ido evolucionando a lo largo del tiempo hacia nuevas Áreas de Actividad Económica (AAE), en las que no sólo se desarrollan procesos productivos y una creciente actividad logística, sino que también han ido albergando actividades terciarias y empresariales. Sin embargo, la insuficiente planificación territorial de estas áreas ha configurado un tejido urbano escasamente planificado, con asentamientos que no siguen unos criterios mínimos de ordenación y equilibrio territorial. La gran cantidad de suelo industrial, su estado de obsolescencia y abandono en muchos casos no hacen más que poner de manifiesto la necesidad de modelos de transformación ágiles y ambiciosos. La evolución de la actividad económica y sus retos actuales requieren desde la Urbanística una reflexión profunda, considerando nuevos compromisos ambientales y desde perspectivas más amplias, de escala metropolitana. Esta investigación plantea la necesidad de abordar un estudio sobre la situación actual del suelo destinado a actividades económicas, asumiendo que es parte importante de la complejidad de una ciudad y de su territorio. Analizar la situación actual de las AAE del Área Metropolitana de Valencia nos va a permitir detectar y reconocer cuestiones que pueden llegar a ser determinantes para comprender su propia especificidad y potencialidades. Y también nos va a permitir comprender aspectos generales sobre los temas tratados, con el objetivo de avanzar en la búsqueda de visiones renovadas desde la disciplina urbanística para acometer la regeneración de estas áreas. / [CA] En els últims anys, s'ha tornat a considerar a la indústria com un factor clau de l'impuls de l'economia nacional i de la competitivitat dels territoris. Esta aposta per la reindustrialització suposa un repte també d'índole territorial que la investigació urbanística i les administracions han de poder assumir i saber afrontar. Això ens obliga a mirar cap a l'espai en el qual s'han desenvolupat tradicionalment les activitats econòmiques: els polígons industrials. Uns llocs que han anat evolucionant al llarg del temps cap a noves Àrees d'Activitat Econòmica (AAE), en les quals no sols es desenvolupen processos productius i una creixent activitat logística, sinó que també han anat albergant activitats terciàries i empresarials. No obstant això, la insuficient planificació territorial d'estes àrees ha configurat un teixit urbà escassament planificat, amb assentaments que no seguixen uns criteris mínims d'ordenació i equilibri territorial. La gran quantitat de sòl industrial, el seu estat d'obsolescència i el seu abandó en molts casos no fan més que posar de manifest la necessitat de models de transformació àgils i ambiciosos. L'evolució de l'activitat econòmica i els seus reptes actuals requerixen des de la Urbanística una reflexió profunda, considerant nous compromisos ambientals i des de perspectives més àmplies, d'escala metropolitana. Esta investigació planteja la necessitat d'abordar un estudi sobre la situació actual del sòl destinat a activitats econòmiques, assumint que és part important de la complexitat d'una ciutat i del seu territori. Analitzar la situació actual de les AAE de l'Àrea Metropolitana de València ens permetrà detectar i reconéixer qüestions que poden arribar a ser determinants per a comprendre la seua pròpia especificitat i potencialitats. I també ens permetrà comprendre aspectes generals sobre els temes tractats, amb l'objectiu d'avançar en la cerca de visions renovades des de la disciplina urbanística per a afrontarla regeneració d'estes àrees. / [EN] In recent years, industry has once again been considered a key factor in driving the national economy and territorial competitiveness. This commitment to reindustrialisation is also a territorial challenge that urban planning and public administrations must be able to take on and be able to deal with. This forces us to look at the spaces where economic activities have traditionally taken place: industrial estates. Areas that have evolved over time into new Areas of Economic Activity (AEA), in which not only productive processes and growing logistical activity take place, but also tertiary and business activities. However, the insufficient territorial planning of these areas has led to a poorly planned urban fabric, with settlements that do not meet the minimum standards of territorial balance and planning. The large quantity of industrial land, and in many cases, its state of obsolescence and abandonment clearly demonstrate the need for transformation models that are agile and ambitious. The evolution of economic activity and its current challenges require an in-depth reflection from the urban planning discipline, considering new environmental commitments and broader perspectives from a metropolitan scale. This research proposes the need to undertake a study on the current state of land allocated for economic activities, on the assumption that it plays an important role in the complexity of a city and its territory. Analysing the current state of AEA in the Metropolitan Area of Valencia will allow us to detect and recognise issues that may be decisive in understanding their own specificity and potential. And it will also allow us to understand general aspects of the issues dealt with, with the aim of advancing the search for renewed visions of urban planning to undertake the regeneration of these areas. / Gascón Hernández, AM. (2024). Las áreas de actividad económica ante los nuevos retos territoriales. Revisión y cambio en las estrategias de intervención [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/205223

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