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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitalization for Energy Efficiency in Energy Intensive Industries

Jasonarson, Ivar Kristinn January 2020 (has links)
A fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is on the horizon. It is enabled by advancements in information and communication technologies (i.e. digitalization) and concepts such as the Internet of Things and cyber-physical systems. Industry 4.0 is expected to have great impact on the manufacturing and process industries, changing how products are developed, produced and sold. However, Industry 4.0 is a novel concept and its impacts are still uncertain. An increasingly strict climate and energy agenda in Sweden is putting pressure on the industrial sector and it is, therefore, important that the sector exploits the full potential Industry 4.0 can provide for increased sustainability. This thesis examines the status of digitalization in the Swedish energy intensive industries (i.e. pulp and paper, steel, and chemical industries) and how it could impact energy efficiency in the sector. Qualitative research methods were used to carry out the study. A literature review and in-depth interviews with employees within the industries were conducted. The results show that, while digitalization is considered important for the future competitiveness of the Swedish energy intensive industries, the digital maturity of the sector is not considered high. Digital technologies can increase energy efficiency in a number of different ways (e.g. through better optimization tools, increased availability of processes and more efficient maintenance management). However, there is not a clear link between digital strategies and energy efficiency measures in the energy intensive industries in Sweden. Moreover, energy efficiency is not considered the main driver for implementing digital technologies, it is rather considered a positive side effect. To accelerate the implementation of digital technologies it is important to support further research in this area and encourage a closer cooperation between stakeholders as well as mitigating challenges such as uncertainty regarding return on investment and issues related to data security and ownership. / Industrin är på väg in i en fjärde industriell revolution (Industri 4.0). Revolutionen möjliggörs av framsteg inom informations- och kommunikationsteknologier (digitalisering) och koncept som internet av saker och cyberfysiska system. Industri 4.0 förväntas ha en stor påverkan på tillverknings- och processindustrin, vilket kommer att förändra hur produkter utvecklas, produceras och säljs. Industri 4.0 är dock ett nytt koncept och dess effekter är fortfarande osäkra. I samband med att en allt strängare klimat- och energiagenda i Sverige sätter press på industrisektorn, är det viktigt att sektorn utnyttjar den fulla potentialen som Industri 4.0 kan bidrag med för en ökad hållbarhet. Det här examensarbetet analyserar det nuvarande läget för digitalisering inom de svenska energiintensiva industrierna (dvs. massa och pappers-, stål- och kemisk industrin) och hur det kan påverka energieffektiviteten i sektorn. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa forksningsmetoder. En litteraturstudie och fördjupade intervjuer med anställda inom branscherna genomfördes. Resultaten visar att trots att digitalisering anses vara viktig för de svenska energiintensiva industriernas framtida konkurrenskraft, anses sektorns digitala mognad inte vara hög. Digital teknik kan öka energieffektiviteten på ett antal olika sätt (t.ex. genom bättre optimeringsverktyg, ökad tillgänglighet av processer och effektivare underhållshantering). Det finns dock ingen tydlig koppling mellan digitala strategier och energieffektivitetsåtgärder i de energiintensiva industrierna i Sverige. Dessutom anses energieffektivitet inte vara den främsta drivkraften för att implementera digitala teknologier, utan anses snarare vara en positiv bieffekt. För att påskynda implementeringen av digital teknik är det viktigt att fortsätta stötta forskningen inom området och uppmuntra till ett närmare samarbete mellan olika aktörer samt bemöta utmaningar som osäkerheten kring framtida avkastningar på investeringar och frågor relaterade till datasäkerhet och ägande.

Dynamic Supply Chain Resilience through Emerging Technologies : A Systematic Content Analysis

Lin, Ting An, Thelander, Jens January 2023 (has links)
During the pilot search, we discovered a gap in the literature in regard to the combination of Dynamic Capabilities and Emerging Technologies and the combined effect that both have on creating Supply Chain Resilience. Numerous studies discussed the subject’s individual, or two of the combined, but not all three together. This was the base for the purpose of the study of how emerging technologies will affect the dynamic capabilities of sensing, and from those effects, create supply chain resilience. A systematic content analysis was utilized using the existing literature of the three subjects. Based on the first scan of the literature, a conceptual framework was created, which was the foundation moving forward.  The findings indicate that the implementation of Emerging Technologies into the sensing process will permit an enhanced set of tools for gathering and sharing data and information both internally and externally, while offering increased visibility, traceability and transparency throughout the supply chain, improving sensing capabilities. Due to potentially higher degree of accountability and openness, this could result in a more collaborative nature built on trust and interlinked cooperation. With higher degrees of trust and interconnection between supply chain partners, a decentralized, collective problem-solving system/approach could be applied, where the interests of all involved parties are considered.

Bringing it back home? : The effects of Industry 4.0 on backshoring to the home country: A qualitative study

Jordi, Selina, Roth, Sina January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to study the impact of Industry 4.0 on the backshoring of international companies. As well, this thesis will provide an in-depth look of how backshoring is being carried out under the wave of Industry 4.0. In order to conduct this research, key characteristics concerning the rather new phenomenon of backshoring have been evaluated and later correlated to internationalization and Industry 4.0. In this thesis, an abductive research approach was adopted as the research area was considered rather unexplored. The literature review of this thesis discusses theories regarding internationalization, Industry 4.0 and backshoring. The literature review leads to a conceptual framework that displays interrelations between the different theories. The conceptual framework was next used to investigate the empirical data that was procured from case companies. The findings from this empirical research are then outlined in the following chapter. The analysis chapter presents a comparison between the theory and data, according to the conceptual framework. The final chapter brings together the results from the analysis and integrates insights, limitations, proposals and suggestions for future studies. The main theoretical implications that this thesis has led to involves filling the research gap as well as a definition of the phenomenon of backshoring in a context of international business.The main practical implication is that Industry 4.0 has the potential to enable backshoring for international companies, but there needs to be a balance between cost, quality and availability of skilled labour and infrastructure. While the full effects have yet to be seen, research shows that companies are already taking advantage of increased productivity and efficiency through Industry 4.0 technologies. This thesis presents a new, original perspective on the phenomenon of backshoring, providing fresh insight into the topic. Additionally, this research can be valuable to international companies who have already embraced or plan to invest in Industry 4.0 technologies within their manufacturing process.

Facing Challenges and Overcoming Resistance for Industry 4.0 Implementation : A Descriptive Study of Swedish Manufacturing SMEs

Andersson, Andreas, Härnstam, Erik, Martinez Linder, David January 2023 (has links)
The fourth industrial revolution also known as Industry 4.0 ushers in new advanced manufacturing technologies that enables companies to improve efficiency and reduce waste. The promising outlook of this era suggests that the implementation degree for Swedish manufacturing SMEs operating in a high-tech context should be high, this is however not empirically observed. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the implementation level of Industry 4.0 technologies in the chosen context, identify barriers that hinder implementation, as well as investigate how the use of the new technologies can be increased. The paper uses a quantitative data approach, using empirical data derived from a survey that was sent out to relevant practitioners acting in the manufacturing industry. Findings indicate that the barriers derived from previous literature match what is experienced by the practitioners surveyed, but that the perceived impact between each barrier is varied depending on if they have implemented Industry 4.0 or not. By combining key themes and findings of the paper, a model is constructed and applied to reduce the perceived impact of the barriers leading to higher implementation levels of new advanced technologies.

Harboring the Future: Examining the Digitalization Challenges and Opportunities for Small and Medium-Sized Ports in Sweden

Rabot, Thomas, Wang, Shuhan, Henesey, Niklas January 2023 (has links)
Background: In the context of the latest fourth Industrial Revolution, more and more people have a growing awareness of the concept of Industry 4.0. It has a wide range of applications in various fields and is also particularly important in port logistics. For small and medium-sized ports, digital transformation is significant important since they play a vital role in the supply chain. However, such ports still face many obstacles from digital transformation. Purpose: The study aims to investigate and understand the application of Industry 4.0 in small and medium-sized ports, identify challenges and opportunities related to the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies by analyzing existing advantages. Thus, help small and medium-sized ports better achieve the transformation of port digitization. Method: The method in this thesis is based on grounded theory. Besides, the researchers have chosen interpretivism to utilize surveys with port executives to examine the successful digitalization processes in different sized ports. The methodology employed involves a combination of qualitative data, quantitative and secondary data to support the findings. Additionally, the researchers incorporate stakeholder theory to assess the potential advantages and barriers associated with the digital transformation of ports. Conclusion: The researchers found that the technologies should be implemented in priorities such as digitization and Closed network system. Researchers also identified major barriers to implementation which are financing and knowledge & expertise. Most ports have recognized the importance of Industry 4.0. The main benefits of Industry 4.0 are improved operations and cost saving.

A Comparison of Predefined and Dynamic Mapping for Open-Source AMRs

Tahamtani, Behrad, Kagerin, Christian January 2023 (has links)
With the trend toward more connected and automated industries, the benefits of an open-source version of standard solutions become clear. It is common place to use proprietary Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV); however, using open-source Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) solutions would allow smaller and medium-sized businesses to compete with larger businesses. Implementing an open-source solution would require adapting a mapping technique that it will use. The study compares using a predefined map and a dynamically run-time generated map and the difference in time from start to destination and the distance traveled. The results show that the dynamic and predefined perform better or worse depending on the environment. Using predefined mapping indicates an overall better solution for industries because while the distance and time are pretty close, the variance difference is too significant for an environment that requires consistency.

Digital Transformation within Manufacturing Companies : An Empirical Study of the Factors Affecting Digital Transformation Using Digital Maturity Model

Rashidi, Vida, Patil, Tanvi Kiran January 2023 (has links)
Manufacturing companies are undergoing a digital transformation as the fourth industrial revolution progresses. These companies strive to track their progress in the transformation, understand the affecting factors, and formulate an effective strategy for the transformation. Studies that have been conducted to date have explored various factors that can influence the transformation process in a range of fields, however, there is a lack of research in the manufacturing industry. Hence, the purpose of this research is to explore the enablers and barriers to digital transformation using the maturity model and the importance of having a comprehensive strategy for digital transformation in manufacturing companies. To accomplish this, empirical data is collected through a survey based on a maturity model and combined with interviews. The data collection is done at a case company that is currently undergoing a digital transformation and is facing challenges in further development. The main factors that enable the transformation is leadership support, knowledge creation, having relevant skills, employee involvement and continuous improvement culture. While the barriers to transformation are lack of top management commitment, absence of strategy, lack of financial investments, knowledge ambiguity, poor data management and highly customized products. Many of these factors are consequences of other factors, such as lack of investment which was found to be a consequence of a lack of top management commitment and strategy. Further, the lack of strategy is seen as a root cause leading to insufficient budget, employee resistance, discrepancies in perception among managers, and problems in prioritization of projects. The main takeaways for manufacturing companies from this report are to ensure top management commitment, continuous improvement, and formulation of a comprehensive strategy to succeed with digital transformation.

Quality performance by deploying instant feedback technologies to automotive manufacturing

Shawhan, Jason 30 April 2021 (has links) (PDF)
There are many contributing factors that influence the development, deployment, and use of lean manufacturing techniques. This study will focus on an automotive factory production system but will gather data across many areas. The concepts presented in the available research will then be related to lean manufacturing techniques at a union-based automotive factory. Several factors to focus on during this study are the Industry 4.0 movement, production systems, deployment and implementation strategies, lean manufacturing, persuasive technology, and manufacturing culture. These factors play a significant role in developing and implementing core techniques, which would lead to best in class metrics. The study will also experiment with different technologies and apply these finding to an assembly line. Two contributions that this research will add to the body of knowledge: 1. An action research deployment of instant feedback stations at operators’ workstations with results and analysis of quality outputs. 2. An action research deployment of instant feedback production check sheets from operators to management with results and analysis of quality outputs.

Quality inspection of vessel/ship without human involvement : Current trends and future developments

Padoor Rathiskumar, Roshan January 2022 (has links)
Ships and vessel conditions demand regular assessment to maintain their safety. In the traditional environment, their assessment was conducted using surveys and complex and time-consuming operations. But now, with the emergence of Industry 4.0 where intelligence and smart devices serve the imagery, drone-based, and many other alternative methods for inspection, the subject is obtaining considerable interest. The concept is highly effective with low cost and less disruption delivering a safer inspection approach. This study has examined Industry 4.0 technology as a quality inspection technique of a ship/vessel, examined drone-based ship inspection techniques for quality inspection of the ship/vessel without human involvement, to analyse robotic underwater surveillance methods for quality inspection of the ship/vessel, and to identify vision-based corrosion detection techniques for quality inspection of the ship/vessel. In the finding, it was revealed ship inspection through Industry 4.0 technology and other techniques can help the marine industries rely more on automated systems to gather the information that is required to be capable of authenticating process and product conformance also they can reduce human error, risks and uncover useful insights from the gathered vessel/ship data.

Optimisation through automation : Implications and opportunities of bin picking in manufacturing

Seiholm, Enzo, Sundius, Jesper January 2022 (has links)
Background Manufacturers have to adopt modern technologies to compete at the top of their field. However, adopting new technologies can be expensive and difficult to validate prior to implementation. One technology that has difficulties receiving a wider application is bin picking. Bin picking uses vision technology to communicate with an industrial robot. Consequently, the technology enables robots to pick randomly sorted objects. Research finds that the difficulty in assessing its performance can explain the lacklustre application of bin picking. In addition, research on bin picking is primarily focused on its technical difficulties and neglects information that can be valuable for potential adopters.  Objectives This thesis aims to aid decision-makers in assessing the implications and opportunities of bin picking. Furthermore, the thesis desire to inspire potential adopters by analysing the viability of bin picking through feasibility and the tangible and intangible benefits in a real-world setting. Methods A utility function is developed and assigned categories based on interviews with suppliers and adopters of the technology and literature review. The utility function highlights the feasibility and the intangible benefits of a bin picking solution and enables ranking among alternatives. The highest scoring article is used to conduct a feasibility study in collaboration with suppliers of bin picking technology. Based on the feasibility studies, a DES is created to highlight the implications that may arise in a real manufacturing environment. Finally, financial calculations through NPV, IRR, PP and DPP are created to evaluate the solution. Results All NPV calculations (excluding a 12.5 \% discount rate) are positive with enough years. The IRR is positive when the time span exceeds 11 years. The PP is 10-11 years while the DPP is 12-13, 14-15, 19-20, 32-33 years at a discount rate of 2.5 \%, 5 \%, 7.5 \% respectively 10 \%. However, the investment is never recoupable at a discount rate of 12.5 \%. The categories of the utility function have a clear impact on the feasibility and intangible benefits of the technology in a real-world setting. Bin picking relieves MMH tasks for operators, frees up facility space and reduces the collision risk. However, there are several risks with a bin picking solution. Conclusions Bin picking can become financially viable through automating MMH processes. However, how much capital is released depends on the man-hours spent in the previous process. The feasibility of bin picking implementation is dependent on the geometric complexity of the article, the sorting method inside the bin, the surrounding environment and the time margin. Decision-makers need to account for these factors prior to implementation. The intangible benefits can incentivise decision-makers to implement bin picking, even if the financial calculations show a net loss on the investment. / Bakgrund Tillverkare måste anta moderna tekniker för att kunna konkurrera vid toppen av sin bransch. Det kan dock vara både dyrt och svårt att validera ny teknologi före implementation. En teknologi som har haft det svårt att nå en bredare tillämpning är bin picking. Bin picking använder visionteknik för att kommunicera med industrirobotar. Teknologin gör det möjligt för robotar att plocka slumpmässigt sorterade objekt. Den låga tillämpningen av teknologin kan enligt forskare bero på svårigheterna med att bedöma dess prestanda. Forskning fokuserar dessutom främst på de tekniska problemen med bin picking och försummar information som är värdefull för potentiella användare. Syftet Syftet med denna studie är att tillhandahålla underlag för beslutsfattare att bedöma konsekvenserna och möjligheterna med bin picking. Vidare avser studien att inspirera potentiella användare genom att analysera lönsamheten av bin picking via dess genomförbarhet och dess materiella samt immateriella förmåner i en verklig miljö. Metod En nyttofunktion utvecklas och tilldelas kategorier baserat på intervjuer med leverantörer och antagare av teknologin samt från tidigare litteratur. Nyttofunktionen lyfter fram genomförbarheten samt de immateriella förmånerna i en bin  picking lösning, dessutom möjliggör den rangording mellan alternativ. Artikeln som rankas högst används för att genomföra en förstudie tillsammans med leverantörer av bin picking teknologi. En DES som baseras på förstudierna skapas för att lyfta fram de implikationer som kan uppstå i en verklig produktionsmiljö. Slutligen utvärderas lösningen genom finansiella medel, innefattande NPV, IRR, PP och DPP. Resultat Alla NPV-beräkningar (exklusive vid en diskonteringsränta på 12,5 \%) är positiva efter tillräckligt många år. IRR är positivt när tiden överstiger 11 år. PP är 10-11 år, medans DPP är 12-13, 14-15, 19-20, 32-33 år med en diskonteringsränta på 2,5 \%, 5 \%, 7,5 \% respektive 10 \%. Investeringen är dock aldrig återbetalningsbar vid en diskonteringsränta på 12,5 \%. Nyttofunktionens kategorier har en tydlig påverkan gällande teknologins genomförbarhet och immateriella fördelar i en verklig produktionsmiljö. Bin picking avlastar operatörer från MMH-uppgifter, frigör fabriksyta och minskar kollisionsrisken. Det finns dock flera risker med en bin picking lösning. Slutsats Bin picking kan vara ekonomiskt lönsamt genom att automatisera MMH processer. Hur mycket kapital som frigörs beror dock på det antal arbetstimmar som spenderas vid den manuella processen. Genomförbarheten vid implementeringen av bin picking är beroende av artikelns geometriska komplexitet, sorteringsmetod, omgivningen och tidsmarginal. Detta är faktorer som beslutsfattare måste ta hänsyn till före implementation. De immateriella fördelarna kan ge beslutsfattare incitament att införa bin picking, även om de finansiella beräkningar visar en förlust vid en investering.

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