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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Červená královna / The Red Queen

Králík, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
Red Queen is a chess piece on the story of Alice in Wonderland, which is constantly running to hold it in place, because the world around it is constantly in motion. Therefore, it is a symbol of the theory of evolution, a constant necessity innovation and the eternal escape from competitors. Red Queen's Race is constructed into a miniature civilization, or rather one growing superorganism, which constantly oscillates between the digital and the physical world. The main consciousness of this association is black majestically looking server that supplies with his computing power and energy all attached printers. They are designed specifically for this purpose, such as abstraction of robotics industry, with an emphasis on a functionally aesthetic form, in yellow-orange color of heavy industrial machinery. The most important and largest part of this system, are entities which printers materialize. They are created according to a living creature of this world, generated by computer, based on a unique code, which is the result of calculating the evolutionary recombination, processed by the server, depending on the reactions of outside observers at the objects which are already created. Sense of each entity is attract attention. How much more, the greater is the chance to continue their code in future generations.

Implementace chytré továrny / Implementation of Smart Factory

Marek, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the study of concept of Internet of Things, concept of Industry 4.0 and on current conditions in smart factories. Based on these studies there was designed and implemented hardware and software adjustment for industrial machines and connection of these industrial machines to communication network. There was designed and programmed the application in the C# language. This application provides a data collection from industrial machines, provides various services for machines and humans and this application is processing and viewing necessary data. For these purposes the application is using a database system based on the SQLite. These tasks of designing and implementation are summarized to system, which is determined for smart factory implementation. This implementation is created according to Industry 4.0 concept.

Analýza vybraného podnikatelského subjektu pomocí vybraných metod / Analysis of the Selected Company by Using the Selective Methods

Herman, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
The object of this diploma thesis is the analysis of the business entity Turck, s.r.o., which operates in the field of industrial automation. Selected analytical methods evaluate the external and internal environment of the company and its financial stability. The last part of this diploma thesis provides suggestions for improvements.

Wissensgemeinschaften in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung: 20. Workshop GeNeMe'17 Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien: Dresden, 18.-20.10.2017

Köhler, Thomas, Schoop, Eric, Kahnwald, Nina 23 March 2018 (has links)
Die 20. Tagung der Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien (GeNeMe) stellt innovative Technologien und Prozesse zur Organisation, Kooperation und Kommunikation in virtuellen Gemeinschaften vor und bildet ein Forum zum fachlichen Austausch insbesondere in den Themenfeldern Wissensmanagement und E-Learning. Diskutiert werden nicht nur technologische oder ökonomische Gesichtspunkte der Nutzung neuer Medien, vielmehr werden auch soziologische, psychologische, personalwirtschaftliche, didaktische und rechtliche Aspekte betrachtet. Die GeNeMe richtet sich an Experten aus Forschung und Industrie und sucht den Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Teilnehmern verschiedenster Fachrichtungen, Organisationen und Institutionen aus Wirtschaft und Verwaltung. Die aktuell diskutierten digitalen Transformationsprozesse (Industrie 4.0, IoT) prägen die GeNeMe 2017. Im Fokus stehen Innovation und Forschung, Methoden und Werkzeuge zur digitalen Abbildung wissens-intensiver Zusammenarbeit in zunehmend heterogener werdenden Gemeinschaften (augmented knowledge communities). Weitere Impulse kommen aus den Themenfeldern der Wissensvisualisierung und der Wissensarchitektur. Neben den informatischen und medientechnologischen Analysen findet auch die Praxis der (organisationalen) Wissensintegration, sei es durch Wissensmanagement, Lern- oder Bildungsprozesse, Beachtung. Die GeNeMe 2017 lädt Referenten und Gäste ein, die Trends aus der Praxis in den Blick zu nehmen und zu analysieren. Insgesamt bestimmen unsere Antworten auf offene Fragen mehr denn je, wie sich professionelles und privates Handeln gestalten lässt. Die weiterhin zunehmende Mobilität moderner multimedialer Systeme wie Smartphones und Tablets erschließt auch den letzten Bereich, eine hohe Verfügbarkeit bzw. Immersion sind die Folge. [... aus der Einleitung]:Wissensgemeinschaften in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung ... XVIII Knowledge Communities in Business, Science and Public Administration ... XXII Keynotes – eingeladene Vorträge ... 1 Keynote zur Eröffnungsveranstaltung am 18.Oktober 2017 im Stadtmuseum Dresden ... 1 E-Kompetenzen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung ... 3 Digitale Transformation – Beispiele aus der Praxis. Neue Wege zum Kunden. Neue Geschäftsmodelle. Neue Wege in Produktion und Kollaboration ... 8 Community Manager, Handlungs- und Informationsmanagement in Online Communities ... 14 Rahmenbedingungen und Anreize zur Gestaltung proaktiver Lern- und Wissenscommunities: Anforderungen an das Community Management ... 14 “With A Little Help From My (Online?) Friends” – A Comparison of Support Seeking, Receiving and Providing Support in Online and Offline Communities ... 26 How to ensure sustainability within online communities? Raising the problem from the point of view of the Erasmus Plus project “European Social Entrepreneurs” ... 39 Der MOOC „Ready for Study“: Kompetenzorientiertes Lernen in heterogenen Gruppen ... 45 Öffentliche Verwaltung: Infrastruktur und Anwendungsfelder Sozialer Gemeinschaften ... 57 Anwendung der E-Kompetenzstudie im IT-Bereich einer kommunalen Behörde ... 57 Die Katastrophe im Blick – Navigation durch die (Informations-) Flut ... 67 The link between information technology, performance management and school effectiveness: An empirical study in German schools ... 76 Online Communities und Digitale Wissensarchitektur ... 80 Entrepreneurship on the Road: Sensibilisierung für Digital Business Modeling & Marketing in mobilen Innovationslaboren ... 80 Gestaltung von Smart Learning Environments in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung ... 89 Absorptive Capacity in Startup´s – Organisationale sowie externe Determinanten und ihr Einfluss auf die Wissensakquise junger Unternehmen ... 99 Diskursanalysen und empirische Analysen und Technologien ... 108 Analyse wissenschaftlicher Konferenz-Tweets mittels Codebook und der Software Tweet Classifier ... 108 Listening to the Crowd: Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Diskursstrukturanalyse für die Partizipation in der Stadtplanung ... 118 Usability von Fragebogen auf mobilen Endgeräten ...125 Auf die Typen kommt es an. Eine empirische Analyse studentischer Spielertypen ... 137 Learning und Academic Analytics in Lernmanagementsystemen (LMS): Herausforderungen und Handlungsfelder im nationalen Hochschulkontext ... 145 Customer Satisfaction in Networked Narratives – Exploring the applicability of ECT in Alternate Reality Games ... 162 Wissensbasierte online- (Zusammen-) Arbeit in Lehre und Forschung ... 172 Student Readiness for Online Learning – A case study in rural Bolivia ... 172 Measuring Knowledge in Computer Network Vocational Training by Monitoring Learning Style Preferences of Students ... 183 Vermittlung von digitalen Fähigkeiten in außerschulischen Lernorten. Das europäische Kooperationsprojekt Codemob an der Schnittstelle zwischen Forschung und Praxis ... 196 Digitalisierung in den Köpfen verankern – am Beispiel eines mittelständischen Unternehmens ... 201 Open Educational Resources (OER) in Sachsen Status Quo – Potentiale – Herausforderungen ... 205 Wissenshäppchen als Facebook Instant Article – ein durchaus mögliches Zukunftsszenario ... 214 Video Based Cooperation in Education ... 221 Videoportalsysteme in der Hochschule – Ergebnisse eines Systemfunktionsvergleichs für den Videocampus Sachsen ... 221 Videocampus Sachsen – Pilotplattform ... 230 Video-enhanced Reflection in Iran: Impacts of Gender and Experience ... 234 Computergestützte berufliche Weiterbildung von Sportlehrkräften ... 249 Mixed Reality Konzepte für Online Gemeinschaften ... 259 Welche Gamification motiviert? Ein Experiment zu Abzeichen, Feedback, Fortschrittsanzeige und Story ... 259 Catch them all! - Pokémon Go führt zu steigender physischer Aktivität und sozialer Zugehörigkeit ... 269 Erfahrungen zur Nutzung von Mixed und Virtual Reality im Lehralltag an der HTW Dresden ... 280 Open Work Space ... 292 Lernwelten 4.0 – Ein Open Work Space zur GeNeMe 2017 ... 292 Adress- und Autorenverzeichnis ... 295 / The 20th Communities in New Media (GeNeMe) Conference presents innovative technologies and processes for the organization, cooperation, and communication in virtual communities. It is a forum for professional exchange especially in the fields of knowledge management and online learning. The conference focuses not only on technological and economic aspects of the use of new media, but takes a closer look at sociological, psychological, economic, didactic, and legal facets as well. GeNeMe is geared towards experts from research and industry. It is designed to promote practical and scholarly insights among participants from various disciplines, organizations, and institutions from academia, business and administration. The currently discussed digital transformation processes (Industry 4.0, IoT) are the most prominent topics of the GeNeMe 2017. The focus lays on innovation and research, constituting pivotal methods and tools for digitally mapping knowledge-intensive cooperation in increasingly heterogeneous communities (augmented knowledge communities). The fields of knowledge visualization and knowledge-based architecture provide additional stimuli. In addition to the informal and media-technological analyses, the practice of (organizational) knowledge integration, whether through knowledge management, learning or education processes, is also considered. The GeNeMe 2017 invites speakers and guests to take a closer look at current trends. Overall, our answers to outstanding questions determine more than ever how professional and private action can be shaped. The ever-increasing mobility of modern multi-media systems such as smartphones and tablets technologizes every part of life, resulting in high availability and / or immersion. [... from the introduction]:Wissensgemeinschaften in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung ... XVIII Knowledge Communities in Business, Science and Public Administration ... XXII Keynotes – eingeladene Vorträge ... 1 Keynote zur Eröffnungsveranstaltung am 18.Oktober 2017 im Stadtmuseum Dresden ... 1 E-Kompetenzen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung ... 3 Digitale Transformation – Beispiele aus der Praxis. Neue Wege zum Kunden. Neue Geschäftsmodelle. Neue Wege in Produktion und Kollaboration ... 8 Community Manager, Handlungs- und Informationsmanagement in Online Communities ... 14 Rahmenbedingungen und Anreize zur Gestaltung proaktiver Lern- und Wissenscommunities: Anforderungen an das Community Management ... 14 “With A Little Help From My (Online?) Friends” – A Comparison of Support Seeking, Receiving and Providing Support in Online and Offline Communities ... 26 How to ensure sustainability within online communities? Raising the problem from the point of view of the Erasmus Plus project “European Social Entrepreneurs” ... 39 Der MOOC „Ready for Study“: Kompetenzorientiertes Lernen in heterogenen Gruppen ... 45 Öffentliche Verwaltung: Infrastruktur und Anwendungsfelder Sozialer Gemeinschaften ... 57 Anwendung der E-Kompetenzstudie im IT-Bereich einer kommunalen Behörde ... 57 Die Katastrophe im Blick – Navigation durch die (Informations-) Flut ... 67 The link between information technology, performance management and school effectiveness: An empirical study in German schools ... 76 Online Communities und Digitale Wissensarchitektur ... 80 Entrepreneurship on the Road: Sensibilisierung für Digital Business Modeling & Marketing in mobilen Innovationslaboren ... 80 Gestaltung von Smart Learning Environments in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung ... 89 Absorptive Capacity in Startup´s – Organisationale sowie externe Determinanten und ihr Einfluss auf die Wissensakquise junger Unternehmen ... 99 Diskursanalysen und empirische Analysen und Technologien ... 108 Analyse wissenschaftlicher Konferenz-Tweets mittels Codebook und der Software Tweet Classifier ... 108 Listening to the Crowd: Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Diskursstrukturanalyse für die Partizipation in der Stadtplanung ... 118 Usability von Fragebogen auf mobilen Endgeräten ...125 Auf die Typen kommt es an. Eine empirische Analyse studentischer Spielertypen ... 137 Learning und Academic Analytics in Lernmanagementsystemen (LMS): Herausforderungen und Handlungsfelder im nationalen Hochschulkontext ... 145 Customer Satisfaction in Networked Narratives – Exploring the applicability of ECT in Alternate Reality Games ... 162 Wissensbasierte online- (Zusammen-) Arbeit in Lehre und Forschung ... 172 Student Readiness for Online Learning – A case study in rural Bolivia ... 172 Measuring Knowledge in Computer Network Vocational Training by Monitoring Learning Style Preferences of Students ... 183 Vermittlung von digitalen Fähigkeiten in außerschulischen Lernorten. Das europäische Kooperationsprojekt Codemob an der Schnittstelle zwischen Forschung und Praxis ... 196 Digitalisierung in den Köpfen verankern – am Beispiel eines mittelständischen Unternehmens ... 201 Open Educational Resources (OER) in Sachsen Status Quo – Potentiale – Herausforderungen ... 205 Wissenshäppchen als Facebook Instant Article – ein durchaus mögliches Zukunftsszenario ... 214 Video Based Cooperation in Education ... 221 Videoportalsysteme in der Hochschule – Ergebnisse eines Systemfunktionsvergleichs für den Videocampus Sachsen ... 221 Videocampus Sachsen – Pilotplattform ... 230 Video-enhanced Reflection in Iran: Impacts of Gender and Experience ... 234 Computergestützte berufliche Weiterbildung von Sportlehrkräften ... 249 Mixed Reality Konzepte für Online Gemeinschaften ... 259 Welche Gamification motiviert? Ein Experiment zu Abzeichen, Feedback, Fortschrittsanzeige und Story ... 259 Catch them all! - Pokémon Go führt zu steigender physischer Aktivität und sozialer Zugehörigkeit ... 269 Erfahrungen zur Nutzung von Mixed und Virtual Reality im Lehralltag an der HTW Dresden ... 280 Open Work Space ... 292 Lernwelten 4.0 – Ein Open Work Space zur GeNeMe 2017 ... 292 Adress- und Autorenverzeichnis ... 295

Imagebroschüre der Technischen Universität Chemnitz : Fragestellungen der Zukunft

van Zyl, Arnold 08 November 2017 (has links)
Wir stehen im fächerübergreifenden Dialog inner- und außerhalb der Universität und sind auch Ansprechpartner zu den wichtigen Fragestellungen der Zukunft – sei es in Lehre und Studium, in der Forschung, in der Ausbildung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses oder im Transfer von Wissen und technologischem Know-how in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Exemplarische Einblicke in die Chemnitzer Arbeit zu Themengebieten, die auf deutscher und europäischer Ebene als zukunftsweisend diskutiert werden, gibt diese Broschüre. / We invite you with this brochure to join us in the dialogue about our shared future.

Assistenzsysteme in der intelligenten, digitalisierten Fabrik: Erstellung einer Marktübersicht mit anschließender Evaluation: Assistenzsysteme in der intelligenten, digitalisierten Fabrik: Erstellung einer Marktübersicht mit anschließender Evaluation

Gerhardt, Tom 29 March 2017 (has links)
Das weite Feld der Digitalisierung findet in Deutschland unter dem Begriff "Industrie 4.0" erste Anwendungen in der Arbeitswelt. Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit untersucht industrielle Assistenzsysteme. Diese können in ganz unterschiedler Art und Weise dem Mitarbeiter zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Unterstützung bei der Verrichtung von Arbeitsaufgaben ist das Ziel. Dabei können die Systeme als tragbare Kleinstcomputer am Körper eingesetzt werden, oder als umfassendes Verarbeitungssystem von Produktionsdaten im Unternehmen implementiert werden. Betrachtet werden zwei prägnante Beispiele aus diesem Bereich der Assistenz für den Mitarbeiter im produzierenden Unternehmen. Eine ständig wachsende Menge von Assistenzsystemen am Markt lässt sich bislang nur anhand von Werbung und Produktvorstellungen charakterisieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die beiden Beispielsysteme nach Gesichtspunkten der Arbeitswissenschaft zu untersuchen. Tauglichkeit für das Tagesgeschäft, ergonomische und mitarbeiterfreundliche Bedienung werden betrachtet. In den theoretischen Grundlagen wird ein allgemeines Verständnis der Begriffe aus dem Bereich der Digitalisierung aufgebaut. Weiterhin wird ein Überblick über die verwendeten Beispielsysteme ausgehend von deren Produktvorstellungen gegeben. Diese Systeme werden mit qualitativen Forschungsmethoden durch einen Experten der Branche evaluiert. Kernaussagen aus verschiedenen Bereichen, wie beispielsweise Ergonomie und Einsetzbarkeit werden abgeleitet. / The broad field of digitalisation finds its first applications in the German working environment under the term "Industry 4.0". This bachelor thesis examines industrial assistance systems that can be made available to employees in many different ways, with the goal to support the performance of work tasks. The systems can be used as portable microcomputers on the body or implemented as a comprehensive processing system for company production data. The thesis examines two concise examples from this area of employee assistance in manufacturing companies. To date, a constantly growing number of assistance systems on the market can only be characterised by advertising and product concepts. The aim of this thesis is to analyize the two example systems from an ergonomics point of view as well as suitability for day-to-day business and employee-friendly operations. In the theoretical basics, a general understanding of terms from the field of digitalisation is developed. Furthermore, an overview of the example systems utilized is provided based on their product presentations. These systems are evaluated by an industry expert using qualitative research method to determine core statements from various areas, such as ergonomics and usability.

Approches intelligentes pour le pilotage adaptatif des systèmes en flux tirés dans le contexte de l'industrie 4.0 / Intelligent approaches for handling adaptive pull control systems in the context of industry 4.0

Azouz, Nesrine 28 June 2019 (has links)
De nos jours, de nombreux systèmes de production sont gérés en flux « tirés » et utilisent des méthodes basées sur des « cartes », comme : Kanban, ConWIP, COBACABANA, etc. Malgré leur simplicité et leur efficacité, ces méthodes ne sont pas adaptées lorsque la production n’est pas stable et que la demande du client varie. Dans de tels cas, les systèmes de production doivent donc adapter la tension de leur flux tout au long du processus de fabrication. Pour ce faire, il faut déterminer comment ajuster dynamiquement le nombre de cartes (ou de ‘e-card’) en fonction du contexte. Malheureusement, ces décisions sont complexes et difficiles à prendre en temps réel. De plus, dans certains cas, changer trop souvent le nombre de cartes kanban peut perturber la production et engendrer un problème de nervosité. Les opportunités offertes par l’industrie 4.0 peuvent être exploitées pour définir des stratégies intelligentes de pilotage de flux permettant d’adapter dynamiquement ce nombre de cartes kanban.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons, dans un premier temps, une approche adaptative basée sur la simulation et l'optimisation multi-objectif, capable de prendre en considération le problème de la nervosité et de décider de manière autonome (ou d'aider les gestionnaires)  quand et où ajouter ou retirer des cartes Kanban. Dans un deuxième temps, nous proposons une nouvelle approche adaptative et intelligente basée sur un réseau de neurones dont l’apprentissage est d’abord réalisé hors ligne à l’aide d’un modèle numérique jumeau (simulation), exploité par une optimisation multi-objectif. Après l’apprentissage, le réseau de neurones permet de décider en temps réel, quand et à quelle étape de fabrication il est pertinent de changer le nombre de cartes kanban. Des comparaisons faites avec les meilleures méthodes publiées dans la littérature montrent de meilleurs résultats avec des changements moins fréquents. / Today, many production systems are managed in "pull" control system and used "card-based" methods such as: Kanban, ConWIP, COBACABANA, etc. Despite their simplicity and efficiency, these methods are not suitable when production is not stable and customer demand varies. In such cases, the production systems must therefore adapt the “tightness” of their production flow throughout the manufacturing process. To do this, we must determine how to dynamically adjust the number of cards (or e-card) depending on the context. Unfortunately, these decisions are complex and difficult to make in real time. In addition, in some cases, changing too often the number of kanban cards can disrupt production and cause a nervousness problem. The opportunities offered by Industry 4.0 can be exploited to define smart flow control strategies to dynamically adapt this number of kanban cards.In this thesis, we propose, firstly, an adaptive approach based on simulation and multi-objective optimization technique, able to take into account the problem of nervousness and to decide autonomously (or to help managers) when and where adding or removing Kanban cards. Then, we propose a new adaptive and intelligent approach based on a neural network whose learning is first realized offline using a twin digital model (simulation) and exploited by a multi-objective optimization method. Then, the neural network could be able to decide in real time, when and at which manufacturing stage it is relevant to change the number of kanban cards. Comparisons made with the best methods published in the literature show better results with less frequent changes.

Instructing workers through a head-worn Augmented Reality display and through a stationary screen on manual industrial assembly tasks : A comparison study

Kenklies, Kai Malte January 2020 (has links)
It was analyzed if instructions on a head-worn Augmented Reality display (AR-HWD) are better for manual industrial assembly tasks than instructions on a stationary screen. A prototype was built which consisted of virtual instruction screens for two example assembly tasks. In a comparison study participants performed the tasks with instructions through an AR-HWD and alternatively through a stationary screen. Questionnaires, interviews and observation notes were used to evaluate the task performances and the user experience. The study revealed that the users were excited and enjoyed trying the technology. The perceived usefulness at the current state was diverse, but the users saw a huge potential in AR-HWDs for the future. The task accuracy with instructions on the AR-HWD was equally good as with instructions on the screen. AR-HWDs are found to be a better approach than a stationary screen, but technological limitations need to be overcome and workers need to train using the new technology to make its application efficient.


Saikiran Gopalakrishnan (12442764) 22 April 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>There has been a growing interest within the aerospace industry for shifting towards a digital twin approach, for reliable assessment of individual components during the product lifecycle - across design, manufacturing, and in-service maintenance, repair & overhaul (MRO) stages. The transition towards digital twins relies on continuous updating of the product lifecycle datasets and interoperable exchange of data applicable to components, thereby permitting engineers to utilize current state information to make more-informed downstream decisions. In this thesis, we primarily develop a framework to store, track, update, and retrieve product lifecycle data applicable to a serialized component, its features, and individual locations. </p> <p>From a structural integrity standpoint, the fatigue performance of a component is inherently tied to the component geometry, its material state, and applied loading conditions. The manufacturing process controls the underlying material microstructure, which in turn governs the mechanical properties and ultimately the performance. The processing also controls the residual stress distributions within the component volume, which influences the durability and damage tolerance of the component. Hence, we have demonstrated multiple use cases for fatigue life assessment of critical aerospace components, by using the developed framework for efficiently tracking and retrieving (i) the current geometric state, (ii) the material microstructure state, and (iii) residual stress distributions.</p> <p>Model-based definitions (MBDs) present opportunities to capture both geometric and non-geometric data using 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models, with the overarching aim to disseminate product information across different stages of the lifecycle. MBDs can potentially eliminate error-prone information exchange associated with traditional paper-based drawings and improve the fidelity of component details, captured using 3D CAD models. However, current CAD capabilities limit associating the material information with the component’s shape definition. Furthermore, the material attributes of interest, viz., material microstructures and residual stress distributions, can vary across the component volume. To this end, in the first part of the thesis, we implement a CAD-based tool to store and retrieve metadata using point objects within a CAD model, thereby creating associations to spatial locations within the component. The tool is illustrated for storage and retrieval of bulk residual stresses developed during the manufacturing of a turbine disk component, acquired from process modeling and characterization. Further, variations in residual stress distribution owing to process model uncertainties have been captured as separate instances of the disk’s CAD models to represent part-to-part variability as an analogy to track individual serialized components for digital twins. The propagation of varying residual stresses from these CAD models within the damage tolerance analysis performed at critical locations in the disk has been demonstrated. The combination of geometric and non-geometric data inside the MBD, via storage of spatial and feature varying information, presents opportunities to create digital replica or digital twin(s) of actual component(s) with location-specific material state information.</p> <p>To fully realize a digital twin description of components, it is crucial to dynamically update information tied to a component as it evolves across the lifecycle, and subsequently track and retrieve current state information. Hence, in the second part of the thesis, we propose a dynamic data linking approach to include material information within the MBDs. As opposed to storing material datasets directly within the CAD model in the previous approach, we externally store and update the material datasets and create data linkages between material datasets and features within the CAD models. To this end, we develop a model-based feature information network (MFIN), a software agnostic framework for linking, updating, searching, and retrieving of relevant information across a product’s lifecycle. The use case of a damage tolerance analysis for a compressor bladed-disk (blisk) is demonstrated, wherein Ti-6Al-4V blade(s) are linear friction welded to the Ti-6Al-4V disk, comprising well-defined regions exhibiting grain refinement and high residuals stresses. By capturing the location-specific microstructural information and residual stress fields at the weld regions, this information was accessed within the MFIN and used for downstream damage tolerant analysis. The introduction of the MFIN framework facilitates access to dynamically evolving as well as location-specific data for use within physics-based models.</p> <p>In the third part of thesis, we extend the MFIN framework to enable a physics-based, microstructure sensitive and location-specific fatigue life analysis of a component. Traditionally, aerospace components are treated as monolithic structures during lifing, wherein microstructural information at individual locations are not necessarily considered. The resulting fatigue life estimates are conservative and associated with large uncertainty bounds, especially in components with gradient microstructures or distinct location-specific microstructures, thereby leading to under usage of the component’s capabilities. To improve precision in the fatigue estimates, a location-specific lifing framework is enabled via MFIN, for tracking and retrieval of microstructural information at distinct locations for subsequent use within a crystal plasticity-based fatigue life prediction model. A use case for lifing dual-microstructure heat treated LSHR turbine disk component is demonstrated at two locations, near the bore (fine grains) and near the rim (coarse grains) regions. We employ the framework to access (a) the grain size statistics and (b) the macroscopic strain fields to inform precise boundary conditions for the crystal plasticity finite-element analysis. The illustrated approach to conduct a location-specific predictive analysis of components presents opportunities for tailoring the manufacturing process and resulting microstructures to meet the component’s targeted requirements.</p> <p>For reliably conducting structural integrity analysis of a component, it is crucial to utilize their precise geometric description. The component geometries encounter variations from nominal design geometries, post manufacturing or after service. However, traditionally, stress analyses are based on nominal part geometries during assessment of these components. In the last part of the thesis, we expand the MFIN framework to dynamically capture deviations in the part geometry via physical measurements, to create a new instance of the CAD model and the associated structural analysis. This automated workflow enables engineers for improved decision-making by assessing (i) as-manufactured part geometries that fall outside of specification requirements during the materials review board or (ii) in-service damages in parts during the MRO stages of the lifecycle. We demonstrate a use case to assess the structural integrity of a turbofan blade that had experienced foreign object damage (FOD) during service. The as-designed geometry was updated based on coordinate measurements of the damaged blade surfaces, by applying a NURBS surface fit, and subsequently utilized for downstream finite-element stress analysis. The ramifications of the FOD on the local stresses within the part are illustrated, providing critical information to the engineers for their MRO decisions. The automated flow of information from geometric inspection within structural analysis, enabled by MFIN, presents opportunities for effectively assessing products by utilizing their current geometries and improving decision-making during the product lifecycle.</p>

Production 4.0 of Ring Mill 4 Ovako AB

Hassan, Muhammad January 2020 (has links)
Cyber-Physical System (CPS) or Digital-Twin approach are becoming popular in industry 4.0 revolution. CPS not only allow to view the online status of equipment, but also allow to predict the health of tool. Based on the real time sensor data, it aims to detect anomalies in the industrial operation and prefigure future failure, which lead it towards smart maintenance. CPS can contribute to sustainable environment as well as sustainable production, due to its real-time analysis on production. In this thesis, we analyzed the behavior of a tool of Ringvalsverk 4, at Ovako with its twin model (known as Digital-Twin) over a series of data. Initially, the data contained unwanted signals which is then cleaned in the data processing phase, and only before production signal is used to identify the tool’s model. Matlab’s system identification toolbox is used for identifying the system model, the identified model is also validated and analyzed in term of stability, which is then used in CPS. The Digital-Twin model is then used and its output being analyzed together with tool’s output to detect when its start deviate from normal behavior.

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