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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improving supply chain visibility within logistics by implementing a Digital Twin : A case study at Scania Logistics / Att förbättra synlighet inom logistikkedjor genom att implementera en Digital Tvilling : En fallstudie på Scania Logistics

BLOMKVIST, YLVA, ULLEMAR LOENBOM, LEO January 2020 (has links)
As organisations adapt to the rigorous demands set by global markets, the supply chains that constitute their logistics networks become increasingly complex. This often has a detrimental effect on the supply chain visibility within the organisation, which may in turn have a negative impact on the core business of the organisation. This paper aims to determine how organisations can benefit in terms of improving their logistical supply chain visibility by implementing a Digital Twin — an all-encompassing virtual representation of the physical assets that constitute the logistics system. Furthermore, challenges related to implementation and the necessary steps to overcome these challenges were examined.  The results of the study are that Digital Twins may prove beneficial to organisations in terms of improving metrics of analytics, diagnostics, predictions and descriptions of physical assets. However, these benefits come with notable challenges — managing implementation and maintenance costs, ensuring proper information modelling, adopting new technology and leading the organisation through the changes that an implementation would entail.  In conclusion, a Digital Twin is a powerful tool suitable for organisations where the benefits outweigh the challenges of the initial implementation. Therefore, careful consideration must be taken to ensure that the investment is worthwhile. Further research is required to determine the most efficient way of introducing a Digital Twin to a logistical supply chain. / I takt med att organisationer anpassar sig till de hårda krav som ställs av den globala marknaden ökar också komplexiteten i deras logistiknätverk. Detta har ofta en negativ effekt på synligheten inom logistikkedjan i organisationen, vilken i sin tur kan ha en negativ påverkan på organisationens kärnverksamhet. Målet med denna studie är att utröna de fördelar som organisationer kan uppnå vad gäller att förbättra synligheten inom deras logistikkedjor genom att implementera en Digital Tvilling — en allomfattande virtuell representation av de fysiska tillgångar som utgör logistikkedjan.  Resultaten av studien är att Digitala Tvillingar kan vara gynnsamma för organisationer när det gäller att förbättra analys, diagnostik, prognoser och beskrivningar av fysiska tillgångar. Implementationen medför dock utmaningar — hantering av implementations- och driftskostnader, utformning av informationsmodellering, anammandet av ny teknik och ledarskap genom förändringsarbetet som en implementering skulle innebära.  Sammanfattningsvis är en Digital Tvilling ett verktyg som lämpar sig för organisationer där fördelarna överväger de utmaningar som tillkommer med implementationen. Därmed bör beslutet om en eventuell implementation endast ske efter noggrant övervägande. Vidare forskning behöver genomföras för att utröna den mest effektiva metoden för att introducera en Digital Tvilling till en logistikkedja.

Facilitating an Industry 4.0 Implementation

Larsson, Louise, Nilsson, Jennie January 2019 (has links)
We are today facing an industrial revolution called Industry 4.0. Earlier in the human history, we have seen multiple industrial revolutions, but only after they actually happened. This is the first time we can see that an industrial revolution is on its way. Witht his knowledge, we have the chance to prepare for this large‐scaled technological change that we are standing in front of. Because of the impact that earlier industrial revolutions had on organizations, we can assume that Industry 4.0, as well, will impact and change work, tasks and the organizations themselves; especially when it comes to new high‐tech knowledge and skills that need to be learnt. Implementation, change, and high‐tech learning, together with a constantly running production can be stressful for anyone involved. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to come up with solutions on how you can facilitate the implementation of Industry 4.0, for employees and in an organizational point of view. We do this by conducting a literature study as well as interviewing organizations within the Swedish manufacturing industry. The structure of the analysis is built upon Lewin’s Three‐stage Model of Change. Here, we discuss and present solutions according to the stage in which they fit during the change process. Additionally, we investigate the concept of gamification as a tool to facilitate change. From our research, we conclude that motivation and engagement are keys in a technological change project such as Industry 4.0. Involvement, transparency and clarity are important aspects to make employees engaged throughout the project. Additionally, we present practical solutions for how organizations can educate their employees within Industry 4.0 techniques, as well as increase their motivation and engagement. / Vi står idag inför en industriell revolution som kallas Industri 4.0. Tidigare i historien har vi sett industriella revolutioner först efter att de inträffat. Det är nu första gången vi kanse att en industriell revolution är på väg. Med denna kunskap har vi idag en möjlighet att förbereda oss för den teknologiska utveckling som vi står inför. På grund av de tidigare industriella revolutionerna och den stora påverkan som de har haft på organisationer, kan vi anta att Industri 4.0 också kommer förändra jobb, uppgifter och organisationer – framför allt när det kommer till den nya teknologiska kunskap som nya maskiner och system kommer kräva av de som använder dem. Implementering, förändring och en hög nivå av teknologiskt lärande, samtidigt som produktionen fortfarande kommer snurra dygnet runt, kan vara stressigt för vem som helst. Därför syftar detta examensarbete till att ta fram lösningar för hur man kan förenkla implementationen av Industri 4.0, ur ett medarbetarperspektiv och för organisationen som helhet. Vi gör detta genom en litteraturstudie och genom intervjuer med organisationer inom den svenska tillverkningsindustrin. Strukturen på analysen bygger på Lewins trestegsmodell för förändring. Här diskuterar och presenterar vi lösningar enligt vilket steg de passar in i under förändringsprocessen. Vidare utvärderar vi gamification som ett verktyg för att underlätta förändringen. Detta arbete kommer fram till att det viktigaste för att genomföra ett förändringsarbete i denna omfattning är motivation och engagemang från både anställda och ledning. Involvering, transparens och tydlighet är viktiga delar för att göra anställda engagerade genom hela projektet. Vidare presenterar vi lösningar för hur man kan utbilda sina anställda inom Industri 4.0‐tekniker, och även för hur man kan öka motivation och engagemang.

The 3rd Advanced Manufacturing Student Conference (AMSC23) Chemnitz, Germany 13–14 July 2023

Odenwald, Stephan, Götze, Uwe, Dix, Martin, Krumm, Dominik 15 August 2023 (has links)
The 3rd Advanced Manufacturing Student Conference (AMSC23) continues its mission to foster skills in Research Methods within Engineering Sciences. Organized jointly by Chemnitz University of Technology and the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology, AMSC23 offers a platform for students to engage with cutting-edge research in advanced manufacturing. The conference covers diverse areas, including Additive Manufacturing, Cyber-Physical Systems, Industry 4.0, Human-Machine Interaction, and Sustainable Manufacturing. Abstracts highlight advancements in Additive Manufacturing, explore integration of Blockchain in Smart Manufacturing, discuss Industry 4.0's impact on sustainability, and delve into Human-Machine Collaboration. Machine Learning, AI applications, and advancements in Printed Functionalities are also addressed. Sustainability themes encompass circular economy principles and the sustainable aspects of additive manufacturing. Virtual and Augmented Reality's role in enhancing manufacturing processes is also examined. With a focus on knowledge exchange, AMSC23 serves as a valuable platform for the next generation of manufacturing professionals.:# Foreword # Scientific Committee & Board of Reviewers # Additive Manufacturing – Technology and Application - Use of Infrared Thermography for Fault Detection in Welding: Challenges and Potential (M. Ahmed) - Dental Implant Construction: The Advantages of Selective Laser Melting (SLM) Technology (S. Ali) - A Review of Monitoring in WAAM (M. Altobelli) - Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace: Advancements, Applications, and Impacts (U. Ayub) - Methods of Multi-Material Printing (S. Barve) - Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy a Non-Destructive Approach for Defect Detection in Additively Manufactured Parts (N. Chavan) - Manufacturing Methods to Fabricate Aerospace Structures Focusing on Wings (A. Correa Rivera) - A Review on Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process: Defects and Their Influencing Factors (Y. Gosankararaman) - 3D Printing in Microgravity: Evaluating the Feasibility of In-Space Manufacturing for Long-Duration Space Exploration (B. Jadhav) - Powders Used for Powder-Based Fusion Additive Manufacturing (V. Jadhav) - Overview of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing: Process Classification with Pros and Cons, Applications in the Transportation Industry and Challenges (S. Kattookaren) - Exploring the Potentials of Computed Axial Lithography (T. Khot) - Additive Manufacturing for Biomedical Devices (A. Nematli) - A Review on Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing of Nickel‑Based Components (F. Ottakath) - A Review on Additive Manufacturing in Healthcare Industry (F. Parmaksiz) - 3D Manufacturing of 3D Printed Circuit Boards (P. Puranik) - A Review on Powder-Based Direct Energy Deposition: Defects and Influencing Parameters (M. Seshadri) - Progress towards In Situ Resource Utilization of Extraterrestrial Regolith for Off-Earth Manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing Technologies used Therein (K. Timilsina) - A Review on Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Aviation (S. Ücün) - Traditional and Additive Manufacturing Approaches for Metal Matrix Composites: A Comprehensive Review (N. Venkatesha) - Hybrid Production Technologies In Additive Manufacturing (A. Vezhaparambil Rappai) # Advances in the Field of Cyber-Physical Systems - A Review on Integration of Blockchain Technology in Edge-Computing Applications in Smart Manufacturing (R. Ayyappan) - Cyber-Physical Systems advancements and applications in Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 (A. Esmaeili Bigdeli) # Digitalisation of Industrial Production (Industry 4.0) - Predictive Maintenance Strategy in Industry 4.0 Using Machine Learning (A. Alyasin) - Car to X Communication (G. Aydın) - Correlation and Impact of Industry 4.0 on Sustainability Development (S. Dashpute) - A Review of Prerequisites of Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing and in Different Applications (N. Farbood) - Methods of Production Data Acquisition and Their Application in Industry (M. Mahtab) - Evolution and Advancements in Coordinate Measuring Machines within the Industry 4.0 Context (P. Phadnis) # Hybrid Societies – Human-Machine-Environment Interaction - A Review on Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems and Their Manufacturing Methods (A. Hosseini) - Voice-Enable Digital Assistant in Manufacturing (T. Kuklina) # Machine Learning and AI in Advanced Manufacturing - Application of Machine Learning Algorithms in Machining of Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) Materials: A Review (P. Giri) - Automatic Parking Assist System (A. Hadizadeh) - Artificial Intelligence for Zero Defect Manufacturing: Potential and Insights for Smart Manufacturing (M. Khan) - Artificial Intelligence Aided Manufacturing: Applications of Neural Network in Advanced Manufacturing (N. Opasanon) # Printed Functionalities and Integration of Adaptronic Systems - Printed Functionalities and Integration of Adaptronic Systems (S. Ahmed) - Memristor Devices: Challenges and Development Prospects (S. Banasaz Nouri) # Robotics, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Automation - Human-Robot Collaboration in Assembly Processes: Investigating Methods and Strategies for Effective Collaboration between Humans and Robots in Assembly Tasks (H. Chopadawala) - Thermal Optimization of Heatpipes: Materials, Structure and Operational Parameters Controlled by LabView as an Interface (E. Nikkhah) - Flexible Manufacturing Systems and the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Concepts, Design Framework, and Challenges (V. Pai) # Smart Manufacturing, Management and Life Cycle Assessment - Traceability, Indispensable Element of Global Production (P. Almanza Rodríguez) - Exploring New Technologies in Procurement (N. Kakuste) - Economic Perspective of Supporting Structure in Additive Manufacturing Field (B. Toz) - On Some Issues of Development of Sustainable Manufacturing (V. Zorenko) # Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Manufacturing - Circular Economy: Benefits and Limitations (T. Abhang) - A Review on Sustainability Advantages of Additive Manufacturing (M. Etemad Moghadam) - Implications of Industry 4.0 Technologies on Sustainability (M. Kohli) - Energy Optimization Methods for Sustainable Manufacturing (M. Ibrahim Mohamed) - Exploring Sustainable Manufacturing Using Circular Economy (S. Shahrokni) - Adaption of Circular Economy in the Supply Chain (D. Soundankar) - A Review of the Impacts of Thermal Spraying Technologies and Electrocatalysts in Green H2 Production (S. Tchinou) - Review of Resin Injection Repair of Composites (A. Zaki) # Virtual and Augmented Reality Tools in Manufacturing - Augmented Reality in Manufacturing Industries (S. Kappil Muralidasan) - Augmented Reality: Improving Productivity and Reducing Failure for New Workers and New Tasks (G. Sanchez Garcia) - Applications of Virtual Reality in Manufacturing (V. Sivakumar)

Simulation and Implementation of Sustainable Automated Robotics at Volvo CE : Ergonomic and Economic Analysis of Automated Logistic Processes.

Juhlander, Julia, Mårtensson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The development of advanced manufacturing opens new possibilities regarding cooperation between robots and humans, leading to a more sustainable industry. The study aims to research how automated processes with collaborative applications can be implemented in manual production systems and analyse the economic and ergonomic consequences this leads to. The process examined in the thesis is the de-labelling of wooden pallets conducted at the case company Volvo Construction Equipment in Braås, Sweden. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used. The study started with an analysis of the current situation regarding process design and the ergonomic aspect. The equipment needed to design the robot cell for testing had to be evaluated before a simulation of the automated process was done. Finally, the concept was tested in a laboratory environment. The result of the study shows that it is possible to automate if the removal of the labels is carried out completely perpendicularly. The economic analysis shows that the automated solution becomes a cheaper alternative after one year and four months. When the current manual process consists of unsustainable ergonomic elements, an automated solution will lead to improvements and more sustainable physical and organisational ergonomics. / Utvecklingen av avancerad tillverkning öppnar upp för nya möjligheter med samarbeten mellan människa och robot, vilket leder till en mer hållbar industri. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur automatiserade processer med kollaborativa applikationer kan bli implementerade i manuella produktionssystem och analysera de ekonomiska och ergonomiska konsekvenserna detta leder till. Processen som granskats är avtagandet av etiketter från träpallar som genomförts på fallföretaget Volvo Construction Equipment i Braås, Sverige. Både kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder har använts. Studien började med analys av den nuvarande situationen gällande design av process och den ergonomiska situationen. Utrustningen som behövdes för att designa robotcellen utvärderades innan en simulering av den automatiserade processen gjordes. Seden testades konceptet i laboratoriemiljö. Studiens resultat visar att det är möjligt att automatisera om avtagandet av etiketter genomförs helt vinkelrät från pallen. Den ekonomiska analysen visar att den automatiserade lösningen blir ett billigare alternativ efter ett år och fyra månader. Om den nuvarande manuella processen består av ohållbara ergonomiska element, kommer en automatiserad lösning leda till förbättringar och en mer hållbar fysisk-, kognitiv- och organisatorisk ergonomisk situation.

Exploring tracing and tracking technologies to improve production efficiency and product quality.

Zakir Hussain, Tharik, Manavalan, Paul Johny January 2023 (has links)
The door manufacturing industry still heavily relies on manual technology for its production and quality assurance systems, which poses certain challenges. However, in recent years, the industry has witnessed a growing demand for personalized products, leading to a need for more adaptable production methods and shorter product life cycles. Unfortunately, this reliance on manual technologies has resulted in increased errors and inaccuracies. Moreover, manual technology requires significant time and effort investment, which reduces production efficiency and product quality. To address these issues, the purpose of this thesis is to address the issue of inefficiency at a door manufacturing company by examining its existing production systems and quality assurance system. The thesis aims to provide recommendations for improvement by exploring the integration of automated tracing and tracking technology. Furthermore, it would result in recommendations for feasible methods that may be used in Swedish production systems, as well as further study fields.

Digital Twin Development and Advanced Process Control for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Yan-Shu Huang (9175667) 25 July 2023 (has links)
<p>To apply Industry 4.0 technologies and accelerate the modernization of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing, digital twin (DT) and advanced process control (APC) strategies are indispensable. The DT serves as a virtual representation that mirrors the behavior of the physical process system, enabling real-time monitoring and predictive capabilities. Consequently, this facilitates the feasibility of real-time release testing (RTRT) and enhances drug product development and manufacturing efficiency by reducing the need for extensive sampling and testing. Moreover, APC strategies are required to address variations in raw material properties and process uncertainties while ensuring that desired critical quality attributes (CQAs) of in-process materials and final products are maintained. When deviations from quality targets are detected, APC must provide optimal real-time corrective actions, offering better control performance than the traditional open loop-control method. The progress in DT and APC is beneficial in shifting from the paradigm of Quality-by-Test (QbT) to that of Quality-by-Design (QbD) and Quality-by-Control (QbC), which emphasize the importance of process knowledge and real-time information to ensure product quality.</p> <p><br></p> <p>This study focuses on four key elements and their applications in a continuous dry granulation tableting process, including feeding, blending, roll compaction, ribbon milling and tableting unit operations. Firstly, the necessity of a digital infrastructure for data collection and integration is emphasized. An ISA-95-based hierarchical automation framework is implemented for continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing, with each level serving specific purposes related to production, sensing, process control, manufacturing operations, and business planning. Secondly, investigation of process analytical technology (PAT) tools for real-time measurements is highlighted as a prerequisite for effective real-time process management. For instance, the measurement of mass flow rate, a critical process parameter (CPP) in continuous manufacturing, was previously limited to loss-in-weight (LIW) feeders. To overcome this limitation, a novel capacitance-based mass flow sensor, the ECVT sensor, has been integrated into the continuous direct compaction process to capture real-time powder flow rates downstream of the LIW feeders. Additionally, the use of near-infrared (NIR)-based sensor for real-time measurement of ribbon solid fraction in dry granulation processes is explored. Proper spectra selection and pre-processing techniques are employed to transform the spectra into useful real-time information. Thirdly, the development of quantitative models that establish a link between CPPs and CQAs is addressed, enabling effective product design and process control. Mechanistic models and hybrid models are employed to describe the continuous direct compaction (DC) and dry granulation (DG) processes. Finally, applying APC strategies becomes feasible with the aid of real-time measurements and model predictions. Real-time optimization techniques are used to combine measurements and model predictions to infer unmeasured states or mitigate the impact of measurement noise. In this work, the moving horizon estimation-based nonlinear model predictive control (MHE-NMPC) framework is utilized. It leverages the capabilities of MHE for parameter updates and state estimation to enable adaptive models using data from the past time window. Simultaneously, NMPC ensures satisfactory setpoint tracking and disturbance rejection by minimizing the error between the model predictions and setpoint in the future time window. The MHE-NMPC framework has been implemented in the tableting process and demonstrated satisfactory control performance even when plant model mismatch exists. In addition, the application of MHE enables the sensor fusion framework, where at-line measurements and online measurements can be integrated if the past time window length is sufficient. The sensor fusion framework proves to be beneficial in extending the at-line measurement application from just validation to real-time decision-making.</p>

Kennwertorientierte Methoden zur Auswahl und Synthese von Bewegungsgesetzen für Motion-Control-Systeme

Speicher, Thorsten 04 October 2021 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden Methoden präsentiert, die Anwender bei der Auslegung von taktzeitoptimalen Bewegungen für typische Rast-in-Rast-Charakteristiken unter Verwendung von normierten Bewegungsgesetzen nach der VDI-Richtlinie 2143 unterstützen. Es wird eine Herangehensweise vorgestellt, die bei Vorgabe von kinematischen Bewegungsgrenzen zu verwenden ist. Führt dabei die resultierende Bewegung zu einer unzulässigen Erwärmung des Antriebs, lässt sich mit Hilfe anderer Werkzeuge die minimal mögliche und somit optimale Taktzeit effizient bestimmen.:1 Einleitung 2 Stand der Forschung 3 Grundlagen 4 Taktzeitoptimierung bei kinematischen Restriktionen 5 Taktzeitoptimierung bei thermischen Restriktionen 6 Anwendungsbeispiele 7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick / This paper presents methods to help users design motions with ideal cycle times for rest in rest applications by using the normalized laws of motion according to the VDI guideline 2143. The approach shown is used for systems that are limited by their kinematic parameters. If the resulting movement leads to inadmissible heating of the drive, other tools are able to determine the minimal cycle time considering the thermal limit.:1 Einleitung 2 Stand der Forschung 3 Grundlagen 4 Taktzeitoptimierung bei kinematischen Restriktionen 5 Taktzeitoptimierung bei thermischen Restriktionen 6 Anwendungsbeispiele 7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick

Bewertung von cyber-physischen Systemen – State of the Art

Pfaff, Constanze 04 May 2023 (has links)
Unternehmen werden gegenwärtig mit den Themen der Nachhaltigkeit und der fortschreitenden Industrie 4.0 vor immer komplexere Herausforderungen gestellt. Ein Bestandteil der neuen Basistechnologien stellen cyber-physische Systeme (CPS) dar, die bereits gegenwärtig und zukünftig mit den Zielen der nachhaltigen Entwicklung in Einklang gebracht werden müssen. Die vorliegende Arbeit geht den Forschungsfragen nach, wie CPS definiert, charakterisiert und unter Einbezug nachhaltiger Kriterien bewertet werden können. Dazu wurden verschiedene, betriebswirtschaftliche Instrumentarien ausgewählt und systematisiert, die folgend im eigens entwickelten und angewandten „Vorgehensmodell zur Prüfung und Eignung von Bewertungsinstrumenten für CPS unter Einbezug der Nachhaltigkeit“ überprüft wurden. Die Untersuchung ergab, dass der Bedarf an Bewertungsansätzen von CPS in Kombination mit der Thematik der Nachhaltigkeit besteht und mit existenten, betriebswirtschaftlichen Methoden größtenteils bewältigt werden kann. Die zugrunde liegende Masterarbeit wurde an der Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling (Technische Universität Chemnitz) durch Prof. Dr. Prof. h. c. Uwe Götze sowie Kristina Höse (M.Sc.) betreut. / Companies are currently facing increasingly complex challenges with the issues of sustainability and the advancing Industry 4.0. One component of the new enabling technologies are cyber-physical systems (CPS), which already currently and in the future need to be aligned with sustainable development goals. This thesis addresses the research questions of how CPS can be defined, characterized and evaluated with respect to sustainable criteria. For this purpose, various business management tools were selected and systematized, which were subsequently reviewed in the specially developed and applied 'Procedure Model for the Examination and Suitability of Assessment Tools for CPS with the Inclusion of Sustainability'. The investigation showed that the need for evaluation approaches of CPS in combination with the topic of sustainability exists and can be handled with existing, business management methods to a large extent.

Empirical Data Based Predictive Warning System on an Automated Guided Vehicle / Empiriskt databaserat predikterande varningsystem för självkörande truckar

Blåberg, Anton, Lindahl, Gustav January 2022 (has links)
An Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) must follow protective regulations to avoidcrashing into people when autonomously driving in industries. These safety norms require AGVs to enable protective fields, which perform hard braking when objects enter aspecific area in front of the vehicle. Warning fields, or warning systems, are similar fieldsthat decrease the speed of the AGV before objects enter the protective fields to enable asteadier driving. Today at Toyota Material Handling Manufacturing Sweden (TMHMS),warning systems have been implemented but the systems are too sensitive to objects outside of the AGVs path.The purpose of this thesis is to develop a predictive warning system based on empiricaldata from previous driving scenarios. By storing previous positions, the warning systemcould estimate a trajectory based on simple statistics and deploy speed limiting decisionsif objects appear in the upcoming predicted path.The predictive warning system was compared to the current warning system and adeactivated warning system setup in driving performance and driving dynamics. Performance was measured by measuring time to finish an industry-like test track and dynamicswas subjectively rated from a group of experienced AGV developers from TMHMS. Results showed that a predictive warning system drove the test track faster and with betterdynamics than the current warning system and the no warning system setup.Key findings are that a predictive warning system based on empirical data performedbetter in most cases but has some extra requirements to function. Firstly, the method require the AGV to mostly drive on previously driven paths to produce good results. Secondly the warning system requires a somewhat powerful on board computer to handlethe computations. Finally, the warning system requires spatial awareness of pose for thevehicle, as well as structure and shape for deployed protective fields.

Industri 4.0 - Hållbar produktion med ekonomisk tillväxt och förbättrade arbetsförhållanden : En fallstudie kring hållbara aspekter för nästkommande produktionsstrategier

LUNDQVIST, SIMON, MAZOYER, OLIVER January 2018 (has links)
Med tiden och utvecklingen av ny teknik skapas förutsättningar för nya industriella revolutioner vilka historiskt har förändrat produktionsindustrin radikalt. Industri 4.0 är vägen till nästa paradigmskifte och ska med implementering av smart teknik möjliggöra en mer flexibel och effektiv produktion. Samtidigt har frågan ställts om den kommande revolutionen kommer att vara en hållbar lösning ur ett ekonomiskt, ekologiskt och socialt perspektiv. I den här studien har en empirisk studie på de två svenska företagen Scania AB och Atlas Copco utförts för att ta reda på om Industri 4.0 kommer innebära en ekonomisk tillväxt samt om arbetsförhållanden kommer att förändras. Arbetet inleddes med en litteraturstudie i form av en teoristudie på hållbar produktion, smart tillverkning och Industri 4.0. Med erhållen information kunde en förstudie med specifika sökningar utföras på vetenskapliga artiklar om Industri 4.0 och dess påverkan ekonomiskt och socialt, parallellt som frågor dokumenterades för att förbereda en intervjustudie på de ovannämnda företagen. Slutligen kunde all insamlad fakta och data analyseras för att angripa arbetets frågeställning och underfrågor. Utifrån den sociala aspekten visade studien på att en möjlig drivkraft till varför ett svenskt företag idag behöver nå Industri 4.0 är att intresset för traditionellt montörsarbete har minskat från arbetstagarna och med smart teknik kan automatiseringen minska beroendet av människan. Vidare kommer arbetsuppgifter på verkstadsgolvet förändras till att handla om interaktion med automatiserad teknik. Människan spelar fortfarande en stor roll vilket medför att behovet av arbetskraft kommer kvarstå men med fokus på nya kompetenser hos den anställde. Kunskaper kring IT-teknik prioriteras med den kommande systemkomplexiteten vilken smart tillverkning medför och med det behöver industriella produktionsföretag locka ny kompetent personal parallellt med utbildning av existerande. Ny personal kommer lära sig arbetsuppgifter enkelt via hjälpande verktyg samt digitala realtidsinstruktioner och på så sätt förenklas vägarna till att införskaffa och upprätthålla kompetent personal. Det historiskt påverkande problemet inom produktionsarbete med utarbetad och skadad personal kan med de nya produktionsverktygen minimeras tack vare ergonomiska och assisterande verktygslösningar samt digitaliserade utbildningar i en verklig arbetsorienterad miljö. Det ekonomiska perspektivet visade i studien att det finns nya värdeskapande processer och därmed nya affärsmodeller som alla försöker leverera skräddarsydda lösningar till kunderna. En utav dessa är den resultatbaserade affärsmodellen som går ut på att tillfredsställa behov innan de ens uppstår. Den bygger mycket på att smarta sensorer placeras i produkter för att kunna samla in en stor mängd data som sedan ska kunna analyseras för att till exempel se om delar behöver bytas ut. Ytterligare en ekonomisk konsekvens som förväntas av Industri 4.0 är att företag kommer vilja inkorporera smart teknologi i produktionen där alla maskiner är uppkopplade och utbyter data och information. Anledningen är att på samma sätt som den resultatbaserade ekonomin, så ska data tala om hur maskiner och människor presterar och mjukvaran kan därmed föreslå förbättringar som ska i längden leda till ökad produktivitet, kvalité och effektivitet. / With time and development of new technology, premises for a new industrial revolution which historically have radically changed the production-industry have emerged. Industry 4.0 is the road to the next paradigm shift, and with implementation of new smart technology, will enable a more flexible and effective production. At the same time, questions have been asked if the coming revolution would mean a sustainable solution from an economical, ecologic and social perspective. In this paper, an empirical study has been done on the two Swedish companies Scania AB and Atlas Copco to find out if Industry 4.0 will ensue in an economical growth and better working conditions for the workers. This study began with a research in the form of a literature study on sustainable production, Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. With the obtained information, more specific searches could be made on scientific articles about Industry 4.0 and its economic and social impact, while on the side, questions were written down to prepare an interview study for the previously named companies. Finally, all the collected facts and data was analyzed to attempt to answer this papers issue and sub questions. From the social aspect point of view, this study showed a potential driving force to why a Swedish company today needs to go for Industry 4.0. It is that the interest for traditional manufacturing work has decreased and with automation, manufacturing is less dependent on the human. Furthermore, the work tasks on the shop-floor will change to interacting with automated technology. Humans will still be important which means the need for labour will remain but with higher prerequisites for the employees - especially education. Knowledge about IT will be prioritized with the coming system. Complexity which is brought by smart manufacturing, and with that, industry companies will have to attract new competent employees as the same time as they form and educate the old ones. New employees will be able to learn work tasks easily thanks to Virtual Reality technology and by so,  opening moreways for the company to acquire competent personnel. The historically-known problem of outburned or injured employees will be minimized thanks to new assisted tools and digitalized employee-training in a real and work-oriented environment. The economical perspective showed in this paper that there are new value creating processes and therefore new business models that try to supply tailor-made solutions to the customers. One out of these models is the outcome-business-model that focuses on satisfying the customer’s needs before they even appear. To be able to do this, smart sensors are placed in products to collect a large amount of data that will be analysed to see if some parts need replacement for instance. Another economical consequence that is expected from Industry 4.0 is that companies will try to incorporate smart technology in the production line where all machines will be connected to a network and able to exchange data and information. The reason is similar to the outcome-based-business-model, where the data will tell how machines and people perform and the software will there be able to suggest areas of improvement and lead to increased productivity, effectivity and enhanced quality.

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