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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sukot e Purim na educação infantil: um encontro da infância e da cultura judaica / Sukot and Purim festivities in childrens education: a gathering of infancy and the Jewish culture

Linda Derviche Blaj 18 November 2008 (has links)
A dissertação Sukot e Purim Festividades na Educação Infantil: um encontro da infância e da cultura judaica localiza-se na área de conhecimento da Cultura Judaica que corresponde a um segmento do currículo da Educação Infantil das escolas judaicas de São Paulo. O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender como as crianças integram a cultura judaica em seus processos de aprendizagem. A pesquisa teve como ponto de partida o estudo sobre o desenvolvimento do pensamento infantil e a concepção de infância, que alicerçam os Referenciais Curriculares do Brasil e de Israel, os quais compõem os currículos das escolas judaicas do Brasil. Para tal, resgata a concepção de infância no decorrer dos séculos XIX e XX, e descreve os primórdios do estabelecimento da educação infantil relacionado às diversas influências políticas, econômicas, culturais e ideológicas de cada momento histórico. O estudo do desenvolvimento infantil tem como referência os estudos de Jean Piaget e a compreensão do desenvolvimento da linguagem segundo Vygotsky. A segunda parte do trabalho teve como foco o estudo das festividades Sukot e Purim, elementos da cultura judaica, que foram escolhidos pela sua diversidade de símbolos e costumes e pelo seu aspecto lúdico. Na última etapa foi realizada a coleta de dados com grupos de crianças, de um ano e quatro meses a cinco anos, em uma escola judaica de São Paulo. A análise dos dados baseou-se no repertório expresso pelas crianças que, após a tabulação, evidenciou o conhecimento e a compreensão acerca das festividades, de cada grupo. / The dissertation Sukot and Purim Festivities in Childrens Education: a gathering of infancy and the Jewish Culture, corresponds to a parcel of the Childrens Education curriculum in the Jewish schools of the city of Sao Paulo. The purpose of the research is to understand how children integrate the Jewish Culture in their learning process. The research started with the analysis of childrens thinking process development and the concept of infancy that work as references for Israel and Brazils Curriculum conception and constitute the Jewish Schools curriculum in Brazil. In order to do this, the thesis retrieves the concept of infancy during the XIX and XX centuries and describes the beginning of childrens education under the influence of politics, economy and culture in different historical moments. Jean Piagets studies and the comprehension of language development according to Vygotsky were the theoretical references for the study of childrens development. The second part of the thesis focuses on the study of Sukot and Purim festivities, which are Jewish Culture elements and were chosen due to their symbols and traditions diversity and their playful aspect. The last part the thesis shows the data collection among children between the age of sixteen months and five years, in a Jewish School located in the city of Sao Paulo. The analysis of the data was based on childrens comments. The analysis of the data showed the knowledge and comprehension of the festivities in the different groups.

Gene expression and cell cycle regulation in human pancreas development and congenital hyperinsulinism

Salisbury, Rachel January 2015 (has links)
The dynamics of β-cell mass are at the focus of an extensive international effort to develop β-cell replacement therapies for type 1 diabetes. During normal fetal development endocrine cells emerge from a pool of PDX1+/SOX9+ multipotent progenitors that transiently express the proendocrine gene NGN3. These cells become hormone-positive and are seen to bud from the ductal structures and aggregate into islet clusters. Congenital hyperinsulinism in its diffuse form (CHI-D) is characterised by an increase in hormone-positive cells associated with ducts and diffuse patterns of insulin expression. CHI-D arises from mutations inactivating the KATP channel and is diagnosed following persistent episodes of hypoglycaemia caused by an inappropriate secretion of insulin. Whilst existing knowledge has focused on the β-cell, we have explored the histology of CHI-D across multiple pancreatic cell lineages. The starting hypothesis considered CHI-D as an over-exuberance of endocrine differentiation with a progenitor population underlying this process. We suggest CHI-D is not simply an excessive proliferation of pre-existing β-cells. Expression of many transcription factors involved in endocrine differentiation were unchanged in CHI-D, NKX2.2 was increased and persisted in δ-cells. The incidence of nucleomegaly was also confirmed in CHI-D samples, predominantly in the β- and δ-cell lineages. Whilst increases in endocrine cell proliferation were subtle, the ductal and acinar cell lineages had significantly elevated proliferation correlating with changes in cell cycle regulation. The expression of NGN3 was profiled in a range of human fetal samples to determine whether a competence window for endocrine differentiation exists during development. Peak expression was observed between 10-17 wpc whilst protein and transcript expression were both reduced by birth and postnatally. Combined with the data in CHI-D and postnatal controls, it is likely that endocrine commitment ceases in human towards the end of gestation and that further increases in β-cell mass rely on proliferation or NGN3-independent pathways. These data provide new clues for the pathological mechanisms of CHI-D and the establishment and maintenance of the β-cell mass in the human pancreas. We have shown an altered potential for cell proliferation in CHI-D in previously unappreciated ways and provide a rationale for studying molecular components of the β-cell to help unlock β-cell proliferation as a therapeutic option in diabetes.

Heterogenität von Mikroorganismen im Stuhl von Neugeborenen

Funk, Friederike 19 June 2014 (has links)
Die Besiedlung des kindlichen Darms beginnt unmittelbar mit der Geburt. Hier findet der erste Kontakt mit verschiedensten Bakterien statt. Deshalb war die zentrale Fragestellung unserer Untersuchung, wie sich die Bakterienarten bei den Geburtsmodi unterscheiden und wie sich die bakterielle Zusammensetzung im Stuhl von Neugeborenen im Laufe der Jahre verändert hat. Wir untersuchten die Stuhlproben von 42 Neugeborenen, wovon 22 vaginal und 20 per Sectio entbunden wurden, am ersten, zweiten und dritten Lebenstag auf Bakterienwachstum. Es wurden die aufgetretenen Bakteriengattungen mittels Kultur bestimmt und von den aufgetretenen Staphylokokken und Enterokokken die Arten und deren Resistenzen mittels des Phönix-Vollautomaten untersucht. Wir konnten zeigen, dass im Gegensatz zu früheren Untersuchungen heutzutage vermehrt Staphylokokken den Darm von Neugeborenen besiedeln. Außerdem fiel auf, dass per Sectio entbundene Kinder eine verminderte Heterogenität in ihrer Stuhlflora haben und erst später besiedelt werden als vaginal entbundene Kinder.

Raná komunikace: Role oxytocinu v sdílení emocí s matkou během prvního roku života / Early Communication: The Role of Oxytocin in Sharing Emotions with Mother during the First Year of Life

Šipošová, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
Recent studies support the hypothesis that oxytocin plays an important role in mother-infant interactions. The aim of the present research was to investigate the connection between Maternal Affect Attunement and levels of oxytocin in mothers and infants during early mother-infant communication, and to explore the relationship between maternal and infants' oxytocin levels. Forty three mother-infant dyads participated in the present study when infants were four months. They were observed in three conditions: 1) Baseline - where no communication took place, 2) Natural Interaction between mother and infant and 3) Modified Interactions - where natural interaction between mothers and infants was disrupted in various ways. During this procedure four saliva samples from mothers and their infants were collected to determine their levels of oxytocin at different time points. To assess individual maternal interactive style Maternal Affect Attunement (Maintaining Attention, Warm Sensitivity) was coded during the Natural Interaction. Results indicated that maternal and infants' oxytocin levels were stable at the four collection points. Maternal oxytocin levels at all collection points as well as overall mean oxytocin level were negatively related to her Warm Sensitivity. Significant positive synchronized as...

Objektivizace opěrné báze kojenců na přelomu prvního a druhého trimenonu pomocí tlakového senzoru Conformat - pilotní studie / Objectification of supporting base of infants at the edge of third and fourth month via using a pressure plate Conformat - pilot study

Janoušek, David January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to contribute to discovering a method which can lead to objectification of support base of infants in prone position at the edge of third and fourth month. The motor development during first six months is described in this thesis based on literature search. Part of the thesis is dedicated to selected primitive reflexes and postural reactions. Furthermore, the work deals with objectification of support base of infants at the edge of third and fourth month. In the study were evaluated 10 infants (5 males and 5 females) with average age 14,01 ± 2,2 weeks. Distribution of support was assessed in three situations such as prone position, prone position with maximal rotation of head to the left and prone position with maximal rotation of head to the right. The results did not show significant difference in weight bearing the left and right upper extremity in prone position. However there was a significant difference in weight bearing in the upper extremities during head rotation. The upper extremity on the side of rotation was more loaded. The weight applied to the upper and lower extremities was significantly different in every evaluated situation. Upper extremities were always weighted more. Keywords Supporting base, developmental kinesiology, postural reactions, primitive...

Covariation and Synchronicity of Sustained Attention Measures in Infancy

Wei Siong Neo (9721622) 15 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Sustained attention, the ability to direct and maintain attentional focus on tasks and stimuli, emerges during infancy and undergoes rapid development throughout early childhood. Abnormal patterns of sustained attention are implicated in several childhood psychological disorders. Improving our measurement of infant sustained attention may clarify how child psychopathology develops and inform targeted prevention and early intervention efforts. While several behavioral and psychophysiological measures index infant sustained attention, previous studies have employed these measures in isolation, focused on analyses at short timescales of milliseconds to a few seconds, and examined synchronous associations among these measures. Therefore, the associations and temporal relationships across multiple, concurrent behavioral and psychophysiological measures of infant sustained attention remain unclear, particularly at long timescales. The present study assessed sustained attention in 12-month-old infants using behavioral (looking), cardiac (heart rate), and neural (theta and alpha oscillations) measures to investigate two temporal aspects of infant sustained attention. First, we examined whether associations among infant sustained attention measures were similar or different across short (1-second) and long (10-second) timescales. Covariation analyses indicated largely similar association patterns among these measures across the two timescales. Second, we evaluated whether specific infant sustained attention measures temporally preceded other measures. Cross-correlation analyses broadly revealed that short-timescale measures exhibited asynchronous temporal relationships, such that looking behaviors preceded neural oscillations that in turn preceded cardiac responses. Our findings highlight the value of considering the temporal dimension when studying and measuring infant sustained attention. Additional multimodal research may yield greater insights into dynamic biobehavioral processes that underlie infant sustained attention and enhance clinical interventions aimed at promoting optimal outcomes for young children with abnormalities in sustained attention.</p>

The differentiation of extrahepatic biliary atresia from the neonatal hepatitis syndrome

Daubenton, John David January 1989 (has links)
The differentiation, in an infant with cholestasis, between extrahepatic biliary atresia (EHBA) and the neonatal hepatitis syndrome (NHS) is important in that laparotomy is always indicated in EHBA but is undesirable in NHS. This differentiation is particularly difficult in those infants with complete cholestasis. Hepatobiliary scintigraphy is a commonly used investigation in infants with obstructive jaundice. The scintigraphic demonstration of excretion into the gut excludes extrahepatic obstruction, however, absence of excretion may be due to EHBA, severe cholestasis with patent extrahepatic bile ducts or poor uptake of the agent, and is therefore not diagnostic. This study has examined the quantitative measurement of the hepatic uptake of p-butyl IDA and Sn colloid, and an estimation of liver shape, in a group of patients with complete cholestasis in whom conventional scan interpretation, based on excretion into the-gut, would not be useful. The scans were recorded as dynamic studies and the resultant time-activity curves were subjected to curve fitting to calculate a rate constant for uptake of radiopharmaceutical. Liver shape was determined from the anterior static image of the colloid scan. The results show a significant difference between the EHBA and the NHS patients in the rate of uptake of p-butyl IDA, in the ratio of the rate of uptake of p-butyl IDA/the rate of uptake of colloid and in the measurements used to express liver shape. Using this method of scan interpretation, a diagnostic accuracy of 85% was achieved in this study of patients who clinically, and on scan, had no evidence of bile flow. Hepatic scintigraphy is therefore a useful investigation in the diagnostic work-up of infants presenting with obstructive jaundice even when bile flow is completely absent.

An evaluation of the SACLA Rehabilitation Worker project in Cape Town, South Africa, 1992-1993

Loveday, Marian Patricia January 1993 (has links)
This dissertation reports on an evaluation of the home visiting programme of the SACLA Rehabilitation Worker project against the background of the socio-economic context of the community and the history of the project. The evaluation had two aims. Firstly, it aimed to highlight the programme's strengths and weaknesses so that the work could become both more efficient and more effective. Secondly, it aimed to establish whether the SACLA rehabilitation project is an effective model of a community based rehabilitation project on which other local projects could be based. Quantitative data was collected by interviewing the caregivers of disabled children who were involved in the project. In-depth interviews with the rehabilitation workers provided qualitative data which was used to confirm the validity of some of the quantitative data. The foremost findings were that the mothers were very positive about the support received from the RWs. The majority of the caregivers remembered the activities that they had been taught by the RWs and performed them well. Poor communication with the caregivers and a lack of skills on the part of the RWs gave rise to a number of problems. A number of changes highlighted by the evaluation were suggested. In conclusion, the project was found to be an effective model of local community based rehabilitation on which other projects could be based.

Poly-drug Use and Other Risk Factors Among Women Receiving MAT During Pregnancy: Challenges for Research on Health and Developmental Effects in Infancy and Beyond

Bailey, B., Wood, David, Clements, Andrea, Proctor-Williams, Kerry, Boynewicz, Kara, Trivette, K., Justice, N. 01 January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Ce temps d’avant le logos : l’infantia dans la pensée de Jean-François Lyotard

Bourbeau, Stéphanie 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose une étude du thème de l’enfance et du concept d’infantia que contient la philosophie de Jean-François Lyotard (1924-1998). Puisque la notion ne se laisse pas réduire au concept tardif d’infantia, ce mémoire mobilise les travaux de Lyotard depuis sa période militante (1954-1966) et ses premières œuvres, où l’enfance se laisse déduire, jusqu’à ses derniers textes, où il la conceptualise explicitement. Suivant la piste de la notion, nous argumentons qu’elle ne représente pas qu’un fil rouge dans sa pensée mais qu’elle fait aussi signe vers l’existence, dans l’œuvre de Lyotard, d’une philosophie de l’enfance et de l’éducation à part entière. Ainsi, nous soutenons qu’au-delà du repère qu’incarne le concept pluriel d’enfance pour les études lyotardiennes, il comporte également des intuitions pertinentes et fécondes pour permettre aux sciences de l’éducation et aux études sur l’enfance (Childhood Studies) de sortir de l’impasse dans laquelle elles se trouvent actuellement. En effet, il nous apparait que la conception de l’enfance que nous propose le texte lyotardien s’offre comme un contrepoint nécessaire à la conception développementale qui est aujourd’hui hégémonique en éducation ainsi qu’en études sur l’enfance, et qu’elle invite à une reconfiguration tout aussi essentielle de la rencontre pédagogique. S’inscrivant en faux contre l’impératif de performativité et le paradigme de l’efficacité qui dominent les sciences de l’éducation, Lyotard nous permet de penser une éducation attentive aux exigences éthiques de la relation pédagogique, affranchie de la logique de la reproduction, et donc génératrice de sens. / This thesis addresses the theme of childhood and the concept of infantia in the philosophy of JeanFrançois Lyotard (1924-1988). Since the notion cannot be confined to the late concept of infantia, this paper draws on Lyotard's work from his activist days (1954-1966) and early works, where childhood can be inferred, to his later texts, where he explicitly conceptualizes it. Tracking down the concept, we argue that childhood is not only an underlying thread of his oeuvre, but that it also heralds the existence of a genuine philosophy of childhood and education in Lyotard's work. Thus, we argue that beyond the key figure that the plural concept of childhood embodies for Lyotardian studies, it also offers relevant and fruitful intuitions to enable educational sciences and Childhood Studies to break out of the deadlock in which they are currently caught. Indeed, Lyotard's concept of childhood strikes us as a necessary counterpoint to the developmental approach that is currently hegemonic in education and childhood studies, and as an invitation to an equally essential reconfiguration of pedagogical encounters. Taking a stand against the imperative of performativity and the paradigm of effective pedagogy that dominates educational sciences, Lyotard allows us to contemplate an education that would be attentive to the ethical demands of the pedagogical relationship, liberated from the logic of reproduction, and therefore generative of meaning.

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