Spelling suggestions: "subject:"infant""
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Linguistic information and visual attention deployment: the influence of meaningful labels on the orienting of attentionCalignano, Giulia 13 February 2020 (has links)
The present work represents an endeavour towards the investigation of the linguistic-cognitive system under the lenses of classical questions in cognitive and language sciences, by using a multi-method and question oriented approach. The ambition is to move a step towards the investigation of the mutual contribution of perceptual and linguistic-mediated representations to the understanding of human behaviour. Chapter 1 will expose the theoretical framework and the goals this project was set to achieve: contributing to the theoretical reconcile of visual attention and language functions, from a developmental perspective. Chapter 2 will expose the possibility to rethink the linguistic function as penetrating human cognition in a top-down fashion, and specifically, its influence on template-guided search and disengagement of attention mechanisms. Concurrently, chapter 3 will expose the possibility to rethink the role of visual attention as a useful tool, necessary to the computation of meaning: attention will be introduced as a window to investigate the influence of language-mediated representation (spoken and written) on visuospatial mechanisms by means of ERPs and eye-tracking methodology. Finally, chapter 4 will report the rationale and the interpretation of seven original experimental investigations of the word (and sentence) effect on perceptual representation during visuospatial tasks, across infants and adults. The final discussion will try to reconcile the results of the presented studies with the theoretical and methodological issues raised in the first, second and third chapters in an integrated perspective of a linguistic-cognitive system.
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Clinical and molecular characterisation of type I interferonopathies / Caractérisation clinique et moléculaire des interféronopathies de type IMelki, Isabelle 29 November 2017 (has links)
Les interférons de type I (IFN I) sont des cytokines antivirales aux propriétés puissantes. L’induction, la transmission et la résolution de la réponse immunitaire engendrée par les IFN I est minutieusement régulée. Le concept d’interféronopathie de type I, récemment individualisé par notre équipe, repose sur l’hypothèse que certaines pathologies seraient secondaires au déséquilibre de ces voies de signalisation complexes et à la sécrétion excessive et inappropriée d’IFN I. L’inhibition de celle-ci par des thérapeutiques ciblées permettrait de valider cette hypothèse, si les symptômes allégués s’amélioraient, voire disparaissaient. Ce travail de thèse s’est initialement concentré sur la caractérisation clinique et biologique des interféronopathies monogéniques et polygéniques, et secondairement sur l’identification moléculaire de nouvelles mutations du gène TMEM173 à l’origine de l’interféronopathie liée à STING, également appelée SAVI (STING associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy), syndrome auto-inflammatoire associant une atteinte sévère cutanée et pulmonaire. De nouvelles techniques ont permis la sélection de patients présentant une augmentation de l’IFN I en comparaison à des contrôles sains : la signature IFN I, qPCR de 6 gènes stimulés par l’IFN (IFN stimulated genes – ISGs) et le dosage d’IFN alpha sérique ou plasmatique par méthode du SIMOA (single molecule array) permettant la détection de molécules d’IFN de l’ordre du femtogramme (10-18g). Ces méthodes nous ont ainsi permis d’élargir le spectre clinique phénotypique des interféronopathies de type I, initialement considéré comme essentiellement neurologique. Les patients atteints du syndrome d’Aicardi-Goutières, première interféronopathie monogénique décrite, présentaient les signes suivants : dystonie, spasticité, décalage des acquisitions, calcifications intra-cérébrales et anomalies de la substance blanche. Cependant, l’utilisation systématique de nos méthodes de criblage associée à l’avènement des technologies de séquençage à haut débit (next generation sequencing – NGS) a permis de révéler un phénotype plus large, caractéristique des interféronopathies de type I : sur le plan cutané (engelures, vascularite nécrosante des extrémités, sclérodermie), pulmonaire (pneumopathie interstitielle isolée ou non), musculo-squelettique (arthralgies, arthrites, arthropathie de Jaccoud, myalgies et myosites), ophtalmologique (glaucome), néphrologique (néphropathies lupiques), gastro-entérologique (maladies inflammatoires chroniques intestinales précoces), associées à de l’auto-immunité ou un déficit immunitaire inconstants. Notre méthode de sélection nous a notamment permis d’identifier des patients présentant de manière variable des signes cardinaux de SAVI et une de trois nouvelles mutations activatrices dans une région spécifique du gène TMEM173 (codant pour STING). Ces mutations circonscrivent une région de la protéine à ce jour encore jamais impliquée dans le contrôle de la voie de l’IFN I. STING est une protéine du réticulum endoplasmique qui agit comme adaptateur cytosolique de senseurs intracellulaires d’ADN viral dans une voie de signalisation de l’IFN I. STING active TBK1 (TANK-binding kinase) et permet la transcription des IFN I par la phosphorylation d’IRF3. La Janus Kinase 1 (JAK1) et la tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) sont activées suite à la stimulation des récepteurs de l’IFN I et phosphorylent les facteurs de transcription STAT1 et STAT2, conduisant à l’expression de nombreux ISGs. Les analyses génétiques, de conformation tridimensionnelle, sur un modèle cellulaire in vitro (HEK293T) et ex vivo sur cellules mononuclées périphériques des patients nous ont ainsi permis de mettre en évidence pour ces mutations un caractère constitutionnellement activé, indépendant de la liaison au ligand cGAMP, mais transmettant ce signal à travers la voie d’aval par TBK1. (...) / Type I interferons (IFN I) are antiviral cytokines with potent properties. Hence, the induction, transmission and resolution of the immune response generated by IFN I is tightly regulated. The concept of the type I interferonopathies, recently formulated by our team, rests on the assumption that some diseases arise from a disturbance of this complex signalling pathway, leading to excessive and inappropriate IFN I secretion. On this basis, targeted therapeutics should improve or cure features of such type I interferonopathies, thereby providing a validation of the underlying hypothesis. This PhD project initially focused on the clinical and biological characterisation of monogenic and polygenic interferonopathies, and secondarily on the molecular identification of novel mutations in the gene TMEM173 causing the interferonopathy called STING associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy (SAVI), an auto-inflammatory syndrome with severe cutaneous and pulmonary features. Our selection of patients in comparison to healthy controls was made possible through the use of novel screening tools: IFN signature (qPCR of 6 IFN stimulated genes – ISGs), and measurement of IFN alpha protein levels in serum or plasma (SIMOA-single molecule array - enabling the detection of molecules of IFN in the femtogram [10-18g]) range. In this way, we have been able to expand the phenotypic spectrum of the interferonopathies, which was initially considered as primarily neurological. Patients with Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS), the first described of the monogenic interferonopathies, exhibit dystonia, spasticity, developmental delay, intra-cranial calcifications and white matter abnormalities. However, the systematic use of our interferon screening assays, plus the advent of next-generation sequencing technology, has revealed a much broader set of features relevant to this novel disease grouping – involving the skin (chilblains, necrotising vasculitis, scleroderma), lungs (isolated lung interstitial disease or associated with other signs), musculoskeletal system (joint pain, arthritis, Jaccoud’s arthropathy, muscle pain and myositis), eyes (glaucoma), kidneys (lupus nephritis) and gastro-intestinal tract (early inflammatory bowel disease), as well features of autoimmunity and immunodeficiency. Using our screening assays enabled us to identify three patients variably exhibiting the core features of SAVI, all of whom were found to harbour distinct novel activating mutations in STING. These mutations highlight a protein domain not previously implicated in the control of IFN I signalling. STING is an endoplasmic reticulum protein, acting as a cytosolic adaptor of intracellular sensors of viral DNA in the type I IFN signalling pathway. STING activates TANK-binding kinase (TBK1), allowing transcription of IFN I through phosphorylation of IRF3. Janus kinase 1 (JAK1) and tyrosine kinase 2 (TYK2) are activated following stimulation of the IFN I receptor, leading to phosphorylation of the transcription factors STAT1 and STAT2 and the subsequent induction of a large number of ISGs. Genetic analysis, conformational studies, an in vitro cellular model (HEK293T) and ex vivo experimental data (using patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells - PBMCs) enabled us to confirm the constitutive activating nature of these variants, and show that this activation did not require binding with cGAMP, but was dependent on signalling through TBK1. Ruxolitinib, a JAK1/2 inhibitor, could antagonise this constitutive activation ex vivo. These results indicate a promising therapeutic approach in such patients, and more widely in the monogenic, and perhaps even, polygenic, interferonopathy context.
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O direito da criança ao respeito, à participação e à liberdade em discursos de professores/asBrito, Márcia Regina Mathias dos Guimarães 11 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Valquíria Barbieri (kikibarbi@hotmail.com) on 2018-03-22T21:31:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-09-11 / Esta dissertação integra um projeto coletivo de pesquisas do Grupo de Pesquisa “Infância e Juventude Contemporânea” (GEIJC), da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), campus de Rondonópolis, que vem investigando, entre outros temas, os discursos sobre os direitos da criança e adolescente. Nosso objetivo é descrever e interpretar discursos de professores(as) da rede pública do Ensino Fundamental, da cidade de Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso, sobre como entendem e inserem no seu fazer pedagógico o direito da criança e do adolescente ao respeito, à liberdade e à participação. Utilizamos, na condução desta pesquisa, o método da Hermenêutica de Profundidade (HP) proposto por Thompson (2007), que é composto por três fases: a) análise do contexto sócio-histórico; b) análise formal ou discursiva e c) interpretação/reinterpretação. Para tanto, seguimos o percurso da contextualização da legislação sobre os Direitos da Criança, desde os debates em âmbito internacional e nacional, com a Declaração de Genebra (1924), a Declaração dos Direitos da Criança (1959), a Convenção Internacional sobre os Direitos da Criança (1989), a Constituição Federal (Brasil, 1988) e o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente – ECA (1990). Um dos referenciais teóricos, inspirador desse trabalho, é o autor Jannuz Korczak (1872-1942) que deixou expresso, em suas obras, como entendia o respeito que deveria ser conferido às crianças, bem como sua contestação ao baixo status moral atribuído, até então, às crianças, num mundo concebido e construído pelos adultos. Além de Korczak, adotamos os aportes teóricos dos estudos sociais da infância, tais como Qvortrup (2010), Pinto e Sarmento (1997), Corsaro (2011), Soares (1997) entre outros. Foram entrevistadas três professoras da rede pública de ensino e os dados obtidos indicam que as professoras relacionam o direito ao respeito, participação e liberdade ao direito que a criança tem ao aprendizado e que, embora haja um reconhecimento da importância do direito das crianças em serem respeitadas, a visualização e materialização desse direito no contexto escolar ainda é incipiente. / This paper is part of a collective research project of the Contemporary Infancy and Youth Group (GEIJC, in Portuguese), at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT), municipality of Rondonópolis campus, which has researched, among other topics, discourses on children’s and adolescents’ Rights. It aims at describing and interpreting public elementary school teachers’ discourses about their understanding of and how they deal with children’s and adolescents’ rights towards respect, freedom and participation during their classes. The Profound Hermeneutics method (PH) proposed by Thompson (2007), which is made up with three phases (socio-historical content analysis, formal or discursive analysis, and [re]interpretation), was at use. Thus, the contextualization of the law over children’s rights timeline was followed, from (inter)national debates, leading to Geneva Declaration (1924), Declaration of the Rights of the Children (1959), Federal Constitution (Brazil, 1988), International Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), and the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA, in Portuguese, 1990). One of the theoretical backgrounds that inspired this paper is by Janusz Korczak (1878-1942), who expressed his understand on children’s rights as well as his view against children’s role in a world of grownups. Besides Korczak, it is based on social studies on infancy by Qvortrup (2010), Pinto and Sarmento (1997), Corsaro (2011), Soares (1997), among others. Three public school teachers were interviewed and the data collected show that they relate right to respect, participation and freedom that children have regarding the learning process and that, although there is such acknowledgment of the importance of respecting children’s rights, seeing and feeling such right at schools is still something incipient.
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Respiratory pathogens in cases of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) at Tygerberg forensic pathology service mortuaryLa Grange, Heleen 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is considered the second most frequent cause of infant mortality worldwide. Research specifically pertaining to SIDS is limited in the South African setting. Identifiable causes for sudden infant death remain challenging despite full medico-legal investigations inclusive of autopsy, scene visit and ancillary studies. Viral infections could contribute to some sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) cases, especially since a multitude of respiratory viruses have been detected from autopsy specimens. The specific contribution of viruses in the events preceding death, including the subsequent involvement of the immature immune response in infants, still warrants deciphering. Infancy is characterised by marked vulnerability to infections due to immaturities of their immune systems that may only resolve as infants grow older when these sudden deaths rarely still occur. In South Africa there is a lack of a standard protocol for investigations into the causes of SIDS, including the lack of standard guidelines as to which specimens should be taken, which viruses should be investigated and which laboratory assays should be utilised.
Objectives: In this prospective descriptive study we aimed to investigate the prevalence of viruses in SUDI and SIDS cases at Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Service (FPS) Mortuary over a one year period. The primary aim was to explore possible respiratory viral infections in SUDI and SIDS cases and to determine the usefulness of molecular techniques to detect viruses from SUDI cases. To determine the significance of viruses, we assessed signs of infection from lung histology. The secondary objectives included collecting demographic data to investigate possible risk factors for SUDI and to look for possible similarities between viruses confirmed in living hospitalised infants at Tygerberg, during the study period compared to viruses detected from SUDI cases.
Methods: Between May 2012 and May 2013 samples were collected from 148 SUDI cases presenting at Tygerberg FPS Mortuary. As part of the mandatory routine investigations into SUDI, shell vial culture (SVC) results were collected from lung and liver tissue specimens and bacterial culture results were collected from left and right lung and heart swabs at autopsy. To investigate the possibility of viruses implicated in some of the infant deaths we used the Seeplex® RV15 Ace detection multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to establish the frequency of 13 ribonucleic acid (RNA) respiratory viruses (influenza A and B, human parainfluenza 1-4, human coronavirus [OC43, 229E/NL63], human rhinovirus A, B and C, respiratory syncytial virus A and B, human enterovirus and human metapneumovirus) from RNA extracted from tracheal and lower left and right lung lobe swabs. Tissue from the lower left and right lung lobes were also assessed for histology signs of infection.
Results: During our study we confirmed multiple known demographic risk factors for SIDS, such as the age peak around 1-3 months, the male predominance, bed-sharing, sleeping in the prone position, heavy wrapping in warm blankets, prenatal smoke exposure, and socio-economic factors. With the Seeplex® RV15 Ace detection assay between one and three viruses were detected in 59.5% (88/148) of cases. Of the 88 cases that had viruses detected, 75% (66/88) had one virus and 25% (22/88) had co-detections of two to three viruses. The most common viruses detected were HRV in 77% (68/88) of cases, RSV in 18% (16/88) of cases and HCoV in 14% (12/88) of cases. Many of the viruses we detected from our cases are included in the SVC test that forms part of the medico-legal laboratory investigation for all SUDI cases at Tygerberg FPS Mortuary. SVCs were positive in 9.5% (14/148) of all cases only. We showed that the SVC method is potentially missing most of the 13 respiratory viruses we investigated that could contribute to death in some of the SUDI cases. Conclusion: In some cases that had a Cause of Death Classification - SIDS, the PCR viruses detected cannot be ignored, especially when it is supported by histological evidence of infection. We thus propose that the use of PCR could alter a Cause of Death Classification from SIDS to Infection in some of these cases. Further research is needed to determine the significance of detecting viruses from SUDI cases wherein no significant histological evidence of infection was observed. This questions whether PCR may be too sensitive and is detecting past and latent viral infections that do not play any role in the cause of death. The histological picture also requires further characterisation to determine if it accurately predicts infections or lethal events and can truly support virology findings, especially in young infants whose immune systems are still maturing. Without determining the true prevalence of viruses in SUDI cases and the viral-specific immune response, the contribution of virus-specific infections to this syndrome will remain largely undetermined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Wiegiedood (“SIDS/SUDI”) word beskou as die tweede mees algemene oorsaak van sterftes in kinders jonger as een jaar wêreldwyd. Toegewyde SIDS-spesifieke navorsing in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing is beperk. Dit bly steeds „n uitdaging om oorsake te probeer identifiseer vir hierdie onverwagte sterftes in kinders (SUDI) ten spyte van volledige medies-geregtelike ondersoeke, insluitende die lykskouing, ondersoek van die doodstoneel en aanvullende ondersoeke. Virusinfeksies kan aansienlik bydra tot sommige onverwagte sterftes in kinders, aangesien verskeie respiratoriese virusse alreeds aangetoon is in monsters verkry tydens outopsies. Die spesifieke rol wat virusse speel in die prosesse wat die dood voorafgaan, asook die bydraende rol van „n onder-ontwikkelde immuunrespons in babas, regverdig verdere ondersoek. Die eerste jaar van lewe word gekenmerk deur verhoogde vatbaarheid vir infeksies weens die ontwikkelende immuunstelsels soos wat babas ouer word, en die voorkoms van SUDI neem stelselmatig af met „n toename in ouderdom. In Suid-Afrika bestaan daar tans geen standaard protokol vir die ondersoek van wiegiedood nie en daar is ook nie standaard riglyne oor die tipe monsters wat geneem moet word, watter virusse ondersoek moet word en watter laboratorium toetse uitgevoer moet word nie.
Doelstellings: In hierdie prospektiewe beskrywende studie is gepoog om die virusse wat in gevalle van wiegiedood of SUDI voorkom te ondersoek. Die studie is uitgevoer by die Tygerberg Geregtelike Patologie Dienste lykshuis oor 'n tydperk van een jaar. Molekulêre tegnieke om virusse aan te toon in hierdie gevalle is gebruik om spesifieke virusinfeksies te ondersoek. Die resultate is met histologiese tekens van infeksie in longweefsel gekorreleer. Demografiese data is verder versamel om moontlike risikofaktore vir wiegiedood te ondersoek. Dit is verder vergelyk met virusse wat met dieselfde diagnostiese tegnieke in babas geïdentifiseer is wat tydens die studieperiode in Tygerberg Hospitaal opgeneem was met lugweginfeksies. Metodes: Monsters van 148 SUDI gevalle wat by die Tygerberg lykshuis opgeneem is, is versamel tussen Mei 2012 en Mei 2013. As deel van die roetine ondersoeke in SUDI gevalle, was selkultuur resultate verkry van long en lewer weefsel, asook bakteriële kulture van deppers wat van beide longe en hart geneem was tydens die lykskouings. „n Seeplex® RV15 Ace polimerase kettingreaksie (PKR) toets is gebruik om die teenwoordigheid van virusse te ondersoek wat moontlik by die babasterftes betrokke kon wees. Trageale- en longdeppers wat tydens die lykskouings versamel was, was getoets vir 13 ribonukleïensure (RNS) respiratoriese virusse (influenza A and B, human parainfluenza 1-4, human coronavirus [OC43, 229E/NL63], human rhinovirus A, B and C, respiratory syncytial virus A and B, human enterovirus and human metapneumovirus).
Resultate: Ons studie het verskeie bekende demografiese risikofaktore vir SUDI bevestig, byvoorbeeld „n ouderdomspiek tussen een en drie maande ouderdom, manlike predominansie, deel van „n bed met ander persone, slaap posisie op die maag, styf toedraai in warm komberse, blootstelling aan sigaretrook voor geboorte en sosio-ekonomiese faktore. Die Seeplex® RV15 Ace toets het tussen een en drie virusse geïdentifiseer in 59.5% (88/148) van die gevalle. Uit die 88 gevalle waarin virusse opgespoor was, was selgs een virus in 75% (66/88) van gevalle gevind en twee en drie virusse in 25% (22/88). Die mees algemene virusse was HRV in 77% (68/88) van gevalle, RSV in 18% (16/88) van gevalle en HCoV in 14% (12/88) van gevalle. Baie van die virusse wat tydens hierdie studie ondersoek was, was ingesluit in die roetine selkultuur toets wat deel vorm van die standaard medies-geregtelike laboratoriumondersoeke in alle SUDI gevalle by die Tygerberg lykshuis, alhoewel die selkulture positief was in slegs 9.5% (14/148) van gevalle. Ons het gevind dat baie respiratoriese virusse potensieel gemisdiagnoseer word wat „n rol kon speel in of bydra tot die dood van sommige SUDI gevalle. Gevolgtrekking: In sommige gevalle waarin SIDS geklassifiseer is as die oorsaak van dood, kan die virusse wat met PKR toetse opgespoor is nie geïgnoreer word nie, veral waar die bevinding ondersteun word deur histologiese bewyse van infeksie. Ons stel dus voor dat die gebruik van PKR toetse die oorsaak van dood klassifikasie kan verander van SIDS na Infeksie in sommige van hierdie gevalle. Verdere navorsing is nodig om die waarde van gelyktydige opsporing van virusse in SUDI gevalle te bepaal wanneer daar geen noemenswaardige histologiese bewyse van infeksie gevind word nie. Dit bevraagteken of die PKR toets dalk te sensitief is en gevolglik vorige en latente virusinfeksies identifiseer wat nie noodwendig 'n rol in die oorsaak van dood speel nie. Die diagnostiese en kliniese waarde van die histologiese beeld in terme van die rol van virusinfeksies as bydraende oorsaak van dood moet verder ondersoek word, veral in jong kinders wie se immuunstelsels nog nie volledig ontwikkel is nie. Indien die werklike voorkoms van virusse in SUDI gevalle en die virus-spesifieke immuunrespons nie bepaal word nie, sal die rol van virus-spesifieke infeksies in hierdie sindroom grootliks onbekend bly. / Harry Crossley Foundation / Poliomyelitis Research Foundation (PRF) / National Health Laboratory Services Research Trust
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-07 / This research constructs elements for comprehension of social-spacial process of comercial infantile-juvenile feminine sex exploitation in Ponta Grossa, State of Paraná, Brazil. In the middle of a legal mark (regulator of distinctions between adults, children, adolescents) there are quotidian practises of the girls forming meanings around of sexuality, body and identities. The geographical space exercise an mediator role, composing relations and representations by the quotidianity. The focal group of this investigation is constituted by chidren and adolescents of female sex who are sexual exploited in a commercial way. The execution of this research is based on (a) sistematical observation of adult prostitution points; (b) analisis of proceedings of Infancy and Youth Judgeship of Ponta Grossa, Brazil; (c) reading of registers of occurrences of Conselho Tutelar Oeste (West Tutelary Council), after the
year of 1990; (d) interviews with adults sex professionals; (e) interviews with professionals who works in institutions whose target public are adolescents and children; (f) dialogues with public security professionals; (g) interlocution with
communitaries agents of Programa Saúde da Família (Family Health Program) and (h) investigation with the institutionalized children and adolescents that are in
shelters, by half-structured interviews and corporal and visual expression. These various fronts are complementaries in the comprehension of the phenomenon enquired and they reforce the methodological validation. The research evidenced that
the spatiality of the feminine infantile-juvenile sexual exploitation phenomenon is characterized by a high complexity and it does not presents a homogeneous standard. On the contrary, its survival is possible by the multiple spatial
configurations. In this way, make feasible the practises fo the components agents in the spatial interdependence. These are invisible tactics to strategies referred to the State. / Esta dissertação constrói elementos para compreensão do processo sócio-espacial da exploração sexual comercial infanto-juvenil feminina em Ponta Grossa – PR. Em
meio a um marco legal (regulador das distinções entre adultos, crianças, adolescentes) existem as práticas cotidianas das meninas conformando significados
em torno da sexualidade, do corpo e das identidades. O espaço geográfico exerce um papel mediador, componente de relações e representações desenvolvidas na
sua cotidianidade. O grupo focal dessa investigação se constitui por crianças e adolescentes do sexo feminino exploradas sexualmente na forma comercial. A
operacionalização desta pesquisa se deu a partir de (a) observação sistemática de pontos de prostituição adulta; (b) análise de processos constantes na Vara da
Infância e da Adolescência, Comarca de Ponta Grossa; (c) leitura de registros de ocorrências do Conselho Tutelar Oeste, após o ano de 1990; (d) entrevistas com profissionais do sexo adultas; (e) entrevistas com profissionais que trabalham em
instituições cujo público-alvo são adolescentes e crianças; (f) diálogos com profissionais de segurança pública; (g) interlocução com agentes comunitárias do Programa Saúde da Família e (h) investigação junto às crianças e adolescentes
institucionalizadas em abrigos, a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e de expressão corporal e visual. Essas diversas frentes de trabalho são complementares na compreensão do fenômeno indagado e reforçam a validação metodológica.
Constatou-se que a espacialidade do fenômeno da exploração sexual comercial infanto-juvenil feminina é de alta complexidade e não apresenta um padrão homogêneo. Pelo contrário, sua sobrevivência só é possível pelas múltiplas
configurações espaciais. Assim se viabilizam as práticas dos agentes componentes da rede de interdependência espacial. São táticas invisíveis às estratégias estatais.
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Gestão pedagógica e práticas educativas em espaços não formais de educação: um estudo no Centro de Promoção da Infância e da JuventudeKijak, Jéssica Rodrigues Gomes 31 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-02-08T11:43:50Z
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Jéssica Rodrigues Gomes Kijak_.pdf: 845452 bytes, checksum: 49c3c5fd63640ee056f9cdf7820f490c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-08T11:43:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-10-31 / Nenhuma / A presente pesquisa investiga as práticas educativas na educação não formal e a gestão pedagógica no Centro de Promoção da Infância e da Juventude. A opção metodológica dessa pesquisa foi a da abordagem qualitativa com inspiração na pesquisa-ação. Foram analisados diversos documentos institucionais e os que orientam o convênio público com a Prefeitura de Porto Alegre na área da assistência social e educação. Além disso, realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com dois educandos, dois educadores e um gestor, juntamente com a observação participante registrada em diário de campo no decorrer da pesquisa. Na análise de conteúdo realizada na perspectiva crítica verificou-se a estrutura e organização da gestão pedagógica com identificação das práticas educativas realizadas nesse espaço; outro eixo de análise foram os objetivos e metodologias que orientam as práticas educativas e a relação entre os documentos e as práticas cotidianas. Conclui-se que a gestão pedagógica, as práticas educativas, os objetivos e metodologias, de modo geral, estão alinhados com as características da educação não formal, no que tange a sua estruturação e organização. Contudo, algumas tensões são constatadas nessa relação, tais como: a necessária prudência para que não se reproduzam as práticas da educação formal nesse espaço não formal; o equilíbrio nas ações que envolvem os objetivos institucionais cristãos, as metas estabelecidas nos projetos em parceria com o poder público e as exigências dos convênios versus a liberdade de ação institucional. Como proposições à Instituição, como decorrência do estudo realizado, indica-se a elaboração do Projeto Político Pedagógico do Centro de Promoção da Infância e da Juventude e o investimento em formação continuada, para a constante qualificação das ações de gestão e práticas educativas da instituição. Para tanto é necessário que a gestão pedagógica garanta a finalidade educativa da Instituição, colocando a dimensão administrativa da gestão a serviço da concretização dos objetivos educacionais. / The present research work investigates the educational practices of the non-formal education and the pedagogical management applied at the Center for the Promotion of Infancy and Youth. The methodology followed in this study was a qualitative approach inspired in research-action. Several instituonal documents were analyzed, with enphasys on those that govern the public agreement with the Porto Alegre City Hall regarding the social assistance and education. Moreover, semi-structured interviews were carried out with (1) two students, (2) two teachers, (3) one manager of the Center, and it was registered in a field diary the observational participations of the researcher during activities and interviews throughout the development of the research in the Center. By the critical analysis of the material collected, it was verified that the structure and organization of the pedagogical administration was aligned with educative practises applied in the Center. Another points analysed in this research included the aims and methodologies that guide the educative practises employed in the Center and how the documents and daily activities are related. From these analyses it was concluded that, in general, the pedagogical administration, educative practises, aims and methodologies are aligned to the characteristics of a non-formal education, when considered aspects of structure and organization. However, some tension could be identified in this relation, to name some: (1) necessary caution to not reproduce formal activities in this non-formal place; (2) the balance of actions regarding to the Christian precepts of the Center; (3) the stablished aims in projects developed in collaboration with the public government and the exigences of these collaborations versus the freedom of Instutional actions. As a result of this study, some directions were proposed to the Center, which including the elaboration of a Public Pedagogical Project of the Center for the Promotion of Infancy and Youth and the investiment in continous trainning of the professionals, which will ultimately lead to the improvement of the administrative actions, and of the educative practises of the Center. To this, it is necessary that the padagogical administration ensures that the main aim of the Center is aducation, managing and investing their resources that will permit the achievement of the educational objectives of the Institution.
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Direito social, poder judiciário e serviço social: desafios na área da infância e juventudeSilva, Angélica Gomes da 23 November 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-11-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The dissertation Direito Social, Poder Judiciário e Serviço Social: Desafios
na área da infância e juventude, of the Angélica Gomes da Silva, focus on the
study of the professional practice of the social assistant, at the Vara da Infância
e Juventude in Varginha-MG, into the processes called Pedido de Providência
which are constituted, in its majority, for the Conselho Tutelar and Ministério
Público portraying situations under social rights breaking. In the attempt to know
this universe better, we carried out a quantitative and a qualitative survey in the
archives of the Vara da Infância e da Adolescência and Conselhos Tutelares in
Varginha and Carmo da Cachoeira, cities taken care of for the Judicial district.
Inside the chapters, we tackle the trajectory of the social rights and the Brazilian
reality in the area of infancy and youth; the professional practices of the social
assistant in the Judiciary; the role of the attendance net and the presented
partner-familiar content at Pedido de Providência. From the focused group and
the interviews carried through, we present the data gotten with the citizens of
this research, which are directly related to the "net" of attendance from the
presented questions at Pedidos de Providência including: Conselhos Tutelares,
Ministério Público, Poder Judiciário and Poder Executivo. The results of our
research point the challenges so that the Pedidos de Providência accomplishes
itself as an instrument for the guarantee of the social rights, demanding the
commitment of the agencies and professionals in its attributions and
responsibilities. In this way, the social assistants in the Judiciary assume a
position that demands political competence, theoretical and methodological
ethics to develop the abilities as expert of the social area in a perspective of the
principles concretion determined by the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente / A dissertação de mestrado Direito Social, Poder Judiciário e Serviço Social:
Desafios na área da infância e juventude, de Angélica Gomes da Silva, tem
como objetivo o estudo da prática profissional do assistente social, na Vara da
Infância e Juventude de Varginha MG, nos processos denominados Pedidos
de Providência. Os Pedidos de Providência são processos constituídos, em sua
maioria, pelo Conselho Tutelar e pelo Ministério Público que retratam situações
marcadas pela violação dos direitos sociais. Buscando conhecer melhor esse
universo, realizamos um levantamento quantitativo e qualitativo, nos arquivos
da Vara da Infância e Juventude e nos Conselhos Tutelares de Varginha e
Carmo da Cachoeira, municípios atendidos pela Comarca. No desenvolvimento
dos capítulos, abordamos a trajetória dos direitos sociais e a realidade
brasileira na área da infância e juventude; a prática profissional do assistente
social no Judiciário; o papel da rede de atendimento e o conteúdo sócio-familiar
apresentado num Pedido de Providência. A partir do grupo focal e de
entrevistas realizadas, apresentamos os dados obtidos junto aos sujeitos desta
pesquisa, os quais estão diretamente relacionados à rede de atendimento das
questões apresentadas nos Pedidos de Providência. São eles: Conselhos
Tutelares, Ministério Público, Poder Judiciário e Poder Executivo. Os resultados
de nossa pesquisa apontam os desafios para que os Pedidos de Providência
se efetivem como instrumento para a garantia dos direitos sociais, o que exige
o compromisso dos órgãos e profissionais envolvidos, dentro de suas
atribuições e responsabilidades. Nessa trajetória, os assistentes sociais, no
Judiciário, assumem um trabalho que exige competência política, ética, teórica
e metodológica para desenvolver as habilidades como peritos da área social,
numa perspectiva de concretização dos princípios determinados pelo Estatuto
da Criança e do Adolescente
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Present i perspectives de futur dels programes socioeducatius en medi obert a les comarques gironines: una avaluació proximadaCastillo Carbonell, Miquel 27 May 2005 (has links)
La tesi "Present i perspectives de futur dels programes socioeducatius en medi obert a les comarques gironines: una avaluació aproximada", està estructurada en tres apartats d'extensió desigual. Primer el marc teòric conformat per sis capítols. Segon el marc metodològic director de la recerca. I finalment les conclusions, constituïdes en tres seccions on les dues primeres fan referència als resultats de l'anàlisi de les aportacions del treball de camp, mentre que la tercera explicita els resultats i constatacions finals de la tesi. / The actual thesis "Present and perspectives of future of the socioeducative programs in open surrounding to the Girona region: an approximate assessment", is structured in three sections of unequal extension. First the theoretical frame composed by six chapters. Secondly the methodological frame director of the research. And finally the conclusions, constituted in three sections where the two first ones make reference to the results of the analysis of the contributions of the fieldwork, while the third one is explicit of the results and final ratifications of the thesis.
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Biology of the Grey-headed gull Larus cirrocephalus in South Africa.McInnes, Alistair McIntyre. 26 November 2013 (has links)
The biology of the Grey-headed Gull was studied between 2004 and 2005 in South
Africa's Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal and Northern Cape provinces.
Grey-headed Gulls have a widespread but patchy distribution in South Africa,
occurring both inland and at the coast. Their largest population is centred on Gauteng,
where the species appears to be a relatively recent colonizer and where the current
breeding population is estimated at 2185 breeding pairs (the largest in South Africa).
There is evidence that the species has also increased in other parts of South Africa,
especially at Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape. The majority of coastal birds are
found in KwaZulu-Natal and there is strong evidence for regular movements of adult
birds between Durban and Lake St Lucia. By contrast, little evidence was found for a
putative large-scale, regular movement between Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.
The breeding biology of the Grey-headed Gull was studied at four sites in Gauteng
and at Lake St Lucia's Lane Island during 2004 and 2005. The distance between the
Gauteng sites ranges from 1.7 km, between Lakefield Pan and Korsman's Bird
Sanctuary, to 25.3 km, between Bonaero Park and Modderfontein Pan. The
approximate distance between Gauteng and Lake St Lucia is 460 km. The mean
clutch size at all sites was 2.42 eggs and the mean incubation period was 24.9 days.
Parental investment in incubation was approximately equal between the sexes while
males spent more time in attendance and participated in more aggressive encounters.
Empirical growth curves are given for mass, wing, culmen, head and foot
morphometrics of Grey-headed Gull chicks. Intraspecific variation in breeding
parameters reveal significant differences between sites, including: highly synchronous
laying at Lake St Lucia; the largest eggs and fastest growing chicks at Gauteng's
Modderfontein Pan (a small, peripheral colony); and the smallest eggs and slowest
growing chicks at Gauteng's Lakefield Pan (a large, 'core' colony). Possible reasons
for these differences include the relative localities of each site in terms of feeding
opportunities, high levels of predation by African Fish Eagle's at Lane Island, and
density dependent factors operating on the large colonies within the core population
on Gauteng's East Rand. Overall daily egg survival was comparatively high for all
sites in Gauteng and low for Lane Island nests. Morphometric, plumage and bare-parts data from a sample of trapped and resighted
birds are used to age, sex and determine the timing and duration of moult in the Greyheaded
Gull. Six age classes were identified and, for all measurements, males were
significantly larger than females. The mean duration of primary moult was 136 days
between October and January and there were two waves of secondary moult. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.
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Emergence of words : Multisensory precursors of sound-meaning associations in infancy / Ordens uppkomst : Multisensorisk information som ett led i uppkomst av förbindelser mellan ord och betydelse hos spädbarnKlintfors, Eeva January 2008 (has links)
This thesis presents four experimental studies, carried out at the Phonetic laboratory, Stockholm University, on infants’ ability to establish auditory-visual sound-meaning associations as a precursor of early word acquisition. Study I reports on the effect of linguistic variance on infants’ ability (3- to 20-months) to establish sound-meaning associations. The target-words embedded in phrases, based on an artificial language, were presented along with visually displayed puppets. Study II investigates the role of attribute type on infants’ ability (3- to 6-months) to establish sound-meaning associations. Two-word phrases, based on the same artificial language as in Study I, were presented along with visually displayed geometrical objects. The words implicitly referred to the color and shape of the objects. Study III examines infants’ ability (12- to 16-months) to predict phonetic information. The subjects were tested on their ability to associate Swedish whole words and disrupted words to familiar objects. Study IV investigates infants’ ability (6- to 8-months) to detect concurrence and synchrony in speech and non-speech. The infants were exposed to Swedish speech sounds presented with corresponding articulatory events, the sound of hand-clapping presented with synchronized hand-clapping movements, and the sound of hand-clapping presented with synchronized articulatory events. The results picture the subject as sensitive to distributional properties of auditory and visual information (Study I and II) but still unable to predict phonetic information, in the beginning of the second year of life (Study III). The infants’ conceptual behavior is outlined as a general-purpose perceptual process influenced by perceptual salience (Study IV). These results are related to a working hypothesis based on the Ecological theory of language acquisition (Lacerda & Sundberg, 2006), and Lindblom (Lindblom, 1990; Lindblom & Lacerda, 2006). / <p>För att köpa boken skicka en beställning till exp@ling.su.se/ To order the book send an e-mail to exp@ling.su.se</p>
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