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Soro de animais submetidos à sépsis grave ou infectados experimentalmente com o Trypanosoma cruzi induz perda da distrofina em culturas de cardiomiócitos: o papel da ativação e bloqueio da calpaína / Serum from animals subjected to severe sepsis or experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi induces dystrophin loss in cardiomyocytes cultured: role of calpain activation and blockedMalvestio, Lygia Maria Mouri 19 February 2014 (has links)
O complexo distrofina-glicoproteínas associadas (DGC) localiza-se no sarcolema das células musculares esqueléticas e cardíacas e tem como função principal proporcionar ligação mecânica entre o citoesqueleto intracelular e a matriz extracelular. Estudos prévios realizados em nosso laboratório, focalizando o complexo DGC, demonstraram perda de proteínas importantes desse complexo. As situações avaliadas anteriormente foram: infecção experimental por Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) e sépsis experimental. Em ambas as situações verificou-se a perda da distrofina acompanhada por disfunção contrátil e aumento nos níveis da calpaína, protease dependente de cálcio implicada na proteólise da distrofina. Todavia, o mecanismo responsável pela ativação das calpaínas e proteólise da distrofina na infecção experimental por T. cruzi e na sépsis experimental não está totalmente definido. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar in vitro o mecanismo responsável pela ativação das calpaínas nas culturas de cardiomiócitos desafiadas com o soro dos animais infectados experimentalmente com T. cruzi ou com o soro dos animais submetidos à sépsis grave experimental. Camundongos C57BL/6 foram submetidos à sépsis grave ou infectados com a cepa Y de T. cruzi. No pico de expressão das citocinas pró-inflamatórias, 12 dias após inoculação do parasito ou 6 horas após a indução da sépsis, o sangue foi coletado e o soro separado. Corações de camundongos recém-nascidos foram isolados para o cultivo dos cardiomiócitos. No quinto dia após o início das culturas, as células foram estimuladas com 10% do soro de animais infectados com T. cruzi ou o soro de animais submetidos à sépsis grave durante 24 horas. Após, as células foram coletadas para análises de Western blotting e imunofluorescência para verificar a expressão da distrofina e calpaína-1. Avaliou-se também, por imunofluorescência, a expressão do NF-B. Os cardiomiócitos foram estimulados e tratados com o dantrolene, inibidor da liberação de cálcio do retículo sarcoplasmático, ou ALLN, inibidor da calpaína-1, e após coletados para verificar a expressão da distrofina e calpaína-1 por Western blotting e imunofluorescência. Nossos resultados mostraram uma redução significativa na expressão da distrofina com desarranjo das miofibrilas contráteis e formação de bolhas citoplasmáticas, além de um aumento nos níveis da calpaína-1 e do NF-B. O tratamento com dantrolene nas culturas estimuladas com o soro de animais infectados experimentalmente com T. cruzi ou com o soro dos animais submetidos à sépsis grave, recuperou a expressão da distrofina e reduziu os níveis da calpaína-1. O tratamento com ALLN nos cardiomiócitos estimulados com o soro de animais infectados experimentalmente com T. cruzi recuperou a expressão da distrofina e não alterou os níveis da calpaína-1. Nas culturas estimuladas com o soro dos animais submetidos à sépsis grave, o tratamento com o ALLN recuperou a expressão da distrofina e reduziu os níveis da calpaína-1. Nossos resultados demonstraram que citocinas pró-inflamatórias presentes no soro dos animais infectados experimentalmente com T. cruzi como também no soro dos animais submetidos à sépsis grave induziriam um aumento no influxo de cálcio com consequente ativação das calpaínas, as quais atuariam na ativação do NF-B e na degradação da distrofina. Esse mecanismo poderia ser responsável pela proteólise da distrofina cardíaca observada na infecção experimental por Trypanosoma cruzi como também sépsis experimental. Mais estudos são necessários para elucidar este mecanismo, principalmente em relação a inibidores dos canais de cálcio, das citocinas pró-inflamatórias e das calpaínas, com o objetivo de fornecer novas vias de intervenção na prevenção de alterações cardíacas observadas na doença de Chagas e na sépsis. / The dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC), located in the sarcolemma of cardiac and skeletal muscle cells and concentrated along the plasma membrane in costameric structures provides a framework that connects the intracellular cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix. Previous studies from our laboratory clearly demonstrated disruption of DGC proteins in experimentally-induced T. cruzi infection and experimental sepsis. Both situation presented dystrophin disruption associated with contractile dysfunction and increased calpain levels, calcium dependent protease responsible for dystrophin proteolysis. However, the mechanism responsible for calpain activation and dystrophin proteolysis in experimentally-induced T. cruzi infection and experimental sepsis is not totally understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the mechanism responsible for calpain activation in cultured cardiomyocytes challenged with serum from animals experimentally infected with T. cruzi or subjected to severe sepsis. Mice C57BL/6 were subjected to sepsis induction or infected with Y strain from T. cruzi. At the peak of proinflammatory cytokines expression, 12 days after parasite inoculation or 6 hours after sepsis induction, the blood was collected and the serum separated. Hearts from newborn mice were isolated for culture of cardiomyocytes. After 5 days of incubation, the cardiac cells were stimulated with 10% of serum from animals experimentally infected with T. cruzi or subjected to severe sepsis during 24 hours, and collected for Western blotting and immunofluorescence analysis to verify dystrophin and calpain-1 expression. The expression of NF-B was evaluated by immunofluorescence. The treatments with dantrolene, inhibitor of calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum, or ALLN, calpain-1 inhibitor, were performed in cultured cardiomyocytes stimulated during 24 hours with serum from animals infected with T. cruzi or subjected to severe sepsis, and dystrophin and calpain-1 expression were analyzed by Western blotting and immunofluorescence. Our results demonstrated loss of dystrophin associated with myofibers derangement and presence of cytoplasmic blebs as well increase of calpain-1 and NF-B expression. The dantrolene treatment in cultures stimulated with serum from animals infected with T. cruzi or subjected to severe sepsis recovey dystrophin expression and reduced calpain-1 levels. The ALLN treatment in cardiomyocytes stimulated with serum from animals infected with T. cruzi recovery dystrophin expression and preserved calpain-1 levels. In cultures stimulated with serum from animals subjected to severe sepsis, the ALLN treatment recovery dystrophin expression and decreased calpain-1 levels. Our results demonstrated that proinflammatory cytokines in serum from mice infected with T. cruzi or subjected to severe sepsis could induce an increase calcium influx with calpain activation, which could act in NF-B activation and dystrophin disruption. Possibly, this mechanism could be responsible to dystrophin proteolysis observed in experimentally-induced acute T. cruzi infection and experimental sepsis. More studies are needed to elucidate this mechanism, especially in relation to calcium channel blockers and inhibitors of pro-inflammatory cytokines and calpains, which may provide new routes for intervention to prevent cardiac damage in Chagas disease and sepsis.
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Soro de animais submetidos à sépsis grave ou infectados experimentalmente com o Trypanosoma cruzi induz perda da distrofina em culturas de cardiomiócitos: o papel da ativação e bloqueio da calpaína / Serum from animals subjected to severe sepsis or experimentally infected with Trypanosoma cruzi induces dystrophin loss in cardiomyocytes cultured: role of calpain activation and blockedLygia Maria Mouri Malvestio 19 February 2014 (has links)
O complexo distrofina-glicoproteínas associadas (DGC) localiza-se no sarcolema das células musculares esqueléticas e cardíacas e tem como função principal proporcionar ligação mecânica entre o citoesqueleto intracelular e a matriz extracelular. Estudos prévios realizados em nosso laboratório, focalizando o complexo DGC, demonstraram perda de proteínas importantes desse complexo. As situações avaliadas anteriormente foram: infecção experimental por Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi) e sépsis experimental. Em ambas as situações verificou-se a perda da distrofina acompanhada por disfunção contrátil e aumento nos níveis da calpaína, protease dependente de cálcio implicada na proteólise da distrofina. Todavia, o mecanismo responsável pela ativação das calpaínas e proteólise da distrofina na infecção experimental por T. cruzi e na sépsis experimental não está totalmente definido. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar in vitro o mecanismo responsável pela ativação das calpaínas nas culturas de cardiomiócitos desafiadas com o soro dos animais infectados experimentalmente com T. cruzi ou com o soro dos animais submetidos à sépsis grave experimental. Camundongos C57BL/6 foram submetidos à sépsis grave ou infectados com a cepa Y de T. cruzi. No pico de expressão das citocinas pró-inflamatórias, 12 dias após inoculação do parasito ou 6 horas após a indução da sépsis, o sangue foi coletado e o soro separado. Corações de camundongos recém-nascidos foram isolados para o cultivo dos cardiomiócitos. No quinto dia após o início das culturas, as células foram estimuladas com 10% do soro de animais infectados com T. cruzi ou o soro de animais submetidos à sépsis grave durante 24 horas. Após, as células foram coletadas para análises de Western blotting e imunofluorescência para verificar a expressão da distrofina e calpaína-1. Avaliou-se também, por imunofluorescência, a expressão do NF-B. Os cardiomiócitos foram estimulados e tratados com o dantrolene, inibidor da liberação de cálcio do retículo sarcoplasmático, ou ALLN, inibidor da calpaína-1, e após coletados para verificar a expressão da distrofina e calpaína-1 por Western blotting e imunofluorescência. Nossos resultados mostraram uma redução significativa na expressão da distrofina com desarranjo das miofibrilas contráteis e formação de bolhas citoplasmáticas, além de um aumento nos níveis da calpaína-1 e do NF-B. O tratamento com dantrolene nas culturas estimuladas com o soro de animais infectados experimentalmente com T. cruzi ou com o soro dos animais submetidos à sépsis grave, recuperou a expressão da distrofina e reduziu os níveis da calpaína-1. O tratamento com ALLN nos cardiomiócitos estimulados com o soro de animais infectados experimentalmente com T. cruzi recuperou a expressão da distrofina e não alterou os níveis da calpaína-1. Nas culturas estimuladas com o soro dos animais submetidos à sépsis grave, o tratamento com o ALLN recuperou a expressão da distrofina e reduziu os níveis da calpaína-1. Nossos resultados demonstraram que citocinas pró-inflamatórias presentes no soro dos animais infectados experimentalmente com T. cruzi como também no soro dos animais submetidos à sépsis grave induziriam um aumento no influxo de cálcio com consequente ativação das calpaínas, as quais atuariam na ativação do NF-B e na degradação da distrofina. Esse mecanismo poderia ser responsável pela proteólise da distrofina cardíaca observada na infecção experimental por Trypanosoma cruzi como também sépsis experimental. Mais estudos são necessários para elucidar este mecanismo, principalmente em relação a inibidores dos canais de cálcio, das citocinas pró-inflamatórias e das calpaínas, com o objetivo de fornecer novas vias de intervenção na prevenção de alterações cardíacas observadas na doença de Chagas e na sépsis. / The dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC), located in the sarcolemma of cardiac and skeletal muscle cells and concentrated along the plasma membrane in costameric structures provides a framework that connects the intracellular cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix. Previous studies from our laboratory clearly demonstrated disruption of DGC proteins in experimentally-induced T. cruzi infection and experimental sepsis. Both situation presented dystrophin disruption associated with contractile dysfunction and increased calpain levels, calcium dependent protease responsible for dystrophin proteolysis. However, the mechanism responsible for calpain activation and dystrophin proteolysis in experimentally-induced T. cruzi infection and experimental sepsis is not totally understood. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the mechanism responsible for calpain activation in cultured cardiomyocytes challenged with serum from animals experimentally infected with T. cruzi or subjected to severe sepsis. Mice C57BL/6 were subjected to sepsis induction or infected with Y strain from T. cruzi. At the peak of proinflammatory cytokines expression, 12 days after parasite inoculation or 6 hours after sepsis induction, the blood was collected and the serum separated. Hearts from newborn mice were isolated for culture of cardiomyocytes. After 5 days of incubation, the cardiac cells were stimulated with 10% of serum from animals experimentally infected with T. cruzi or subjected to severe sepsis during 24 hours, and collected for Western blotting and immunofluorescence analysis to verify dystrophin and calpain-1 expression. The expression of NF-B was evaluated by immunofluorescence. The treatments with dantrolene, inhibitor of calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum, or ALLN, calpain-1 inhibitor, were performed in cultured cardiomyocytes stimulated during 24 hours with serum from animals infected with T. cruzi or subjected to severe sepsis, and dystrophin and calpain-1 expression were analyzed by Western blotting and immunofluorescence. Our results demonstrated loss of dystrophin associated with myofibers derangement and presence of cytoplasmic blebs as well increase of calpain-1 and NF-B expression. The dantrolene treatment in cultures stimulated with serum from animals infected with T. cruzi or subjected to severe sepsis recovey dystrophin expression and reduced calpain-1 levels. The ALLN treatment in cardiomyocytes stimulated with serum from animals infected with T. cruzi recovery dystrophin expression and preserved calpain-1 levels. In cultures stimulated with serum from animals subjected to severe sepsis, the ALLN treatment recovery dystrophin expression and decreased calpain-1 levels. Our results demonstrated that proinflammatory cytokines in serum from mice infected with T. cruzi or subjected to severe sepsis could induce an increase calcium influx with calpain activation, which could act in NF-B activation and dystrophin disruption. Possibly, this mechanism could be responsible to dystrophin proteolysis observed in experimentally-induced acute T. cruzi infection and experimental sepsis. More studies are needed to elucidate this mechanism, especially in relation to calcium channel blockers and inhibitors of pro-inflammatory cytokines and calpains, which may provide new routes for intervention to prevent cardiac damage in Chagas disease and sepsis.
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The impact of HIV/AIDS on infected and affected rural primary school children in Zimbabwe : children's perspectives : a case studyMtimbiri, Siza January 2019 (has links)
Although there has been increasing research on HIV/AIDS and children, albeit mostly outside the school environment, most research in the area tends to view 'children as objects' (Christensen and James, 1999) in the research process whereby the change in the child is what is being observed. This view lessens the role of the child and as such means that the results are inadequate - mostly the researcher's perspective is represented. In Zimbabwe, with an estimated 1.1 million AIDS orphans and 115,000 children under 14 living with HIV/AIDS, not much empirical research has been conducted in school settings where they spend most of their time; the complexities of infected and affected students' experiences within the school-home-community spheres are mostly inferred due to lack of empirical research. Using Bronfenbrenner's Ecological System's Theory and the Capability Approach to adopt a holistic psychosocio-cultural lens, the research aims to understand the experiences of infected and affected students from their perspectives within their school, home and community environments. Added to observations, in-depth interviews based on data collected using photography, drawings, timelines, sociograms and student diaries were conducted with 65 boys and 27 girls aged 10 -13 years from a rural primary school during the months of August to December 2011. In-depth interviews were also conducted with 161 parents and caregivers. Also interviewed were 13 stakeholders comprising of a Senior Research Officer within the Ministry of Education, District Education Officer, 5 Teachers and their Principal, a District Councilor, the Chief, a village head, a local Baptist Minister and a research staff person from, FACT, a local NGO that works with AIDS orphans. Among children, findings point to dilapidating issues of stigma, abandonment, unaddressed emotional and physical needs; children relied on each other's advice more than that of teachers and caregivers. Among the adult community, the education authorities and community leaders who are custodians of their education, ignorance about infected and affected children is astounding. An ageing population of caregivers is barely able to deal with the complexities of infected children. Religion has a powerful negative influence on addressing HIV/AIDS issues. Teachers, citing taboo issues about sex and the fact that HIV/AIDS is not an exam at the school, refused to broach the subject. Education Officials at the time clearly pointed out that there has been no research nor any plans yet to address this population and their needs. Further research will need to be conducted for educational planning that will be most effective in implementing meaningful changes for this group and other rural primary school children.
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Mathematical modelling of HTLV-I infection: a study of viral persistence in vivoLim, Aaron Guanliang Unknown Date
No description available.
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Mathematical modelling of HTLV-I infection: a study of viral persistence in vivoLim, Aaron Guanliang 11 1900 (has links)
Human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) is a persistent human retrovirus characterized by life-long infection and risk of developing HAM/TSP, a progressive neurological and inflammatory disease. Despite extensive studies of HTLV-I, a complete understanding of the viral dynamics has been elusive. Previous mathematical models are unable to fully explain experimental observations. Motivated by a new hypothesis for the mechanism of HTLV-I infection, a three dimensional compartmental model of ordinary differential equations is constructed that focusses on the highly dynamic interactions among populations of healthy, latently infected, and actively infected target cells. Results from mathematical and numerical investigations give rise to relevant biological interpretations. Comparisons of these results with experimental observations allow us to assess the validity of the original hypothesis. Our findings provide valuable insights to the infection and persistence of HTLV-I in vivo and motivate future mathematical and experimental work. / Applied Mathematics
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Mathematical modeling and analysis of HIV/AIDS control measuresGbenga, Abiodun J. January 2012 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / In this thesis, we investigate the HIV/AIDS epidemic in a population which experiences a significant flow of immigrants. We derive and analyse a math-
ematical model that describes the dynamics of HIV infection among the im-
migrant youths and intervention that can minimize or prevent the spread of
the disease in the population. In particular, we are interested in the effects of
public-health education and of parental care.We consider existing models of public-health education in HIV/AIDS epidemi-ology, and provide some new insights on these. In this regard we focus atten-tion on the papers [b] and [c], expanding those researches by adding sensitivity analysis and optimal control problems with their solutions.Our main emphasis will be on the effect of parental care on HIV/AIDS epidemi-ology. In this regard we introduce a new model. Firstly, we analyse the model without parental care and investigate its stability and sensitivity behaviour.We conduct both qualitative and quantitative analyses. It is observed that
in the absence of infected youths, disease-free equilibrium is achievable and is
asymptotically stable. Further, we use optimal control methods to determine
the necessary conditions for the optimality of intervention, and for disease
eradication or control. Using Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle to check the
effects of screening control and parental care on the spread of HIV/AIDS, we
observe that parental care is more effective than screening control. However,
the most efficient control strategy is in fact a combination of parental care and screening control. The results form the central theme of this thesis, and are included in the manuscript [a] which is now being reviewed for publication.
Finally, numerical simulations are performed to illustrate the analytical results.
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Projekt logistického řešení požadavku ochrany veřejného zdraví v oblasti zajištěného transportu pacienta v izolaci s rizikem kontaminace okolí / Project of Logistics Solution to Protection of Public Health in Area of Secure Transport of Patient in Isolation with Risk of Environmental ContaminationPAULY, Aleš January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis aimed to create a concept of a universal vehicle meeting the requirements for safe transportation of patients with risk of environmental contamination including the possibility of repeated use. The vehicle should meet the highest degree of public health protection, namely the Biological safety levels 4 (BSL 4). The questionnaire was used to gather the information about the current status of Biohazard teams, their material and technical equipment, and the way of transport security, including the possibility of rotating/substitution of the intervening staff. The questionnaire was distributed to the providers of health rescue services in individual regions and in the capital city of Prague. The results of the questionnaire survey formed the basis for processing the concept of the vehicle to ensure the transport of patients suspected of a highly dangerous contagion. The concept of the vehicle should serve as the basis for the real vehicle construction that will be able to provide protection at the level of BSL 4. It counts on a separate cabin for two drivers, a rear cabinet superstructure with a clean area for storing material and medical equipment, and rest facilities for the staff. At the rear, a separate insulating container consisting of an insulating box for patients, a decontamination area for the needs of the rotating staff, and a transfer box for medical supplies and devices. The proposed vehicle brings numerous improvements that meet BSL 4 protection and thus the highest level of the public health protection. The vehicle can carry up to seven patients at one intervention with the risk of environmental contamination. During the transport, it is possible for the staff to rotate continuously. The separate storage of medical supplies and devices ensures the use and degradation of only the necessary materials and devices. To cover the territory of the Czech Republic, the optimal number of six vehicles would be optimal.
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Pesquisa de anticorpos antitoxina diftérica e fenotipagem de linfócitos T em indivíduos soronegativos e soropositivos para o HIV-1 acompanhados no Instituto de Biologia do Exército Rio de JaneiroFrancisco Almeida Braga Speranza 21 September 2010 (has links)
Dados sorológicos sobre doenças imunopreveníveis são úteis para avaliar o sucesso de programas de imunização e a identificação de populações suscetíveis. Nos últimos 20 anos, as campanhas de imunização na infância foram eficientes no controle da difteria em muitos países. No entanto, uma taxa importante da população adulta continua suscetível à doença, uma vez que os níveis de anticorpos protetores reduzem com o passar do tempo. A infecção pelo HIV-1 leva a uma perda progressiva das funções imunes. Com o aumento da expectativa de vida dos pacientes HIV-1, e a maior incidência de infecções, torna-se importante a avaliação dos níveis de anticorpos antitoxina diftérica nestes grupos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os níveis de anticorpos antitoxina diftérica e a contagem de linfócitos T (LT) em indivíduos infectados ou não pelo HIV -1, assistidos no Instituto de Biologia do Exército (IBEx). Investigamos a correlação entre níveis de anticorpos específicos e os seguintes parâmetros dos grupos de estudo: sexo, faixa etária, categoria militar ou civil; vacinação prévia contra difteria; número de LT CD4+ e CD8+; e entre os indivíduos HIV-1 positivos a correlação com a carga viral e a terapia com antirretrovirais potentes (HAART). Para a quantificação de anticorpos antitoxina diftérica utilizou-se um kit ELISA (IBL Immuno-Biological Laboratories, Hamburg, Alemanha) e amostras de sangue de 180 indivíduos, sendo que 75 eram doadores de sangue e 105 eram pacientes positivos para o HIV-1. Aproximadamente 60% dos indivíduos estavam parcialmente protegidos contra a difteria (IgG específica ≥ 0,1 < 1,0 UI/mL). Entre os doadores de sangue, 56% dos indivíduos estavam protegidos (IgG específica ≥ 1,0 UI/mL) contra a doença, contra apenas 29 % dos indivíduos positivos para HIV-1. Em relação aos doadores de sangues de origem civil não se observou correlação entre os níveis de IgG e a idade, enquanto que, para os militares observou-se uma correlação inversa. Não houve diferença significativa na resposta de anticorpos para difteria entre os indivíduos soropositivos com CD4+ baixo ou normal. Pacientes com HAART mostraram uma resposta significativamente mais baixa de anticorpos (média geométrica de 0.39 IU/mL, n = 84) do que os pacientes não tratados (média geométrica de 0.58 IU/mL, n = 19). A diferença na idade média dos pacientes não tratados (46 anos) e tratados com HAART (35 anos) provavelmente influenciou estes resultados, já que os níveis de anticorpos contra a difteria declinam com o tempo. A existência em nossa comunidade de adultos (militares e civis) suscetíveis à difteria, incluindo os indivíduos soropositivos, reforça que a imunização a cada 10 anos e os estudos soroepidemiológicos são muito importantes e devem ser estimulados. / Serologic data on diseases that are preventable by vaccine are useful to evaluate the success of immunization programs and to identify susceptible subgroups. In the last 20 years the childhood immunization program has been efficient in the control of the diphtheria in many countries. However, an important rate of adult population remains susceptible to the illness, since diphtheria protective antibodies decline with time. HIV-1 infection leads to a progressive loss of immune functions. With the increase of life expectancy of HIV-1 patients, and also the increment of infections, it is important to known the antibody levels to diphtheria toxin in these population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the IgG levels to diphtheria toxin and T lymphocytes (LT) counts in HIV-1 infected and non- infected individuals assisted at the Instituto de Biologia do Exército (IBEx), Rio de Janeiro. We investigated the correlation between specific antibody levels and the following parameters of the study groups: gender, age-group, military or civilian origin, previous diphtheria immunization, CD4+ and CD8+ counts. For HIV-1 patients, we also analysed the correlation of specific antibodies with viral load and the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy HAART. A commercial diphtheria-ELISA kit (IBL Immuno-Biological Laboratories, Hamburg, Alemanha) was used to evaluate IgG levels in serum samples of 180 individuals. Blood donors accounted for 75 individuals and 105 subjects were HIV-1 patients. About 60% of individuals were partially protected against diphtheria (specific IgG levels ≥ 0,1 < 1,0 IU/mL). About 56% of blood donors were protected against diphtheria (specific IgG > 1.0 IU/mL). Howerver, only 29% of HIV-1 patients showed the same level of protective antibodies. For the civilian blood donors, there were no correlation between specific antibody levels and age group. In contrast, a negative correlation was observed in the military group. There were no differences in diphtheria serology according to CD4+ counts of HIV-1 patients or blood donors. Interesting, HAART- treated (n = 84) patients showed a significantly lower antibody response (geomean of 0.39 IU/mL) than untreated patients (geomean of 0.58 IU/mL, n = 19). As tetanus and diphtheria antibodies tend to decrease with time, the difference in age between HAART-treated patients (mean of 46 years) and those not being treated (mean of 35 years) might introduce a bias in the study. Concluding, the existence of susceptible military and civilian adults in our community, including HIV-1 patients, reinforce that reliable seroepidemiological data and immunization campaigns should be routinely stimulated.
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Absorption Flow-Cytometry for Point-of-Care DiagnosticsBanoth, Earu January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Medical devices are used widely at every stage of disease diagnosis and treatment. To eradicate certain infectious diseases, the development of highly sensitive diagnostic tools and techniques is essential. The work reported in this thesis presents a novel approach, which can be used for the diagnosis of various diseases in the field of clinical cytology. The central theme of this approach was to develop a simple, holistic and completely automated system for point-of-care (POC) diagnostics. This is realized through the Development of an Absorption Flow-Cytometer with Synergistic Integration of Microfluidic, Optics and simple Electronics. Quantitative diagnosis of malaria has been taken as test case for the characterization and validation of the developed technology.
Malaria is a life-threatening disease widely prevalent in developing countries. Approximately half the world population undergoes a test of malaria and it kills close to half a million people every year. Early detection and treatment will reduce the number of fatalities and also decrease its transmission rate. In the recent past, several diagnostic tools have been developed to detect malaria but there are varied demands on diagnostic instruments in healthcare settings and endemic contexts. The objective of this thesis is to develop an instrument capable of identifying malaria-infected red blood cells (i-RBCs) from a given few micro-liters of whole blood. The optical absorption properties of blood cells were measured at a single-cell level to diagnose malaria. The proof-of-concept for the instrument was established in four stages, after which a prototype was also developed and validated.
In the first stage, a system capable of simultaneously imaging cells and also measuring their optical absorbance properties was developed. The developed system was employed to characterize absorption properties of red blood cells (malaria-infected and healthy ones) on blood-smear. A custom-made bright-field transmission microscope in combination with a pair of laser diode and photo-detector was used to simultaneously image and measure transmittance of infected and uninfected RBCs.
In the second stage, the technique was extended to enable high-throughput measurements with the use of microfluidic sample handling and synchronous data acquisition. Using this technique, the optical absorbance and morphology of infected and healthy RBCs have been characterized in statistically significant numbers. The correlation between cell morphology (from images) and single-cell optical absorbance level helped to establish the thresholds for differentiating healthy and infected cells.
In the third stage, a portable prototype capable of assessing optical absorbance levels of single cells was fabricated. The developed prototype is capable of assessing cells at throughputs of about 1800 cells/ second. It was initially validated with sample suspensions containing infected and healthy RBCs obtained from malaria cultures. For the device to be usable at the field-level, it has to function in the presence of all other cellular components of whole blood. The optical absorbance of other cellular components of blood like white blood cells and platelets, were characterized. The device was finally tested with blood samples spiked with malaria-infected RBCs validating the overall proof-of-concept and the developed prototype. The deployment of such cost-effective, automated POC system would enable malaria diagnosis at remote locations and play a crucial role in the ongoing efforts to eradicate malaria. In future, the presented technology can be extended to develop POC diagnostic tool for other diseases as well.
As it enables quantitative estimation of malaria, the present optical absorption flow analyzer would also find application in disease prognosis monitoring, anti-malarial drug development and other studies requiring measurements on a single-cell basis. The hyper-imaging system can be used to characterize and validate the threshold information, and can be incorporated in the prototype. Thus, it is a continuous process to characterization and implementation in the prototype. The optofluidic absorption flow analyzer will help enable affordable clinical diagnostic testing in resource limited settings. This approach will be extended to diagnose other diseases, using differences in optical absorption as criteria for differentiating healthy and infected cells.
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Pesquisa de anticorpos antitoxina diftérica e fenotipagem de linfócitos T em indivíduos soronegativos e soropositivos para o HIV-1 acompanhados no Instituto de Biologia do Exército Rio de JaneiroFrancisco Almeida Braga Speranza 21 September 2010 (has links)
Dados sorológicos sobre doenças imunopreveníveis são úteis para avaliar o sucesso de programas de imunização e a identificação de populações suscetíveis. Nos últimos 20 anos, as campanhas de imunização na infância foram eficientes no controle da difteria em muitos países. No entanto, uma taxa importante da população adulta continua suscetível à doença, uma vez que os níveis de anticorpos protetores reduzem com o passar do tempo. A infecção pelo HIV-1 leva a uma perda progressiva das funções imunes. Com o aumento da expectativa de vida dos pacientes HIV-1, e a maior incidência de infecções, torna-se importante a avaliação dos níveis de anticorpos antitoxina diftérica nestes grupos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os níveis de anticorpos antitoxina diftérica e a contagem de linfócitos T (LT) em indivíduos infectados ou não pelo HIV -1, assistidos no Instituto de Biologia do Exército (IBEx). Investigamos a correlação entre níveis de anticorpos específicos e os seguintes parâmetros dos grupos de estudo: sexo, faixa etária, categoria militar ou civil; vacinação prévia contra difteria; número de LT CD4+ e CD8+; e entre os indivíduos HIV-1 positivos a correlação com a carga viral e a terapia com antirretrovirais potentes (HAART). Para a quantificação de anticorpos antitoxina diftérica utilizou-se um kit ELISA (IBL Immuno-Biological Laboratories, Hamburg, Alemanha) e amostras de sangue de 180 indivíduos, sendo que 75 eram doadores de sangue e 105 eram pacientes positivos para o HIV-1. Aproximadamente 60% dos indivíduos estavam parcialmente protegidos contra a difteria (IgG específica ≥ 0,1 < 1,0 UI/mL). Entre os doadores de sangue, 56% dos indivíduos estavam protegidos (IgG específica ≥ 1,0 UI/mL) contra a doença, contra apenas 29 % dos indivíduos positivos para HIV-1. Em relação aos doadores de sangues de origem civil não se observou correlação entre os níveis de IgG e a idade, enquanto que, para os militares observou-se uma correlação inversa. Não houve diferença significativa na resposta de anticorpos para difteria entre os indivíduos soropositivos com CD4+ baixo ou normal. Pacientes com HAART mostraram uma resposta significativamente mais baixa de anticorpos (média geométrica de 0.39 IU/mL, n = 84) do que os pacientes não tratados (média geométrica de 0.58 IU/mL, n = 19). A diferença na idade média dos pacientes não tratados (46 anos) e tratados com HAART (35 anos) provavelmente influenciou estes resultados, já que os níveis de anticorpos contra a difteria declinam com o tempo. A existência em nossa comunidade de adultos (militares e civis) suscetíveis à difteria, incluindo os indivíduos soropositivos, reforça que a imunização a cada 10 anos e os estudos soroepidemiológicos são muito importantes e devem ser estimulados. / Serologic data on diseases that are preventable by vaccine are useful to evaluate the success of immunization programs and to identify susceptible subgroups. In the last 20 years the childhood immunization program has been efficient in the control of the diphtheria in many countries. However, an important rate of adult population remains susceptible to the illness, since diphtheria protective antibodies decline with time. HIV-1 infection leads to a progressive loss of immune functions. With the increase of life expectancy of HIV-1 patients, and also the increment of infections, it is important to known the antibody levels to diphtheria toxin in these population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the IgG levels to diphtheria toxin and T lymphocytes (LT) counts in HIV-1 infected and non- infected individuals assisted at the Instituto de Biologia do Exército (IBEx), Rio de Janeiro. We investigated the correlation between specific antibody levels and the following parameters of the study groups: gender, age-group, military or civilian origin, previous diphtheria immunization, CD4+ and CD8+ counts. For HIV-1 patients, we also analysed the correlation of specific antibodies with viral load and the use of highly active antiretroviral therapy HAART. A commercial diphtheria-ELISA kit (IBL Immuno-Biological Laboratories, Hamburg, Alemanha) was used to evaluate IgG levels in serum samples of 180 individuals. Blood donors accounted for 75 individuals and 105 subjects were HIV-1 patients. About 60% of individuals were partially protected against diphtheria (specific IgG levels ≥ 0,1 < 1,0 IU/mL). About 56% of blood donors were protected against diphtheria (specific IgG > 1.0 IU/mL). Howerver, only 29% of HIV-1 patients showed the same level of protective antibodies. For the civilian blood donors, there were no correlation between specific antibody levels and age group. In contrast, a negative correlation was observed in the military group. There were no differences in diphtheria serology according to CD4+ counts of HIV-1 patients or blood donors. Interesting, HAART- treated (n = 84) patients showed a significantly lower antibody response (geomean of 0.39 IU/mL) than untreated patients (geomean of 0.58 IU/mL, n = 19). As tetanus and diphtheria antibodies tend to decrease with time, the difference in age between HAART-treated patients (mean of 46 years) and those not being treated (mean of 35 years) might introduce a bias in the study. Concluding, the existence of susceptible military and civilian adults in our community, including HIV-1 patients, reinforce that reliable seroepidemiological data and immunization campaigns should be routinely stimulated.
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