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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Databaserade beslut i skolan : En kritisk diskursanalys av rektorers välgrundade beslutsprocess / Data-based Decisions in School : A Discourse analysis of Principals written Data-based Decision process

Linder, Susanne January 2020 (has links)
In this study, the aim is to review principals' data-based decision-making process, which is based on analysing the discourses that are expressed in the documentation of their decision-making process. There are 84 decisions reviewed which come from 12 different principals in 13 different schools (pre-school class and year 1 - 9 compulsory school).  The theoretical startingpoint for the study is organisational theory and a model for Critical discourse analysis (CDA), which consists of three interrelated processes of analysis. Four different decision discourses are identified, efficiency discourse, knowledge discourse, documentation discourse and problem-based discourse. Previous research in the same field are confirmed. However, it contradicts with the idea that data-based decision-making process is following certain steps and fixed order in this kind of decision process in school. The conclusions are that despite guidelines and a strong focus on assessing results, the decision-making process seems to take other directions than planned in policies. Some parts in the process seems to be particularly complicated, and schools would gain from clarifying a designed data-based decision process. / I den här studien är syftet att granska rektorers välgrundade eller databaserade beslutsprocess, vilket sker genom att analysera de diskurser som kommer till uttryck i rektorers dokumentation om analys av resultat och planerade åtgärder. Utifrån en flerdimensionell analysmodell granskas 84 planerade åtgärder, från 12 olika rektorer i 13 olika grundskolor. Den teoretiska och metodologiska utgångspunkten finns i kritisk diskursanalys och organisationsteori. Resultatet stämmer till viss del överens med och bekräftar tidigare forskningsresultat inom samma område, men det motsäger att den välgrundade beslutsprocessen går till i bestämda steg och i en viss ordning. I studien identifieras fyra beslutsdiskurser: effektivitetsdiskurs, kunskapsdiskurs, dokumentationsdiskurs och problembaserad diskurs. Slutsatserna är, att trots riktlinjer och ett starkt fokus på att bedöma resultat verkar beslutsprocessen ta andra vägar än det som planeras i direktiv och policys. Vissa delar är särskilt komplicerade och av den anledningen kan alla organisationsnivåer vinna på att ge en mer tydlig form till processen för de databaserade besluten.

Sustainable Value Creation for Stakeholders During a Projects Life Cycle : A Structured Visual Tool for Communication and Collaborative Decision-Making / Hållbart värdeskapande för intressenter genom ett projekts livscykel : Ett strukturerat visuellt verktyg för kommunikation och gemensamt beslutsfattande

Ben Youssef, Rami, Myhrer, Samuel January 2021 (has links)
The importance of sustainable development within the construction industry and its environmental and social impacts as well as economic significance has become more apparent over recent years. A key factor perceived as contributing to an organization’s business success is the integration of environmental, social, and economic issues into decision-making processes. The pressure from stakeholders regarding their expectations on sustainability has risen, and the importance of understanding the stakeholders’ opinions and perspectives in a construction project while simultaneously maintaining sustainable project management increases. The aim of this thesis is to analyze how stakeholder sustainability expectations can be promoted and achieved during a construction project life cycle and related building process stages by supporting the project manager using a specifically designed visual tool. This will be investigated by answering three research questions proposed in the Introduction chapter (page 5). The visual tool is created with the focus on defining and establishing sustainability parameters based on stakeholder expectations. The tool should be applicable to a broad variety of construction projects with different focus on stakeholder expectations. Furthermore, a theoretical framework has been developed as part of the analysis based on existing theories; the Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010), Global Performance Framework (International Civil Aviation Organization, 2009) and Stakeholder Theory. The proposed framework and its visual tool component are a means to support a project manager with stakeholder communication, collaboration and informed decision-making. The visual tool is adapted to include a common language and structure to enhance the communication and collaboration amongst key stakeholders and support a project manager with ensuring that the construction project is focused on achieving sustainability results expected by the stakeholders. / Betydelsen av hållbar utveckling inom byggbranschen och dess miljö- och sociala påverkan samt den ekonomiska betydelsen har blivit tydligare de senaste åren. En nyckelfaktor som uppfattas som bidragande till en organisations finansiella framgångar är integreringen av miljömässiga, sociala och ekonomiska frågor i beslutfattningsprocessen. Trycket från intressenter gällande deras förväntningar på hållbarhet har ökat, och betydelsen av att uppfatta intressenternas åsikter och perspektiv inom ett byggnadsprojekt – och samtidigt upprätthålla hållbar projektledning – har ökat. Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur intressenters hållbarhets förväntningar kan främjas och uppnås under ett byggnadsprojekts livscykel och relaterat till byggnadsprocess steg genom att stödja projektledaren med användning av ett specifikt designat visuellt verktyg. Detta kommer att undersökas genom att svara på tre forskningsfrågor föreslagna i introduktionskapitlet (sida 5). Det visuella verktyget är skapat med fokuset på att definiera och etablera hållbarhets parametrar baserat på intressenters förväntningar. Verktyget ska kunna tillämpas på en mängd olika byggnadsprojekt med olika fokus på intressenters förväntningar. Ett teoretiskt ramverk har utvecklats som del av analysen baserat på redan existerande teorier; Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010), Global Performance Framework (International Civil Aviation Organization, 2009) och Intressentmodellen. Det föreslagna ramverket och dess visuella verktyg som utgör en av dess komponenter, är ett sätt att stödja en projektledare med intressentkommunikation, samverkan och informerat beslutsfattande. Det visuella verktyget har anpassats till att inkludera ett gemensamt språk och struktur för att förbättra kommunikation och samarbetet bland nyckelintressenter och stödja en projektledare med att säkerställa att ett byggprojekt har som fokus att uppnå förväntade hållbarhetsresultat.


Khalid, Ahmad Firas January 2019 (has links)
Many strategies can be used to support the use of research evidence in decision-making. However, such strategies have been understudied in crisis zones, where decision-making may be particularly complex, many factors may influence decision-makers’ use of research evidence, and professional judgements may be particularly relied upon. Using synthesis and qualitative research methods, this dissertation examines the role of research evidence in crisis zones and strategies to support its use in decision-making. First, chapter 2 describes a critical interpretive synthesis, which drew upon a broad body of literature around evidence use in crisis zones to develop a new conceptual framework that outlines strategies that leverage the facilitators and address the barriers to evidence use in crisis zones in four systems, namely the political, health, international humanitarian aid, and health research systems. Second, in chapter 3, the focus narrows, and an embedded qualitative case study design was used to gain a deeper understanding into one of the four identified systems, the political system, and specifically the factors that influenced the use of research evidence in the governmental health policy-development processes for Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Ontario. Finally, in chapter 4, a user testing study design was used to zero-in on decision-makers’ experiences with a particular strategy within the health research system, namely an evidence website focused specifically on topics relevant in crisis zones. This dissertation provides a rich understanding of research evidence use by examining knowledge translation strategies in a setting that has been largely unexplored in the broader KT map: crisis zones. The findings from this thesis point to the need for comprehensive strategies to support evidence use in decision-making that draw upon the existing literature and are adapted for crisis zones, which can occur sequentially or simultaneously within or across the four identified systems. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / In humanitarian aid, and specifically in crisis zones, there are many different types of information decision-makers can draw from when making decisions. One specific type of information is research evidence; however, the use of research evidence, and the ways it can inform decision-making in crisis zones, has been understudied. This dissertation addresses this key gap in understanding by: 1) developing a new tool that can help decisions-makers use research evidence to inform their decisions in crisis zones within the political, health, humanitarian aid and health research systems; 2) examining the factors that influence the use of research evidence in the governmental health policy-development processes for Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Ontario; and 3) examining the perspectives of decisions-makers around using one way of supporting the use of research evidence — an evidence website — to support evidence-informed decision-making in crisis zones.

<b>Learning by Evaluating Strategies in Design Education</b>

Scott Tecumseh Thorne (10730865) 02 August 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This three-article dissertation explores Learning by Evaluating (LbE), an educational approach that enhances student learning through the process of assessing and providing feedback on peer work. Leveraging principles of comparative judgement, students evaluate pairs of exemplars side-by-side to determine which is better and provide a rational for their decision, actively engaging in the assessment process. Students engage in critical thinking to justify their decisions, enhancing their understanding of the task at hand by discerning quality where they can apply these principles to their own assignments. Teachers may use this as a formative assessment tool to elicit student insights and misconceptions to better utilize teaching strategies and address specific needs. Engaging students in feedback allows teachers and students to communicate about a shared value structure, making the design process more comprehensive and manageable. Importantly, teachers have control over the duration of student engagement with LbE in the classroom. Once students have started the decision-making process, teachers can use a website interface to bring the session to a close, ensuring that all students finish simultaneously. Once these sessions have been created, they can be reused, further enhancing the efficiency of LbE in the classroom.</p><p dir="ltr">An important part of this process is the selection of exemplars for student evaluation. In my first paper, I engage in a systematic literature review of 33 articles on exemplars and their influence on the student learning experience in secondary and post-secondary education. Through this process, nine key themes were identified: clarity of instruction, learner focus, motivation for learning, student reflection on learning, building student self-efficacy, identifying instructional challenges, providing contrasting cases, the relationship between exemplar quality and student work quality, and raising the bar for learning outcomes. Findings suggest that the selection of exemplars has a significant influence over student motivation, understanding, and application, and that time should be taken not only to identify these items, but to use them as a means to discuss and clarify expectations to enhance the learning experience.</p><p dir="ltr">After establishing the educational merits in the first paper, I explore how selected pre-engineering teachers integrate LbE into their classrooms. To do this I use a design-based research approach in my second paper to both analyze and optimize the implementation of this method in a secondary STEM education setting through an investigation of student comments and justifications throughout the design process for five teachers after the first year of piloting the program in their classrooms. Findings show diverse student engagement and decision-making patterns, highlighting the importance of strategic integration of Learning by Evaluating for both students and educators.</p><p dir="ltr">In my final paper, recognizing that much of the research of Learning by Evaluating has focused on student outcomes in groups, I investigate the benefits on students as individuals. Using quasi-experimental research, a conceptual replication study was initiated to investigate the influence of Learning by Evaluating of 325 undergraduate students in an entry-level design thinking course as they prepare for and conduct qualitative research interviews. While the original study used LbE to have students develop PoV statements as a group, this replication study builds on that research by using the same methods and a similar sample of students from the same course, but shifts the focus to individual interviews to inform the PoV problem statement. The findings show that students in the treatment group prepared more open-ended questions, indicating improved interview preparation, however, the actual length of interviews showed no significant improvement. The study used random sampling and independent samples t-tests to compare treatment and control groups, with results suggesting that this is an effective pedagogical strategy for individualized work, highlighting its value for educators and researchers in optimizing comparative judgement to enhance student learning experiences.</p><p dir="ltr"><br></p>

Assessing cost-of-illness in a user's perspective: two bottom-up micro-costing studies towards evidence informed policy-making for tuberculosis control in Sub-saharan Africa

Laokri, Samia 04 July 2014 (has links)
Health economists, national decision-makers and global health specialists have been interested in calculating the cost of a disease for many years. Only more recently they started to generate more comprehensive frameworks and tools to estimate the full range of healthcare related costs of illness in a user’s perspective in resource-poor settings. There is now an ongoing trend to guide health policy, and identify the most effective ways to achieve universal health coverage. The user fee exemptions health financing schemes, which grounded the tuberculosis control strategy, have been designed to improve access to essential care for ill individuals with a low capacity to pay. After decades of functioning and substantial progress in tuberculosis detection rate and treatment success, this thesis analyses the extent of the coverage (financial and social protection) of two disease control programs in West Africa. Learning from the concept of the medical poverty trap (Whitehead, Dahlgren, et Evans 2001) and available framework related to the economic consequences of illness (McIntyre et al. 2006), a conceptual framework and a data collection tool have been developed to incorporate the direct, indirect and intangible costs and consequences of illness incurred by chronic patients. In several ways, we have sought to provide baseline for comprehensive analysis and standardized methodology to allow comparison across settings, and to contribute to the development of evidence-based knowledge.<p><p>To begin, filling a knowledge gap (Russell 2004), we have performed microeconomic research on the households’ costs-and-consequences-of-tuberculosis in Burkina Faso and Benin. The two case studies have been conducted both in rural and urban resource-poor settings between 2007 and 2009. This thesis provides new empirical findings on the remaining financial, social and ‘healthcare delivery related organizational’ barriers to access diagnosis and treatment services that are delivered free-of-charge to the population. The direct costs associated with illness incurred by the tuberculosis pulmonary smear-positive patients have constituted a severe economic burden for these households living in permanent budget constraints. Most of these people have spent catastrophic health expenditure to cure tuberculosis and, at the same time, have faced income loss caused by the care-seeking. To cope with the substantial direct and indirect costs of tuberculosis, the patients have shipped their families in impoverishing strategies to mobilize funds for health such as depleting savings, being indebted and even selling livestock and property. Damaging asset portfolios of the disease-affected households on the long run, the coping strategies result in a public health threat. In resource-poor settings, the lack of financial protection for health may impose inability to meet basic needs such as the rights to education, housing, food, social capital and access to primary healthcare. Special feature of our work lies in the breakdown of the information gathered. We have been able to demonstrate significant differences in the volume and nature of the amounts spent across the successive stages of the care-seeking pathway. Notably, pre-diagnosis spending has been proved critical both in the rural and urban contexts. Moreover, disaggregated cost data across income quintiles have highlighted inequities in relation to the direct costs and to the risk of incurring catastrophic health expenditure because of tuberculosis. As part of the case studies, the tuberculosis control strategies have failed to protect the most vulnerable care users from delayed diagnosis and treatment, from important spending even during treatment – including significant medical costs, and from hidden costs that might have been exacerbated by poor health systems. To such devastating situations, the tuberculosis patients have had to endure other difficulties; we mean intangible costs such as pain and suffering including stigmatization and social exclusion as a result of being ill or attending tuberculosis care facilities. The analysis of all the social and economic consequences for tuberculosis-affected households over the entire care-seeking pathway has been identified as an essential element of future cost-of-illness evaluations, as well as the need to conduct benefit incidence assessment to measure equity.<p><p>This work has allowed identifying a series of policy weaknesses related to the three dimensions of the universal health coverage for tuberculosis (healthcare services, population and financial protection coverage). The findings have highlighted a gap between the standard costs foreseen by the national programs and the costs in real life. This has suggested that the current strategies lack of patient-centered care, context-oriented approaches and systemic vision resulting in a quality issue in healthcare delivery system (e.g. hidden healthcare related costs). Besides, various adverse effects on households have been raised as potential consequences of illness; such as illness poverty trap, social stigma, possible exclusion from services and participation, and overburdened individuals. These effects have disclosed the lack of social protection at the country level and call for the inclusion of tuberculosis patients in national social schemes. A last policy gap refers to the lack of financial protection and remaining inequities with regards to catastrophic health expenditure still occurring under use fee exemptions strategies. Thereby, one year before 2015 – the deadline set for the Millennium Development Goals – it is a matter of priority for Benin and Burkina Faso and many other countries to tackle adverse effects of the remaining social, economic and health policy and system related barriers to tuberculosis control. These factors have led us to emphasize the need for countries to develop sustainable knowledge. <p><p>National decision-makers urgently need to document the failures and bottlenecks. Drawing on the findings, we have considered different ways to strengthen local capacity and generate bottom-up decision-making. To get there, we have shaped a decision framework intended to produce local evidence on the root causes of the lack of policy responsiveness, synthesize available evidence, develop data-driven policies, and translate them into actions.<p><p>Beyond this, we have demonstrated that controlling tuberculosis was much more complex than providing free services. The socio-economic context in which people affected by this disease live cannot be dissociated from health policy. The implications of microeconomic research on the households’ costs and responses to tuberculosis may have a larger scope than informing implementation and adaptation of national disease-specific strategies. They can be of great interest to support the definition of guiding principles for further research on social protection schemes, and to produce evidence-based targets and indicators for the reduction and the monitoring of economic burden of illness. In this thesis, we have build on prevailing debates in the field and formulated different assumptions and proposals to inform the WHO Global Strategy and Targets for Tuberculosis Prevention, Care and Control After 2015. For us, to reflect poor populations’ needs and experiences, global stakeholders should endorse bottom-up and systemic policy-making approaches towards sustainable people-centered health systems.<p><p>The findings of the thesis and the various global and national challenges that have emerged from case studies are crucial as the problems we have seen for tuberculosis in West Africa are not limited to this illness, and far outweigh the geographical context of developing countries.<p><p><p>Keywords: Catastrophic health expenditure, Coping strategies, Cost-of-illness studies, Direct, indirect and intangible costs, Evidence-based Public health, Financial and Social protection for health, Health Economics, Health Policy and Systems, Informed Decision-making, Knowledge translation, People-centered policy-making, Systemic approach, Universal Health Coverage<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A risk-informed decision making framework accounting for early-phase conceptual design of complex systems

Van Bossuyt, Douglas L. 26 April 2012 (has links)
A gap exists in the methods used in industry and available in academia that prevents customers and engineers from having a voice when considering engineering risk appetite in the dynamic shaping of early-phase conceptual design trade study outcomes. Current methods used in Collaborative Design Centers either collect risk information after a conceptual design has been created, treat risk as an afterthought during the trade study process, or do not consider risk at all during the creation of conceptual designs. This dissertation proposes a risk-informed decision making framework that offers a new way to account for risk and make decisions based upon risk information within conceptual complex system design trade studies. A meaningful integration of the consideration of risk in trade studies is achieved in this framework thus elevating risk to the same level as other important system-level design parameters. Trade-offs based upon risk appetites of individuals are explicitly allowed under the framework, enabled by an engineering-specific psychometric risk survey that provides aspirational information to use in utility functions. This dissertation provides a novel framework and supporting methodologies for risk-informed design decisions and trades to be made that are based upon engineering risk appetites in conceptual design trade studies. / Graduation date: 2012

Reducing uncertainty in new product development

Higgins, Paul Anthony January 2008 (has links)
Research and Development engineering is at the corner stone of humanity’s evolution. It is perceived to be a systematic creative process which ultimately improves the living standard of a society through the creation of new applications and products. The commercial paradigm that governs project selection, resource allocation and market penetration prevails when the focus shifts from pure research to applied research. Furthermore, the road to success through commercialisation is difficult for most inventors, especially in a vast and isolated country such as Australia which is located a long way from wealthy and developed economies. While market leading products are considered unique, the actual process to achieve these products is essentially the same; progressing from an idea, through development to an outcome (if successful). Unfortunately, statistics indicate that only 3% of ‘ideas’ are significantly successful, 4% are moderately successful, and the remainder ‘evaporate’ in that form (Michael Quinn, Chairman, Innovation Capital Associates Pty Ltd). This study demonstrates and analyses two techniques developed by the author which reduce uncertainty in the engineering design and development phase of new product development and therefore increase the probability of a successful outcome. This study expands the existing knowledge of the engineering design and development stage in the new product development process and is couched in the identification of practical methods, which have been successfully used to develop new products by Australian Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Excel Technology Group Pty Ltd (ETG). Process theory is the term most commonly used to describe scientific study that identifies occurrences that result from a specified input state to an output state, thus detailing the process used to achieve an outcome. The thesis identifies relevant material and analyses recognised and established engineering processes utilised in developing new products. The literature identified that case studies are a particularly useful method for supporting problem-solving processes in settings where there are no clear answers or where problems are unstructured, as in New Product Development (NPD). This study describes, defines, and demonstrates the process of new product development within the context of historical product development and a ‘live’ case study associated with an Australian Government START grant awarded to Excel Technology Group in 2004 to assist in the development of an image-based vehicle detection product. This study proposes two techniques which reduce uncertainty and thereby improve the probability of a successful outcome. The first technique provides a predicted project development path or forward engineering plan which transforms the initial ‘fuzzy idea’ into a potential and achievable outcome. This process qualifies the ‘fuzzy idea’ as a potential, rationale or tangible outcome which is within the capability of the organisation. Additionally, this process proposes that a tangible or rationale idea can be deconstructed in reverse engineering process in order to create a forward engineering development plan. A detailed structured forward engineering plan reduces the uncertainty associated with new product development unknowns and therefore contributes to a successful outcome. This is described as the RETRO technique. The study recognises however that this claim requires qualification and proposes a second technique. The second technique proposes that a two dimensional spatial representation which has productivity and consumed resources as its axes, provides an effective means to qualify progress and expediently identify variation from the predicted plan. This spatial representation technique allows a quick response which in itself has a prediction attribute associated with directing the project back onto its predicted path. This process involves a coterminous comparison between the predicted development path and the evolving actual project development path. A consequence of this process is verification of progress or the application of informed, timely and quantified corrective action. This process also identifies the degree of success achieved in the engineering design and development phase of new product development where success is defined as achieving a predicted outcome. This spatial representation technique is referred to as NPD Mapping. The study demonstrates that these are useful techniques which aid SMEs in achieving successful new product outcomes because the technique are easily administered, measure and represent relevant development process related elements and functions, and enable expedient quantified responsive action when the evolving path varies from the predicted path. These techniques go beyond time line representations as represented in GANTT charts and PERT analysis, and represent the base variables of consumed resource and productivity/technical achievement in a manner that facilitates higher level interpretation of time, effort, degree of difficulty, and product complexity in order to facilitate informed decision making. This study presents, describes, analyses and demonstrates an SME focused engineering development technique, developed by the author, that produces a successful new product outcome which begins with a ‘fuzzy idea’ in the mind of the inventor and concludes with a successful new product outcome that is delivered on time and within budget. Further research on a wider range of SME organisations undertaking new product development is recommended.

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