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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma análise acerca do artigo 8º do regulamento Roma II em face ao fenônemo das violações ubíquas de direitos autorais

Moreira, André de Oliveira Schenini January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar qual o tratamento que o fenômeno das violações ubíquas de direitos autorais, praticadas essencialmente no âmbito da internet, recebe no direito do conflito de leis, haja vista ser tal ocorrência um terreno fértil para a múltipla aplicação de legislações a um único ato. A análise realizada partiu da clara influência do princípio da territorialidade dos direitos autorais no âmbito do direito internacional privado de diferentes legislações, cujos resultados não se mostraram capazes de lidar com os reflexos do fenômeno das violações ubíquas. Para tanto, buscamos primeiramente no Regulamento Roma II, um instrumento de direito unional que unificou as regras de definição da lei a ser aplicada em casos de violações de direitos de propriedade intelectual no âmbito da União Europeia, mais especificamente no seu aritgo 8º, alternativas para uma abordagem mais atualizada. Aparentemente, apesar do alardeado teor vanguardista desse regulamento, referido instrumento de direito unional apresentou uma abordagem deveras conservadora no que tange ao conflito de leis para infrações de propriedade intelectual por meio de mídias ubíquas. Devido a isso, o presente estudo buscou em outras alternativas, encontradas em normas de soft law e no próprio direito europeu, possíveis saídas para o entrave criado pelo legislador unional nesse instrumento que deveria servir de modelo às futuras legislações internacionalprivatistas. A atual rigidez territorialista existente na forma como as violações ubíquas dos direitos de criação do homem são tratadas, fenômeno crescente com o uso desenfreado da internet em nosso dia a dia, assim como o poder unificador do Regulamento Roma II, foram razões que fizeram com que este trabalho propusesse um novo artigo para o citado conjunto de regras de conflitos de leis, específico para lidar com as violações ubíquas de direitos autorais, baseado em elementos de conexão condizentes com a atual realidade de exploração de obras da criação humana. / The purpose of this work is to analyse which is the treatment granted by the conflictof- law to the copyright ubiquitous infringement phenomenon occured mainly in the internet, considering that such situation is a fertile ground for the multiple application of laws occured due to the promotion of a sole act. The performed analysis departed from the clear influence of the copyright territoriality principle over the international private law of different legislations, whose results were not capable to deal with the reflexes originated from the ubiquitous infringement phenomenon. In this sense, we firstly searched in the Rome II Regulation, an european law tool that has unified the conflict-of-law rules for intellectual property infringement in the European Union, specifically in its article 8, an alternativa for an updated approach. Although the boasted avant-garde content of such regulation, apparently this european legal instrument presented an extremely conservative approach when dealing with the conflict-of-laws in intellectual property infringements perpetrated through ubiquitous medias, which therefore forced the current work to seek in other alternatives, located in the soft law and in the own european law, possible solutions for this complication created by the european legislator in an instrument that should have served as model to future international private law rules. The current rigidity seen in the way that ubiquitous infringements of creation rights are treated, considering the growing status of such phenomenon due to the vast use of the internet in our daily tasks, as well as the unifying power of the Rome II Regulation, were the reasons that directed this study to create a new rule for the cited group of conflict-oflaw rules specifically built to deal with copyright ubiquitous infringements, based on connecting factors that are consistent with the current reality of intellectual creations exploitation.

Poder da marca: interações entre direito antitruste e direito industrial / Power of trademarks: interactions between antitruste and industrial property law.

Natália de Lima Figueiredo 20 March 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca analisar os diferentes tratamentos dispensados à marca no âmbito do controle preventivo e no controle repressivo de condutas. A análise da função social das marcas demonstrou que esta é uma propriedade que se realiza na concorrência e pela concorrência. Nesse sentido, não há dúvidas de que está sujeita aos princípios do Direito Concorrencial. Todavia, a maneira como esses princípios balizam a marca no controle de atos de concentração, de um lado, e no controle repressivo de condutas, de outro, difere. No âmbito do controle de atos de concentração, a atuação da autoridade concorrencial é orientada por uma variante do princípio da precaução, o que a autoriza a tomar decisões e impor restrições aos direitos marcários mesmo em um contexto de incerteza. No âmbito do controle repressivo de condutas, todavia, a intervenção do CADE está sujeita aos princípios do Processo Administrativo Sancionador. Neste contexto, as condutas que envolvem o uso de direitos de propriedade intelectual, incluindo as marcas, devem ser analisadas à luz do princípio da estrita legalidade. Um critério jurídico objetivo é necessário para distinguir o lícito do ilícito, sobretudo em um cenário no qual estão em jogo duas políticas públicas distintas: a de proteção à concorrência e a de proteção à direitos de propriedade industrial. Sendo essas duas políticas instrumentais e parciais, voltadas a um fim maior de política econômica, devem harmonizar-se, e não sobrepor-se uma a outra. Ademais, o escopo de atuação da autoridade concorrencial em processos que investiguem o uso abusivo de direitos marcários e atos de concorrência desleal deve ser esclarecido. O direito concorrencial, enquanto ramo autônomo do direito, com princípios e métodos interpretativos próprios, pode analisar institutos e figuras de outros ramos que com ele guardem relação sem ter de ficar adstrito ao posicionamento de outras instâncias. / This work has the purposes of analyzing the different treatments trademarks are subject in the fields of merger control and antitrust infringement proceedings. The analysis of the social function of trademark showed that it is a property that becomes effective in and by means of competition. In this sense, there is no doubt that it is subject to the principles of Antitrust Law. However, the way these principles limits trademark rights in the context of merger control, on one side, and, antitrust infringement proceedings, on the other, varies. In the field of merger control, the antitrust authority is guided by a variant of the precautionary principle, which empowers it to make decisions and impose restrictions to trademark rights even in a context of uncertainty. However, under antitrust infringement proceedings, CADEs intervention is subject to the principles of the Sanctioning Administrative Procedure. As a result, the conducts that involve intellectual property rights, including trademark rights, must be analyzed in view of the principle of strict legality. An objective legal criterion is necessary to distinguish licit from illicit behaviors especially under a scenario where two different public policies are at stake: the one relating to competition defense and the other concerning the protection to intellectual property rights. Since these two policies are instrumental, partial and targeted to a higher objective connected with economic policy, they should be harmonized and not overlap each other. In addition, the scope of the competition authoritys jurisdiction in antitrust infringement proceedings which investigate the abuse of trademark laws and acts of unfair competition should be clarified. Antitrust law, as an independent legal field, which contains its own principles and interpretation methods, can analyze institutes from other legal fields to which it is related without being bound by the positioning of other instances.

Internetová a počítačová kriminalita / Internet and computer criminality

Hefka, Rostislav January 2016 (has links)
Internet and computer criminality Summary This thesis, as its name indicates, deals with the problems of our times associated with computers and the Internet, which make it possible to commit all sorts of crimes. Computers are part of our daily life and the sphere of information and communication technologies are constantly and rapidly developing, which gives space to potential perpetrators to find new approaches. The thesis is composed of eight chapters. The opening chapter of this thesis describes the basic concepts related to computer and Internet criminality. It includes the definitions of computer criminality, cybercrime, cyberspace, as well as basic technical concepts such as computer, hardware or software. Approximation of this terminology is essential to understanding the issue. Next chapter is devoted to some illegal activities in cyberspace, which are then legally assessed. The third chapter forms the most important part of the whole thesis because it describes in details the issue of copyright violations in connection with computers. At first it generally talks about intangible goods, and after that it acquaints to readers with piracy of audio and audiovisual works and later with software piracy. It shows the most important judgments that are connected to the discussed topic and were judged at...

Náhrada škody způsobené porušením pravidel hospodářské soutěže / Compensation for damage caused by breach of competition rules

Holásek, Martin January 2016 (has links)
66 Compensation for damage caused by breach of competition rules Abstract This thesis analyses actions for damages for infringements of the competition law, an area newly regulated by Directive 2014/104/EU of the European Parliament and of the council of 26 November 2014 on certain rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the European Union. A main purpose of this thesis is to describe specific aspects of actions for damages for infringements of the competition law, introduce alternatives to provisions of the Directive, identify the impact of the Directive on successful private enforcement of damages and evaluate a new proposal for a statute transposing the Directive into Czech law. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. Chapter One contains a brief introduction which is followed in Chapter Two by an evaluation of the necessity of this Directive and of its scope. Chapter Three deals with indirect purchaser's standing and passing-on defense, where it is noted that this change brings more complexity into the proceedings and the lack of indirect purchasers' motivation to sue is still persistent. Chapter Four describes certain possibilities of collective redress. Chapter Five is the main chapter of this thesis and...

Aktuální právní otázky využití a zneužití záznamů hudebního díla / Current legal issues of copyright infringement of musical works

Kubešová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis identifies the most important changes in legislation and submitted proposals in the area of copyright between years 2012 and 2013 and in the beginning of 2014 in the Czech Republic, the EU and the USA. These changes are evaluated from a legislative point of view and also from the point of view of a music consumer. For thorough understanding, the thesis contains also an overview of the current Czech legislation of copyright. Furthermore, it evaluates the current situation in a broader context of law, history, technology, culture and consumer behaviour and defines it as opposed to previous periods. It describes the history of music piracy and its current situation and features some of the most important cases of copyright enforcement of the period 2012 to 2014. The thesis contains also a research performed in the Czech Republic and Sweden, which describes past and present habits of music listeners. Following the identification of previous development and current trends, the thesis discovers future development and suggests future solutions to the problem of copyright in music.

Daňová diskriminace / Tax discrimination

Tecl, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the discriminatory treatments in the Czech tax law. The aim is to analyze the Czech Income Tax Act and the Value Added Tax Act to identify possible tax discriminations. The thesis studies infringement procedures leaded by the European Commission and it also studies cases of the European Commission against the Czech Republic on this matter and cases that can have impact on the Czech Republic because non discrimination is one of the primary principles of EU law. The identified discriminations should be removed in such a way that the Czech tax legislation does not discriminate against any group of taxpayers

Porušování autorského práva s využitím kybernetického prostoru / Copyright infringement in cyberspace

Maschke, Kryštof January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present the issue of copyright infringement in cyberspace. I choose it because it is very dynamic and actual topic, connected with modern technologies. Sometimes the legislator is not able to react on new technologies properly, they are just too fast. From that reason in several chapters i am focusing on important court decisions. The work itself is divided into 7 chapters. The first chapter describes the difference between the Internet and Cyberspace. Subsequently, I define the Cyberspace and divide it into individual parts, which are described in more detail. This will allow us to better understand the space in which we are moving and what are the differences from the real world . The second chapter focuses on legal protection of copyright. It is internally divided into three parts. In the first, I am describing historical development of copyright and important international treaties. Then I am focusing on copyright on the level of European Union. Finally, I deal with domestic legislation. I explain how copyright in Czech republic looks like, and how is protected as well as how the work of authorship is protected by the criminal law. The whole chapter ends with an analysis of case law about damages by the Supreme Court. The third chapter explores digital right management....

David and Goliath : Patent litigation and its challenges for SMEs

Burkhardt, Dominik, Dilexit, Erik January 2021 (has links)
The current patent system is by many scholars considered flawed regarding the intended positiveeffects on innovation, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). However, aneffective patent system requires possibilities for firms to enforce their patent rights to fulfil thebasic premise of inspiring innovation. The purpose of this study is to examine the challenges thatSMEs face in patent litigation and how it affects them and their innovation. 14 semi-structuredinterviews were conducted with Chief executive officers or research and development managersof Swedish SMEs to gain insights into the process of patent litigation and its effects on theinterviewed firms. Results showed that R&D investments decreased after patent infringement inmany cases and that firms had a tendency to change the way new patents are written to createstronger patents. The main finding is that patent litigation had a negative effect on SMEs, due tothe high direct and indirect costs resulting from a patent case. This adds to previous researchwhich highlights the disproportionate effects of patent litigation on small firms compared tolarger firms.

Going on Offense in Defense of National Judiciaries : On the Infringement Action and its Use in Combating Threats to Judicial Independence

Reinhammar, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Trademark infringement online : The accountability of internet intermediaries for third-party trademark infringement in the EU and the US

Lindell, Philip January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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