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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

論專利侵害之損害賠償計算-─從美國、中國大陸與台灣之專利修法談起 / Damages calculation in patent infringement-perspectives of patent reforms in the United States, China and Taiwan

李柏靜, Lee, Po Ching Unknown Date (has links)
為了專利法制現代化,美國、中國大陸與台灣均進行專利修法,並修訂損害賠償計算。本文試圖以三者修法目的為思考評析損害賠償計算之修訂,並類型化分析三者相關規範。本文探討美國司法實務所發展的分攤法則及整體市場價值法則,而在建立更有效率之專利制度的目標下,美國專利法第284條並不適合納入上述法則。本文歸納美國專利懲罰性損害賠償制度之三種認定故意的標準。第一,傳統的故意侵害論,Underwater Devices案「充分注意之確切義務」之標準為故意侵害設立了一個較低的門檻,比較類似過失。第二,Seagate案的故意侵害論,為客觀的輕率。第三,專利改革的故意侵害論,三種故意樣態下之客觀的輕率;但可能因此限制法官的裁量權。中國大陸在提高自主創新能力與建設創新型國家之知識產權戰略目標下,第三次專利法修正將於2009年施行。新專利法第65條將現行最高人民法院司法解釋規定的定額賠償提高到專利法層次,且提高法定額度。從訴訟成本考量,由法院定額不失為較經濟的方法;然而,此方法亦有可能會有因非根據證據而落入主觀判斷賠償數額的缺點。新專利法第65條並明訂賠償數額還應當包括權利人為制止侵權行為所支付的合理開支,惟其計量方法仍不明確。雖然新專利法沒有納入懲罰性損害賠償,於提高法定賠償額度與加重其他相關民事與行政責任之配套修改下,新專利法有提高侵權人金錢負擔的效果,應有較大的嚇阻功能,進而鼓勵創新。台灣在因應國內科技政策與國際規範發展,及配合智慧財產法院設立的背景下,提出專利法修正草案,其中建議現行專利法第85條新增「以相當於實施該發明專利所得收取之權利金數額為其損害」規定。然而,針對權利金的合理性及是否以合理權利金作為補償底限,修正草案並沒有明確規定。此外,修正草案建議刪除懲罰性損害賠償,以回歸我國民事損害賠償制度。台灣專利侵害民事訴訟的成本與賠償金額並不高,也沒有敗訴方負擔對方律師費用的規定,在專利侵害全面除罪化之後,懲罰性損害賠償對侵害人可能形成一種「實質上額外的風險」,而非「僅是一種商業上的成本」,因而有其一定的功能意義。以專利法促進產業發展的目的考量,若沒有相關配套措施,實可考慮繼續保留現行懲罰性損害賠償制度。 / For modernization of patent laws, the United States, China and Taiwan are undergoing patent reform, each amending its damages provision. This thesis categorized forms of damages calculation in three countries, and tried to analyze its amendment from the perspective of patent reform in each country. This thesis analyzed the possible impact of specifying the apportionment rule and entire market value rule in Section 284, 35 United State Code. In addition, three standards of willful infringement with enhanced damages were concluded. First, the traditional willfulness doctrine in Underwater Devices case is the affirmative duty of due care which sets a lower threshold of willing infringement that is more akin to negligence. Second, willfulness in Seagate case requires at least an objective recklessness. Third, willfulness in Patent Reform Act of 2009 requires an objective recklessness in three different conditions; such proposal may restrict the discretion of the court. With national intellectual property strategy to improve the domestic capacity of innovation and to build an innovative country, the third amendment to Patent Act of the People's Republic of China becomes in effect in 2009. Article 65 in the new Chinese Patent Act codifies the statutory damages in the range of RMB 10,000 to 1,000,000, compared to the current range of RMB 5,000 to 500,000 provided by the Supreme People’s Court judicial interpretation. In the perspective of litigation costs, statutory damages award may be a more economic approach but subjective judgment could have implication caused by lack of factual evidence for damages calculation. Article 65 also codifies that the amount of compensation shall include reasonable cost for ceasing patent infringement by the right holder, however, how to measure the reasonable cost is not clear. Although the new Chinese Patent Act does not include punitive damages, the maximum statutory damages, other related civil liability and administrative penalty are increased. Such amendments may increase the pecuniary burden of the infringer and expect to lead to more deterrent effect on patent infringement and encourage innovation. In the context of international regulation change, national technology policy change and establishment of professional Intellectual Property Court, comprehensive review of Taiwanese Patent Act is ongoing. The proposed bill adds “equivalent amount of royalty for implementing the patent invention as damages” into Article 85 of current Taiwanese Patent Act. However, it is not clearly codified that a reasonable royalty must be justified and such royalty calculation is to set a floor for damages award. The proposed bill abandons punitive damages for willful infringement. In such proposal, the result of willful infringement may not be a substantial additional risk but only a cost of doing business, because the litigation cost and damages award are not so high, and there is no attorney fee award or criminal penalty in Taiwanese patent regulation system. Hence, reconsideration of retaining punitive damages is suggested.

La contrefaçon des droits de propriété intellectuelle : étude comparative en droits français et thaïlandais / Infringement of intellectual property rights : a comparative study in french law and thai law

Butr-Indr, Bhumindr 26 June 2012 (has links)
La contrefaçon est un phénomène de dimension internationale qui constitue aujourd’hui plus qu’hier un véritable fléau. Il apparaît que les principaux pays de provenance des contrefaçons saisies dans l’Union Européenne sont les pays d’Asie,notamment la Thaïlande. Cette recherche a pour but d'étudier les problèmes juridiques relatifs à la contrefaçon des droits de propriété intellectuelle. Ceci nous amène à poursuivre la recherche suivant deux axes. La première partie a pour but de mettre en évidence la comparaison de la définition de la contrefaçon en France et en Thaïlande. Elle se décompose en deux sous-parties, la première s'attachant à décrire la qualification de l’atteinte constitutive de contrefaçon selon les droits concernés (le terme « contrefaçon » en lui-même, tant en France qu’en Thaïlande, désignant différentes formes d’atteintes à un droit patrimonial de propriété intellectuelle). Pour identifier les atteintes constitutives de contrefaçon, notamment l’élément matériel, nous mettons l’accent sur 4 points: l’existence de la création, la diffusion de la création, l’usage de la création et la participation à l’action contrefaisante. S’agissant de l’élément intentionnel de contrefaçon, il semble présenter de multiples facettes. La seconde définit la preuve de la contrefaçon. On observe alors les moyens de preuve de la contrefaçon : la loi prévoit deux séries de mesures principales que nous pouvons regrouper en moyens de preuve en matière civile et pénale. Par ailleurs, il y a des moyens de preuve alternatifs entre les deux régimes. Ce sont des procédures douanières.La seconde partie a pour objet la prise en considération de la répression par les juridictions civiles et pénales. Elle se décompose donc en deux sous-parties : la première concerne les sanctions prononcées par les juridictions pénales. Nous avons déjà étudié la procédure pénale et les sanctions applicables à la contrefaçon. Il se trouve que la situation en Thaïlande est totalement différente de la situation française, notamment concernant la jurisprudence en matière pénale. Il semblerait que la majorité des décisions soient des sanctions prononcées par les juridictions pénales. La seconde sous-partie concerne quant à elle la réparation des atteintes à la propriété intellectuelle. Nous constatons que le préjudice subi, en France tout comme en Thaïlande constitue en un gain manqué . En outre l’évaluation du préjudice en France et en Thaïlande est difficile (préjudice subi en matière de marque, préjudice moral et fixation de l’indemnisation de peine privée). / Counterfeiting is an international problem. It appears that the main countries of origin of counterfeit goods seized in the European Union are the Asian countries, including Thailand. The research explains concisely the entire key factors to this whole problem. The research is divided into two parts; in the first place, I will outline pointly the definition of Intellectual Property Rights law (IPRs law) infringement between French and Thailand. Firstly, we focus on the structure of IPRs infringement. The term "counterfeit" in himself both in France and Thailand indicating different forms of an intellectual property rights liability conception. To identify violations constitute infringements, including the material element, we focus on four points, the existence of the creation, dissemination of the creation, use of creation, participation in the infringing action . With regard to the intentional element of infringement, iconcerned the intention of counterfeiter by the civil and criminal aspects as well as the objectives of my research would analysis on two components. First, the application of substantive issues embodies in the civil action. The second is the criminal action. The intention of counterfeiter are also intersect into two parts of action. The secondly,, we research to the proof of infringement. There provides two measures of proof in civil matters and evidence incriminal matters. In addition, there are a customs procedures as an alternative measure of proof . In the second place, we mainly concerned the IPRs law enforcement: Firstly we concerns the penalties imposed by criminal courts. We have already studied the criminal proceedings. In addition, we studied the penaltiesfor counterfeiting. We find that the criminal proceedings in Thailand is totally different from the criminal proceedings in France. In addition, we studied the penalization of IPRs law. We find that the situation in Thailand is totally different from a France, especially in criminal jurisprudence. It seems that the majority of decisions are the penalties imposed by criminal courts. Secondly were search about categories of damages and criteria for proof of damages. We find that the damages, in France as well as in Thailand, is the recovery of profit. Also the difficulty of assessing the damage, in France as well as in Thailand, are the damage of Trademark law, moral right damage and punitive damage.

Re-engineering the copyright dividend in the illegal copyright market : an explorative conversation / Lesley Thulani Luthuli

Luthuli, Lesley Thulani January 2015 (has links)
The primary argument and area of interest within this explorative study lies within the domain of copyright law enforcement of the creative industries and argues the deleterious impact that the infringement of copyright has on national and individual balance sheets and the opportunity to re-engineer the copyright dividend. Globally, creative industries are estimated to account for more than 7% of the world’s gross domestic product and are predicted to grow, on average, 10% per year. Digitization and the internet have seen to it that copyright, through inter alia the unlimted reproduction capacity of copyrights, brought by digitization and the internet, has seen its importance in the intellectual property bouquet soar. This study endevours to establish the beginning of a discourse on copyright in which the very survival of the creative industries, galvanized, for more than a century by technology and changes in technology and the security of its consumers, depends on the adopting of improved, farsighted, equitable, inclusive and stricter measures in order to protect such from both internal and external threats. From a global perspective most copyright owners and nations with few exceptions rich in copyrights, compounded by the presence of unsubstantial collaboration, suffer losses because the protection of their respective intellectual property rights such as copyright, trademarks and patents are not adequately aligned with what may be referred as the technology conversation. It is imperative that the collaborative copyright alliances develop a strategic agenda that is relevant to the technology conversation in order to re-engineer the copyright dividend where new copyright enforcement mechanisms will be deployed. In as much as this study placed greater emphasis on online infringement, physical piracy is still pervasive and it intensely contributed to the explorative conversation. Piracy effectively relieves copyright authors and the State of the royalty flows that arise from legal and transparent use of copyright. It is these royalty flows that give rise to term “copyright dividend” literally meaning the income arising from the underlying copyright assets. Seeing what is stolen by piracy as the “theft”, whether direct or indirect, of copyright dividends, the challenge to address, avert and amend such outcomes is akin to re-engineering the copyright dividend and this meant the examining of the copyright law structures influencing and regulating the trade in copyrights. In this study the focus was initially on understanding the copyright law regimes and the real challenges that influenced their respective implementations that generated a copyright dividend. Understanding exactly how well such were actually working rested on exploring the lived experiences and perceptions of ten copyright experts across the world from two primary copyright law regimes. Such an exploration was necessary as such provided the requisite insight into inter alia the legal framework wherein both the illegal market and the legal market for copyright operated, to the threats faced the copyright dividend. Five research questions were used in this study. Such served as the discussion points used in the interviews with the ten research participants.These five research questions emerged from the problematization within current , literature and supported by the research data. The obtained data were grouped in relation to the five research questions and filtered to identify commonalities amongst the ten participants. The obtained data were grouped in relation to the five research questions and filtered through a lamination process,which emerged to identify commonalities amongst the ten participants.The global copyright law system and stakeholdership presently lack the necessary strategies, capacities, will and common thought to effectively address infringement. This is the major impediment of technological advancement and thus reengineering the copyright dividend was critical. To a demonstratable extend it is independent of the progress of governments and other relevant parties affected by infringement. The data also showed that infringement is an eroding threat to intellectual property and that critical knowledge is an urgent necessity to re-install the copyright value in its global ecosystem, which is essentially achieved by diverting the copyright dividends stolen by the illegal copyright market and re-engineering the copyright dividend. The outcome is that copyright law enforcement promotes the returns of dividends and fair trade to the rightful owners in an accountable and sustainable manner, as was and is intended by the global copyright law regimes. / PhD (Business Administration), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Re-engineering the copyright dividend in the illegal copyright market : an explorative conversation / Lesley Thulani Luthuli

Luthuli, Lesley Thulani January 2015 (has links)
The primary argument and area of interest within this explorative study lies within the domain of copyright law enforcement of the creative industries and argues the deleterious impact that the infringement of copyright has on national and individual balance sheets and the opportunity to re-engineer the copyright dividend. Globally, creative industries are estimated to account for more than 7% of the world’s gross domestic product and are predicted to grow, on average, 10% per year. Digitization and the internet have seen to it that copyright, through inter alia the unlimted reproduction capacity of copyrights, brought by digitization and the internet, has seen its importance in the intellectual property bouquet soar. This study endevours to establish the beginning of a discourse on copyright in which the very survival of the creative industries, galvanized, for more than a century by technology and changes in technology and the security of its consumers, depends on the adopting of improved, farsighted, equitable, inclusive and stricter measures in order to protect such from both internal and external threats. From a global perspective most copyright owners and nations with few exceptions rich in copyrights, compounded by the presence of unsubstantial collaboration, suffer losses because the protection of their respective intellectual property rights such as copyright, trademarks and patents are not adequately aligned with what may be referred as the technology conversation. It is imperative that the collaborative copyright alliances develop a strategic agenda that is relevant to the technology conversation in order to re-engineer the copyright dividend where new copyright enforcement mechanisms will be deployed. In as much as this study placed greater emphasis on online infringement, physical piracy is still pervasive and it intensely contributed to the explorative conversation. Piracy effectively relieves copyright authors and the State of the royalty flows that arise from legal and transparent use of copyright. It is these royalty flows that give rise to term “copyright dividend” literally meaning the income arising from the underlying copyright assets. Seeing what is stolen by piracy as the “theft”, whether direct or indirect, of copyright dividends, the challenge to address, avert and amend such outcomes is akin to re-engineering the copyright dividend and this meant the examining of the copyright law structures influencing and regulating the trade in copyrights. In this study the focus was initially on understanding the copyright law regimes and the real challenges that influenced their respective implementations that generated a copyright dividend. Understanding exactly how well such were actually working rested on exploring the lived experiences and perceptions of ten copyright experts across the world from two primary copyright law regimes. Such an exploration was necessary as such provided the requisite insight into inter alia the legal framework wherein both the illegal market and the legal market for copyright operated, to the threats faced the copyright dividend. Five research questions were used in this study. Such served as the discussion points used in the interviews with the ten research participants.These five research questions emerged from the problematization within current , literature and supported by the research data. The obtained data were grouped in relation to the five research questions and filtered to identify commonalities amongst the ten participants. The obtained data were grouped in relation to the five research questions and filtered through a lamination process,which emerged to identify commonalities amongst the ten participants.The global copyright law system and stakeholdership presently lack the necessary strategies, capacities, will and common thought to effectively address infringement. This is the major impediment of technological advancement and thus reengineering the copyright dividend was critical. To a demonstratable extend it is independent of the progress of governments and other relevant parties affected by infringement. The data also showed that infringement is an eroding threat to intellectual property and that critical knowledge is an urgent necessity to re-install the copyright value in its global ecosystem, which is essentially achieved by diverting the copyright dividends stolen by the illegal copyright market and re-engineering the copyright dividend. The outcome is that copyright law enforcement promotes the returns of dividends and fair trade to the rightful owners in an accountable and sustainable manner, as was and is intended by the global copyright law regimes. / PhD (Business Administration), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Trademark dilution: a comparative analysis

Kaseke, Elson 31 March 2006 (has links)
The thesis investigates the concept of trademark dilution under international and regional trademark law, and under the laws of selected jurisdictions; namely, the United States of America, Germany, the United Kingdom and the Republic of South Africa. The investigation includes measures undertaken to prohibit the internet-based dilution of famous marks through the registration of confusingly similar domain names. It is noted that dilution is imprecisely formulated under international trademark treaty law. In fact, the term "dilution" does not appear in international trademark treaties. To fill the gap of international trademark treaties, various policy initiatives, or `soft law' have been developed, which to some extent clarify both the concept of dilution, the type of mark protected from dilution, and the scope of such protection. The problem is that the policy initiatives are non-binding on States, so that different States have adopted different common law and statutory approaches to the protection of marks against dilution. This is demonstrated, for example, by the fact that the European Union and its Member States provide protection from dilution to "marks with a reputation", while the United States of America provides such protection only to "famous" marks, and the Republic of South Africa protects "marks which are well-known in the Republic" from dilution. The thesis analyses the protection granted in these jurisdictions, to determine the similarities and differences of approach, and to make appropriate law reform proposals to achieve uniformity of protection. In the final analysis, it is concluded that the burden of enforcing dilution provisions rest on the judiciary. This being so, the judiciary is urged to engage in a balancing exercise in deciding dilution cases. The courts should recognize that dilution provisions are powerful tools at the disposal of owners of trademarks with advertising value. At the same time, the courts should be steadfast in ensuring that protection from dilution does not stultify freedom of trade, or create absolute monopolies or a form of copyright in a trademark. / Jurisprudence / LL.D.

Libertarianism and Climate Change

Torpman, Olle January 2016 (has links)
In this dissertation, I investigate the implications of libertarian morality in relation to the problem of climate change. This problem is explicated in the first chapter, where preliminary clarifications are also made. In the second chapter, I briefly explain the characteristics of libertarianism relevant to the subsequent study, including the central non-aggression principle. In chapter three, I examine whether our individual emissions of greenhouse gases, which together give rise to climate change, meet this principle. I do this based on the assumption that we are the legitimate owners of the resources we use in those activities. In the fourth chapter, I question this assumption and scrutinize libertarianism’s restrictions on appropriations of climate-relevant resources, which leads me to distinguish between some different versions of the libertarian view. Toward the end of the chapter, I also examine libertarianism’s answer to the political question regarding how emission rights should be distributed. The fifth chapter investigates libertarianism’s verdicts for mere risks of infringement, as stemming from people’s emissions and acts of appropriations. In chapter six, I investigate the libertarian right to self-defense against both the effects of climate change and other people’s climate-relevant activities. In chapter seven, I discuss two intergenerational issues related to climate change: what libertarianism says concerning future generations and how libertarianism might deal with the problem of historical emissions. The eighth chapter explores the implications of libertarianism regarding collective moral wrongdoing in connection to climate change. In chapter nine, I take a look at the libertarian room for governmental responses for tackling climate change. The tenth and final chapter is a summary. The overall conclusion of the dissertation is that libertarianism recommends that we reduce our emissions and decrease our extraction of natural resources such as forests and fossil fuels. Furthermore, governments are permitted to undertake some quite substantial actions in order to fight the causes of climate change. I end with some bottom-up reflections on what these conclusions might say about the plausibility of libertarianism. I claim that although libertarianism after all manages to explain some of our moral intuitions regarding climate change, it is questionable whether libertarianism’s explanation is better than those offered by alternative moral theories.

Česká republika jako účastník řízení o nesplnění povinnosti vyplývající ze Smluv EU / The Czech Republic as a party to the proceedings for the failure to fulfill an obligation resulting from EU Treaties

Kučera, Václav January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is partly a reflection on the history and current form of the institute of infringement proceedings and in particular the analysis of the Czech Republic's participation in this type of procedure since its entry into the European Union. Proceedings for failure to fulfill an obligation is introduced as the main sanction- control mechanism under EU law, the purpose of which is to ensure that Member States comply with the obligations they adopted in connection with accession to the EU and that union norms have full effect. At the beginning is outlined the historical development of the infringement proceedings, i.e. on what purpose and in which way was this control mechanism initially incorporated into the primary law of the European Community, how its parameters gradually changed and whit what kind of proposals are currently mentioned in order to ensure the maximum efficiency of the procedure. Thesis emphasizes on a detailed introduction and evaluation of all aspects of procedure. Particular chapters are devoted to the question of object to the proceedings, legal entities and their rights during the proceedings, the system of sanctions and the effects of the European Court's decisions in the case. Control and discretion power is in infringement proceedings exercised by...

Páchání přestupků v souvislosti s návykovými látkami. / Committing misdemeanors in relation to addictive substances.

Schovancová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
Background - The thesis deals with the topic of committing misdemeanors related to addictive substances. It focuses on primary and secondary misdemeanors, in particular in the areas of public order, cohabitation, property, health protection from harmful substances and others, sometimes also called "general misdemeanors". A systematic collection of information on this issue is only carried out for some primary misdemeanors, and systematic data collection is not available for secondary misdemeanors. Objectives - The aim of this work is to provide information on the rate of committing misdemeanors in relation to addictive substances, i.e. primary and secondary, and knowledge of the occurence and frequency of specific misdemeanors of this issue. Methods - The research part was conceived as a pilot study. For the purposes of the research, the data were obtained through a content analysis of the files kept at the misdemeanor department of the City of Liberec. In the sample, the method of deliberate selection included files that met the basic criteria, namely that the offender committed an offense in connection with an addictive substance, either under its influence or for its action or against drug legislation, or can be assigned to a group of primary or secondary misdemeanors. Data was evaluated in...

Adolescência e justiça: um estudo sobre a implementação da Justiça Juvenil Restaurativa na Comunidade e sua relação com a comunidade do bairro Bom Jesus

Brusius, Analice 12 January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Fabricia Fialho Reginato (fabriciar) on 2015-07-30T23:26:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaliceBrusius.pdf: 2289604 bytes, checksum: b3b4cdaf2748ca855b7fda4146a89b63 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-30T23:26:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaliceBrusius.pdf: 2289604 bytes, checksum: b3b4cdaf2748ca855b7fda4146a89b63 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-12 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta pesquisa, a partir de um estudo da Justiça Juvenil Restaurativa na Comunidade, apresenta como objetivos investigar e analisar a implementação do projeto em sua relação com a comunidade do bairro Bom Jesus, em Porto Alegre. Constitui-se em um estudo de modalidade qualitativa. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a observação participante, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e análise de documento. O referencial teórico foi abordado em três importantes eixos. O primeiro aprofunda o tema do reconhecimento intersubjetivo, utilizando-se como referência a obra de Honneth (2008), e o referencial sobre da violência, utilizando-se, entre outros autores, as discussões trazidas por Maffesoli (1987). O segundo marco analítico trata da revisão teórica sobre a comunidade em que os estudos de Bauman (2003), sobre o tema, e de Wacquant (2001; 2005; 2008), sobre os hiperguetos, subsidiam grande parte da discussão. O último referencial teórico diz respeito aos estudos sobre as interações sociais e sobre os conflitos que apresentam como embasamento as obras de Simmel (1983). De maneira geral, constatou-se que o Projeto da Justiça Restaurativa Juvenil na Comunidade tem contribuído para apoiar as pessoas da comunidade a lidarem com seus conflitos. / This research, from a study of Restorative Youthful Justice in the Community, presents as objective to investigate and to analyze the implementation of the project in its relation with the community of Bom Jesus, in Porto Alegre. One consists in a study of qualitative modality. For the collection of data, it was used participant comment, half-structuralized interviews and document analysis. The theoretical referencial was boarded in three important axles. The first one deepens the subject of the intersubjective recognition, using itself as reference the studies of Honneth (2008), and the referencial on of the violence, using itself, among others authors, the quarrels brought for Maffesoli (1987). As the analytical landmark deals with the theoretical revision on the community where the studies of Bauman (2003), on the subject, and of Wacquant (2001; 2005; 2008), on the hiperguetos, they subsidize great part of the quarrel. The last theoretical referencial says respect to the studies on the social interactions and the conflicts that present as basement the studies of Simmel (1983). In a generalized manner, one evidenced that the Project of Youthful Restorative Justice in the Community has contributed to support the people of the community deals it with its conflicts.

Adolescente autor de ato infracional e responsabilidade: uma perspectiva psicanalítica da política de assistência social / Adolescent author of infraction and responsibility: a psychoanalytic perspective on social assistance policy

Penna, Priscila Souza Vicente 12 May 2017 (has links)
O problema de pesquisa sobre o qual esta tese se ocupou diz respeito à questão da responsabilização do adolescente autor de ato infracional. A interface dos campos de saber da psicanálise e do direito demonstrou-se fundamental para a apreensão da relação entre medida socioeducativa (MSE) e responsabilidade do adolescente neste contexto. A compreensão das motivações para a prática do ato infracional foi abordada a partir do referencial teórico-metodológico psicanalítico, aliado à experiência de acolhimento e atendimento junto aos adolescentes em cumprimento de MSE em um Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social (CREAS). Utilizamos estratégias de investigação referenciadas na concepção de Clínica Extensa, conforme desenvolvida por Herrmann (1991), vinculada à proposta de exercício do método psicanalítico fora do setting convencional. Elegemos quatro histórias de vida de adolescentes acolhidos e acompanhados no cumprimento da MSE, as quais nos subsidiaram para dar encaminhamento às questões inspiradoras do trabalho. Pudemos demonstrar que as motivações para a prática do ato infracional devem ser apreendidas num âmbito multifatorial, no qual convergem aspectos particulares da vida de cada sujeito e que devem ser tratados durante o cumprimento da MSE, para possibilitar a construção de um saber e de uma significação subjetiva acerca do ato praticado. Nesse sentido, este estudo comprova que a responsabilização do adolescente frente ao ato praticado não pode consistir apenas na tarefa do cumprimento da medida, umavez que o processo de responsabilização implica lidar com a história do sujeito e como este se posiciona perante esse ato. A interseção da psicanálise e do direito revelou também a complexidade que envolve a efetivação de uma política de assistência social que promova e assegure de modo satisfatório os direitos do cidadão, conforme rege a Constituição Federal do Brasil de 1988. No contexto da emergência do Estado Democrático de Direito, é dever não somente do Estado, mas também da sociedade civil, zelar pela efetivação desses direitos. Portanto, cabe aos profissionais que executam essa política de assistência viabilizar, na medida do possível, um trabalho que potencialmente permita a responsabilização do adolescente autor de ato infracional / The research problem on which this thesis is concerned refers to the question of the accountability of the adolescent author of an infraction. The interface of the fields of knowledge of psychoanalysis and Law has been fundamental for the apprehension of the relationship between socio-educational measure (MSE) and responsibility of the adolescent in this context. The understanding of the motivations for the practice of the infraction act was approached from the psychoanalytic theoretical and methodological reference, together with the experience of reception and attendance to the adolescents in compliance with MSE in a Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance (CREAS). We used research strategies referenced in the concept of Extensive Clinic, as developed by Herrmann (1991), linked to the proposal to exercise the psychoanalytic method outside the conventional setting. We chose four life histories of adolescents welcomed and followed up in compliance with the MSE, which subsidized us to give direction to the inspiring questions of the work.We could demonstrate that the motivations for the practice of the infraction act must be apprehended in a multifactorial context, in which particular aspects of the life of each subject that must be treated during the fulfillment of the MSE converge, to enable the construction of a knowledge and a subjective signification about the act practiced. In this sense, this study proves that the responsibility of the adolescent before the act practiced can not consist only in the task of compliance with the measure, since the process of accountability implies dealing with the history of the subject and how he stands before this act. The intersection of psychoanalysis and right has also revealed the complexity involved in the implementation of a social assistance policy that promotes and assures the rights of the citizen in a satisfactory manner, according to the Federal Constitution of Brazil of 1988. In the context of the emergence of the Democratic State of Law, it is the duty not only of the state but also of civil society to ensure the realization of these rights.Therefore, it is up to the professionals who execute this assistance policy to make feasible, to the extent possible, work that potentially allows the responsibility of the adolescent author of an infraction

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