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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolans arbete med inkluderingav nyanlända elever : En kvalitativ studie av lärares uppfattningar iteoretiska samt praktisk-estetiska ämnen

Edberg Wilhelmsson, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
This study is based on my own previous experiences in schools, partly duringmy internship, partly during my years as an unlicensed teacher. It arouses acuriosity where my commitment to this is strengthened as it is knowledgethat is needed for my future professional role as a subject teacher. It raisesquestions about how teachers alone can create inclusion in the classroomwhile at the same time following the curriculum's purpose of having theteaching individually adapted to each student's conditions and needs.The purpose of the study is to investigate spatial aspects of how teacherswork with inclusion in teaching depending on the geographical space,namely, if you teach a theoretical or a practical aesthetic subject and toincrease understanding of the inclusion problem. To investigate this, aqualitative method has been carried out which includes interviews with sixdifferent respondents.In the results, the respondents believe that it is important to have knowledgeabout the newly arrived students and that there should be access to resourceswith specific knowledge. What is consistent throughout the study is themanagement's handling of the reception of newly arrived students. There aredeficiencies in mapping and that resources are removed, which hasconsequences for the inclusion work. What emerges in the study is that thereis a certain difference between the practical-aesthetic and theoreticalsubjects, as well as the resources that each teacher has available.In summary, for the teachers to be successful with inclusion work, a clearmanagement system is required that gives the teachers opportunities for goodresources. It generates that the newly arrived student can be integrated in agood way in ordinary teaching and this in itself has a positive impact on theinclusion work, while at the same time creating the conditions for the studentto develop, feel safe and part of the community.

Kulturskolans inkludering av familjer med utländsk bakgrund

Bjerking, Mandella January 2023 (has links)
Den offentligt subventionerade kulturskolan ska verka för jämlikhet och som social brobyggare. Statistiken visar dock att barn i familjer med utländsk bakgrund är underrepresenterade i kulturskolans verksamhet. Denna studie jämför befintliga data över kulturskolans andel elever med utländsk bakgrund och enkätsvar från 108 kulturskolor gällande insatser och behov för att inkludera familjer med utländsk bakgrund. Resultatet analyseras med diskurs som förklaringsmodell, där begreppen policy och inkludering är centrala. Studien visar att kulturskolan behöver verka för att göra sin ordinarie verksamhet mer inkluderande genom en särskilt anpassad marknadsföring med hjälp av retoriskt anpassade verktyg, utöver språklig översättning, för att nå och påverka familjer med utländsk bakgrund till ett ökat deltagande i kulturskolans verksamhet.

Hållbart företagande : Analys av tre svenska bolags inkluderingsarbete

Tekleab, Tsehainesh January 2017 (has links)
In this essay I analyse how three Swedish companies with different types of governance carry out work aimed at promoting inclusion with focus on gender and ethnicity. There are three study questions: How does the type of governance affect the inclusion work in terms of national and international law? How do the companies operate within the framework of social sustainability in order to combat a homogeneous composition in relation to promotion to higher positions? Do the implementation strategies of the studied companies differ? The conclusions are that the implementation strategies differ between the studied companies and that the type of governance exerts has significant influence on the implementation strategies to promote and enhance inclusion to higher positions. Successful implementation strategies are guided by the principal’s intentions as well as the agenda of the company management. / I uppsatsen analyserar jag hur tre svenska företag med skilda bolagsformer, inom ramen för sitt sociala ansvarstagande, bedriver inkluderingsarbete med fokus på kön och etnicitet. Studien har tre frågeställningar: Hur påverkar bolagsformen inkluderingsarbetet i förhållande till nationell rätt och folkrätt? Hur arbetar företagen inom ramen för sitt sociala hållbarhetsarbete i sitt försök att motverka eventuell homogen sammansättning vid befordran till högre positioner? Finns det skillnader mellan de studerade företagens implementeringsstrategier? Denna studie visar att bolagsformen och ägarstrukturen har en signifikant påverkan av val på implementeringsstrategier för att främja en ökad inkludering bland anställda i ledande positioner. Framgången med implementeringsstrategier styrs av såväl uppdragsgivares intentioner som bolagsledningens agenda.

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