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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudio de prefactibilidad para brindar el servicio de transporte fluvial de alimentos perecibles en la selva Nor Oriental del Perú

Farfán-Zúñiga, Claudia-Cira, Cruz-Salas, Steve January 2016 (has links)
El presente estudio propone realizar un servicio de transporte fluvial de alimentos perecibles para las compañías petroleras de la selva norte del país, el cual forma parte importante dentro de la dieta balanceada que debe tener todo trabajador. El objetivo principal es brindar un servicio continúo durante toda época del año. / This study proposes to launch a river transport service of perishables for oil companies in the northern jungle region , which for ms an important part of thebalanced diet that every worker should have .The main objective is to prov ide a continuous service all year. / Trabajo de investigación

Nákladní lodní doprava na Labi v ČR / Cargo inland waterway transport on the Elbe river in the Czech republic

Chrustová, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
The thesis attends to cargo inland waterway transport on the river Elbe in the Czech republic. The target is to analyse its progress, function and place in national and international transport. The thesis shows actual problems that occur in inland waterway transport. The main problem is the bottleneck at the Czech - German border which should be solved by building-up of the weir in Děčín. But this is not acceptable for environmentalists. The target as well is to quote reasons why to built-up the weir which is important for the development of inland waterway transport.

The development of a curriculum for a course in basic firefighting technology

Doyle, Gregory Vincent 01 January 1997 (has links)
The lack of a current fire technology training program limits the employment possibilities of Inland Empire Job Corps Center trainees. The fire technology curriculum will provide Job Corps trainees with one more valuable skill to aid to their goal to gain and maintain meaningful employment after graduating from the Job Corps training program.

An evaluation of parental satisfaction with early intervention services through Inland Regional Center

Wazdatskey, Ann-Marie 01 January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Factors that influence the development of supports among adults with developmental disabilities

Brown, Kathleen Susan 01 January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Developing models and algorithms to design a robust inland waterway transportation network under uncertainty

Nur, Farjana 07 August 2020 (has links)
This dissertation develops mathematical models to efficiently manage the inland waterway port operations while minimizing the overall supply chain cost. In the first part, a capacitated, multi-commodity, multi-period mixed-integer linear programming model is proposed capturing diversified inland waterway transportation network related properties. We developed an accelerated Benders decomposition algorithm to solve this challenging NP-hard problem. The next study develops a two-stage stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear programming model to manage congestion in an inland waterway transportation network under stochastic commodity supply and water-level fluctuation scenarios. The model also jointly optimizes trip-wise towboat and barge assignment decisions and different supply chain decisions (e.g., inventory management, transportation decisions) in such a way that the overall system cost can be minimized. We develop a parallelized hybrid decomposition algorithm, combining Constraint Generation algorithm, Sample Average Approximation (SAA), and an enhanced variant of the L-shaped algorithm, to effectively solve our proposed optimization model in a timely fashion. While the first two parts develop models from the supply chain network design viewpoint, the next two parts propose mathematical models to emphasize the port and waterway transportation related operations. Two two-stage, stochastic, mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) models are proposed under stochastic commodity supply and water level fluctuations scenarios. The last one puts the specific focus in modeling perishable inventories. To solve the third model we propose to develop a highly customized parallelized hybrid decomposition algorithm that combines SAA with an enhanced Progressive Hedging and Nested Decomposition algorithm. Similarly, to solve the last mathematical model we propose a hybrid decomposition algorithm combining the enhanced Benders decomposition algorithm and SAA to solve the large size of test instances of this complex, NP-hard problem. Both proposed approaches are highly efficient in solving the real-life test instances of the model to desired quality within a reasonable time frame. All the four developed models are validated a real-life case study focusing on the inland waterway transportation network along the Mississippi River. A number of managerial insights are drawn for different key input parameters that impact port operations. These insights will essentially help decisions makers to effectively and efficiently manage an inland waterway-based transportation network.

Fiskdiversitet i svenska reglerade sjöar: effekter av dammutrivning och sjöarea / Fish diversity in Swedish regulated lakes: effects of dam removal and lake area

Julia, Westergren January 2024 (has links)
Throughout the years, dams have had important function for humans. However, many dams have today lost their function, which raises the question of dam removal. The outcomes of dam removal and their effects on fish communities are not fully investigated, which emphasizes the importance of continuing to study the effect of removal. In this study, I investigated whether or not dam removal in small lake outlets affected fish diversity. I also investigated the effects of the lake area and concentration of nutrients. The data collection was carried out in parts of Värmland, Dalarna and Västmanland counties, where 27 lakes, both with and without removed dams, were sampled. To sample fish, four to eight multimesh gill nets (depending on the area of the lake) were placed at varying depths. Water samples to measure nutrient concentrations were collected in places where the lakes were the deepest. A total of 3 223 individuals and 11 species were caught, with the most common species being perch. The effective species number varied between 1 and 3.44. There was a positive relationship between lake area and fish diversity. Dam removal, concentration of total phosphorus and total nitrogen had no effect on fish diversity. Dam removals can be considered as disturbances in complex systems and their effects may vary. Fish diversity is affected by colonization period and interactions between species, which likely takes long, which may explain why area but not dam removal affected fish diversity in my study. The lakes in the study were relatively homogeneous with respect to nutrient availability, which likely explains why nutrient concentration did not affect fish diversity. It is important to continue investigating the consequences of dam removal in other habitats than rivers, so that management of different water habitats can be carried out in the best way. / Dammar har genom tiderna fyllt en viktig funktion för människan. Många dammar har dock idag tappat sin funktion, vilket lyfter frågan om dammutrivning. Utfallen av dammutrivningar och dess effekter på fisksamhället är inte helt utredda, vilket trycker på vikten att fortsätta att studera effekten av utrivningar. I den här studien undersökte jag om dammutrivningar i mindre sjöutlopp påverkade fiskdiversiteten. Jag undersökte även effekterna av sjöarnas area och koncentration av näringsämnen. Datainsamlingen genomfördes i delar av Värmlands, Dalarnas och Västmanlands län, där 27 sjöar, både med och utan utriven damm, provtogs. För att provta fisk användes fyra till åtta provfiskenät (beroende på sjöns area) som placerades i varierande djup. Vattenproverna samlades in på platser där sjöarna var som allra djupast. Totalt fångades 3223 individer och 11 arter där den vanligaste arten var abborre. Det effektiva artantalet varierade mellan 1 och 3,44. Det fanns ett positivt samband mellan sjöarea och fiskdiversitet. Dammutrivning eller koncentration av total-fosfor eller total-kväve visade sig inte ha någon effekt på fiskdiversiteten. Dammutrivningar kan ses som störningar i komplexa system och att effekterna av dem varierar. Fiskdiversitet påverkas av koloniseringsperiod och interaktioner mellan arter, vilket sannolikt tar lång tid, något som kan förklara varför area men inte dammutrivningar inte påverkade fiskarnas diversitet i min studie. Sjöarna i studien var relativt homogena med avseende på näringstillgång, vilket sannolikt förklarar varför näringsämneskoncentrationen inte påverkade fiskdiversiteten. Det är viktigt att fortsätta arbeta med konsekvenserna av dammutrivningar i andra miljöer utöver älvar så att förvaltning av olika vattenmiljöer kan göras på bästa sätt.

High school lessons on human sprawl in the Inland Empire

Ibekwe, Anieno Abasiofiok 01 January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this project was to develop curriculum that educators could use to assist high school students (ages 14-17 years) in the Inland Empire of Southern California to apply critical thinking skills to understanding the negative effects of uncontrolled urban sprawl. The problems and issues which result from sprawl are emphasized in the learning activites.

Trojaborgarnas dolda agenda : En övergripande beskrivning av trojaborgar i Sverige och en jämförelse av olika teorier om trojaborgarnas funktion / The Hidden Agenda of the Troy Towns

Olsson Söderhäll, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
A Troy Town is a labyrinth either built of stones or made of turf. They can be found in northern Europe, especially in Scandinavia. The number of Troy Towns in Sweden is outstanding. They are around 400. Most of them are situated on the coast but there are still approximatly 80 inland about 20 of which are located on ancient burial grounds from both bronze and iron age. The Troy Towns in Sweden are mostly marked with round circles of stones, the size of human skulls, and placed directly on the ground. The entrance of a Troy Town is often formed as a cross. There are some turf labyrinths left in Denmark, England and Germany but most of them are overgrown by grass and can no longer be seen. The Troy Towns are hard to date. Away from the coast one can examine their contexts whilst along the coast lichenometry and the sea level may be used to determine the age of them. There are different ways to describe the purpose of them depending on what period they belong to and where they are situated. Researchers do not agree on all the theories and many of them are based on older explanations. Still new theories appear. My purpose apart from describing the Troy Towns is to examine and compare the theories and to evaluate their plausibility. / <p>Uppsatsen ventilerad 2019-05-27</p><p>Uppsatsen godkänd 2019-06-12</p>

En samverkan mellan högkapacitetstransporter och torrhamnar : Kartlagt utifrån triple bottom line / A synergy between High Capacity Transporting and Dry Ports : Charter based on triple bottom line

Larsson, Cajsa, Johansson, Lina January 2017 (has links)
Hållbarhet har blivit ett aktuellt ämne inom de flesta verksamheter och strävan är erhålla en ekonomisk vinning utan att äventyra naturresurser, människan och samhället. Verksamheters förmåga att distribuera gods säkert, snabbt och kostnadseffektivt är avgörande för internationell och inrikes handel och ekonomisk utveckling. Godstransporter är en stor källa till utsläpp av växthusgaser och därför är det viktigt att nya transportlösningar hittas för att minska de avtryck som godstransporter gör i en försörjningskedja. Användningen av så kallade högkapacitetsfordon, HCT-fordon, förväntas öka då möjligheten att köra lastbilar som överskrider EU:s dimensioner för längd, bredd och vikt kan medföra ökad effektivitet och reducerad miljöpåverkan. Även konceptet torrhamnar, det vill säga en anläggning med en terminal som drivs likt en hamn, kan användas för att konsolidera gods, avlasta hamnen och öka intermodaliteten hos godset. Intermodalitet innebär att godset fraktas från A till B med hjälp av en kombination av flera olika typer av fraktsätt, exempelvis sjö, tåg och lastbil.   Följande rapport kartlägger hur en samverkan mellan högkapacitetsfordon och torrhamnar skulle kunna se ut. Detta genomförs med hjälp av att utifrån hållbarhetsmodellen triple bottom line som avser de tre dimensionerna ekonomi-, miljö- och sociala effekter, identifiera styrkor och svagheter hos begreppen. Med hjälp en teoretisk litteraturstudie, en fallstudie av ETT-projektet, en observation av Skaraborg Logistics Center samt nio stycken intervjuer med experter inom området, analyseras effekterna av en samverkan mellan högkapacitetsfordon och torrhamnar.   Rapporten identifierar att bättre ekonomiska-, miljömässiga och sociala effekter nås om en torrhamn är kopplad till ursprungshamnen med järnväg snarare än med HCT-fordon. Ytterligare identifierad problematik där en torrhamn försörjs med HCT-fordon utgörs av de tillfälliga tillstånden för att få framföra de längre och tyngre lastbärarna. Analysen visar att för att uppnå en god effekt från en samverkan mellan HCT-fordon och torrhamnar krävs att varje begrepp ensamt uppnår de faktorer som krävs för god effekt.   Rapporten är avgränsad till att räkna allt gods som normalt gods, endast avse HCTtransporter på väg samt att förutsätta att svenska arbetsregler följs vid inrikes transporter på väg. Rapporten studerar inte detaljer kring potentiell utveckling inom tekniken, exempelvis säkerhetssystem, IT-system eller aerodynamik. / Sustainability has become a highly prioritized subject among most companies and the goal is to maintain financial value without jeopardizing nature's resources, neither human health nor the society. How safe, fast and cost efficient a company distribute their goods is crucial for international- and domestic trade as well as economic growth. Haulage is a great source of greenhouse gas emissions and therefore it is crucial that new solutions of transport are developed in order to reduce the negative footprint of haulage in a supply chain. The use of high capacity transporting (HCT) vehicles is assumed increase when the EU's dimensions for a truck’s length, width and weight are allowed. This exception from EN standards would lead to increased transport efficiency, economic efficiency and reduced impact on the environment. The logistical solution of dry ports, namely a port on inland, can be used to consolidate goods, unburden the port and increase intermodality within the goods. Intermodality is when goods is transported between its starting location to its end location using several different kinds of transport ways.  The following report maps how a synergy between high capacity vehicles and dry ports would look like. By using the triple bottom line sustainability model the report identifies strengths and weaknesses of the two concepts. The reports analysis is created from a theoretical literature study, a case study of the ETT project, an observation of Skaraborg Logistics Center and nine interviews with experts within the field. The report identifies that better economic, environmental and social effects are achieved if a dry port is connected to the port of origin by rail way rather than with HCT vehicles. Further identified problems is the temporary permit of conveying the longer and heavier vehicles. The analysis shows that in order to achieve a good effect from an interaction between HCT vehicles and dry ports, each term alone require that the necessary factors for good effect is fulfilled.  The reports limitations are to consider all goods being normal gods and only to consider HCT-vehicles, not HCT-haulage by rail way. The writers also make the assumption that Swedish rules of labor are applied on domestic transportations by road. The report does not study details within IT, security systems nor aerodynamic.

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