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ÖKAD INNOVATIONSFÖRMÅGA GENOM PARTNERSKAP I OFFENTLIG SEKTOR : En studie om hur innovationspedagogiken inom LOFT kan stödjakommunledningar i deras utveckling mot ökad innovationsförmåga och tillämpning av innovationsledningCarlsson, Isabella, Lindgren, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Ökad innovationsledningsförmåga genom partnerskap i offentlig sektor.-En studie om hur partnerskapet LOFT kan stödja kommunledningar i deras utveckling mot ökadinnovationsförmåga och tillämpning av innovationsledning.Forskningsfrågor: F1. Hur fungerar innovationspedagogiken inom ramarna för LOFT?F2. Vilka eventuella möjligheter och utmaningar finns med att utöka partnerskapet LOFT för att ökainnovationsförmågan inom offentlig sektor i Sverige?Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka eventuella möjligheter och utmaningar med att användapartnerskapet LOFTs innovationspedagogik i samtliga 290 kommuner i Sverige, för att på så sätt kunnaåstadkomma innovationsförmåga och tillämpning av innovationsledning i Sveriges alla kommuner.Metod: Studiens riktning, forskningsfrågor och syfte har tagits fram genom samproduktion med studiensuppdragsgivare RISE. Med utgångspunkt i forskningsfrågorna antogs sedan en fallstudiedesign för attstudera partnerskapet LOFT. Den kvalitativa metoden föll sig således naturligt och en abduktiv ansats hartillämpats. Data har samlats in genom observationer, semistrukturerade intervjuer och reflekterandeprojektdagbok. Triangulering har tillämpats för att kontrollera resultat och därmed höja trovärdigheten förstudien och dess resultat.Slutsats: Innovationspedagogiken inom ramarna för LOFT utgår från partnerskapskommunerna och derasbehov. Innovationspedagogiken och partnerskapet utgör en struktur som ger kommuner möjlighet arbetalångsiktigt med innovationsledning. Innovationspedagogiken omfattar stödjande insatser, nätverk,kunskapshöjande insatser, kreativt klimat och bidrar till lärande i den egna organisationen.Innovationspedagogiken bygger även på en grundtanke om att skapa en psykologiskt tillåtande och tryggmiljö, där partnerskapskommunerna vågar testa, dela med sig av utmaningar tillsammans med andra ochdra lärdomar för att utvecklas.Innovationspedagogiken inom ramarna för LOFT utgör ett väl utvecklat koncept. Möjligheter att designaoch paketera detta koncept för att på så sätt tillgängliggöra det för flera kommuner har identifierats. Enutmaning som identifierats kopplat till uppskalning av partnerskapet är att det kommer ställas krav på attutöka det team som idag utgör ledningen av LOFT med fler personer för att kunna ha kvar den stödjandefunktionen och fortsätta leverera värde. Vid en uppskalning innebär det att en ny testbädd bör utvecklas iform av “LOFT 2.0”, där den successiva uppskalningen kommer kunna ske. Att ta fram läromedel skullekunna möjliggöra för att nå ut till fler kommuner samt få igång arbetet i den egna organisationen tidigare,då det inte ställer samma typ av krav på resurser från LOFT.Även en rad olika utmaningar har identifierats kopplat till uppskalningen. Hur bibehålls delarna av detrelationella och stödjande partnerskapet som finns idag? Pedagogiken tar idag sin utgångspunkt i denpsykologiskt tillåtande och trygga miljön, vilket är något som inte får gå förlorat. Även utmaningar kringden finansiella delen, både ur ett partnerskapskommun- och projektägarperspektiv. Också det egna arbetetpå hemmaplan, som ställer krav på kommunens vilja, driv och passion för förändring. En uppskalningkräver att samtliga kommuner besitter förmåga och vilja att implementera ett innovationsledningssystem.Stödet som LOFT ger respektive partnerskapskommun grundar sig i genomlysningar gjorda i den enskildakommunen. Ett omfattande arbete som kräver resurser om det ska kunna genomföras på samma sätt i ett större partnerskap. Något som bör undersökas vidare. Vilken typ av organisering kan stötta och bibehålladessa viktiga pusselbitar av innovationspedagogiken som LOFT utvecklat? / Title: Increased innovation management through partnerships in the public sector.-A study about how the partnership LOFT can support municipal management in their developmenttowards increased innovation capacity and application of innovation management.Research questions: RQ1. How does innovation pedagogy work within the framework of LOFT?RQ2. What possible opportunities and challenges are there in expanding the LOFT partnership to increaseinnovation capacity within the public sector in Sweden?Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate possible opportunities and challenges with using thepartnership LOFT's innovation pedagogy in all 290 municipalities in Sweden, in order to be able to achieveinnovation capacity and application of innovation management in all of Sweden's municipalities.Method: The study's direction, research questions and purpose have been developed through co-production with the study's client, RISE. Based on the research questions, a case study design was thenadopted to study the partnership LOFT. The qualitative method thus came naturally, and an abductiveapproach has been applied. Data has been collected through observations, semi-structured interviews, andreflective project diaries. Triangulation has been applied to check results and thereby increase thecredibility of the study and its results.Conclusion: The innovation pedagogy within the framework of LOFT is based on the partnershipmunicipalities and their needs. The innovation pedagogy and the partnership form a structure that givesmunicipalities the opportunity to work long-term with innovation management. The innovation pedagogyincludes supporting efforts, networks, knowledge-raising efforts, creative climate and contributes tolearning in the own organization. The innovation pedagogy is also based on a basic idea of creating apsychologically permissive and safe environment, where the partnership municipalities dare to test, sharechallenges together with others and learn lessons to develop.The innovation pedagogy within the framework of LOFT is a well-developed concept. Opportunities todesign and package this concept in order to make it available to several municipalities have beenidentified. A challenge identified in connection with scaling up the partnership is that there will bedemands to expand the team that currently makes up the management of LOFT with more people to retainthe supporting function and continue to deliver value. In the case of a scale-up, this means that a new testbed should be developed in the form of "LOFT 2.0", where the successive scale-up will be able to takeplace. Developing teaching materials could make it possible to reach out to more municipalities and getwork started in the own organization earlier, as it does not place the same type of demands on resourcesfrom LOFT.Several different challenges have also been identified linked to the scale-up. How are the elements of therelational and supportive partnership that exist today maintained? Pedagogy today takes its starting pointin the psychologically permissive and safe environment, which is something that must not be lost. Alsochallenges around the financial part, both from a partnership municipality and project owner perspective.Also, the own work at home, which places demands on the municipality's will, drive and passion forchange. Scaling up requires that all municipalities possess the ability and willingness to implement aninnovation management system. The support that LOFT provides to the respective partnership municipality is based on reviews carried out in the individual municipality. Extensive work that requiresresources if it is to be carried out in the same way in a larger partnership. Something that should beinvestigated further. What type of organization can support and maintain these important puzzle pieces ofthe innovation pedagogy that LOFT developed?
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Using metrics to define, monitor and plan innovation capabilities / Att använda mätetal för att definiera, överblicka och planera innovationsförmågaBanér, Carl, Tigerschiöld, Tigerschiöld, Ted January 2018 (has links)
Measuring innovation as a strategic objective allows companies to gauge their performance and stay competitive. This study examines how the introduction of a metrics-oriented governance tool can be used to strengthen the innovation performance in an industrial setting. Key dimensions of capabilities for innovation are identified, and the role of measurement in allowing a company to become more innovative is discussed. The core findings of the study suggest that the most prominent innovation capabilities are cross-functional collaboration, organisational culture, knowledge integrating mechanisms and the existence of a formulated innovation strategy. These capabilities should not be measured or analysed separately as they depend on each other. Therefore the set of metrics proposed in this study are meant to provide a holistic view of the wide range of capabilities that together form the basis for the companies innovativeness. From a practice-oriented perspective, the thesis aims to build on these two sets of analysis to propose a set of metrics for the monitoring of innovation capabilities at a specific large, Swedish-based industrial company. The analysis of the innovation capabilities at the case company serves as a diagnostary basis for understanding the issues regarding the organisations innovativeness. A need for further research on how the innovation strategy can be aligned with the business strategy of the company would be beneficial is also identified. / Genom att mäta innovation som ett strategiskt mål kan företag utvärdera sin prestationsförmåga samt vidhålla sin konkurrenskraft. Den här studien undersöker hur introduktionen av ett mätorienterat styrmedel kan stärka innovationsförmågan hos ett företag, verksamt i en industriell miljö. Därav identifieras nyckelfaktorer som utgör ett företags innovationsförmåga samt diskuteras rollen som mätning spelar i företagets innovationsarbete. Studien lyfter fram tvärfunktionellt samarbete, organisationskultur, kunskapsintegrerande mekanismer samt att ha en formulerad innovationsstrategi som de viktigaste faktorerna för företagets innovationsförmåga. Dessa faktorer bör inte mätas separat då de till stor del beror av varandra. Därför ämnar de mätetal som föreslås i den här studien att skapa en holistisk bild av den mängd faktorer som tillsammans utgör företagets innovationsförmåga. Praktiskt innebär detta att studien tar avstamp i två analysområden för att föreslå en samling mätetal som kan användas för att överblicka innovationsförmågan hos ett specifikt större industriellt företag. Analysen av faktorerna bakom företagets innovationsförmåga bygger en teoretisk bas för tolkandet av identifierade innovationsproblem inom organisationen. Författarna identifierar även ett behov av vidare studier som undersöker hur företagets innovationsstrategi kan sammanlänkas med affärsstrategin.
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A proposal for innovation and technology transfer at CUTJordaan, J January 2012 (has links)
Published Article / Vision 2020 represents the preferred developmental way forward for the Central
University of Technology, Free State (CUT). It defines the intention of greatly
increasing the involvement of its staff and students in innovation and technology
transfer activities, resulting in the CUT having a greater effect on the socioeconomic
development of the region.
The article describes educational processes that would prepare graduates for
such activities, as well as financial and other support measures to assist
(prospective) entrepreneurs to convert research outputs into commercially
viable products. The potential value to such individuals of participating in formal
innovation and incubation activities is also described.
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The effect of ISO 14001 implementation on SME innovation improvement and performance : A case study of FEAL ABKiatkulthorn, Kulrada, Sundstedt, Fei January 2016 (has links)
Introduction –ISO 14001 is one of the environmental management systems (EMS) that are used in industries in order to deal with environmental issues. Many researchers point out that the adoption of ISO 14001 could help firms improve operational procedures and gain competitive advantages, increase their environmental performance, adopt management strategies in terms of energy consumption, materials and waste, cost efficiency and company reputation. Previous studies have focused on the connection between ISO 14001 and technology innovation. However, there are still some gaps in the literature between the effect of ISO 14001 and other types of innovation (product, production, position), especially in small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Purpose – This paper studied the implementation of ISO 14001 in SMEs associated with the improvement and performance of different dimensions of innovation (product/process/position). Design/Methodology – This study had a phenomenological approach. A case study was used for examining the innovation actions and activities that were developed by the help of ISO 14001. Documents were used to collect secondary data, especially in firm performance in order to show the innovation performance before and after implementation of ISO 14001. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect primary data from four employees among top management as well as staff who are related to ISO 14001 and each type of innovation in aluminium industry – FEAL AB in this case – in Horndal, Sweden. Each interview session took around 20 minutes. Findings – The finding shows that the adoption of ISO 14001 led to incremental changes in product and process innovation. ISO 14001 led the company to innovate their products by using new chemical materials that are environmentally friendly, and ISO 14001 requirements were used when specifying requirements for new products. It also led the firm to develop a procurement process, waste management, and organization strategies. Yet, there was no positive impact of the implementation of ISO 14001 on position innovation. In terms of performance, ISO 14001 led to improved performance in product and process innovation. It led the firm to have better methodology, cost efficiency and waste reduction. It also changed behaviour and mind-set of employees and the process for developing new products. Research limitations and further study – Only one case – a 25-year-old SME in the aluminium industry in Sweden - was used in this research. It can be broadened to either comparative case studies or quantitative studies in order to compare the influences of ISO 14001 on innovation and performance among them. Practical implication –This study could provide a guideline for building innovation in SME firms with the help of ISO 14001 in order to create competitive advantages in highly competitive markets. It could improve innovation activities in order to have positive effect on a firm’s products and performance in a sustainable way. Moreover, firms could use innovation improvements and performance that are developed with the help of ISO 14001 as a manner for promoting company reputation. Theoretical contribution – This paper shows that SMEs which certified according to ISO 14001 tend to rapidly improve their innovations particularly in process and organization innovation. All in all, the perception of ISO 14001 is opposed by this study. The ISO 14001 is about not only environment but innovation as well.
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Getting engaged with Incubators : The Case of StartplatzStock, Ingmar January 2016 (has links)
In modern, fast moving business environments it is crucial for established corporations to find new sources of innovativeness in order to secure their competitiveness and long-term survival. Startups could be such a new source of innovativeness. Unfortunately, it is difficult for startups and corporations to cooperate. Mostly, this is because of the companies’ organization and the different way they operate. To overcome this gap, corporations started to get engaged with business incubators. Even though this phenomenon can be observed in practice already, little research has been done to better understand the forms this collaboration could have or the motives leading to such a cooperation. By studying an incubator that is engaged with established companies in many different ways, various forms of relationships could be identified. Moreover, based on the descriptions of those types of collaboration and in depth interviews, the motives leading corporations and incubators to get involved in various ways could be identified. The empirical contribution of this thesis is to better understand how established corporations can get engaged with entrepreneurial activity and startups in particular.
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Empowering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in EthiopiaTegene, Rebekah January 2016 (has links)
ABSTRACT This thesis investigates innovative entrepreneurship in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The thesis is guided by the National Innovation Systems theory, where innovation is seen as result of interactions and learning between different institutions or actors. The objective was to investigate how conducive is the national system of innovation of Ethiopia in the perception of entrepreneurs and how relevant is the innovation policy of Ethiopia is to innovative entrepreneurship. A field study was conducted in order to collect empirical data through semi-structured interviews, observations and participation. Most of the interviews took place in the innovation hub iceAddis with most of the sample focusing on entrepreneurs that were members there. The results of the field study show that the national system of innovation of Ethiopia is not particularly conducive nor developed to empower to innovative entrepreneurs. Moreover, the policy although very ambitious does not explicably aim to empower entrepreneur. Other goals of the policy could have had spillover effects on entrepreneurs but they were not yet attained in the perception of innovative entrepreneurs. Keywords: Ethiopia, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, ICT, National Systems of Innovation
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The changing nature of the defence industry and the defence innovation system : organisational actors, relationships and system boundariesJames, Andrew D. January 2011 (has links)
The publications submitted for this PhD by Published Work represent the product of a decade long programme of research on the nature of the defence innovation system and the organisations, institutions and relationships that underpin defence technological innovation. This has been informed by the systems of innovation approach as well as broader academic perspectives on the nature of innovation and as such the publications are located in the field of innovation studies and in particular the sub-community of scholars that concern themselves with defence technological innovation. In the thesis, I contend that – taken together – the publications make three contributions to knowledge. First, the publications contribute to our understanding of what I term the “defence innovation system”. This illuminates an important corner ignored by most scholars of innovation systems and one that has received too little attention given the role that defence R&D and procurement has played as a stimulus to many significant technological innovations as well as its many implications for international security and society. The defence innovation system has often resisted analysis not least because of the limitations of publicly available information. My publications show recognition of the importance of this topic and shed light on the dynamics of defence technological innovation. Second, the publications contribute to our understanding of the organisations and relationships that underpin the defence innovation system and their response to changes in their operating environment since the end of the Cold War. My focus on organisation-level case studies of defence firms and government defence research establishments is in contrast to most of the academic work in this field that has been preoccupied with national or industry level structure and trends. A recurring theme in my publications, explicitly and implicitly, has been the co-evolutionary character of change in the defence innovation system and the changing relationship between government and defence industrial firms. Third, I examine changes in the boundaries of the system by introducing a transnational dimension to the analysis of defence technological innovation and in doing so my publications have drawn attention to the need to examine transnational linkages between nationally-located systems.
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Telecom's Services Innovation in CHT and Indosat陳柔延, Chandra Tjin, Eriny Unknown Date (has links)
The impact of technology has been rapidly changing the economy and environment in these past two decades. Both manufacturing and service companies which intend to maintain the viability of their organizations have to adapt in such an environment.
For a long time, services have been perceived as being technologically backward and to take little initiative with respect to innovate. In general services were presumed to be laggards in adopting new technology, and to be largely passive adopter of major innovations; however, it was recognized that there are some exceptionally dynamic services – such as telecommunications.
Service sector firms play important roles in innovation, not the least in the creative use and diffusion of technologies; but also serve as important sources and agents for the transfer of technological and organizational knowledge to all sectors.
In innovation, knowledge plays a big role in gaining competitive advantage. There is a more fundamental need to understand how organizations create new knowledge in order to produce new products or services. Hence, the need – organizational knowledge – is growing in this turbulent economy of accelerated technological change.
To create knowledge in an organization usually lies in an individual’s knowledge. This is called as tacit knowledge and is a significant point to innovate. Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) had pointed out that an individual knowledge gets articulated and amplified into and throughout the organization. Moreover, there is a one way to bring about continuous innovation is to look outside and into the future, anticipating changes in the market, technology, competition, or product.
The service sectors have been innovating gradually in Indonesia and Taiwan, particular in telecommunications after liberalized. In 2002, the Indonesia’s economy grew 3.66 percent from the previous year which the highest growth occurring in the transportation and communication sectors by 7.83 percent. In addition, the telecoms sector in Taiwan will contribute 63.1 billion new Taiwan dollars (1.9 billion US dollars) to Taiwan’s GDP annually over the next five years when the telecommunication market is fully liberalized.
In this study will discuss about the innovation of cellular telecommunication services in Indonesia and Taiwan. By analyzing the service innovation process in MMS and Video Streaming from Indosat and Chunghwa, to figure out:
1. Where the new innovation concept comes from;
2. How they define theirs customer interface; and
3. How they develop theirs employees’ skills to deliver service.
We also examine the linking between the company background and innovation. This could be their establishment time, objectives, macro economy point of view, and so on. It might be crucial points to encourage them to innovate.
Key Words: service innovation, telecommunications service, innovation process / The impact of technology has been rapidly changing the economy and environment in these past two decades. Both manufacturing and service companies which intend to maintain the viability of their organizations have to adapt in such an environment.
For a long time, services have been perceived as being technologically backward and to take little initiative with respect to innovate. In general services were presumed to be laggards in adopting new technology, and to be largely passive adopter of major innovations; however, it was recognized that there are some exceptionally dynamic services – such as telecommunications.
Service sector firms play important roles in innovation, not the least in the creative use and diffusion of technologies; but also serve as important sources and agents for the transfer of technological and organizational knowledge to all sectors.
In innovation, knowledge plays a big role in gaining competitive advantage. There is a more fundamental need to understand how organizations create new knowledge in order to produce new products or services. Hence, the need – organizational knowledge – is growing in this turbulent economy of accelerated technological change.
To create knowledge in an organization usually lies in an individual’s knowledge. This is called as tacit knowledge and is a significant point to innovate. Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) had pointed out that an individual knowledge gets articulated and amplified into and throughout the organization. Moreover, there is a one way to bring about continuous innovation is to look outside and into the future, anticipating changes in the market, technology, competition, or product.
The service sectors have been innovating gradually in Indonesia and Taiwan, particular in telecommunications after liberalized. In 2002, the Indonesia’s economy grew 3.66 percent from the previous year which the highest growth occurring in the transportation and communication sectors by 7.83 percent. In addition, the telecoms sector in Taiwan will contribute 63.1 billion new Taiwan dollars (1.9 billion US dollars) to Taiwan’s GDP annually over the next five years when the telecommunication market is fully liberalized.
In this study will discuss about the innovation of cellular telecommunication services in Indonesia and Taiwan. By analyzing the service innovation process in MMS and Video Streaming from Indosat and Chunghwa, to figure out:
1. Where the new innovation concept comes from;
2. How they define theirs customer interface; and
3. How they develop theirs employees’ skills to deliver service.
We also examine the linking between the company background and innovation. This could be their establishment time, objectives, macro economy point of view, and so on. It might be crucial points to encourage them to innovate.
Key Words: service innovation, telecommunications service, innovation process
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Främjandet av kvinnliga entreprenörerPalm, Caroline, Lindqvist, Jessica January 2008 (has links)
<p>Trots en ökande trend av antalet kvinnliga entreprenörer är proportionen till manliga entreprenörer fortfarande relativt låg. Anledningen kan bland annat bero på att entreprenörskap definieras efter egenskaper som återfinns bland typiska manliga egenskaper som till exempel riskbenägenhet och en stor självtillit. Med stor sannolikhet är detta en av orsakerna till att få kvinnor kan identifiera sig själva med rollen som entreprenör. Denna studie undersöker vad som i nuläget utförs för att främja entreprenörskap bland kvinnor och vad detta kommer att bidra till i framtiden gällande det kvinnliga entreprenörskapet. Metoden har skapats genom ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt i form av intervjuer. Totalt innehöll studien sex deltagare och bestod av representanter från Svenska Uppfinnareföreningen, Almi, Nutek, Idélab och Arbetsförmedlingen Kultur samt en kvinnlig entreprenör vid namn Mia Seipel, Boobdesign.</p>
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Brauchen Unternehmen zum Innovieren Krisen?Löbler, Helge, Perlitz, Manfred 02 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Der Aufsatz untersucht, ob die Innovationsbereitschaft, gemessen am Risikoverhalten von Unternehmen bzw. von Führungskräften in Krisen im Vergleich zu Chancensituationen unterschiedlich ist. Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wird empirisch getestet, welcher Zusammenhang zwischen Ertragschancen und Risikobereitschaft besteht. Mit Hilfe der empirischen Bilanzanalyse wird festgestellt, daß die klassische Risk/Return-These (bis auf eine Ausnahme) empirisch nicht bestätigt werden kann. Anhand einer Befragung von 230 Führungskräften wurde deutlich, daß sich diese in Krisensituationen risikofreudig verhalten, d.h. Prozeß- bzw. Produktinnovationen anstreben. In Chancensituationen zeigten die gleichen befragten Führungskräfte ein risikoscheues Verhalten und damit eine geringe Neigung, Innovationen zu initiieren. / In the article it is asked if the willingness of companies or managers to innovate is different in a crisis compared with a chance situation. The willingness to innovate is indicated by the risk taking behaviour of mangers. To answer this question the risk/returnpattern of companies and managers is analyzed. The analysis of published accounting data of 212 German companies shows that the classical risk/return-thesis does not hold (there is only one exception) for German companies. Interviews with 230 managers prove that they behave as risk takers in crisis situations and as risk averters in chance situations. This means that they try to innovate if the company faces a crisis and they tend to avoid innovations in chance situations.
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