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Corporate incubators : potentials, typology and principles /Becker, Barbara. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Sankt Gallen, Univ., Diss., 2003.
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The roles of absorptive capacity and cultural balance for exploratory and exploitative innovation in SMEsLimaj, Everist, Bernroider, Edward 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates whether balanced forms of organizational cultures moderate the effects of potential and realized absorptive capacities (ACs) to simultaneously generate exploratory and exploitative innovations. Using empirical survey data collected from 138 small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we applied partial least squares (PLS) structural equation modeling (SEM) combined with mediation and moderation analyses to test our hypotheses. Our results show that the effects of potential AC on organizations' exploratory and exploitative innovations are fully mediated by the organizations' realized AC. The positive effects of realized AC on innovation are contingent on the overall cultural balance of the organization, which, however, does not affect the strong link between potential AC and realized AC. We thus provide novel empirical insights into the multi-dimensional nature of AC and the importance of cultural equilibrium for both exploratory and exploitative innovation, which is of particular importance for ambidextrous SMEs facing dynamic markets.
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Blockchain for and in Logistics: What to Adopt and Where to StartDobrovnik, Mario, Herold, David Martin, Fürst, Elmar Wilhelm M., Kummer, Sebastian January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Despite the claim that blockchain will revolutionise business and redefine logistics, existing research so far is limited concerning frameworks that categorise blockchain application potentials and their implications. In particular, academic literature in transport and logistics to date has not sufficiently distinguished between blockchain adoption ('what to adopt') and the identification of the right business opportunity ('where to start'). In response, this paper (1) uses Rogers¿ (2003) 'attributes of innovation framework' to identify potential blockchain applications and (2) presents a framework explicating four transformation phases to subsequently categorise the identified areas of application according to their effects on organisational structures and processes. Using academic and practitioner literature, we classify possible applications for adoption and provide a framework to identify blockchain opportunities in the logistics industry, thereby helping managers to systematically assess where to start building organisational capabilities in order to successfully adopt and deploy blockchain-based technology.
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Ambientes organizacionais potencializadores de inovações em bases sistemáticas: estudo de caso do hospital Jorge ValenteValadares, Rodrigo Lemos January 2008 (has links)
p. 1 - 228 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-01-22T18:21:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2008 / A inovação é um fator crítico para a obtenção de vantagem competitiva, o que
pressupõe que o crescimento econômico de países e organizações depende diretamente
do grau de inovação concebidas e executadas por estes. Diante de tal importância,
inúmeras pesquisas, como o Manual de Oslo e o Manual Frascati, ambos idealizados
pela OCDE, e no Brasil, a ANPEI e a PINTEC apresentam metodologias para medir o
grau de inovação dos países e de suas empresas. Entretanto, os processos inovativos são
altamente sistêmicos e complexos, variam conforme o tipo de tecnologia e o tamanho
das firmas/instituições, caracterizando-se pela extrema dificuldade de serem medidos.
Neste contexto, este trabalho objetivou verificar os fatores fomentadores de inovações
em bases sistemáticas que compõem o ambiente organizacional do Hospital Jorge
Valente, instalado em Salvador-Ba. A inovação analisada foi o processo de concepção,
execução e implantação do Planejamento Estratégico de Tecnologia da Informação do
Hospital Jorge Valente. Sob a guia do embasamento teórico, foram estudados os
conceitos acerca da inovação, das organizações inovadoras, das metodologias de
mensuração de inovações e do Sistema Nacional de Inovação. O estudo empírico
executado no Hospital Jorge Valente se dividiu em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foi
realizada uma análise profunda da empresa a fim de descrever detalhadamente a
inovação “Planejamento Estratégico de Tecnologia da Informação” (PETI), levantar os
acontecimentos históricos responsáveis pela construção de um ambiente inovador,
resultando na elaboração da linha do tempo da organização. Para a segunda etapa,
descritiva e quantitativa, foram aplicados os questionários de Análise das Dimensões e
Fatores de Inovação e o Minnesota Innovation Survey (MIS), em um grupo de 19
pessoas. A metodologia utilizada para realização desta pesquisa foi desenvolvida pelo
Fórum de Inovação FGV/Eaesp, e tem na sua essência a realização de estudos de casos
de organizações inovadoras. As conclusões deste trabalho confirmam que o Hospital
Jorge Valente apresenta os fatores que caracterizam uma organização inovadora, e que
estes fatores, por sua vez, são potencializadores de inovações em bases sistemáticas.
Constatou-se também que os resultados da inovação “Planejamento Estratégico de
Tecnologia da Informação” (PETI) vêm proporcionando o aperfeiçoamento da
organização em todos os seus aspectos e, portanto, realimentam o processo de inovação
e a obtenção de novos resultados. / Salvador
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Innovation, Learning and Construal Levels in the Modern Workplace / Innovation, apprentissage et niveaux de représentation mentale dans l'entreprise moderneReyt, Jean-Nicolas 06 February 2014 (has links)
La connaissance est une ressource critique de l’entreprise moderne. Les processus d’apprentissage, de partage et d’utilisation de la connaissance déterminent l’efficacité et la capacité d’innovation des organisations. Dans ma thèse, je m’appuie sur la théorie des niveaux de représentation mentale (construal level theory) pour explorer la relation entre les responsabilités des employés et le type de connaissance qu’ils créent et partagent. Plus précisément, j’étudie les effets de deux attributs de l’entreprise moderne (l’utilisation croissante de technologie et le changement des structures hiérarchiques) sur les représentations mentales du travail et les comportements liés à l’innovation. J’utilise diverses méthodes de recherche pour tester cette hypothèse, dont deux études fondées sur des données d’archive, quatre expériences en laboratoire et deux études longitudinales sur questionnaire. / Knowledge is increasingly recognized as one of the most critical resources in the modern workplace, because the way knowledge is learned, shared and used determines organizational innovation and effectiveness. In my dissertation, I build on construal level theory to explore the relationship between workers’ roles and the types of knowledge that workers create and share. In particular, I draw upon two features of the modern workplace that are evolving dramatically – the increasing use of technology and changing hierarchical structures – to explore how the level of abstraction at which employees mentally represent their work roles mediates the relationship between these structural features of the work context and the practically-relevant and important employee behaviors underlying innovation. I leverage methodological diversity to test the hypotheses in eight studies, including two studies based on archival data, four laboratory experiments and two longitudinal studies based on survey data.
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La prise en compte de la vie privée dans l’innovation technologique / Taking Privacy into Account within Technological InnovationsJammet, Adrien 14 February 2018 (has links)
L’étude de la prise en compte de la vie privée dans l’innovation technologique est celle du régime juridique applicable aux données à caractère personnel. Cependant, la complexité contextuelle du sujet impose une analyse pragmatique, intégrant les éléments économiques et technologiques pour définir l’utilisation effective du droit dans et par l’innovation numérique. Cela passe nécessairement par une approche phénoménologique, expliquant le cheminement juridique qui a conduit le législateur à choisir une telle forme de protection, passant d’un droit au respect de la vie privée général à un régime spécifique applicable aux données à caractère personnel, puis à une observation de son efficacité à protéger l’essence de la vie privée. Au coeur de ce travail se trouve la volonté d’apporter des éléments de réponse objectifs permettant d’expliquer l’écart existant entre la faible confiancedu public accordée à la technologie en matière de respect de la vie privée, et les déclarations des législateurs sur l’efficacité des textes protecteurs. Alors que le consentement se trouve être la pierre angulaire du nouveau règlement général sur la protection des données, cette divergence mérite d’être analysée sur un plan juridique. Dès lors, on peut résumer cette thèse à une interrogation: quelle est l’efficacité réelle du régime de protection de la vie privée dans l’innovation technologique ? / The study of privacy within technological innovations is the study of the legal system surrounding personal data. However, the complexity and context of the subject imposes a pragmatic analysis, gathering elements of economy and technology, to define the reality of the use of the law by and within numerical innovations. As such, it necessitates a phenomenological approach, reviewing the historical steps that lead to the particular set of protections that the legislator has chosen, from a general protection of privacy towards a special regime applicable to personal data, and then an observation of its effectiveness to protect the essence of privacy. At the center of this work, we can find the will to understandthe gap between the trust given by the public to technology regarding the respect of one’s privacy and the declarations of legislators on the efficiency of the legislative response. Since the consent is the core principle of these regulations, this divergence deserves a legal analysis. Consequently, we can sum this thesis by a simple question: what it the real efficiency of privacy’s protection regime facing technological innovations ?
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The impact of innovation networks on service designLiang, Liang January 2016 (has links)
Innovation networks are not only about connections, but also dynamics, structures and influences. This research focuses on these three new aspects of innovation networks. The results of this research show that innovation networks have regularities in their dynamics, structures and influences. In the conclusion, these regularities are presented in the network snapshots and regression modelling. This research makes contributions in improving the understanding about how service innovation is created.
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Understanding convergent innovation in healthcare technologies : relational models for nascent ecosystemsPhillips, Mark Alwyn January 2018 (has links)
New developments such as 'Precision Medicine' and 'Digital Health' are emerging areas in healthcare technology, underpinned by 'convergent technology' or 'cross-industry' innovation. However, convergence results in greater uncertainty and influence from new knowledge and actors, including previously disparate technologies and capabilities, bringing specific challenges in the development of innovations. Although the literature addresses the context of technology convergence, there has been limited research reported on the how such innovation is effected in nascent ecosystems. This qualitative research addresses identified literature gaps, initially by using a combination of ecosystem actor interviews (n=39) to understand the context, followed by five longitudinal in-depth case studies at innovator organisations. Case evidence was obtained from a combination of interviews (n=62), supplemented by field observations, primary documents and evidence from publicly available sources. The data was subjected to multiple coding methods, with plausible causal mechanisms identified through case and cross-case analyses. The research findings identify a set of five interconnected micro-processes (early organisational routines) which together form a non-deterministic activity system that enables an innovator to navigate (the ecosystem), negotiate (a position within it) and nurture (the innovation and ecosystem). The research further identifies the importance of careful balancing between relationally focussed credibility-seeking and advantage-seeking actions as the main driver 'guiding' managers when developing the innovation, the associated business model(s) and value network in the evolving ecosystem. A conceptual model and framework are developed to show the interrelationships between organisational routines, the activity systems and the ecosystem. In developing organisational capabilities, it is argued that convergent innovation requires mostly incremental changes (low depth of change) across many organisational routines (high breadth of change), which reduce the uncertainty of organizational change and thus increase internal acceptance. These findings support the argument that innovators require a more 'systemic' view of innovation and governance approaches contributing to the innovation and capabilities literature. From a practice perspective, the research provides mechanisms for building relational capabilities critical to innovation delivery.
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Le pôle de compétitivité Arve Industries : les effets sur la dynamique partenariale des PME locales / The cluster 'Arve Industries' : the effects on the partneship of the local SMESabbado da Rosa, Laura 12 November 2012 (has links)
La mise en oeuvre des pôles de compétitivité, dès 2006, fait partie d’une politique gouvernementale de soutien aux entreprises et aux territoires visant à mieux positionner la France dans la compétition économique internationale. L’objectif est de renforcer le tissu industriel de certaines régions par une forte injection d’investissements publics dans des projets liés à l’innovation et à l’internationalisation des entreprises. Cette thèse traite des effets de l’installation du pôle de compétitivité ‘Arve Industries’ et, en particulier, du degré d’implication des PME locales dans cette démarche collective d’innovation. Du point de vue théorique, nous avons fait appel, d’une part, aux approches sur l’économie territoriale car la notion de territoire fait partie intégrante de la logique des pôles de compétitivité et, d’autre part aux études portant sur les réseaux stratégiques. Dans ces deux perspectives, la proximité est présentée comme un facteur important à la base des rapports de coopération entre les acteurs concernés (entreprises, laboratoires et universités) dans le domaine technologique. Du point de vue empirique, ce travail combine une démarche qualitative exploratoire, basée sur une enquête menée à partir d’entretiens semi-directifs avec 22 patrons de PME et 6 organisations d’appui à l’industrie locale, et une démarche quantitative conduite auprès de 68 questionnaires exploitables. La nature des relations des PME au sein de pôle de compétitivité sont ainsi étudiés du point de vue de la coopération, la compétition et la diffusion de connaissances. / Competitiveness clusters have been established since 2006 and represent a political initiative by the French government to aid businesses and regions and thus improve France’s position in the realm of international economic competition. The goal is to reinforce the industrial fabric in certain regions via a substantial injection of public funds invested in projects linked with innovation and internationalization of enterprises. This dissertation studies the impact of the creation of the “Arve Industries” competitiveness cluster and in particular, the degree of implication of local SMEs in this collective, innovating activity. From a theoretical stand point, we call upon approaches addressing territorial economies due to the intrinsically territorial nature of competitiveness clusters, as well as studies focusing on strategic networks. Harnessing these two perspectives, proximity is presented as an important factor at the root of cooperative interactions between the involved actors (businesses, laboratories and universities) in the technological field. From a technological stand point, this work combines a qualitative exploratory approach based on semi-directive interviews with 22 SME owners and 6 organizations that support local industry, and a quantitative approach based on 68 usable questionnaires. The nature of relationships between SMEs in competitiveness clusters are also studied in terms of cooperation, competition and knowledge sharing.
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La gouvernance territoriale de l'innovation, entre région et métropole : une comparaison Ile-de-France / Lombardie. / Territorial goverance of innovatio, between regio and metropolis : a comparison of Ile-de-France and LombardyPin, Clément 18 December 2015 (has links)
La thèse étudie comment les enjeux économiques de l’innovation se formulent dans l’action publique territoriale,en adoptant une démarche comparative et en s’appuyant sur une enquête réalisée dans deux régionsmétropolitaines en Europe : l’Ile-de-France et la Lombardie. La recherche est conduite en problématisant lagouvernance territoriale de l’innovation sur la base d’un cadre théorique élaboré à la croisée des travaux descience politique sur les politiques territoriales et de sciences sociales sur l’innovation. L’analyse est dès lorscentrée sur les processus institutionnels, les réseaux d’acteurs et les relations de pouvoir. Les données mobiliséesportent sur les initiatives et les aides se déployant en chacune des régions étudiées en faveur de l’innovation, enparticulier dans le domaine du numérique. La comparaison entre l’Ile-de-France et la Lombardie vise à faireressortir les spécificités socio-politiques de chacune des deux situations territoriales en privilégiant deux champsd’investigation : les usages de l’innovation en tant que catégorie d’action publique transnationale et régionalisée,et les mobilisations collectives se structurant en référence aux enjeux du développement métropolitain à Paris età Milan. Tandis qu’en Ile-de-France les politiques publiques font figure de vecteurs pour la territorialisation desacteurs de l’innovation, la Lombardie donne à voir l’affirmation d’un leadership universitaire appuyé par lespouvoirs locaux. Par-delà ces différences, les deux cas permettent d’observer certaines modalités locales dudéveloppement de l’économie de la connaissance et interrogent le phénomène de politisation des enjeux etacteurs de l’innovation. / This thesis examines how economic issues of innovation are formulated in territorial public action, by adopting acomparative approach and based on a survey conducted in two metropolitan areas in Europe: Ile-de-France andLombardy. Research was conducted by problematizing territorial governance of innovation using a theoreticalframework developed by combining aspects of two fields : political science (territorial policies) and socialsciences (science, tecnology and innovation studies). The analysis is therefore focused on institutional processes,networks of actors and power relations. The data used concerns initiatives and aid deployed in each of the studyareas to promote innovation, especially in the digital field. The comparison between Ile-de-France andLombardy aims to highlight the socio-political specificities of the two territorial situations by focusing on twodistinct areas of investigation : innovation as a category of transnational and regional public action, andmobilisation developed in response to the local challenges of metropolitan development in Paris and Milan.While in Ile-de-France public policies promote the territorialization of innovation actors, Lombardy privilegesuniversity leadership supported by local authorities. Beyond these differences, the two cases demonstrate somelocal ways of developing the knowledge economy and question the phenomenon of politicization of issues andactors of innovation.
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