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Effect of Supportive Versus Assertive Case Management on Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalization for Patients With Schizophrenic DiagnosesBrown, Quentin 01 January 2019 (has links)
Schizophrenia has been a public mental health barometer for many decades, and health professionals and government agencies continue to look for treatment options that produce the best outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of assertive community treatment (ACT) and supportive case management (SCM) outpatient treatment interventions as an alternative to inpatient psychiatric hospital care. Social cognitive learning theory and choice theory provided the framework for the study. Archival data from inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations for 153 adult men and women with a primary diagnosis of schizophrenia who received ACT or SCM services were analyzed using regression analysis and a correlation. Predictor variables were gender, age cohort, and treatment model, and criterion variables were the number and duration of inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations for patients with schizophrenic diagnoses. Results showed some correlation between the number of admissions and length of stay for both ACT and SCM interventions. The first admission accounted for the longest length of stay, with a significant decline by the second admission, indicating that many participants received the appropriate and necessary treatment to address any changes or increase in symptoms during the first admission. Findings demonstrated the value of outpatient treatment interventions such as ACT and SCM for men and women in reducing the number and length of inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations. This translates into cost reductions for federal and state mental health care spending.
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En utmaning att hantera - Fysisk aktivitet inom psykiatrisk slutenvård : Sjuksköterskans uppfattning av att främja fysisk aktivitetHöglund, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patienter med en allvarlig psykisk ohälsa når inte upp till rekommenderade miniminivåer av fysisk aktivitet trots att forskning påvisar att det både förebygger och är en effektiv omvårdnadsåtgärd vid psykisk ohälsa. Trots påvisad forskning möts fysisk aktivitet som en omvårdnadsåtgärd med många hinder och en osäkerhet till att vara drivande för omvårdnadsåtgärden. Barker och Buchanan-Barker ger i Tidvattenmodellen stöd till sjuksköterskan till att vara möjliggöraren för en återhämtningsprocess med hjälp av fysisk aktivitet. Syfte: Beskriva sjuksköterskors uppfattningar av att främja fysisk aktivitet för patienter inom psykiatrisk slutenvård. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom slutenvårdspsykiatrin. Data analyserades med en fenomenografisk ansats. Resultat: Uppfattningar som framkom är att sjuksköterskan kan främja fysisk aktivitet genom att hantera utmaningarna, att samarbeta med patienternasamt att ta sitt professionsansvar Slutsats: Deltagarna uppfattning är att fysisk aktivitet är en evidensbaserad omvårdnadsåtgärd som idag inte anses vara prioriterad, men att sjuksköterskan i samarbete med patienten åstadkomma en förändring utifrån de erfarenheter som patienten besitter och på så sätt vara drivande för att omvårdnadsåtgärden skall få en plats inom slutenvårdspsykiatrin. / Background: Patients with a serious mental illness do not reach recommended minimum levels of physical activity despite the fact that research shows that it both prevents and is an effective nursing action in the event of mental illness. Despite proven research, physical activity is met as a nursing action with many obstacles and an uncertainty to be the driving force for the nursing action. Barker and Buchanan-Barker provide The Tidal model support to the nurse to be the enabler for a recovery process using physical activity. Purpose: To describe nurses perceptions of promoting physical activity for patients in psychiatric inpatient care. Method: Semistructured interviews with five nurses working in psychiatric inpatient care. Data was analyzed with a phenomenographic approach. Results: The perception that emerged is that the nurse can promote physical activity by Addressing the challenges, by working with patients and taking the profession's responsibility. conclusion: The respondents believe that physical activity is an evidence-based nursing action that is currently not considered Prioritized, but that the nurse, in collaboration with the patient, bring about a change based on the experience of the patient and thus be motivated for the nursing action to have a place within the inpatient care.
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Predictors of Suicide Risk: Capability, Reasons, and IdentificationKene, Prachi 08 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Adolescent's adherence to treatment in psychiatric careTimlin, U. (Ulla) 12 May 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate treatment adherence among adolescents receiving mental health care, with a special focus on psychiatric inpatient treatment. Key goals were to derive a general definition of adherence suitable for this purpose and to assess adolescents’ adherence to medication and non-pharmacological treatments. This study had two phases; phase one involved conducting systematic literature reviews, and phase two was based on empirical research in which data were collected by analyzing notes on hospital patients. The aim of the reviews were to review current research evidence into treatment adherence in adolescents and factors relating adherence among adolescents receiving mental health care (original publication n=15 and original publication n=17). Phase two was part of a clinical follow-up project called STUDY-70 conducted at the Department of Psychiatry at Oulu University Hospital in Finland. This phase yielded two further original publications – papers III and IV. Paper III examined adherence among adolescents receiving psychiatric inpatient care (n=72), focusing on both medication and non-pharmacological treatments. Paper IV examined factors affecting treatment adherence among these 72 inpatient adolescents, including family- and clinic-related variables.
The systematic reviews demonstrated that many different definitions of adherence have been used in the literature. A concept synthesis was applied to these definitions to establish a basis for empirical research. The main factors that were found to correlate positively with treatment adherence among adolescents were the patients’ own will to be treated and positive sentiments, but family also played an important role. Factors that correlated negatively with adherence included negative feelings, a lack of cooperation with treatment, and adverse mental symptoms. Adolescent who has received special support at school was found to favor treatment adherence, whereas involuntary treatment, self-mutilative behavior and a close maternal relationship were all linked to non-adherence.
Treatment adherence is an ongoing process, and achieving high levels of adherence should be an important goal in all treatment processes. It is important for clinical staff to be aware of factors influencing adherence in order to support the provision of effective and high-quality care for adolescents. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää mielenterveyspalveluita käyttävien nuorien hoitoon sitoutumista ja erityisesti psykiatrisessa osastohoidossa olevan nuoren sitoutumista hoitoon. Keskeisinä tavoitteina oli kuvata hoitoon sitoutumisen määrittelyä ja arvioida nuoren sitoutumista lääke- ja ei-lääkinnälliseen hoitoon. Tutkimus sisälsi kaksi vaihetta: vaihe yksi systemaattiset kirjallisuuskatsaukset sekä vaihe kaksi empiirisen tutkimuksen, jossa tieto kerättiin analysoimalla potilasasiakirjoja. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää nuoren hoitoon sitoutumista ja siihen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä (alkuperäisjulkaisu I n=15, alkuperäisjulkaisu II n=17). Vaihe kaksi oli osa Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan psykiatrian klinikan projektia, STUDY-70, joka tuotti kaksi osajulkaisua. Alkuperäisjulkaisun III tarkoituksena oli tutkia osastohoidossa olevan nuoren sitoutumista lääke- sekä ei lääkinnälliseen hoitoon (n=72). Alkuperäisjulkaisussa IV selvitettiin näiden nuoren sitoutumista hoitoon ja erityinen mielenkiinto tässä tutkimuksessa oli perhe- ja kliinisillä tekijöillä sitoutuminen (n=72).
Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella sitoutumisen määrittelyt vaihtelivat. Tästä huolimatta käsitteen määrittelyjen synteesi oli mahdollinen ja se loi pohjan empiiriselle tutkimukselle. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella nuoren oma tahto ja positiivinen asenne olivat positiivisesti yhteydessä hoitoon sitoutumiseen. Myös perheen toiminta vaikutti hoitoon sitoutumiseen. Nuoren negatiiviset tunteet, yhteistyökyvyttömyys ja mielenterveysoireet vaikuttivat negatiivisesti sitoutumiseen. Lisäksi nuoren saamat erityispalvelut koulussa tukivat osastohoidossa olevan nuoren hoitoon sitoutumista. Vastentahtoinen hoito, viiltely sekä läheinen ja kestävä äitisuhde olivat yhteydessä sitoutumattomuuteen.
Hoitoon sitoutuminen on kokonaisvaltainen prosessi ja yksi hoidon tavoitteista, joka voidaan saavuttaa. Hoitoon sitoutumisen edistämiseksi henkilökunnan tulee tiedostaa ne tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat hoitoon sitoutumiseen. Näin voidaan suunnitella ja toteuttaa laadukasta ja vaikuttavaa hoitoa.
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"En tickande bomb" : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda hotfulla och våldsamma patienter i psykiatrisk slutenvård / "A ticking time bomb" : Nurses' experiences of caring for aggressive patients in psychiatric inpatient careAsplund, Charlotta, Hallgren, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hot och våld i psykiatrisk slutenvård är ett vanligt förekommande fenomen. Hot och våld uppstår av en rad olika anledningar. Det är ett störande moment i sjuksköterskans arbete och väcker negativa känslor, vilket kan avspeglas i sjuksköterskornas interaktioner med patienterna. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda hotfulla och våldsamma patienter i psykiatrisk slutenvård. Metod: En intervjustudie genomfördes med åtta sjuksköterskor på två psykiatriska kliniker vid ett större sjukhus i en storstadsregion i västra Sverige. Materialet analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra kategorier framkommer. Den första är olustkänslor med underkategorierna att känna oro och ångest, att känna stress, att känna sig ledsen samt att känna sig kränkt. Den andra kategorin är rädsla, med underkategorierna rädsla för den hotfulla patienten samt att känna rädsla för andras skull. Den tredje kategorin är maktlöshet med underkategorierna att förlora kontrollen, att känna frustration samt att arbeta med en tickande bomb. Den fjärde kategorin är trygghetsskapande strategier med underkategorierna att sätta sig in i patientens situation samt att våga stå kvar. Slutsats: Ofta kan det aggressiva beteendet hos patienterna associeras till sjukdomsbild och/eller missbruksproblematik, vilket bekräftades i vår studie. I de flesta fall har sjuksköterskorna en djupare förståelse för patientens beteende och har därmed högre tolerans för hot och våld. Sjuksköterskorna betonar att det är viktigt att alltid vara tillgänglig för patienterna, då det skapar trygghet för båda parter samt är en förutsättning för en god vårdande relation. / Background: Inpatient aggression is common as a phenomenon in psychiatric inpatient care. Inpatient aggression arises for several reasons. It disturbs the nurses in their work assignments and causes negative emotions, which can be reflected in the interaction with the patients. Aim: To describe nurse's experiences of caring for aggressive patients in psychiatric inpatient care Method: An interview study was conducted with eight nurses at two psychiatric clinics at a hospital in a big town in Western Sweden. The material was analysed through qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in four main categories. The first category is uneasiness, with subcategories: to feel anxiety, to feel stress, to feel sad and to feel offended. The second category is fear, with subcategories: to feel fear for the aggressive patient and to feel fear for others sake. The third category is powerlessness, with subcategories: to lose control, to feel frustration and to work with a ticking time bomb. The fourth category is work to create security policies with subcategories: understanding the patients' situation and courage to remain in an aggressive encounter. Conclusion: Inpatient aggression is often associated to symtoms and/or drug abuse, which also was confirmed in our study. In most scenarios the nurses had a deeper understanding for the patients behavior and thereby a higher tolerance towards inpatient aggresion. The nurses claimed that beeing available to the patients was very important, since that created an atmosphere of security for both parties and it was assumed a presumtion for a good caring relationship.
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Gungstolsterapi – en omvårdnadsåtgärd i psykiatrisk heldygnsvård : En stol som berör / Rocking chair therapy – a nursing intervention in mental health care : Moving emotionsPalm, Bonita January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Gungstolsterapi som omvårdnadsåtgärd är outforskat inom den psykiatriska heldygnsvården. Vetenskapliga studier av den typ av gungstol som här studerats har inte gått att hitta. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utvärdera gungstolsterapi som omvårdnadsåtgärd vid en psykiatrisk heldygnsvårdsavdelning. Metod: En naturalistisk studie med både kvantitativa och kvalitativa inslag genomfördes. Under studieperioden fick patienter som vårdades på en psykiatrisk heldygnsvårdsavdelning lämna självskattningar på en VAS-skala avseende sitt mående före och efter genomförd gungstolsterapi. Patienterna kunde också lämna en skriftlig kommentar om gungningen. Resultat: Resultatet visar att deltagarna skattat en genomsnittlig förbättring motsvarande 16%-enheter i sitt generella mående efter genomförd gungning. Genomsnittliga gungtid var 33 min/gungtillfälle. Majoriteten av patienterna som deltog i studien har bipolär sjukdom. Många deltagare föredrog att gunga en viss del av dygnet. Innehållsanalysen av kommentarerna ledde till att fem kategorier bildades som sammanfattades i temat "En stol som berör". Den genomförda studien visar att patienterna generellt sett upplevde ett ökat välbefinnande efter gungstolsterapin. Studien visar också att inga allvarliga händelser inträffat vid användningen av gungstolen. Resultatet i de båda delarna av studien harmonierar väl med varandra. Slutsats: Studien ger underlag att rekommendera patienter gungstolsterapi för att förbättra sitt mående eller i symtomlindrande syfte. Genomgången visar att många patienter har individuella preferenser för sitt gungande. Gungstolsterapi bör ses som en hälsofrämjande egenvårdsåtgärd som patienten kan utföra dygnet runt och som kan läggas in i patientens vårdplan. / Background: Rocking chair therapy has been poorly researched. There are no scientific research studies where the current rocking chair was evaluated. Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate rocking chair therapy as a nursing intervention in an inpatient psychiatric setting. Method: A mixed method design, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches, was used. The participants were asked to rate their well-being in a form by using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) before and after rocking chair therapy. Participants also had the possibility to leave free text comments in the form. Results: The participants rated a 16% increase in their well-being after using the rocking chair. The average rocking time was 33 minutes. The majority of the participants are diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Many participants preferred to use the rocking chair during a specific time frame every day. The content analysis resulted in five categories and the underlying meaning could be expressed by the theme "Moving emotions". No adverse effects were recorded during the study. Both the quantitative and qualitative analysis show positive results and there are no contradictions in the results. Conclusion: This study support the mental health nurse to recommend psychiatric patients to try rocking chair therapy as a way to increase well-being or reduce distress, it is also a method well suited for self-management. Each patient has his/her own preferences for using rocking chair therapy. The use of rocking chair therapy can easily be included in the patient’s personal care plan.
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Evolution and Devolution of Inpatient Psychiatric Services: From Asylums to Marketing Madness and Their Impact on Adults and Older Adults with Severe Mental IllnessHelmicki, Soni 05 1900 (has links)
I examined the factors that led to the rise and fall of psychiatric hospitals and its impact on two select groups of individuals: adults and older adults with severe mental illness. To explore the reasons behind these fluctuations, the State of Texas was used as a case study. Additionally, the fluctuations occurred for different reasons in public vs. for-profit investor-owned psychiatric hospitals. Using an investor-owned psychiatric hospital organization as a case study, I investigated the differences in factors that influenced the growth and/or demise in public vs. investor-owned psychiatric hospitals. Evolution and devolution of psychiatric hospitals was assessed during select time periods: 1700 to1930, 1940 to1970, 1980 to 2000, and 2000 to present. Time period selections were relevant to the important drivers of the span of time that influenced the psychiatric hospitals. Historical review and trend analysis was used to identify the total number of psychiatric hospitals and/or total number of psychiatric hospital beds and psychiatric hospitals by type. Analysis showed there was a cyclical pattern of evolution and devolution of psychiatric hospitals and each cycle altered the form, function, and role of the psychiatric hospital along with altering the location of care for adults and older adults with severe mental illness. The research results suggest a long-stay residential facility, specializing in evidence-based treatment for adults and older adults with severe mental illness, to counter the dire shortage of psychiatric hospital beds.
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