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Analysis and generation of highly dynamic motions of anthropomorphic systems : application to parkour / Analyse et génération des mouvements hautement dynamiques des systèmes anthropomorphes : application au ParkourMaldonado Toro, Galo Xavier 08 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une approche interdisciplinaire originale du traitement du mouvement humain corps-complet grâce à l'utilisation couplée d'approches issues de la biomécanique, du contrôle moteur et de la robotique. Les méthodes biomécaniques sont utilisées pour l'enregistrement, le traitement et l'analyse du mouvement humain. L'approche << Uncontrolled Manifold >> du contrôle moteur est étendue à l'étude des mouvements hautement dynamiques. Ceci permet de déterminer si d'éventuelles tâches dynamiques sont contrôlées et stabilisées par le cerveau, puis d'inférer une organisation hiérarchique des tâches motrices. Le formalisme de l'espace des tâches utilisé en robotique pour la génération de mouvement corps-complet ainsi que la hiérarchie des tâches extraites dans l'étude du contrôle moteur sont utilisés pour simuler des mouvements humains hautement dynamiques. Cette approche permet de mieux comprendre le mouvement humain et de générer des mouvements inspirés de l'humain pour d'autres systèmes anthropomorphes tel que des robots ou avatars. La discipline du Parkour, impliquant des actions hautement dynamiques tels que des sauts et des techniques d'atterisage, est choisie pour illustrer l'approche proposée. / This thesis proposes an original and interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of whole-body human movements through the synergistic utilization of biomechanics, motor control and robotics. Robust methods of biomechanics are used to record, process and analyze whole-body human motions. The Uncontrolled Manifold approach (UCM) of motor control is extended to study highly dynamic movements processed in the biomechanical study, in order to determine if hypothesized dynamic tasks are being controlled stably by the central nervous system. This extension permits also to infer a hierarchical organization of the controlled dynamic tasks. The task space formalism of motion generation in robotics is used to generate whole-body motion by taking into account the hierarchy of tasks extracted in the motor control study. This approach permits to better understand the organization of human dynamic motions and provide a new methodology to generate whole-body human motions with anthropomorphic systems. A case study of highly dynamic and complex movements of Parkour, including jumps and landings, is utilized to illustrate the proposed approach.
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Effetti cooperativi in sistemi quantistici: superradianza e interazioni a lungo raggio / COOPERATIVE EFFECTS IN QUANTUM SYSTEMS: SUPERRADIANCE AND LONG-RANGE INTERACTIONSMATTIOTTI, FRANCESCO 25 February 2021 (has links)
Questa tesi di dottorato studia l’interazione della cooperatività con il rumore in sistemi realistici, focalizzandosi principalmente sulla superradianza. Gli effetti cooperativi emergono dall’interazione collettiva di un insieme di elementi con un campo esterno. Esempi degni di nota sono la superconduttività, dove le coppie di Cooper elettroniche interagiscono con le vibrazioni reticolari, le eccitazioni di plasma, che sorgono dall'interazione collettiva degli elettroni in un metallo con il campo coulombiano, e la superradianza, ovvero quel processo di emissione spontanea cooperativa che sorge da un aggregato di emettitori identici. Gli effetti cooperativi sono tipicamente robusti al disordine e al rumore, cosa che li rende interessanti per delle applicazioni a dispositivi quantistici che possano operare a temperatura ambiente. In questo lavoro, inizialmente, introduciamo un formalismo di “master equations” che descrive l’accoppiamento collettivo di un aggregato di emettitori/assorbitori con il campo elettromagnetico, valido quando le dimensioni dell'aggregato sono sia maggiori che minori della lunghezza d’onda emessa/assorbita. Inoltre, il formalismo è valido per accoppiamento sia debole che forte con il campo elettromagnetico e, cosa più importante, permette di descrivere correttamente la superradianza in diversi regimi. In tale formalismo, studiamo l’interazione tra superradianza e rumore termico sia per nanotubi molecolari (di dimensioni minori della lunghezza d’onda associata alla transizione) che sono presenti nei complessi antenna fotosintetici dei Green Sulfur Bacteria, sia pure per superreticoli di quantum dots di nuova generazione, aventi dimensioni maggiori della lunghezza d’onda emessa. In entrambi i casi si dimostra che la coerenza può permanere in presenza di rumore termico alle temperature a cui questi sistemi sono stati analizzati sperimentalmente (temperatura ambiente per i nanotubi molecolari, e 6 K per i superreticoli di quantum dots). Nello specifico, nei nanotubi molecolari mostriamo che la macroscopica delocalizzazione coerente delle eccitazioni a temperatura ambiente, che copre centinaia di molecole, può essere considerata un effetto emergente che origina dall’effetto combinato della specifica disposizione geometrica delle molecole e della presenza di accoppiamenti tra subunità del cilindro, incrementati dagli effetti cooperativi. Questi risultati aprono la strada a nuovi modi per ingegnerizzare dei “quantum wires” robusti al rumore grazie alla cooperatività. Inoltre, la presente analisi di sistemi allo stato solido basati su superreticoli di “quantum dots” di perovskite (CsPbBr3) fornisce una base teorica in grado di comprendere recenti osservazioni di emissione superradiante. Sulla base della nostra teoria, suggeriamo che futuri esperimenti dove si utilizzino quantum dots più piccoli, potrebbe aumentare significativamente la robustezza del sistema al rumore termico, aprendo la strada verso la superradianza a temperatura ambiente in sistemi allo stato solido. Si considerano anche i complessi antenna dei Purple Bacteria, dove è ben risaputo che gli effetti cooperativi incrementano il trasferimento e l’accumulo di eccitazioni generate dalla luce assorbita. Mostriamo come queste proprietà possono essere sfruttate per creare un laser ispirato a sistemi biologici e basato su aggregati molecolari, dove la luce solare, benché debole, sarebbe utilizzata come sorgente di pompaggio. Il trasferimento efficiente di energia dentro questo sistema, all’atto pratico, focalizzerebbe l’eccitazione assorbita in direzione di un dimero molecolare, composto da una coppia di molecole interagenti, opportunamente scelte. L’orientazione dei momenti di dipolo di transizione in ciascun dimero è tale da concentrare tutta l’intensità del dipolo nel livello a più alta energia, lasciando lo stato eccitonico inferiore otticamente inattivo. Un dimero molecolare in tale configurazione, che è ideale per ottenere inversione di popolazione, è chiamato “H-dimer”. Tale H-dimer, nell’archittettura qui proposta per un laser ispirato a sistemi biologici, è posto al centro di un aggregato molecolare ispirato a sistemi biologici. Gli H-dimers, eccitati dagli aggregati molecolari circostanti, raggiungono inversione di popolazione e, dunque, possono emettere luce laser quando tali aggregati sono posti in una cavità ottica. Convertire l’energia incoerente fornita dal Sole in un fascio laser coerente supererebbe diverse limitazioni pratiche inerenti all’utilzzo della luce solare come sorgente di energia pulita. Per esempio, i fasci laser sono molto efficienti nell’avviare reazioni chimiche che convertono la luce solare in energia chimica. Inoltre, dal momento che i complessi fotosintetici batterici tendono ad operare nella regione spettrale del vicino infrarosso, la nostra proposta si presta in modo naturale a realizzare laser a infrarossi a corta lunghezza d’onda, i cui fasci viaggerebbero per lunghe distanze senza quasi perdere energia, quindi distribuendo in modo efficiente l’energia solare raccolta. Nella ricerca di un meccanismo comune alla cooperatività e alla sua robustezza, abbiamo confrontato il modello delle coppie di Cooper della superconduttività con la superradianza in singola eccitazione, mostrando molte somiglianze tra i due fenomeni: in particolare, i sistemi superradianti presentano una “gap” immaginaria nel piano complesso (ovvero, una segregazione tra i tempi di vita degli autostati del sistema) che, in modo simile alla gap superconduttiva, rende questi sistemi robusti al rumore statico. Più in generale, mostriamo che ogni interazione a lungo raggio tra i costituenti di un sistema induce effetti collettivi, manifestati da delle gap nello spettro eccitonico. Perciò, la nostra analisi successiva considera l’effetto delle interazioni a lungo raggio sul trasporto eccitonico lungo catene disordinate. Dimostriamo che la presenza di uno stato collettivo ben separato dagli altri stati influenza tutto lo spettro del sistema, generando dei regimi molto controintuitivi dove il trasporto è incrementato dal disordine o è indipendente da esso, e tali regimi si estendono su molti ordini di grandezza nell’intensità del disordine. Dimostriamo anche che una catena fortemente accoppiata a un modo del campo elettromagnetico in una cavità ottica è equivalente a una catena con interazione a lungo raggio, mostrandosi dunque molto promettente per esperimenti e applicazioni future. Nello specifico, mostriamo che catene molecolari realistiche, ioni intrappolati realizzati allo stato dell’arte e atomi di Rydberg sono tutti in grado di raggiungere l’intensità di interazione a lungo raggio tale per cui il trasporto sarebbe incrementato dal disordine o indipendente da esso, puntando alla realizzazione di un trasporto di energia senza dissipazione in “quantum wires” disordinati. / This Ph.D. thesis studies the interplay of cooperativity and noise in realistic systems, largely focusing on superradiance. Cooperative effects emerge from the collective interaction of an ensemble of elements to an external field. Notable examples are superconductivity, where the electron Cooper pairs interact with the lattice vibrations, plasmon excitations, arising from the collective interaction of electrons in a metal with the Coulomb field, and superradiance, that is a cooperative spontaneous emission process stemming from an aggregate of identical emitters. Cooperative effects are typically robust to disorder and noise, making them interesting for applications to quantum devices operating at room temperature. In this work, we first present a general master equation formalism that describes the collective coupling of an aggregate of emitters/absorbers to the electromagnetic field, valid both when the size of the aggregate is larger or smaller than the emitted/absorbed wavelength. Also, the formalism is valid both for weak and strong coupling of the emitters to the electromagnetic field and, most importantly, it allows to correctly describe superradiance in different regimes. Within such formalism, the interplay of superradiance and thermal noise is studied both for molecular nanotubes (of size smaller than the transition wavelength) that are present in the antenna complexes of photosynthetic Green Sulfur Bacteria, and also for novel solid state quantum dot superlattices, having size larger than the emitted wavelength. In both cases it is shown that coherence can persist in presence of thermal noise at the temperatures where these systems have been experimentally analyzed (room temperature for molecular nanotubes, and 6 K for quantum dot superlattices). Specifically, in natural molecular nanotubes we show that the macroscopic coherent delocalization of the excitation at room temperature, covering hundreds of molecules, can be considered an emergent effect originating from the combined effect of the specific geometric disposition of the molecules and the presence of cooperatively enhanced couplings between cylinder subunits. These results open the path to new ways of engineering quantum wires robust to noise thanks to cooperativity. Moreover, our analysis of solid state systems based on perovskite (CsPbBr3) quantum dot superlattices provides a theoretical framework able to explain recent observations of superradiant emission. Based on our theory, we suggest that further experiments, using smaller quantum dots, could significantly increase the robustness of the system to thermal noise, paving the way towards room-temperature superradiance in solid-state systems. We also considered the antenna complexes of Purple Bacteria, where cooperative effects are well known to boost the transfer and storage of photo-absorbed excitations. We show how these properties can be exploited to create a bio-inspired molecular aggregate laser medium, where natural sunlight, although weak, would be used as a pumping source. The efficient energy transfer within this system would effectively focus the absorbed excitation on a suitably chosen molecular dimer, composed by a pair of interacting molecules. The orientation of the molecule transition dipole moment in each dimer is such to concentrate all the dipole strength in the highest energy level, leaving the lower excitonic state dark. A molecular dimer in such configuration, which is ideal to achieve population inversion, is called H-dimer. Such an H-dimer in our proposed architecture for a bio-inspired laser medium, is placed at the center of the bio-inspired molecular aggregates. The H-dimers, pumped by the surrounding molecular aggregates, reach population inversion and, therefore, can lase when such aggregates are placed in an optical cavity. Turning the incoherent energy supply provided by the Sun into a coherent laser beam would overcome several of the practical limitations inherent in using sunlight as a source of clean energy. For example, laser beams are highly effective at driving chemical reactions which convert sunlight into chemical energy. Further, since bacterial photosynthetic complexes tend to operate in the near-infrared spectral region, our proposal naturally lends itself for realising short-wavelength infrared lasers which would allow their beams to travel nearly losslessly over large distances, thus efficiently distributing the collected sunlight energy. In search of a common mechanism to cooperativity and its robustness, we have compared the Cooper pair model of superconductivity and single-excitation superradiance, showing many similarities between the two: in particular, superradiant systems present an imaginary gap in the complex plane (that is, a segregation between the lifetimes of the system eigenstates) that, similarly to the superconducting gap, makes these systems robust to static disorder. More in general, we show that any long-range interaction between the constituents of a system generates collective behaviours, manifested by gaps in the excitonic spectrum. Therefore, our further analysis considers the effect of long-range interactions on excitation transport along disordered chains. We show that the presence of a gapped, collective state affects the whole spectrum of the system, generating quite counter-intuitive disorder-enhanced and disorder-independent transport regimes, that extend over many orders of magnitude of the disorder strength. We also prove that a chain strongly coupled to a cavity mode is equivalent to a long-range interacting chain, thus being very promising for future experiments and applications. Specifically, we show that realistic molecular chains, state-of-the-art trapped ions and Rydberg atoms are all able to reach the needed long-range interaction strength that would show disorder-enhanced or disorder-independent transport, aiming to the realization of dissipationless transport of energy in disordered quantum wires.
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Micromagnetic Study of Current Induced Domain Wall Motion for Spintronic SynapsesPetropoulos, Dimitrios-Petros January 2021 (has links)
Neuromorphic computing applications could be made faster and more power efficient by emulating the function of a biological synapse. Non-conventional spintronic devices have been proposed that demonstrate synaptic behavior through domain wall (DW) driving. In this work, current induced domain wall motion has been studied through micromagnetic simulations. We investigate the synaptic behavior of a head to head domain wall driven by a spin polarized current in permalloy (Py) nanostrips with shape anisotropy, where triangular notches have been modeled to account for edge roughness and provide pinning sites for the domain wall. We seek optimal material parameters to keep the critical current density for driving the domain wall at order 1011 A/m2.
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Innovating All-Terrain Mobility Solutions for Access Equity Through Bio-Inspired Inclusive Design and EntrepreneurshipUnsworth, Colleen Kim-Yewon 11 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Calibrated SSVI Method - Implied Volatility Surface Construction / Kalibrerade SSVI metoden - Konstruktion av Implicita VolatilitetsytorÖhman, Adam January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis will the question of how to construct implied volatility surfaces in a robust and arbitrage free way be investigated. To be able to know if the solutions are arbitrage free was an initial investigation about arbitrage in volatility surfaces made. From this investigation where two comprehensive theorems found. These theorems came from Roper in \cite{Roper2010}. Based on these where then two applicable arbitrage tests created. These tests came to be very important tools in the remaining thesis.The most reasonable classes of models for modeling the implied volatility surface where then investigated. It was concluded that the classes that seemed to have the best potential where the stochastic volatility models and the parametric representation models. The choice between these two classes where concluded to be based on a trade-off between simplicity and quality of the result. If it where possible to make the parametric representation models improve its result the best applicable choice would be that class. For the remaining thesis was it therefore decided to investigate this class. The parametric representation model that was chosen to be investigated where the SVI parametrization family since it seemed to have the most potential outside of its already strong foundation.The SVI parametrization family is diveded into 3 parametrizations, the raw SVI parametrization, the SSVI parametrization and the eSSVI parametrization. It was concluded that the raw SVI parametrization even though it gives very good market fits, was not robust enough to be chosen. This ment that the raw SVI parametrization would in most cases generate arbitrage in its surfaces. The SSVI model was concluded to be a very strong model compared to the raw SVI, since it was able to generate completely arbitrage free solutions with good enough results. The eSSVI is an extended parametrization of the SSVI with purpose to improve its short maturity results. It was concluded to give small improvements but with the trade of making the optimization procedure harder. It was therefore concluded that the SSVI parametrization might be the better application.To try to improve the results of the SSVI parametrization was a complementary procedure developed which got named the calibrated SSVI method. This method compared to the eSSVI parametrization would not change the parametrization but instead focusing on calibrating the initial fit that the SSVI generated. This method would heavily improve the initial fit of the SSVI surface but was less robust since it generated harder cases for the interpolation and extrapolation. / I det här examensarbetet undersöks frågan om hur man bör modellera implied volatilitetsytor på ett robust och arbitragefritt sätt. För att kunna veta om lösningarna är arbigtragefria börjades arbetet med en undersökning inom arbitrageområdet. De mest heltäckande resultatet som hittades var två theorem av Roper i \cite{Roper2010}. Baserat på dessa theorem kunde två applicerbara arbitragetester skapas som sedan kom att bli en av hörnstenarna i detta arbete. Genom att undersöka de modellklasser som verkade vara de bästa inom området valdes den parametriseringsbeskrivande modellklassen. I denna klass valdes sedan SVI parametriseringsfamiljen för vidare undersökning eftersom det verkade vara den familj av modeller som hade störst potential att uppnå jämnvikt mellan enkel applikation samt bra resultat. För den klassiska SVI modellen i SVI familjen drogs slutsatsen att modellen inte var tillräcklig för att kunna rekommenderas. Detta berodde på att SVI modellen i princip alltid genererade lösningar med arbitrage i. SVI modellen genererar dock väldigt bra lösningar mot marknadsdatan enskilt och kan därför vara ett bra alternativ om man bara ska modellera ett implied volatilitetssmil. SSVI modellen ansågs däremot vara ett väldigt bra alternativ. SSVI modellen genererar komplett aribragefria lösningar men har samtidigt rimligt bra marknadspassning. För att försöka förbättra resultaten från SSVI modellen, var en kompleterande metod kallad den kalibrerade SSVI metoden skapad. Denna metod kom att förbättra marknadspassningen som SSVI modellen genererade men som resultat kom robustheten att sjunka, då interpoleringen och extrapoleringen blev svårare att genomföra arbitragefritt.
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Gecko-Inspired Electrospun Flexible Fiber Arrays for AdhesionNajem, Johnny F. 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Safety-aware autonomous robot navigation, mapping and control by optimization techniquesLei, Tingjun 08 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The realm of autonomous robotics has seen impressive advancements in recent years, with robots taking on essential roles in various sectors, including disaster response, environmental monitoring, agriculture, and healthcare. As these highly intelligent machines continue to integrate into our daily lives, the pressing imperative is to elevate and refine their performance, enabling them to adeptly manage complex tasks with remarkable efficiency, adaptability, and keen decision-making abilities, all while prioritizing safety-aware navigation, mapping, and control systems. Ensuring the safety-awareness of these robotic systems is of paramount importance in their development and deployment. In this research, bio-inspired neural networks, nature-inspired intelligence, deep learning, heuristic algorithm and optimization techniques are developed for safety-aware autonomous robots navigation, mapping and control. A bio-inspired neural network (BNN) local navigator coupled with dynamic moving windows (DMW) is developed in this research to enhance obstacle avoidance and refines safe trajectories. A hybrid model is proposed to optimize trajectory of the global path of a mobile robot that maintains a safe distance from obstacles using a graph-based search algorithm associated with an improved seagull optimization algorithm (iSOA). A Bat-Pigeon algorithm (BPA) is proposed to undertake adjustable speed navigation of autonomous vehicles in light of object detection for safety-aware vehicle path planning, which can automatically adjust the speed in different road conditions. In order to perform effective collision avoidance in multi-robot task allocation, a spatial dislocation scheme is developed by introduction of an additional dimension for UAVs at different altitudes, whereas UAVs avoid collision at the same altitude using a proposed velocity profile paradigm. A multi-layer robot navigation system is developed to explore row-based environment. A directed coverage path planning (DCPP) fused with an informative planning protocol (IPP) method is proposed to efficiently and safely search the entire workspace. A human-autonomy teaming strategy is proposed to facilitate cooperation between autonomous robots and human expertise for safe navigation to desired areas. Simulation, comparison studies and on-going experimental results of optimization algorithms applied for autonomous robot systems demonstrate their effectiveness, efficiency and robustness of the proposed methodologies.
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Commonplacing: On Historically Inspired Improvisation and Music TheoryMooiman, Bert 23 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Bioinspired Surface for Low Drag, Self-Cleaning, and Antifouling: Shark Skin, Butterfly and Rice Leaf EffectsBixler, Greg January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Deterministic model of the radio channel applied to the optimization of the UAV trajectory for optimum air-to-ground communication in the environment of future urban scenariosExpósito García, Adrián 27 March 2023 (has links)
[ES] Las ciudades modernas están al límite de su capacidad en el plano horizontal. Muchas de ellas tienen un problema de tráfico muy complejo de paliar o resolver. La movilidad aérea urbana promete ser la revolución que puede resolver la saturación del tráfico en los futuros escenarios urbanos. Se espera que el crecimiento del mercado de la movilidad aérea urbana muestre una tendencia positiva constante, pero la tecnología asociada necesita aumentar su madurez. La gestión de múltiples vehículos aéreos, que dependen de tecnologías en auge como la inteligencia artificial y las estaciones de control en tierra automatizadas, requerirá una conexión tierra-aire-tierra sólida e ininterrumpida para completar sus trayectorias. La exigencia de una conexión ininterrumpida está naturalmente relacionada con una comprensión completa de los fenómenos que afectan al canal aire-tierra. La primera contribución es proponer un modelo de canal que pueda capturar las consecuencias de dichos fenómenos. Normalmente, un modelo de este tipo puede emitir el estado del canal en un punto determinado, prediciendo el estado del canal a lo largo de la trayectoria de la aeronave. Un modelo muy detallado exige herramientas y datos que proporcionen la información necesaria. La descripción y enumeración de cada pieza de información necesaria para una simulación de canal satisfactoria componen la segunda contribución. Una vez conocido el estado del canal, se pueden optimizar los puntos recorridos por la aeronave para cubrir aquellos con mejor rendimiento del canal. La tercera y última contribución es la propuesta de un conjunto de algoritmos de optimización para encontrar la ruta más adecuada. El algoritmo de optimización constituye el planificador de trayectorias, del que se espera que explore eficazmente el espacio de búsqueda y proponga una trayectoria que cumpla con los objetivos predefinidos: máxima calidad aire-tierra, disponibilidad y tiempo de vuelo. Cada método propuesto se pone a prueba en varios escenarios. Estos escenarios incluyen diversas situaciones que pueden estresar a los métodos y favorecer la elección de uno de ellos. Las situaciones incluidas son diferentes condiciones del terreno y zonas de exclusión aérea. / [CA] Les ciutats modernes estan al límit de la seua capacitat al pla horitzontal. Moltes tenen un problema de trànsit molt complex de pal·liar o resoldre. La mobilitat aèria urbana promet ser la revolució que pot resoldre la saturació del trànsit als futurs escenaris urbans. S'espera que el creixement del mercat de la mobilitat aèria urbana mostre una tendència positiva constant, però la tecnologia associada necessita augmentar-ne la maduresa. La gestió de múltiples vehicles aeris, que depenen de tecnologies en auge com la intel·ligència artificial i les estacions de control a terra automatitzades, requerirà una connexió terra-aire-terra sòlida i ininterrompuda per completar les seues trajectòries. L'exigència d'una connexió ininterrompuda està relacionada naturalment amb una comprensió completa dels fenòmens que afecten el canal aire-terra. La primera contribució és proposar un model de canal que puga capturar les conseqüències dels fenòmens esmentats. Normalment, un model d'aquest tipus pot emetre l'estat del canal en un punt determinat, predient l'estat del canal al llarg de la trajectòria de l'aeronau. Un model molt detallat exigeix eines i dades que proporcionen la informació necessària. La descripció i l'enumeració de cada peça d'informació necessària per a una simulació de canal satisfactòria componen la segona contribució. Una vegada conegut l'estat del canal, es poden optimitzar els punts recorreguts per l'aeronau per tal de cobrir aquells amb el millor rendiment del canal. La tercera i última contribució és la proposta d'un conjunt d'algorismes d'optimització per trobar la ruta més adequada. L'algorisme d'optimització constitueix el planificador de trajectòries, del qual s'espera que explore eficaçment l'espai de cerca i propose una trajectòria que complisca els objectius predefinits: màxima qualitat aire-terra, disponibilitat i temps de vol. Cada mètode proposat es posa a prova a diversos escenaris. Aquests escenaris inclouen diverses situacions que poden estressar els mètodes i afavorir-ne l'elecció. Les situacions incloses són diferents condicions del terreny i les zones d'exclusió aèria. / [EN] Modern cities are at the limit of their capacity in the horizontal plane. Many of them have a traffic problem that is highly complex to alleviate or solve. Urban air mobility promises to be the revolution that can solve traffic saturation in future urban scenarios. The growth of the urban air mobility market is expected to show a constant positive tendency, but the associated technology needs to raise its readiness levels. Managing aerial vehicle fleets, dependent on rising technologies such as artificial intelligence and automated ground control stations, will require a solid and uninterrupted connection to complete their trajectories. The requirement for an uninterrupted connection is naturally connected to a complete understanding of phenomena affecting the air-to-ground channel. The first contribution to the field is to propose a channel model that can capture the consequences of said phenomena. Typically, such a model can output the channel state at a given point, predicting the channel state throughout the aircraft's trajectory. A highly detailed model demands tools and data to deliver the necessary information. The description and enumeration of each piece of information required for a successful channel simulation compose the second contribution to the field. Once the channel state is known, the travelled points by the aircraft can be optimised to cover those with better channel performance. The third and last contribution to the field is proposing a set of optimisation algorithms to find the most suitable route. The optimisation algorithm forms the path planner, expected to efficiently explore the search space and propose a trajectory compliant with predefined objectives: maximum air-to-ground quality, availability, and flight time. Each proposed method is tested in various scenarios. These scenarios include various situations that can stress the methods and favour the choice of one. Included situations are different terrain conditions and no-fly zones. / Expósito García, A. (2023). Deterministic model of the radio channel applied to the optimization of the UAV trajectory for optimum air-to-ground communication in the environment of future urban scenarios [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192614
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