Spelling suggestions: "subject:"instant message""
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The Research of Instant-Messaging User BehaviorHung, Jung-chih 14 May 2008 (has links)
Instant Messaging ¡]IM¡^ has becomes an important tool of communication. Currently, eighty percent of the Internet users use IM to communicate each other.
This study uses the dimensions of performance expectancy and effort expectancy of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology and the interpersonal communication need to investigate factors that influence IM acceptance.
There are 211 completed questionnaires were returned and analyzed. It¡¦s found that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and interpersonal communication show significantly positive and significant impacts on IM users¡¦ intention. The intention significantly and positively affects their IM usage.
According to the results, it¡¦s suggestted that IM software should make the IM more user-friendly and the software interface is not too complicated, so that users might feel that IM software is easy to use.
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A Study of Web 2.0 Innovations for Government Services OnlineWang, Ji-Jia 23 July 2008 (has links)
Since 1993 The US government took the lead to propose the ¡§National Information Infrastructure, (NII)¡¨ plan, many countries started to establish the electronic government to provide the populace with innovation services.. The services of electronic government have to evolve from ¡§Do Government Better¡¨ into ¡§Do Better Government¡¨. Now the network has evolved into a new generation that emphasizes on users co-constructing the cyber contents - Web 2.0. Could Web 2.0 be applied to the web services of the electronic government? How should the electronic government provide the innovation services by using Web 2.0? What are the Web 2.0 services provided by the local government in Taiwan? The above questions are the key points of this research.
This research was based on the web service type of government and the mature application of Web 2.0 to establish 4 categories (Blog, Instant Messaging, Podcast and RSS) and 17 indicators to construct questionnaire, and review local government web services in Taiwan. This research used the census method to observe 25 local government website by the researcher during 2008/4/7~2008/4/9. Also the all 25 local government website administrators in Taiwan completed the questionnaire separately during 2008/4/21~2008/5/13.
According to the research results, that Web 2.0 services on Taiwan local government were: (1) the primary service provided by local government is automatic information service, (2) the online multimedia playing service is getting mature gradually, (3) the web call is the main online intercommunication service, (4) the concepts of blog service has not established yet, (5)there are many problems to surmount for advancing Web 2.0 Services, such as the definitions of Web 2.0 Services, the doubts of information security etc.. Overall, Web 2.0 for local government online services is still at beginning stage in Taiwan. Besides this research provides the following suggestions about Web 2.0 innovations for government services online: (1) to establish the better understanding of Web 2.0 Services, (2) to develop guidelines of Web 2.0 services and evaluation criteria, (3) to provide financial motivation and technical support.
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Protokolldiskussion Jabber vs. LocomJordan, Lars 02 May 2000 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und
Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme (Fakultaet fuer
Informatik) der TU Chemnitz.
Workshop-Thema: Infrastruktur der ¨Digitalen Universitaet¨
Zur unmittelbaren Kommunikation zweier oder mehrerer
Kommunikationspartner werden heute sogenannte Instant Messaging
Systeme eingesetzt.
Der Vortrag zeigt zwei moegliche Ansaetze fuer ein Protokoll,
das diese Art von Kommunikation bewerkstelligen kann. Zum einen
handelt es sich um das Protokoll einer freien Implementierung
eines IM Systems, Jabber. Zum anderen ist dies das Protokoll
eines im Rahmen einer Diplomarbeit an der Fakultaet fuer Informatik
entstandenen IM Systems, Locom.
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Jabber, eine andere IM-AlternativeSteiger, Marco 09 May 2002 (has links)
Gemeinsamer Workshop von Universitaetsrechenzentrum und Professur Rechnernetze und verteilte Systeme der Fakultaet fuer Informatik der TU Chemnitz.
Jabber ist eine XML basierte Instant Messaging und Präsenz-Management Lösung.
Dieser Vortrag beinhaltet einen Überblick über die grundlegenden Konzepte von
Instant Messaging, die Betrachtung von Jabber, als IM-Alternative, die Dienste,
die auf dem Jabber-Protokoll aufbauen und das Phänomen X-Internet, als Webdienstplattform.
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Jabber- das Plaudern geht weiterStrobel, Cornelia 18 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Workshop "Netz- und Service-Infrastrukturen"
In dem Vortrag wird der Instant-Messaging-Dienst Jabber eingeführt. Neben dem Vergleich mit anderen Diensten dieser Art werden im Besonderen das Adressierungsschema, der Ablauf einer Kommunikation und das Zusammenspiel mit anderen Diensten erläutert.
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Sicherheitsaspekte von Instant MessagingSchildt, Holger 07 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Instant Messaging besitzt zweifelsohne eine sehr große Zukunft. Es ist vergleichbar mit dem Short Message Service (SMS), der einen sehr großen Stellenwert im Mobilfunk hat. Neben der für SMS charakteristischen schnellen Übermittlung von Textnachrichten bietet Instant Messaging weitere Vorteile: es ist für den Sender auf den ersten Blick ersichtlich, ob der Gesprächspartner für eine Kommunikation zur Verfügung steht. Neben Textnachrichten können aber auch Informationen wie Bilder, Videos oder andere Formate übermittelt werden.
Auch für Organisationen ist ein Einsatz von Instant Messaging sehr interessant. Besonders in diesem Zusammenhang spielt die Sicherheit eine sehr wichtige Rolle. Daher beschäftigt sich diese Diplomarbeit vorrangig mit Instant Messaging-Systemen hinsichtlich der Prinzipien der Systemsicherheit wie Integrität, Vertraulichkeit und Verfügbarkeit.
Ein weiterer Aspekt ist das Fehlen eines standardisierten Instant Messaging-Protokolls. Viele Anbieter von Instant Messaging-Systemen halten ihr System für das Beste und versuchen, soviele Kunden wie möglich an sich zu binden. Daher befasst sich diese Diplomarbeit ebenfalls mit den verbreitetsten Instant Messaging-Systemen, um deren Vor- und Nachteile herauszukristallisieren. Im Weiteren wird die Funktionsweise der Protokolle erklärt.
Gerade im privaten Bereich spielen Konferenzsysteme ("Chat") eine wichtige Rolle. Neben den Instant Messaging-Systemen wird auch diese Möglichkeit der Kommunikation beleuchtet.
Diese Diplomarbeit wird vom Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), Referat "IT-Sicherheitsmanagement und IT-Grundschutz" betreut.
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Umgås på Internet eller på ett café? : – en studie om Internetanvändningens sociala konsekvenser.Johansson, Carolin January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Title: See each other on the Internet or on a café? A survey about social consequences of Internet usage. (Umgås på Internet eller på ett café? – en studie om Internetanvändningens sociala konsekvenser.) Number of pages: 34 (including enclosures). Author: Carolin Johansson. Tutor: Else Nygren. Course: Media and Communication Studies C. Period: Fall 2007. University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University. Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to get increased knowledge about the social consequences that may come up when young people at the age of 16-20 are using the Internet. Material/Method: The material consists of a questionnaire that I made with questions about Internet usage that 84 young people from five classes (from three different upper secondary schools) answered. Main results: To have access to a computer and Internet and the fact that broadband is more inexpensive now than before leads to an increased usage of the Internet. I found out that chatting, music/movies, searching for information and using the Internet for entertainment is what most of the participants spent the most time on while using the Internet. I also found out that an increased usage of the Internet could lead to decreased time together with friends/family. Keywords: Internet usage, social consequences, Instant Messaging, Community, online communication.
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Is the Reception Better on a Different Channel? Interpersonal Communication Satisfaction of Introverts and Extraverts During Face-to-Face Versus Instant Messenger ConversationsWhalen, Christina S. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Satisfying communication is sometimes hard to come by. Due to differences in social expression and reception, individuals tend to express and receive communication in dissimilar ways, especially within different social contexts. In the present study, the effects of personality and channel of communication on individual and mutual satisfaction after a conversation will be tested. Participants will take a personality test to determine introversion or extraversion. They will then be randomly assigned to conversation pairs which will communicate either through an instant messaging (IM) program or face-to-face (FtF). Satisfaction will be determined using a modified version of the Interpersonal Communication Satisfaction Inventory (ICSI). It is hypothesized that individual satisfaction will be significantly higher for introverts in the IM condition and extraverts in the FtF condition. With regards to mutual satisfaction, it is hypothesized that pairs with dissimilar personalities in the FtF condition will be significantly lower than all other pairings. Finally, it is expected that individuals with high ratings of satisfaction will also report feeling as though they were able to express themselves more authentically. The results of this study will contribute to our view of interpersonal relationships in the modern digital age, as well as present possibilities for creating more mutually beneficial communication between differing personality types.
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SIP-based location service provisionWu, YanHao January 2005 (has links)
Location-based service (LBS) is a geographical location-related service that provides highly personalized services for users. It is a platform for network operators to provide new and innovative ways of increasing profits from new services. With the rapidly growing trend toward LBS, there is a need for standard LBS protocols. This thesis started with introducing the Internet Engineering Task Force GEOPRIV working group, which endeavors to provide standard LBS protocols capable of transferring geographic location information for diverse location-aware applications. Through careful observation, it was found that Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is well suited to the GEOPRIV requirements. The aim of this research was therefore to explore the possibility of the integration of LBS and the SIP protocol and, to some extent fulfill the GEOPRIV requirements.
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Investigating privacy issues in mobile messaging through a role playing game.Hong, Tianpeng, hodyhong@gmail.com January 2010 (has links)
When internet-mediated messaging and social networking applications were introduced in mobile phones, mobile messaging entered a new paradigm. Users can easily create profiles and communicate with other users instantly at anytime of day and anywhere in the world. This paradigm however, has brought forward new privacy issues. Over the course of this exegesis I aimed to explore different aspects of privacy issues related to mobile messaging, including users' awareness and the control of the privacy issues when using social networking messaging. This was demonstrated by conducting a project, which involved development of a mobile phone application and a role-playing game. The project created a frictional scenario of users communicating via mobile messaging. My research revealed that the participants lacked awareness of privacy violations when using mobile messaging, and tended not to modify their behaviours immediately when privacy breaches arose. This research contributes to the existing body of research in the area of mobile messaging privacy, and advocated user awareness of privacy issues in this domain. It could potentially be used as a base for future research.
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