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The Pulsed Employee Survey : A multifaceted transformation of an institutionalized practice from formal policy to intended outcome.Wallensten Jönsson, Otto, Linderoth, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Based on the limited outcomes and often failed implementation processes of annual employee surveys a new phenomenon for collecting people data has risen; the pulsed employee survey. This survey and its continuous way of measuring are by many providers and consultants stated to be an important tool that increases employee engagement. The phenomenon of the pulsed employee survey has so far received limited academic attention, despite its growing importance as a potential institutionalized practice. Therefore, this study aims at broadening the understanding of the phenomenon of the pulsed employee survey. How is it transformed into organizations during an implementation process and can the process be seen as coupled or decoupled from the institutionalized practice? Further, what explains the potential coupling or decoupling? To investigate this, a model based on decoupling theories by Bromley & Powell(2012) has been used through a qualitative case study. The result shows that, even though the surveys are implemented into the organizations, means-ends decoupling can be found, whichmay be explained by the complexity of what is measured as well as the multifaceted expectations and perceptions at different organizational levels.
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Sustainable Public Procurement as a Driver of Change : The Case of Surgical Instrumentsvan den akker, Dennis, Wakim, Riad Samir January 2019 (has links)
Although Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) is often seen as a powerful tool to drive sustainability across its supply chain, there is little available research in terms of how SPP actually influences its suppliers’ sustainability practices and what challenges are being faced during the process. In this study, we shed light on both issues by exploring SPP using Institutional and Power Dependence Theory in the context of the surgical instrument industry in Sweden. Methodologically, the study is grounded in an exploratory design and employs in-depth interviews with multiple stakeholders to gain a holistic understanding of the phenomena being studied. The study revealed that SPP mainly influences suppliers by requiring them to evaluate their own sustainability practices, engage in collaborative actions and make alterations when they fail to comply with the contractual terms.The most significant challenge resulted to be the lack of resources, resulting in the inability to perform sufficient follow-ups, engage in meaningful conversations with suppliers and procurers having to buy unsustainable products because of their tight budgets. Another major challenge was Sweden’s forerunner position when it comes to SPP on an international level, resulting in reluctancy on the part of international suppliers to alter their sustainability practices.
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[pt] A prática de esportes tem sido referendada como uma grande
solução para
problemas sociais diversos. Dentre todos os esportes, é
inegável a influência que o
futebol exerce no contexto brasileiro. Entretanto, sua
importância como atividade
econômica e o conseqüente fomento social para a população
ainda não é
reconhecida. O futebol promoveu mais transformações, ao
longo dos últimos cem
anos, do que sofreu dentro das quatro linhas. Foi
utilizado como entretenimento
pelo povo, como mecanismo de manobra pelos governos e como
ferramenta de
poder pelos seus diretores, até esbarrar nas pressões de
profissionalização de sua
gestão, tradicionalmente amadora. Fundamentando-se na
Teoria Institucional e,
mais especificamente, na corrente do neo-institucionalismo
POWELL, 1991), este estudo tem como objetivo identificar
os aspectos relativos
ao campo organizacional do futebol que constituem
obstáculos ou elementos
facilitadores do processo de profissionalização da gestão
do futebol nos clubes. A
Teoria Institucional ajuda a entender as pressões que
afetam a profissionalização
da gestão, na medida em que permite melhor compreensão das
relações entre os
diferentes atores do denominado campo organizacional do
futebol. A metodologia
do estudo constituiu-se de pesquisa documental e
entrevista com representantes
das principais entidades que compõem o campo
organizacional analisado. Os
principais resultados apontam que a percepção da
necessidade de
profissionalização da gestão do futebol dos clubes já está
institucionalizada entre
os atores, e sua implementação pode apresentar impactos
sociais, econômicos e
financeiros bastante positivos para a sociedade.
Entretanto, este objetivo ainda
enfrenta entraves práticos, arraigados nos mais de cem
anos de amadorismo,
conservadorismo e oligarquia que têm dominado a gestão do
futebol brasileiro. / [en] The practice of sports has proven to be a great solution
to several social
problems. It is undeniable, among all sports, the strength
of football s influence in
Brazilian life-context. However, its importance as an
economical activity e and its
capability to social improvements has not yet been
recognized. Football has
promoted more changes in society in the past century than
it has suffered on the
pitch itself. It has been used as entertainment by the
people, as a manipulation
mechanism by the government, as a power tool by its
directors. It has, finally,
stumbled into the pressures of professionalizing its
traditionally amateur
management practices. Based on the Institutional Theory
and, more specifically,
on the neo-institutionalism line of study (DIMAGGIO e
POWEL, 1991), this
research seeks to identify the aspects related to the
organizational facet of football,
which create obstacles or facilitating elements of the
professionalization process
of this sport s category within the clubs. The
Institutional Theory helps to
understand the relationships amongst the various actors
within the organizational
field of football. Study methodology was based upon
secondary research and indepth
interviews with key representatives of the analyzed
organizational field
main entities. The main conclusions suggest that the
perception of a need for
football management professionalization in Brazilian clubs
is already recognized
by the different actors and its implementation could
result in positive social,
economic and financial impacts on society. However, the
means to reach this
objective still face several obstacles, all of which are
rooted on the amateurism,
conservationism and oligarchism that have been dominating
the football
management field.
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Entry mode and institutional conditions to consider when entering a new market : The case of fashion apparel franchising in GermanyKisanga, Neema, Mohammad, Samana January 2019 (has links)
Background: Literature suggests that franchising as an entry mode for internalisation gains more and more popularity. However, existing literature shows many studies concerning franchising do not focus on industries. Hence, very little research is done when it comes to franchising in the low-to-medium cost fashion apparel industry. At the same time, the growing fashion apparel industry is becoming more and more important due to the business opportunity it brings for organisations. In this context, Germany as being the biggest apparel market in Europe is attractive for international organisation to expand to. For entering the German market through the franchising entry mode, the information about underlying market environment and relevant actors play a vital role to reduce risk of encountering uncertain obstacles in the process. Purpose: Entering a new market as a franchisor can be challenging due to different dynamics that can be found in different markets. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to explore institutional conditions of the current fashion apparel industry in Germany and to find out which institutions in Germany could help an organisation in terms of information on prevailing conditions, to successfully enter the German market. Method: To attain the purpose of the research, a qualitative approach employing a single case with two embedded units of analysis is used. Purposive sampling is used to select research participants based on their expertise about the topic. The empirical data is collected through semi-structured interviews with 12 participants, which resemble 3 different actors, the German consumers, the German Franchise Association and Tijarat AB, a fashion apparel company seeking to expand to Germany. Supplementary data, such as official governmental and associations website, is used to support the empirical findings. Secondary data is acquired using literature, web sources and legal documents. The empirical findings are analysed with the help of the thematic analysis and the institutional theory as well as the Uppsala internalisation model. Findings: The empirical findings present that there are several normative conditions which depict behaviours and what is considered to be acceptable in the German market. Firstly, there is no franchise fee collected by the franchisor in the fashion apparel industry. Furthermore, brand awareness, consistency, reputation and quality as well as price, design and variety play an important role in the consumer shopping behaviour and decisions. It was also found that there is no specific franchise law but rather a combination of existing legislation, such as the German Civil and Commercial Code, Competition law, Consumer law and Unfair trade law that form the jurisdiction for franchising in Germany.
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Kompetensutveckling : Vad är värdet och hur avgörs det? / Human Resource Development : What's the value and how is it determinedOlsson, Henrik, Hillberg Jarl, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: En rationell princip för investeringar i humankapital är att investeringen leder till förbättrad lönsamhet för organisationen. Allt sedan 1950-talet har organisationer i allt högre grad värderat sitt mänskliga kapital på samma sätt som andra kapitalslag. Ur den här ambitionen att förbättra och förändra humankapitalet har även svårigheterna med att påvisa de långsiktiga rationella effekterna blivit tydligare. Det är den här problematiken att avgöra värdeskapandet i kompetensutvecklingsinsatser som den här studien har undersökt. Utifrån institutionell teori som analysverktyg och tidigare forskning om Humankapital, HR och värdeskapande samt HRD analyseras och jämförs vilka kriterier och drivkrafter som ligger bakom investeringarna samt på vilket sätt värdeskapandet avgörs i praktiken. Syfte: Att utifrån ett institutionellt perspektiv skapa fördjupad kunskap om värdeskapandet i kompetensutveckling genom att undersöka vilka drivkrafter som ligger bakom beslut att investera i kompetensutveckling, samt vilka kriterier för framgång som finns. Metod: För att nå målsättningen att svara på studiens syfte har kvalitativ metod använts. Detta har gjorts genom elva semistrukturerade intervjuer med flerårigt erfarna HR-professionella personer inom kompetensutveckling. Slutsats: Studien visar att krav, eller frånvaron av krav, resulterar i att det sker en typ av isomorfism av kompetensutvecklingsinsatser där det förväntade värdet tas för givet. Studien visar att de HR-professionella anpassar sig till omgivningens krav på mätbarhet genom att uppfatta och uppge det förväntade värdet som en sanning, men i verkligheten är det få som följer upp insatserna för att säkerställa värdeskapandet. / Background: A rational basic principle when investing in human capital is that this investment will enable improved profitability to the organization. Ever since the 1950s organizations successively have put result value in their human capital investments in the same manner as other types of capital investments. This ambition to change and improve human capital also brings forth difficulties in practise to ensure long-term effects. This study is focusing upon this area of determining long-term values and demonstrate efficiency in human capital investments. Using institutional theory as a tool for analysis and drawing upon previous research in Human Capital, HR and value creation and HRD, criterias and driving forces behind these investments are analyzed to find knowledge about the operation in which value creation is determined. Purpose: That by institutional theory create increased knowledge about value creation in Human Resource Development through examining and clarifying driving forces and criterias for success behind decisions regarding investments in Human Resource Development. Method: In order to attain the objective of this study qualitative method have been used. This have been enabled through eleven semistructured interviews with experienced Human Resource Development professionals. Conclusion: The study shows that requirements, or the absence of requirements, results in a type of isomorphism regarding efforts in human resource development where the expected value is taken for granted. HR-professionals adjust to the demands of measurability their surroundings place upon them through perceiving and stating the expected value as a truth, although only a few follow-up their efforts to ensure that actual value has been created
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Valores familiares e sistemas de controle gerencial: análise do processo de adoção em uma empresa familiar / Family values and management control systems: an analysis of the adoption process on a family firmLeme, Michel Alessandro 28 September 2018 (has links)
Empresas familiares são o principal tipo de empresa ao redor do mundo. No Brasil são responsáveis por 50% do PIB e geram 85% dos empregos formais. Por possuírem a influência da família no negócio, os mecanismos de controle gerencial adotados por essas empresas tendem a ser informais e baseados em confiança. Estudos na área de contabilidade gerencial em empresas familiares demonstram que a adoção de sistemas de controle gerencial trazem benefícios econômicos e podem auxiliar na implementação de estratégias e facilitar processos de sucessão. No entanto, falta compreensão na academia sobre como ocorre o processo de adoção de sistemas de controle gerencial em empresas familiares e qual a influência da família e dos valores familiares neste processo. Este estudo buscou entender como os valores familiares, a presença da família na gestão e a interação entre os atores organizacionais influenciam o processo de adoção de SCG em empresas familiares. Para atingir este objetivo, foi conduzido um estudo de caso em uma empresa familiar que possui membros da família na gestão e passou por um processo de adoção de sistemas de controle gerencial. Foram realizadas entrevistas com gestores familiares e não familiares e coletados documentos considerados relevantes para o entendimento do fenômeno estudado. A análise foi feita utilizando-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo temática à luz do quadro teórico proposto por ter Bogt e Scapens (2014), baseado na Velha Economia Institucional (Old Institutional Economics). Os resultados evidenciados neste estudo demonstram como o contexto organizacional, os valores familiares no negócio e a racionalidade dos atores organizacionais direcionaram a escolha, o processo de adoção e a institucionalização do sistema de controle gerencial no caso estudado. Este estudo contribui para a literatura demonstrando que o uso do quadro teórico proposto por ter Bogt e Scapens (2014) é apropriado para entender como ocorre o processo de adoção de SCG por empresas familiares e fornecendo explicações para resultados conflitantes (Songini & Gnan, 2015; Speckbacher &Wentges, 2012), sugerindo que além da presença de membros da família na gestão, as instituições internas (como os valores familiares) e externas precisam ser considerados quando se busca entender a adoção de SCG em empresas familiares. / Family firms are the most prevalent type of companies in Brazil and throughout the world, contributing to 50% of the brazilian GDP and 85% of the employment rate. Given that the family is involved in the business, control mechanisms in these firms are more likely to be informal and trust-based. Academic research shows that the use of management control systems can result in better economic performance, promote strategy implementation and support succession processes. Nevertheless, there is a gap on the understanding of how management control systems adoption process happen and what is the influence of the family values on this process. Drawing on a case study carried out on a family firm managed by family members that recently adopted a management control systems this studies aims to shed light on how family values, the presence of family managers and the interaction between organizational actors influences management control systems adoption. Interviews were conducted with family and non-family managers and relevant documents were collected. The collected data was analyzed guided by ter Bogt e Scapens (2014) framework, based on Old Institutional Economics. The results shows how the presence of a family manager e the family values can influence adoption process and the institutionalization of management control systems in family firms. The organizational context, family values and the agency of organizational actors directed management control systems choice and the adoption process on the family firm studied. This study contributions to the academic literature are twofold: Firstly, the use of ter Bogt e Scapens (2014) framework is suitable to understand how MCS adoption processes occurs on family firms. Secondly, providing explanations for conflicting results (Songini & Gnan, 2015; Speckbacher & Wentges, 2012), suggesting that in addition to family managers presence both internal (family values) and external institutions must be accounted for when seeking to understand the adoption of MCS in family firms.
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Estudo sobre sistemas de custos gerenciais de subsidiárias alemãs em operação no Brasil: um enfoque da nova teoria institucional / Study on the cost management systems of German subsidiaries operating in Brazil: an approach of the new institutional theoryRamalho, Leticia Damo Ferreira 31 October 2016 (has links)
O propósito desta pesquisa é estudar características dos sistemas de custos gerenciais (SCG), sendo elas o método de custeio utilizado pelas empresas, as ferramentas de gestão em uso, os principais objetivos do sistema de custos gerenciais e o suporte provido pelo ERP (software de gestão). Estas características são analisadas a luz das pressões isomórficas de convergência e do decoupling, discutindo as implicações destas por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica expondo conceitos das práticas de custos gerenciais e o paradoxo das pressões isomórficas de convergência e o decoupling. Esta pesquisa explora dados coletados por meio de questionário com 27 subsidiárias de empresas alemãs operantes no Brasil, de grande e médio porte, dos setores automobilístico e de máquinas e equipamentos, afim de identificar as práticas do sistema de custos gerenciais em uso, a presença de evidências complementares do isomorfismo e do decoupling. A análise dos dados foi realizada de forma qualitativa e quantitativa (estatística descritiva) a luz da revisão bibliográfica apresentada, buscou-se consolidar conhecimentos que contribuem com o provimento ao meio acadêmico e profissional com uma ampla descrição das características gerais dos sistemas de gerenciamento de custos empregados por subsidiárias de empresas alemãs, uma população economicamente relevante e pouco explorada em estudos anteriores. Dentre os principais achados, ressalta-se que quanto maior o isomorfismo coercitivo, menor o decoupling das práticas do sistema de custos gerenciais. O baixo nível de decoupling demonstra ainda ter influência sobre a baixa divergência nos objetivos do sistema de custos gerenciais. Ainda a respeito das propriedades do sistema de custos gerenciais, é importante destacar que a maior parcela das subsidiárias utiliza o método de custeio por absorção para tomada de decisão e o orçamento e o custo padrão são ferramentas de gestão institucionalizadas na maioria das empresas. Como objetivo principal do SCG, a redução de custos é uma unanimidade, seguida por aumento da transparência, facilitação da formação de preço e fomento de melhorias de processo. Elementos do isomorfismo coercitivo e mimético são apresentados em todas as subsidiárias, sendo na maioria delas de maneira expressiva. O isomorfismo em sua forma normativa mostra-se presente na maioria delas. / The purpose of this research is to analyze aspects of Costs Management System (CMS), these being the costing method used by companies, the management tools in use, the main objectives of cost management system and the support provided by ERP (software management). These features are analyzed through the light of isomorphic convergence pressures and the occurrence of decoupling, discussing these implications applying the bibliographical research showing the management cost practical concepts and the paradox of isomorphic pressures of convergence and the decoupling. This research explores data obtained through a questionnaire with 27 senior executives of subsidiaries of German companies in Brazil of large and medium-size, in the automotive and machinery equipment industry with the objective of identifying management cost practices in use, evidences of the isomorphism and the decoupling. The data analyses was made through quantitative and qualitative ways applying the bibliographical research, searching to consolidate knowledge that provides the academic and professional field with a large description of the main features of cost management system in use by German subsidiaries working in Brazil, a population with economic relevance but not being showed in former research. Concerning the main findings, it is noteworthy that the bigger the isomorphic coercion found in the subsidiaries, smaller the decoupling of the cost management practices investigated. The smaller level of decoupling shows also an influence on the smaller level of divergence in the goals to the cost management system. Still about the cost management system features it is important to highlight that the large portion of subsidiaries apply the absorption cost method by decision making and the budget and cost standard are the most used management tools and are institutionalized in almost all companies. The cost reduction shows up as the main objective of the CMS, followed by increasing transparency, facilitating pricing and incentive to process improvements. Coercive isomorphism elements are presented in almost all subsidiaries, the mimetic and normative isomorphism also have remarkable presence. Evidence of isomorphic coercion and isomorphism mimetic are presented by all subsidiaries, being in the most of them very expressive. The isomorphism normative are present in the most part of subsidiaries.
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Organizational and Board Characteristics’ Impact on Female Board Representation: Evidence from Swedish Publicly Listed Financial Firms / Organisations och Styrelse Faktorers Påverkan på Kvinnlig Styrelserepresentation: En Studie Baserad på Svenska Noterade FinansföretagGadd, Sandra, Gustafsson, Therese January 2019 (has links)
Background - The underrepresentation of women in corporate boardrooms has been a central corporate governance issue for decades; still, improvement is made at a slow pace and varies by industry sector. On average, the Swedish financial industry displays high levels of female board representation compared to other industry sectors; however, there are large differences between the companies. Therefore, investigating whether certain organizational and/or board characteristics have an impact on female board representation in this industry may provide valuable insights as to whether some factors enhance gender diversity on these boards and, consequently, could serve as tools for further growth of female board representation. Purpose - The purpose of this study is to evaluate the development of female board representation in Swedish publicly listed financial firms and to investigate whether certain organizational and/or board characteristics have an impact on female board representation. As such, the study answers call for research regarding women on boards in the finance industry, while also contributing to the limited amount of research examining whether certain organizational factors may act as predictors of female board representation. Method - The study is of quantitative nature with a deductive approach and longitudinal design. Data is collected from annual reports and corporate governance reports of Swedish public financial firms listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and NGM Equity between 2011 and 2017. The initial sample contains all 60 listed firms, while the final sample consists of 37 firms. The dependent variable is female board representation and the independent variables are firm size, female employment base, board size, outside directors, multiple directorships, older directors, and female chairman. Control variables for market capitalization segments and year-fixed effects are included. Data is analysed using multiple linear regression, which is in line with prior research. Conclusion - The results of the study show that there is a significant negative relationship between female board representation and board size, while there are significant positive relationships between female board representation and the variables outside directors and female employment base. Significant positive relationships are also found between female board representation and effects related to time and market capitalization segment. The results are both in line with and contradictory to prior research, indicating the need for further research to clarify the relationship – if any – between certain factors and female board representation. Moreover, the results provide indications for policymaking, especially concerning the large inequalities found regarding the position as chairman as well as the relationship between the female employment base and female board representation.
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A atração da pesquisa clínica: um estudo acerca da influência das variáveis institucionais para seleção de países sede / The attraction of clinical research: a study on the influence of institutional variables for selecting host countriesAbuin, Felipe Gonzalez 31 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Odilio Hilario Moreira Júnior (odilio@espm.br) on 2016-11-10T17:21:47Z
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Felipe Gonzalez Abuin.pdf: 924644 bytes, checksum: d88ecaadea656614106cf5f23152e874 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-05-31 / This study goal to analyze the factors influence to choice of certain countries to carry out clinical research and elucidate an influence of different variables that were defined in this study. To meet the goal we use the quantitative methodology to create parameters for understanding how these studies are distributed by countries. The literature review contributed to the analysis and selection of the determining factors for the choice of where to conduct clinical research, defining the authors like Gehring (2014), Huijstee; Schipper (2011), Thiers (2007) and Swan; Robertson (2009) as a foundation to this study. The literature review enabled we did a list of twenty-two variables influencing the choice of where to conduct clinical research. All this variables are put together in seven categories: Freedom Business, Government of Freedom, Property Rights, Previous Experiences, Education Index, GDP and Costs . To this study we used the Institutional Theory by North (1990), Rodrik (1999), Rodrik and Subramanian (2002), applying through the economic freedom index of the base "The Heritage Foundation" and the “World Bank”. Global data about countries where they are developed clinical research were found in ClinicalTrials.org database. A regression in panel was implemented to goal to quantify the influence of each determining variable for the attraction of clinical research. This study is important to International Business, as clinical research is lucrative for the pharmaceutical industry. That makes many countries interest in receiving these studies and highlights all factors used for choosing where and why a particular country will be selected to carry out a clinical research. / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os fatores que levam a escolha de determinados países para a realização da pesquisa clínica e elucidar o peso entre as diferentes variáveis que foram delimitadas no presente trabalho. Para atender à proposta de trabalho fizemos uso de uma metodologia quantitativa para parametrizar a decisão locacional dos estudos clínicos. A revisão da literatura específica acerca do tema se fez necessária para a busca, análise e seleção dos fatores determinantes para a escolha de onde realizar a pesquisa clínica contribuindo assim, para que alcançássemos o objetivo proposto. Pesquisas qualitativas que utilizamos por base, como em Gehring (2014), Huijstee; Schipper (2011), Thiers (2007) e Swan; Robertson (2009) entre outros, permitiram a obtenção de uma lista com vinte e dois fatores responsáveis por influenciar a escolha de onde realizar a pesquisa clínica. Essas variáveis foram agrupadas em torno de sete categorias que levam os nomes das variáveis que irão compor a regressão em painel. São elas: Liberdade Empresarial, Liberdade de Governo, Direito de Propriedade, Experiências Anteriores, Índice Educacional, PIB e Custos.
Foi utilizada a Teoria Institucional segundo North (1990), Rodrik (1999), Rodrik e Subramanian (2002), com aplicação por meio dos índices de liberdade econômica da base “The Heritage Foundation” e Banco Mundial. Os dados mundiais acerca dos países onde são desenvolvidas pesquisas clínicas foram obtidos na base de dados ClinicalTrials.org, uma base antiga que apresenta amplitude global. Uma regressão em painel desbalanceado foi implementada com o objetivo de quantificar a influência de cada variável determinante para a atração da pesquisa clínica. Esse estudo apresenta relevância para a área de Negócios Internacionais, pois a pesquisa clínica representa a criação de novas receitas para o setor farmacêutico. O que faz com que diversos países demonstrem interesse em receber essas pesquisas e coloca em evidência os critérios utilizados para a escolha de onde e por que um determinado país será selecionado para a realização da pesquisa clínica.
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A atração da pesquisa clínica : um estudo acerca da influência das variáveis institucionais para seleção de países sede / The attraction of clinical research: a study about the influence of institutional variables for selection of host countriesAbuin, Felipe Gonzalez 31 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2017-10-20T18:10:51Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-05-31 / This study goal to analyze the factors influence to choice of certain countries to carry out clinical research and elucidate an influence of different variables that were defined in this study. To meet the goal we use the quantitative methodology to create parameters for understanding how these studies are distributed by countries. The literature review contributed to the analysis and selection of the determining factors for the choice of where to conduct clinical research, defining the authors like Gehring (2014), Huijstee; Schipper (2011), Thiers (2007) and Swan; Robertson (2009) as a foundation to this study. The literature review enabled we did a list of twenty-two variables influencing the choice of where to conduct clinical research. All this variables are put together in seven categories: Freedom Business, Government of Freedom, Property Rights, Previous Experiences, Education Index, GDP and Costs . To this study we used the Institutional Theory by North (1990), Rodrik (1999), Rodrik and Subramanian (2002), applying through the economic freedom index of the base "The Heritage Foundation" and the “World Bank”. Global data about countries where they are developed clinical research were found in ClinicalTrials.org database. A regression in panel was implemented to goal to quantify the influence of each determining variable for the attraction of clinical research. This study is important to International Business, as clinical research is lucrative for the pharmaceutical industry. That makes many countries interest in receiving these studies and highlights all factors used for choosing where and why a particular country will be selected to carry out a clinical research. / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os fatores que levam a escolha de determinados países para a realização da pesquisa clínica e elucidar o peso entre as diferentes variáveis que foram delimitadas no presente trabalho. Para atender à proposta de trabalho fizemos uso de uma metodologia quantitativa para parametrizar a decisão locacional dos estudos clínicos. A revisão da literatura específica acerca do tema se fez necessária para a busca, análise e seleção dos fatores determinantes para a escolha de onde realizar a pesquisa clínica contribuindo assim, para que alcançássemos o objetivo proposto. Pesquisas qualitativas que utilizamos por base, como em Gehring (2014), Huijstee; Schipper (2011), Thiers (2007) e Swan; Robertson (2009) entre outros, permitiram a obtenção de uma lista com vinte e dois fatores responsáveis por influenciar a escolha de onde realizar a pesquisa clínica. Essas variáveis foram agrupadas em torno de sete categorias que levam os nomes das variáveis que irão compor a regressão em painel. São elas: Liberdade Empresarial, Liberdade de Governo, Direito de Propriedade, Experiências Anteriores, Índice Educacional, PIB e Custos.
Foi utilizada a Teoria Institucional segundo North (1990), Rodrik (1999), Rodrik e Subramanian (2002), com aplicação por meio dos índices de liberdade econômica da base “The Heritage Foundation” e Banco Mundial. Os dados mundiais acerca dos países onde são desenvolvidas pesquisas clínicas foram obtidos na base de dados ClinicalTrials.org, uma base antiga que apresenta amplitude global. Uma regressão em painel desbalanceado foi implementada com o objetivo de quantificar a influência de cada variável determinante para a atração da pesquisa clínica. Esse estudo apresenta relevância para a área de Negócios Internacionais, pois a pesquisa clínica representa a criação de novas receitas para o setor farmacêutico. O que faz com que diversos países demonstrem interesse em receber essas pesquisas e coloca em evidência os critérios utilizados para a escolha de onde e por que um determinado país será selecionado para a realização da pesquisa clínica.
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