Spelling suggestions: "subject:"insulating""
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Analys av fuktomlagring i välisolerad parallelltak : Analys med simuleringsprogrammet Wufi 2D / Analysis of moisture rearrangements in ventilated roofs : Analysis with the simulation program Wufi 2DHarzin, Latif Aref, Sourosh, Ehsani January 2013 (has links)
Idag ökar man isoleringen alltmer i takkonstruktion för att spara energi. Ökad mängd isolering minskar temperaturen över takets yttre delar och höjer den relativa fuktigheten där. Dessutom finns risk att fuktigt material byggs in mellan alltmer täta skikt vilket leder till att det tar längre tid för byggfukten att torka. Detta resulterar i en ogynnsam fuktfördelning med höga relativa fuktigheter över konstruktionen där risken för mikrobiell påväxt ökar. Syftet med denna studie är att utreda hur fuktomlagring sker baserad på inbyggnadsfuktkvoten i välisolerade parallelltak. För att göra riskbedömning av olika takkonstruktioner har fuktsimuleringar gjorts i Wufi 2D där resultat analyserats i Wufi Bio för bedömning av risknivå för mikrobiell påväxt. Resultaten indikerar klart skillnad mellan val av ventilerad och oventilerad takkonstruktion. Det råder även en skillnad mellan val av isoleringsmaterial, takets färdigställandedatum, takets exponeringsriktning och takets utvändiga ytskikt. Slutsatsen är att det råder en större risk för mikrobiell påväxt hos oventilerad takkonstruktion, takkonstruktion som färdigställs under höst (den 1 oktober) jämfört med vår (den 1 april), takkonstruktion som är exponerad mot norr jämfört med söder samt takkonstruktion med utvändigt ytskikt av plåt istället för sedum. / Today there's an increase in the use of insulation in roof constructions in order to save energy. Increased amount of insulation allows temperature drops in the outer layers of the roof resulting in higher relative humidity in the surrounding construction. There is also a risk that moist materials are built-in between tight layers which contributes to longer drying processes in order for the moisture to successfully dry out. This also contributes to an unfavorable divide in moisture with high relative humidity settling on top of the construction where risk of microbial growth is the greatest. The aim of this study is to investigate how moisture behaves based on the mounting quota of moist in well insulated parallel roof constructions. To make a risk assessment of different roof constructions, different simulations have been created in Wufi 2D where results are further analyzed in Wufi Bio for final assessment on whether there is an apparent microbial advantage. The result help shimmer light on the differences between ventilated and unventilated roof constructions. There is also an evident importance in choice of insulation materials, the finish-date for the roof, exposure vulnerability and the outer coating of the roof. The conclusion is that there is a greater risk of microbial damages in unventilated roof constructions when comparing the roof construction that is finished first of October in comparison to first of April, the roof construction that is exposed to north rather than south and to the roof construction with outer surface layer of tin rather than sedum.
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Fuktomlagringar i välisolerade ytterväggar : En undersökning för att fastställa en rimlig inbyggnadsfuktkvoti träreglar med fuktsimuleringsprogrammet Wufi 2D / Moisture rearrangements in exterior wallsForsberg, Tomas January 2011 (has links)
To save energy it’s popular to build houses with low energy loss. In these houses the walls are keeping a lower temperature in the external side which leads to a higher relative humidity. In addition more material, such as wood studs, are used which means that there is more moisture to dry. More moisture in combination with higher relative humidity may pose a higher risk of microbial growth. The purpose of this study was to investigate what is a reasonable moisture content in wood studs in four different well-insulated exterior walls. It has also been investigated how moisture rearrangements effect the exterior walls. The software Wufi2D, which does moisture-simulations, was used to collect data. The results have been analyzed in Wufi Bio which showed that the moisture content should be somewhere between 12.5 to 18.5%, depending on how the wall is built. The conclusions are that windbreaks vapor resistivity is essential for what is a reasonable built in moisture content in the wood studs. Depending on the materials that are used, it´s important to consider how much moisture the wall construction contains.
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Caractérisation des décharges partielles et identification des défauts dans les PSEM sous haute tension continue / Characterization of Partial Discharges and Defect Identification in High-Voltage Direct Current GISOuss, Etienne 24 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte de la surveillance des postes sous enveloppe métallique (PSEM) en courant continu (DC). La disponibilité de ces équipements étant primordiale pour leurs utilisateurs, il est nécessaire de disposer d’un outil de surveillance (monitoring) permettant de prévenir toute défaillance. Cet outil doit être capable de détecter et d’identifier les défauts présents, afin d’apporter une réponse adaptée. Depuis de nombreuses années, le monitoring des PSEM en AC est réalisé grâce à la mesure des décharges partielles (DP). Malheureusement, les connaissances des DP dans les PSEM en DC sont encore lacunaires, et les techniques d’identification des défauts sont intrinsèquement liées à l’environnement AC. De nouvelles techniques sont donc nécessaires en DC.Ce travail de thèse avait pour but de caractériser les décharges partielles dans les postes sous enveloppe métallique en tension continue, et de mettre en place une solution de reconnaissance automatique des défauts. Pour cela, un banc de mesure des décharges partielles a d’abord été mis en place. Afin de garantir la pertinence des résultats pour des systèmes industriels, les travaux ont été réalisés dans une section de PSEM sous tension continue. Le comportement des DP a été étudié pour deux types de défauts : des pointes sur le conducteur haute-tension et des particules libres métalliques. La caractérisation a porté sur l’influence de plusieurs paramètres : la nature et la pression du gaz, le niveau et la polarité de la tension. La mesure des DP a d’abord été réalisée en conformité avec la norme IEC 60270, permettant ainsi d’évaluer la pertinence de cette méthode pour les applications DC. La caractérisation a été complétée grâce à d’autres chaînes de mesure : une mesure de courant stationnaire, une mesure de courant haute-fréquence, une mesure de lumière, et une mesure des ondes ultra-haute fréquence (UHF). Le travail sur l’identification des défauts a d’abord consisté à construire une signature pertinente à partir des mesures de DP, puis à constituer une base de données, et enfin à implémenter un algorithme de reconnaissance automatique.Ces travaux ont montré que la méthode conventionnelle de mesure des DP présente certaines limites pour la détection des décharges partielles en DC, notamment pour les décharges couronne. Elle a tout de même permis de faire une bonne partie du travail de caractérisation. Les résultats obtenus avec les autres chaînes de mesure utilisées ont permis d’expliquer les lacunes de la méthode conventionnelle. Ils ont également permis un véritable apport pour la caractérisation des DP engendrées par des défauts de type pointe et particule. Enfin, une classification automatique efficace des défauts a été mise en place. Elle s’appuie sur le diagramme q(Δt) issu des données de la mesure conventionnelle des décharges partielles et sur un algorithme de réseau de neurones. / The framework of this thesis is the monitoring of High-Voltage, Direct Current (HVDC) Gas-Insulated Substations (GIS). The availability of these equipment is crucial for electrical networks operators. That is why they need a preventive diagnosis tool. The solution must be able to detect and identify the insulation defects, so that an appropriate maintenance can be planned. The last 40 years have seen Partial Discharges (PD) measurement become a classic monitoring tool for AC GIS. Unfortunately, there is a lack of scientific information about PD in HVDC GIS, and the known defect identification techniques are very specific to the AC environment. New techniques are thus needed in DC.This thesis aimed to characterize partial discharges in DC gas-insulated substations, and to develop an automatic defect identification tool. The first step of this work was the development of a partial discharge measuring bench. The complete study has been performed in a GIS section, so that the results can be directly applied to industrial equipment. Two kinds of defect have been investigated: protrusions on the high-voltage conductor, and free metallic particles. The influence of parameters such as gas nature and pressure, voltage level and polarity has been evaluated. First, PD have been measured in conformity with the IEC 60270 standard, and the relevance of this method in a DC environment has been evaluated. Then, other measuring chains have been used to improve the characterization of partial discharges: a steady-state current measurement, a high-frequency current measurement, a light measurement and a measurement of Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) waves. Finally, a relevant signature for defect identification has been designed and extracted from DP recordings. A database has been constituted, and an automated recognition algorithm has been implemented.The results show that the conventional PD measurement technique is not fully adapted to partial discharges detection in DC, corona discharges being the most problematic situation. Nevertheless, this method has brought enough information to start the characterization of PD. The limitations of the conventional method have been explained thanks to the results of the other measurements. These other experimental results have led to an actual improvement of the characterization of protrusion and particle-generated partial discharges. An effective automated defect classification solution has been implemented. The signature is derived from the q(Δt) diagram that has been extracted from the data obtained with the partial discharge conventional measurement. The identification algorithm has a neural network structure.
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Μελέτη και κατασκευή συστήματος οδήγησης σύγχρονου κινητήρα μαγνητικής αντίδρασης (reluctance)Πρωιμάδης, Ιωάννης 26 July 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική πραγματεύεται τη μελέτη και κατασκευή ενός κυκλώματος οδήγησης ενός Σύγχρονου Κινητήρα Μαγνητικής Αντίδρασης. Η εργασία αυτή εκπονήθηκε στο Εργαστήριο Ηλεκτρομηχανικής Μετατροπής Ενέργειας του τμήματος Ηλεκτρολόγων Μηχανικών και Τεχνολογίας Υπολογιστών της Πολυτεχνικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών.
Σκοπός είναι η μελέτη και κατασκευή ενός κυκλώματος Τριφασικού Αντιστροφέα Πηγής Τάσης, ο οποίος θα επιτρέπει την υλοποίηση βαθμωτού και διανυσματικού ελέγχου της λειτουργίας του Σύγχρονου Κινητήρα Μαγνητικής Αντίδρασης. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία υλοποιήθηκε βαθμωτός έλεγχος της γωνιακής ταχύτητας περιστροφής του δρομέα (με σταθερό λόγο V/f), ανοιχτού και κλειστού βρόχου.
Όσον αφορά το Σύγχρονο Κινητήρα Μαγνητικής Αντίδρασης, τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει αναπτυχθεί έντονο επιστημονικό ενδιαφέρον σχετικά με τη βελτιστοποίηση της κατασκευής του, καθώς και του ελέγχου της λειτουργίας του μέσω διαφόρων μεθόδων ελέγχου. Το κυριότερο χαρακτηριστικό του συγκεκριμένου κινητήρα αποτελεί η έλλειψη οποιασδήποτε μορφής διέγερσης στον δρομέα. Επομένως, η δημιουργούμενη ροπή οφείλεται αποκλειστικά στη λεγόμενη ροπή μαγνητικής αντίδρασης, από την οποία προέρχεται και η ονομασία του κινητήρα.
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία, γίνεται μια εισαγωγή στους κινητήρες εναλλασσόμενου ρεύματος, ενώ η ανάλυση επικεντρώνεται στον προαναφερθέντα κινητήρα, προσεγγίζοντάς τον από διάφορες πλευρές (κατασκευαστικά χαρακτηριστικά, μαθηματικό μοντέλο, σύγκριση με άλλους τύπους κινητήρων). Επιπλέον γίνεται μια θεωρητική ανάλυση του Τριφασικού Αντιστροφέα Πηγής Τάσης, ο οποίος χρησιμοποιείται για την οδήγηση του κινητήρα, καθώς και της τεχνικής Διαμόρφωσης Εύρους Παλμών, η οποία χρησιμοποιείται για την παλμοδότηση των ημιαγωγικών στοιχείων ισχύος.
Η προσομοίωση του κινητήρα ήταν το επόμενο βήμα για την καλύτερη κατανόηση της δυναμικής απόκρισης του κινητήρα. Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία συνεχίζεται με την αναφορά στο σχεδιασμό και την κατασκευή των απαραίτητων κυκλωμάτων, ενώ ιδιαίτερη αναφορά γίνεται στο μικροελεγκτή που χρησιμοποιήθηκε στην υπάρχουσα εργασία, καθώς και στο πρόγραμμα που δημιουργήθηκε για τις λειτουργίες ανοιχτού και κλειστού βρόχου.
Τέλος, η ολοκλήρωση της διπλωματικής εργασίας έρχεται μέσω της παρουσίασης των πειραματικών αποτελεσμάτων, στα οποία έγινε χρήση των κατασκευασθέντων κυκλωμάτων. / This Thesis is focused on the study and development of a Drive System for the Synchronous Reluctance Motor. This work was conducted in the laboratory of Electromechanical Energy Conversion, at the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, in the University of Patras, Greece.
The main purpose of this project was the study and construction of a three Phase Voltage Source Inverter for the control of the performance of a Synchronous Reluctance Motor by the implementation of Scalar and Vector control. In this thesis, a scalar V/f control scheme was applied, both open and closed loop, for the control of the rotational speed of the rotor.
As far as the Synchronous Reluctance Motor is concerned, in the latest years a great interest has emerged around this motor, which mainly focuses in the optimization of its construction and control. The main feature of this motor is that the rotor does not have any field winding. By this way, the output torque is produced only by the so called reluctance torque.
In this work, an introduction on the AC motor is done, while the main interest is focused on the already mentioned motors. The analysis of this motor covers many aspects, such as the construction characteristics, the mathematical model of the motor, as well as a comparison with other popular motors. Moreover, the three Phase Inverter is studied, since it is used for the control of the motor. Also, there is an extended reference on the Pulse Width Modulation technique, which is used for the control of power devices.
In the next chapters, the simulation of this motor is presented, since it is necessary fot the understanding of its dynamic behavior. In the following, an analysis on the design and construction of the required printed circuit boards is done, while the microcontroller which was used is presented in a more detailed way. The flowacharts of the open and closed loop control methods of the rotational speed are also given.
Finally, the experimental results for both cases are presented and analysed.
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Experimental study of the fundamental phenomena involved in pool boiling at low pressure / Étude expérimentale des phénomènes fondamentaux de l’ébullition en vase à basse pressionMichaïe, Sandra 04 May 2018 (has links)
L’ébullition est un mode de transfert de chaleur intervenant dans de nombreux systèmes thermiques ou énergétiques de par son efficacité. Dans certains, elle se produit à basse pression. La pression statique induite par la colonne de liquide au-dessus de la surface de formation des bulles n’est alors pas négligeable devant la pression de saturation à la surface libre. Dès lors, la pression et le sous-refroidissement induit ne peuvent plus être considérés homogènes autour des bulles, d’où des inhomogénéités des propriétés thermophysiques dans le fluide. Les influences relatives des forces s’exerçant sur une bulle pendant sa croissance sont modifiées par rapport aux pressions plus élevées : une dynamique de bulles différente apparaît. Ces conditions particulières affectent également les transferts thermiques. L’influence de la pression sur l’ébullition en vase a été étudiée expérimentalement dans le régime de bulles isolées en site unique. L’eau a d’abord été testée sur une large gamme de pressions subatmosphériques. Quatre comportements de dynamique de bulles ont été identifiés d’après la visualisation par caméra rapide. Plusieurs paramètres de la dynamique ont été quantifiés grâce à un traitement d’images adapté appliqué aux vidéos. Pour généraliser le concept d’ébullition à « basse pression » et mieux en appréhender les phénomènes fondamentaux, de nouveaux essais ont été réalisés avec un second fluide, le cyclohexane, choisi pour sa similitude thermodynamique avec l’eau bouillant en deçà de la pression atmosphérique. La comparaison des comportements des deux fluides a permis d’identifier certains paramètres responsables des spécificités du phénomène. En outre, de nouvelles fonctionnalités sont apportées au dispositif expérimental pour – notamment – effectuer la mesure rapide du flux transféré sous la bulle pendant sa croissance, synchroniser ces mesures thermiques avec l’acquisition d’images et étudier des surfaces d’ébullition structurées. Les résultats obtenus sont encourageants pour l’analyse des comportements spécifiques de l’ébullition à basse pression et ses applications. / Boiling is an efficient heat transfer mode used in numerous thermal or energy systems. In some systems boiling takes place at low pressure. The static head of the liquid column over the wall where bubbles nucleate is then not negligible against the saturation pressure at the free surface level. The pressure and the induced subcooling degree therefore cannot be considered as homogeneous around growing bubbles, resulting in non-homogeneous thermophysical properties in the fluid. The relative influence of the forces acting on a growing bubble differs from higher pressure conditions, yielding specific bubble dynamics features. Heat transfer is consequently also affected. The effect of the pressure on pool boiling was experimentally investigated during the isolated bubbles regime taking place from a single activated nucleation site. Experiments were first conducted with water for a wide range of subatmospheric pressures. Four distinct bubble dynamics behaviors were identified through high-speed camera visualizations. An adapted image processing of the recordings enabled the measurement of several bubble dynamics characteristics. In order to generalize the concept of pool boiling at "low pressure" and to get a better understanding of the related fundamental phenomena, new experiments were performed with a second fluid, cyclohexane, chosen from original thermodynamic similarity with water boiling at pressures lower than atmospheric. The comparison of fluids’ behaviors made possible the identification of parameters governing the specific phenomena occurring during boiling at low pressure. Besides, the experimental facility was improved to provide new functionalities. The high-speed measurement of the heat flux transferred under the growing bubble, its synchronization with the high-speed videos images and the study of boiling on enhanced surfaces are in particular made possible. Results are encouraging for a better understanding of the specific behaviors of low pressure boiling and for its future implementation in practical applications.
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Contribution to the study of the SiC MOSFETs gate oxide / Contribution à l'étude de la robustesse de l'oxyde de grille des MOSFET en SiCAviñó Salvadó, Oriol 14 December 2018 (has links)
Les MOSFET en SiC sont appelées à remplacer les IGBT en Silicium pour des applications de demandant une plus forte vitesse de commutation. Cependant, les MOSFET en SiC ont encore quelques problèmes de fiabilité, tels que la robustesse de la diode interne ou bien la robustesse de l'oxyde de grille. Cette dernière est liée à l’oxyde de grille des composants du type MOSFET. Des instabilités de la tension de seuil sont aussi signalées. Cette thèse aborde ces deux sujets sur des MOSFET commerciaux 1200 V. L'étude de la diode interne met en évidence que les caractéristiques I-V (de la diode intrinsèque) demeurent stables après l'application d'un stress. Cependant, une dérive surprenante de la tension de seuil apparaît. Des tests complémentaires, en stressant le canal à la place de la diode, avec les mêmes contraintes n'ont pas montré de dérive significative de la tension de seuil. Donc, l'application d'un stress en courant quand le composant est en mode d'accumulation semble favoriser l'apparition des instabilités de la tension de seuil. La robustesse de l'oxyde de grille concerne les instabilités de la tension de seuil, mais aussi l'estimation de la durée de vie à des conditions d'opération nominales. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la durée de vie de l'oxyde de grille n'est plus un problème. Pourtant, le suivi du courant de grille pendant les tests ainsi que les caractérisations de la capacité de grille mettent en évidence des translations de la courbe C(V) à cause des phénomènes d’injection des porteurs et de piégeage, mais aussi la possible présence d’ions mobiles. Aussi, une bonne analyse des dégradations et dérives liées à l’oxyde de grille doit être réalisée. / SiC power MOSFETs are called to replace Si IGBT for some medium and high power applications (hundreds of kVA). However, even if crystallographic defects have been drastically reduced, SiC MOSFETs are always concerned by some robustness issues such as the internal diode robustness or the robustness of the gate oxide. The last one especially affects MOSFETs devices and is linked to the apparition of instabilities in the threshold voltage. This thesis focuses on these two issues. The study of the internal diode robustness highlighted that the I-V curve (of the intrinsic diode) remains stable after the application of a current stress in static mode, but also with the DUT placed in a converter with inductive switchings. These are the most stressful conditions. However, a surprising drift in the threshold voltage has been observed when some devices operates under these conditions; in static mode or in a converter. Complementary tests stressing the channel instead of the internal diode in the same temperature and dissipated power, have not resulted in a drift of the threshold voltage. Thus, the application of a current stress when the device is in accumulation regime could favour the apparition of instabilities in the threshold voltage. The study of the gate oxide focus in the instabilities of the threshold voltage, but also on the expected lifetime of the oxide at nominal conditions. Results obtained shown that the expected lifetime (TDDB) of the oxide is no longer a problem. Indeed, tests realized in static mode, but also in a converter under inductive switching conditions resulted in expected lifetimes well above 100 years. However, the monitoring of the gate current during the test and gate capacitance characterizations C(V) highlighted a shift in the capacitance due to carrier injection and trapping phenomena and probably to the presence of mobile-ions. Still regarding the instabilities of the threshold voltage, classic tests resulted in no significant variations of the threshold voltage at 150 _C. However, at 200 _C the drift observed for some manufacturers is higher than +30%. This is unacceptable for high-temperature applications and evidence that the quality of the gate oxide and the SiC=SiO2 interface must continue to be improved, together with the manufacturing methods to minimize the presence of mobile ions in the substrate.
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Polyfunkční dům / Multi-functional BuildingHaraga, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The master´s thesis "Multifunctional house" is in form of project documentation containing all appropriateness in accordance with valid regulations. The house is designed as a detached house and with a cellar. The house is rectangular dimension, with a flat vegetation roof. The house has four floors with balconies and terraces. The house has 10 housing units and 2 offices. On the first floor is the technical room, 2 flats and two offices. In the house is projected a lift. The house is made of brick system with a contact insulated system.
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Návrh rekonstrukce distribuční sítě v zadané oblasti / Proposal of the reconstruction of a distribution network in a specific areaRichter, Miroslav January 2008 (has links)
The dissertation describes several types of low and high voltage distribution networks including their implementation in specified location with regards to the reliability and quality of electric power supply. The distributions networks are classified according to ways of cable routing, distribution line voltage levels as well as according to types of network interconnections. The high and low voltage distribution networks are further categorized based on used cable types, where, more attention is paid to insulated lines used in the Czech Republic, low voltage lines called „AES“ and „PAS“ high voltage lines used more and more during the distribution network reconstruction. Attention is also given to the description of used methodology for the calculation of network performance stability. An individual part of the dissertation is devoted to a low voltage distribution network proposal in the village of Kovalovice. Based on performed analysis of distribution network conditions, several reconstruction versions were proposed with the help of „KASI“ software, the description of which is also included. The proposed versions are further analysed for both, technical and economical aspects and is selected most suitable version of the distribution network.
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Návrh rekonstrukce distribuční sítě v dané lokalitě / Proposal of the reconstruction of the distribution network in a specific areaNovák, Vojtěch January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis is concerned with reconstruction of distribution network in Hruba Vrbka. The diploma thesis is divided in two parts. For better understanding to this issue, the first theoretical part is shortly dedicated to the history of electrical power system, to the several types of distribution network of low voltage and high voltage and their utilization in the area, considering the reliability and the quality of delivery of the electric energy. In this thesis there is mentioned division of distribution grids according to placing of cable lines, according to voltage and according to type of grid connection. Next part of this work is dedicated to the description of overhead lines and cable lines and their characteristics. For the proper concept of the grid we should know some characteristics of the electric line’s proposal: mechanical strength, warming, voltage drop, efficiency, degree of safety and provision of delivery. In the end of the theoretical part there are described methods for calculation of grid’s steady state as a linear task and also non-linear task, elimination of the balancing node, the iterative method, the reduction of external power take-off nodes and the solution of the steady state of the network through the direct current model. The second part of the diploma thesis is concerned with the calculation of the steady state in the village Hruba Vrbka. In this part is also described the KASI program which was used for the calculation of the grid’s steady state. Firstly low voltage grid’s balance in Hruba Vrbka was found out and evaluated and then there were proposed some solutions of the reconstruction for the grid improving. The suggested options of the reconstruction are considered from technical and economical point of view and the best solution is chosen. For this solution there is suggested the protection through program SICHR 9. In the end of this diploma thesis there is checked the load of the high voltage line.
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Sportovně rehabilitační středisko / Sports and Rehabilitation CenterLangenberger, Adam January 2013 (has links)
This master´s thesis elaborates a project documentation of sports rehabilitation center in Brno–Bystrc. The building object is four-storeyed and a partial basement. On the basement floor there is a pool with sauna, gym and fitness with support to assist for all activities offered. On the ground floor there is an entrance, reception for accommodation, restaurant and kitchen for the restaurant. The 2nd overground floors is determined by the rehabilitation clinic. On the grand and overground floor are designed sanitary appliances for the restaurant and patient surgeries. There are projected 9 apartments for weekend accommodation. Apartments allow access to the terrace. Foundations are made strip foundations. The building object is bricked and insulated with ventilated facades. Load bearing structure of the roof create roof trusses.
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