1211 |
L'approche CRONE dans le domaine des architectures complexes des suspensions de véhicules automobiles : la suspension CRONE Hydractive / The CRONE method applied to the complex structures of the car suspension with a Hydractive CRONE car suspensionRizzo, Audrey 19 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la continuité des travaux de l'équipe CRONE appliqués à la suspension. Cette thèse permet de proposer une suspension CRONE qui non seulement gère le compromis Isolation vibratoire/ tenue de caisse mais également isolation vibratoire/ tenue de roue. Pour cela un critère est développé sur la tenue de roue, applicable à tous types de suspensions permettant l’analyse et le dimensionnement de la suspension pour le contrôle de roue. De plus afin de lever le dilemme entre sollicitations route et sollicitation conducteur, une stratégie pour les suspensions bi -états est proposée et appliquée sur suspension hydractive. Enfin , un travail de formalisme de l’ influence la suspension sur la dynamique véhicule fut réalisé permettant d ’enrichir la stratégie de commutation déjà développée pour agir en virage et en freinage et ainsi optimiser l’utilisation de la suspension . / This thesis follows some previous work of the CRONE team applied to carsuspensions. It allows to purpose one car suspension, called CRONE car suspension, whichimproves the compromise between low frequency road filtering and car holding and thecompromise between hight frequency road filtering and wheel holding. To hold the wheel acriterium on the wheel holding is developed. This criterium can be used to analyse and tunedall kind of car suspension around the wheel pulsation. Moreover, to fight against thecompromise between the driver input and the raod input, a control laws is developed andapplied to a bi-state car suspension called hydractive car suspension. Finally, the influence ofthe car suspension tuning on the vehicle dynamic and more precisely on the ESP, ABSsystems is studied and illustrated with some first experiments.
1212 |
Ordonnancement cyclique robuste appliqué à la gestion des conteneurs dans les ports maritimes de taille moyenne / Robust cyclic scheduling applied to container management of medium sized seaportZhang, Hongchang 10 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une méthodologie d’ordonnancement cyclique robuste appliquée à la gestion des conteneurs dans les ports maritimes de taille moyenne. Ces derniers sont sujet constamment à des variations des conditions des terminaux, la visibilité réduite sur des évènements futurs ne permet pas de proposer une planification précise des tâches à accomplir. L’ordonnancement cyclique robuste peut jouer un rôle primordial. Il permettra non seulement de proposer un ordonnancement prédictif pour le transport des conteneurs, mais aussi, il proposera également une planification robuste permettant d’éliminer les perturbations éventuelles en temps réel. Dans ce travail nous utilisons les Véhicules Intelligents Automatisés (AIV) pour transporter les conteneurs et nous modélisons les procédures de transit de ces derniers par des graphes d’évènements P-temporels fortement connexes (PTSCEG). Avant l’arrivée d’un porte conteneur au port, un plan (planning) de transport des conteneurs est proposé en un temps court par la programmation linéaire mixte (MIP). Des algorithmes polynomiaux de calcul de robustesse permettent de calculer sur les différents nœuds du système les marges de robustesse. Une fois le navire à quai, l’ordonnancement cyclique robuste est appliqué. Lorsqu’une perturbation est observée (localisée) dans le système, une comparaison avec la marge de robustesse connue est effectuée. Si cette perturbation est incluse dans la marge de robustesse, l’algorithme robuste est utilisé pour éliminer ces perturbations en quelques cycles. Dans le cas où la perturbation est trop importante, la méthode MIP est utilisée pour calculer un nouvel ordonnancement cyclique en un temps réduit / This PhD thesis is dedicated to propose a robust cyclic scheduling methodology applied to container management of medium sized seaport which faces ever changing terminal conditions and the limited predictability of future events and their timing. The robust cyclic scheduling can be seen not just a predictable scheduling to compute a container transportation schedule, but also a reactive scheduling to eliminate the disturbances in real time. In this work, the automated intelligent vehicles (AIV) are used to transport the containers, and the P-time strongly connected event graph (PTSCEG) is used as a graphical tool to model the container transit procedures. Before the arrival of the container vessel, a cyclic container transit schedule can be given by the mixed integer programming (MIP) method in short time. The robustness margins on the nodes of the system can be computed by robustness algorithms in polynomial computing time. After the stevedoring begins, this robust cyclic schedule is used. When a disturbance is observed in system, it should be compared with the known robustness margin. If the disturbance belongs to the robustness margin, the robustness algorithm is used to eliminate the disturbance in a few cycle times. If not, the MIP method is used to compute a new cyclic schedule in short time
1213 |
Design of survivable networks with bounded-length paths / Conception de réseaux fiables à chemins de longueur bornéeHuygens, David 30 September 2005 (has links)
In this thesis, we consider the k-edge connected L-hop-constrained network design problem. Given a weighted graph G=(N,E), a set D of pairs of terminal nodes, and two integers k,L > 1, it consists in finding in G the minimum cost subgraph containing at least k edge-disjoint paths of at most L edges between each pair in D. This problem is of great interest in today's telecommunication industry, where highly survivable networks need to be constructed.<p><p>We first study the particular case where the set of demands D is reduced to a single pair {s,t}. We propose an integer programming formulation for the problem, which consists in the st-cut and trivial inequalities, along with the so-called L-st-path-cut inequalities. We show that these three classes of inequalities completely describe the associated polytope when k=2 and L=2 or 3, and give necessary and sufficient conditions for them to be facet-defining. We also consider the dominant of the associated polytope, and discuss how the previous inequalities can be separated in polynomial time.<p><p>We then extend the complete and minimal description obtained above to any number k of required edge-disjoint L-st-paths, but when L=2 only. We devise a cutting plane algorithm to solve the problem, using the previous polynomial separations, and present some computational results.<p><p>After that, we consider the case where there is more than one demand in D. We first show that the problem is strongly NP-hard, for all L fixed, even when all the demands in D have one root node in common. For k=2 and L=2,3, we give an integer programming formulation, based on the previous constraints written for all pairs {s,t} in D. We then proceed by giving several new classes of facet-defining inequalities, valid for the problem in general, but more adapted to the rooted case. We propose separation procedures for these inequalities, which are embedded within a Branch-and-Cut algorithm to solve the problem when L=2,3. Extensive computational results from it are given and analyzed for both random and real instances.<p><p>Since those results appear less satisfactory in the case of arbitrary demands (non necessarily rooted), we present additional families of valid inequalites in that situation. Again, separation procedures are devised for them, and added to our previous Branch-and-Cut algorithm, in order to see the practical improvement granted by them.<p><p>Finally, we study the problem for greater values of L. In particular, when L=4, we propose new families of constraints for the problem of finding a subgraph that contains at least two L-st-paths either node-disjoint, or edge-disjoint. Using these, we obtain an integer programming formulation in the space of the design variables for each case.<p><p>------------------------------------------------<p><p>Dans cette thèse, nous considérons le problème de conception de réseau k-arete connexe à chemins L-bornés. Etant donné un graphe pondéré G=(N,E), un ensemble D de paires de noeuds terminaux, et deux entiers k,L > 1, ce problème consiste à trouver, dans G, un sous-graphe de cout minimum tel que, entre chaque paire dans D, il existe au moins k chemins arete-disjoints de longueur au plus L. Ce problème est d'un grand intéret dans l'industrie des télécommunications, où des réseaux hautement fiables doivent etre construits.<p><p>Nous étudions tout d'abord le cas particulier où l'ensemble des demandes D est réduit à une seule paire de noeuds. Nous proposons une formulation du problème sous forme de programme linéaire en nombres entiers, laquelle consiste en les inégalités triviales et de coupe, ainsi que les inégalités dites de L-chemin-coupe. Nous montrons que ces trois types d'inégalités décrivent complètement le polytope associé lorsque k=2 et L=2,3, et donnons des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes pour que celles-ci en définissent des facettes. Nous considérons également le dominant du polytope associé et discutons de la séparation polynomiale des trois classes précédentes.<p><p>Nous étendons alors cette description complète et minimale à tout nombre k de chemins arete-disjoints de longueur au plus 2. De plus, nous proposons un algorithme de plans coupants utilisant les précédentes séparations polynomiales, et en présentons quelques résultats calculatoires, pour tout k>1 et L=2,3.<p><p>Nous considérons ensuite le cas où plusieurs demandes se trouvent dans D. Nous montrons d'abord que le problème est fortement NP-dur, pour tout L fixé et ce, meme si les demandes sont toutes enracinées en un noeud. Pour k=2 et L=2,3, nous donnons une formulation du problème sous forme de programme linéaire en nombres entiers. Nous proposons également de nouvelles classes d'inégalités valides, pour lesquelles nous réalisons une étude faciale. Celles-ci sont alors séparées dans le cadre d'un algorithme de coupes et branchements pour résoudre des instances aléatoires et réelles du problème.<p><p>Enfin, nous étudions le problème pour de plus grandes valeurs de L. En particulier, lorsque L=4, nous donnons de nouvelles familles de contraintes pour le problème consistant à déterminer un sous-graphe contenant entre deux noeuds fixés au moins deux chemins de longueur au plus 4, que ceux-ci doivent etre arete-disjoints ou noeud-disjoints. Grace à ces dernières, nous parvenons à donner une formulation naturelle du problème dans chacun de ces deux cas. <p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation Informatique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
1214 |
Non compact conformal field theories in statistical mechanics / Théories conformes non compactes en physique statistiqueVernier, Eric 27 April 2015 (has links)
Les comportements critiques des systèmes de mécanique statistique en 2 dimensions ou de mécanique quantique en 1+1 dimensions, ainsi que certains aspects des systèmes sans interactions en 2+1 dimensions, sont efficacement décrits par les méthodes de la théorie des champs conforme et de l'intégrabilité, dont le développement a été spectaculaire au cours des 40 dernières années. Plusieurs problèmes résistent cependant toujours à une compréhension exacte, parmi lesquels celui de la transition entre plateaux dans l'Effet Hall Quantique Entier. La raison principale en est que de tels problèmes sont généralement associés à des théories non unitaires, ou théories conformes logarithmiques, dont la classification se révèle être d'une grande difficulté mathématique. Se tournant vers la recherche de modèles discrets (chaînes de spins, modèles sur réseau), dans l'espoir en particulier d'en trouver des représentations en termes de modèles exactement solubles (intégrables), on se heurte à la deuxième difficulté représentée par le fait que les théories associées sont la plupart du temps non compactes, ou en d'autres termes qu'elles donnent lieu à un continuum d'exposants critiques. En effet, le lien entre modèles discrets et théories des champs non compactes est à ce jour loin d'être compris, en particulier il a longtemps été cru que de telles théories ne pouvaient pas émerger comme limites continues de modèles discrets construits à partir d'un ensemble compact de degrés de libertés, par ailleurs les seuls qui donnent a accès à une construction systématique de solutions exactes.Dans cette thèse, on montre que le monde des modèles discrets compacts ayant une limite continue non compacte est en fait beaucoup plus grand que ce que les quelques exemples connus jusqu'ici auraient pu laisser suspecter. Plus précisément, on y présente une solution exacte par ansatz de Bethe d'une famille infinie de modèles(les modèles $a_n^{(2)}$, ainsi que quelques résultats sur les modèles $b_n^{(1)}$, où il est observé que tous ces modèles sont décrits dans un certain régime par des théories conformes non compactes. Parmi ces modèles, certains jouent un rôle important dans la description de phénomènes physiques, parmi lesquels la description de polymères en deux dimensions avec des interactions attractives et des modèles de boucles impliqués dans l'étude de modèles de Potts couplés ou dans une tentative de description de la transition entre plateaux dans l'Effet Hall par un modèle géométrique compact.On montre que l'existence insoupçonnéede limite continues non compacts pour de tels modèles peut avoir d'importantes conséquences pratiques, par exemple dans l'estimation numérique d'exposants critiques ou dans le résultats de simulations de Monte Carlo. Nos résultats sont appliqués à une meilleure compréhension de la transition theta décrivant l'effondrement des polymères en deux dimensions, et des perspectives pour une potentielle compréhension de la transition entre plateaux en termes de modèles sur réseaux sont présentées. / The critical points of statistical mechanical systems in 2 dimensions or quantum mechanical systems in 1+1 dimensions (this also includes non interacting systems in 2+1 dimensions) are effciently tackled by the exact methods of conformal fieldtheory (CFT) and integrability, which have witnessed a spectacular progress during the past 40 years. Several problems have however escaped an exact understanding so far, among which the plateau transition in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect,the main reason for this being that such problems are usually associated with non unitary, logarithmic conformal field theories, the tentative classification of which leading to formidable mathematical dificulties. Turning to a lattice approach, andin particular to the quest for integrable, exactly sovable representatives of these problems, one hits the second dificulty that the associated CFTs are usually of the non compact type, or in other terms that they involve a continuum of criticalexponents. The connection between non compact field theories and lattice models or spin chains is indeed not very clear, and in particular it has long been believed that the former could not arise as the continuum limit of discrete models built out of acompact set of degrees of freedom, which are the only ones allowing for a systematic construction of exact solutions.In this thesis, we show that the world of compact lattice models/spin chains with a non compact continuum limit is much bigger than what could be expected from the few particular examples known up to this date. More precisely we propose an exact Bethe ansatz solution of an infinite family of models (the so-called $a_n^{(2)}$ models, as well as some results on the $b_n^{(1)}$ models), and show that all of these models allow for a regime described by a non compact CFT. Such models include cases ofgreat physical relevance, among which a model for two-dimensional polymers with attractive interactions and loop models involved in the description of coupled Potts models or in a tentative description of the quantum Hall plateau transition by somecompact geometrical truncation. We show that the existence of an unsuspected non compact continuum limit for such models can have dramatic practical effects, for instance on the output of numerical determination of the critical exponents or ofMonte-Carlo simulations. We put our results to use for a better understanding of the controversial theta transition describing the collapse of polymers in two dimensions, and draw perspectives on a possible understanding of the quantum Hall plateautransition by the lattice approach.
1215 |
[pt] Algoritmos para a resolução de problemas de programação
mista 0-1 gerais baseados em cortes derivados dos métodos
lift-and-project, tem se mostrado bastante eficientes na
prática. Estes cortes são gerados resolvendo um problema
que depende de uma certa normalização. Desde um ponto de
vista teórico, o bom comportamento destes algoritmos não
foi completamente compreendido, especialmente no que diz
respeito à normalização. Neste trabalho consideramos
normalizações gerais definidas por um conjunto convexo
fechado arbitrário, estendendo assim a análise teórica
desenvolvida nos anos noventa. Apresentamos um marco
teórico que abarca todas as normalizações previamente
estudadas e introduzimos novas normalizações, analisando
as propriedades dos cortes associados.Introduzimos também
uma nova fórmula de atualização do parâmetro proximal
para uma variante dos métodos de feixes. Estes métodos
são bem conhecidos pela sua eficiência na resolução de
problemas de otimização não diferenciável. Por último,
propomos uma metodologia para eliminr soluções
redundantes de programas inteiros combinatórios. Nossa
proposta baseia-se na utilização da informação de
simetria do problema, eliminam a simetria sem prejudicar
a solução do problema inteiro. / [en] Algorithms for general 0-1 mixed integer programs can be
successfully developed by using lift-and-project methods to
generate cuts. Cuts are generated by solving a cut-
generation-program that depends on a certain normalization.
From a theoretical point of view, the good numerical
behavior of these cuts is not completely understood yet,
specially, concerning to the normalization chosen. We
consider a general normalization given by an arbitrary
closed convex set, extending the theory developed in the
90's. We present a theoretical framework covering a wide
group of already known normalizations. We also introduce
new normalizations and analyze the properties of the
associated cuts. In this work, we also propose a new
updating rule for the prox parameter of a variant of the
proximal bundle methods, making use of all the information
available at each iteration. Proximal bundle methods are
well known for their efficiency in nondifferentiable
optimization. Finally, we introduce a way to eliminate
redundant solutions ( due to geometrical symmetries ) of
combinatorial integer program. This can be done by using
the information about the problem symmetry in order to
generate inequalities, which added to the formulation of
the problem, eliminate this symmetry without affecting
solution of the integer problem. / [es] Los algoritmos para la resolución de problemas de programación mixta 0-1 generales que utilizan
cortes derivados de los métodos lift-and-project, se han mostrado bastante eficientes en la práctica.
Estos cortes se generan resolviendo un problema que depende de una cierta normalización. Desde el
punto de vista teórico, el buen comportamiento de estos algoritmos no fue completamente
comprendido, especialmente respecto a la normalización. En este trabajo consideramos
normalizaciones generales definidas por un conjunto convexo cerrado arbitrario, extendiendo así el
análisis teórico desarrollado en los años noventa. Presentamos un marco teórico que abarca todas las
normalizaciones previamente estudiadas e introducimos nuevas normalizaciones, analizando las
propiedades de los cortes asociados. Introducimos una nueva fórmula de actualización del parámetro
de. Estoss métodos son bien conocidos por su eficiencia en la resolución de problemas de
optimización no diferenciable. Por último, proponemos una metodología para eliminar soluciones
redundantes de programas enteros combinatorios. Nuestra propuesta se basa en la utilización de la
información de simetría del problema, eliminan la simetría sin perjudicar la solución del problema
1216 |
Conduite orientée ordonnancement d'un simulateur dynamique hybride : application aux procédés discontinus / Control oriented scheduling of a dynamic hybrid simulator : application to batch processesFabre, Florian 20 October 2009 (has links)
Ce manuscrit présente des travaux visant à intégrer un module d'ordonnancement (ProSched) à l'environnement de modélisation et simulation dynamique hybride PrODHyS dans le but d'automatiser la génération de scénarii de simulation de procédés discontinus sur la base d'une recette et d'une liste d'ordres de fabrication (OF). La méthodologie développée repose sur une approche mixte optimisation/simulation. Dans ce cadre, trois points essentiels ont été développés dans ces travaux : - tout d'abord, concevoir et développer des composants réutilisables (classes de recette) permettant de modéliser de manière hiérarchisée et systématique le déroulement des opérations unitaires. Pour cela, les notions de jeton Task et de macro-place paramétrable ont été introduites dans les RdPDO et permettent de décrire les recettes à réaliser par assemblage de ces composants prédéfinis. - ensuite, définir un modèle mathématique générique d'ordonnancement basé sur un formalisme de représentation bien établi (le R.T.N.) qui permet de modéliser les principales caractéristiques d'un procédé discontinu et de fournir l'ensemble des données d'entrée nécessaires au modèle de simulation. Pour cela, un modèle PLNE basé sur la formulation Unit Specific Event a été mis en œuvre. - enfin, définir l'interface existant entre le modèle d'optimisation et le modèle de simulation, à travers la notion de place de pilotage et de centre de décision au niveau du simulateur. Dans ce cadre, différentes stratégies de couplage sont proposées. Les potentialités de cette approche sont illustrées par la simulation d'un procédé complet. / This thesis presents works which aim to incorporate a scheduling module (ProSched) to an environment for modeling and dynamic hybrid simulation PrODHyS in order to automate the generation of scenarios for simulation of batch processes based on a recipe and a list of production orders (OF). The methodology developed is based on a mixed optimization / simulation approach. In this context, three key points have been developed in this work: - First, design and develop reusable components (recipe classes) for the hierarchical and systematic modeling of the sequencing of unit operations. For this, the notions of Task token and macro-place have been introduced in the RdPDO formalism and allow the modeling of recipes by assembling these predefined components. - Secondly, define a generic mathematical model of scheduling based on a well defined graphical formalism (RTN) that models the main characteristics of batch processes and provide all input data necessary to the simulation model. For this, a MILP model based on the Unit Specific Event formulation has been implemented. - Finally, define the interface between the optimization model and the simulation model through the concept of control place and decision-making center at the simulator level. In this context, various strategies of mixing optimization and simulation are proposed. The potential of this approach is illustrated by the simulation of a complete manufacturing process
1217 |
Power Issues in SoCs : Power Aware DFT Architecture and Power EstimationTudu, Jaynarayan Thakurdas January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Test power, data volume, and test time have been long-standing problems for sequential scan based testing of system-on-chip (SoC) design. The modern SoCs fabricated at lower technology nodes are complex in nature, the transistor count is as large as billions of gate for some of the microprocessors. The design complexity is further projected to increase in the coming years in accordance with Moore's law. The larger gate count and integration of multiple functionalities are the causes for higher test power dissipation, test time and data volume. The dynamic power dissipation during scan testing, i.e. during scan shift, launch and response capture, are major concerns for reliable as well as cost effective testing. Excessive average power dissipation leads to a thermal problem which causes burn-out of the chip during testing. Peak power on other hand causes test failure due to power induced additional delay. The test failure has direct impact on yield. The test power problem in modern 3D stacked based IC is even a more serious issue. Estimating the worst case functional power dissipation is yet another great challenge. The worst case functional power estimation is necessary because it gives an upper bound on the functional power dissipation which can further be used to determine the safe power zone for the test.
Several solutions in the past have been proposed to address these issues. In this thesis we have three major contributions: 1) Sequential scan chain reordering, and 2) JScan-an alternative Joint-scan DFT architecture to address primarily the test power issues along with test time and data volume, and 3) an integer linear programming methodology to address the power estimation problem. In order to reduce test power during shift, we have proposed a graph theoretic formulation for scan chain reordering and for optimum scan shift operation. For each formulation a set of algorithms is proposed. The experimental results on ISCAS-89 benchmark circuit show a reduction of around 25% and 15% in peak power and scan shift time respectively.
In order to have a holistic DFT architecture which could solve test power, test time, and data volume problems, a new DFT architecture called Joint-scan (JScan) have been developed. In JScan we have integrated the serial and random access scan architectures in a systematic way by which the JScan could harness the respective advantages from each of the architectures. The serial scan architecture
from test power, test time, and data volume problems. However, the serial scan is simple in terms of its functionality and is cost effective in terms of DFT circuitry. Whereas, the random ac-cess scan architecture is opposite to this; it is power efficient and it takes lesser time and data volume compared to serial scan. However, the random access scan occupies larger DFT area and introduces routing congestion. Therefore, we have proposed a methodology to realize the JScan architecture as an efficient alternative for standard serial and random access scan. Further, the JScan architecture is optimized and it resulted into a 2-Mode 2M-Jscan Joint-scan architecture. The proposed architectures are experimentally verified on larger benchmark circuits and compared with existing state of the art DFT architectures. The results show a reduction of 50% to 80% in test power and 30% to 50% in test time and data volume. The proposed architectures are also evaluated for routing area minimization and we obtained a saving of around 7% to 15% of chip area.
Estimating the worst case functional power being a challenging problem, we have proposed a binary integer linear programming (BILP) based methodology. Two different formulations have been proposed considering the different delay models namely zero-delay and unit-delay. The proposed methodology generates a pair or input vectors which could toggle the circuit to dissipate worst power. The BILP problems are solved using CPLEX solver for ISCAS-85 combinational benchmark circuits. For some of the circuits, the proposed methodology provided the worst possible power dissipation i.e. 80 to 100% toggling in nets.
1218 |
Randomized integer convex hullHong Ngoc, Binh 12 February 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with stochastic and algebraic aspects of the integer convex hull. In the first part, the intrinsic volumes of the randomized integer convex hull are investigated. In particular, we obtained an exact asymptotic order of the expected intrinsic volumes difference in a smooth convex body and a tight inequality for the expected mean width difference. In the algebraic part, an exact formula for the Bhattacharya function of complete primary monomial ideas in two variables is given. As a consequence, we derive an effective characterization for complete monomial ideals in two variables.
1219 |
Integer Factorization on the GPU / Integer Factorization on the GPUPodhorský, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with factorization, a decomposition of composite numbers on prime numbers and possibilities of its parallelization. It summarizes also the best known algorithms for factoring and most popular platforms for the implementation of these algorithms on the graphics card. The main part of the thesis deals with the design and implementation of hardware acceleration current fastest algorithm on the graphics card by using the OpenCL framework. Subsequently, the work provides a comparison of speeds accelerated algorithm implemented in this work with other versions of the best known algorithms for factoring, processed serially. In conclusion, the work discussed length of RSA key needed for safe operation without the possibility of breaking in real time interval.
1220 |
Frekvenční syntezátor pro mikrovlnné komunikační systémy / Frequency synthesizer for microwave communication systemsKlapil, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to develop a solution of a frequency synthesizer for a microwave communication systems. Specifically, it suggests a design for frequency synthesizer with phase-locked loop. At beginning of the thesis the principle and basic properties of this method of signal generation are explained. Then it is followed by a brief discussion of the parameters of synthesizers and their influence on design. Another part of the work is the analysis of circuit the frequency synthesizer with the phase-locked loop MAX2871, which is followed by a proposal for the design of the frequency synthesizer module hardware. The last part of the work deals with practical implementation, verification of function and measurement of achieved parameters and their evaluation.
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