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The impact of information and communication technology on people with intellectual disabilities: naratives of professional caregiversMammo, Fassil January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Kunskapsutveckling i grundsärskolan : En studie om några pedagogers uppfattningar om hur de arbetar med utvecklingsstörda elevers kunskapsutveckling. / Knowledge development in compulsory school for children with intellectual disabilities. : A studie about some pedagogue`s expectations of how they work with mentally retarded pupils knowledg development.Blomqvist, Marita January 2015 (has links)
The intention of this study is to describe some pedagogue`s expectations of the strategies, methods and approach the work from when it comes whit mentally retarded pupils and how thet plan their education. The study is based on four half stuctured interviewswhit very experienced pedagogues that work in a compulsory school for children with intellectual disabilities. The four interviews are recorded and adapted. To analyse and expound the data collection, a socio-cultural approach was used. The conclusion of my study was that the pedagogues who work in compulsory school fpr choldren with intellectual didabilities proceed from pupil`s level of development and pupils preundersrandning to consolidate new knowledge. The pedagogues attach particular importance in detailed planning so the education will be clear and structuralized. Communication, pictures and technical equipment are the tools that are used for the knowledge development of the pupils int the compulsory school for children with intellectual disabilities. With a socio-cultural view on teaching the pedagogues work with knowledge development. The teaching occurs during interaction with others. Group education is an aspiration of the pedagogues.
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Effects of Error Correction During Assessment Probes on the Acquisition of Sight Words for Students with Moderate Intellectual DisabilitiesWaugh, Rebecca E 25 June 2010 (has links)
Simultaneous prompting is an errorless learning strategy designed to reduce the number of errors students make; however, research has shown a disparity in the number of errors students make during instructional versus probe trials. This study directly examined the effects of error correction versus no error correction during probe trials on the effectiveness and efficiency of simultaneous prompting on the acquisition of sight words by three middle school students with moderate intellectual disabilities. A single-case adapted alternating treatments design (Sindelar, Rosenberg, & Wilson, 1985) was employed to examine the effects of error correction during probe trials in order to reduce error rates. A functional relation was established for two of the three students for the use of error correction during probe sessions to reduce error rates. Error correction during assessment probes required fewer sessions to criterion, resulted in fewer probe errors, resulted in a higher percentage of correct responding on the next subsequent trial, and required less total probe time. For two of the three students, probes with error correction resulted in a more rapid acquisition rate requiring fewer sessions to criterion.
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Naming Speed, Letter-Sound Automaticity, and Acquiring Blending Skills among Students with Moderate Intellectual DisabilitiesDavis, Dawn 07 May 2011 (has links)
Students with moderate intellectual disabilities (MoID) typically are not taught decoding skills because they have difficulty mastering critical blending skills. In response to this skill deficit among students with MoID, an Initial Phonics instructional sequence was created that included student development of rapid and automatic retrieval of taught letter-sound correspondences to a level of mastery before teaching the skill of blending. For each of 16 students with MoID (ages 6-15), mastery criterion of letter-sound automaticity phases was determined by their individual naming speed as measured by the Rapid Object Naming (RON) subtest of the Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP). Visual analysis of graphically displayed single-case data revealed a functional relation between simultaneous prompting procedures and letter-sound correspondences, automaticity, and blending acquisition for all students. Furthermore, the use of hierarchical linear growth modeling (HLGM) revealed statistical significance for: (a) the impact of daily instruction on the development of letter-sound correspondences, automaticity, and blending in terms of average student growth per instructional session, (b) variability between student growth trajectories within automaticity and blending phases, (c) student pretest scores on RON as an explanatory variable for differences between growth trajectories within automaticity treatment phases, and (d) the extent to which the number of sessions to mastery within automaticity phases and student age predicted acquisition of blending skills. The purpose of identifying explanatory/predictor variables was to classify cognitive predictors for students with MoID who successfully acquire blending skills.
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Sutrikusio intelekto suaugusiųjų muzikinio ugdymo grupėje ypatumai: "Spalvų orkestro" atvejo analizė / Musical education pecularities of mentally challenged adults in a band: a case study of "Color orchestra"Baniulytė, Miglė 31 July 2013 (has links)
Dažnai ieškoti bendraminčių ir burtis į muzikinį kolektyvą skatina nuogirdos apie ypatingus, visiškai kitokius muzikuojančių žmonių santykius. Todėl šiame tyrime siekta sužinoti, kokie yra sutrikusio intelekto suaugusiųjų muzikinio ugdymo ypatumai grupėje „Spalvų orkestro” atveju. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti sutrikusio intelekto suaugusiųjų muzikavimo kolektyve ypatumus. Uždaviniai - teoriškai pagrįsti sutrikusio intelekto suaugusiųjų muzikinio ugdymo grupėje prielaidas, ištirti sutrikusio intelekto suaugusiųjų muzikinio ugdymo „Spalvų orkestre“ ypatumus ir išsiaiškinti sutrikusio intelekto suaugusiųjų tėvų/globėjų požiūrį į kolektyvinį muzikavimą.
Tyrimas buvo atliktas Vilniaus „Spalvų orkestre“, kuriame groja sutrikusio intelekto suaugusieji. Tyrimo metu buvo apklausti „Spalvų orkestro“ vadovai, orkestro narių tėvai ir patys orkestro nariai. Taikyti stebėjimo, interviu ir anketinės apklausos raštu metodai.
Tyrimo metu išaiškėjo, jog Lietuvoje skatinamas mokymasis visą gyvenimą, ypač svarbus negalią turintiems suaugusiems. „Spalvų orkestro“ lankymas padeda sutrikusio intelekto suaugusiems integruotis į visuomenę, skatina neįgaliųjų iniciatyvą, formuoja jų socialinius įgūdžius. Pastebėta, kad lankant „Spalvų orkestro“ repeticijas, orkestro nariai išmoksta groti muzikos instrumentu, pažinti natas, lavina dainavimo, grojimo, ritmo pojūčio įgūdžius, klausą, mokosi išreikšti emocijas pagal muzikinį kūrinį, susipažįsta su muzikiniais terminais ir juos naudoja muzikuojant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Often find partners in musical ensemble encourages rumor about a special, completely different musicians human relations. Therefore, this study aimed to find out what is mentally retarded adult music education characteristics of "Color Orchestra“ case study. The aim - analyze music collective features of mentally retarded adults. Tasks - theoretically justify music education of mentally retarded adult group assumptions, explore the music education features of mentally retarded adult in "Color Orchestra“ and find out the approach of parents/ guardians about „Color Orchestra“ features.
The study was carried out in Vilnius „Color Orchestra“, which plays mentally retarded adults. The study has been questioned "Color Orchestra" leaders, members of the orchestra parents and band members. Apply observation, interviews and a written questionnaire methods.
The study revealed that Lithuania promote lifelong learning, critical disability in adults. "Color Orchestra“ visits to help adults with intellectual disabilities to integrate into society, promotes disability initiative forms, their social skills. It is noted that while visiting "Color Orchestra“ rehearsals, orchestra members learn to play a musical instrument, read music, develop singing, playing, sense of rhythm skills, hearing, learn to express emotions by musical composition, familiar with musical terms and use them while playing.
Mentally retarded adults make friends, gain more skills to communicate in a group, to manage... [to full text]
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Taikomosios fizinės veiklos poveikis psichikos negalią turinčių asmenų fiziniam pajėgumui ir jų požiūriui į fizinę veiklą / An effect of adapted physical activity on physical fitness of persons with intellectual disabilities and their attitude toward physical activityMotiejūnaitė, Rūta 18 May 2005 (has links)
There is no well-balanced psychiatric service in Lithuania. Workers of this service the main attention pay to medical treatment and pay no regard to social and psychological help as well as rehabilitation methods. As a lot of research showed, the well-being and quality of life of persons with intellectual disabilities depend on rehabilitation and social help rather than on treatment using medicine. The lack of investigation of this field in Lithuania shows that these questions are great of importance. We designed a study and directed our investigation to the following question: is program of adapted physical activity has an influence on emotional well-being and physical fitness of persons with schizophrenia.
The aim of the study to detect an effect of adapted physical activity program on persons’ with schizophrenia physical fitness and their attitude towards adapted physical activity. The following research tasks were addressed: (1) to examine the cognitive conditions of persons with schizophrenia and according the conditions to prepare individual program of adapted physical activity; (2) to evaluate an effect of adapted physical activity program on attitude towards adapted physical activity; (3) to determine an effect of adapted physical activity program on physical fitness of persons with schizophrenia; and (4) to detect the differences of an effect of adapted physical activity according to gender.
The following research methods of the study were applied: analysis of... [to full text]
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Personality and Personality Disorder in Adults with Intellectual DisabilitiesBoyd, Sara E. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Very little research has examined the role of personality in important life outcomes and support needs of adults with intellectual disabilities. This exploratory study includes a sample of 102 community-dwelling adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and begins to evaluate the relative contributions of general personality and personality disorder as it they concern their adaptive functioning, Axis I psychopathology symptoms, and residential and vocational supports.
Observer ratings of personality disorder and Five Factor Model and Reiss Profile general personality functioning were obtained from direct service providers who knew the participants well, and archival file data (e.g., IQ, adaptive functioning scores, medications prescribed, and diagnoses) were collected after informed consent and assent were obtained from the participants. The results suggest that both personality and personality disorder, relate the intensity of supports required, the number of psychiatric medications prescribed, maladaptive behavior, and the amount of Axis I psychopathology exhibited by the participants. Results of the study are discussed with reference to implications for service delivery and planning and future research.
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This study provided an examination of a comparison of the acquisition of skills between two different instructional conditions in teaching reading of vocabulary to high school students with moderate and severe disabilities. A comparison of the acquisition between the use of words with pictures and words alone was completed. An adapted alternating treatment design replicated across 4 participants was used to evaluate the differences in efficiency and effectiveness between the two instructional strategies (words with pictures and words alone). Results indicate both strategies were effective.
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Integrering : Ur ett elev -vårdnadshavare och pedagogperspektivHenriksen, Hans January 1900 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att, förstå hur några elever med diagnosen intellektuell funktionsnedsättning, deras vårdnadshavare och pedagoger, uppfattar en integrerad skolstruktur i grundskolan utifrån ett individ- grupp- och organisationsperspektiv. Studien bygger på totalt sex intervjuer, två med elever, två med elevernas vårdnadshavare och två med den pedagog som eleverna träffar företrädelsevis i undervisningssituation. Som metod användes kvalitativa intervjuer med av en intervjuguide med utgångspunkt från ett individ- grupp- och organisationsperspektiv. Resultatet i min studie visar att eleverna trivs i en integrerad skolstruktur, de beskriver på olika sätt en känsla av tillhörighet i sina klasser och är nöjda med sin skolsituation. Vårdnadshavarnas erfarenheter är liknande, men de beskriver också att barnets funktionsnedsättning har varit central för vilka resurser skolan tillfört. Det specialpedagogiska stödet har organiserats på olika sätt beroende på elevens behov, och alla beskriver stödet som positivt. Resultatet visar också att de två pedagogernas erfarenhet av en integrerad skolstruktur är begränsad, vilket de själv ser som en svårighet. Båda beskriver nödvändigheten av ett samarbete med grundsärskolan, specialpedagog och speciallärare för att kunna möta eleverna på sin nivå och utifrån deras förutsättningar / The purpose of this study is to understand how some students who are diagnosed with learning disabilities, their guardians and teachers, percieve an integrated school structure in the compulsory school, based on individual, group and organisational perspectives. The study is based on six interviews. Two with students, two with the students' guardians and two with the teachers the students meet mainley in learning situations. A qualitative interwieus was used with an interview guide, based on individual, group and organizational perspectives. The results of my study show that students appreciate an integrated school structure. They describe in different ways a sense of belonging in their classes and are satisfied with their school situation. The guardians’ experiences are similar, but also describe how the child's disability has been instrumental to which resources the school has provided. The special education support has been organised in different ways depending on the student's needs, and everyone involved describes the support as positive. The result also shows that the two teachers experience of an integrated school structure is limited, which they themselves see as a difficulty. These two teachers describe the necessity of collaboration with compulsory school for learning disabilities, the special education unit in order to meet students at their level and based on their abilities.
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Har alla rätt att bli förälder? : Professionellas attityder till och arbete med gravida kvinnor med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning / Has everyone the right to be a parent? : Professionals' attitudes towards and work with of working towards pregnant women with intellectual disabilityPersson, Elin, Johansson, Linda January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att öka förståelsen för hur kuratorer inom vuxenhabiliteringen och barnmorskor på mödravårdscentraler förhåller sig till och arbetar med gravida kvinnor med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar. Avsikten var även att undersöka likheter respektive olikheter mellan yrkesgrupperna. För att genomföra studien använde vi kvalitativ metod. Vi intervjuade två barnmorskor på mödravårdscentraler och tre kuratorer inom vuxenhabiliteringen. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av de teoretiska perspektiven normalitet, juridisk diskurs och emotionell diskurs. Resultaten visar att barnmorskorna hade ett barnperspektiv medan kuratorerna ett föräldraperspektiv. Dessa perspektiv avspeglar olika förhållningssätt inom den emotionella och juridiska diskursen. Trots olika inriktningar och respondenternas olika yrkesroller, hade respondenterna liknande föreställningar gentemot kvinnor med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar. Ifrågasättande av dessa kvinnors föräldraförmåga återkom i alla intervjuer. I detta avseende såg respondenterna dessa kvinnor som avvikare från det ”normala”. Att tala om målgruppen påtalar respondenterna vara känsligt och även tabubelagt, då det för inte så många decennier sedan inte var lagligt för dessa kvinnor att skaffa barn och familj. Varken kuratorerna eller barnmorskorna hade egentligen någon utarbetad arbetsmetod för arbetet med gravida kvinnor med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning, utan arbetade mycket utifrån egna erfarenheter. Kuratorerna menade att barnmorskorna hade otillräcklig kunskap om funktionsnedsättningar. / The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of how social workers in adult habilitation and midwives in maternity clinics relate to and work with pregnant women with intellectual disabilities. The intention was also to examine the similarities and differences between the occupational groups. To conduct the study, we used qualitative methods. We interviewed two midwives at maternity clinics and three counselors in adult habilitation services. The interviews were analyzed by means of the theoretical concepts normality, legal discourse and emotional discourse. The results show that midwives had a child perspective while the curators had a parental perspective. These perspectives reflect different attitudes in the emotional and legal discourse. Despite the different approaches and respondents' various professional roles, the respondents had similar perceptions towards women with intellectual disabilities. Challenge of these women's parenting skills recurred in all interviews. In this regard the respondents saw these women as deviant from the "normal". To speak about the target group the respondents complains of being sensitive and even taboo when it is not so many decades ago, it wasn’t legal for these women to have children and family. Neither the curators nor the midwives really had any elaborate methodology for working with pregnant women with intellectual disabilities, but worked from their own experience. The curators implied that the midwives had insufficient knowledge of impairments.
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