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Consumer adoption of mobile banking in Jordan: Examining the role of usefulness, ease of use, perceived risk and self-efficacyAlalwan, A., Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, Nripendra P., Williams, M.D. 25 September 2020 (has links)
Yes / The purpose of this paper is to propose and examine a conceptual model that best explains the key factors influencing Jordanian customers' intention to adopt mobile banking (MB). Design/methodology/approach – The proposed conceptual model was based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This was extended by adding perceived risk and self-efficacy as an external factors. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was conducted to analyse the data collected from the field survey questionnaires administered to a convenience sample of Jordanian banking customers. Findings – The results showed that behavioural intention is significantly influenced by perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived risk. Research limitations/implications – Practical and theoretical implications for both Jordanian banks and researchers in the MB context are also discussed in the concluding section. Originality/value – MB-related issues are yet to be examined empirically in the Jordanian context. This submission has attempted to fill this gap by empirically examining some of the important factors influencing the adoption of MB from the Jordanian customers’ perspective.
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A meta-analytic structural equation model for understanding social commerce adoptionDwivedi, Y.K., Ismagilova, Elvira, Sarker, P., Jeyaraj, A., Jadil, Y., Hughes, L. 17 September 2021 (has links)
Yes / Social commerce (s-commerce) has gained prominence with advances in social media and social networking technologies over
the last decade. Prior research has employed diverse theoretical perspectives to understand and explain consumer behavior within
s-commerce but has also produced inconsistent results. This study integrates different theoretical perspectives including trust,
social support, and social presence. The research portrays an integrated research model involving factors that impact behavioral
intention and use behavior of s-commerce consumers whilst synthesizing prior empirical findings. A meta-analytic structural
equation modeling (MASEM) method was used to synthesize 189 findings reported in 68 s-commerce studies and to analyze the
structural model. Our findings show that trust and informational support have positive effects on behavioral intention while trust
and emotional support have positive effects on use behavior. Furthermore, our findings highlight that behavioral intention
influences use behavior and mediates the effect of trust and informational support on use behavior. The implications for research
and practice are discussed in detail.
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Stay for the Heron: EssaysHameline, Cassia 05 1900 (has links)
Hameline, Cassia Leigh. "Stay for the Heron: Essays." Doctor of Philosophy (English), May 2023, 146 pp., works cited, 27 titles.
Stay for the Heron: Essays is an essay collection that explores truth, perception, and loss as it follows the writer's movement across landscapes that speak to a past she had, for so long, tried to run from. The essays in this collection seek to understand how we can write about difficult topics like abandonment, infidelity, and acts of self-destruction: do we get close to them? do we create distance? at what range are we able to relive the moments that caused us pain, or anger, or passion, or love and present them in written form for others to see? The collection challenges the narrative nonfiction form in preference for a more fluid, lyric, and hybrid genre that more accurately presents the material—at times fuzzy, difficult, confusing—at hand. Through its literary experimentations, such as fragmentation, lyricism, shifting points of view, and photography, the works here deconstruct what we consider "traditional" in the Essay genre and, instead, supports a shift towards a more contemporary tradition. The essays in Stay for the Heron explore the persona's geographical movement, paying close attention to the bodies of water she seeks out everywhere she goes, to find deeper meaning in the innate and earthly pulls we feel throughout life. From the sand-covered child watching her brother gut fish in awe, to the confused then sad then bitter teenager abandoned by her father, to the young woman whose lover's betrayals prompted her own self-destruction, and ultimately, to the woman who sought solitude for years before realizing she needed to come home; these essays interrogate perception, memory, and the concept that no one's truth is quite the same as another's. Despite their differences, though, there is space for them all.
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L'intention de quitter l'entreprise : une approche par l'étape de carrière et l'appartenance générationnelle du salarié. / The intention to leave the company : an approach through employee career stage and generational belongingGiraud, Laurent 19 June 2012 (has links)
Les nombreux modèles de turnover que l’on peut trouver dans la littérature en Gestion des Ressources Humaines illustrent l’importance de la fidélisation des salariés à l’entreprise.L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser l’effet de l’« étape de carrière » sur les facteurs de fidélisation et sur le niveau de fidélité des salariés. Ce travail est également l’occasion d’étudier les déterminants de l’étape de carrière et de débattre autour de l’impact de l’appartenance à la génération Y sur l’intention de quitter l’entreprise.Pour répondre à ces questions de recherche, une enquête par questionnaires a été réalisée en janvier 2011 auprès de salariés français d’une entreprise franco-américaine et de deux entreprises françaises. L’échantillon est composé de 478 répondants : 206 vendeurs, 150 techniciens, 76 salariés de fonctions support et 46 de fonctions indéfinies. La population étudiée a un niveau de qualification faible à moyen (CAP/BEP/BAC à BAC+2/BTS).Les résultats confirment (1) le rôle central de la satisfaction extrinsèque au travail et de l’implication affective organisationnelle dans un modèle de turnover et (2) l’influence du score à l’étape de carrière d’un individu à la fois sur les facteurs de fidélisation et l’intention de quitter l’entreprise.Le profil du salarié a également un impact sur les facteurs de fidélisation et sur l’intention de quitter. Le score à une étape de carrière est peu influencé par l’âge et les différentes formes d’ancienneté.L’appartenance à la génération Y, plutôt qu’à la génération X ou à celle des Baby Boomers, n’influence pas l’intention de quitter l’entreprise, du moins telle qu’elle est mesurée par l’appartenance à une tranche d’âge. / The numerous turnover models found in the Human Resource Management literature illustrate the importance of employee loyalty to the company.The objective of this thesis is to analyze the “career stage” effect on employee loyalty-building factors and on employee loyalty to the company. This work also gives the opportunity to study the determinants of the career stage and to debate the impact of belonging to generation Y on the intention to leave the company.To answer our research question, surveys have been administered in January 2011 to French employees from a Franco-American company and from two French companies. The sample is composed of 478 respondents: 206 salespeople, 150 technicians, 76 support staff and 46 undefined jobs. The studied population has a low and medium qualification level CAP/BEP/BAC to BAC+2/BTS).The results confirm (1) the central role of extrinsic job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment in a turnover model and (2) the influence of an individual’s career stage on both his loyalty-building factors and his intention to leave the company.The employee profile also has an impact on loyalty-building factors and on employee intention to leave. Moreover, age and the different kinds of tenure have little influence on the score to a career stage.Belonging to the generation Y, rather than to the generation X or to the Baby Boomers generation, does not influence employee intention to leave as far as generational belonging is measured by age groups.
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Définir l'acceptabilité sociale dans les modèles d'usage : vers l'introduction de la valeur sociale dans la prédiction du comportement d'utilisation / Define social acceptability in acceptance models : toward the introduction of social value into the usage behavior predictionPasquier, Hélène Marie Louise 12 December 2012 (has links)
L’enjeu de cette thèse est de proposer une perspective psychosociale de l’étude des usages à partir du concept d’acceptabilité sociale, définit comme « la valeur que l’individu accorde à ces objets et / ou à ces utilisateurs en fonction durapport spécifique qu’il entretient avec eux » (Lefeuvre et al., 2008, p.101). Cette perspective psychosociale est ancrée entre des points vus sociologique et ergonomique et est construite sur la base de la notion de variables sociales dans les modèles d’usages (issus des champs des IHM, MSI et la TARTCP). Nous avons montré que les variables sociales absentes des modèles d’usage, apparaissaient néanmoins dans trois évolutions différentes de ces modèles. De ce constat, l’objectif de cette thèse est d’améliorer la prédiction d’un modèle d’usage par la prise en compte de l’acceptabilité sociale. Deux hypothèses ont été testées. La première selon laquelle, la valeur du comportement module l’effet des variables sociales sur la prédiction de l’intention (Conner et Armitage, 1998 ; Rivis, Sheeran et Armitage, 2009 ; Manning, 2009), et la seconde selon laquelle, les variables sociales n’ont pas toutes la même sensibilité à la variation de la valeur d’un comportement. Pour mettre à l’épreuve ces hypothèses, deux axes de recherches ont été conduits. Le premier axe opérationnalise la valeur par la valorisation du comportement et est testé dans le domaine des comportements routiers (étude 1 et 2). Le second axe opérationnalise la valeur selon le niveau de socialité des comportements et est testé dans le domaine des comportements d’éco-mobilité (étude 3 à 5). Les résultats révèlent la pertinence d’une approche des usages orientée par l’acceptabilité sociale. Ils permettent de souligner que les comportements valorisés sont davantage prédit par les variables sociales que les comportements portant moins de valeur sociale / The issue of this dissertation is to propose a psychosocial paradigm for the study of usage processes based on the concept of social acceptability, defined as the “value individuals attribute to objects and/or users depending on their social relationship” (Lefeuvre et al., 2008, p.101).This psychosocial paradigm finds its roots between sociological and ergonomic points of view, and is focused on the concept of social variables from acceptability models (from the HMI and MIS fields and TRA-TPB). We have established that social variables are initially neglected in usage models, nevertheless three possible evolution trajectories appear in existingmodels. This dissertation aims to enhance a usage prediction model based on the concept of social acceptability. Two hypotheses were tested. In this research, the first hypothesis states that when behaviour value is considered, social variables are a core determinant of behaviour prediction (Conner et Armitage, 1998 ; Rivis, Sheeran et Armitage, 2009 ; Manning, 2009), and the second hypothesis states that differences exist between the effects of social variables when the value of behaviour is considered. In order to empirically test these hypotheses, we operationnalized behaviour value in two ways. In studies 1 & 2, behaviour value was operationalized through behaviour valorization and tested in the transportation field. In studies 3 to 5, behaviour value was operationalized by the level of behaviour sociality and tested in the green mobility domain. Main results validate the relevance of a social acceptability oriented approach for the understanding of usage processes. Furthermore, results underline that social variables have a higher predictive power for valuable behaviours compared to less valuable behaviours
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Montre-moi comment tu bouges, je te dirai à quoi tu penses : vers une approche incarnée de la cognition sociale / Show me how you move, I'll tell you what you're thinking : towards an embodied approach to social cognitionQuesque, François 27 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une approche incarnée de la cognition sociale, selon laquelle la capacité à comprendre les états mentaux d’autres individus ne nécessite aucune inférence mais repose plutôt sur l’expérience immédiate des informations sensori-motrices perçues lors d’interactions sociales. D’importantes limites ont été formulées à l’encontre de cette approche. Il est notamment considéré qu’elle ne peut rendre compte de phénomènes dits de « hauts niveaux » de mentalisation, comme l’inférence d’intentions sociales, puisqu’il n’existe pas de relations systématiques entre ces dernières et les systèmes de la perception et de l’action. A travers les études de cette thèse, nous avons tout d’abord mis en évidence des altérations systèmatiques de la cinématique de mouvements volontaires selon les intentions sociales poursuivies. Précisément, lorsqu’une action est produite avec l’intention de servir à un partenaire, ses caractéristiques spatio-temporelles sont amplifiées. Ensuite, nous avons démontré que ces déformations cinématiques étaient fonction des propriétés physiques, et particulièrement de la hauteur des yeux du partenaire. Enfin, nos résultats montrent que ces déformations cinématiques sont implicitement traitées lors d’interactions sociales et qu’elles entraînent l’inférence spontanée d’intention sociale. De façon intéressante, la capacité des participants à accéder à ces informations privées à partir de variations cinématiques était fortement liée à leurs capacités explicites de mentalisation. Ainsi, cette thèse fournit les premières évidences expérimentales soutenant la possibilité d’accéder spontanément aux intentions sociales d’autres personnes à partir de processus perceptifs et moteurs. / This thesis assumes a grounded approach to social cognition, which defends that our abilities to understand others’ mental states rely on our immediate experience of sensori-motor informations in social interactions and do not need any inference processes. Some critical theorethical limits have been addressed to this approach to social cognition. Typically, it is considered that this conception can not explain high order mentalization, as, for example, the inference of social intentions, because there are not systematic links between those cognitive constructs and the systems of perception and action. Through the studies of this thesis, we have in a first time showed that the kinematics of voluntary movements are influenced by the type of social intention that is endorsed by participants. Precisely, when an action is produced for a partner, its spatio-temporal characteristics are amplified. Then, we have demonstrated that these kinematic variations are influenced by the physical properties of the partner, and particularly by the eyes’ level. Finally, our results showed that these typical kinematic variations are implicitly processed during social interaction and that they can trigger spontaneous social intention attribution. Interestingly, the ability of participants to access others’ mental states from motor action variations is strongly related to their explicit mentalizing performances. In sum, this thesis provides the first experimental evidences supporting the possibility to spontaneously access to others’ social intentions from perceptive and motor processes.
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Consumption of organic fruits among consumers in Sweden : Theroy of planned behavior and the role of the determinants of intentionHammarlund, Ludvig, Edhag, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
The increased global consumption has a severe effect on the environment. In order to reduce the environmental impact, there is a need for more environmentally friendly consumption choices. Several studies have confirmed that consumers have a positive attitude towards environmentally friendly products, but that the attitude is, in most cases, not put in to practice. To increase the degree of explanation behind the gap between Swedish consumers intention and behavior regarding the consumption of organic fruits, this study used Ajzen’s (1985) theory of planned behavior. The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to examine if attitude, social norms and experinced behavior control can explain the consumption behavior regarding organic fruits in Sweden. An online-survey with several Likert items was conducted in order to gather data. The respondents were asked about their age, income, education, attitudes, social norms and their experienced behavior control. A correlation test and a multiple regression analysis was conducted in order to see how the determinants of intention correlated with the behavior and how well they could influence the behavior. The results showed that attitude was the determinant that had the strongest correlation (0.522) and contributed the most to the behavior of buying organic fruits. Subjective norm (0.294) and perceived behavior control (0.245) had not as strong correlation as attitude and subjective norm could only influence the behavior to a minimal level. However, it was found that perceived behavior control could influence the behavior. The total rate of explanation for all determinants of intention on the behavior was R2 = 0.568 (56.8%). The conclusions that were made from this study were, firstly, that attitude can influence most of the behavior regarding consumption of organic fruits among Swedish consumers. Secondly, subjective norm can to a minimal degree influence the behavior regarding consumption of organic fruits among Swedish consumers. Thirdly, perceived behavior control can to a minimal degree influence behavior regarding consumption of organic fruits among Swedish consumers. Furthermore, there is a need for more studies who includes behavioral data and more added variables to the TpB model in order to deepen the knowledge about environmentally friendly consumption behaviors.
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Talking green, behaving brown : A study about consumers intention-behavior gap among eco-labelsDoksaeter, Emma-Sophie, Nordman, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Title: Talking green, behaving brown - A study about consumers intention-behavior gap among eco-labels Level: Bachelor thesis in Business & Administration Authors: Emma-Sophie Doksaeter & Julia Nordman Supervisor: Jonas Kågström Date: January 2019 Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze consumers intention-behavior gap towards eco-labeled products based on Carrington’s et. al. model considering more recent studies regarding different variables such as relations, moral and knowledge. Method: A quantitative survey design was developed based on variables from Carrington et al. (2010) and variables from more recent studies. Four surveys were made divided into three different countries; Sweden, Norway and Finland. The total number of participating respondents were 540. We used cluster, factor and SEM analysis to interpret our results. Result & analysis: The result shows that it exists a gap between intention and behavior when speaking of eco-labels among consumers. Variables such as knowledge, actual behavior control have a big impact on implementation intention. Situational context and relations have low significance on implementation intention. Although, by considering all of these variables, it is possible to close the gap. To close the gap, it is also important to consider different consumer groups. Contribution of the thesis: The study shows that it exists a gap between what consumers say they are going to do, and what they actually do, and that it is possible to close the gap between intentions and behavior when talking about eco-labels. Suggestions for future research: The study shows cultural differences in intentions and behavior towards eco-labels. It would be possible to study this further. Another study could look at how organizations could increase eco-labels credibility towards consumers. Keywords: Green marketing, behavior economics, intention-behavior gap, eco-labels, environmental intention
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Investigating customer intentions influenced by service quality : using the mediation of emotional and cognitive responses in Saudi ArabiaAlsaggaf, Mohammed Ahmad January 2017 (has links)
Mobile service operators are struggling to build strong relationship with their customers. The Saudi Market is described as a highly regulated and competitive sector. Consequently, it is essential that mobile service operators re-evaluate the level of their service quality and understand its critical factors that influence customer eWOM and switching intention through emotional and cognitive responses. According to the literature review, there is a need for studies on customer behaviour to demonstrate whether customer responses are prominent indicators of how customers feel. In addition, there is a lack of empirical study and theoretical modelling of the relationships between customers' emotional response and constructs based on other service experience. The main aim in this research is the investigating customer intentions influenced by service quality using the mediation of emotional and cognitive responses in Saudi Arabia. This research develops a theoretical framework that integrates a set of cognitive and emotional response (pleasure and arousal) to examine the influence of service quality on customer intention by using theory of reasoned action (TRA) and stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R), merged into one framework. Therefore, hypotheses are developed to test the relationship between the framework variables. This research adapts a quantitative methodology along with the positivist philosophical approach to investigate hypothetical relationships within the conceptual framework. This research used online surveys completed by mobile and social media users, including a survey with 601 responses out of 621. To analyse and validate the data, this study applies the structure equation model by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) AMOS V. 23. The result indicates that there are significant relationships between service quality dimensions and emotional response (pleasure and arousal). Moreover, subjective norms have a significant relationship with customer intention and emotional response. In addition, emotional response has, both directly and indirectly, a significant relationship with customer intention. The overall results of this research indicate that both the effect of service quality on eWOM and switching intention were mediated by customer attitude and by the pleasure and arousal emotional responses. These research outcomes yield several theoretical and practical implications. A key limitation of this research is its data collection by using a quantitative research approach and cross-sectional methodology; consequently, the data collection was done solely in the KSA.
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The mediating effect of locus of control between role overload, job satisfaction and turnover intention / Rachel LaneLane, Rachel Clare January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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