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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nanocomposites à matrice élastomère à base de charges lamellaires synthétiques alpha-ZrP : influence de la modification des charges sur les propriétés mécaniques et barrière aux gaz / Synthetic lamellar nanofillers alpha-ZrP based elastomeric nanocomposites : influence of the fillers modification on the mechanical and gas barrier properties

Dal Pont, Kévin 06 June 2011 (has links)
Ce travail concerne l'étude des modifications de nanocharges lamellaires synthétiques (α-ZrP) et de leur influence sur les propriétés mécaniques et barrière aux gaz de nanocomposites à matrice élastomère (SBR). Cette étude s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'amélioration de l'étanchéité des pneumatiques. L'une des originalités de ce travail a résidé dans l'introduction des nanocharges hydrophiles par le biais d'une dispersion aqueuse (slurry), dans la matrice SBR hydrophobe. La première phase de ce travail a consisté à entreprendre plusieurs types de modification des nanocharges afin d'étudier les mécanismes d'intercalation et/ou d'exfoliation des ces dernières dans le slurry. Ces différentes familles de charges modifiées ont été utilisées pour réaliser des nanocomposites selon différentes voies de mise en oeuvre : principalement solvant et latex. Nous avons ensuite étudié l'influence, (i) de la nature des intercalants, (ii) des distances interfoliaires initiales des nanocharges et (iii) des procédés de mise en oeuvre des nanocomposites, sur la morphologie et les propriétés finales des matériaux. Cette étude a montré la synergie de ces trois paramètres et mis en évidence l'importance du contrôle des interactions charges modifiées/matrice sur les propriétés de transport de gaz. Parmi l'ensemble des matériaux synthétisés, nous avons pu mettre en avant une formulation, permettant d'atteindre des propriétés mécaniques et barrière intéressantes. Cette formulation, en voie latex, est basée sur l'utilisation de la charge modifiée aminosilane et de l'agent de couplage Si69 / This work concerns the study of the modification of synthetic lamellar nanofillers (α-ZrP) and their influence on mechanical and gas barrier properties of elastomeric nanocomposites (SBR). This study is part of improving the tire tightness. One of the originalities of this work is the introduction of hydrophilic nanofillers through an aqueous dispersion (slurry) in the hydrophobic SBR matrix. The first step of this work was to undertake several types of nanofiller modifications state in order to study their intercalation/exfoliation mechanisms in a slurry. These different families of modified fillers were then used to make nanocomposites with different ways of implementations: mainly solvent and latex ones. The influence of, (i) the nature of the intercalating agent, (ii) the initial nanofiller interlayer distance and (iii) the nanocomposite implementation processes, on the morphology and final properties of materials were studied. The synergy of these three parameters was demonstrated and the importance of controlling the modified filler/matrix interactions on the gas transport and mechanical properties was also proved. Among all the synthesized materials, a formulation was put forward which allowed to achieve interesting mechanical and barrier properties. This formulation, processed by the latex route, is based on the use of aminosilane modified nanofillers and the Si69 coupling agent

Synthèses, caractérisations structurales et physico-chimiques de fluorures d'éléments tétravalents

Mapemba Moulakou, Elise 02 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail a été consacré dans un premier temps à l'étude du système ternaire KF-MnF2-ZrF4. La prospection de ce système a révélé l'existence d'un composé de formule KMnZrF7 dont la caractérisation structurale a permis de mettre en évidence la possibilité de substitution du couple cationique Zr4+ et Mn2+ par deux terres rares Ln3+ de petits rayons ioniques sans compensation de charge. Elle a également permis de faire une mise au point sur les phases du système binaire KF-ZrF4. L'étude de composés à valence mixte III/IV induite par l'insertion d'ions lithium dans les fluorures d'éléments lanthanides ou actinides tétravalents (Ce, Tb, Th, U) a conduit à l'obtention d'une phase inédite Li5.5Ce12F50. La caractérisation structurale de cette phase a révélé simultanément la présence de Ce4+ en coordinence 8 et 9 formant ainsi des unités structurales tétramériques et de Ce3+ et Ce3+/Ce4+ (en distribution statistique) sous forme de polyèdres octacoordinnés isolés. A la lumière de ces résultats nous avons repris l'étude des phases LiM4F17 initialement signalées dans les systèmes binaires LiF-MF4 ( M=Ce, U, Th) et démontré que ces fluorures sont des composés à valence mixte MIII/MIV. Une méthode totalement inédite de synthèse de fluorures à valence mixte a été mise au point. Elle consiste à induire la valence mixte MIII/MIV par intercalation électrochimique d'ions lithium dans la matrice hôte fluorée alors assimilée à un composé d'intercalation. Différentes matrices ont été employées en l'occurence les tetrafluorures de Ce, U et Tb et les composés à valence mixte (U, Th). Enfin ce travail de recherche a été prolongé par l'étude de fluorozirconates et fluoroterbates de formule LiLnMF8 (M = Zr et Tb). La caractérisation structurale de ces composés LiLnMF8 a permis de mettre en évidence l'existence de relations structurales avec les matrices fluorées LiNaY2F8, LiNaYb2F8 et BaY2F8. Ces composés LiLnMF8 (M = Zr et Tb) possèdent des structures à porosités ouvertes pouvant favoriser la diffusion de ions alcalins. Ainsi, l'intercalation et désintercalation des ions alcalins dans la matrice hôte LiYTbF8 a permis l'obtention de matrices fluorées à valence mixte et ouverte la voie vers de nouveaux procédés de synthèse

High Yield Solvothermal Synthesis of Hexaniobate Based Nanocomposites via the Capture of Preformed Nanoparticles in Scrolled Nanosheets

Adireddy, Shivaprasad Reddy 20 December 2013 (has links)
The ability to encapsulate linear nanoparticle (NP) chains in scrolled nanosheets is an important advance in the formation of nanocomposites.These nanopeapods (NPPs) exhibit interesting properties that may not be achieved by individual entities. Consequently, to fully exploit the potential of NPPs, the fabrication of NPPs must focus on producing composites with unique combinations of morphologically uniform nanomaterials. Various methods can produce NPPs, but expanding these methods to a wide variety of material combinations can be difficult. Recent work in our group has resulted in the in situ formation of peapod-like structures based on chains of cobalt NPs. Building on this initial success, a more versatile approach has been developed that allows for the capture of a series of preformed NPs in NPP composites. In the following chapters, various synthetic approaches for NPPs of various material combinations will be presented and the key roles of various reaction parameters will be discussed. Also, uniform hexaniobate nanoscrolls were fabricated via a solvothermal method induced by heating up a mixture of TBAOH, hexaniobate crystallites, and oleylamine in toluene. The interlayer spacing of the nanoscrolls was easily tuned by varying the relative amount and chain lengths of the primary alkylamines. To fabricate NPPs, as-synthesized NPs were treated with hexaniobate crystallite in organic mixtures via solvothermal method. During solvothermal treatment, exfoliated hexaniobate nanosheets scroll around highly ordered chains of NPs to produce the target NPP structures in high yield. Reaction mixtures were held at an aging temperature for a few hours to fabricate various new NPPs (Fe3O4@hexaniobate, Ag@hexaniobate, Au@hexaniobate, Au-Fe3O4@hexaniobate, TiO2@hexaniobate, CdS@hexaniobate, CdSe@hexaniobate, and ZnS@hexaniobate). This versatile method was first developed for the fabrication of magnetic peapod nanocomposites with preformed nanoparticles (NPs). This approach is effectively demonstrated on a series of ferrite NPs (≤ 14 nm) where Fe3O4@hexaniobate NPPs are rapidly (~ 6 h) generated in high yield. When NP samples with different sizes are reacted, clear evidence for size selectivity is seen. Magnetic dipolar interactions between ferrite NPs within the Fe3O4@hexaniobate samples leads to a significant rise in coercivity, increasing almost four-fold relative to free particles. Other magnetic ferrites NPPs, MFe2O4@hexaniobate (M = Mn, Co, Ni), can also be prepared. This synthetic approach to nanopeapods is quite versatile and should be readily extendable to other, non-ferrite NPs or NP combinations so that cooperative properties can be exploited while the integrity of the NP assemblies is maintained. Further, this approach demonstrated selectivity by encapsulating NPs according to their size. The use of polydispersed NP systems is also possible and in this case, evidence for size and shape selectivity was observed. This behavior is significant in that it could be exploited in the purification of inhomogeneous NP samples. Other composite materials containing silver and gold NPs are accessible. Partially filled Fe3O4@hexaniobate NPPs were used as templates for the in situ growth of gold to produce the bi-functional Au- Fe3O4@hexaniobate NPPs. Encapsulation of Ag and Au NP chains with a hexaniobate nanoscroll was shifted the surface plasmon resonance to higher wavelengths. In these composites NPs can be incorporated to form NPP structures, decorated on nanosheets before scrolling, or attached to the surfaces of the nanoscrolls. The importance of this advancement is the promise it holds for the design and assembly of active nanocomposites. One can create important combinations of nanomaterials for potential applications in a variety of areas including catalysis, solar conversion, thermoelectrics, and multiferroics.

Materiais à base de hidróxidos duplos lamelares de cobalto e alumínio: intercalação, reatividade e formação de compósitos por pirólise / Materials based on cobalt and aluminum layered double hydroxides: intercalation, reactivity and composites formation by pyrolysis

Macedo, Rafael dos Santos 17 March 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata da preparação e caracterização de três tipos de materiais, todos envolvendo hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDLs) contendo íons cobalto e alumínio na composição das lamelas. Primeiramente, avaliou-se a influência de parâmetros de síntese na obtenção de HDLs intercalados com os ânions inorgânicos carbonato, cloreto e nitrato. Segundo dados de espectroscopia eletrônica UV-VIS, ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (EPR) e espectroscopia de fotoelétrons excitados por raios X (XPS), ocorre a oxidação parcial do Co2+ em Co3+ na lamela de HDL e, no caso do material contendo íon carbonato, observa-se a presença de radical carbonato, demonstrando a reatividade redox das matrizes com íons cobalto. A segunda parte do trabalho consistiu na intercalação do ânion derivado do ácido 2- aminotereftálico (ATA) em HDL. A presença do cátion cobalto nas lamelas e do grupo amino na espécie orgânica promoveu alterações significativas nas propriedades eletrônicas e térmicas do material (abreviado Co2Al-ATA). Assim como na primeira parte desta tese, as transformações ocorridas com o íon ATA devem incluir a formação inicial de um radical orgânico (de modo similar à polimerização da anilina), para o qual o agente oxidante é o íon Co3+ lamelar. Os dados de espectroscopia vibracional (no infravermelho e Raman) e de XPS mostram a presença de segmentos reduzidos (benzenóide) e oxidados (quinóides) na espécie intercalada. A solubilização do HDL em meio ácido permitiu isolar um material orgânico de cor preta que possui segmentos semiquinóides (radical orgânico) em sua estrutura, além dos reduzidos. A última etapa da presente tese consistiu em pirolisar o material Co2Al-ATA mencionado acima. Verificou-se que a alteração no procedimento de pirólise, como a temperatura, o desenho do forno, a forma do cadinho (cilíndrico ou barca), o tempo de resfriamento do sistema ou a atmosfera dinâmica ou estática, por exemplo, afetam as propriedades do produto final de decomposição. Nos compósitos obtidos, as fases inorgânicas provenientes da decomposição do HDL foram uma mistura de óxidos mistos de cobalto e alumínio (Co(CoxAl1-x)2O4), óxido de cobalto (CoO) e cobalto metálico. A fase de carbono apresentou perfil espectral de carbono grafítico nanocristalino e foi obtida em valores de temperatura de pirólise superiores a 800°C. Os compósitos contendo nanopartículas de cobalto metálico são ferromagnéticos. A reatividade redox dos HDLs de cobalto e as propriedades de seus produtos de decomposição apresentam potencial para aplicação em dispositivos eletroquímicos. / The present work reports the preparation and characterization of three types of materials, all involving layered double hydroxides (LDHs) containing cobalt and aluminum ions in the layer composition. First, the influence of synthetic parameters on the production of LDHs intercalated with the inorganic anions carbonate, chloride and nitrate was evaluated. According to UV-VIS electronic spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) data, the partial oxidation of Co2+ to Co3+ occurs in the LDH layer and, in the case of the material containing carbonate ion, the presence of carbonate radical species demonstrates the redox reactivity of the matrices with cobalt ions. The second part of the work comprised the intercalation of the anion derived from 2- aminoterephthalic acid (ATA) in to LDH. The presence of the cobalt cation in the layer and the amino group in the organic species promoted significant changes in the electronic and thermal properties of the material (abbreviated Co2Al-ATA). As in the first part of this thesis, transformations occurring with the ATA ion should include the initial formation of an organic radical (similar to aniline polymerization), for which the oxidizing agent is the Co3+ ion in the layer. The vibrational (infrared and Raman) spectroscopy and XPS data show the presence of reduced (benzenoid) and oxidized (quinoids) segments in the intercalated species. The solubilization of HDL in acid medium allowed the isolation of a black organic material that has semiquinoid (organic radical) segments in its structure besides the reduced one. The last stage of the present thesis consisted of pyrolysis of the Co2Al-ATA material mentioned above. It was observed that the change in pyrolysis procedure, such as temperature, furnace design, crucible shape (bark or cylinder), system cooling time or dynamic or static atmosphere, for example, affects the properties of the final product of decomposition. In the obtained composites, the inorganic phases from the HDL decomposition were a mixture of mixed oxides of cobalt and aluminum (Co(CoxAl1-x)2O4), cobalt oxide (CoO) and metallic cobalt. The carbon phase showed nanocrystalline graphite carbon spectral profile and was obtained at pyrolysis temperature values above 800 °C. The composites containing metallic cobalt nanoparticles are ferromagnetic. The redox reactivity of HDLs containing cobalt and the properties of their decomposition products present potential for application in electrochemical devices

Materiais híbridos nanoestruturados à base de hidróxidos duplos lamelares e o fármaco sulindaco / Nanostructured hybrid materials based on layered double hydroxides and the sulindac drug

Rocha, Michele Aparecida 05 August 2015 (has links)
Os hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDLs) são matrizes inorgânicas bidimensionalmente estruturadas que apresentam propriedades diversas e interessantes para a formação de materiais híbridos. Em especial na área medicinal e farmacológica, o emprego de HDLs com lamelas contendo os íons Mg/Al e Zn/Al tem mostrado resultados promissores como antiácidos e como carregadores de fármacos. Por outro lado, anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais como o sulindaco são moléculas orgânicas ionizáveis que podem ser intercalados em HDLs levando à formação de materiais híbridos com potencial para uso na área farmacêutica. Este trabalho consistiu na síntese e na caracterização de materiais híbridos baseados em matrizes de HDLs de ZnRAl e MgRAl (R é a razão molar MII/Al) e o ânion derivado do fármaco sulindaco (abreviados M2IIAl-Sul). Foram avaliadas as condições experimentais mais apropriadas para a obtenção de materiais com alta cristalinidade e alto conteúdo do fármaco. Os materiais híbridos preparados por um método simples de coprecipitação (one pot) à temperatura ambiente e a 55°C apresentaram capacidade de carregamento de 50 a 55% (em massa) de sulindaco. Os difratogramas de raios X dos híbridos M2IIAl-Sul indicaram a formação de materiais mais cristalinos a 55°C, com várias reflexões basais indicando alto grau de organização das lamelas e distância interplanar de cerca de 2,74 nm. O arranjo bidimensional interdigitado dos ânions sulindaco entre as lamelas foi proposto através do mapa de densidade eletrônica unidimensional (1D Plot). A análise morfológica por microscopias eletrônicas de varredura e transmissão revelou a formação de estruturas nanométricas planas, flexíveis e desordenadas no caso do Mg2Al-Sul; as partículas de Zn2Al-Sul também apresentam nanoscrolls, com cerca de 100 nm de diâmetro, uma morfologia que não havia sido reportada até então para HDLs. Os espectros vibracionais no infravermelho dos materiais híbridos mostraram bandas típicas do sulindaco atribuídas ao vS=O em 1011 e 1039 cm-1, ao vC-F em 1163 cm-1 e bandas referentes aos estiramentos antissimétrico e simétrico do grupo COO- em aproximadamente 1564 e 1394 cm-1, que confirmam a presença do sulindaco na forma aniônica no sistema híbrido. Deslocamentos de picos observados nos espectros de ressonância magnética nuclear de carbono-13 no estado sólido sugerem que o confinamento entre as lamelas promove alterações na densidade de carga da espécie orgânica. As técnicas espectroscópicas confirmam a manutenção da integridade química do fármaco após o processo de intercalação. As atribuições dos espectros vibracionais e de ressonância magnética nuclear foram efetuadas com o auxílio do método da Teoria do Funcional de Densidade (DFT) para a espécie orgânica. A avaliação do comportamento térmico por termogravimetria acoplada à calorimetria exploratória diferencial e à espectrometria de massas (TG-DTA-MS) evidencia sensível aumento na estabilidade térmica do fármaco intercalado em matriz de Zn2Al. Esse fato foi interpretado através da análise dos espectros vibracionais de amostras aquecidas a 250°C. Propõe-se que a desidroxilação das lamelas do HDL de zinco promove a coordenação do grupo carboxilato do ânion sulindaco ao metal divalente, aumentando sua estabilidade térmica. Os ensaios de dissolução in vitro evidenciam um mecanismo difusional de liberação modificada (prolongada) do fármaco a partir do material híbrido, que ocorre em cerca do dobro do tempo observado para o sulindaco não intercalado. Resultados preliminares de estudo in vivo de pastilhas dos materiais híbridos implantadas em região intramuscular de ratos atestam a biocompatibilidade e a antigenicidade dos materiais HDL-Cl e dos híbridos HDL-Sul. / Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are two-dimensionally structured inorganic matrices that show diverse and interesting properties for hybrid materials development. Particularly in the medical and pharmaceutical area, the use of LDHs with layers containing Zn/Al and Mg/Al ions has shown promising results. On the other hand, nonsteroidal drugs such as sulindac are ionizable organic molecules that can be intercalated into LDH leading to the formation of hybrid materials with potential usage in the pharmaceutical area. This work involved the synthesis and characterization of hybrid materials based on matrices of LDHs ZnRAl and MgRAl (R is the MII/Al molar ratio) and the anion derived from the sulindac drug (abbreviated M2IIAl-Sul). The most suitable experimental conditions for obtaining materials with high crystallinity and also high drug contents were evaluated. Hybrid materials prepared by a simple coprecipitation method (one pot) at room temperature and 55 °C showed loading capacity of about 50 - 55% (by mass) of sulindac. X-ray diffraction revealed the formation of higher crystalline materials at 55 °C; various basal reflections indicate a high degree of layers stacking and an interlayer distance of about 2.74 nm to M2IIAl-Sul hybrids. A two-dimensional array of interdigitated sulindac anions between the layers was proposed by one-dimensional electron density map (1D Plot). The morphological analysis by electronic scanning and transmission microscopies revealed the formation of flat, flexible and disordered nanoscale structures in the case of Mg2Al-Sul; nanoscrolled particles of about 100 nm in diameter are also present in Zn2Al-Sul sample, a morphology which had not been reported so far for LDHs. The vibrational spectra of hybrid materials in the infrared showed the characteristic sulindac bands assigned to vS=O at 1011 and 1039 cm-1, the vCF at 1163 cm-1 and bands related to the antisymmetric and symmetric stretching of the -COO- group at approximately 1564 and 1394 cm-1 which confirmed the presence of the anion sulindac in the hybrid system. Shift peaks observed in carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra in solid state suggest that the confinement between the layers promotes variations in the organic species charge density. Spectroscopic techniques confirm the maintenance of the chemical integrity of the drug after the intercalation process. The spectral assignments of the organic species were supported by Density Functional Theory (DFT). The evaluation of the thermal behavior by thermogravimetry coupled with differential scanning calorimetry and mass spectrometry (TG-DSC-MS) shows substantial increase in the thermal stability of the drug intercalated into Zn2Al matrix. This effect was interpreted by analysis of vibrational spectra of samples calcined at 250 °C. It is proposed that dehydroxylation of the Zn2Al layers promotes the coordination of the sulindac carboxylate group to the divalent metal. In vitro dissolution tests of hybrid material show a diffusional mechanism of modified drug release (sustained), which occurs in about twice the time observed for sulindac not intercalated. Preliminary results from in vivo study of hybrid materials\' pellets implanted in the intramuscular region of rats attest to biocompatibility and antigenicity of LDH-Cl and LDH-Sul hybrid materials

Materiais híbridos nanoestruturados à base de hidróxidos duplos lamelares e o fármaco sulindaco / Nanostructured hybrid materials based on layered double hydroxides and the sulindac drug

Michele Aparecida Rocha 05 August 2015 (has links)
Os hidróxidos duplos lamelares (HDLs) são matrizes inorgânicas bidimensionalmente estruturadas que apresentam propriedades diversas e interessantes para a formação de materiais híbridos. Em especial na área medicinal e farmacológica, o emprego de HDLs com lamelas contendo os íons Mg/Al e Zn/Al tem mostrado resultados promissores como antiácidos e como carregadores de fármacos. Por outro lado, anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais como o sulindaco são moléculas orgânicas ionizáveis que podem ser intercalados em HDLs levando à formação de materiais híbridos com potencial para uso na área farmacêutica. Este trabalho consistiu na síntese e na caracterização de materiais híbridos baseados em matrizes de HDLs de ZnRAl e MgRAl (R é a razão molar MII/Al) e o ânion derivado do fármaco sulindaco (abreviados M2IIAl-Sul). Foram avaliadas as condições experimentais mais apropriadas para a obtenção de materiais com alta cristalinidade e alto conteúdo do fármaco. Os materiais híbridos preparados por um método simples de coprecipitação (one pot) à temperatura ambiente e a 55°C apresentaram capacidade de carregamento de 50 a 55% (em massa) de sulindaco. Os difratogramas de raios X dos híbridos M2IIAl-Sul indicaram a formação de materiais mais cristalinos a 55°C, com várias reflexões basais indicando alto grau de organização das lamelas e distância interplanar de cerca de 2,74 nm. O arranjo bidimensional interdigitado dos ânions sulindaco entre as lamelas foi proposto através do mapa de densidade eletrônica unidimensional (1D Plot). A análise morfológica por microscopias eletrônicas de varredura e transmissão revelou a formação de estruturas nanométricas planas, flexíveis e desordenadas no caso do Mg2Al-Sul; as partículas de Zn2Al-Sul também apresentam nanoscrolls, com cerca de 100 nm de diâmetro, uma morfologia que não havia sido reportada até então para HDLs. Os espectros vibracionais no infravermelho dos materiais híbridos mostraram bandas típicas do sulindaco atribuídas ao vS=O em 1011 e 1039 cm-1, ao vC-F em 1163 cm-1 e bandas referentes aos estiramentos antissimétrico e simétrico do grupo COO- em aproximadamente 1564 e 1394 cm-1, que confirmam a presença do sulindaco na forma aniônica no sistema híbrido. Deslocamentos de picos observados nos espectros de ressonância magnética nuclear de carbono-13 no estado sólido sugerem que o confinamento entre as lamelas promove alterações na densidade de carga da espécie orgânica. As técnicas espectroscópicas confirmam a manutenção da integridade química do fármaco após o processo de intercalação. As atribuições dos espectros vibracionais e de ressonância magnética nuclear foram efetuadas com o auxílio do método da Teoria do Funcional de Densidade (DFT) para a espécie orgânica. A avaliação do comportamento térmico por termogravimetria acoplada à calorimetria exploratória diferencial e à espectrometria de massas (TG-DTA-MS) evidencia sensível aumento na estabilidade térmica do fármaco intercalado em matriz de Zn2Al. Esse fato foi interpretado através da análise dos espectros vibracionais de amostras aquecidas a 250°C. Propõe-se que a desidroxilação das lamelas do HDL de zinco promove a coordenação do grupo carboxilato do ânion sulindaco ao metal divalente, aumentando sua estabilidade térmica. Os ensaios de dissolução in vitro evidenciam um mecanismo difusional de liberação modificada (prolongada) do fármaco a partir do material híbrido, que ocorre em cerca do dobro do tempo observado para o sulindaco não intercalado. Resultados preliminares de estudo in vivo de pastilhas dos materiais híbridos implantadas em região intramuscular de ratos atestam a biocompatibilidade e a antigenicidade dos materiais HDL-Cl e dos híbridos HDL-Sul. / Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are two-dimensionally structured inorganic matrices that show diverse and interesting properties for hybrid materials development. Particularly in the medical and pharmaceutical area, the use of LDHs with layers containing Zn/Al and Mg/Al ions has shown promising results. On the other hand, nonsteroidal drugs such as sulindac are ionizable organic molecules that can be intercalated into LDH leading to the formation of hybrid materials with potential usage in the pharmaceutical area. This work involved the synthesis and characterization of hybrid materials based on matrices of LDHs ZnRAl and MgRAl (R is the MII/Al molar ratio) and the anion derived from the sulindac drug (abbreviated M2IIAl-Sul). The most suitable experimental conditions for obtaining materials with high crystallinity and also high drug contents were evaluated. Hybrid materials prepared by a simple coprecipitation method (one pot) at room temperature and 55 °C showed loading capacity of about 50 - 55% (by mass) of sulindac. X-ray diffraction revealed the formation of higher crystalline materials at 55 °C; various basal reflections indicate a high degree of layers stacking and an interlayer distance of about 2.74 nm to M2IIAl-Sul hybrids. A two-dimensional array of interdigitated sulindac anions between the layers was proposed by one-dimensional electron density map (1D Plot). The morphological analysis by electronic scanning and transmission microscopies revealed the formation of flat, flexible and disordered nanoscale structures in the case of Mg2Al-Sul; nanoscrolled particles of about 100 nm in diameter are also present in Zn2Al-Sul sample, a morphology which had not been reported so far for LDHs. The vibrational spectra of hybrid materials in the infrared showed the characteristic sulindac bands assigned to vS=O at 1011 and 1039 cm-1, the vCF at 1163 cm-1 and bands related to the antisymmetric and symmetric stretching of the -COO- group at approximately 1564 and 1394 cm-1 which confirmed the presence of the anion sulindac in the hybrid system. Shift peaks observed in carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra in solid state suggest that the confinement between the layers promotes variations in the organic species charge density. Spectroscopic techniques confirm the maintenance of the chemical integrity of the drug after the intercalation process. The spectral assignments of the organic species were supported by Density Functional Theory (DFT). The evaluation of the thermal behavior by thermogravimetry coupled with differential scanning calorimetry and mass spectrometry (TG-DSC-MS) shows substantial increase in the thermal stability of the drug intercalated into Zn2Al matrix. This effect was interpreted by analysis of vibrational spectra of samples calcined at 250 °C. It is proposed that dehydroxylation of the Zn2Al layers promotes the coordination of the sulindac carboxylate group to the divalent metal. In vitro dissolution tests of hybrid material show a diffusional mechanism of modified drug release (sustained), which occurs in about twice the time observed for sulindac not intercalated. Preliminary results from in vivo study of hybrid materials\' pellets implanted in the intramuscular region of rats attest to biocompatibility and antigenicity of LDH-Cl and LDH-Sul hybrid materials

Graphenide solutions and graphene films / Solutions de graphenure et films transparents conducteurs de graphène

Wang, Yu 29 September 2014 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche effectués lors de cette thèse s'articulent autour de matériaux graphène. Une méthode est développée pour produire graphène en masse avec solution de graphenure. Les études effectuées les solutions de graphenure sont basées sur les composés d'intercalation du grpahite (GICs) synthétisé avec du potassium et l'exfoliation de GIC dans un solvant organique. Différentes techniques d'analyse ont été employées pour caractériser les graphène produits. Afin de tirer parti des propriétés électriques du graphène, les solutions de graphenure ont ensuite été utilisées pour produire des films transparents conducteurs. Des traitements de recuit à sous atmosphère d'argon ont été effectués pour améliorer les propriétés électriques du film. Les résultats de caractérisation montrent que l'élimination des groupes fonctionnels contenant des atomes d'oxygène et l'amélioration structurale peuvent largement améliorer les propriétés électriques des films de graphène avec ce traitement de recuit. / The graphene is promising materials in future industrial applications due to its excellent properties. In recent years, different production methods have been developed in order to pave the way for applications. One topic of this thesis focuses on graphenidesolutions, which provide an efficient route to produce graphene. Using this method, graphite intercalation compounds(GICs)can be exfoliated into negativelz charged grapheme organic solvent under inert atmosphere. Withits high conductivity and bendable feature, one of the promising applications of graphene is flexible transparent conductive films. The second main topic of this thesis consists in applying produced graphene to produce transparent conductive films.With mild thermal treatments, the electrical properties of graphene film can be largely improved.

Nouvelles phases pyrochlores lacunaires obtenues par désintercalation en milieu réducteur et/ou par réaction d'échange en milieu sel fondu

Crinière, Guillaume 17 December 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail concerne l'étude de nouveaux pyrochlores préparés à partir de phases appartenant à la solution solide Pb1+x+yGayTa2-yO6+x ((1+Y)/3 < X < (3-Y)/5). Le pyrochlore Pb1.5Ga0.5Ta1.5O6 a été obtenu par désintercalation du plomb entre 600 et 700ºC sous Ar/H2 (5%) et les pyrochlores Sr1.5Pb0.2Ga0.3Ta1.7O6.4, Sr1.5Ga0.5Ta1.5O6 et Ln1.1Pb0.35Ga0.5Ta1.5O6.5 (Ln3+=Nd3+,Ce3+) ont été préparés par réactions d'échange Pb2+/Sr2+ ou Pb2+/Ln3+ dans des bromures anhydres. La mobilité cationique au sein de ces phases entraîne un désordre qui a été mis en évidence par diffraction (X, neutrons) et par spectroscopie (IR, fluorescence). Toutes ces phases se décomposent entre 800 et 900ºC, ce qui rend impossible leur obtention par voie céramique. La conductivité des ions O2- a été évaluée par des mesures d'impédance complexe. Elle est relativement faible, même pour la phase au cérium qui est pourtant très réactive sous atmosphère oxydante.

Graphene chemistry: Synthesis and modulation

January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates the chemistry of graphene from its basic synthesis to further modulation of its structure, geometry and surface chemical functional groups. A series of wet chemistry and dry chemistry experiments were performed. The wet chemistry includes the diazonium salt functionalization, graphene oxidation and reduction, nanotube unzipping chemistry, graphite intercalation and exfoliation. The dry chemistry includes chemical vapor deposition and solid carbon source synthesis of graphene, the control of domain size and stacking order, graphene hydrogenation and lithographically patterned graphene superlattices. With all these chemical approaches, graphene's electrical and optical properties, solubility in organic solvents, crystallography, and chemical reactivity were carefully investigated and discussed. In addition to the fundamental chemistry of graphene, the bio- and environmental impact of this new material was also taken into consideration and investigated.

The Development and Evolution of Complex Patterns: The Drosophila Sex Comb as a Model System

Atallah, Joel Ramez 19 January 2009 (has links)
One of the best-known structures in Drosophila is the sex comb, an arrangement of modified bristles on the tarsal forelegs of males. This complex, sexually-dimorphic trait shows striking variation among closely related species, although most other aspects of the tarsal bristle pattern have been conserved. I studied the development of the sex comb in the model organism Drosophila melanogaster and six related species. I confirmed that the D. melanogaster sex comb, although longitudinal in the adult, originates in a transverse orientation and rotates during development, and showed that this process occurs through male-specific convergent extension. However, in the species that I examined that have longitudinally-oriented sex combs that extend the full length of the tarsus, including D. ficusphila and two species of the montium subgroup, the sex comb does not rotate, and instead forms from two longitudinal rows that converge during development. Another species of the montium subgroup, D. nikananu, has a sex comb that is convergently similar to D. melanogaster, but forms in a manner typical of its subgroup, showing that very similar combs can be formed through different processes. In all species, there is a strong correlation between the position of the sex comb and the transverse bristle row on the foreleg tarsus just proximal to it. To test whether it is possible to violate this apparent constraint on development, I perturbed the expression of the leg patterning gene dachshund to generate ectopic sex combs in D. melanogaster. I found that while most patterns showed the same correlation, a few circumvent the constraint. I also demonstrated that the ectopic combs were formed non-autonomously and that overexpression of dachshund can transform certain aspects of the sex comb phenotype to resemble the transverse bristles to which they are homologous.

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