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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mémoires bourgeoises : "memoria" et identité urbaine à Ratisbonne à la fin du Moyen âge /

Richard, Olivier, January 2009 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Thèse de doctorat--Histoire--Strasbourg 2, 2005. / En appendice, choix de documents. Bibliogr. p. 317-343. Notes bibliogr. Index.

La sainteté chez Charles Péguy / The sanctity in Charles Péguy’s work

Vélikanov, Marie 27 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse tente de répondre à deux questions principales : qui est le saint pour Péguy, et qu’est-ce que le saint, chez Péguy, fait au monde. Dans la première partie la réflexion est axée sur les saints (reconnus comme tels par l’Église), par, ainsi que les « saints » (selon un procédé de mise en relief littéraire, propre à Péguy) qui apparaissent dans les œuvres de Péguy. Nous tâchons d’y répondre à la question : qui est saint chez Péguy, qu’est-ce qui, selon cet auteur, fait d’un homme un saint, un Juste ? Péguy parle de figures d’exemplarité et réfléchit sur ses formes possibles : l’héroïsme, la sainteté, le génie. Il a sa propre liste de vertus (ce qui fait d’un homme un saint) qui sont parfois différentes des vertus traditionnellement attribuées aux saints catholiques. L’impact de son cheminement vers la foi sur sa philosophie de l’histoire mène Péguy vers un questionnement sur la sainteté même. C’est pourquoi la deuxième partie de cette thèse cherche la réponse à la question : que fait le saint au monde, dans le monde, pour le monde, comment le saint chez Péguy change le monde ? Il s’agit en somme de cerner le rôle de la sainteté dans le monde, y compris en tant que concept éthique revisité. Nous nous penchons aussi sur le ou les rôles que Péguy attribue au saint dans la société : solitaire parce que différent des autres humains, solidaire parce qu’agissant dans ce monde dans lequel il poursuit l’œuvre de l’Incarnation / The thesis aims at answering two main questions: Who is a saint from the point of view of Péguy. What does a saint do in the world.In the first part, the author approaches a set of questions: who is a saint? what makes a person saint or just for Péguy? To answer this, the author analyses the examples of saints in the works of Péguy, considering not only the saints recognised by church, but equally saints, specific to Péguy.Péguy portray saints as models for imitation, and he examines a diversity of forms these models could take: a saint, a hero, a genius. These «saint» created by Péguy possess a number of «virtues», sometimes radically different to those traditionally attributed to saints which makes them saint from the point of view of Péguy. Since the saint for Péguy is presented in direct connection with the world he lives in, the second part of the thesis answers the questions: what does a saint does in the world, for the the world, with the world. How a saint’s activity changes the world? In this part of the thesis, we approach the definition of the role of the sanctity in the world as imagined by Péguy. Péguy attributes two roles to a saint in the society: solitude and solidarity. A saint is lonely, because he is different from other human beings, but at the same time, a saint is united with the world in acting in the world in order to convey the incarnation, the embodiment of God in this world.For Péguy sanctity reveals itself as the new ethics instrumental in the construction of a new, harmonious city, which Péguy tries to build throughout his writings. This new ethics is supposed to revolutionise the current world, changing both morale and social paradigms

The Pilgrimage to Meaning Along the Camino de Santiago

Greenhalgh, Matthew Carey 01 June 2016 (has links)
As Christianity spread throughout the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages, many believers attributed miraculous tales to the Virgin Mary and saints. In Camino de Santiago folklore, the Virgin Mary and Saint James intercede on behalf of pilgrims who cannot resolve a crisis without divine assistance. The Codex Calixtinus, a twelfth-century manuscript, contains such a story that occurs in Toulouse called "The Hanged Pilgrim." In this miracle, an innkeeper frames a pilgrim for theft and the local magistrate sentences the accused to hang as a consequence. However, the Virgin Mary and Saint James spare the pilgrim's life because of his devotion and the magistrate orders the pilgrim's release. Over centuries, pilgrims alter the original story as they retell it on the Camino trail. I argue that not only does this miracle of intercession change geographic location from France to the Iberian Peninsula, but that it also transforms from the Virgin Mary and Saint James saving an innocent pilgrim to female victims interceding on behalf of their betrayer and rapist. This analysis traces the displacement of "The Hanged Pilgrim" from a miracle in folklore and poetry to secular metaphoric reconciliation in a Spanish Golden Age play.

La dévotion au Saint Frère André à l’Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal : ethnographie d’une religiosité populaire contemporaine

Trudel, Maryse 12 1900 (has links)
Dans un paysage religieux québécois qui s'est profondément transformé, même si l’on constate une désaffection des églises catholiques, certaines formes de dévotion restent importantes, en particulier la dévotion au Saint Frère André. Canonisé par le Pape Benoît XVI en octobre 2010, Saint Frère André est le premier Saint homme natif du Canada. Il est à l’origine de la construction de l’Oratoire Saint-Joseph du Mont-Royal, le plus grand Sanctuaire dédié à Saint Joseph au monde. Il est un personnage important au Québec. Selon les données du Sanctuaire, chaque année, deux millions de visiteurs se rendent à l'Oratoire. Ces visiteurs ont plusieurs profils. Ce sont soit des personnes dévotes venant de Montréal ou des environs, des touristes religieux ou des pèlerins. Cette thèse traite de la dévotion au Saint Frère André à l’Oratoire. L’objectif principal est de comprendre les expressions et pratiques de cette dévotion populaire ainsi que l'expérience vécue par les dévots dans ce lieu de pèlerinage, à l’aide d’une approche ethnographique combinée à une étude d’archives des billets d’intentions recueillis à l’Oratoire au cours de l’année 2010 et 2018. Les dix observations réalisées dans les cinq lieux de recueillement dédiés au Saint Frère André, les cinquante entrevues menées auprès de personnes dévotes et l’étude de mille billets d’intentions mettent en évidence la relation de confiance et d’amitié que les personnes entretiennent avec le Saint. Cette relation est entretenue par la perception de manifestations attribuées au divin, telles que des miracles de guérison, des apparitions et des visions qui, pour les dévots, attestent de l’existence d’un échange de biens de charité entre ciel et terre. Il ressort de cette thèse l’importance du rôle d’intercesseur de Saint Frère André dans les pratiques de dévotion ainsi que son rôle dans la mémoire collective québécoise comme en témoignent les relations historiques que bon nombre de familles ont développées avec le Saint. La prière est le lieu premier de la rencontre, le véhicule par lequel les dévots rencontrés communiquent avec Saint Frère André. Quant aux pratiques de dévotion, elles s’expriment sous de multiples formes : reliques, espaces de dévotions, statues, objets de piété, huile de Saint Joseph, images, culte, pèlerinages, etc. La dévotion populaire n’étant pas contrôlée par l’institution religieuse, elle donne libre cours aux expressions religieuses spontanées tant dans les rituels que dans l’écriture votive. / The religious landscape in Quebec has changed profoundly, even though the disaffection of the Catholic churches, some forms of devotion remain important, especially the devotion to Saint Brother André. Canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in October 2010, Saint Brother André is the first Canadian-born male Saint. He is responsible for the construction of Saint Joseph’s Oratory, the largest shrine dedicated to Saint Joseph in the world, and he is an important figure in Quebec. According to the Sanctuary’s data, every year, two million visitors visit the Oratory. These visitors have several profiles, they are either devout people from Montreal or the surrounding area, religious tourists, or pilgrims. This thesis deals with the devotion to Saint Brother André at the Saint Joseph Oratory of Mount Royal. The main objective is to understand the expressions and practices of this popular devotion as well as the experience lived by the devotees in this place of pilgrimage, using an ethnographic approach, which is based on a combined archival study of prayer intentions collected at the Oratory during the years 2010 and 2018. The ten observations made in the five places of prayer dedicated to Saint Brother André, the fifty interviews conducted with devotees and the study of about a hundred prayer intentions highlight the relationship of trust and friendship that people have with the Saint. This relationship is sustained by the perception of manifestations attributed to the divine, such as healing miracles, apparitions, and visions that, for the devotees, testify to the existence of an exchange of goods of charity between Heaven and Earth. This thesis shows the importance of the role of intercessor of Saint Brother André in the collective memory of Quebec, as evidenced by the historical relations that many families have developed with the Saint. Prayer is the first place of the encounter, the vehicle through which the devotees meet and communicate with Saint Brother André. As for devotional practices, they are expressed in many forms: relics, devotional spaces, statues, objects of piety, oil of Saint Joseph, images, worship, pilgrimages, etc. Since popular devotion is not controlled by the religious institution, it gives free rein to spontaneous religious expressions both in rituals and in votive writing.

Ett och annat om tredjemanspart : ett litet bidrag till läran om kumulativa intercessionssäkerheter / Security pledged by a third party

Bengtsson, Dan January 2004 (has links)
<p>En tredjemanspantsättning föreligger om en person pantförskriver egendom till säkerhet för en annan persons skuld. Tredjemanspant anses allmänt ha stora likheter med både pant och borgen. Tidigare ansågs att tredjemanspants bestämningsgrunder huvudsakligen stod att finna i borgensinstitutet. På senare år har en förskjutning inom rättsvetenskapen skett, såtillvida att pantinstitutet fått en ökad betydelse vid fastställandet av tredjemanspantens bestämningsgrunder. Den osäkerhet som härvid råder om i vilken omfattning respektive säkerhetsinstituts regler är tillämpliga vid fastställandet av tredjemanspantens bestämningsgrunder ger, sammantaget med osäkerheten kring i vilken omfattning tredjemanspantsinstitutet utgör en egen rättsfigur med därtill hörande, unika regler, en situation där varken tredjemanspantsättare, gäldenär eller borgenär med tillförlitlig säkerhet kan värdera tredjemanspanten såsom säkerhetsrätt. I uppsatsen analyseras problem som sammanhänger med hur omfånget hos de förpliktelser som borgen respektive pant svarar för bestäms, samt vilka av dessa bestämningsgrunder som överförs på tredjemanspant. I uppsatsen klargöres vidare i vilken mån tredjemanspant påverkas av preskription av huvudfordringen samt vilken rätt borgensman respektive tredjemanspantsättare har gentemot gäldenären.</p>

Ett och annat om tredjemanspart : ett litet bidrag till läran om kumulativa intercessionssäkerheter / Security pledged by a third party

Bengtsson, Dan January 2004 (has links)
En tredjemanspantsättning föreligger om en person pantförskriver egendom till säkerhet för en annan persons skuld. Tredjemanspant anses allmänt ha stora likheter med både pant och borgen. Tidigare ansågs att tredjemanspants bestämningsgrunder huvudsakligen stod att finna i borgensinstitutet. På senare år har en förskjutning inom rättsvetenskapen skett, såtillvida att pantinstitutet fått en ökad betydelse vid fastställandet av tredjemanspantens bestämningsgrunder. Den osäkerhet som härvid råder om i vilken omfattning respektive säkerhetsinstituts regler är tillämpliga vid fastställandet av tredjemanspantens bestämningsgrunder ger, sammantaget med osäkerheten kring i vilken omfattning tredjemanspantsinstitutet utgör en egen rättsfigur med därtill hörande, unika regler, en situation där varken tredjemanspantsättare, gäldenär eller borgenär med tillförlitlig säkerhet kan värdera tredjemanspanten såsom säkerhetsrätt. I uppsatsen analyseras problem som sammanhänger med hur omfånget hos de förpliktelser som borgen respektive pant svarar för bestäms, samt vilka av dessa bestämningsgrunder som överförs på tredjemanspant. I uppsatsen klargöres vidare i vilken mån tredjemanspant påverkas av preskription av huvudfordringen samt vilken rätt borgensman respektive tredjemanspantsättare har gentemot gäldenären.

“His Hand Is Stretched Out—Who Will Turn it Back?”: Intercession within the Twelve Prophets

Sears, Joshua M. 25 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Mission and spiritual mapping in Africa

Van der Meer, Erwin 11 1900 (has links)
Spiritual mapping is an emerging trend within Evangelicalism which is affecting Christian mission globally. Spiritual mapping maintains that Satan has assigned territorial demons to every geo-political unit in the world. Territorial demons hold the people in their locality in spiritual bondage to sin, false religion or other evils.Spiritual mapping is the practice of identifying these territorial demons in order to loosen the influence of these demons by means of strategic level spiritual warfare (SLSW). SLSW refers to the practice of 'territorial exorcism' through identificational repentance, prayer walks, proclamation and other means. Spiritual mapping can be appreciated for its focus on liberating people and societies from evil. However, spiritual mapping and its underlying theology is defective from a biblical, historical and contextual perspective and is potentially harmful for church and mission in Africa. Further missiological reflection on a spiritual warfare dimension in mission is necessary within the global hermeneutical community. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

Mission and spiritual mapping in Africa

Van der Meer, Erwin 11 1900 (has links)
Spiritual mapping is an emerging trend within Evangelicalism which is affecting Christian mission globally. Spiritual mapping maintains that Satan has assigned territorial demons to every geo-political unit in the world. Territorial demons hold the people in their locality in spiritual bondage to sin, false religion or other evils.Spiritual mapping is the practice of identifying these territorial demons in order to loosen the influence of these demons by means of strategic level spiritual warfare (SLSW). SLSW refers to the practice of 'territorial exorcism' through identificational repentance, prayer walks, proclamation and other means. Spiritual mapping can be appreciated for its focus on liberating people and societies from evil. However, spiritual mapping and its underlying theology is defective from a biblical, historical and contextual perspective and is potentially harmful for church and mission in Africa. Further missiological reflection on a spiritual warfare dimension in mission is necessary within the global hermeneutical community. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

Genre, mémoire et histoire dans le monastère San Salvatore/Santa Giulia à Brescia, VIIIe-IXe siècles

Grimard-Mongrain, Rosalie 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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