Spelling suggestions: "subject:"interleukin"" "subject:"interleukins""
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Regulation von Hepatoma-derived Growth Factor durch Zytokine / Regulation of Hepatoma-derived growth factor by cytokinesRiehle, Verena January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Darstellung der Einflüsse verschiedener Interleukine auf die HDGF-Expression in verschiedenen Kolonzelllinien. HDGF stellt einen Wachstumsfaktor dar, der nicht nur physiologisch bei der Entwicklung einiger Gewebe wie der Niere, der Leber und des Darms von Be-deutung ist, sondern auch eine wichtige Rolle in der Karzinogenese verschie-dener Tumoren spielt. Hierzu zählen unter anderem das hepatozelluläre Karzi-nom, das NSCLC und das Melanom. Von besonderer Relevanz ist seine Rolle in der Pathogenese des kolorektalen Karzinoms. Die verwendeten Interleukine (1beta, 4, 5, 8 und 13) zeigen sowohl inhibierende als auch fördernde Eigenschaften in Bezug auf die Karzinogenese von kolorektalen Tumoren. Dies steht im Einklang mit früheren Resultaten der Literatur. Die vier verschiedenen Zelllinien, eine Adenomzelllinie, zwei Adenokarzinomzelllinien sowie eine Zelllinie aus Lymphknotenmetastasenzellen wurden mit den verschiedenen Interleukinen inkubiert und mittels REAL TIME-RT-PCR analysiert. Die Ergebnisdarstellung in Blockdiagrammen zeigt semiquantitativ die relative HDGF-Expression. So lassen sich Aussagen über Anstieg oder Abfall der Expression durch den Einfluss der verschiedenen Interleukine machen. Die hier gezeigten Ergebnisse lassen, wie auch schon teilweise in der Literatur beschrieben, für alle Interleukine außer für IL 1beta, sowohl hemmende als auch tumorunterstützende Effekte beobachten. Interleukin 1beta zeigt in Kongruenz der vorbeschriebenen Studien, im Gegensatz zu den anderen Zytokinen, in allen Zelllinien tumorfördernde Eigenschaften. Für IL 4 ist zunächst in den Adenomzellen ein antitumoröser Effekt zu erkennen, dieser kehrt sich in der Metastasenzelllinie in eine förderndene Wirkung um. In den Adenokarzinomzelllinien sind weder eindeutige suppressive noch unterstützende Wirkungen zu verzeichnen. Über einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Grad der malignen Transformation und unterschiedlichem Ansprechen auf IL 4 lässt sich jedoch bisher nur spekulieren. Für IL 5 ist ein ähnliches Verhalten zu beobachten. Eine anfängliche inhibitorische Wirkung auf die HDGF-Expression in den Adenomzellen sowie Adenokarzinomzellen kehrt sich in der Metastasenzelllinie in den gegenteiligen Effekt um. Auch hier lässt sich eine Umkehr der ausgelösten Effekte mit fortschreitender maligner Transformation vermuten. IL 8 zeigt kongruente Effekte zu IL 4 und IL 5, jedoch lassen sich für IL 8 in der Literatur bisher nur tumorunterstützende Wirkungen finden. Hier lässt sich in den Adenomzellen eine suppressive Wirkung verzeichnen, wohingegen in den beiden Adenokarzinomzelllinien fördernde Effekte beobachtet werden. In der Metastasenzelllinie lassen sich jedoch weder positive noch negative Auswirkungen feststellen. Des Weiteren spiegeln auch die Ergebnisse des Einflusses von IL 13 die Vielgestaltigkeit der Wirkweisen dieses Interleukins dar, mit tumorhemmenden Effekten in den Adenom- sowie Metastasenzellen und fördernder Wirkung in den HT29-Zellen. Über die genauen Mechanismen, inwiefern ein Interleukin die Expression von HDGF hochreguliert oder supprimiert, kann zum momentanen Zeitpunkt nur spekuliert werden. Es kann jedoch vermutet werden, dass ein gewisser Zu-sammenhang zwischen dem Grad der malignen Transformation und der Wirk-weise der Interleukine existiert. Entscheidend sind hier sicherlich klonal erwor-bene Alterationen einzelner Signalkaskaden. Festzuhalten ist zum einen, dass bis auf IL 1beta für alle Zytokine der Einfluss auf HDGF vom jeweiligen Zellsystem abhängt. Diese Ergebnisse machen eine Schlüsselrolle von HDGF eher unwahrscheinlich, vielmehr scheint seine Regulation hier in teilweise komplexe Regulationsmechanismen mit eingebunden zu sein. Dass diese Alterationen möglicherweise auch im Rahmen der Karzinogenese bzw. der Akquise der Metastasierungsfähigkeit entstehen könnten, zeigen die teilweise bestehenden Unterschiede zwischen der verwendeten Adenomzelllinie und den Karzinomzelllinien respektive zwischen Karzinom- und Metastasenzelllinie. Die beschriebenen Ergebnisse geben einen Anhaltspunkt, in welche Richtung die einzelnen Interleukine wirken, zumindest in wie weit hier ein Einfluß auf die Transkription von HDGF als Surrogatmarker der Mitogenese erfolgt. Um die Komplexität und Vielfalt der Effekte von Interleukinen in Bezug zu Tumorstadium, Invasivität sowie Metastasierungsfähigkeit in Einklang zu bringen, bedarf es jedoch weiterführender Studien. Es lies sich zeigen, dass die angewendeten Interleukine generell Einfluss auf die Expressionshöhe von HDGF in verschiedenen Kolonzelllinien haben und als exogene Faktoren in die Regulation eingreifen können. Dies könnte ein weiterer Ansatz zur Etablierung immunmodulatorischer Therapieoptionen in soliden Neoplasien in der Zukunft sein. / Hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF) is a growth factor which plays a role in physiological development of some organ tissues and in the carcinogensis of a few tumors like colorectal cancer, hepatocellular cancer, NSCLC. For this study especially the role of HDGF with regard to colorectal cancer is important. The main focus is set on the influences that different interleukins have on the expression of HDGF in different gut-tissues and colon cancer-tissues. To this end, five interleukins (1beta, 4, 5, 8 and 13) with different effects on the carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer (inhibition/promotion) were investigated. It is known from the literature that all five interleukins show different behavior. Four cell lines–one adenoma cell line, two different cell lines of adenoma carcinoma of intestine, one cell line of lymph node metastase of adenoma carcinoma of intestine–were incubated with the five interleukins and analyzed with Real Time-RT-PCR. This method allows for an observation of changes of the relative HDGF-expression. The results show that all interleukins have an influence on the HDGF-expression. The most pronounced effects are observed in dependency of the concentration of the interleukins under investigation. Interleukin 1beta exhibits throughout a tumor supporting behavior. In contrast to this, all other interleukins showed that their influence depends on the probed cell line. This suggests that there is a connection between the effect of the interleukin and the degree of malign differentiation. This complex interplay manifests itself, for instance, in a totally inversion of the effects, with depression of the HDGF-expression in the cell line of adenoma and a promotion in the cell line of metastasis in some experimental runs. These findings are partly concurrent with known properties described in the literature related to colorectal cancer. ln summary the results show that interleukins as exogenous factor can influence the HDGF-expression. However, the data do not allow to derive final statements on the mechanism of regulation. It is imaginable that an alteration of the signal pathways, presumably acquired clonal, determine whether an interleukin shows effects of inhibition or promotion on the cell lines. Therefore, further studies are required to clarify in how far interleukins influence the HDGF-expression.
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Immunosuppression associée à l'enzyme interleukine-4 induced gene 1 (IL4I1) : régulation de l'expression dans les cellules humaines et rôle dans l'échappement tumoral à la réponse immune dans un modèle murinLasoudris, Fanette 25 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La protéine IL4I1 est une enzyme sécrétée dont l'activité L-amino acide oxydase vis-à-visde la phénylalanine inhibe la prolifération des lymphocytes T in vitro (Boulland et al, Blood 2007).Comme d'autres enzymes immunosuppressives, elle est exprimée dans les tumeurs au niveau descellules myéloïdes et/ou des cellules tumorales (Carbonnelle-Puscian et al, Leukemia 2009). Le but decette thèse a été de caractériser les conditions d'expression d'IL4I1 et de comprendre son rôle dans lecancer.Nous avons montré que les macrophages et les cellules dendritiques représentent la principalesource d'IL4I1 in vitro et dans des lésions inflammatoires chroniques. L'expression d'IL4I1 dans lesphagocytes mononucléés est induite par les interférons ou les ligands de TLR, activant respectivementSTAT1 et NF-kB, tandis que les lymphocytes B expriment des niveaux nettement plus faibles d'IL4I1sous le contrôle de la voie IL-4/STAT6 et de la voie CD40/NFkB. L'expression d'IL4I1 par des cellulesmonocytaires inhibe la production de cytokines Th1 et pourrait donc contribuer à la régulation del'inflammation Th1 in vivo.Dans un modèle murin de cancer, l'expression d'IL4I1 facilite le développement tumoral endiminuant la réponse T cytotoxique spécifique de la tumeur. Ceci est observé à des niveaux d'activitéIL4I1 proches de ceux mesurés dans des tumeurs humaines, suggérant qu'IL4I1 puisse contribuer àl'échappement des tumeurs au système immunitaire chez l'homme. Nous avons développé plusieursmutants d'IL4I1, afin d'évaluer l'impact de l'activité enzymatique versus celui de l'éventuelle liaison del'enzyme à un récepteur, dans l'effet protumoral observé. Un de ces mutants est actuellementdisponible pour une étude chez la souris.Nos résultats installent définitivement IL4I1 dans le panorama des enzymesimmunosuppressives associées au cancer et ouvrent la voie au développement d'inhibiteursspécifiques comme outils thérapeutiques
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Characterization and function of the inflammatory response to infection by a gastrointestinal nematode parasite : new insights into protective Th2 responses /Anthony, Robert McCullough January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 2006 / Typescript (photocopy)
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Modifiers for Peri-Implant Mucosal Inflammation during Early Wound HealingNguyen, Victoria 30 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The investigation of peripheral blood cellular immune responses during infection with Mycobacterium TuberculosisVeenstra, Hannelore F. U. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Biomedical Sciences. Molecular Biology and Human Genetics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Despite the ongoing global tuberculosis (TB) problem and extensive research into
protective immunity against this intracellular pathogen, mechanisms of protective
immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) in humans have not been fully
clarified. Numerous reports have addressed the potential immunological defect(s) in
infected individuals that have developed active TB in comparison to those who have
remained healthy in spite of infection. Markers of treatment response phenotypes are
still elusive. The aims of this study were to define lymphocyte subsets in the
peripheral blood of TB patients and controls, to determine intracellular interferon-γ
(IFN-γ) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) production and to find correlations of these data
with microbiologically-defined treatment response.
Whole blood tests were done on 30 HIV-negative, smear-positive pulmonary TB
patients and 18 healthy skin test positive volunteers resident in the same community.
Immunophenotyping was performed by flow cytometry, combined with routine
haematology, for the enumeration of peripheral blood immune cell subtypes. Whole
blood was also stimulated in vitro with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody and
intracellular IFN-γ and IL-4 determined by flow cytometry. Lymphocyte
proliferation in response to heat-killed Mtb was determined by tritiated thymidine
incorporation. Routine microbiological monitoring by sputum smears and culture
was done throughout the patients’ 26 weeks of treatment.
Compared to healthy controls, absolute numbers of peripheral blood lymphocytes
and lymphocyte subsets were significantly depressed in patients at diagnosis but
normalized during treatment with the exception of natural killer (NK) cells and
natural killer T (NKT) cells. A novel subset of the latter was found to correlate
significantly with treatment response. IFN-γ-producing T cells after a 4-hour T cell
receptor stimulation were significantly higher in patients at diagnosis and normalized
during treatment. Supplementary kinetic experiments showed that IFN-γ production
in patients at diagnosis seemed to be accelerated. Lymphocyte proliferation was
lower in patients at diagnosis and normalized during treatment. Neither IFN-γ
production nor lymphocyte proliferation correlated with treatment response. Low
intracellular IL-4 production was constitutive in patients and controls, was
insignificantly lower in patients at diagnosis than in controls and, in the slow
responder patient group, it was significantly lower than in the fast responder group.
High IL-4 expression was found in low numbers of T cells in patients and controls
and supplementary experiments showed co-expression of active caspase-3 in these
cells, which signified apoptosis.
Lymphocyte subset phenotypes associated with TB are largely abnormal only during
active infection and only a novel subset of NKT cells showed correlation with
treatment response. Intracellular IFN-γ production and lymphocyte proliferation is
increased and decreased, respectively, only during active infection and does not
correlate with treatment response. The T helper 1/T helper 2 (Th1/Th2) hypothesis
could not be confirmed in the context of tuberculosis but instead constitutive IL-4
production may play a role as a growth factor.
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Exploration of Conditions Affecting Cytokine Production in Experimental Type 1 Diabetes MellitusThorvaldson, Lina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Cytokines are soluble signalling mediators within the immune system, and have been shown to be of importance in the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D). This thesis studied the production of cytokines in experimental models of T1D and during transplantation of insulin-producing islets of Langerhans. </p><p>We have demonstrated that the transcriptional TNFα-inhibitor MDL 201,449A, previously shown to reduce immune-mediated diabetes induced in mice by multiple low doses of streptozotocin, was not TNFα-specific, but also inhibited IFNγ and IL-10 in spleen cells. Furthermore, when the inhibitor was removed from in vitro cultures, a rebound phenomenon of increased cytokine secretion occurred.</p><p>The thesis also investigated whether plastic adhesion, a method generally employed to deplete macrophages, influenced cytokine production in spleen cells. We observed that plastic adhesion increased TNFα, IFNγ and IL-10 release, and decreased IL-4 secretion. Plastic adhesion depleted only ~30% of the macrophages, but as much as ~60% of the regulatory T cells. </p><p>Thirdly, we found that “control” treatments for islet transplantations, i.e. syngeneic and sham transplantations, exerted a clear effect on cytokine production from spleen cells, possibly due to a decrease in regulatory T cells that may be caused by the surgery and/or anaesthesia. Moreover, spleen cells from mice exposed to surgery exhibited a decreased proliferative capacity to concanavalin A stimulation. We also perceived a marked difference in cytokine response depending on the mouse strain used in the experiments.</p><p>Finally, we aimed to elucidate if, besides autoimmune activities, also high glucose- and free fatty acid concentrations as seen in diabetes could cause changes in cytokine production. We observed that spleen cells cultured in varying glucose concentrations had different cytokine production profiles. The free fatty acid palmitate might also influence cytokine release, but this effect was obscured by the cytokine-suppressive action of the ethanol used to dissolve the palmitate.</p>
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Exploration of Conditions Affecting Cytokine Production in Experimental Type 1 Diabetes MellitusThorvaldson, Lina January 2007 (has links)
Cytokines are soluble signalling mediators within the immune system, and have been shown to be of importance in the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D). This thesis studied the production of cytokines in experimental models of T1D and during transplantation of insulin-producing islets of Langerhans. We have demonstrated that the transcriptional TNFα-inhibitor MDL 201,449A, previously shown to reduce immune-mediated diabetes induced in mice by multiple low doses of streptozotocin, was not TNFα-specific, but also inhibited IFNγ and IL-10 in spleen cells. Furthermore, when the inhibitor was removed from in vitro cultures, a rebound phenomenon of increased cytokine secretion occurred. The thesis also investigated whether plastic adhesion, a method generally employed to deplete macrophages, influenced cytokine production in spleen cells. We observed that plastic adhesion increased TNFα, IFNγ and IL-10 release, and decreased IL-4 secretion. Plastic adhesion depleted only ~30% of the macrophages, but as much as ~60% of the regulatory T cells. Thirdly, we found that “control” treatments for islet transplantations, i.e. syngeneic and sham transplantations, exerted a clear effect on cytokine production from spleen cells, possibly due to a decrease in regulatory T cells that may be caused by the surgery and/or anaesthesia. Moreover, spleen cells from mice exposed to surgery exhibited a decreased proliferative capacity to concanavalin A stimulation. We also perceived a marked difference in cytokine response depending on the mouse strain used in the experiments. Finally, we aimed to elucidate if, besides autoimmune activities, also high glucose- and free fatty acid concentrations as seen in diabetes could cause changes in cytokine production. We observed that spleen cells cultured in varying glucose concentrations had different cytokine production profiles. The free fatty acid palmitate might also influence cytokine release, but this effect was obscured by the cytokine-suppressive action of the ethanol used to dissolve the palmitate.
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Local immune regulation in human pregnancy : with focus on decidual macrophages /Gustafsson, Charlotte, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Avaliação da resposta inflamatória local e sistêmica em modelo experimental de cisticercose subcutânea por Taenia crassiceps nas linhagens BALB/c convencional e deficiente para o gene de IL-4 / Evaluation of local and systemic inflammatory response in experimental model of subcutaneous cysticercosis by Taenia crassiceps metacestode in Wild Type and IL-4-Knockout BALB/CLima, Sarah Buzaim 06 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2016-07-29T18:01:25Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2016-07-29T18:02:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Sarah Buzaim Lima - 2014.pdf: 1725548 bytes, checksum: 3cc0f75bc25a3e6588ba134aa819f252 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-06 / The parasitary diseases which are considered endemic in developing countries are a relevant public health problem. Around 50 million people in the world are infected by the teniasis-cysticercosis complex. Therefore, biological factors involved in the host susceptibility to parasitary diseases should be investigated due to the relevance of these infections in public health both in Brazil and in the world. As demonstrated by the literature, Interleukin-4, the main Th2 cytokine, has an important role in the immune response against parasites. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of this cytokine in the subcutaneous cysticercosis pathogenesis through the comparison of the inflammatory responses in conventional BALB/C mice infection and in Interleukin-4 deficient BALB/C mice (IL-4 KO). An experimental model of subcutaneous infection with Taenia crassiceps cysticerci was used and macroscopic and microscopic parameters of the injury, cytokines profiles in splenocytes cultures from the infected animals from both types of BALB/c mice were evaluated to compare the local and systemic inflammatory response to the infection. During the experimental days the development of the chronic granulomatous inflammatory response was observed in the conventional animals with presence of macrophagic and lymphoplasmocytic inflammatory infiltrate and in the IL-4-KO animals with macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells in the inflammatory infiltrate. Conventional animals presented a mixed immune response pattern with an initial increase of IFNγ, which a Th1 cytokine, and evolved to chronicity with predominance of Th2 response and presence of IL-10 which modulates the immune response and favors the parasite infection. In the IL-4-KO animals it was possible to observe a partial destruction of the parasites in the first days of infection with increase in the Interferon gamma (IFNγ) production which is part of a Th1 accentuated response also the co-expression of IL-10 in these animals inhibited the accentuated Th1 response and contributed to the persistence of the infection. Fibrosis and tissue repair were not compromised in these animals. Furthermore, infected IL-4-KO animals presented a spontaneous production of IL-13 in higher concentrations than the conventional animals at 30 days of infection which contributed to the role of the Th2 immune response against the infection. The IL-4 deficiency directed the inflammation towards a greater microbicidal potential, partial destruction of the parasites in the first days of infection and significant reduction of eosinophils. / As parasitoses, consideradas endêmicas em países em desenvolvimento, são um problema relevante de saúde pública. Cerca de 50 milhões de indivíduos no mundo estão infectados pelo complexo teníase-cisticercose. Portanto, fatores biológicos envolvidos na suscetibilidade do hospedeiro frente às parasitoses devem ser investigados, dada a relevância dessas infecções para a saúde pública no Brasil e no mundo. Como demonstrado na literatura, a Interleucina-4, principal citocina da resposta Th2, tem um importante papel na resposta imune contra parasitos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a participação desta citocina na patogênese da cisticercose subcutânea comparando-se a resposta inflamatória resultante da infecção em camundongos BALB/c convencionais e BALB/c deficientes para o gene da Interleucina-4 (IL-4-KO). Utilizando um modelo experimental de infecção no subcutâneo com cisticercos de Taenia crassiceps, foram avaliados parâmetros macroscópicos e microscópicos da lesão e perfil de citocinas em cultura de esplenócitos dos animais, visando caracterizar e comparar a resposta inflamatória local e sistêmica na infecção. Observou-se durante os dias experimentais o desenvolvimento de resposta inflamatória crônica granulomatosa nos animais convencionais com presença de infiltrado inflamatório macrofágico e linfoplasmocitário, e nos IL-4-KO, macrofágico e polimorfonuclear. Animais convencionais apresentaram um padrão de resposta misto, com produção inicial aumentada de Interferon gama (IFNγ) - resposta Th1, que evoluiu para a cronicidade com uma resposta Th2 predominante e presença de IL-10, modulando a resposta inflamatória e favorecendo a instalação do parasito. Nos animais IL-4-KO observou-se destruição parcial dos parasitos já nos primeiros dias de infecção, com aumento da produção de IFNγ, resposta Th1 mais acentuada; a co-expressão de IL-10 nesses animais inibiu a resposta Th1 acentuada e contribuiu para persistência da infecção. Fibrose e reparação tecidual não estiveram comprometidas durante os dias experimentais. Além disso, animais IL-4-KO infectados apresentaram produção espontânea de IL-13 maior que os convencionais aos 30 dias de infecção, contribuindo para participação da resposta Th2 na infecção. A deficiência de IL-4 direcionou a inflamação para um maior potencial microbicida, destruição parcial dos parasitos já nos primeiros dias de infecção, e redução significativa de eosinófilos.
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Analyse des variantes d'épissage de l'Interleukine-4 dans l'étude de la réponse immunitaire / Analysis of Interleukine-4 alternative splice variants in the study of the immune responseHauvespre, Caroline 14 December 2012 (has links)
L’interleukine-4, cytokine clef du système immunitaire, est l’une des composantesprincipales de la réponse humorale. Un variant d’épissage de l’IL-4 humaine, nommé IL-4δ2est caractérisé par une délétion de l’exon 2. L’expression d’isoformes de cytokines peut êtrespécifique d’un tissu, d’un stimulus ou d’un état pathologique. Un intérêt particulier leur estaccordé car leur présence ou leur niveau d’expression peut en faire des biomarqueurspotentiels de certains stades pathologiques. Ainsi, ce projet a été consacré à l’étude del’expression et de la fonctionnalité de l’IL-4δ2 dans le but de mieux caractériser son rôle ausein de la réponse immunitaire.Une étude cinétique des niveaux d’expression de l’interleukine-4 et de son variant,réalisée chez des donneurs sains, montre une expression de ces deux variants dépendante dudonneur. L’étude a été poursuivie pour déterminer le type cellulaire capable de produire l’IL-4δ2. Ainsi, l’IL-4δ2 ne semble pas être exprimée par les cellules CD4+ et CD8+ à l’inversedes granulocytes.La fonction agoniste ou antagoniste à l’IL-4, de l’isoforme δ2, sujette à controverse, ajustifié une exploration de sa fonctionnalité. Nous avons ainsi évalué la capacité de l’IL-4δ2 àactiver les voies de signalisation de l’IL-4. Une absence d’activation de mécanismescellulaires similaires à l’IL-4 nous suggère un potentiel rôle inhibiteur de ce variant.Au cours du travail sur l’IL-4δ2, un nouveau variant d’épissage de l’IL-4 a étédécouvert chez l’homme. Par épissage alternatif, un nouvel exon est retenu dans l’ARNm dece variant. L’étude de celui-ci nous a permis de proposer, pour cet ARNm, une dégradationpar le mécanisme de Nonsens-Mediated Decay (NMD). Cette découverte apporte un niveausupplémentaire dans la compréhension du système de régulation de l’IL-4.Ce sujet d’étude apporte de nouveaux éléments quant à l’expression et la fonction del’IL-4δ2. De plus, l’identification d’un nouveau variant d’épissage enrichit la connaissancesur la régulation de l’expression du gène de l’Il4. D’une façon générale, la prise en comptedes variants d’épissage des cytokines devrait permettre de mieux caractériser la réponseimmunitaire, essentielle dans un contexte de vaccinologie. / Interleukin-4 (IL-4) is a key cytokine driving the humoral component of the immunesystem. An alternative splice variant of human IL-4, deleted of the second exon and so calledIL-4δ2 has been described. The expression of alternative splice variants is known to be tissuespecific,dependent of a particular stimulus or a pathological state. Their potential asbiomarkers is of increasing interest. Thus, this project was dedicated to the functionality ofIL-4δ2, improving characterization of the immune response.A kinetic study on the expression levels of IL-4 and its spliced variant, conducted onhealthy donors has shown to be donor-specific. The determination of the cell type able toproduce IL-4δ2 indicated that, CD4+ and CD8+ cells were not expressing the isoform, incontrast to granulocytes.The controversial agonist or antagonist function of IL-4δ2 was discussed throughfunctionality. The ability of IL-4δ2 to induce the signaling pathways of IL-4 was evaluated.An absence of similar profile of activation to IL-4 suggests a potential inhibitory role of IL-4δ2.During the study on IL-4δ2, a new alternatively spliced variant of IL-4 was discoveredin humans. Upon splicing, a new exon is retained in this variant. Its functional outcome as asubstrate for Nonsens-Mediated Decay (NMD) allowed bringing a new insight in thecomprehension of IL-4 regulatory system.Our work brought novel elements in the expression and functionality of IL-4δ2.Moreover, the discovery of a new alternatively spliced variant enriched the knowledge on theregulation pathways of Il4 gene expression. A focus on alternatively spliced variants ofcytokines is likely to clarify the complex regulation of the immune system.
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