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Investment appraisal in the public sector : Incorporating flexibility and environmental effectsLindvall, Nils January 2015 (has links)
The public sector often invests in large projects in different sectors, such as education, health care and infrastructure. It can be argued that investment appraisal process in these projects should differ from conventional approaches due to the complex interests the public sector holds, which often implies that several aspects need to be considered. Conventional techniques may not suffice and therefore this thesis aims to investigate the applicability of real options analysis and multi-criteria analysis in a combined approach. The study is conducted in the form of a case study at publicly owned Sundsvalls Logistikpark, where options in the form of the utilization of development areas and the non-monetary aspect reduction of carbon dioxide are included in the appraisal. The model developed compares two alternative strategies where one is based upon conventional usage of the area and the other represents the environmentally friendly alternative. The results show that including the value of flexibility in the appraisal significantly raises the initial valuation, whereas the comparison of the strategies show that the results either details which strategy is preferred, if input to both strategies are available, or where the threshold for indifference lies. It is concluded that this model is applicable in terms of its ability to capture the value of flexibility and inclusion of several aspects of the decision problem. However, it is also concluded that the numerous simplifications made may lead to unreliability in the results, and the process of obtaining accurate input may time-consuming, depending on the case. The usability of the model is high in terms of its potential, but lower in terms of the knowledge-based threshold required of the user.
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Intermodala transporter : Undersökning av alternativ lösning för intermodala transporter / Intermodal transports : Investigation of alternative solution for intermodal transportsBorglund, Terese, Lynge Mortensen, Kristoffer January 2021 (has links)
Godstransporter på väg förväntas öka avsevärt i framtiden om inga åtgärder vidtas. Politiska beslutfattare är medvetna om att situationen inte är hållbar och föreslår en bättre användning av alternativa transporter, vilket innefattar järnvägstransporter i en intermodal transport. Genom ett intermodalt system går det att uppnå kostnadsbesparingar och ett högre nyttjande av järnvägstransporter eftersom intermodala transporter möjliggör kombinationen av de specifika fördelar som varje transportslag har. Denna studie undersöker befintliga problem med implementeringen av intermodala transporter och vad det finns för alternativa lösningar som potentiellt kan främja intermodala transporter. Studien tar utgångspunkt i tidigare forskning om intermodala transporter och empirisk insamlat material från intervjupersoner inom branschen samt relevant data från rapporter. Det framkommer problem vid omlastningen och vid framkomligheten på järnvägen vilket har en negativ påverkan på kostnaden, tillförlitligheten samt snabbheten av transporten. Det framkommer även att flera transportrelationer och en högre frekvens av tjänster är en förutsättning för att intermodala transporter ska kunna producera kortare transporttider. Utmaningen med flera transportförhållanden i Sverige har varit att nyttjandegraden vid terminaler har varit låg eftersom det inte finns ett tillräckligt högt flöde mellan dessa relationer för att skapa en lönsamhet. Tågoperatörer anser att en högre hastighet och en högre lastvikt skulle innebära en ökad konkurrenskraft på marknaden. En högre hastighet och en högre lastvikt skulle även innebära en högre framkomlighet och en större mängd gods per transport. Omlastningen skulle dock fortfarande påverka tillförlitligheten och flexibiliteten negativt. Studien har undersökt Flexiwaggon som en alternativ intermodal transportlösning som potentiellt kan främja intermodala transporter. Flexiwaggon är likt den alternativa transportlösningen RoLa vars vision är att flytta vägtransporter till järnvägen. Gemensamt för båda lösningar är att främja användandet av intermodala transporter. Flexiwaggon visar potential vid omlastningen på grund av flexibiliteten genom den automatiserade omlastningstekniken. Detta betyder potentiellt besparande på terminal, personal och tillhörande omlastning utrustning. Det som talar emot Flexiwaggon är investeringskostnaden av vagnlösningen. Tågoperatörer investerar ofta i hela tågsätt och skulle behöva byta ut sitt befintliga tågsätt vilket minskar tågoperatörernas incitament för en alternativ intermodal transportlösning som Flexiwaggon eftersom kostnaden blir hög. / Road freight transport is expected to increase significantly in the future if no action is taken. Policymakers are aware that the situation is not sustainable and propose better use of alternative transport, which includes rail transport in intermodal transport. An intermodal system makes it possible to achieve cost savings and higher use of rail transport, as intermodal transport enables the combination of the specific advantages of each mode of transport. This study examines existing problems with the implementation of intermodal transport and what alternative solutions exist that could potentially promote intermodal transport. The study is based on previous research on intermodal transport and empirical collected material from interviewees in the industry as well as relevant data from reports. Problems emerge during transhipment and accessibility on the railway, which has a negative impact on the cost, reliability and speed of transport. It also emerges that several transport relationships and a higher frequency of services are a prerequisite for intermodal transport to produce shorter transport times. The challenge with several transport conditions in Sweden has been that the utilization rate at terminals has been low because there is not a sufficiently high flow between these relationships to create profitability. Train operators believe that a higher speed and a higher load weight would mean increased competitiveness in the market. A higher speed and a higher load weight would also mean greater accessibility and a greater amount of goods per transport. However, the transshipment would still have a negative impact on reliability and flexibility. The study has investigated Flexiwaggon as an alternative intermodal transport solution that could potentially promote intermodal transport. Flexiwaggon is similar to the alternative transport solution RoLa whose vision is to move road transport to the railway. Common to both solutions is to promote the use of intermodal transport. Flexiwaggon shows potential in transhipment due to the flexibility of automated transhipment technology. This means potential saving on terminal, personnel and associated transhipment equipment. What speaks against Flexiwaggon is the investment cost of the wagon solution. Train operators often invest in entire trainsets and would need to replace their existing trainset, reducing train operators' incentives for an alternative intermodal transport solution such as Flexiwaggon as the cost is high.
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The effects of emerging technologies in rail yards and intermodal terminalsMitrovic, Branko January 2019 (has links)
This paper analyzes the effects of emerging technologies in intermodal terminals and marshallingyards, based on “Intelligent Video Gate” project within the H2020 – Shift2Rail initiative. Projectaim is to initiate the next logical step to a higher level of automation in terminals and to reduce thelead-time needed for the identification/verification process of freight trains. Thesis projectexamine different emerging technologies that could be applied in intermodal terminal automationand possibilities for their application in different processes. Technologies considered in researchare RFID, cameras, scanners, sensors, GPS and scales. Marshalling yard as important freight nodeon railway network is included in research, where departing processes are examined, andtechnology proposed for automation of brake test procedures.Qualitative research is used as a method to investigate current processes in intermodal terminaland marshalling yards. This research included all the processes from train arrival to the terminal,through transshipment processes and train departure from the terminal. Research also conducteddifferent steps which Intermodal Transport Units go through during operations in intermodalterminal. Knowing processes enabled next step in qualitative research, finding the opportunitiesfor improvements in operations. Third step in qualitative research investigated different emergingtechnologies and as a result gave opportunities and obstacles behind each of technologies.Complementing findings from qualitative research, model simulation is performed, based onoperations in Malmö Kombiterminal. Intermodal terminal operations are simulated in Planimate®software. Addition to the qualitative research is finding the opportunities for improvements inmarshalling yards and proposing emerging technology that could be applied.Master thesis successfully accomplished the task of finding the effects of emerging technologiesin intermodal terminals and marshalling yards. The methodology concluded to be appropriate onefor building task solution. The project is viewed as a breakthrough in this domain but theexpectations for Intelligent Video Gate should stay realistic and proceeded carefully. Eliminationof brake test in marshalling yards is also very optimistic goal but should be followed by appropriatesafety rules and regulations. Simulation of complex systems such as intermodal terminals andmarshalling yards is the task that should be supported by accurate and detailed data, in order tokeep the model and results more realistic.
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Högkapacitetstransporter : En utvärdering av två alternativa transportlösningar med avseende på effektivitet och miljöpåverkan / High capacity transport : An evaluation of two transport solutions focusing on efficiency and environmental impactKarlsson, Anna, Malyk, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Godstransporter ökar i takt med att utrikeshandeln växer, vilket bidrar till utsläpp av växthusgaser. Hållbar utveckling och miljö är viktiga faktorer i dagens samhälle vilket gör att det ställs krav på nya och innovativa transportlösningar. Ett alternativ att bemöta dessa krav är genom högkapacitetstranporter, som i dagsläget testas, utförs och forskas kring frekvent i Sverige. Högkapacitetstransport avser lastbilsfordon som är längre och/eller tyngre än dagens konventionella lastbil som har fått dispens att trafikera vissa zoner på det svenska vägnätet. Denna studie baseras på att utvärdera två intermodala transportlösningar för transport av gods på sträckan mellan Göteborgs hamn och Viared, Borås. Den ena transportlösningen baseras på högkapacitetstransport och den andra baseras på en järnvägsbaserad transportlösning. De alternativa transportlösningarna utvärderas med avseende på effektivitet omfattande transportkostnad, flexibilitet och tid samt miljöpåverkan omfattande koldioxidutsläpp genom en fallstudie.Slutsatserna har resulterat i att högkapacitetstransport genererar en högre transporteffektivitet jämfört med dagens dragbil som trafikerar den utpekade vägsträckan i fallstudien. I brist på material har inga konkreta kostnader kunnat beräknats för de olika transportlösningarna. Däremot kunde en slutsats dras kring att de alternativa transportlösningarna ej bör uppgå till en högre kostnad än vad dagens transportlösning genererar. Ur miljösynpunkt har koldioxidutsläpp för de olika transportlösningarna beräknats. Implementeras hela vägsträckan med högkapacitetstransport har resultatet gällande koldioxidutsläpp genererat i en minskning med 30,6 procent jämfört med dagens dragbil. Däremot visade studien att järnvägstransporten vinner miljömässiga fördelar då den jämfört med dragbilen som trafikerar vägsträckan idag reducerar utsläppen med 80,4 procent. Dock visar koldioxidutsläppet i den intermodala järnvägslösningen att vägtransporterna bidrar med 98 procent av utsläppen.Denna studie väger för- och nackdelar gentemot varandra för en implementering av högkapacitetstransport. Högkapacitetstransporten jämförs även gentemot järnvägens för- och nackdelar vid transport av containergods. Studien bidrar dessutom till att stärka och reflektera över tidigare publicerade studier som finns inom ämnet. / Freight transport increases as foreign trade grows, which contributes to greenhouse gas emission. Sustainable development and the environment are important factors in today's society, which imposes demands on new and innovative transport solutions. One way of meeting these demands is through high capacity transports, which are currently being tested, performed and researched frequently in Sweden. High capacity transport refers to truck vehicles that are longer and/or heavier than today's conventional truck that has been given the dispensation to traffic certain areas on the Swedish road network. This study is based on evaluating two intermodal transport solutions for the carriage of goods on the route between Port of Gothenburg and Viared, Borås. One transport solution is based on high capacity transport and the other is based on a rail-based transport solution. Through a case study, the alternative transport solutions are evaluated based on efficiency, including transportation costs, flexibility and time, and the environmental impact including CO2 emissions.The conclusions have resulted in high capacity transport generating a higher transport efficiency compared with today's truck that operates the designated road distance in the case study. In lack of material, no concrete costs have been calculated for the various transport solutions. On the other hand, a conclusion could be drawn that alternative transport solutions should not be at a higher cost than today's transport solution results in. From an environmental point of view, CO2 emissions for the various transport solutions have been calculated. Implementing the entire road haulage with high capacity transport has resulted in a reduction of CO2 emissions by 30,6 percent compared to the current truck. On the other hand, the study showed that rail transport wins environmental benefits, as compared to the truck that carries the route today, emissions reduce by 80,4 percent. However, CO2 emissions in the intermodal railroad solution show that road transport contributes 98 percent of emissions.This study weighs strengths and weaknesses towards each other for the implementation of high capacity transport on the designated route. High capacity transport is also set against the railroad with pros and cons of transporting container goods. The study also contributes to strengthening and reflecting the theory from previously published studies within the subject.
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