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The stigmatization of internationally educated family medicine residents at the University of ManitobaCavett, Teresa 10 April 2015 (has links)
Competition for seats in Canadian medical schools has driven many Canadians to seek medical education abroad. Systematic barriers make it necessary for internationally educated physicians (IEPs) hoping to practice in Canada to complete postgraduate residencies. To do so, they must transition into new medical education systems. The transitional experiences of internationally educated physicians are not well understood.
This phenomenological qualitative study reveals the perspectives of twenty recent graduates from the University of Manitoba Family Medicine residency program. Canadians Studying Abroad constituted the majority of participants. Participant interviews revealed the presence of clinical practice gaps, created by curricular differences in the timing of graduated clinical responsibility between the Canadian and international medical education systems. Participants also shared their experiences of being singled out (visibility and invisibility), rejected and mistreated. They perceived that IEP residents were assigned low status in resident hierarchies. Their experiences are conceptualized as stigmatization.
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“All for the Family”: A Case Study on the Migration of Philippine Educated Nurses to Ontario through the Live-in Caregiver ProgramSalami, Oluwabukola Oladunni 26 August 2014 (has links)
Despite evidence that suggests that nurses migrate to Ontario through the Live-in Caregiver Program, no research has been conducted on this group of nurses in Ontario. This study addresses that gap utilizing the transnational feminist concept of “global care chains” in a single holistic case study design to explore the experience of nurses who migrate to Ontario through the Live-in Caregiver Program (2001-2011), and examine the diverse perspectives of stakeholders on issues of rights and obligations of these nurses. Fifteen live-in caregivers and nine policy stakeholders were interviewed, and an analysis undertaken of immigration and nursing policy documents. Findings indicate that familial discourses and perspectives on global social status shape these women’s decision to migrate from the Philippines to Canada, often via a second country (especially Saudi Arabia), as well as their subsequent Canadian experiences. Results are consistent with Rhacel Parrenas’ idea of ‘contradictory class mobility’ that describes the phenomenon of decrease in social status coupled with an increase in financial status among immigrant care workers. As professional women undertaking unskilled work, the nurses’ contradictory class status was reinforced by the emotional labour and domestic work they were required to perform. Furthermore, as temporary workers on a path to permanent residency, their professional integration as nurses was complicated by Canada’s immigration policy and the paradox between the government’s stated short-term goal (to address labour force shortage of live-in caregivers) versus its long-term goal (to ensure the integration of permanent residents). Within this policy paradox immigration policy makers emphasized the short-term obligation of fulfilling labour needs, while live-in caregivers and advocacy groups emphasized the long-term obligations of the Canadian government related to gaining permanent residence status. The lack of congruence between the Live-in Caregiver Program policy and nursing policy concerning internationally educated nurses, as well as prioritization of their familial obligations complicated the process of professional integration for this group of women. Recommendations arising from the study concern the need to bridge these policy gaps and address the shortcomings of the Live-in Caregiver Program to leverage the integration of this group of internationally educated nurses in Canada.
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Exploring the information-seeking behaviour of internationally educated nurses (IENs) in SaskatchewanKumaran, Mahalakshmi, Chipanshi, Mary January 2015 (has links)
Abstract: Introduction: To explore the information seeking behavior of Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) and to investigate their exposure to libraries and library training in both their home countries and after being hired in Saskatchewan. Methods: This two-phase multi-method project was carried out in Saskatchewan, Canada. A questionnaire was developed based on survey instruments used in previously conducted studies on the topic. Librarians in two academic institutions assisted with validation of the survey. In Phase 1, data were collected via an online questionnaire from IENs in three health regions: Saskatoon, Regina, and Sunrise. In Phase 2, the study was expanded to IENs in all the health regions in the province. The same questionnaire from Phase 1 was used during telephone interviews with participants. Results: A total of 17 IENs responded (Phase 1, n = 9, Phase 2, n = 8). Results show that IENs, although interested in looking for information for their practice, are hindered by a lack of knowledge of how and where to seek relevant clinical information as well as a lack of library training. As a result, their main source of information is the Internet (Google). Discusion: Despite barriers such as time to information seeking, results revealed that given the opportunity IENs would like to receive library training to enhance their information seeking skills.
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Expanding Opportunities: Applying the Framework of Cultural Geomorphology to Investigate Potential Benefits of International Art ExchangesZupanic, Karen Kovacs 07 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Caractéristiques qui influencent la façon dont les personnes formées à l’étranger déterminent les réponses à l’examen d’admission à la profession infirmière au QuébecLemay, Chantal 11 1900 (has links)
Le but de la présente recherche est de documenter, à partir d’une approche de recherche pragmatique qui s’inspire d’une méthode de recherche de type mixte, ce qui influence la performance des personnes formées à l’étranger (ci-après « PFÉ ») à l’examen d’admission à la profession infirmière au Québec (ci-après « examen »). Un devis séquentiel explicatif permet de découper cette recherche en deux grandes phases qui s’intéressent, respectivement, à des données quantitatives et à des données qualitatives. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont de 1) déterminer s’il existe une différence entre les scores observés à l’examen du 12 septembre 2020 pour les PFÉ et les personnes formées au Québec (ci-après « PFQ »), 2) déterminer s’il existe une association entre certaines caractéristiques connues des PFÉ et les scores observés à l’examen du 12 septembre 2020 et 3) décrire les caractéristiques reliées aux PFÉ et aux items qui influencent la mise en œuvre du jugement clinique infirmier lors de la détermination des réponses aux items de l’examen du 12 septembre 2020.
Les deux échantillons de la première phase contiennent 1 050 PFQ et 199 PFÉ en premier essai à l’examen de septembre 2020. La collecte de données pour cette première phase a été réalisée à l’aide d’un fichier d’information obtenu auprès de l’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec. Des analyses comparatives des deux échantillons permettent de conclure qu’il existe une différence statistiquement significative entre les scores moyens observés à l’examen pour l’échantillon des PFQ et celui des PFÉ et que la taille de l’effet est considérée comme étant modérée. Des analyses additionnelles sont réalisées afin de déterminer s’il existe une association statistiquement significative entre certaines variables disponibles, notamment l’âge, le sexe, le délai depuis la diplomation, l’indice de développement humain (ci-après « IDH ») du pays de diplomation et les scores moyens observés pour les PFÉ. Ainsi, les résultats suggèrent l’absence d’association entre l’âge ou le délai depuis la diplomation et les scores observés à l’examen. Par ailleurs, les analyses permettent d’observer une association statistiquement significative entre les scores observés des PFÉ à l’examen et le sexe ainsi que l’IDH du pays de diplomation, même si la taille de l’effet est considérée comme étant faible.
L’échantillon de la deuxième phase de cette recherche contient huit PFÉ en premier essai à l’examen de septembre 2020. La collecte de données s’est effectuée à l’aide d’entrevues individuelles semi-structurées réalisées à distance et enregistrées à l’aide du logiciel Microsoft Teams. Le guide d’entrevue, explorant les thèmes tirés du cadre de référence, est construit à partir de la littérature consultée au sujet des caractéristiques pouvant agir sur les réponses aux items d’un examen. Les données ont fait l’objet d’un codage thématique à l’aide d’une grille.
Les résultats indiquent que la mise en œuvre du jugement clinique infirmier, incluant la mobilisation des savoirs appropriés lors de la résolution d’items de l’examen, constitue un défi pour les PFÉ qui participent aux entrevues (ci-après « PFÉP »). Ainsi, les savoirs infirmiers mobilisés s’appuient, en partie, sur des connaissances et des expériences acquises avant l’arrivée au Québec qui diffèrent des savoirs qui sont ciblés par les items de l’examen. Ceci n’est pas surprenant puisque les PFÉP constituent un groupe hétérogène d’individus avec des parcours professionnels extrêmement variés et le contenu de l’examen cible spécifiquement les aspects requis pour exercer au Québec. Bien que les savoirs acquis après l’arrivée au Québec soient aussi mobilisés lors de la résolution des items de l’examen, ces nouvelles connaissances sont parfois insuffisantes pour certaines PFÉP qui présentent de trop grands écarts de savoirs professionnels. Par ailleurs, l’état psychologique des PFÉP, les difficultés à lire et à bien comprendre les situations cliniques de l’examen et le manque de temps influencent certainement la capacité de choisir les réponses attendues aux items de l’examen.
Les résultats de cette recherche contribuent aux connaissances en éducation puisqu’ils permettent une meilleure documentation des caractéristiques qui influencent la détermination des réponses à un examen en contexte d’immigration professionnelle. Ils contribuent aussi aux connaissances en matière d’intégration professionnelle des PFÉ en mettant en lumière le caractère hétérogène de ce groupe de personnes qui exerçaient la profession infirmière dans leur pays d’origine et l’importance d’adopter une approche individuelle aux défis de ces personnes qui souhaitent obtenir un permis d’exercice au Québec, notamment les outils de préparation à l’examen. Les résultats peuvent aider les instances touchées par l’administration d’un examen à considérer différentes caractéristiques reliées à la personne ou aux items qui influencent la détermination des réponses aux items. / The goal of this research project is to document, using a pragmatic approach inspired by a mixed-method paradigm, what influences the performance of internationally educated nurses (IENs) at the entry-level exam in Québec. As is done with an explanatory sequential design, this research is divided into two phases. The first phase relates to quantitative data and the second phase relates to qualitative data. The objectives of this research are 1) to determine if there is a difference between the scores observed at the exam for IENs and Québec trained nurses (QTNs), 2) to determine if there is an association between certain IEN characteristics and the scores observed at the exam and 3) to describe the characteristics of IENs that influence the use of nursing clinical judgement while responding to the items in the September 12, 2022 exam.
The two samples for the first phase of this research are made up of 1,050 QTNs and 199 IENs who were first-time writers at the September 2020 exam. The data collection for this first phase was done using information obtained from the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec. Comparative analysis of the two samples suggests that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores observed at the exam for the QTN and IEN samples with an effect size that is considered moderate. Additional analyses were used to determine if there is a statistically significant association between certain variables such as age, sex, time lapse since graduating, human development index (HDI) for the country of graduation and the mean scores observed at the exam for IENs. The results suggest the absence of an association between age or the time elapsed since graduation and the observed scores at the exam. Moreover, the analyses show that there is a statistically significant association between the mean scores observed at the exam for IENs, sex and the HDI for the country of graduation, although this effect size is considered weak. The sample for the second phase of this research is made up of 8 IENs who were first-time writers at the September 2020 exam. The data collection was done through individual semi-structured interviews held remotely and recorded using Microsoft Teams. The interview guide explored themes inspired by the framework based on available literature related to characteristics which can influence item response. The data collected was coded using a themed grid.
The results suggest that the use of nursing clinical judgement, including the mobilization of appropriate knowledge to respond correctly to exam items, is challenging for the participating IENs. Moreover, the nursing knowledge mobilized during item response refers, partly, to knowledge and experience acquired before arriving in Québec, which are different from the knowledge tested in the exam items. This is not surprising since IENs are a heterogeneous group with a variety of professional pathways and the content of the exam targets specific aspects required for nursing practice in Québec. Although the knowledge acquired after arriving in Québec is also mobilized by the IENs during item response at the exam, this new knowledge is sometimes insufficient for some IENs who have an important knowledge gap. Also, the psychological state of IENs, challenges with reading and understanding the clinical situations presented in the exam, and the lack of time during the examen certainly influenced the capacity to respond correctly to the items.
The results of this research will contribute to the educational knowledge base because they document some of the characteristics that influence exam item response in the context of professional immigration. These results will also contribute knowledge related to the professional integration of IENs who previously practised nursing in their country of origin by highlighting the heterogeneity of this group and the importance of adopting an individualized approach to the unique challenges ¬– such as those associated with exam preparation materials – faced by IENs who wish to obtain a nursing permit in Québec. These results can help all organizations involved in administering entry-level professional exams take into consideration the different personal characteristics or items that could influence the item response process.
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L'ordre public dans les relations privées internationales : l'exemple des contrats internationaux devant le juge étatique / Public policy in private international relations : the example of international contracts before the state judgeAdel Zaher, Mina 19 October 2018 (has links)
L’autonomie de la volonté est un principe relatif à la liberté des parties quant au choix de la loi applicable au contrat international. Cependant, ce principe est limité par les règles d’ordre public, et plus généralement les dispositions impératives, réduisant l’étendue de cette autonomie. Afin de perfectionner la mise en application de ces règles tout en garantissant une certaine prévisibilité, il s’avère important d’étudier en détail l’origine et la nature des règles d’ordre public. Une étude comparée avec le droit international privé égyptien s’avère nécessaire pour perfectionner les mécanismes actuels. Le débat conceptuel actuel met en évidence le rôle de la coopération internationale, outre les intérêts purement étatiques, ce qui suscitera un nouvel ordre public transnational, voire supranational. / The freedom of choice is a principle referring to the freedom of the parties concerning the choice of the law ruling the international contract. However, this principle is limited by public policy, which reduce the extent of this freedom. In order to improve the application of these rules with a minimum of predictability, it is important to study in detail the origin and nature of the rules of public policy. A comparative study with Egyptian private international law is needed to take advantage from all current mechanisms. The current conceptual debate highlights the role of international cooperation, in addition to purely State interests, which will tend to create a new transnational, or even supranational, public policy.
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Hacking for the State? : The Use of Private Persons in Cyber Attacks and State ResponsibilityOlovson, Natali January 2020 (has links)
While there are many examples to turn to regarding the thriving phenomenon of private persons being exploited to launch cyber attacks on behalf of states, this thesis will direct it’s attention onto two special cases. Russia has been accused of being the state actor behind the cyber attacks on Estonia in 2007 and Georgia in 2008. The cases are chosen as Estonia have been recognised as the first coordinated cyber attack on a foreign country, and Georgia being the first case were cyber attacks have been utilised in synchronisation with military action. The purpose of the thesis is to analyse the facts of each case in relation to the International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts (DARSIWA). The analysis will work through article 4, article 5, article 8 and article 11. The main question is how Russia may be hold as legally responsible under international law for the private conduct of ’patriotic’ hackers, the Nashi Youth Group and the Russian Business Network. The thesis concludes that while the circumstances of each case highly indicate state-involvement, this cannot be proven under the respective criterias of the articles and Russia does therefore not bear legal responsibility.
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Les défis à l'intégration des nouveaux arrivants au marché du travail du Québec : le cas des pharmaciensInnocent, Jéova 03 1900 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur les défis à l’intégration des pharmaciens diplômés à l’étranger au marché du travail du Québec. L’objectif vise à comprendre le processus d’intégration au Québec et la contribution des différents acteurs qui sont impliqués au processus de reconnaissance des diplômes étrangers dans le cas des pharmaciens. La question de recherche est « Comment les multi-acteurs de la coalition intersectorielle contribuent-ils au processus de reconnaissance des diplômes étrangers dans le cas des pharmaciens?
Le modèle conceptuel d’analyse tourne autour de la contribution des acteurs impliqués dans le processus d’intégration et le cadre conceptuel mis à profit se base sur la théorie des coalitions intersectorielles. La coalition intersectorielle soutient l’idée que la coopération entre différents secteurs permettrait d’aborder les questions de manière plus globale afin de répondre à une complexification des problématiques concernées. L’intégration des professionnels immigrants est reconnue pour sa complexité et sa multidimensionnalité. La coalition apporte une réponse globale et satisfaisante aux défis de l’intégration des professionnels immigrants facilitant ainsi l’ouverture à la diversité professionnelle.
Pour atteindre cet objectif et répondre à la question de recherche, l’approche employée est de nature qualitative puisque des entrevues ont été réalisées avec une vingtaine des représentants des différents organismes qui interviennent dans le processus d’intégration des immigrants formés à l’étranger. / This study focuses on the challenges of integrating pharmacists with foreign graduates into the Quebec labor market. The objective is to understand the process of integration in Quebec and the contribution of the various actors who are involved in the process of recognition of foreign diplomas in the case of pharmacists. The research question is “How do the multi-actors of the intersectoral coalition contribute to the process of recognition of foreign diplomas in the case of pharmacists?
The conceptual analysis model revolves around the contribution of the actors involved in the integration process and the conceptual framework used is based on the theory of intersectoral coalitions. The intersectoral coalition supports the idea that cooperation between different sectors would make it possible to address the issues in a more global way in order to respond to the increasing complexity of the issues concerned. The integration of immigrant professionals is recognized for its complexity and multidimensionality. The coalition provides a comprehensive and satisfactory response to the challenges of integrating immigrant professionals, thus facilitating openness to professional diversity.
To achieve this objective and answer the research question, the approach used is of a qualitative nature since interviews were carried out with about twenty representatives of the various organizations involved in the process of integrating immigrants trained abroad.
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Právní rámec řešení sporů z mezinárodního obchodního styku v České republice a ve Francii / Legal framework of international trade disputes resolution in the Czech republic and in FranceFuchsová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE DISPUTES RESOLUTION IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND IN FRANCE Comparative study of legal regulation in the Czech Republic and in France with emphasis on point of view of extent and limits of parties' autonomous will within dispute resolution ABSTRACT In relation to an important and continuously increasing growth of international trade and economic cooperation, a logic and proportionally increasing fact occurs, namely the existence and necessity of resolution of disputes arising out of such cooperation and business relationships. This dissertation focuses on specific area of such relations - on solution of property disputes in international trade and business relations arising out on private law basis between entrepreneurs and which affect in any manner the territories, more precisely the jurisdictions and the legal orders of two particular states, and that of France and the Czech Republic. The aim of the dissertation is to examine the extent of autonomous will, which the parties may assert within various methods of disputes resolution and to notify of its limits set by the respective legal regulation. Considering namely the main criteria of examination - i.e. the extent and limits of autonomous will of the parties within the dispute resolution - the author concentrates more...
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The Bridging Education and Licensure of International Medical Doctors in Ontario: A Call for Commitment, Consistency, and TransparencyPeters, Colette 11 January 2012 (has links)
The widely acknowledged doctor shortage in Canada has recently motivated a more critical look at the licensure rates of International Medical Doctors (IMDs), also known as International Medical Graduates (IMGs). However, very little research has been conducted on the experiences of IMDs before they enter the Canadian medical system.
This qualitative study collected interview data from 15 diverse IMDs seeking licensure in Ontario, Canada. The participants varied with respect to age, country of origin, English language proficiency on arrival, and time in Canada. In addition, two bridging support programs were observed, and interviews were conducted with three educators from the programs.
The interviews were analysed using thematic content analysis (Boyatzis, 1998; Miles & Huberman, 1994). An analysis of metaphors used by the IMDs to describe their experiences during the licensing process supported the use of poetic representation for key findings, resulting in three poems that are interspersed in the body of the thesis (Ellingson, 2011; Glesne, 1997; Richardson, 2002; Richardson & Adams St. Pierre, 2005).
The theoretical framework of the research was informed by Vygotskian Sociocultural Theory, which views learning as inseparable from social interaction and context (Vygotsky, 1987). Third-generation Activity Theory (AT), which has descended from Vygotsky’s work, was applied to highlight the higher-level systemic issues related to medical licensing.
Results of this study indicate that IMDs with lower English proficiency face substantial difficulties on arrival, with limited access to the type of medically-relevant language instruction needed to support them. In fact, all pre-licensure IMDs struggle to access the interactional learning opportunities (i.e., Vygotskian “mediational means”) to support their entry into the system. Licensing challenges include limited exam preparation resources that support acquisition of Canadian cultural content; unequal access to clinical observerships; and a selection process which lacks transparency and emphasizes a screening tool unfamiliar to IMDs, the residency interview.
Implications of this study include the revisiting of immigration policy; increasing the transparency and effectiveness of the selection process/residency interview; reviewing the role of clinical observerships in the selection process and exploring the potential of observerships to function as a licensure portfolio assessment.
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