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Univerzální doporučovací systém / Univerzální doporučovací systémCvengroš, Petr January 2011 (has links)
Recommender systems are programs that aim to present items like songs or books that are likely to be interesting for a user. These systems have become increasingly popular and are intensively studied by research groups all over the world. In web systems, like e-shops or community servers there are usually multiple data sources we can use for recommending, as user and item attributes, user-item rating or implicit feedback from user behaviour. In the thesis, we present a concept of a Universal Recommender System (Unresyst) that can use these data sources and is domain-independent at the same time. We propose how Unresyst can be used. From the contemporary methods of recommending, we choose a knowledge based algorithm combined with collaborative filtering as the most appropriate algorithm for Unresyst. We analyze data sources in various systems and generalize them to be domain-independent. We design the architecture of Unresyst, describe its interfaces and methods for processing the data sources. We adapt Unresyst to three real-world data sets, evaluate the recommendation accuracy results and compare them to a contemporary collaborative filtering recommender. The comparison shows that combining multiple data sources can improve the accuracy of collaborative filtering algorithms and can be used in systems where...
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Charakteristika závislosti na internetu návštěvníků a uživatelů svépomocné aplikace internetové poradny adiktologické ambulance 1.LF UK / Characteristics of addictive behavior on the Internet of visitors and users of self-help application of Internet counseling service of Addictologal Clinic at Fist Faculty of MedicineSvobodová, Karolína January 2013 (has links)
The development of computer technology intervened to socio-psychological and psychiatric fields and gave rise to several types of online counseling and therapy. As the latest trends in online counseling and therapy self created applications in the textile even non textile addiction. In the Czech Republic was the first self-help application in the treatment of no cloth addiction, clinic was founded in Addictology, the first Medical Faculty of Charles University within the Internet counseling. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the data after the first year of self-help application and to describe the demographic characteristics of users, to map incoming user self- motivated applications and types of objects the internet addiction. In the research issues the thesis deals with the analysis of demographic data, determines whether they are represented in all potential target groups, the degree of dependence on the Internet within the file, depending on what kind of Internet application in the present, and finally discovers self-help application users' motives for its use. Data analysis was carried out under conditions completely anonymous and includes both quantitative descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis. The results of socio- demographic data repelled the target group for which...
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Postavení a role normové autority v internetových fórech. Analýza korektur na základě Teorie jazykového managementu. / To the Position and Role of the Normative Authority in the Internet Forums. An Analysis of the Corrections in the Context of the Language Management Theory.Šimčíková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
My thesis deals with the status of German language standard and is based on research in the internet discussion sites (internet forums), that deal with the topic of language. The internet forums that I've chosen offer help in learning a foreign language, in our case German. The help is provided either by proofreading or by answering the specific questions. This thesis is based on Ulrich Ammon's model of four social forces and the theory of language management. Next to the instances, which according to Ammon determine the standard, I included the participants of discussion, who decide what is standard too and thereby affect those for whom isn't German the native language. The analysis will be carried out on the basis of the proofreading of model texts. With the help of the language management theory I will discuss with the proofreader in the comments their selected (or not selected) option. The aim of my work is to observe the behavior of normative authority in relation to the codified norm, whether they know and follow it. Furthermore, I am interested in the social background and language abilities of the participants, which I'll find out by using the questionnaires.
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Vliv internetového marketingu na internetové mediální obsahy a jejich uživatele v českém mediálním prostředí / Internet marketing influence on internet media content and its users presented on the czech media environmentRajtmajerová, Daniela January 2014 (has links)
The significations found in content aren't only explicitly present in the surface structures, but they're also built deep inside human mind as the basic semes - the minimum units with a signification. In the diploma thesis "Internet Marketing Influence on Internet Media Content and their Users at Czech Media Environment" we use a qualitative analysis method composed of the semiotic and the narrative analysis to describe and interpret the chosen samples of internet marketing content. The semiotic analysis helps us to interpret both the basic surface and deep significations present in the visual and text code of the interpreted samples. The narrative analysis unravels a narration the act is constructed from followed by interpretation. The application of both the methods allows us to identify myths in the narratives. The aim of application of both methods is to describe specific and repetitive deep significations and narrations individual communicates are built from and thus characterize internet marketing media discourse. The narratives form a basis of the interpersonal communication; they allow us to preserve and communicate significations through them. All the narratives of the interpreted samples of content were constructed with a basic conflict (or contradiction) and presented to the public...
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Internetové právo / Internet lawMeissnerová, Anna January 2013 (has links)
! 69! Internet Law - Master Thesis Abstract This study explores and describes the discipline of Internet Law as well as the problems arising from applying its jurisdiction. Furthermore, it deals with liability limitation in the on-line world and presents various tendencies in the development of the Internet Copyright Law in the Czech Republic, USA and France. This study is divided into two main chapters. The first one deals with the theoretical and philosophical foundations of the Internet phenomenon and the second focuses on practical aspects of the on-line legal regulation. The tendencies in interpretation and application of the legislature are presented through important case studies. The research strategy for this thesis was data gathering followed by its analysis. Providing examples of local legislature (Czech, USA, French) together with presentation of corresponding case studies I was searching for the keys for interpretation and application strategies of this relatively young and dynamically developing field of law. The study's objective was to find answers to the following two questions: a) Is there a general need for the Internet legal regulation? And if so b) What should the legislative tendency within the Internet Copyright Law be? During the writing process I had to confront two opposite...
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Elektronická tržiště / Electronic marketplacesTALAFOUSOVÁ, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the principles of electronic and Internet marketplaces. For analyzing the status of the use of electronic marketplaces and online polling was done with the actual marketplace and society, which is a member of the marketplace. Proposal that trade through the market is prepared for a particular company, which previously traded through the marketplace.
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Současné umění ve škole - doba post internetu / Contemporary art in school - post internet ageDvořáková, Nikola Tora January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Contemporary art at school - post internet age AUTHOR: Nikola Tora Dvořáková DEPARTMENT: Department of art education SUPERVISOR: Ph.Dr. Leonora Kitzbergerová, PhD. ABSTRACT: The thesis - Contemporary art at school - post internet age is about current arts occasions, concretely Post internet art. I try to state and define this kind of art and place post internet art to context with art education afterwards. Specific art pieces and their similarities in related zones of art are reflected in didactic transformations. The research is focused on difficulties, which can come into the art education lessons. It is realized with different methods, on different kind of school. In concluision my original art piece is bringing more comprehensive knowledge about post internet art. KEYWORDS: Contemporary art, post internet art, interpreter vs. consumer, new media
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Věda na síti: populárně naučné obsahy na YouTube / Science on the Web: Popular Science Videos on YouTubeFriedrichová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá nejúspěšnějších populárně naučných kanálů kanály češtině angličtině Jejím cílem je popsat vybraná videa z obsahových, slovních, neverbálních i technologických prvků a určit ty , které jsou charakteristické pro online video. Bude nás zajímat i to, které prvky poutají pozornost uživatelů, vyvolávají emoce a pomáhají udržet jejich zájem. Teoretický rámec nám poskytnou dvě existující studie na téma populárně naučných videí na YouTube (Welbourne a Grant; obou případech se jedná o analýzu audiovizuálních obsahů prostřednictvím kvantitativních metod. Cílem této práce bude audiovizuální obsahů uživatelské komentáře a využít kombinace kvalitativních a kvantitativních metod - obojí by mohlo poskytnout nové poznatky o tomto relativně novém fenoménu. Z metodologie vychází výzkum videí z kvalitativní obsahové analýzy využívající principů obrazové a sémiotické analýzy. Komentáře byly analyzovány spíše kvantitativními metodami. V závěrečných kapitolách jsou výsledky výzkumu a dochází k jejich zasazení do širšího shrnutí inovací, kterými se internetové video a jeho konzumace liší od neinternetových médií Součástí je i krátká úvaha o budoucnosti popularizované vědy na
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Státní cenzura Internetu a metody jejího obcházení / State Censorship of the Internet and the Methods of CircumventionKolář, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with the subject of state censorship of the Internet. The objective of the thesis is to map the techniques of state censorship of the Internet and the methods of circumvention. In the first part, the author introduces organisations and projects that investigate state Internet censorship in the world. Subsequently, the author depicts inspection methods of communication and the Internet filtering techniques. The following part focuses on the principles of circumventing Internet censorship. It also describes various techniques of the circumvention of the censorship. Another objective of the thesis is to test the practical methods of circumventing Internet censorship. As a destination for the measurement the author has chosen PRC where he scrutinised the state of Internet censorship and tested the success rate of circumvention methods. The presented outputs serve as an overview of the techniques of the state censorship of the Internet and the methods of its circumvention, and can be used as a foundation for further work.
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Zavedení elektronického obchodu a jeho význam pro rozvoj malé firmy / Implementation of e-shop and his role for development of a small companyKotschwar, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
Graduation theses attends to the problems of the floatation of an e-commerce. The forepart of the work creates theoretical solution, the individual chapters are attended to the introduction of the problems of an e-commerce, floatation and the development of an e-commerce, the advantages and the disadvantages of these activities, marketing and security. The practical part of this work attends to the analyse of electronic background and the aplication of theoretical solutions while the implementation of e-commerce. The part of the practical part is the personal research of public and the proposition of marketing, technical and technological processes. At the close is implemented the valuation of economical impacts on the business of a small firm.
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