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The role of place promotion and urban image in the development and marketing of rapid mass transit systems (RMT)McLellan, Andrew Nicholas Rowswell Unknown Date
No description available.
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Stratégies d’entreprises de transport routier interurbain des voyageurs en Afrique de l’Ouest : cas du Niger / Strategies of companies of interurban road transport of the travellers in West Africa : case of NigerAmani, Rabiatou 17 March 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans la perspective d’un diagnostic stratégique du secteur de Transport Routier Interurbain des Voyageurs (TRIV) en Afrique de l’Ouest (Cas du Burkina Faso, du Mali et du Niger).L’organisation du transport et le fonctionnement des entreprises dudit secteur à l’aune de la mondialisation et de la modernisation laissent encore à désirer. Nombreuses sont les difficultés recensées à divers niveaux du système entravant ainsi le développement économique du secteur.Pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest, de nombreuses études et recherches ont déjà été réalisées sur le système de transport urbain et sur le transport des marchandises avec diagnostics et préconisations . Cependant le sous-secteur du TRIV a aussi son importance et il convient de le prendre en compte dans le schéma d’intégration sous régionale en Afrique. Notre recherche démontre que l’analyse du TRIV ne doit pas se limiter à ses aspects réglementaires et institutionnels et qu’elle doit intégrer les entreprises comme éléments clés du développement du secteur. Celles-ci sont désormais confrontées au défi de la concurrence sur les marchés tant intérieurs que sous-régionaux du transport des voyageurs. La modernisation du secteur et son développement ultérieur impliquent des adaptations des entreprises artisanales, des changements dans l’organisation et les conditions de fonctionnement de cette activité.Notre démarche aborde dans un premier temps, la configuration actuelle du marché de TRIV. L’analyse met en évidence l’indispensable complémentarité de l’offre des sociétés de transport et des artisans transporteurs. A partir de ce constat, des modèles de stratégies potentielles sont élaborés pour les entreprises contraintes à la compétitivité.Cependant, compte tenu de l’organisation du marché de TRIV au Niger, de la multiplicité des entreprises et de l’absence des données, nous avons défini des groupes contrastés d’entreprises, le regroupement se faisant à partir des caractéristiques techniques, organisationnelles (types de véhicules utilisés, organisation des services) et géographique (lignes desservies).Cette approche nous a permis de mettre en lumière les spécificités des maillons du marché mais aussi les grands déséquilibres existants en matière de desserte dans les principales zones. A travers les modèles de stratégies développés, notre ambition est de donner un cadre de référence aux entreprises à partir duquel et compte tenu de leurs ressources internes, elles organiseront leur stratégie. Ces entreprises devraient pouvoir y parvenir dans le cadre d’une politique publique des transports prenant en compte les attentes des principaux acteurs. / This thesis is registered in the perspective of a strategic diagnosis of the Transport sector Intercity Road of travellers (TRIV) in West Africa (case of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger). The transport organization and the functioning of enterprises of the sector to the yardstick of globalization and the modernization is still inadequate. There are many difficulties identified at various levels of the system thus hindering the economic development of the sector. For West Africa, many studies and research have already been carried out on the system of urban transport and on the transport of goods with diagnostics and recommendations . However, the sub-sector of TRIV also has its importance and it should be taken into account in the schema of sub-regional integration in Africa. Our research shows that the analysis of TRIV must not be limited to its aspects regulatory and institutional and that it must integrate the companies as the key elements of the development of the sector. These are now faced the challenge of competition on the markets both the domestic that sub-regional passenger transport. The modernization of the sector and its subsequent development involve adjustments of craft businesses, changes in the organization and the conditions of operation of this activity. Our approach addresses in the first time, the current configuration of the market of TRIV The analysis highlights the indispensable complementarity of the offer of transport companies and craftsmen carriers. From this finding, models of potential strategies are developed for firms forced to competitiveness. However, in light of the organization of the market of TRIV in Niger, of the multiplicity of enterprises and absence of data, we defined groups contrasting of enterprises, the consolidation at from the technical characteristics, organizational (types of vehicles used, organization of the services) and the geographical (lines served). This approach has allowed us to highlight the specificities of links in the market but also the major imbalances existing in the field of service in the main areas. Through the models of strategies developed, our ambition is to give a reference framework for companies from which and taking into account their internal resources, they organize their strategy. These companies should be able to achieve in the framework of a public policy of transport taking into account the expectations of key actors.
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Um estudo sobre o processo de aglomeração urbana : Álvares Machado, Presidente Prudente e Regente Feijó /Miyazaki, Vitor Koiti. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Arthur Magon Whitacker / Banca: Maria Encarnação Beltrão Spósito / Banca: Beatriz Ribeiro Soares / Resumo: Com a aceleração do processo de urbanização no país, várias cidades cresceram populacionalmente e se expandiram territorialmente de forma significativa nas últimas décadas. Nesse contexto, vários centros urbanos passaram por transformações importantes, tais como o fortalecimento dos papéis desempenhados na rede urbana, configuração de aglomerações territorialmente contínuas e intensificação das interações espaciais entre municípios diferentes. Cidades de menor porte também passam a apresentar configurações territoriais contínuas com intensas interações espaciais intermunicipais, constituindo aglomerações urbanas. A aglomeração é compreendida como o processo de junção de centros urbanos distintos, tanto pela intensificação das interações espaciais quanto pela configuração de áreas territorialmente contínuas ou com tendências neste sentido. A partir destas considerações, a presente pesquisa analisou a expansão territorial e a intensificação dos fluxos entre as cidades de Presidente Prudente, Álvares Machado e Regente Feijó, na perspectiva do processo de aglomeração urbana. Os dados coletados e organizados apontam para uma forte vinculação entre Álvares Machado e Presidente Prudente, tanto pelos fluxos quanto pela expansão territorial. Diante desses resultados, compreende-se que a aglomeração urbana, enquanto forma (materialização do processo) fica evidente apenas entre Presidente Prudente e Álvares Machado. Já Regente Feijó e Presidente Prudente apresentam, até o momento, apenas uma tendência à continuidade territorial e uma significativa intensificação dos fluxos, evidenciando um processo de aglomeração ainda em curso. Esta distinção entre forma e processo constitui-se em um ponto importante para a discussão. / Abstract: With the acceleration of the urbanization process in the country, many cities increased the populations and expanded your territory with significant way in the last decades. In that context, many urban centers were transformed, before the invigoration of the papers executed in the urban net, configuration of territorial continuous agglomeration and intensification of the space interactions between different municipal districts. Smaller cities also starts to demonstrate continuous territorial configurations with intense interactions space inter cities, constituting urban agglomerations. The agglomeration is understood as the process of junction of different urban centers, as the intensification of the space interactions as for the configuration of continuous areas or with tendencies in this way. Starting from these considerations, this search analyzed the territorial expansion and the intensification of the flows among the Presidente Prudente, Álvares Machado and Regent Feijó, in the perspective of the process of urban agglomeration. The collected and organized data show a strong link between Álvares Machado and Presidente Prudente, as the flows as for the territorial expansion. With these results, we understood that the urban agglomeration, while it forms (materialization of the process) is evident just between analyzed the territorial expansion and the intensification of the flows between the cities: Presidente Prudente and Álvares Machado. Already Regent Feijó and Presidente Prudente present until now, just a tendency to the territorial continuity and a significant intensification of the flows, evidencing an agglomeration process still in course. This distinction between form and process is an important point for the discussion. / Mestre
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« Entour Paris » : une capitale et ses petites villes sur l’eau au XVe siècle / « Entour Paris » : the Capital and its small towns on water (15th century)Guittonneau, Pierre-Henri 15 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse consiste dans l’étude exhaustive des relations de Paris avec les petites villes des vallées fluviales de la Seine et de ses affluents au XVe siècle. Elle s’inscrit dans un champ historiographique inexploré jusqu’à maintenant pour la région parisienne. Il s’agit d’examiner à la fois la domination de la grande ville sur ses voisines et les liens d’interdépendance qui caractérisent leurs rapports. Cette enquête s’attache plus particulièrement aux aspects politico-Administratifs, économiques et sociaux de ces relations et implique de varier les échelles d’analyse en considérant les villes et leurs habitants, la région parisienne et l’ensemble des autres espaces avec lesquels la capitale et les petites villes sont en contact. De la sorte, il est possible d’apprécier ces relations dans toute leur complexité et de mesurer finement l’attraction et le rayonnement de Paris. Le propos est organisé en quatre grandes parties, subdivisées en deux chapitres chacune et illustrées de nombreuses cartes, graphiques et tableaux. La première partie porte sur la caractérisation du semis urbain, de la hiérarchie des villes et de l’espace fluvial. La deuxième examine les fondements et les manifestations du contrôle de l’échevinage parisien sur cet espace et sur ces villes. La troisième interroge l’intégration de ces localités à un espace économique polarisé par Paris et ses habitants. La quatrième, enfin, étudie les rapports des communautés urbaines avec les institutions centrales de la monarchie établies dans la capitale. Il en ressort que ces petites villes subissent effectivement l’influence de Paris mais conservent également une réelle autonomie. / This thesis consists in a comprehensive study of the relationships between Paris and the small towns located on the Seine River and its tributaries in the 15th century. This research lies in the field of urban history, focusing on the Region of Paris, which has been so far neglected by historians. It analyses how Paris dominates its surrounding towns and how connections between the Capital and the small towns gradually led to relations of interdependency. The aim is to investigate more specifically politico-Administrative, economic and social relations by paying attention to the towns, theirs functions, their inhabitants, the Region of Paris and all the other spaces linked to the Capital and the small towns. Thus, this thesis seeks to highlight the whole range of relations that existed between the Capital and the small towns and the influence of Paris. There are four main parts in this thesis. The first part details the number of the towns, the hierarchy between them while focusing on the river basin. The second part describes how the Parisian aldermen took control of the Seine River, its tributaries and the small towns. The third part explains the insertion of the small towns in an economic area dominated by Paris. The last part highlights the relations between the urban communities of the small towns and the royal institutions of the Capital. As a conclusion, this thesis argues that the small towns are under the influence of Paris but also keep a genuine autonomy.
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A History of the Texas Electric Railway, 1917-1955Gilson, Margaret M. 05 1900 (has links)
This is an economic and social history of the Texas Electric Railway, which operated three interurban lines branching out of Dallas. The railway operated from 1917 until 1948, although the company was not dissolved until 1955. Of necessity, the study is based on primary source materials, including railway pamphlets, trade journals such as the Electric Rai Journal, personal interviews, Texas and United States Government documents and publications, and newspapers. Unfortunately, original financial records of the company no longer exist; therefore, financial information comes from Moody's Manual of Investments, Public Utilities.
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Contribution à la modélisation de l'intégration Transport-Occupation du sol et évaluation de projets d'investissement dans une optique du développement durable / Contribution to Land Use-Transport Modeling and Project Assessment in the Context of Sustainable DevelopmentOuaras, Hakim 07 December 2011 (has links)
La modélisation est un moyen qui permet de prévoir le comportement futur de différents phénomènes. Dans la planification urbaine elle est aussi utilisée pour aider les planificateurs à faire face aux multiples défis d'urbanisme. Le système urbain est tellement complexe qu'il n'est pas possible de prévoir avec exactitude le comportement de différents agents. L'économie urbaine a tenté d'apporter certaines explications, mais elle reste insuffisante pour cerner toutes les interactions qui existent entre les différents agents. L'objet de ma thèse rentre dans le cadre de cette problématique, elle est structurée en deux parties. Dans la première nous traitons de la modélisation des interactions entre transport (urbain) et occupation du sol (urbanisation), c'est une étude à l'échelle microéconomique, et la deuxième porte sur l'analyse des émissions polluantes des transports et évaluation des projets de transport interurbain dans le cadre du développement durable, cela est traité à un niveau plus agrégé. Les applications sont menées sur la région l'Île-de-France.Dans la première partie nous procédons à la mise en interconnexion de deux logiciels, un d'urbanisme (UrbanSim) et l'autre de transport (METROPOLIS) afin de créer un système intégré dit LUTI (Land Use-Transport Interaction). Le comportement des agents est intercepté à travers des estimations, pour cela une série d'estimations est réalisée, à savoir : localisation des ménages, localisation des emplois, le processus de création des projets urbains et le prix de location et de vente des logements. Le système est calé sur les données de recensement de 2006. L'application est menée sur deux niveaux de découpages de la zone d'étude ; l'un est fin, en cellules carrées de 500 x 500 mètre et l'autre en communes.Dans la deuxième partie, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'évaluation des émissions de gaz à effet dans les transports et à la réalisation d'une étude de rentabilité économique et environnementale du projet d'extension du canal Seine-Nord Europe. En effet, dans le cadre de la politique française de lutte contre les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, les reports modaux de modes de transports polluants vers les modes propres sont encouragés. C'est bien le cas du projet SNE, par lequel les autorités espèrent un transfert modal de la route vers la voie fluviale. Son objectif est d'étendre l'usage de ce canal à des péniches à grand gabarit. En l'état actuel, le canal ne permet de passer que les péniches à petit gabarit, d'une charge n'excédant pas les 600 tonnes. Notre but est de réaliser une analyse coût-bénéfice à cette extension en introduisant une dimension stochastique à la fonction de la demande et au prix de l'énergie. / Modeling is used to predict the future behavior of different phenomena. In urban planning it is also used to help planners to cope with multiple challenges of urban planning. The urban system is so complex that it is impossible to accurately predict the behavior of different agents. The urban economics has attempted to provide some explanation, but still not sufficient to identify all interactions between the different agents. The purpose of my thesis is within the framework of this subject. It is structured into two parts. In the first one we discuss the modeling of land use/Transport interactions, a study at a microscopic level. The second is the analysis of pollutant emissions and transport project assessment in the context of sustainable development. The latter is processed at a more aggregated level. We apply our models to Île-de-France region.In the first part we proceed by linking two softwares, a land use model (UrbanSim) and a transport model (METROPOLIS), to create an integrated system LUTI (Land-Use and Transport Interaction).The behavior of agents is intercepted through estimates. For that estimation is performed, such as: household location, employment location, urban projects location and the rent and selling prices of housing. The system is calibrated on data from Census 2006. The application is carried out on two levels of geographical units; the first one is a gridcell of 500 x 500 meters and the second in administrative zoning municipalities.In the second part, we were interested in the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions in transport and a study of economic and environmental efficiency of the Seine-Nord Europe project. Indeed, in the context of French politics to fight against greenhouse gas emissions, modal shift from polluting modes of transport to clean modes is encouraged. This is the case of the project SNE, in which the authorities hope a modal shift from road to inland waterways. Its aim is to extend the use of this canal to wide-gauge barges. As it stands, the canal allow access only to narrow gauge barges, with load not exceeding 600 tones. Our aim is to perform a cost-benefit analysis for this extension by introducing a stochastic dimension to the function of demand and energy price.
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Um estudo sobre o processo de aglomeração urbana: Álvares Machado, Presidente Prudente e Regente FeijóMiyazaki, Vitor Koiti [UNESP] 12 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
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miyazaki_vk_me_prud.pdf: 1931950 bytes, checksum: ecf1c5afbf11b070259d88f04aaa49fa (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Com a aceleração do processo de urbanização no país, várias cidades cresceram populacionalmente e se expandiram territorialmente de forma significativa nas últimas décadas. Nesse contexto, vários centros urbanos passaram por transformações importantes, tais como o fortalecimento dos papéis desempenhados na rede urbana, configuração de aglomerações territorialmente contínuas e intensificação das interações espaciais entre municípios diferentes. Cidades de menor porte também passam a apresentar configurações territoriais contínuas com intensas interações espaciais intermunicipais, constituindo aglomerações urbanas. A aglomeração é compreendida como o processo de junção de centros urbanos distintos, tanto pela intensificação das interações espaciais quanto pela configuração de áreas territorialmente contínuas ou com tendências neste sentido. A partir destas considerações, a presente pesquisa analisou a expansão territorial e a intensificação dos fluxos entre as cidades de Presidente Prudente, Álvares Machado e Regente Feijó, na perspectiva do processo de aglomeração urbana. Os dados coletados e organizados apontam para uma forte vinculação entre Álvares Machado e Presidente Prudente, tanto pelos fluxos quanto pela expansão territorial. Diante desses resultados, compreende-se que a aglomeração urbana, enquanto forma (materialização do processo) fica evidente apenas entre Presidente Prudente e Álvares Machado. Já Regente Feijó e Presidente Prudente apresentam, até o momento, apenas uma tendência à continuidade territorial e uma significativa intensificação dos fluxos, evidenciando um processo de aglomeração ainda em curso. Esta distinção entre forma e processo constitui-se em um ponto importante para a discussão. / With the acceleration of the urbanization process in the country, many cities increased the populations and expanded your territory with significant way in the last decades. In that context, many urban centers were transformed, before the invigoration of the papers executed in the urban net, configuration of territorial continuous agglomeration and intensification of the space interactions between different municipal districts. Smaller cities also starts to demonstrate continuous territorial configurations with intense interactions space inter cities, constituting urban agglomerations. The agglomeration is understood as the process of junction of different urban centers, as the intensification of the space interactions as for the configuration of continuous areas or with tendencies in this way. Starting from these considerations, this search analyzed the territorial expansion and the intensification of the flows among the Presidente Prudente, Álvares Machado and Regent Feijó, in the perspective of the process of urban agglomeration. The collected and organized data show a strong link between Álvares Machado and Presidente Prudente, as the flows as for the territorial expansion. With these results, we understood that the urban agglomeration, while it forms (materialization of the process) is evident just between analyzed the territorial expansion and the intensification of the flows between the cities: Presidente Prudente and Álvares Machado. Already Regent Feijó and Presidente Prudente present until now, just a tendency to the territorial continuity and a significant intensification of the flows, evidencing an agglomeration process still in course. This distinction between form and process is an important point for the discussion.
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Multimodal Transit and a New Civic ArchitectureHill, Samuel Bruce 15 July 2020 (has links)
We live in an age defined by the automobile and its infrastructure. This paradigm of movement has shaped how we live our lives, and the urban frameworks we inhabit. Cars as a form of transportation damage the environment and engender unsustainable lifestyles. They also create anti-social spaces with the infrastructure they require, and therefore their success is inverse to that of the pedestrian experience.
I seek to adapt this transit paradigm with a more flexible and resilient multimodal system. My work focuses on reinvigorating a rail line in central Massachusetts and designing a modular station system that can serve as a new kind of civic architecture. The station grows and shrinks between towns of different sizes, and over time. It slots into existing communities with little disruption, and is programmatically fluid and diverse, such that an array of stakeholders become invested in its success. It also presents as a new type of civic architecture; a building that represents a larger system, while also maintaining its place in local communities.
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This study aims at characterizing the production of urban space as well as analyzing socio-spatial segregation and differentiation standards in the city of Criciúma, located in the south of Santa Catarina state. The investigation and the analysis on the production of urban space and the socially segregated and differentiated city follow three views. The first one is the Lefebvrian view, which seeks to understand a city as capitalism s work and product. The second one is the Marxist view, which examines a city departing from the conflicts and the conflicting interests given in it and the division of society into classes. The third one is the Foucaultian view, which emphasizes power relations within space production relations and socially segregated cities. These three views are taken to be in permanent movement and contradiction shown under the most varied forms and geographical scales, articulated on and within the city though. This means that the research will take on the dialectical method. Based on this context and methodological view, the study is organized into four chapters. In the first chapter, capitalist and dissimilar development of Criciúma city is presented and highlighted. Its consolidation throughout space and time, given in an urban and interurban space transformation process by means of permanence and disruption, is considered as the reason for its condition of important medium city for the organization of urban and interurban space on a regional scale. In the second chapter, power relations are taken as methodical possibilities for the production of urban space. These relations are pointed out as premises for dispute and fragmentation of territory, resulting in socio-special segregation. In the third chapter, a scientific approach, allowing for the recalling of socio-special segregation genesis and conceptualization under discussion, is presented. Practices of active producers of a socially and spatially segregated urban space are contextualized. In the fourth chapter, by means of two variables, i.e., education and income, socio-spatial segregation and differentiation standards within the city of Criciúma are considered.Neighborhoods, which are more economically and educationally segregated, are identified and mapped with these variables. The city division in Downtown, Próspera and Pinheirinho neighborhoods is critically analyzed and compared. This research allows for the understanding of who produces the urban space and the city and for whom they are produced. Urban space is marked by conflicts, disputes and interests, aiming at capital or life (re)production and, moreover, interurban space production relations determining the relation and the standards of socio-spatial segregation. The conclusion presented is that agents involved in the process of the production of space produce territorialities on the ground of power relations, relations which produce territory disputes. Agents belonging to this process have the right for the city and the urbanity in a selected and differentiated manner, being the standards of socio-spatial differentiation and segregation produced out of power relations. This standards are linked to incoming, schooling differentiations or the inexistence of these, what results in a socially and territorially fragmented city. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar a produção do espaço urbano e analisar os padrões de segregação e diferenciação socioespacial na cidade de Criciúma, localizada no sul de Santa Catarina. Este estudo e análise sobre a produção do espaço urbano e da cidade segregada e diferenciada socialmente é conduzida sob três perspectivas. A primeira perspectiva é a Lefebvriana que busca compreender a cidade enquanto obra e produto do capitalismo. A segunda perspectiva é a marxista que analisa a cidade a partir dos conflitos e interesses antagônicos presentes e existentes a partir da divisão da sociedade em classes. E, a terceira perspectiva é a Foucaultiana dando ênfase nas relações de poder existente nas relações de produção do espaço urbano e da cidade socialmente segregada. Estas três perspectivas são compreendidas em constante movimento e contradições, que se manifestam nas mais variadas formas e escala geográfica, porém, articuladas sobre e na cidade, o que consiste realizar a pesquisa a partir do método dialético. Neste contexto e visão metodológica estruturou-se o trabalho em quatro capítulos: o primeiro referiu-se e enfatizou o desenvolvimento capitalista e desigual da cidade de Criciúma, sua consolidação no espaço e no tempo, entre permanências e rupturas do processo de transformação do espaço urbano e intraurbano que a coloca na condição de cidade média com importância na organização do espaço urbano e intraurbano na escala regional. No segundo, correspondeu em analisar as relações de poder como possibilidade metodológica da produção do espaço urbano evidenciando que as mesmas são premissa para disputa e fragmentação do território, processo este produtor da segregação socioespacial. No terceiro, aponta a abordagem científica que possibilita resgatar a gênese e conceituar que tipo de segregação socioespacial está sendo discutida, sobretudo, contextualizando as práticas dos agentes produtores do espaço urbano segregado socialmente e espacialmente. E, no quarto capítulo verificaram-se os padrões de segregação e diferenciação socioespacial existente em Criciúma a partir da utilização de duas variáveis: educação e renda. Estas variáveis possibilitaram verificar e mapear quais são os bairros mais segregados economicamente e educacionalmente, analisando-os e comparando-os de forma crítica e qualitativa, diante da divisão da cidade em Centro, Subcentro Próspera e Pinheirinho. Com esta pesquisa foi possível entender quem produz e para quem produz o espaço urbano e a cidade, marcado por conflitos, por disputas e interesses, seja para (re)produção do capital ou para (re)produção da vida, sobretudo, que a relação de produção do espaço intraurbano determinou a relação e os padrões de segregação socioespacial. Concluiu-se que os agentes envolvidos neste processo produzem territorialidades a partir das relações de poder, estas relações entre os diferentes agentes produzem disputa por territórios, os agentes envolvidos neste processo têm direito a cidade e urbanidade de forma selecionada e diferenciada, sendo que os padrões de segregação e diferenciação socioespacial são produzidos a partir destas relações, atrelados às diferenciações de rendimentos e de escolaridade ou inexistência dos mesmos, que implica na produção de uma cidade fragmentada socialmente e territorialmente.
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