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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Régulation des réponses immunitaire allergiques par la kinase IKKb des cellules épitheliales intestinales : Effect sur les reactions allergique inflammatoires au niveau des muqueuses pulmonaires et de la peau / Regulation of allergic immune responses by IKKb in intestinal epithelial cells : Effect on allergic inflammation at distant mucosal sites

Bonnegarde-Bernard, Astrid 05 December 2013 (has links)
La régulation de l'homéostasie intestinale est de la plus haute importance en raison de la constante exposition de l'intestin aux antigènes alimentaires et à la flore commensale. La perturbation de la flore intestinale est souvent associée à diverses maladies telles que l'allergie, l'obésité et certaines maladies inflammatoires. La plupart des individus sont tolérant aux antigènes alimentaires et ne développe pas de réponse immunitaire sauf en cas de prédisposition génétique ou d'exposition à un environnement défavorable. La réponse allergique se caractérise par la production d'IgE stimulé par les lymphocytes Th2. Les symptômes allergiques sont très variés et affectent plusieurs parties de l'organisme. La plupart des travaux de recherche se sont focalisé jusqu'à présent sur le rôle des cellules de l'immunité adaptative dans le développement de l'allergie en sous-estimant le rôle majeur des cellules épithéliales et des cellules de l'immunité innée. L'objectif de ce projet est de comprendre comment les cellules épithéliales intestinales modulent la réponse immunitaire à distance vers la muqueuse pulmonaire ou la peau après stimulation allergique. L'ingestion de l'antigène associé à l'adjuvant de la toxine cholérique permet d'étudier la réponse allergique chez l'animal. Nous avons démontré sur ce modèle animal que l'absence de la kinase inhibitrice IKKb dans la voie de signalisation du facteur de transcription NF-kB altère la composition de la flore intestinal d'une part et transforme la réponse immunitaire inflammatoire au niveau pulmonaire et de la peau grâce à la présence d'IgA et de lymphocyte Th17 d'autre part. En adéquation avec les observations cliniques rapportées chez les patients allergiques (allergies alimentaires, asthme, dermatite atopique), nos résultats identifient IKKb dans la cellule épithéliale intestinale comme cible potentielle pour traiter les allergies alimentaires. De futurs efforts devront être faits pour développer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques qui considèrent la muqueuse intestinale, la production d'IgA et l'importance des bactéries commensales dans le traitement des allergies. / Immune homeostasis is of paramount importance in the gastrointestinal tract, which is constantly exposed to ingested antigens and commensal microbiota. The gut microbiota can be perturbed by endogenous or exogenous factors and it is now established that microbial dysbiosis is associated with allergy, obesity, and inflammatory diseases. Ingestion of food antigens generally fails to promote brisk immune responses but rather results in a state of immune tolerance. However, aberrant immune responses can develop in individuals with a genetic predisposition. Food allergies are generally regarded as pathologic responses to food antigens mediated by excessive Th2 responses and antigen-specific IgE antibody responses. Clinical manifestations of food allergies are very broad and symptoms can affect different organs. While past research on allergy focused on the role of cells and molecules involved in adaptive immunity, epithelial cells lining the sites of antigen entry and innate immune responses have recently emerged as important players in allergy. This project was undertaken to understand the mechanisms employed by intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) to shape immune responses to allergens and influence allergic manifestations in distant mucosal sites such as the airways or the skin. Oral administration of food antigen with cholera toxin as adjuvant in experimental animals is a well-accepted model to study allergic sensitization to food antigens. Using this model, we show that a localized impairment of the canonical NF-κB pathway through deletion of IkB kinase (IKKβ) in IECs alters the gut microbiota during oral allergic sensitization and regulates the magnitude of allergic inflammatory responses at distant sites of the airway and the skin through enhancement of IgA Abs and Th17 responses. Consistent with the clinical observations linking atopic diseases (food allergy, allergic asthma, atopic dermatitis), our results identify IKKβ in IECs as a potential therapeutic target for treatment of food allergies and subsequent disease. They also suggest that future efforts for controlling allergic responses in the airways and the skin could include strategies that use the gut microbiota and promote IgA Ab responses and prevent IL-17 responses.

Caracterização molecular dos genes ospC1, ospG e ospF em diferentes sorotipos de Escherichia coli enteroinvasora / Molecular characterization of the ospC1, ospG and ospF genes in serotypes different of the enteroinvasive Escherichia coli

Silva, Renée de Nazaré Oliveira da 29 November 2012 (has links)
Escherichia coli enteroinvasora (EIEC) é um dos agentes etiológicos da disenteria bacilar, caracteriza-se pela destruição do epitélio do cólon provocado pela resposta inflamatória induzida após invasão da mucosa por bactérias. Cepas de EIEC são bioquímica, genética e patogênica semelhante a Shigella spp. A patogenicidade de EIEC e Shigella dependem da presença da pInv plasmídeo, que contém os genes necessários para a colonização bacteriana na mucosa intestinal. Recentemente, demonstrou-se que genes plasmidias ospC1, ospG e ospF de S. flexneri estão envolvidos na inibição da resposta inflamatória em células epiteliais intestinais, um fator importante na iniciação da colonização bacteriana e produção de doença. Como a EIEC mostrou doença menos grave, foi analisada as sequências de aminoácido, avaliada a transcrição destes genes plasmídiais e resposta inflamatória modulada por este micro-organismo na célula epitelial intestinal Caco-2. As células Caco-2 foram infectadas em momentos diferentes com 11 sorotipos de EIEC e S. flexneri (M90T). Os dados sobre a capacidade de invasão e sobrevivência de bactérias, expressão de genes de bactérias e da quimiocina IL-8 foram obtidos por CFU, RT-PCR, e ELISA, respectivamente. A significância estatística foi avaliada por ANOVA de dois fatores. Os 11 sorotipos de EIEC estudados apresentaram similaridade de 100% com S.flexneri para OspC1 e OspF,contudo, foram diferentes na homologia do OspG. Quando comparamos as sequências de aminoácido dos 11 sorotipos observamos 100% de similaridade entre eles para OspG, sugerindo o envolvimento destas proteínas na modulação da resposta imune induzida por estes micro-organismos. Os sorotipos de EIEC apresentam diferenças na capacidade de invasão dos enterócitos. Algumas diferenças significativas foram observadas na transcrição dos genes e na produção de IL-8. Os sorotipos de EIEC O29: H-e O167: H-apresentou um baixo transcrição de genes ospC1 e ospF, e um aumento significativo na produção de IL-8 quando comparado com outros sorotipos. Além disso, demonstrou que a maior transcrição destes genes por alguns sorotipos de EIEC parecem estar relacionados com a menor indução de IL-8. Estes dados sugerem que as proteínas OspC1 e OspF desempenham um papel na resposta inflamatória. No entanto, não se observou relação na transcrição ospG para a produção de IL-8. Estes resultados sugerem que as proteinas efetoras OspC1 e OspF estão envolvidas na inibição da resposta inflamatória em células epiteliais do intestino favorecendo a invasão da EIEC. / Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) is one of the etiological agents of bacillary dysentery, it is characterized by the destruction of the colonic epithelium caused by the inflammatory response induced upon invasion of the mucosa by bacteria. Strains of EIEC are biochemical, genetic and pathogenic similar to Shigella spp. The pathogenecity of EIEC and Shigella depend on the presence of the plasmid pInv, which contains the genes necessary for bacterial colonization in the intestinal mucosa. Recently, it was demonstrated that the plasmid genes ospC1, ospG and ospF of S. flexneri are involved in inhibition of the inflammatory response in intestinal epithelial cells, an important factor in the initiation of bacterial colonization and production of disease. As EIEC has showed less severe disease, we evaluated the transcription of these plasmid genes and inflammatory response modulated by this microorganism in the intestinal epithelial cell Caco-2. The Caco-2 cells were infected in different times with 11 serotypes of EIEC and S. flexneri M90T strain. The data about sequences of amino acids, invasiveness and survival of bacteria, bacterial genes expression, and chemokine IL-8 were obtained by CFU, RT-PCR, and ELISA, respectively. The statistical significance was evaluated by two-way ANOVA. All EIEC serotypes studied showed 100% similarity with S.flexneri to OspC1 and OSPF, however, were different in the homology of OspG. Compared the amino acid sequences of the 11 serotypes observed 100% similarity between them to OspG, suggesting the involvement of them in modulating of the immune response induced by these microorganisms. There were no differences in the invasion the enterocytes among EIEC serotypes. However, some significant differences were observed in the transcription of those genes and production of IL-8. The EIEC serotypes O29:H- and O167:H- showed a low transcription of genes ospC1 and ospF, and a significant increase in production of IL-8 when compared with other serotypes. Furthermore, it was shown that the high transcription of ospF and ospC1 by some EIEC serotypes are related to low induction of IL-8. These data suggested that the proteins OspC1 and OspF play a role in the inflammatory response. However, we did not observed association between ospG transcription to the production of IL-8. These results lead us to believe that the effector proteins OspF and OspC1 are involved in inhibition of the inflammatory response in intestinal epithelial cells favoring the EIEC invasion.

Untersuchungen zur chemischen Transformation von intestinalen Epithelzellen der Ratte und des Menschen durch 2-Hydroxyamino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo(4,5-b)pyridin / Investigations to chemical transformation of rat and human intestinal epithelial cells by 2-hydroxyamino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo(4,5-b)pyridine

Fuchs, Iris Judith January 2006 (has links)
Die Zahl der Kolonkarzinome in den westlichen Industrieländern steigt in den letzten Jahren stetig an. Zu den Verbindungen, die mit der Zubereitung der Nahrung entstehen, mit ihr aufgenommen werden und die Kolonkanzerogenese möglicherweise begünstigen, gehört das heterozyklische aromatische PhIP, das bei der Erhitzung proteinreicher Nahrungsmittel entsteht. Neben zahlreichen Fütterungsversuchen an Nagern existieren auch Zellkulturmodelle zur Untersuchung der molekularen Mechanismen der PhIP-induzierten Kolonkanzerogenese. Die chemische Transformation von Zellen sollte durch wiederholte Exposition gegenüber dem hydroxylierten Metaboliten des Kanzerogens (N2-OH-PhIP) erzielt werden. Es wurden IEC-18-Zellen der Ratte und HCEC-Zellen des Menschen zur Untersuchung verwendet. Die Behandlung der IEC-18-Zellen führt nach 25 Behandlungszyklen mit Konzentrationen von 5 bis 20 µM nicht zur Transformation der Zellen. Die Anwesenheit von N2-OH-PhIP führt zu einer zehnfach erhöhten Induktion der GST-Aktivität, insbesondere der Untereinheiten GST-A1, -A3, -Pi und -T2, die für die effiziente Detoxifizierung des N-Acetoxy-Metaboliten vom N2-OH-PhIP verantwortlich sind. Bereits nach drei Behandlungen mit 1,5 µM N2-OH-PhIP konnte eine maligne Transformation der HCEC-Zellen erzielt werden. Die Zellen zeigten die charakteristischen Zeichen der Transformation: veränderte Wachstumseigenschaften wie klonales dreidimensionales Zellwachstum („pilling up“), Hemmung der Zell-Zell-Kontaktinhibierung, verkürzte Populationsverdopplungszeiten und tumorigene und metastasierende Eigenschaften. Außerdem exprimierten die N2-OH-PhIP-exponierten humanen Kolonzellen mit steigender Anzahl der Behandlungen größere Mengen des trunkierten APC-Proteins. Die bekannten PhIP-spezifischen Mutationen im APC-Gen resultieren in der Expression eines trunkierten Proteinproduktes und werden als frühe Ereignisse in der Kolonkanzerogenese betrachtet. Die zusammenfassende Betrachtung aller Ergebnisse zeigt, dass die IEC-18-Zelllinie zur chemischen Transformation durch N2-OH-PhIP ungeeignet ist. Dagegen wurde erstmalig eine vollständige chemische Transformation von Humandickdarmepithelzellen in vitro durch Exposition der humanen Kolonepithelzelllinie HCEC gegenüber dem Kolonkarzinogen N2-OH-PhIP erzielt. / In the last few years a strong increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer has been observed. As to the specific components in processed food responsible for the induction of colon cancerogenesis / it has been suggested that heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAA), e.g. the most abundant HAA 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), which is formed in protein rich food, when it is cooked at high temperatures or over an open flame, might be involved in this process. Whereas a number of in vivo-models to study PhIP-mediated colon carcinogenesis are known, only a limited number of cell culture systems to study the HAA-mediated transformation of intestinal epithelial cells do in fact exist. In the present study IEC-18 cells (rat intestinal epithelial cells) and HCEC cells (human colon epithelial cells) were incubated with N2-OH-PhIP, the N-hydroxylated metabolite of PhIP. The IEC-18 cells could not be transformed despite 25 treatment cycles with 5 to 20 µM N2-OH-PhIP. This might be due to the fact that GST activity as well as the expression of the GST -A1, -A3, -Pi and -T2 units, which are responsible for the detoxication of the N-acetoxy derivative of PhIP were strongly induced by N2-OH-PhIP. In contrast, HCEC cells were malignantly transformed when exposed three times to 1.5 µM N2-OH-PhIP. The chemically-treated cells showed a reduced population doubling time, they lost cell-cell contact inhibition and started pilling up. Furthermore, if HCEC cells were injected subcutaneously into SCID mice tumors developed at the site of injection in all animals tested. The transformed HCEC cells also express high amounts of truncated APC protein, which in vivo appears at an early stage of colon cancerogenesis. Taken together, it has been shown that IEC-18 cells are not suitable for chemical transformation studies with the HAA metabolite N2-OH-PhIP. For the first time it has been shown that the HAA metabolite N2-OH-PhIP is indeed able to malignantly transform human colon epithelial cells in vitro.

Caracterização molecular dos genes ospC1, ospG e ospF em diferentes sorotipos de Escherichia coli enteroinvasora / Molecular characterization of the ospC1, ospG and ospF genes in serotypes different of the enteroinvasive Escherichia coli

Renée de Nazaré Oliveira da Silva 29 November 2012 (has links)
Escherichia coli enteroinvasora (EIEC) é um dos agentes etiológicos da disenteria bacilar, caracteriza-se pela destruição do epitélio do cólon provocado pela resposta inflamatória induzida após invasão da mucosa por bactérias. Cepas de EIEC são bioquímica, genética e patogênica semelhante a Shigella spp. A patogenicidade de EIEC e Shigella dependem da presença da pInv plasmídeo, que contém os genes necessários para a colonização bacteriana na mucosa intestinal. Recentemente, demonstrou-se que genes plasmidias ospC1, ospG e ospF de S. flexneri estão envolvidos na inibição da resposta inflamatória em células epiteliais intestinais, um fator importante na iniciação da colonização bacteriana e produção de doença. Como a EIEC mostrou doença menos grave, foi analisada as sequências de aminoácido, avaliada a transcrição destes genes plasmídiais e resposta inflamatória modulada por este micro-organismo na célula epitelial intestinal Caco-2. As células Caco-2 foram infectadas em momentos diferentes com 11 sorotipos de EIEC e S. flexneri (M90T). Os dados sobre a capacidade de invasão e sobrevivência de bactérias, expressão de genes de bactérias e da quimiocina IL-8 foram obtidos por CFU, RT-PCR, e ELISA, respectivamente. A significância estatística foi avaliada por ANOVA de dois fatores. Os 11 sorotipos de EIEC estudados apresentaram similaridade de 100% com S.flexneri para OspC1 e OspF,contudo, foram diferentes na homologia do OspG. Quando comparamos as sequências de aminoácido dos 11 sorotipos observamos 100% de similaridade entre eles para OspG, sugerindo o envolvimento destas proteínas na modulação da resposta imune induzida por estes micro-organismos. Os sorotipos de EIEC apresentam diferenças na capacidade de invasão dos enterócitos. Algumas diferenças significativas foram observadas na transcrição dos genes e na produção de IL-8. Os sorotipos de EIEC O29: H-e O167: H-apresentou um baixo transcrição de genes ospC1 e ospF, e um aumento significativo na produção de IL-8 quando comparado com outros sorotipos. Além disso, demonstrou que a maior transcrição destes genes por alguns sorotipos de EIEC parecem estar relacionados com a menor indução de IL-8. Estes dados sugerem que as proteínas OspC1 e OspF desempenham um papel na resposta inflamatória. No entanto, não se observou relação na transcrição ospG para a produção de IL-8. Estes resultados sugerem que as proteinas efetoras OspC1 e OspF estão envolvidas na inibição da resposta inflamatória em células epiteliais do intestino favorecendo a invasão da EIEC. / Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) is one of the etiological agents of bacillary dysentery, it is characterized by the destruction of the colonic epithelium caused by the inflammatory response induced upon invasion of the mucosa by bacteria. Strains of EIEC are biochemical, genetic and pathogenic similar to Shigella spp. The pathogenecity of EIEC and Shigella depend on the presence of the plasmid pInv, which contains the genes necessary for bacterial colonization in the intestinal mucosa. Recently, it was demonstrated that the plasmid genes ospC1, ospG and ospF of S. flexneri are involved in inhibition of the inflammatory response in intestinal epithelial cells, an important factor in the initiation of bacterial colonization and production of disease. As EIEC has showed less severe disease, we evaluated the transcription of these plasmid genes and inflammatory response modulated by this microorganism in the intestinal epithelial cell Caco-2. The Caco-2 cells were infected in different times with 11 serotypes of EIEC and S. flexneri M90T strain. The data about sequences of amino acids, invasiveness and survival of bacteria, bacterial genes expression, and chemokine IL-8 were obtained by CFU, RT-PCR, and ELISA, respectively. The statistical significance was evaluated by two-way ANOVA. All EIEC serotypes studied showed 100% similarity with S.flexneri to OspC1 and OSPF, however, were different in the homology of OspG. Compared the amino acid sequences of the 11 serotypes observed 100% similarity between them to OspG, suggesting the involvement of them in modulating of the immune response induced by these microorganisms. There were no differences in the invasion the enterocytes among EIEC serotypes. However, some significant differences were observed in the transcription of those genes and production of IL-8. The EIEC serotypes O29:H- and O167:H- showed a low transcription of genes ospC1 and ospF, and a significant increase in production of IL-8 when compared with other serotypes. Furthermore, it was shown that the high transcription of ospF and ospC1 by some EIEC serotypes are related to low induction of IL-8. These data suggested that the proteins OspC1 and OspF play a role in the inflammatory response. However, we did not observed association between ospG transcription to the production of IL-8. These results lead us to believe that the effector proteins OspF and OspC1 are involved in inhibition of the inflammatory response in intestinal epithelial cells favoring the EIEC invasion.

Study of the modulation of innate immune responses in intestinal epithelial cells by Toxoplasma gondii and its correlation with parasite virulence / Etude de la modulation des réponses immunitaires innées dans les cellules épithéliales intestinales par Toxoplasma gondii, et sa corrélation avec la virulence du parasite

Morampudi, Vijay 28 October 2010 (has links)
Early innate response of intestinal epithelial cells is the first line defense against enteric pathogens. Toxoplasma gondii infections acquired naturally via the peroral route, encounter intestinal epithelial cells early post-infection. Although the population structure of T. gondii is known to be highly clonal, clinical strains of T. gondii have been classified into three genotypes based on their virulence. In this study we investigated whether human intestinal epithelial cell immune response to T. gondii is virulence dependent. We demonstrated distinct virulence of the three T. gondii genotype strains evaluated in human intestinal epithelial cells by their capacity to replicate and induce host cell cytotoxicity. The early host innate mechanisms such as activation of signaling pathways and induction of innate effectors were likewise differentially elicited by the three T. gondii strains. Low levels of TLR dependent NF-kB activation and a failure to rapidly up-regulate innate cytokine and chemokine genes was observed after virulent Type I strain infection. In contrast, early innate response to the less virulent Type II strain was rapid, efficient and led to high levels of IL-8 and IL-6 secretion, whereas response to Type III parasites was intermediate. Early expression of b-defensin 2 gene was suppressed specifically by virulent Type I strain and its activation prior to infection in intestinal epithelial cells led to decreased parasite viability. These findings provide evidence for T. gondii strain virulence dependent down-modulation of early human intestinal epithelial cell innate responses and highlight the importance of these cells in host defense against this infection. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished


Haileselassie, Yeneneh January 2013 (has links)
Alteration of gut microbiota has been associated with development of immune mediated diseases, such as allergy. In part, this could be due to the influence of microbes in shaping the immune response. In paper I, we investigated the association of early-life gut colonization with bacteria, and numbers of IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ producing cells at two years of age in response to PBMC stimulation with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in vitro. Early Staphylococcus (S) aureus colonization was directly proportional to increased numbers of IL-4 and IL-10 secreting cells, while early co-colonization with lactobacilli and S. aureus associated with a decrease in IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ secreting cells compared to S. aureus alone. This was also confirmed in in vitro stimulations of PBMC with Lactobacillus and/or S. aureus strains, where S. aureus-induced IFN-γ production by Th cells was down regulated by co-stimulation with Lactobacillus. In paper II, we investigated the effects of UV-killed and/or culture supernatant (sn) of Lactobacillus strains and S. aureus strains on IEC and immune cell responses. IEC exposed to S. aureus-sn produced CXCL-1/GRO-α and CXCL-8/IL-8, while UV-killed bacteria had no effect. Further, PBMC from healthy donors exposed to Lactobacillus-sn and S. aureus-sn were able to produce a plethora of cytokines, but only S. aureus induced the T-cell associated cytokines: IL-2, IL-17, IFN-γ and TNF-α; which were down regulated by co-stimulation with any of the different Lactobacillus strains. Intracellular staining verified S. aureus-induced IFN-γ and IL-17 production by Th cells, and increased CTLA-4 expression and IL-10 production by T reg cells. In conclusion, we show that colonization with gut microbiota at early age modulates the cytokine response in infancy. In addition, bacterial species influence cytokine response in a species-specific manner and we demonstrate that lactobacilli modulate S. aureus-induced immune response away from an inflammatory phenotype.

First Metabolic Insights into Ex Vivo Cryptosporidium parvum-Infected Bovine Small Intestinal Explants Studied under Physioxic Conditions

Vélez, Juan, Silva, Liliana M. R., Gärtner, Ulrich, Daugschies, Arwid, Mazurek, Sybille, Hermosilla, Carlos, Taubert, Anja 27 April 2023 (has links)
The apicomplexan Cryptosporidium parvum causes thousands of human deaths yearly. Since bovines represent the most important reservoir of C. parvum, the analysis of infected bovine small intestinal (BSI) explants cultured under physioxia offers a realistic model to study C. parvum–host cell–microbiome interactions. Here, C. parvum-infected BSI explants and primary bovine small intestinal epithelial cells were analysed for parasite development and metabolic reactions. Metabolic conversion rates in supernatants of BSI explants were measured after infection, documenting an immediate parasite-driven metabolic interference. Given that oxygen concentrations affect cellular metabolism, measurements were performed at both 5% O2 (physiological intestinal conditions) and 21% O2 (commonly used, hyperoxic lab conditions). Overall, analyses of C. parvum-infected BSI explants revealed a downregulation of conversion rates of key metabolites—such as glucose, lactate, pyruvate, alanine, and aspartate—at 3 hpi, followed by a rapid increase in the same conversion rates at 6 hpi. Moreover, PCA revealed physioxia as a driving factor of metabolic responses in C. parvum-infected BSI explants. Overall, the ex vivo model described here may allow scientists to address pending questions as to how host cell–microbiome alliances influence intestinal epithelial integrity and support the development of protective intestinal immune reactions against C. parvum infections in a realistic scenario under physioxic conditions.

Toxicity of Food-Relevant Nanoparticles in Intestinal Epithelial Models

McCracken, Christie Joy 01 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Einfluss des probiotischen Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) auf die Infektion mit atypischen enteropathogenen E. coli (aEPEC) im porcinen in vitro-Modell

Kleta, Sylvia 16 June 2009 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde in einem in vitro-Modell mit porcinen intestinalen Epithelzellen (IPEC-J2) der Einfluss des probiotischen E. coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) auf die Infektion mit atypischen EPEC (aEPEC) untersucht. EcN reduzierte bei Vorinkubation auf IPEC-J2 die aEPEC-Infektion drastisch. Konfokale Laserscanning- und Elektronenmikroskopie zeigten, dass EcN die Adhäsion und Mikrokoloniebildung inhibierte, jedoch nicht die Ausbildung von Attaching and Effacing-Läsionen adhärenter aEPEC. Der inhibierende Effekt von EcN wurde durch dessen sehr gute Adhäsionsfähigkeit an IPEC-J2 vermittelt. Die F1C-Fimbrien wurden als wichtigster Adhäsionsfaktor von EcN identifiziert. Darüber hinaus waren auch H1-Flagellen durch Ausbildung interbakterieller Verbindungen maßgeblich an der Adhäsion des Stammes beteiligt. In gleichem Maß wie die Vorinkubation von EcN reduzierte die Koinkubation seines Kulturüberstandes die aEPEC-Infektion, was auf die Abgabe eines inhibierenden Faktors in den Kulturüberstand schließen lässt. Dieser Faktor wurde auch von anderen pathogenen sowie nicht pathogenen E. coli-Stämmen in Schüttelkultur gebildet und scheint deshalb nicht spezifisch für EcN zu sein. Jedoch ermöglichte erst die gute Adhäsionsfähigkeit von EcN auf der Epithelzelloberfläche die Abgabe ausreichender Mengen des Inhibitors und eine Beeinflussung der aEPEC-Infektion. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass durch EcN die initiale Anheftung von aEPEC an die Wirtszelle unterbunden wird. Der inhibierende Effekt von EcN auf die aEPEC-Infektion war zeitabhängig. Im Gegensatz zur Vorinkubation erhöhten Ko- und Nachinkubation von EcN die Adhäsion von aEPEC und hatten einen geringeren inhibierenden Effekt auf die Mikrokoloniebildung. Dieser gegensätzliche Effekt auf die Adhäsion von aEPEC wird möglicherweise von einem zweiten Faktor hervorgerufen. Dieser scheint nur dann wirksam zu sein, wenn der inhibierende Faktor in zu geringer Konzentration oder erst nach Adhäsion von aEPEC vorliegt. / In this study, the effects of the probiotic E. coli strain Nissle 1917 (EcN) on host cell infection with atypical enteropathogenic E. coli (aEPEC) were investigated in an in vitro porcine intestinal epithelial cell model (IPEC-J2). In pre-incubation experiments, EcN drastically reduced the infection efficiencies of aEPEC. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, it was shown that EcN inhibited the attachment and formation of microcolonies, but not the formation of attaching and effacing lesions by adherent aEPEC. The inhibitory effect was mediated by the adherent properties of EcN to epithelial cells. The F1C fimbriae were identified as the most important adhesion factor of EcN in vitro. Furthermore, the H1 flagellae were also shown to be involved in the adhesion of EcN, serving as bridges between bacterial cells. Co-incubation of culture supernatants of EcN reduced the infection efficiencies of aEPEC to the same extent as in pre-incubation with EcN bacteria, indicating the secretion of an inhibitory factor by EcN. This factor was also secreted by other pathogenic and non-pathogenic E. coli strains in shaking culture and therefore does not appear to be specific for EcN. However, the outstanding ability of EcN to adhere to epithelial cells largely contributes to the secretion of sufficient concentrations of this inhibitory factor und to the influence on the aEPEC infection. The results suggest that EcN interferes with the initial adhesion of aEPEC to host cells. The inhibitory effect of EcN was found to be time-dependent. In contrast to pre-incubation experiments, co- and post-incubation of EcN actually increased the adhesion efficiencies of aEPEC and showed only minor effects on microcolony formation. This second effect of EcN on aEPEC adhesion, possibly due to a second factor, appears only to be effective when the putative inhibitory factor is either present at low concentrations or after aEPEC is already adherent to host cells.

Evaluation des facteurs issus de l'efferocytose comme médicament innovant dans le traitement des maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin / Evaluation of new complex medical biological drug based on apoptotic cell efferocytosis proresolutive factors in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases

Martin-Rodriguez, Omayra 10 November 2017 (has links)
La clairance des cellules apoptotiques par les macrophages est à l’origine d’un microenvironnement pro-résolutif composé de différents facteurs solubles, permettant de stopper la réaction inflammatoire et d’engager la réparation tissulaire. La résolution de l’inflammation est parfois défaillante et concourt au développement de pathologies inflammatoires chroniques, comme les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin (MICI), qui regroupent la maladie de Crohn (MC) et la rectocolite hémorragique (RCH). Dans ce contexte, nous proposons d’évaluer l’efficacité thérapeutique de l’injection de ces facteurs pro-résolutifs dans le traitement des MICI. Ce produit issu de la culture de macrophages avec des cellules apoptotiques, appelé SuperMApo (Supernatant issued from Macrophage Apoptotic cell culture) (Brevet # WO2014106666-A1, 2013) contient des facteurs pro-résolutifs semblables à ce qu’on retrouve dans le processus physiologique de résolution de l’inflammation, et qui peuvent être absents ou inefficaces chez ces patients.Lors de ce travail, nous avons mise en évidence une efficacité thérapeutique de SuperMApo à l’aide de deux modèles expérimentaux de colite. Pour évaluer la pertinence de ces modèles par rapport à la pratique clinique, nous avons mise en place la vidéo-endoscopie souple. On a montré que l’efficacité de SuperMApo se traduit par diminution du score clinique, endoscopique et histologique des souris colitiques, accompagnée d’une amélioration de la perméabilité intestinale, et de la cicatrisation muqueuse. Cette efficacité thérapeutique est liée en partie à une reprogrammation des cellules présentatrices d’antigènes (APC) notamment de cDC et de macrophages qui présentent moins de réponse aux ligands de TLR, favorisent l’induction de Treg et inhibent la production de Th1. Par ailleurs, SuperMApo induit une cicatrisation nette de la muqueuse intestinale associée à la fois à une activation des myofibroblastes (la forme active des fibroblastes) et des cellules intestinales épithéliales (IEC). Concrètement, SuperMApo augmente les propriétés de migration, de prolifération et de cicatrisation de ces deux types cellulaire. Cet effet dépend en partie des facteurs de croissance au sein de SuperMApo comme le TGF-β, l’IGF-I et le VEGF. Finalement des résultats préliminaires montrent que SuperMApo induit un profil réparateur sur des fibroblastes issus de patients atteints de MICI. L’ensemble de ces résultats montrent, que l’injection de ces facteurs pro-résolutifs permet de mettre en œuvre des mécanismes capables de mettre en place un processus de résolution de l’inflammation et ouvre vers une utilisation clinique de cette approche dans le traitement de MICI. / Inflammation is a natural body defence reaction in response to injuries. The clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages is at the origin of a pro-resolving microenvironment composed of various soluble factors, allow the arrest of the inflammatory response and to initiate tissue repair. The resolution of inflammation is sometimes defective and contributes to the development of chronic inflammatory diseases, such as chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which include Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). In this context, we propose to evaluate the therapeutic effect of these pro-resolving factors in the treatment of IBD. This factors derived from the culture of macrophages with apoptotic cells, and called SuperMApo (Supernatant issued from Macrophage Apoptotic cell culture) (Patent # WO2014106666-A1, 2013) contains pro-resolving factors similar to those found in the physiological process of inflammatory resolution, and which may be absent or ineffective in these patients.In this work, we have demonstrated the therapeutic effect of SuperMApo using two experimental models of colitis. To assess the relevance of these models to clinical practice, we have implemented flexible video endoscopy. The therapeutic effect of SuperMApo has been shown to decrease the clinical, endoscopic and histological score of colitis mice, accompanied by improved intestinal permeability and mucosal healing in vivo. This therapeutic effect is related in part to reprogramming of antigen presenting cells (APC), in particular cDC and macrophages, which exhibit less response to TLR ligands, promote induction of Treg and inhibit Th1 production. In addition, SuperMApo induces a marked tissue repair of the intestinal mucosa associated with activation of myofibroblasts, the active form of fibroblasts, and the epithelial intestinal cells (IEC). In particular, SuperMApo increases the migration, proliferation and wound healing properties of these two cell types. This effect depends in part on the growth factors contained in SuperMApo such as TGF-β, IGF-I and VEGF. Finally, preliminary results show that SuperMApo induces a repairing state on fibroblasts from patients with IBD. This opens widely the use of SuperMApo as a clinically approach to propose this new therapeutic option to refractory patients suffering from IBD

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