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Measuring the effectiveness of the Couple communication program on improving the marital satisfaction of Christian adult children of alcoholicsWaetjen, Ray. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Denver Seminary, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 141-148).
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Associations among attachment security, dispositional and interaction-based measures of disclosure, and relationship functioning : a multimethod study of dating couples /Bradford, Steven A. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Queensland, 2004. / Includes bibliography.
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Genusperspektiv på relationen som uppstår sjuksköterskor emellan och mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter. : En litteraturstudie / Genderperspektive on the relations that emerges between nurses and between nurses and patients. : A review of the literature.Eriksson, Annika January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Genus avser den socialt konstruerade delen av att vara kvinna, man, flicka eller pojke. Det handlar om hur människor samspelar med varandra, hur vi tänker om kvinnligt och manligt och vilka normer och värderingar vi har. Inom vårdvetenskaplig forskning har genusperspektiv inte funnits med i någon större utsträckning trots att det finns statistik som visar att det finns skillnader mellan kvinnor och män på en rad områden inte minst vad gäller sjuksköterskans arbetsområde och patienters upplevelse av att vara patient. Ett genusperspektiv skulle därför i likhet med kulturell känslighet kunna bidra till en personcentrerad vård. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka hur genusrelaterade aspekter med relevans för relationen mellan sjuksköterskor och relationen mellan sjuksköterska och patient beskrivs i vårdvetenskaplig forskning. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har gjorts enligt Friberg (2012). Resultatet är baserat på tio vetenskapliga studier. Studiernas resultat har delats in i teman efter de likheter som hittades. Resultat: Kön, ålder, hur sjuk/graden av beroende hos patienten, hur man tänker kring vad som är manligt och kvinnligt samt bilden av sjuksköterskan påverkade upplevelsen av intimomvårdnad och vilka arbetsuppgifter som uppfattades som passade för kvinnor och män samt hur patienten upplevde vården. Diskussion: Genus påverkar i hög utsträckning hur individer beter sig mot varandra, vilka förväntningar de har på varandra och hur de värderar varandras arbete. Detta påverkar i sin tur relationerna mellan individerna. Resultatet relateras till Hildegard E. Peplaus teori om mellanmänskliga relationer i omvårdnad. / Background: Gender intends to describe the socially constructed part of being a woman, man, girl or boy. It discusses how individuals interact with each other, how we understand femininity and masculinity and what set of norms and values we have. There has not been much room for a gender perspective in healthscience even tough statistics show that there are several differences between women and men not least when it comes to the field of nursing profession and patients experiences of being a patient. Much like cultural sensitivity, a gender perspective could contribute to a more person centered care. Aim: The aim of this literature review is to explore how gender related aspects relevant to the relationsship between nurses and the relationship between nurse and patient is described in healthscience. Methods: A litteraturereview has been done according to the method proposed by Friberg (2012). The result is based on ten scientific studies. The studies has been seperated into themes based on the similarities that were found. Results: Sex, age, how sick/the degree of dependence of the patient, the thoughts about what is masculine and what is feminine and the image of the nurse affected the experience of intimate care and what job assignments that were seen as appropriate for women and men and also how the patient experienced the care that he or she recieved. Discussion: Gender affects the way individuals act towards each other, their expectations on each other and how they value each others work. This affects the relationship between individuals. The result is related to Hildegard E. Peplaus theory about interpersonal relations in nursing.
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Female university students’ perceptions of the effects of maternal loss on their identity and intimacy developmentMakalima, Phaphama January 2017 (has links)
Early maternal loss and its effects on daughters’ development has generated interest internationally. Yet very few studies have been conducted within South Africa, even though the prevalence of South African children growing up with the loss of their mothers is on the increase particularly due to HIV and Aids. This field of study is particularly important as mothers play a significant developmental role in children’s wellbeing. This study focused on exploring NMMU female students’ perceptions of the effects of maternal loss before adolescence on their identity and intimacy development. A qualitative research approach was followed in order to gain in-depth understanding regarding these perceived effects. A purposive, non-probability sampling method was employed to select participants and semi-structured interviews were conducted with them to explore and describe their perceptions. Attachment theory was utilised to provide a theoretical understanding of the potential impact of such loss on identity and intimacy development. Erikson’s psychosocial development theory was employed to describe the nature of personal identity and intimacy. The role of mothers in the South African context is perceived to be of importance with much focus on daughters’ identity development. Childhood maternal loss for daughters was perceived to effect the identity formation of participants in the study. The majority of participants perceived not having been able to spend enough time with their biological mothers to have limited their self-exploration. The participants perceived that this loss also had an effect on their intimacy as it isolated them from their peers and available support systems due to the fear of experiencing losing a person again in their lives.
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Can you Handle this?Silcock, Sabira January 2018 (has links)
Over the course of a day we meet countless materials and objects but rarely consider these surfaces of negotiation within the everyday environment. If we consider gestures as a language, then the actions we perform and the surfaces we encounter result in conversations with our surroundings. Where body meets details inside architecture, the commonplace ritual occurs. I will discuss the importance of touch in response to my finished work in Can you Handle this? but also during the making process.
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Les usages des réseaux socionumériques : la mise en visibilité de soi sur Facebook / Uses of social network sites : self-exposure on FacebookMell, Laurent 28 November 2014 (has links)
La massification des usages des réseaux socionumériques n’est pas sans conséquences sur la visibilité dont les individus font l’objet. Les potentialités d’internet dans la diffusion de l’information et les divers services de communication mis à disposition sont autant de mécanismes de dévoilement de l’intimité de l’usager dans les espaces publics numériques.Notre projet de recherche doctoral propose d’appréhender les pratiques et l'ensemble des facteurs associés au phénomène de mise en visibilité de soi sur les réseaux socionumériques, et plus particulièrement sur Facebook.Pour ce faire, cette recherche s’appuie sur une analyse quantitative, issue de la passation d’un questionnaire en ligne auprès de 444 usagers de Facebook, ainsi que sur une analyse qualitative provenant de 27 entretiens réalisés auprès d’utilisateurs du réseau socionumérique.Il s’agit de comprendre les raisons expliquant l’élaboration de pratiques de régulation de la visibilité numérique face à un réseau socionumérique incitant à une exposition de soi accrue.Il apparaît que les usagers sont en mesure de développer des espaces de visibilité de leurs informations personnelles et sont en constante variation afin de gérer la complexité de l’identité numérique. Ensuite, les évolutions de la visibilité des individus sur Facebook ne se réalisent pas de manière linéaire mais s’opèrent davantage par phases, entendues comme des interventions dans les pratiques de gestion de la vie privée. Ces évolutions correspondent à des épisodes de vie concomitants à l’expérience d’usage. Enfin, Le dispositif sociotechnique, ou plutôt les invitations à la mise en visibilité de soi qu’il émet, tout comme les attentes normatives de la « société » sont tout autant des modalités de définition de l’identité de l’usager des réseaux socionumériques. Les facteurs d’invitation à la mise en visibilité de soi – que sont l’usager lui-même ; son réseau de relations ; le dispositif sociotechnique Facebook ; et la « société » sous le trait des attentes normatives imposées – correspondent, en grande partie, aux mécanismes de prévention contre les potentielles atteintes à la vie privée. / The increase of the use of social network sites has consequences regarding individual privacy. The Internet’s capability to disseminate information and various communication services available is also a mechanism that reveals the privacy of the user in digital public spaces.Our doctoral research project proposes to study the practices and whole of the factors associated with the phenomenon of self-exposure on social network sites, especially on Facebook.This research contains a quantitative analysis, based on an online questionnaire to 444 Facebook users, as well as a qualitative analysis from 27 interviews conducted with users of this social network site.It aims to analyze the reasons that explain the development of regulatory practices of digital visibility caused by a social network site that incites increased self-exposure.It appears that users are able to develop spaces of visibility of their personal information and that they modulate their practices in order to manage the complexity of the digital identity. Then, changes in individuals’ visibility on Facebook do not occur a linear fashion but in phases, defined as interventions in the management practices of privacy. These changes correspond to instances of life that are concurrent to the experience of use. Finally, the socio-technical system, or rather the invitations to self-exposure so that it emits, as the normative expectations of the "society" are equally ways of defining the identity of the user of social network sites. Factors invitation to self-exposure - that is the user himself; its network of relationships; the socio-technical device Facebook; and "society" under the related normative expectations it imposes - correspond largely to preventive mechanisms guarding against potential threats to privacy.
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Prostatacancer och den sexuella hälsan : En litteraturöversikt / Prostate cancer and the sexual health : A literature reviewGunterberg, Philip, Adamsson, Jonatan January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Orsakerna till att prostatacancer uppstår är i dagsläget inte fastställt, men ärftlighet har visat sig ha en betydelse. Prostatacancer är den vanligaste typen av cancer i världen bland män, där patienterna drabbas av såväl fysiska som psykiska besvär vilket har en påverkan på individernas sexuella hälsa. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av sexuell hälsa vid prostatacancer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på artiklar med kvalitativa data användes. Resultat: Resultatet redovisade tre huvudkategorier som ger en insyn i individernas upplevelse av sexuell hälsa: Att förlora en del av sin identitet, Upplevd påverkan på relationer samt Att kunna anpassa sin livssituation. Det var främst den försämrade förmågan till erektion som påverkade individernas identitet, deras relationer och skapade ett behov av anpassning till den nya situationen. Slutsats: Patienter som lever med prostatacancer upplever en försämrad sexuell hälsa till följd av sin sjukdom. Det resulterar i konsekvenser där patienterna drabbas fysiskt, psykiskt, och socialt, vilket leder till svåra utmaningar för individerna. Litteraturöversikten kan bidra till att ge vårdpersonal en ökad insikt i hur patienterna upplever sin situation, vilket kan resultera i att patienterna får en bättre och mer individanpassad vård. / Summary Background: The causes why the prostate cancer occurring are currently not determined, but heredity has been shown to be of importance. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in the world among men, where the patients suffer from physical and mental illness which affect the sexual health of individuals. Purpose: The purpose was to describe patients' experiences of sexual health in prostate cancer. Method: A literature review based on qualitative data was used. Result: The result presented three main categories that provide an insight into the individual's perception of sexual health: Losing a part of one's identity, Experienced effect on relationships, and Being able to adjust one's life. It was primarily the impaired ability of erection that affected the individual’s identity, their relationships and created a need for adaption to the new situation. Conclusion: Patients living with prostate cancer experience impaired sexual health due to their illness. This results in consequences where patients suffer physically, mentally, and socially, leading to difficult challenges for the individuals. This literature review can provide healthcare professionals with an increased insight into how patients experience their situation, which can result in patients getting a better and more individualized care.
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Transitioning together : narratives of sexuality and intimacy in partners of trans peopleTwist, Jos January 2017 (has links)
Historically trans people have been advised that the gender role transitional process will undoubtedly result in the breakdown of their relationships. Research into trans people's sexuality is growing, yet research into the sexuality of cisgender partners, in the context of their partners' transition, is sparse. This project presents an in-depth narrative analysis of six cisgender women who have been partnered with trans identified individuals. The findings are presented through individual overall impressions of the participants and the collective narratives told. The main story plot that emerged was 'the quest to stay together' which is told through sub plots of identity, the body and invisibility. Further sub plots are offered in regards to the support participants accessed to assist in 'the quest to stay together'. The analysis includes the ways in which narrators drew on, and/or challenged, social discourses of gender and sexuality and also performative aspects of identity. Clinical implications, limitations of the study and future research are also discussed.
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[pt] O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar as possíveis repercussões da extimidade virtual na vivência da conjugalidade de nossos dias. A noção de extimidade virtual foi construída para designar uma nova perspectiva da intimidade observada no espaço da rede. Antes do boom da internet, a intimidade mantinha um forte vínculo com a ideia de privacidade. Contudo, é notória a transformação da intimidade hoje, justamente, no que concerne à sua ligação com o espaço virtual, já que as informações compartilhadas alcançam uma visibilidade nunca antes imaginada. Buscamos compreender as possíveis repercussões que esse novo fenômeno está produzindo na vivência da conjugalidade, uma vez que os olhares parecem estar, cada vez mais, magnetizados pelas relações com os inúmeros outros virtuais. Jean-Paul Sartre é tomado como interlocutor privilegiado para abordar o tema da relação com o outro. Além disso, seu pensamento serve de inspiração fundamental para a escolha dos passos metodológicos deste trabalho, uma vez que sua discussão vai além de um caminho a ser seguido, mas, sobretudo, ensina um modo dinâmico de olhar para o homem, mantendo constantemente o foco na tensão originária que articula homem-mundo, ou, ainda, indivíduo-história. Exploramos a literatura sobre o tema da intimidade e de sua nova faceta, a extimidade virtual, a fim de reconstruirmos a atmosfera que compõe a perspectiva sócio-histórica a partir da qual o homem se escolhe. Na sequência, retomamos os mesmos temas através de novas luzes, procurando articular, com base na ontologia de O Ser e o Nada, uma compreensão existencial da extimidade virtual e da intimidade. Realizamos, também, seis entrevistas com pessoas casadas e usuárias da rede social Facebook, a fim de darmos voz àqueles que fazem com que este novo fenômeno na rede seja possível. A discussão das entrevistas redunda nas unificações sintéticas, ou seja, sínteses em movimento intuídas por meio das diferentes modulações propostas pelo método sartriano. Os entrevistados forneceram testemunhos bastante encarnados a respeito das repercussões da extimidade virtual na intimidade e vice e versa, revelando que estamos diante, não de um fenômeno dicotômico que separa o virtual do real, mas, sim, de uma novidade que une e entrelaça os fios da experiência com o outro dentro e fora da rede. / [en] This study aims to investigate the possible repercussions of virtual extimacy in the conjugality of our days experience. The virtual extimacy notion was built to designate a new perspective of the observed intimacy in the network space. Before the boom of the Internet, the intimacy had a strong connection with the idea of privacy. However, today the intimacy s transformation is remarkable, precisely, regarding its connection with virtual space, since the shared information reaches a visibility never imagined before. We aim to understand the possible repercussions produced by this new phenomenon in the conjugality experience, once the eye seems to be, more and more, magnetized by the relations with several virtual others. Jean-Paul Sartre is considered a privileged interlocutor to address the other s relation issue. Furthermore, his thought is a fundamental inspiration for the choice of the methodological steps of this work, once his discussion goes further than a step to be followed, but, above all, teaches a dynamic way to observe the man, constantly keeping the focus on the originary tension that articulates man-world, or even individual-history. We explore the literature about the intimacy subject and its new side, the virtual extimacy, to reconstruct the atmosphere that involves the social-historical perspective from which man chooses himself. Then, we resume the same themes through new ways, trying to articulate based on the ontology of Being and Nothingness, an existential understanding of virtual extimacy and intimacy. We also conducted six interviews with married people and users of Facebook social network, to give voice to those who make this new phenomenon possible. The interview discussions result in sinthetic unifications, that is, synthesis in movement given us by intuitions through different modulations proposed by the sartrean method. The respondents provided embodied testimonials for the virtual extimacy repercussions on intimacy and vice versa, revealing that we are facing, not a dichotomic phenomenon that separates virtual and real, but rather, a novelty that bonds and connects the threaded experience with the other, inside and outside of the network.
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Respekt autonomie a intimita pacienta jako základní komponenty uchování lidské důstojnosti. / Respect for patient autonomy and intimacy as basic components of human dignity.PETROVICOVÁ, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, the attention is focused mainly on the physical aspect of a person and human dignity is less emphasized. The medical professionals should treat the patients with respect, dignity and understanding. This work points at the issues of maintaining patient autonomy and intimacy as the basic components of the preservation of human dignity. For the purposes of the thesis, the aim was to find to what extent the nurses find it possible to preserve patient autonomy, intimacy and the promotion of human dignity in the hospital environment. The thesis was handled by the qualitative research method with the use of interviews with the nurses and the patients of Department of Surgery and Department of Aftercare. The research file consisted of 10 general nurses, included 5 nurses from the Department of Surgery and 5 nurses from the Department of Aftercare. The research also addressed 10 patients from the Department of Surgery and 10 patients from the Department of Aftercare. Data collection was based on interview with prepared questions. The interviews which allowed the research to collect valuable information were recorded in two ways; either with the help of a voice recorder, or by a written record. Then the data processing itself occurred which consisted of a literal transcript of the information. The important data were emphasized and highlighted using the method called "a pencil and paper." By means of marking of individual words we used the method of "encoding" where the information has been grouped and which subsequently resulted in concepts as autonomy, intimacy and human dignity. The accomplished research brought different views of the nurses on the possibility of preserving the autonomy of the patients. The Department of Surgery offers more autonomy of the patients than those from the Department of Aftercare where patient autonomy is not sustained. The majority of patients (the Department of Surgery, the Department of Aftercare) is at least aware of the possibility to decide on their own, even under the circumstances where all the initiative is, as a result, conveyed by the doctors. Another concept that expressed our interest was the dignified care. Nurses show respect to patients through a humane approach, including information, interest, a quiet environment and a smile. This behaviour was also confirmed by the patients who mentioned only positive experience with the conservation and the promoting of their dignity. Many patients reported that this care is provided at the place where they are hospitalized. Unfortunately, according to the nurses, in some cases the lack of possibility to support patient dignity is caused by insufficient number of the staff, insufficient time and inappropriate facilities. The nurses are trying to maintain a professional approach which is based on decent behaviour focused on respect for human dignity. As the last concept, we present intimacy and privacy. The nurses evaluate the preservation of intimacy as possible and at the same time as an important aspect of the dignified care. Most often intimacy is maintained by means of roller blinds, doors and shutters. However, it is the number of people in the room that both the nurses and the patients see as a chief problem. The patients continue to highlight the efforts and the emphasis that the nurses put to maintain intimacy and privacy. According to the accomplished researched, it was found that the current nursing care may fulfil the rights for human dignity at an average level. The results of the current and potential further research could be available to the management of the hospital care to provide the employers with the information as a means for the identification and elimination of the identified barriers. This would increase the level of quality provided by nursing care and awareness of the fact that a person with all his/her needs remains the focus of our attention.
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