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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La dimension réelle du père dans le passage à l'acte dans un contexte de décompensation psychotique et son rapport à la pulsion invocante / The dimension of the Real of the father in the passage to the act, in a context of psychotic decompensation and its relation to the invocative drive / La dimension réal del padre en el pasage al acto, en un momento de descompensación psicotica y su relacion con la pulsión invocante

Medina Tamayo, Olga Lucia 09 December 2017 (has links)
La pulsion invocante traverse l’oeuvre de Jacques Lacan, bien qu’il n’ait jamais vraiment développé ce thème : son objet est la voix, au moment même où cette dernière fait défaut : notre hypothèse est que le sujet passe à l’acte au moment où la voix se tait, il n’y a pas de cogito. Intriquée à la pulsion scopique, la pulsion invocante a pour signature le silence. Le passage à l’acte procède d’un « je ne pense pas », du langage et non des affects que le sujet subirait. Cette thèse envisage la dimension réelle du père dans le passage à l’acte, en cas de décompensation psychotique, dans son rapport à la pulsion invocante. Des lois ont été établies pour différencier les actes des sujets désignés fous, psychotiques, de ceux des autres pauvres, faibles et criminels, ce qui précise le cadre de l’expertise mentale qui n’est pas étranger à notre recherche. Les textes des lois de 1838 et de 1990 ont été modifiés non tant pour assurer une meilleure protection des patients que pour des raisons sécuritaires. Ainsi, les différents modes d’hospitalisation ont été révisés : hospitalisation libre, hospitalisation à la demande d’un tiers (HDT), hospitalisation d’office (HO) … jusqu’à la notion récente de soins sous contrainte. Notre thèse commence par revisiter ces aspects historiques pour situer le contexte des passages à l’acte qui seront ensuite analysés à la lumière de l’enseignement de Lacan. Nous envisageons la voix comme une tentative de substitution à la forclusion duNom du Père, la voix venant suppléer et compléter le silence de l’Autre. Pour ce faire, nous développons plusieurs illustrations cliniques. Dans le cas de Juan, nous montrons comment le travail thérapeutique lui a permis de ne pas entrer dans le silence et de rechercher son nom en s’adressant à nous. Le travail de la parole empêche le passage à l’acte. Le roman de Duras, La pluie d’été, permet d’entendre la pulsion invocante comme l’écho de la voix de l’Autre et sa résonance corporelle. Avec Seth, la voix du père et celle du diable se confondent, pacte d’alliance entre les pères terribles interdicteurs et les figures féminines. Avec Mme X, nous approchons mieux les aspects de la formule de Lacan : dans la psychose, la voix sonorise le regard. Nous pouvons ensuite prendre la mesure de ce qui se passe pour Chris qui ne supporte pas la voix. La question de l’envers de l’auto-punition est abordée avec la patiente Médée. Nous prenons alors appui sur Gabriel Garcia Marquez avec chronique d’une tentative mortifère annoncée. Nous tentons enfin de comprendre le déclenchement de la psychose chez Telfusa, que les voix selon ses dires accompagnent constamment, même quand elle parle. Le traitement se présentera ainsi : non à Juana la folle mais oui à la liberté. Cette thèse tente de mettre en évidence la valeur propre à la parole introduite par la psychanalyse en éclairant la clinique de l’acte dans le champ des psychoses. / The invocative drive goes through the work of Jacques Lacan, although he never really developed this theme: its object is the voice, at the very moment when it is lacking: our hypothesis is that the subject passes to the act when the voice is silenced, there is no cogito. Intricate to the scopic drive, the invocative drive has the silence as a signature. The passage to the act proceeds from a "I do not think", from language and not from affects that the subject would suffer. This thesis considers the dimension of real of the father in the passage to the act, in a psychotic decompensation case, in his relation to the invocative drive. Laws have been established to differentiate the actions of the designated as crazy, psychotic subjects from those of the poor, weak and criminals, which specifies the framework of mental expertise that is not foreign to our research. The texts of the laws of 1838 and 1990 were modified not so much to ensure a better protection of the patients as for security reasons. Thus, the various modes of hospitalization were revised: free hospitalization, hospitalization at the request of a third party, duty of hospitalization ... until the recent concept of duty of care. Our thesis begins by revisiting these historical aspects to situate the context of passage to the act which will then be analyzed in the light of Lacan's teaching. We envision the voice as a tentative to substitute for the foreclosure of the Name of the Father, the voice supplies and completes the silence of the Other. To do this, we develop several clinical illustrations. In the case of Juan, we show how the therapeutic work allowed him not to go into silence and look for his name by addressing to us. The work of speech prevents the passage to the act. Duras' novel, Summer Rain, allows us to hear the invocative drive as the echo of the voice of the Other and its bodily resonance. With Seth, the voice of the father and the devil are confused, a pact of alliance between the terrible interdicting fathers and the female figures. With Mrs. X, we are getting closer to the aspects of Lacan's formula: in psychosis, the gaze sounds. We can then take inconsideration what happened to Chris who cannot stand the voice. The question of the reverse side of self-punishment is discussed with the patient Medea. We then rely on Gabriel Garcia Marquez with a chronic of a deadly attempt announced. Finally, we try to understand the outbreak of psychosis in Telfusa, whom the voices according to her constantly accompany her, even when she speaks. The treatment will be like this: no to Juana the Crazy but yes to freedom. This thesis attempts to highlight the proper value of the word introduced by psychoanalysis, by illuminating the clinical practice of the passage to the act in the field of psychosis. / La pulsion invocante atraviesa la obra de Jacques Lacan, aunque él nunca desarrolló realmente este tema: su objeto es la voz, en el momento mismo en que ella falta: nuestra hipótesis es que el sujeto pasa al acto cuando la voz se calla, no hay cogito. Intrincada a la pulsión escópica, la pulsión invocante tiene como firma, el silencio. El pasaje al acto procede de un "yo no ienso", del lenguaje, y no de un afecto del cual sufriría el sujeto. Esta tesis considera la dimensión real del padre en el pasaje al acto, en caso de descompensación psicótica, en su relación con la pulsión invocante. Se han establecido leyes para diferenciar los actos de los sujetos designados como locos, psicóticos de los actos de los pobres, débiles y criminales lo que especifica el marco de peritaje psicológico que no es ajeno a nuestra investigación. Los textos de las leyes de 1838 y 1990 se modificaron no tanto para garantizar una mejor protección de los pacientes como por razones de seguridad. Por lo tanto, se revisaron los diversos modos de hospitalización: hospitalización libre, hospitalización por pedido de un tercero (HDT), hospitalización de oficio (HO) ... hasta el concepto reciente de obligación de tratamiento. Nuestra tesis comienza revisando estos aspectos históricos para ubicar el contexto de los pasajes del acto, que luego será analizado a la luz de la enseñanza de Lacan. Vislumbramos la voz como un intento de sustitución a la forclución del Nombre del Padre, la voz que viene a suplir y completar el silencio del Otro. Para hacer esto, desarrollamos varias ilustraciones clínicas. En el caso de Juan, mostramos cómo el trabajo terapéutico le permitió no quedarse en el silencio y buscar su nombre dirigiéndose a nosotros. El trabajo de la palabra impide el paso al acto. La novela de Duras, lluvia de verano, nos permite entender la pulsión invocante como el eco de la voz del Otro y su resonancia corporal. Con Seth, la voz del padre y el diablo se confunden, un pacto de alianza entre los padres terribles que prohíben y las figuras femeninas. Con la Sra. X, nos estamos acercando a los aspectos de la fórmula de Lacan: en la psicosis, la voz sonoriza la mirada. Podemos enseguida tomar en consideración lo que le sucede a Chris que no soporta la voz. La cuestión del reverso del autocastigo la abordamos con la paciente Medea. Nos apoyamos en Gabriel García Márquez con crónica de un intento de muerte anunciado. Finalmente, intentamos de comprender el desencadenamiento de la psicosis en Telfusa, a quien las voces, según ella, la acompañan constantemente, incluso cuando habla. El tratamiento se presenta asi: no a Juana la loca, y si a la libertad. Esta tesis trata de poner en evidencia el valor propio de la palabra introducida por el psicoanálisis, esclareciendo la clínica del acto en el campo de las psicosis.

Música e invocação: uma oficina terapêutica com crianças com transtornos de desenvolvimento / Music and invocation: a therapeutic workshop with children with developmental disorders

Lima, Tiago de Moraes Tavares de 25 May 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa acompanhar os efeitos de uma oficina de música sobre um grupo de crianças com transtornos de desenvolvimento. O objetivo foi o de estabelecer algumas hipóteses sobre a compreensão que a atenção à dimensão da musicalidade pode fornecer sobre esses casos, bem como que tipo de contribuição é capaz de proporcionar em termos de tratamento. Diversas pesquisas constataram que há, na primeira infância, uma relação do bebê com o outro, cuidador, da qual é possível depreender certas qualidades musicais. Além disso, pela via da psicanálise, é desenvolvida a tese de que a voz e a música podem ser abordadas como uma porta de entrada para a relação arcaica entre o sujeito e o Outro, em especial através da noção de pulsão invocante termo cunhado por Jacques Lacan, mas aprofundado principalmente por autores posteriores. A leitura de alguns trabalhos em torno dessa questão conduziu a uma consideração sobre a importância da musicalidade da voz, bem como da sincronia temporal na relação entre o infans e o outro, para a constituição do sujeito. Apesar da potência invocadora da música, o circuito da pulsão invocante não se completa enquanto a dimensão diacrônica e a alternância entre presença/ausência não engendrarem a falta cujo destino na constituição do sujeito for o do recalque originário. O que coloca a questão de se, em primeiro lugar, em casos de psicose e autismo, a sensibilidade à musicalidade está preservada e, em segundo lugar, se uma intervenção terapêutica pela via da música produziria efeitos positivos na qualidade do laço social estabelecido por essas crianças. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa alinham-se com os de outras pesquisas que mostram que a sensibilidade ao manhês e à musicalidade está preservada em casos de autismo. Os efeitos que a dimensão de surpresa envolvida na música produz em diferentes crianças apresentaram uma aproximação possível com as hipóteses diagnósticas e com a orientação da intervenção no tratamento desses casos. Por fim, pareceu-nos que a atenção à dimensão musical, seja presente na fala ou nos movimentos, é profícua para o trabalho com crianças com distúrbios de desenvolvimento como o autismo e a psicose, seja num enquadre institucional em grupo ou não / The present dissertation aims to verify the effects of a music workshop on a group of children with developmental disorders. The goal was to establish some hypotheses related to what an attention to the dimension of musicality may provide in terms of understanding to these cases, as well as the kind of contribution it may offer in terms of treatment. Several researches have established that there is, in early childhood, a relationship of the infans with the caring other from which it is possible to infer musical qualities. Furthermore, through psychoanalytical theory, we develop the thesis that voice and music may represent a doorway to the archaic relationship between the subject and the Other, specially through the notion of invocative drive a term coined by Jacques Lacan, but which was further developed by subsequent authors. The reading of some works related to this issue has lead to a reflection on the importance of the musicality of voice, as well as the temporal synchrony present in the relationship between infans and other, to the subjects constitution. Despite the invocative power of music, the circuit of the invocative drive cannot complete itself as long as the diachronic dimension and the alternating cycle of presence/absence produce the lack that is, in the constitution of the subject, destined for the original repression. Which raises the question, first of all, if the sensibility to music is preserved in cases of autism and child psychosis and, secondly, if a therapeutic intervention based on music would produce any positive effects in the quality of the social bonds established by these children. The results obtained line up with other researches which show that the sensibility to the motherese and musicality is preserved in cases of autism. Also, the effects that the surprise inherent to music have on different children present us with a possible approach to the diagnostic hypotheses and to the orientation of intervention in the treatment of these cases. Finally, we had indications that the attention to the musical qualities present in speech or movement is fertile in work with children with developmental disorders such as autism and psychosis, whether in an institutional context or not

L'exil et le féminin dans leur rapport à l'étranger : approche psychanalytique et anthropo-philosophique / Exile and feminity in their relationship with unknown : psychoanalytic, anthropological and philosophical approach

Picquet, Audrey 04 November 2017 (has links)
Le thème de l’exil, très présent dans l’actualité, constitue le substrat de cette réflexion. Orientée par la psychanalyse, dans ce qu’elle interroge l’articulation du psychisme à la Culture (soit du singulier au collectif), nous avons été amenée à faire un premier détour par la théorie afin de comprendre la part d’énigme du féminin, avant que d’entrevoir avec l’apport de l’anthropologie, la façon dont cette énigme est traitée dans la Culture, et ainsi de repérer les incidences de l’exil géographique sur l’exil et le féminin. En effet, si l’exil (celui-ci étant à entendre comme psychique), renvoie à l’étranger en soi, le féminin apparaît pour les femmes, comme un redoublement d’énigmes, exil et féminin les concernant en leur rapport à l’inconnu. En outre, émerge depuis ces différents témoignages, la question suivante : « qu’en est-il du féminin pour elles, en contexte d’exil géographique ? ». La fragilisation des constructions symboliques culturelles soutenant ces sujets dans leur rapport à un « sentiment d’identité » et dans leur lien à l’Autre, vient précariser leurs repères, modifiant ce qui les unit dans leurs représentations à leur être femme, notamment à l’adolescence, temps de rencontre du féminin. S’ouvre alors une alternative pour ces femmes exilées subissant cette dégradation des processus métaphoriques culturels : la créativité ou le ravage. Lorsque l’étranger n'est pas vécu comme un danger, mais comme un insu porteur d’ouverture, elle est le lieu d’où surgit l’invention. A l’inverse, s’il est perçu comme une menace venant de l’extérieur, c’est le risque pour elles d’une désertion subjective où le désir vient à être gangréné dans un lien de contagion. / Exile, a very topical question, makes the substratum of this thought. A growing number of works deal with this question, that we have developed here, according to the reading of exiled women books, under a stalling angle of femineity for women. Directed by the psycho-analysis in its questioning the link between psychism and culture, we have been led to take a by-way with the theory in order to understand the enigmatical part of femineity, before having a hint about the way this question is treated by Culture with the help of Anthropology, and feel the consequences of geographic exile on exile and femineity .As a matter of fact, if exile (psychical one) sends someone to one’s unknown part, femineity appears for women as a redoubling of enigmas, as they are dealing with exile and femineity in their intercourse with the extraneous. Besides, the following question comes into view from the different witnesses: “what about femineity for hers, in geographic exile context? “The instability of cultural systems of symbols, upholding those individuals with regard to an “identity feeling “and their bond to the “Other”, makes their landmarks precarious, altering what unites them in their representation of “being a woman “, especially during teenage, experiencing time with femineity .An option then starts for these exiled women, who undergo damaged cultural metaphorical processes: creativity or “ravage”.When the unknown is not considered as a danger but as an opening, it is a place for contriving.On the opposite, if it is considered as a threat coming from outside, they run the risk of a subjective desertion where their desire is cankered in a bond of contagiousness.

Música e invocação: uma oficina terapêutica com crianças com transtornos de desenvolvimento / Music and invocation: a therapeutic workshop with children with developmental disorders

Tiago de Moraes Tavares de Lima 25 May 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa acompanhar os efeitos de uma oficina de música sobre um grupo de crianças com transtornos de desenvolvimento. O objetivo foi o de estabelecer algumas hipóteses sobre a compreensão que a atenção à dimensão da musicalidade pode fornecer sobre esses casos, bem como que tipo de contribuição é capaz de proporcionar em termos de tratamento. Diversas pesquisas constataram que há, na primeira infância, uma relação do bebê com o outro, cuidador, da qual é possível depreender certas qualidades musicais. Além disso, pela via da psicanálise, é desenvolvida a tese de que a voz e a música podem ser abordadas como uma porta de entrada para a relação arcaica entre o sujeito e o Outro, em especial através da noção de pulsão invocante termo cunhado por Jacques Lacan, mas aprofundado principalmente por autores posteriores. A leitura de alguns trabalhos em torno dessa questão conduziu a uma consideração sobre a importância da musicalidade da voz, bem como da sincronia temporal na relação entre o infans e o outro, para a constituição do sujeito. Apesar da potência invocadora da música, o circuito da pulsão invocante não se completa enquanto a dimensão diacrônica e a alternância entre presença/ausência não engendrarem a falta cujo destino na constituição do sujeito for o do recalque originário. O que coloca a questão de se, em primeiro lugar, em casos de psicose e autismo, a sensibilidade à musicalidade está preservada e, em segundo lugar, se uma intervenção terapêutica pela via da música produziria efeitos positivos na qualidade do laço social estabelecido por essas crianças. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa alinham-se com os de outras pesquisas que mostram que a sensibilidade ao manhês e à musicalidade está preservada em casos de autismo. Os efeitos que a dimensão de surpresa envolvida na música produz em diferentes crianças apresentaram uma aproximação possível com as hipóteses diagnósticas e com a orientação da intervenção no tratamento desses casos. Por fim, pareceu-nos que a atenção à dimensão musical, seja presente na fala ou nos movimentos, é profícua para o trabalho com crianças com distúrbios de desenvolvimento como o autismo e a psicose, seja num enquadre institucional em grupo ou não / The present dissertation aims to verify the effects of a music workshop on a group of children with developmental disorders. The goal was to establish some hypotheses related to what an attention to the dimension of musicality may provide in terms of understanding to these cases, as well as the kind of contribution it may offer in terms of treatment. Several researches have established that there is, in early childhood, a relationship of the infans with the caring other from which it is possible to infer musical qualities. Furthermore, through psychoanalytical theory, we develop the thesis that voice and music may represent a doorway to the archaic relationship between the subject and the Other, specially through the notion of invocative drive a term coined by Jacques Lacan, but which was further developed by subsequent authors. The reading of some works related to this issue has lead to a reflection on the importance of the musicality of voice, as well as the temporal synchrony present in the relationship between infans and other, to the subjects constitution. Despite the invocative power of music, the circuit of the invocative drive cannot complete itself as long as the diachronic dimension and the alternating cycle of presence/absence produce the lack that is, in the constitution of the subject, destined for the original repression. Which raises the question, first of all, if the sensibility to music is preserved in cases of autism and child psychosis and, secondly, if a therapeutic intervention based on music would produce any positive effects in the quality of the social bonds established by these children. The results obtained line up with other researches which show that the sensibility to the motherese and musicality is preserved in cases of autism. Also, the effects that the surprise inherent to music have on different children present us with a possible approach to the diagnostic hypotheses and to the orientation of intervention in the treatment of these cases. Finally, we had indications that the attention to the musical qualities present in speech or movement is fertile in work with children with developmental disorders such as autism and psychosis, whether in an institutional context or not

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