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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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När jag blir gammal vill jag bstämma. : En studie om ökat brukarinflytande inom äldreomsorgen i Örebro kommun. / When I grow old I want to decide. : A study of user involvement in elder care in the community of Örebro.

Eriksson, Margaretha, Eriksson, Charlotte, Karlsson, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie var att analysera skriftligt arbetsmaterial och offentliga informationsdokument som ligger till grund för förändringsarbete för ett ökat brukarinflytande gällande sociala omsorgsinsatser och servicetjänster i ordinärt boende, det vill säga det egna hemmet. Vi valde att studera Örebro kommun och detta genom en kvalitativ metod i form av en litteraturgranskning. Vårt teoretiska fundament har bestått av socialtjänstlagen, Lag om kommunal befogenhet att tillhandahålla servicetjänster åt äldre, Lag om valfrihetssystem, salutogent synsätt, Kasam och empowerment. Vårt resultat visar att Örebro kommun har infört fyra medel för ett ökat brukarinflytande. Dessa är: förändrad biståndshandläggning, Lag om kommunal befogenhet att tillhandahålla servicetjänster åt äldre, Servicetorget med lotsarna samt Lag om valfrihetssystem. Vi har även studerat hur Örebro kommun har valt att tillämpa Lag om valfrihetssystem med utgångspunkt från lagstiftarens intentioner. De slutsatser vi kan dra från vår studie är att Örebro kommuns ambition är att uppnå ett ökat brukarinflytande för de äldre. Dock ser vi att det är de äldre som har kunskap, kraft och ork att föra sin talan, som kommer att kunna åtnjuta brukarinflytande. De äldre som inte besitter dessa egenskaper kommer dock att behöva ett mer omfattande stöd och hjälp från kommunen för att uppnå ökat brukarinflytande.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study was to analyze the written working material and public information documents on the basis of change for increased user involvement in terms of social care interventions and services in ordinary housing. We chose to study Örebro municipality and this through a qualitative approach in the form of a literature review. Our theoretical foundation consisted of the Social Services Act, Act on municipal authority to provide services to the elderly, the Act on freedom of choice system, salutogenic approach, Kasam and empowerment. Our results show that Örebro municipality has introduced four measures for enhanced user involvement. These are: change needs assessment, Act on municipal authority to provide services to older, the Service market with guides and the Act on freedom of choice system. We have also studied how Örebro municipality has chosen to apply the Act of freedom of choice system based on the legislator’s intentions. The conclusions we can draw from our study is that Örebro municipality has the ambition to achieve a greater user involvement of the elderly who have knowledge, power and energy to present the case. The elderly who do not possess these characteristics will need more extensive support and assistance from the municipality to achieve increased user involvement.</p>

Föräldraarbete vid ungdomsvård : En kvalitativ studie angående OT-gruppens arbete med föräldrar

Johansson, Therese, Jamei, Sarvin, Ragnhult, Camilla January 2006 (has links)
<p>ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET</p><p>Institutionen för beteende-, social- och rättsvetenskap</p><p>Socialt arbete</p><p>C-uppsats 41-60 p</p><p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Titel: Föräldraarbete vid ungdomsvård – En kvalitativ studie angående OTgruppens</p><p>arbete med föräldrar</p><p>Författare: Sarvin Jamei, Therese Johansson och Camilla Ragnhult</p><p>Handledare: Per-Åke Nylander</p><p>Det framkommer i forskning att det är mycket viktigt att i behandlingsarbete med en ungdom</p><p>inkludera föräldrar för att en bestående förändring hos ungdomen skall vara möjlig. OTgruppen</p><p>är en kommunal behandlingsverksamhet med inriktning mot miljöterapi för</p><p>ungdomar mellan 16-19 år. I verksamhetens behandlingsmodell framhålls vikten av att</p><p>föräldern är delaktig i ungdomens behandling. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka</p><p>föräldraarbetet vid OT-gruppen utifrån föräldrars och personals erfarenheter. Syftet tydliggörs</p><p>med följande frågeställningar: (1) Vilken betydelse har föräldraarbetet i behandlingsarbetet,</p><p>(2) vilken betydelse har föräldraarbetet för föräldrarollen, (3) hur utförs föräldraarbetet under</p><p>ungdomens behandling samt (4) vilka svårigheter kan uppstå i arbetet med föräldrarna?</p><p>Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats där sex intervjuer har genomförts. Resultatet av dessa</p><p>intervjuer har tolkats utifrån systemteori och nätverksarbete samt begreppen makt och</p><p>autonomi. Resultatet har även tolkats utifrån relevant tidigare bedriven forskning i ämnet för</p><p>studien. Resultaten visar att föräldraarbete är av stor vikt, både för behandlingsarbetet samt</p><p>för föräldrarollen. Föräldraarbetet vid OT-gruppen genomförs i dagsläget via täta kontakter</p><p>samt fortlöpande information. Svårigheter som kan uppstå i arbetet har visat sig vara att</p><p>föräldraarbetet kan bli ett ensamarbete, personalens svårighet att vara neutral i sitt arbete,</p><p>förälderns egen problematik, meningsskiljaktigheter gällande uppfostran samt bristande</p><p>kunskap gällande andra kulturer. Analysen visar att förälderns delaktighet är mycket viktig för</p><p>att bibehålla förälderns autonomi samt för att jämna ut maktfördelningen. Ur ett</p><p>systemteoretiskt perspektiv framkommer att en del av nätverket inte kan behandlas utan att</p><p>övrigt nätverk påverkas samt att nätverket kan inneha resurser som är nödvändiga för</p><p>individens möjlighet till ett fullgott liv.</p><p>Nyckelord: föräldraarbete, ungdom, delaktighet, behandlingsarbete</p> / <p>ÖREBRO UNIVERSITY</p><p>Department of behavior, social and legal sciences</p><p>Social science</p><p>C-paper 41-60 p</p><p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Parental involvement in treatment of youth – A qualitative study regarding</p><p>the work with parents at OT-gruppen</p><p>Author: Sarvin Jamei, Therese Johansson and Camilla Ragnhult</p><p>Supervisor: Per-Åke Nylander</p><p>Research has shown the importance of parental involvement in the treatment of youth to make</p><p>a sustained change possible. OT-gruppen is a municipal treatment centre for youth between</p><p>16 and 19 with a milieu therapy approach. The importance of parental involvement in the</p><p>treatment of youth has been emphasised in the model of work at the centre. The purpose of</p><p>this study is to examine parents’ and staff members’ experience of parental involvement at</p><p>OT-gruppen. The purpose is further clarified by following questions: (1) What importance</p><p>does the parental involvement have for the treatment, (2) what importance does the parental</p><p>involvement have for the parents regarding the role as a parent, (3) how are parents integrated</p><p>into the treatment of youth and (4) what difficulties may arise when involving parents? This</p><p>paper has a qualitative approach and six interviews have been carried out. The result of those</p><p>interviews has been interpreted from a system theory and network theory perspective, in</p><p>addition to the concepts of power and autonomy. The result of the study has furthermore been</p><p>interpreted in the light of previous research within the topic. The results show that parental</p><p>involvement is of great importance regarding both the treatment and the role as a parent.</p><p>Parental involvement at OT-gruppen consists of frequent contacts and continuous</p><p>information. Difficulties that may arise are that work with parents is dependent upon one</p><p>member of staff, the ability of staff members to remain neutral towards their work, the</p><p>parents’ own problems and conflicts of opinion regarding different methods of upbringing and</p><p>lack of knowledge about other cultures. The analysis shows that the parental involvement is</p><p>very important to maintain the autonomy of the parents in addition to even out the balance of</p><p>power. From a system theoretical perspective it is impossible to treat one part of the system</p><p>without the whole system being influenced. The network can also possess resources that are</p><p>necessary for the individuals’ possibility to create a good life.</p><p>Keywords: parental involvement, youth, participation, treatment</p>

Skapandet av lojalitet : - en utvärdering av marknadsföringsstrategier

Hautanen, Emma, Rowe, Eve-Marie January 2007 (has links)
<p>Titel: Skapandet av lojalitet - en utvärdering av marknadsföringsstrategier.</p><p>Författare: Emma Hautanen & Eve-Marie Rowe</p><p>Handledare: Lars Vigerland</p><p>Ämne: Marknadsföring</p><p>Dokumenttyp: Kandidatuppsats 10p.</p><p>Publiceringsår: VT-2007</p><p>Nyckelord: Lojalitet, Word-of-mouth, Involvement theory, Marketing mix, Medicinteknisk</p><p>verksamhet, Medicintekniska avdelningen analys på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet är att utvärdera om MTA-analys marknadsföringsstrategier skapar lojala</p><p>kunder?</p><p>Metod: I studien har författarna genomfört både en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ</p><p>undersökning. Författarna har använt sig av abduktion i studien. Den kvantitativa</p><p>undersökningen bestod av prestrukturerade svarsalternativ som utarbetas utifrån redan</p><p>befintliga teorier för att på så sätt kunna koppla samman empirin och teorin kring studien.</p><p>Således har studien gjorts enligt en abduktiv ansats. Undersökningen utfördes genom att</p><p>enkäter skickades ut till MTA-A’s kunder, både avdelningar på sjukhuset och utomstående</p><p>kunder. Den kvalitativa undersökningen bestod av intervjuer, författarna intervjuade</p><p>sektionschefen och tre anställda på Medicintekniska avdelningen analys på Karolinska</p><p>Universitetssjukhuset. Författarna intervjuade chef och anställda för att få en bild av hur väl</p><p>den interna kommunikationen på MTA-As verksamhet fungerar.</p><p>Teori: För att kunna ge en bakgrund till uppsatsens teoretiska referensram har fem befintliga</p><p>teorier legat som grund för studien; Interaktiv kommunikation, Involvement theory, Service</p><p>Value Chain, Grönroos-Gummesons kvalitetsmodell samt Marketing Mix. Genom dessa</p><p>teorier kan man få en bild av hur graden av involvering påverkar konsumenternas</p><p>köpbeteende, effekterna av word-of-mouth, hur man genom en väl fungerande intern</p><p>marknadsföring ska få nöjda och återkommande kunder, vilka faktorer som bidrar till den</p><p>3</p><p>kundupplevd kvaliteten, samt om de olika faktorerna i marketing mix har någon betydelse för</p><p>kunderna.</p><p>Empiri: För att utvärdera om MTA-A marknadsföringsstrategier skapar lojala kunder</p><p>genomfördes en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ undersökning för att se om svaren stämmer</p><p>överens med varandra eller om det finns gap mellan ledning, personal och kunder. Genom</p><p>detta kunde förståelse erhållas om kundernas uppfattning om hur de resonerar kring valet av</p><p>MTA-A’s verksamhet och hur ledningen samt personalen ser på verksamheten.</p><p>Resultat: Uppsatsens syfte besvaras med hjälp av gap-modellen, för att se om det finns brister</p><p>i MTA-A´s marknadsföringsstrategier. Gapen mellan ledning, personal och kund är ett fåtal</p><p>och det finns andra positiva aspekter i MTA-A´s verksamhet som överväger bristerna, såsom</p><p>kompetent personal och bra service. Detta styrkes av enkätundersökningen där 30 stycken</p><p>kunder svarade att de är eller kommer att vara återkommande kunder. Med underlag av</p><p>enkätundersökningen konstaterar vi att MTA-A´s marknadsföringsstrategier skapar lojala</p><p>kunder.</p><p>Slutsats: De faktorer inom marknadsföringsstrategierna som är viktiga för att skapa</p><p>kundlojalitet är utbudet av tjänster, kompetent och trevlig personal, bra internkommunikation,</p><p>bra service, tillgänglighet och geografisk närbelägenhet.</p>

SERVQUAL : ett lämpligt mätinstrument av upplevd tjänstekvalitet inom reseindustrin?

Henriksson, Susanna, Fränneby, Charlotte January 2008 (has links)
<p>The travel agencies exist on a market that is distinguished by increasing competition. A majority of the travel agencies offer different services that all satisfie the same customer need. However,</p><p>one major difference in the market aspect is the service quality, this making it an important mean of competition. There are several acknowledged methods of measurement when it comes to service quality and it is important to use an instrument that takes into consideration the fact that charter tours is a complex merger of several services. The purpose of this essay is to establish if the SERVQUAL method is a suitable instrument for measuring service quality in the travel</p><p>industry. This study is a thorough analysis and evaluation of what Apollo’s customers think about the service quality of Apollo as well as how they perceive that Apollo fulfils their travelling</p><p>expectations. Moreover, the essay will examine which factors affect travellers’ experiences of the service quality on charter tours. The study has an objective outlook and the authors have applied a deductive approach. The authors have performed a quantitative study on 70 of Apollo’s customers. The aforementioned study was carried out using a questionnaire that was based on the</p><p>SERVQUAL method and the theories that were used in the theoretical part of that study.</p><p>The result show that the SERVQUAL method only considered the aspects that involve the travel agency and did not consider the other aspects that affect the traveller’s overall experience of the</p><p>service quality. In conclusion this study determines that the SERVQUAL method is not a suitable instrument for measuring service quality on charter tours in the travel industry.</p> / <p>Researrangörer verkar på en marknad som kännetecknas av en ökad konkurrens, där ett flertal researrangörer erbjuder olika tjänster som tillfredställer samma behov. Något som särskiljer researrangörerna åt är kvaliteten, vilket medför att den blir ett viktigt konkurrensmedel. Då det finns flera erkända metoder för att mäta upplevd tjänstekvalitet är det viktigt att använda ett mätinstrument som tar hänsyn till att charterresor är en komplex uppsättning av deltjänster.</p><p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att klargöra om SERVQUAL metoden är ett lämpligt mätinstrument inom reseindustrin genom att analysera och utvärdera vad kunderna anser om Apollos</p><p>tjänstekvalitet samt om Apollo uppfyller kundernas förväntningar. Detta med hjälp av att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar resenärers upplevda tjänstekvalitet på charterresor. Uppsatsen utgår från ett objektivistiskt synsätt där författarna har tillämpat en deduktiv ansats. En kvantitativ enkätundersökning har utförts på 70 stycken av Apollos kunder där enkätundersökningen är baserad på SERVQUAL samt de teorier som behandlas i studiens teorikapitel. Resultatet visar att SERVQUAL metoden endast tar upp de aspekter som rör researrangören, och inte alla de aspekter som påverkar kundernas upplevda tjänstekvalitet. Med detta som utgångspunkt anser författarna att SERVQUAL metoden är bristande som mätinstrument när det gäller att mäta resenärers uppfattning av tjänstekvalitet på charterresor.</p>

Instigating involvement through consumer-based brand equity : an attitudinal study of consumer-based brand equity and consumer involvement

Bredberg, David, Holmquist, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>Recent research on links between dimensions of consumer-based brand equity, as well as links to consumer involvement, has shown that it is a significant predictor of purchase behavior.</p><p>The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the affect brands have on consumer involvement. We attempt to investigate how consumer-based brand equity affects the level of consumer involvement.</p><p>Based on consumer behavior theory and previous research of these areas, gathered primary data (an empirical investigation of students’ attitudes) is analyzed to gain an understanding of how the aforementioned concepts relate to each other.</p><p>The findings indicate that there are correlations between consumer-based brand equity and consumer involvement, and that there is more to investigate in this area. Suggestions for further research include a similar study with more measured variables for each dimension, and analyzing them separately instead of creating indexes.</p><p>The results of this dissertation may be useful for marketers and manufacturers of the specific products investigated, as well as products of similar nature, in order to apply focus to the attributes which consumers value most.</p>

Att kommunicera mångfald : En undersökning om kommunikation och engagemang inom Landsrådet för Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationer

Samuelsson, Frida January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Communicating diversity – A study about communication and involvement in The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations.</p><p>Number of pages: 58</p><p>Author: Frida Samuelsson</p><p>Tutor: Peder Hård af Segerstad</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>Period: Autumn 2006</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science,Uppsala University</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The general purpose of this essay is to analyse how the member organizations of LSU – The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations, see the communication,activities and their influence over the organization. I aim to do an analysis of the target group to find out if the lack of involvement in LSU is caused by communication problems.</p><p>Material/Method: The method of this essay is quantitative and is based upon a web-survey.The chairmen of the member organizations have been asked to answer a survey about the communication in LSU. To get an idea of how widespread different opinions about LSU are the empirical data has been made into graphs to show the frequencies and also cross tabulations to find out if there are any correlations between the variables.</p><p>Main result: This study has shown that the problem with involvement in LSU is only partly a communication problem. One important result is that many member organizations feel that LSU doesn’t listen to their opinions and they express a wish to have more influence over the organization. The broad target group is both a strength and a weakness to the organization. It is a hard task to communicate in such a differentiated organization, since the members have many views on LSU and have different degrees of involvement. But it is also a strength to be able to create meeting points where different organizations can learn from each other.</p><p>Keywords: Communication problems, internal communication, involvement, non-profit, organizations, umbrella organization, youth organizations.</p>

Relationships Among Musical Home Environment, Parental Involvement, Demographic Characteristics, and Early Childhood Music Participation

Wills, Adrienne M 03 May 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the musical home environment of preschool children aged 3 to 5 years enrolled in an early childhood music class. This study also examined how the musical home environment was affected by demographic characteristics, parental musical experience, and early childhood music instruction. Parents and primary caregivers (N = 103) of preschool children enrolled in three university-based early childhood music programs in Florida, New York, and Ohio were surveyed using a researcher-constructed measure, “Parents’ Use of Music with Preschool Students” (PUMPS). The PUMPS was intended to gather data related to demographic characteristics of the sample, participants’ experiences in early childhood music programs, the personal music experience of participants and information about how music was used in the home. Participants demonstrated that they provided a rich musical home environment for preschool children, having a variety of musical interactions with their children on a weekly basis (i.e., singing, listening to music, playing instruments, moving to music, utilizing music class activities and composition) and had a variety of musical materials in their homes including music instruments, musical toys, and music listening devices. Participants reported a higher frequency of singing, listening to music, and dancing in the home and a lower frequency of playing instruments, performing music class activities, and composing or reading music. Most of the sample had participated in music during their lifetime but the vast majority of the participants did not engage in musical activities at the time of the study. They did, however, value music and attend musical events. Factor analysis of the PUMPS subsets revealed three factors for musical home environment (Music Interactions, Musical Materials, and Child Attendance at Musical Events), two factors related to parental music experience (Music Participation and Value of Music), and one factor related to Early Childhood Music Experiences. Several independent variables significantly predicted musical home environment factors. Musical Interactions were related to adult gender, child age, ethnicity, and parent valuing music. Musical materials in the home were related to parental musical participation and ethnicity, while no significant predictors were found for child attendance at musical events. Ethnicity, child age, parental musical participation, and musical materials accounted for 37.8% of the variance in composite musical home environment scores, yielding a medium effect size.

An Investigation of Time Management and Organization in Head Start Families

Wallace, Heather Sedges 01 May 2010 (has links)
Parents are often advised to increase the amount of time spent with their preschool-age children because of the beneficial outcomes associated with positive parent-child interactions, and numerous programs exist to encourage and support this type of parent involvement. However, there is a paucity of information about whether and how parents manage and organize their time in a manner that facilitates parents’ interactions with children. Increasing home-based parent involvement is a federal mandate and central tenet of the Head Start program for low-income parents. One of the ways in which a local Head Start program encourages parent involvement is to offer weekly educational activities to families designed to be completed at home by parents and their children. The purpose of this study was to examine how a group of Head Start managed and organized their time in a manner that facilitated completion of these activities and the way in which other aspects of the home environment affected these efforts. Parents in this study (N =22) were diverse in terms of ethnicity, parenting status (grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers), employment status, marital status, and education. The constant-comparison method was used to analyze comments obtained during focus groups. Parents primarily discussed time management and organization in two ways: techniques and tools that helped them manage and organize time and the obstacles they faced in doing so. Parents also discussed alteration of the physical environment conducive to completing the activity, the benefit of social support, and the ways in which they acquired and maintained their child’s engagement in the activity. Knowledge about such time management strategies may be utilized by programs hoping to increase home-based parental involvement. This study contributes to the current dearth of information that exists about low-income family time management and organization.

An exploration of meaningful involvement in ropes course programs

Haras, Katryna Stephanie 30 September 2004 (has links)
Ropes course programs provide numerous benefits but what makes programs effective has been unclear. The purpose of the study was to: 1) determine if there was a measurable difference in meaningful involvement between the Challenge by Choice (CbC) and Inviting Optimum Participation (IOP) approaches to ropes course program design and delivery, and 2) identify and compare the linkages among program attributes, outcomes, and values with each approach. The study involved 360 young adolescents (ages 10 -15) who took part in full-day ropes course programs provided by one of four organizations in Ontario, Canada. Participants included 172 boys and 188 girls. The average age was 12.7 years and 47% had previous ropes course program experience. Participants completed either: 1) an experience sampling survey related to meaningful involvement or 2) a means-end laddering survey related to program attributes, outcomes, and values. The experience sampling data were subjected to multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The dependent variables were meaningful involvement during high (belayed) activities and low (non-belayed) activities. The independent variables were program type, sex, and ropes course experience. Program type had a significant effect (8(3,158) = 0.937, p< 0.05) for meaningful involvement experienced during high activities. Meaningful involvement consists of the areas engagement, choice, and view of self. Follow-up ANOVAs indicated that choice (F(1, 160) = 6.127, p< 0.05) was significantly higher in IOP programs. Differences between the programs in engagement and view of self were not significant. There was no significant effect for low activities. Means-end analysis was used to identify linkages among program attributes, outcomes, and values. Responses were organized into 11 Hierarchical Value Maps. Participants in IOP programs identified different linkages than participants in CbC programs. IOP program participants were more likely to mention the attribute low activities and the outcome group efficacy as significant and less likely to mention the outcome anxiety. CbC participants were less likely to mention low activities and group efficacy and more likely to mention anxiety and the value excitement. These findings indicate that ropes course program design and delivery can be manipulated to provide specific benefits and facilitate participant experiences of meaningful involvement.

Kundinvolvering i högteknologiska produktutvecklingsprojekt / Customer involvement in high technological product development projects

Insulander, Therese, Rothoff, Josefine January 2004 (has links)
Background: Knowledge of customer needs is a key factor in companies’ struggle to develop successful products. Several studies illustrate that the main reason for failure in product development is lack of customer understanding. Lately considerable changes have occurred. Large-scale mass production is continuously being replaced by customer orientation, especially in the high technological market. Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to analyze customer involvement in high technological product development projects. Research method: The study was conducted by realizing seven qualitative interviews at three different companies related to telecommunication. Result: Customers are involved in product development projects in different ways and to different extends. The involvement is carried out in two main ways; either by planned meetings, demanded direct involvement, or by market and sales departments, not demanded involvement. The characteristics of the customer involvement is primarily dependent on the sort of new product being developed, the character of the development process as well as the design of the project model in terms of duration and control.

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