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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental Techniques for Studies in Atomic & Molecular Physics

Heijkenskjöld, Filip January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is based on a selection of six different experimental techniques used for studies in atomic and molecular physics. The techniques analysed in the thesis are compared to find similarities in strategies and ways to avoid sources of error. Paper 1 deals with collision based spectroscopy with 60 keV Xe6+ ions on sodium and argon gas targets. Information on energy of Rydberg states in Xe5+ is unveiled by optical spectroscopy in the wavelength range from vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) to visible. In paper 2, the fast ion-beam laser spectroscopy (FIBLAS) is adapted for measuring hyperfine structure of barium isotopes in an isotopically pure ion-beam. This techniques involves changing the isotope during the measurement to minimize sources of error in measurement and enhance the signal from lesser abundant isotopes. The FIBLAS technique is used in paper 3 to study samarium ions. The ions are optically pumped and the recorded optical nutation is used to measure transition probabilities. This technique eludes the difficulties inherent in relative intensity measurements of all the radiative transitions from an excited state. In Paper 4, optical emission spectroscopy is used in the VUV region to study noble gas mixture discharges. The source of the emission bands near the resonance lines of krypton and xenon are found to be heteronuclear dimers. In paper 5, radiation from a pulsed argon plasma with admixture of nitrogen is studied with time resolved spectroscopy in the VUV and ultraviolet wavelength ranges to investigate the mechanism of energy transport. A metastable state of atomic argon is found to be an important source of energy to many radiative processes. In Paper 6, photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) on thiophene, on 3-bromothiophene and on 3,4-dibromothiophene using time-of-flight photoelectron-photoelectron coincidence technique and conventional PES to investigate the onset of double ionisation compared to the onset of single ionisation in molecules.

Mikro-Ionenstrahl-Apparatur zur Exposition lebender Zellen / Micro ion beam facility for the irradiation of living cells

Greif, Klaus-Dieter 05 February 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Annual Report 2012 - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

08 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In 2012 the HZDR, and in consequence also the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research (IIM) including its Ion Beam Center (IBC), has undergone a scientific evaluation. The evaluation committee composed of the Scientific Advisory Board and numerous external experts in our field of research concluded that “the overall quality of the scientific work is excellent”, that “there are an impressive number of young scientists working enthusiastically on a variety of high-level projects” and that “the choice of these projects represents a clear underlying strategy and vision”. We feel honored and are proud that the external view on our scientific achievements is that extraordinary. In view of this outstanding result we would like to express our gratitude to all our staff members for their commitment and efforts! In the past year, we continued our integration into the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers (HGF) with our Institute mostly active in the research area “Matter”, but also involved in a number of activities in the research area “Energy”. In this respect, many consultations were held with the Helmholtz centers contributing to common research areas to precisely define the role we will play in the newly established HGF program “From Matter to Materials and Life” (see schematic below). Our IBC has been recognized as a large-scale user facility for ion beam analysis and modification of materials, i.e., specializing on materials science. In particular, the IBC plays a prominent role in the recently approved Helmholtz Energy Materials Characterization Platform (HEMCP), which mainly concentrates on the development of dedicated analytical tools for the characterization of materials required for future energy technologies. The successes achieved by the IBC allows us to invest 7200 k€ to further improve and strengthen the ion beam capabilities at the Institute. In addition to this infrastructure-related grant, we were also successful in our funding application for the establishment of the International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NANONET), aiming at promoting the next generation of leading scientists in the field of nanoelectronics. The IHRS NANONET is coordinated by our Institute and offers a well-structured PhD program to outstanding students of all nationalities with emphasis on interdisciplinary research and comprehensive training in technical and professional skills.

Annual Report 2014 - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

23 July 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This past year 2014 was the year when we finally completely arrived as a “full member” in the Helmholtz Association. This is related to the successfully passed research evaluation in the framework of the Program Oriented Funding (POF), which will give us a stable and predictable funding for the next five years (2015 – 2019). This is particularly true for our large-scale user facilities, like the Ion Beam Center (IBC) and the electron accelerator ELBE with the free-electron laser. Most of our activities are assigned to the program “From Matter to Materials and Life” within the research area “Matter”, in cooperation with several other German Helmholtz Centers. Our in-house research is performed in three so-called research themes, as depicted in the schematic below. What is missing there for simplicity is a small part of our activities in the program “Nuclear Waste Management and Safety” within the research area “Energy”. Our research and facilities were well appreciated by the evaluation committee, who made the following judgement about the Ion Beam Center: “The Ion Beam Centre (IBC) of HZDR is an internationally leading ion-beam facility (with ion energies ranging from several eV to several tens of MeV). At both the national and international level it is one of the key players and is unique in its kind. The synergy between forefront research and user service has been leading to a very good publication output for both in-house research and user research. … The very broad range of beam energies, the versatility of techniques and applications – both for ion beam modification of materials and for ion-beam analysis – makes the IBC unique in its kind. … The strength of IBC is that its activities are based on a combination of forefront research and user service, which mutually interact in synergy and strengthen one another. In turn, this synergy has been leading to a very good publication output for both in-house research and user research.” In order to make our Annual Report a bit more compact, we have decided to include only four full journal papers this year. This was also triggered by the fact that our publication activities have turned out be become more diverse, in more diverse journals than in the past, and often through longer papers, which would be too long to reprint them here. However, apart from the constantly quantitatively high publication output, we succeeded to publish in excellent journals such as Nature Physics, Nano Letters and Physical Review Letters, in fields as diverse as ion beam physics, magnetism and terahertz spectroscopy. Two of our scientists, Dr. Artur Erbe and Dr. Alexej Pashkin obtained their Habilitation in 2014, both at University of Konstanz. For the first time, we are hosting an Emmy Noether Young Investigator Group funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); the group works on the hot topic of magnonics and is headed by Dr. Helmut Schultheiß. Finally we would like to cordially thank all partners, friends, and organizations who supported our progress in 2014. Special thanks are due to the Executive Board of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, the Minister of Science and Arts of the Free State of Saxony, and the Minister of Education and Research of the Federal Government of Germany. Numerous partners from universities, industry and research institutes all around the world contributed essentially, and play a crucial role for the further development of the institute. Last but not least, the directors would like to thank again all IIM staff for their efforts and excellent contributions in 2014.

Premiers pas vers l'observation in situ dans un Microscope Electronique en Transmission d'une batterie en cours de cyclage électrochimique

Adrien, Brazier 15 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les batteries, et en particulier les batteries lithium-ion (Li-ion), sont devenues des vecteurs de stockage de l'énergie particulièrement adaptés à l'avènement des très nombreuses applications portables (téléphones ou ordinateurs). Dans le but d'améliorer et de rendre plus sûrs ces vecteurs, il est impératif de pouvoir comprendre et caractériser de la manière la plus précise les matériaux les constituant et les interfaces les séparant. Pour cela, l'utilisation d'outils puissants et adaptés est essentielle, notamment depuis l'apparition de matériaux ayant une architecture à l'échelle nanométrique. Ainsi, l'utilisation de la Microscopie Electronique en Transmission (MET) est particulièrement prometteuse, pour sa capacité à analyser les propriétés morphologiques, structurales ou chimiques à cette échelle. Fort de ce constat, nous avons tenté de réaliser la première observation in situ dans un MET d'une batterie en cours de cyclage électrochimique. La première partie de ce manuscrit est dédiée à la présentation de la stratégie utilisée. En effet, les nombreuses difficultés liées à la fois à l'environnement du MET et à la nature même d'une batterie, nous ont forcé à faire des choix basés sur l'analyse de l'état de l'art, principalement en termes de matériaux, de technologies et d'équipements expérimentaux. Ainsi, ce projet est basé sur l'étude d'une microbatterie Li-ion tout solide. Le deuxième chapitre est lui consacré au procédé de fabrication par ablation laser de ces microbatteries tout solide, avec notamment la synthèse et la caractérisation de chacun des matériaux actifs constitutifs. La troisième partie décrit les solutions envisagées pour lever certaines des incertitudes qui avaient été identifiées. Nous avons ainsi réussi la première observation ex situ par MET d'une "nanobatteries" obtenue par découpe d'une microbatterie à l'aide d'un faisceau d'ions focalisés (FIB) dans un MEB à double faisceaux. Les analyses par MET entre des coupes de batteries après dépôt et ayant subi un cyclage électrochimique ont permis de mettre en évidence, pour la première fois, de nombreux dommages ou des mécanismes de détérioration des interfaces. Les premiers essais, et notamment la configuration utilisée, n'ayant pas permis de réaliser les premiers tests de cyclage in situ dans un MET, plusieurs modifications ont dû être opérées, qui sont présentées dans le dernier chapitre. Ce nouveau design a permis d'expérimenter un cyclage in situ sur des "nanobatteries" et de mettre en lumière les derniers challenges à relever.

Partikeltherapie-PET – Optimierung der Datenverarbeitung für die klinische Anwendung

Helmbrecht, Stephan 19 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Strahlentherapie ist einer der drei Partner im interdisziplinären Feld der Onkologie. In Europa, Asien und den USA besteht zunehmend die Möglichkeit einer Therapie mit Strahlen aus geladenen Ionen anstelle von Photonen. Eine Anlage in Dresden befindet sich in der Kommissionierungsphase. Die Ionenstrahltherapie bietet den Vorteil einer sehr konformalen Behandlung des Tumorvolumens durch die endliche Reichweite der Strahlen und ein ausgeprägtes Dosismaximum kurz vor dem Ende des Strahlpfades. Da eine Therapie in der Regel über bis zu 30 Sitzungen an verschiedenen Tagen durchgeführt wird und der Strahlweg stark von dem durchdrungenen Gewebe beeinflusst wird, sind Verfahren für eine in vivo Verifikation der Strahlapplikation wünschenswert. Eine dieser Methoden ist die Partikeltherapie–Positronen-Emissions-Tomografie (PT-PET). Sie beruht auf der Messung der vom Therapiestrahl erzeugten β+-Aktivitätsverteilung. Da eine direkte Berechnung der Dosis aus der Aktivität in lebendem Gewebe nicht möglich ist, wird die gemessene Aktivitätsverteilung mit einer berechneten Vorhersage verglichen und anschließend entschieden, ob die nächste Therapiesitzung wie geplant erfolgen kann oder Anpassungen notwendig sind. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit drei Themen aus dem Bereich der Datenverarbeitung für die PT-PET. Im ersten Teil wird ein Algorithmus zur Bestimmung von Reichweitendifferenzen aus zwei β+- Aktivitätsverteilungen adaptiert und evaluiert. Dies geschieht zunächst anhand einer Simulationsstudie mit realen Patientendaten. Ein Ansatz für eine automatisierte Analyse der Daten lieferte keine zufriedenstellenden Ergebnisse. Daher wird ein Software-Prototyp für eine semiautomatische, assistierte Datenanalyse entwickelt. Die Evaluierung erfolgt durch Experimente mit Phantomen am 12C-Strahl. Die erzeugte Aktivitätsverteilung wird von physiologischen Prozessen im Organismus beeinflusst. Dies führt zu einer Entfernung von Emittern vom Ort ihrer Erzeugung und damit zu einer Verringerung der diagnostischen Wertigkeit der erfassten Verteilung. Zur Quantifizierung dieses als Washout bezeichneten Effektes existiert ein am Tierexperiment gewonnenes Modell. Dieses Modell wird im zweiten Teil der Arbeit auf reale Patientendaten angewendet. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Modell grundsätzlich anwendbar ist und für die betrachtete Tumorlokalisation Schädelbasis ein Washout mit einer Halbwertszeit von (155,7±4,6) s existiert. Die Berechnung der Vorhersage der β+-Aktivitätsverteilung kann durch übliche Monte-Carlo-Verfahren erfolgen. Dabei werden die Wechselwirkungsquerschnitte zahlreicher Reaktionskanäle benötigt. Als alternatives Verfahren wurde die Verwendung gemessener Ausbeuten (Yields) radioaktiver Nuklide in verschiedenen Referenzmaterialien vorgeschlagen. Auf Basis einer vorhandenen Datenbank dieser Yields und einer existierenden Condensed-History-Monte-Carlo-Simulation wird ein Programm zur Berechnung von Aktivitätsverteilungen auf Yieldbasis entwickelt. Mit der Methode kann die β+-Aktivitätsverteilung in Phantomen und Patienten zufriedenstellend vorhergesagt werden. Die entwickelten Verfahren sollen einen Einsatz der PT-PET im klinischen Umfeld erleichtern und damit einen breiten Einsatz ermöglichen, um das volle Potential der Ionenstrahltherapie nutzbar zu machen.

Building Systems for Electronic Probing of Single Low Dimensional Nano-objects : Application to Molecular Electronics and Defect Induced Graphene

Jafri, Syed Hassan Mujtaba January 2011 (has links)
Nano-objects have unique properties due to their sizes, shapes and structure. When electronic properties of such nano-objects are used to build devices, the control of interfaces at atomic level is required. In this thesis, systems were built that can not only electrically characterize nano-objects, but also allow to analyze a large number of individual nano-objects statistically at the example of graphene and nanoparticle-molecule-nanoelectrode junctions. An in-situ electrical characterization system was developed for the analysis of free standing graphene sheets containing defects created by an acid treatment. The electrical characterization of several hundred sheets revealed that the resistance in acid treated graphene sheets decreased by 50 times as compared to pristine graphene and is explained by the presence of di-vacancy defects. However, the mechanism of defect insertion into graphene is different when graphene is bombarded with a focused ion beam and in this case, the resistance of graphene increases upon defect insertion. The defect insertion becomes even stronger at liquid N2 temperature. A molecular electronics platform with excellent junction properties was fabricated where nanoparticle-molecule chains bridge 15-30nm nanoelectrodes. This approach enabled a systematic evaluation of junctions that were assembled by functionalizing electrode surfaces with alkanethiols and biphenyldithiol. The variations in the molecular device resistance were several orders of magnitude and explained by variations in attachment geometries of molecules.  The spread of resistance values of different devices was drastically reduced by using a new functionalization technique that relies on coating of gold nanoparticles with trityl protected alkanedithiols, where the trityl group was removed after trapping of nanoparticles in the electrode gap. This establishment of a reproducible molecular electronics platform enabled the observation of vibrations of a few molecules by inelastic tunneling spectroscopy. Thus this system can be used extensively to characterize molecules as well as build devices based on molecules and nanoparticles.

3D imaging and modeling of carbonate core at multiple scales

Ghous, Abid, Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2010 (has links)
The understanding of multiphase flow properties is essential for the exploitation of hydrocarbon reserves in a reservoir; these properties in turn are dependent on the geometric properties and connectivity of the pore space. The determination of the pore size distribution in carbonate reservoirs remains challenging; carbonates exhibit complex pore structures comprising length scales from nanometers to several centimeters. A major challenge to the accurate evaluation of these reservoirs is accounting for pore scale heterogeneity on multiple scales. This is the topic of this thesis. Conventionally, this micron scale information is achieved either by building stochastic models using 2D images or by combining log and laboratory data to classify pore types and their behaviour. None of these capture the true 3D connectivity vital for flow characterisation. We present here an approach to build realistic 3D network models across a range of scales to improve property estimation through employment of X-ray micro-Computed Tomography (μCT) and Focussed Ion Beam Tomography (FIBT). The submicron, or microporous, regions are delineated through a differential imaging technique undertaken on x-ray CT providing a qualitative description of microporosity. Various 3-Phase segmentation methods are then applied for quantitative characterisation of those regions utilising the attenuation coefficient values from the 3D tomographic images. X-ray micro-CT is resolution limited and can not resolve the detailed geometrical features of the submicron pores. FIB tomography is used to image the 3D pore structure of submicron pores down to a scale of tens of nanometers. We describe the experimental development and subsequent image processing including issues and difficulties resolved at various stages. The developed methodology is implemented on cores from producing wackstone and grainstone reservoirs. Pore network models are generated to characterise the 3D interconnectivity of pores. We perform the simulations of petrophysical properties (permeability and formation resistivity) directly on the submicron scale image data. Simulated drainage capillary pressure curves are matched with the experimental data. We also present some preliminary results for the integration of multiscale pore information to build dual-scale network models. The integration of multiscale data allows one to select appropriate effective medium theories to incorporate sub-micron structure into property calculations at macro scale giving a more realistic estimation of properties.

Design study of a Compton camera for prompts-gamma imaging during ion beam therapy / Conception d'une caméra Compton pour le contrôle en ligne en hadronthérapie

Richard, Marie-Hélène 04 September 2012 (has links)
L'hadronthérapie est une technique innovante de radiothérapie par ions carbone ou protons visant à améliorer les traitements actuels. La précision balistique accrue renforce la nécessité d'un contrôle du dépôt de dose, si possible en temps réel. Une manière de réaliser ce contrôle est de détecter avec une caméra Compton le gamma prompt émis lors des fragmentations nucléaires pendant l'irradiation du patient. Dans un premier temps, la géométrie de deux types de caméra Compton (double diffusion puis simple diffusion) a été optimisée par simulation Monte Carlo. Cette optimisation a été réalisée en étudiant la réponse des caméras à une source ponctuelle de photons avec un spectre en énergie réaliste. La réponse de la caméra optimisée à l'irradiation d'un fantôme d'eau par un faisceau d'ions carbone ou de protons a ensuite été simulée. Ces simulations ont tout d'abord été confrontées à des mesures effectuées avec un prototype de taille réduite. Ces mesures ont ensuite été utilisées pour évaluer les taux de comptage dans les détecteurs attendus en conditions cliniques. Dans la configuration actuelle de la caméra, ces taux sont élevés et les phénomènes d'empilement risquent d'être problématiques. Enfin, il est démontré que le dispositif étudié est sensible à un déplacement du pic de Bragg de plus ou moins 5 mm malgré les problèmes de coïncidences fortuites et malgré le bruit introduit par l'algorithme de reconstruction utilisé. / Ion beam therapy is an innovative radiotherapy technique using mainly carbon ion and proton irradiations. Its aim is to improve the current treatment modalities. Because of the sharpness of the dose distributions, a control of the dose if possible in real time is highly desirable. A possibility is to detect the prompt gamma rays emitted subsequently to the nuclear fragmentations occurring during the treatment of the patient. In a first time two different Compton cameras (double and single scattering) have been optimised by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The response of the camera to a photon point source with a realistic energy spectrum was studied. Then, the response of the camera to the irradiation of a water phantom by a proton beam was simulated. It was first compared with measurement performed with small-size detectors. Then, using the previous measurements, we evaluated the counting rates expected in clinical conditions. In the current set-up of the camera, these counting rates are pretty high. Pile up and random coincidences will be problematic. Finally we demonstrate that the detection system is capable to detect a longitudinal shift in the Bragg peak of +or- 5 mm, even with the current reconstruction algorithm.

Novel In Situ Study of Magnetocaloric Heusler Alloy

Nikkhah Moshaie, Roozbeh 08 July 2016 (has links)
The objective of this research was to develop a novel technique for mechanical treatment to manipulate the microstructure of Nickel-Manganese-Gallium Hesuler alloys to increase anisotropy, which can lead to higher magnetocaloric properties. Ni2+xMn1-xGa intermetallics have the potential to be employed in magnetic refrigeration devices including residential refrigerators, heat pumps, and air conditioning. Solid-state magnetic refrigeration systems are smaller, quieter, and reduce energy consumption by 20% compared to existing conventional vapor-cycle refrigeration devices which rely on harmful hydro-fluorocarbon gases and pump millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The magnetic refrigeration market is predicted to reach US$ 315.7 Million by 2022. Magnetic refrigeration systems can also be used in electronic systems and the space industry. The current state-of-the-art magnetic refrigeration systems use expensive rare earth elements including Gadolinuim (Gd). The need to replace Gd and other rare earth elements with cheaper and more available elements led to other alloys including Ni-Mn-Ga. By understanding the processing-microstructure-property relationship of Ni-Mn-Ga alloy, it is possible to manipulate the microstructure in order to obtain higher refrigeration capacity. It is a promising alternative to rare earth elements and improves national security by minimizing foreign dependence on the import of rare earth metals. This novel in situ study establishes that twin boundaries can be manipulated in a polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga alloy. This results in a change in magnetocrsytalline anisotropy, which leads to a higher magnetic cooling power. Mechanical loading in a preferred direction, traditionally referred to as a training process, was able to move the twin boundaries, and the combination of focused ion beam imaging linked specific movement with mechanical loading. This technique, in situ monitoring process, can be utilized to devise training procedures for future iterations of magnetocaloric and shape memory alloys.

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