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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microbial Activity ̶ Indicators & Drivers

Löppmann, Sebastian 27 June 2016 (has links)
Biota des Kohlenstoffkreislaufs spielen bei der Speicherung und Verteilung des Kohlen-stoffs im Bodennahrungsnetz eine herausragende Rolle. Wobei der Abbau organischer Bodensubstanz stark von deren Verfügbarkeit für Mikroorganismen und Enzyme abhängt. Rhizosphäre und Detritusphäre verfügen über außerordentlich große Mengen an organischem Kohlenstoff. Dies macht diese Biosphären zu Hot-Spots mikrobieller Aktivität. Während der letzten Jahrzehnte stieg das Interesse an der Forschung zu mikrobieller Aktivität im Boden. Dennoch herrscht noch immer kein umfassendes Verständinis von Indikatoren und Triebkräften mikrobieller Aktivität in der Rhizosphäre und Detritusphäre. Dies ist nicht zuletzt der Tatsache geschuldet, dass es mehr als einer einzigen Methode zur Bestimmung dieser Faktoren bedarf. Aus diesem Grund setzt sich diese Arbeit zum Ziel, die mikrobielle Aktivität, ihre Indikatoren und Treiber zu explorieren. Folglich wurden diverse Indikatoren mikrobieller Aktivität, wie mikrobielle Respiration, mikrobielle Biomasse und Enzymkinetik, an Proben aus einem Feldexperiment mit diffe-rierendem Substrat-Eintrag (Mais-Rhizodeposite vs. Mais-Streu) ermittelt. Tiefengradienten der Indikatoren mikrobieller Aktivität dienten der Beurteilung der Auswirkungen sinkender Substratqualität und -quantität in Rhizo- und Detritusphäre mit zunehmender Bodentiefe. Besonderer Fokus lag dabei auf den Indizes unterschiedlicher Enzyme und deren Aktivität (z. B. spezifische Aktivität, katalytische Effizienz und Verhältnisse zwischen Enzymen des Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoff-Kreislaufs) im Tiefenprofil des Bodens. Neben dieser Feldstudie wurde das Verhältinis von RNA zu dsDNA als Indikator mikrobieller Aktivität entlang eines klimatischen Grandienten ermittelt, um den metabolischen Status innerhalb unterschiedlicher Bodentypen zu bestimmen. Die Feldstudien wurden um Experimente in Labor und Gewächshaus ergänzt, in denen mittels Isoto-penmarkierungsverfahren die Effekte von Wurzelhaaren und Protisten auf die mikrobielle Aktivität beleuchtet wurden. Diese Methode ermöglichte ein Nachvollziehen des C- und N-Flusses und trug damit zum Verständnis der Verflechtungen der Organismen im terrestrischen Boden-Nahrungsnetz bei. Die räumliche Verteilung der Enzymaktivität in der Rhizosphäre wurde anhand der Boden-Zymographie in situ untersucht. Durch unterschiedliche Substratverfügbarkeit wurde ein Wandel der funktionellen Eigenschaften der Mikroorganismengemeinschaften und des enzymatischen Systems induziert. Speziell der durchwurzelte Oberbodenhorizont zeigte einen Anstieg der mikro-biellen Aktivität im Vergleich zum Boden mit Streueintrag und der Kontrolle. Rhizodeposite sind eine grundlegende Kohlenstoff- und Energiequelle für Bodenmikroorganismen und stimulieren deren Wachstum und Aktivität. Die Präsenz von Rhizodepositen in Hot-Spots macht diese zu bevorzugten Habitaten für Mikroorganismen. Die Mehrzahl der Indikatoren für mikrobielle Aktivität wurde ausschließlich im Oberboden durch den Substrateintrag beeinflusst. Darunter auch die katalytische Effizienz, die – ungeachtet des Substrateintrags – von Oberboden (< 40 cm) zu Unterboden (> 40 cm) um das 2- bis 20-fache abnahm. Dies ließ auf die Relevanz der mit der Tiefe abnehmenden Menge und Qualität der Substrate im Boden als einflussnehmenden Faktor auf die mikrobielle Aktivität schließen. Das Verhältnis von RNA zu dsDNA spiegelte den metabolischen Status der mikrobiellen Organismengesellschaften in den meisten der beprobten Böden wider. Wohingegen das RNA:dsDNA Verhältnis dieser Indikatoreigenschaft widersprach, lagen erhöhte Tongehalte vor, die nach der Extraktion zu Ungenauigkeiten bei der Bestimmung der RNA-Quantität führten. Protozoen wird beim Vorgang des Kohlenstoffflusses von Bakterien zu Organismen höherer Trophieebenen eine bedeutende Rolle zugesprochen, was ebenfalls ihren Einfluss auf die mikrobielle Aktivität im Boden unterstreicht. Um diesen Effekten, im Speziellen jenen der Acanthoamoebe auf den Kohlenstoff- und Stickstofffluss, sowie die Indikatoren mikrobieller Aktivität in der Rhizo- und Detritusphäre nachzugehen, wurde ein dreifaches Isotopenmarkierungs-Experiment durchgeführt. Es ergab, dass Kohlenstoffflüsse und Enzymaktivitäten sowohl von Substrateintrag als auch Substratqualität in Rhizo- wie Detritusphäre sowie deren faunistischer Besiedlung abhängen. Daraus erschloss sich, dass die Besiedlung mit Acanthamoeben als potenzielle Triebkraft mikrobieller Aktivität, besonders innerhalb der Rhizosphäre, gedeutet werden kann. Um den Einfluss von Wurzelhaaren auf die mikrobielle Aktivität und den Priming Effekt in der Rhizosphäre einzuschätzen, wurde ein Experiment im Gewächshaus mit kontinuierlicher Markierung von Boden mit Pflanzenbewuchs und einer Kontrolle ohne Bewuchs mit 13C-Isotopen durchgeführt. Wurzelhaare zeigten sich darin als Initiatoren eines positiven Rhizosphären-Priming Effektes während der Wachstumsphase, wohingegen der Abbau organischer Bodensubstanz in den Kontrollen gehemmt war. Im Falle der positiven Initialwirkung der Wurzelhaare stiegen zudem die Enzymaktivitäten von Chitinase und ß-Xylosidase an, was auf eine Zersetzung stabiler, organischer Bodensubstanz hinwies. Damit konnte ein deutlicher Effekt von Wurzelhaaren auf die mikrobielle Aktivität im Boden während der Phase des Pflanzenwachtums nachgewiesen werden. Somit vermittelt diese Arbeit ein weiterführendes Verständnis der auf mikrobielle Aktivität im Boden einwirkenden Faktoren und stellt eine Auswahl von Indikatoren zur Charakterisierung dieser Aktivität vor, die sowohl auf der Landschaftsebene als auch in der prozessorientierten Forschung im Wurzelraum Anwendung finden kann.

Development of precipitation δ18O isoscapes for Canada and application within a tracer-aided hydrological model

Delavau, Carly J. January 2011 (has links)
Delineating spatial patterns of precipitation isotopes (“isoscapes”) is important for studies including the hydrology of terrestrial systems, present and past interpretations of climate, and tracer-aided hydrological modelling, among others. However, the extent to which precipitation isoscapes can be predicted across Canada has not been fully articulated. This thesis combines isotopes in precipitation (δ18Oppt) observations from two regional and one global network to create long term and time series precipitation isoscapes for Canada and the northern United States. Multi-linear regressions of a small suite of geographic and climate variables generate the best performing long-term and seasonal models of δ18Oppt. These models are used to develop long term isoscapes for Canada, which capture the general spatial and seasonal trends in δ18Oppt, showing an improvement upon results from previous studies using global models. Building upon long-term δ18Oppt prediction, δ18Oppt observations alongside climatological and geographic predictors are used to create empirical time series prediction models. Five regionalization approaches are used to separate the study domain into isotope zones to explore the effect of spatial grouping on simulations. Generally, the models capture the timing and magnitude of intra-annual (seasonal) δ18Oppt cycles across the study domain while simulating moderate inter-annual variation; however often fail to capture the anomalies in observed δ18Oppt. Uncertainty in predictions is quantified spatially and temporally, and the Köppen-Geiger (Kpn) regionalization is selected as the preferred regionalization scheme for future applications due to adequate model performance and lack of border issues at regional boundaries. Finally, estimates of monthly δ18Oppt from Kpn models, long term annual averages, and daily REMOiso output are used to force an isotope-enabled hydrological model, isoWATFLOOD, in the Fort Simpson Basin, NWT, Canada. Results show streamflow simulations are not significantly impacted by choice of δ18Oppt input; however, oxygen-18 in streamflow and the internal apportionment of water (and model parameterizations) are impacted, particularly during large precipitation and snowmelt events. This work shows how isoWATFLOOD can be used in regions with limited δ18Oppt observations, and that the model can be of value in such regions. This study reinforces that a tracer-aided modelling approach works towards diagnosing issues surrounding model equifinality. / February 2017

The Origin of the Gran Canarian Xenoliths / Ursprunget till Gran Canarias xenoliter

Jägerup, Beatrice January 2016 (has links)
Xenoliths are pieces from the surrounding bedrock, brought to the surface of the earth by host magma. On Gran Canaria, the largest island in the Canary Islands archipelago, strange xenoliths have been found. They are light in color, porous and very different from the basaltic magma carrying them. By studying petrological features and oxygen isotope content of the xenoliths, the focus of this report will be to investigate their origin. The minerals and texture of 14 samples were studied in thin section, and the δ18O–value was determined for 17 samples. The mineralogical composition of xenolith glass was examined by EPMa. The results show that the xenoliths are rich in silica rich glass, quartz and feldspars, but also have high calcium content. 9 of 14 xenoliths have textures and δ18O–values from 8.1 ‰ to 16.77 ‰, similar to sedimentary rocks. The remaining xenoliths are metamorphosed and exhibit altered phenocrysts, indicating they have been melted and recrystallized. The latter group also has extremely low δ18O–value, which could be explained by the effects of hydrothermal processes. Most likely all the xenoliths originate from the prevolcanic sedimentary deposits beneath Gran Canaria.

Mechanism of the Adenosine 3',5'-Monophosphate Dependent Protein Kinase

Kong, Cheng-Te 05 1900 (has links)
Isotope partitioning experiments were carried out with the adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (cAPK) from bovine hearts to obtain information on the order of addition of reactants and the relative rates of reactant release from enzyme compared to the catalytic step(s). A value of 100% trapping for both ErMgATP-[γ-32P] and E:3H-Serpeptide at low Mgf indicates that MgATP and Serpeptide dissociate slowly from the enzyme compared to the catalytic step(s). The K_Serpeptide for MgATP trapping is 17 μM, while the K_MgATP for Serpeptide trapping is 0.58 mM. The latter data indicate that the off-rate for MgATP from the E:MgATP complex is 14 s^-1 while that for Serpeptide from the E: Serpeptide complex is 64 s^-1. At high Mg^, 100% trapping is obtained for the E:MgATP-[γ-32P] complex but only 40% is obtained for the E:Serpeptide complex. Thus, the off-rate for Serpeptide from the E:MgATP:Serpeptide complex becomes significant at high Mg_f. Data suggest a random mechanism in which MgATP is sticky. The V for the cAPK reaction increases 1.5-1.7 fold in the presence of the R_II in the presence of saturating cAMP at a stoichiometry of R:C of 1:1. No change is obtained with the type-I complex under these conditions. At higher ratio of R:C (up to 100) no further change is observed with the type-II complex but inhibition by the type-I R_2(cAMP)_4 complex competitive vs. Serpeptide is observed. The activiation observed in the presence type-II R_2(cAMP)_4 effects neither the K_m for Serpeptide nor the K_m for MgATP. Both the activating affect of the type-II complex and the inhibitory effect of the type-I complex are dependent on the Mg_f with more type-II activation obtained the higher the Mg_f and more type-I complex required for inhibition the higher the Mg_f. The activation and inhibition are discussed in terms of the mechanism of the protein kinase.

Deglacial impact of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet on the North Atlantic climate system

Muschitiello, Francesco January 2016 (has links)
The long warming transition from the Last Ice Age into the present Interglacial period, the last deglaciation, holds the key to our understanding of future abrupt climate change. In the last decades, a great effort has been put into deciphering the linkage between freshwater fluxes from melting ice sheets and rapid shifts in global ocean-atmospheric circulation that characterized this puzzling climate period. In particular, the regional expressions of climate change in response to freshwater forcing are still largely unresolved. This projects aims at evaluating the environmental, hydro-climatic and oceanographic response in the Eastern North Atlantic domain to freshwater fluxes from the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during the last deglaciation (~19,000-11,000 years ago). The results presented in this thesis involve an overview of the regional representations of climate change across rapid climatic transitions and provide the groundwork to better understand spatial and temporal propagations of past atmospheric and ocean perturbations. Specifically, this thesis comprises i) a comparison of pollenstratigraphic records from densely 14C dated lake sediment sequences, which provides insight into the regional sensitivity of North European vegetation to freshwater forcing in the Nordic Seas around the onset of the Younger Dryas stadial (~12,900 years ago); ii) a reconstruction of North European hydro-climate, which, together with transient climate simulations, shed light on the mechanisms and regionality of climate shortly prior to the transition into the Younger Dryas stadial; iii) studies of a ~1250-year long glacial varve chronology, which provides an accurate timing for the sudden drainage of proglacial freshwater stored in the former ice-dammed Baltic Ice Lake into the North Atlantic Ocean; iv) a 5000-year long terrestrial-marine reconstruction of Eastern North Atlantic hydro-climate and oceanographic changes that clarifies the hitherto elusive relationship between freshwater forcing and the transient behaviour of the North Atlantic overturning circulation system. The results presented in this thesis provide new important temporal constraints on the events that punctuated the last deglaciation in Northern Europe, and give a clearer understanding of the ocean – atmosphere – ice-sheet feedbacks that were at work in the North Atlantic. This increases our understanding of how the Earth climate system functions in more extreme situations. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: In press. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Commissioning of a novel electrostatic accelerator for nuclear medicine

von Jagwitz-Biegnitz, Ernst Wilhelm Heinrich January 2015 (has links)
Siemens Corporate Technology New Technology Fields Healthcare &amp; Technology Concepts (CT NTF HTC) have proposed a novel electrostatic accelerator for nuclear medicine which aims at gradients of up to 10 MV m<sup>-1</sup>. With beam currents of 100 &mu;A at &asymp;10 MeV it might replace cyclotrons whilst being simpler, more reliable and more cost effective. The accelerator concept consists of concentric hemispherical metallic shells spaced by insulators and placed in a vacuum system. The shells are interconnected by high voltage diodes so that they form a voltage multiplier with its highest voltage in its centre. Particle beams can be accelerated towards the centre through a set of holes in the shells. In tandem mode, with a stripper in the centre and a negative ion source as injector, beams of twice the centre voltage can be achieved. This thesis presents several commissioning milestones of a test system for the novel electrostatic accelerator, thus validating the concept for commercial applications. An inter shell insulator has been designed and successfully tested to fields of 12 MV m<sup>-1</sup>. A diode protection concept has been devised and validated in realistic breakdown scenarios. An AC drive system including control software has been developed, delivering a sinusoidal input voltage of up to 140 kV peak to peak at 80 kHz. An automatic process to carefully commission the high voltage system in vacuum has been created, implemented in a control system and successfully operated. A 4-shell prototype with these components has been successfully tested with achieved gradients of up to 5.5 MV m<sup>-1</sup>. A negative hydrogen ion source has been constructed, commissioned and characterised with a purposely developed wire grid. Beam currents beyond 200 &mu;A have been achieved. Beam transport from the ion source through the 7-shell system has been demonstrated in simulations which are based on experimental data from the ion source characterisation. A stripper system has been designed and constructed.

Past Climate, Modern Caves, and Future Resource Management in Speleothem Paleoclimatology

Truebe, Sarah, Truebe, Sarah January 2016 (has links)
My research focuses on reconstructing past climate in southern Arizona using cave deposits called speleothems. However, this necessitates a broader perspective than simply a geochemical time series, and therefore, I also investigate modern cave systems using a combination of modeling and observational datasets. Finally, cave deposits are fundamentally non-renewable resources, and sampling for past climate reconstruction can be destructive, unlike other cave uses. My last investigation is focused on developing possible best practice recommendations for paleoclimate scientists and other cave stakeholders moving forward. We developed two new stalagmite records of past climate variability in southern Arizona over the past 7000 years. Past climate reconstruction from two caves (Cave of the Bells and Fort Huachuca Cave) highlights insolation control of southern Arizona hydroclimate from 7000-2000 years before present. Additionally, comparison between two stalagmites with different seasonal sensitivities uncovers a few eras of multi-decade long droughts in southern Arizona, which align with other regional reconstructions of past climates and elucidate forcings on Southwest paleoclimate as emergent from both external (insolation) and internal climate variability in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean basins. Although the oxygen isotopic signal of cave calcite in speleothems is complex, agreement with these other records indicates that the speleothem records from these caves primarily record a climate signal.Modeling and monitoring of modern caves both helps us interpret paleoclimate records and enhances our understanding of cave systems in their own right. Modeling of Cave of the Bells dripwaters demonstrates the effect of storage and mixing on the dripwater oxygen isotope signal; non-climate processes can imprint on dripwater variability on multidecadal timescales. Monitoring shows that on very small spatial scales, every cave is different, and even sites within the same cave respond uniquely to surface climate. Most notably, calcite oxygen isotopic composition, used to reconstruct past climate, shows seasonal variability unrelated to dripwater and surface rainfall oxygen isotope variability. Substantial oxygen isotope disequilibrium is identified at numerous caves sites in southern Arizona, and this understanding aligns with a growing number of cave studies that demonstrate the long-held assumption of isotopic equilibrium in cave systems may not always be valid or that the way in which we define isotopic equilibrium insufficiently captures the variety of processes controlling the oxygen isotopic composition of speleothems. Overall, however, monitoring can identify stalagmites that are more sensitive to surface climate and less sensitive to these in-cave processes by identifying sites with dripwater variability responses to surface rainfall variability and sites that precipitate close to oxygen isotopic equilibrium. Finally, a major missing component in speleothem research is the fact that speleothems take thousands and sometimes hundreds of thousands of years to form. They are non-renewable resources on human timescales, and habitat for myriad microbes that have yet to be identified. Removal of speleothems for paleoclimate research is one of the only destructive uses of these deposits. With that in mind, I also analyze current methods of collecting speleothems and develop a framework based on two surveys of scientists and stakeholders to assist scientists and managers when evaluating potential methods of incorporating cave conservation into the speleothem sampling process. Thus, I approach caves from a variety of angles and timescales, from the past through the present to the future, illuminating caves as complex scientific and social systems.

Approche multi-traceurs pour la détermination de l'origine des nitrates dans les eaux souterraines : exemple d'une source karstique dans les Landes / Multi-indicators approach for nitrate sources determination in a karstic spring (Southwest of France)

Briand, Cyrielle 25 June 2014 (has links)
Les nitrates, largement dérivés des activités anthropiques posent un réel problème pour la santé et l'environnement lorsqu'ils se retrouvent dans le milieu naturel, en particulier lorsque la ressource est destinée à la production d'eau potable. Déterminer l'origine de ces nitrates est alors une première étape indispensable pour assurer ensuite une meilleure gestion de ces ressources en eau. C'est dans ce but, qu'une approche multi-traceurs originale a été développée sur la source karstique du Marseillon, située dans le Sud-Ouest de la France et exploitée pour l'eau potable. Une stratégie d'échantillonnage a été menée entre octobre 2010 et janvier 2013 à différentes échelles spatiales (du régional à l'étude du forage) et temporelles (du suivi mensuel au suivi horaire). Les outils hydrodynamiques et géochimiques ont mis en évidence une contribution importante d'une eau pauvre en nitrate à l'alimentation de la source. Les outils isotopiques (?15N-NO3, ?18O-NO3 et ?11B) et microbiologiques ont permis d'identifier une connexion hydraulique entre les eaux de surface et la source du Marseillon, favorisée pendant les épisodes de crues de surface. Les outils de datation ont permis d'estimer une contribution d'environ 80% d'une eau de 1980 et de 20 % d'une eau rechargée au cours de l'année de la mesure (2011) caractérisée par des nitrates d'origine organique et des contaminations fécales humaines et animales. Les résultats obtenus ainsi que la démarche développée dans cette thèse ont permis de dresser les grandes lignes d'un guide méthodologique, accessible aux plus grand nombre d'acteurs de l'eau, pour la détermination de l'origine des nitrates dans les eaux souterraines. / Nitrate is widely derived from anthropogenic activities. When it reaches groundwater bodies, it becomes an environmental issue especially when the resource is used for drinking water supply. The determination of nitrate sources is thus the first step in water restoration and preservation management. An innovative multi-indicators approach has been used in Marseillon karstic spring (Southwest of France) which is considered as a strategic resource for drinking water supply. A spatial and temporal multi-scale sampling plan has been carried out in surface waters and groundwater. Hydrodynamic and geochemical tools helped to highlight an important contribution of deep water origin (i.e.: low nitrate concentration) in spring alimentation. Isotopic (?15N-NO3, ?18O-NO3 and ?11B) and microbiological tools have allowed identifying a hydraulic connection between surface water and the spring. This connection seems to be more important during the river?s flood events. Water dating shows a heterogeneous recharge of Marseillon spring with old water (<1940) mixed with current water characterized by nitrate derived from organic sources and fecal contamination originated from both human and animal wastes. This original multi-tracers approach developed in this thesis improves the knowledge on the nitrate origin determination and can be seen as a methodological guide for drinking water management.

Análise do comportamento dos isótopos radiogênicos durante os processos de migmatização /

Trindade, Ivaldo Rodrigues da. January 2004 (has links)
Resumo: Foram usados estudos de mobilidade de elementos geoquímicos, isotópicos e petrológicos para investigar o comportamento dos isótopos radiogênicos Rb/Sr, Sm/Nd e U/Pb na formação de, migmatitos estromáticos e diatexiticos em três ambientes geotectônicos distintos. Os estudos foram realizados em migmatitos derivados de rochas metassedimentares do Grupo Seridó que teve deposição e metamorfismo no Neopreterozóico, em ortognaisses migmatíticos de composição granítica e tonalítica do Complexo Caicó de idade Paleoproterozóica e em ortognaisses migmatíticos de composição tonalítica do Complexo Presidente Juscelino no Maciço São José de Campestre de idade Arqueana. Os resultados nos micaxistos do Grupo Seridó mostraram que os leucossomas foram gerados por exsudações de quartzo e feldspatos formados a partir dos elementos Na, Ca e Si liberados do paleossoma pela fusão parcial que se individualizaram como veios. O Rb permaneceu imóvel no sistema e Sr perdeu massa, enquanto Sm e Nd permaneceram imóveis. As sistemáticas isotópicas Rb/Sr e Sm/Nd foram fortemente afetadas durante o processo de migmatização, fornecendo idades sem significado geológico. / Abstract: Studies of chemical elements mobility, isotopics and petrologic were used to investigate the behavior of the radiogenic isotope Rb/Sr, Sm/Nd and U/Pb in the formation of, estromatics migmatites and diatexites in three different tectonic setting. The studies were accomplished in derived migmatites of metasedimentary rocks of the Seridó Grup Seridó that had deposition and metamorphism in Neopreterozóico, in migmatitics orthogneisses of granitic and tonalitic composition of the Caicó Complex of Paleoproterozoic age and in migmatitics orthogneisses of tonalitic composition of the President Juscelino Complex in São José de Campestre Massif of Archaean age. The results in mica-schist's Seridó Grup showed that the leucosome was generated by exsudation of quartz and feldspars formed starting from the elements In the Ca and Si liberated of the paleosome for the melting partial that were individualized as veins. The Rb stayed immobile in the system and Sr lost mass, while Sm and Nd stayed immobile. The isotopics systematics Rb/Sr and Sm/Nd were strongly affected during the process migmatization, supplying ages without geological meaning. / Orientador: Jean Michel Legrand / Coorientador: Elton Luiz Dantas / Banca: Luiz Sérgio Amarante Simões / Banca: Antenor Zanardo / Banca: Jaziel Martin Sá / Banca: Elson Paiva Oliveira / Doutor

A 2,205-year record of tropical cyclone strikes near Yucatán, Mexico, from mud layers in a stalagmite

Pyburn, James January 2010 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Amy Frappier / Tropical cyclones (TCs), known as hurricanes in the Atlantic and Typhoons in the Pacific, are among the most destructive and deadly natural disasters that occur on Earth. Attempts to understand how TCs relate to the global climate system, and future risk assessments are dependent upon having records of TC activity that pre-date the modern meteorological records, which are commonly not older than 130 years (Nott, 2003). Paleotempestology is a sub-discipline of paleoclimatology that attempts to extend the TC record beyond the meteorological record through the use of proxies. Presented here is the establishment of a paleotempestology proxy based on clastic mud being suspended in the water column by floods caused by TCs and deposited in stalagmite CH-1, collected in June of 2007 from Cenote Chaltun-Ha, a low-lying cave from the Yucatán Peninsula. CH-1 was dated by a combination of <super>210</super>Pb, U/Th, and layer counting techniques, creating an age model for its entire length. The years with mud layers were compared to the historical TC record from 1852-2006. Nineteen mud layers were identified for this time period. All of the mud layers deposited in years with at least one TC passing within 330 km of Cenote Chaltun-Ha. A total of 265 mud layers were identified in CH-1 dating from 198 BC to 2006 AD. Relatively high TC frequency, ~16 mud layers/century, was recorded in CH-1 from 198 BC to ~1233 AD. This period was followed by eight centuries of relatively low TC frequency, ~7 mud layers/century. The low frequency period hit a low point in the 1600s with 4 mud layers. Since the 1600s the TC frequency recorded in CH-1 has been on the rise, indicating possible periods of higher than present TC frequency in the future for the Yucatán region. This trend of high TC frequency followed by a sudden drop and subsequent increase is also reported in published sand overwash deposit research. &#948;;<super>18</super>O and &#948;;<super>13</super> values collected from CH-1 provide insight into the timing of regional droughts. A low &#948;;<super>18</super>O value from 1815 provides evidence that "The Year Without a Summer" caused by the 1815 eruption of the Tambora volcano in Indonesia had a climatic effect on the Yucatán. A land-use signal related to the agricultural production boom of Agave Fourcroydes, a succulent plant known as Henequen, in the early 20th century was also detected in &#948;;<super>13</super>C values. / Thesis (MS) — Boston College, 2010. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Geology and Geophysics.

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