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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utvärdering av sårbarheter hos moderna fordon

Warling, Peter, Mehmeti, Armend January 2018 (has links)
Fordon utvecklas till att innehålla mer avancerade komponenter och funktioner vilka bidrar till att dess framfart görs allt mer säker och effektiv. Baksidan av denna utveckling är att nya attackytor uppstår. Under tidigare arbeten har svagheter konstaterats i många av de olika trådlösa system som ett fordon använder. Då bilindustrin kontinuerligt utvecklas fokuserar detta arbete på att undersöka vilka trådlösa enheter som finns i moderna fordon, vilket av dessa system som utgör störst risk för att sedan föreslå teoretiska åtgärder för hur riskerna kan motverkas. Slutligen utförs ett praktiskt experiment för att utvärdera om en välkänd attack fortfarande är ett hot hos dagens fordon. Under arbetet konstateras det att i samtliga av de populäraste bilmodellerna som såldes i landet under förra året påträffas trådlösa system vilka alla under tidigare experiment visats innehålla tekniska svagheter. Arbetet fastställer genom en riskanalys att fjärrstyrda låssystem utgör den största risken men också att riskerna teoretiskt kan motverkas genom enkla metoder. Avslutningsvis konstateras det att även fordon av 2017 års modell är mottagliga för enklare attacker resulterande i att de ej kan låsas.

A Comparative Study of Vegetation Classification Based on Two Different Measuring Parameters at Jhuokou River Basin in Southern Taiwan

Yang, Huei-Ru 10 August 2006 (has links)
Vegetation classification of Braun-Blanquet approach of vegetation ecology is widely accepted as a method to establish formal classification system. However, the measuring parameter commomly used by Taiwan ecologists is important value index (IVI) of Wisconsin school. The purpose of this paper is to study whether the different measuring parameters (IVI vs. cover-abundance scales) result in different vegetation classifications or not. Jhuokou River Basin was used as the studied area. Vegetation sampling data based on different parameters were analyzed by nonmetric multdimesional scaling¡]NMDS¡^and two-way indicator species analysis¡]TWINSAPN¡^and the resulted associations and alliances compared with their member plots, character species and dominant species. The results indicated that these attributes of alliances from both methods were higher regularity than associations, but further research is still needed to clarify these regularity patterns.

Infotainmentsystem : En analys av dess främjan på trafiksäkerheten

Svensson, Johannes, Skogby Steinholtz, Jakob January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en fallstudie som handlar om infotainmentsystem och dess inverkan på trafiksäkerheten. Syftet är att uppsatsen ska exemplifiera hur ett infotainmentsystem kan främja trafiksäkerheten samt nyansera den övervägande negativa bild om infotainmentsystem relaterat till trafiksäkerhet som återfinns i mediala sammanhang. Forskningsfrågan som besvaras är: “Hur kan infotainmentsystem i olika situationer främja trafiksäkerheten?”. Författarna till uppsatsen har genom semistrukturerade intervjuer pratat med tre olika personer; Carl Zeidlitz från Motormännens Riksförbund, Joakim Lundvall från Swedspot samt Matts-Åke Belin från Trafikverket. Den empiriska data som genom intervjuerna har samlats in har analyserats utifrån en teoretisk ram om trafikantbeslut i olika nivåer; strategiska, taktiska och operativa. Datan har även analyserats utifrån Nollvisionen och ett systemtänkande där författarna presenterat en modell för hur ett infotainmentsystem, inom trafiksystemet, kan ha en positiv inverkan på trafiksäkerheten. Resultatet av uppsatsen visar hur infotainmentsystem i olika situationer, åtminstone med integration av varningssystem, kan främja trafiksäkerheten. I relation till den teoretiska ramen för trafikantbeslut är det tydligt att störst trafiksäkerhetsfrämjande potential för infotainmentsystem finns i att stödja föraren i de beslut som tas under den taktiska nivån. Infotainmentsystem tycks även ha potential att konvertera exempelvis operativa beslut till taktiska sådana.

Evaluation der intravitrealen Injektionen bei retinalen Venenverschlüssen mit geringem initialen Visus

Ahnert, Rebecca 28 April 2020 (has links)
Retinale Venenverschlüsse kann man in Astvenenverschlüsse und Zentralvenenverschlüsse unterteilen. Beide Erkrankungen werden primär mit intravitrealen Injektionen behandelt, wie den Anti-VEGF-Antikörpern oder dexametasonhaltigen Implantaten. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Evaluation der Therapiewirksamkeit von Anti-VEGF- Injektionen bei Patienten mit geringem Visus von ≤ 0,2 bei Behandlungsbeginn anhand von OCT und Visus von 150 Patienten im Behandlungsverlauf von bis zu zwölf Monaten. Die Gruppe der Patienten mit Baseline-Visus >0,2 stellt dabei die Vergleichsgruppe dar. In der Patientengruppe A mit Visus ≤ 0,2 bei ZVV stellte sich ein Visusanstieg von 0,10 auf 0,20 ± 0,18 nach zwölf Monaten ein. Im Patientenkollektiv B mit Visus >0,2 und ZVV stellte sich eine Visusbesserung von 0,43 auf 0,61 ± 0,27 ein. In der Patientengruppe A mit Visus ≤ 0,2 bei VAV stellte sich ein Visusanstieg von 0,11 auf 0,27 ± 0,07 nach zwölf Monaten ein. Im Patientenkollektiv mit Visus > 0,2 und VAV stellte sich eine Visusbesserung von 0,52 auf 0,68 ± 0,18 ein. Damit ist bei allen Gruppen eine signifikante Visusverbesserung nachweisbar, wobei es ersichtlich ist, dass der bessere initiale Visus auch einen besseren Endvisus determiniert. Bei der Patientengruppe mit Anfangsvisus ≤ 0,2 konnte signifikant eine größere absolute Netzhautdickenabnahme bei stets höherer Netzhautdicke als in der Referenzgruppe nachgewiesen werden.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung..........................................................................................................................1 1.1 Netzhautanatomie.....................................................................................................1 1.1.1 Blutversorgung der Netzhaut...............................................................................2 1.1.2 Venenverschlüsse der Retina..............................................................................3 1.2 Makulaödem..............................................................................................................7 1.3 Der molekulare Signalweg beim Makulaödem......................................................8 1.4 Diagnostik................................................................................................................10 1.4.1 Symptome.........................................................................................................10 1.4.2 Sehschärfenprüfung..........................................................................................10 1.4.3 .Ophthalmoskopie..............................................................................................11 1.4.4 Bildgebende Diagnostik.....................................................................................12 Fluoreszeinangiographie............................................................................12 Optische Kohärenz-Tomografie.................................................................13 1.5 Therapie der Venenverschlüsse............................................................................15 1.5.1 Intravitreale Injektionen.....................................................................................15 VEGF-Antikörper........................................................................................16 Bevacizumab.....................................................................................................17 Ranibizumab......................................................................................................17 Aflibercept..........................................................................................................17 Therapieschemata von intravitrealen Anti-VEGF-Injektionen....................18 Kortikosteroide...........................................................................................19 1.5.2 Laserkoagulation...............................................................................................20 Fokale Laserkoagulation....................................................................................20 Periphere Laserkoagulation...............................................................................21 1.6 Prognose.................................................................................................................21 2 Arbeitshypothese und Fragestellung..........................................................................23 3 Materialien und Methoden.............................................................................................24 3.1 Behandlungsablauf................................................................................................24 3.2 Patientenkollektiv und Statistik............................................................................26 4 Ergebnisse......................................................................................................................27 4.1 Patientenkollektiv...................................................................................................27 Demografie des Patientenkollektivs...................................................................30 4.2 Art der Behandlung................................................................................................35 4.3 Laserkoagulation....................................................................................................40 4.4 Patientengruppe Lucentis und ZVV......................................................................41 4.5 Patientengruppe Lucentis und VAV......................................................................49 5 Diskussion......................................................................................................................54 6 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit......................................................................................59

Decentralized approach for IVI : Infrastructure-vehicle-information

Saleh, Abdallah January 2023 (has links)
With the growing number of vehicles on the road, improving traffic safety and efficiency has become a major challenge. One of the promising solutions is the implementation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), which utilizes communication technologies to facilitate real-time information sharing between vehicles and infrastructure. This research aims to contribute to the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) improving traffic safety and efficiency achieving the Vision Zero goal. In this thesis, we focus on the performance analysis of two communication protocols used for two signal dissemination techniques for IVI (infrastructure-vehicle-information communication). Periodic, which sends signals at fixed intervals, and On-demand which sends signals upon request from road users. The results of our experiments showed that there are trade-offs between the periodic and on-demand approaches in V2I communications. The on-demand approach performs better in terms of PER (Packet error ratio), but it results in higher latency, even with low congestion. On the other hand, the periodic approach exhibits higher PDR (Packet delivery ratio) but suffers from inefficiencies due to the transmission of redundant messages resulting in higher PER. Our findings have implications for the scalability of V2I communications and can be translatable to other access technologies used in ITS.

Partiendo de ibi: La traducción del antiguo adverbio pronominal enlas primeras Biblias romanceadas castellana e italianaa partir de la Vulgata

Vazquez, Luis Fernando 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Usando el Corpus de la Biblia Medieval como herramienta principal, el presente trabajo explora el desaparecido adverbio pronominal y (hy, hi, i) en castellano a través de la comparación de la traducción del adverbio locativo ibi del latín al castellano e italiano usando la Vulgata, la Biblia prealfonsí y la Biblia del Malermi. Los resultados muestran que el adverbio pronominal en castellano no es el predilecto de la traducción y sin embargo es amplia y libremente usado en el texto castellano sin necesidad de tener un equivalente adverbial en latín. Dicha discrepancia se puede explicar considerando la ley Tobler-Mussafia que no le permite al adverbio pronominal introducir oraciones independientes como clítico. Sin embargo, es su flexibilidad como clítico la que le permite ocupar cualquier posición en el sintagma verbal. Dicha característica no la refleja el equivalente en italiano ivi, el cual tiende a comportarse más como adverbio. En la comparación de los tres textos, es el castellano el más leal a la sintaxis del latín en el uso del adverbio con respecto a su posición con el verbo.

Extended Bluetooth Profiles on CCpilot displays

Johnson, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
Bluetooth is used in modern cars to connect smartphones to stream music, to access internet and for phone services such as phone book contacts and making calls. Similar features are now requested by customers of maximatecc's products, e.g. display computers, for offroad vehicles. This thesis is aimed to investigate what is needed to support these features in maximatecc's Linux based displays and how the features can be used in a Qt application. For instance, the connectivity features in personal cars most commonly utilizes the Bluetooth profiles: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP) Personal Area Network (PAN) Profile Hands Free Profile (HFP) Phone Book Access Profile (PBAP) Message Access Profile (MAP). In Linux operating system the Bluetooth stack Bluez is used in the lower level implementation. Open source software components recommended to implement the above profiles includes: Obexd (for MAP and PBAP) PulseAudio (for A2DP and HFP) oFono (for HFP) Connman (for PAN) all of which help to implement the top level profiles of the Bluetooth stack needed, easily controlled by a Qt application through DBus. Most of the external software components were not possible to add to the Linux image on the CCpilot VA display during the period of the thesis. Instead some features of the profiles have been tested, through a Qt demo and python test scripts, on a Virtual Machine in an environment similar to the CCpilot VA. All profiles tested had some functionality verified except for AVRCP, which is not supported until later versions of Bluez, not available for the Linux kernel on the CCpilot VA. However, the audio in the HFP only occasionally worked. On the CCpilot VA only PBAP was tested successfully.

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