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Bezpečnostne politické vzťahy Francúzskej Republiky a Pobrežia Slonoviny / Political and security relations between France and Ivory CoastVadászová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explain and analyze the komplexity of complicated relations between France as a former colonial power and Ivory Coast, its former colony, who also represents a strategic french political and economical partner. Theoretical part consists of the analysis of different approaches in theories of international relations. Based on the analysis, it tries to explain the character of these relations. Followed by the consecutive theoretical analysis of the french african policy practice of the french presidents and searches for the features that these policies have in common. Practical part applies the findings from the theoretical part on the concrete problem in the case of the French policy towards Ivory Coast and tests the theoretical conclusions in the historical evolution of the french and ivorian relations in the specific unstable situation that occurs in the Sub-Saharan region.
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Caractérisation des aquifères de socle pour l'amélioration de la productivité des forages d'hydraulique villageoise dans le bassin versant du Bandama blanc amont (Nord de la Côte d'Ivoire) / Hard-rock aquifers characterization to improve the productivity of the village water wells in the upstream watershed of White Bandama (northern Ivory Coast)Ouedraogo, Moussa 25 November 2016 (has links)
Le bassin versant du Bandama blanc amont, au nord de la Côte d’Ivoire, est situé sur un socle fissuré, composé de granites et de schistes, et constitue un aquifère pérenne pour l’approvisionnement en eau des populations. Cet aquifère de type fissuré est mal connu, tant dans la géométrie des réservoirs que dans le potentiel hydrogéologique des réserves qu’il contient. La précarité des populations rurales est en partie liée au manque d’eau potable ainsi qu’au nombre encore insuffisant des points d’approvisionnement. Un nombre important d’échecs a été observé lors de la réalisation des ouvrages de captages des eaux souterraines, dont l'une des causes est une faible connaissance du fonctionnement du milieu. Cette étude consiste à améliorer les connaissances sur le fonctionnement hydrodynamique des réservoirs du socle fissuré (géométrie des aquifères, paramètres hydrodynamiques, recharge, disponibilité de la ressource) en vue de l’installation d’ouvrages de captage.L’approche méthodologique multidisciplinaire intègre des méthodes d’hydrogéophysique, d’hydrogéologie, de géologie et de chimie. Il s’agit de développer de nouvelles techniques et outils appropriés de prospection pour affiner la caractérisation du socle fissuré, afin de mieux contraindre l'exploitation des sites, notamment en termes de stabilité des débits prélevés.Pour étudier l’aquifère de socle du bassin versant du Bandana blanc amont, nous avons couplé des mesures électromagnétiques aux données lithologiques pour affiner la géométrie de l'aquifère et de mieux contraindre le choix pour les futurs localisations des forages. Cette étude présente donc une nouvelle approche hydrogéophysique pour améliorer la connaissance des ressources importantes dans un aquifère de socle, à l’échelle locale ou régionale, par l'utilisation du système électromagnétique multifréquentiel PROMIS. L'interprétation des résultats a conduit à proposer des modèles multicouches conformes à la structuration lithologique et discontinuités géologiques en place, et à la localisation de l'aquifère, sa géométrie et les interfaces de sa base et du toit.Cette méthode est efficace pour améliorer la caractérisation de l’aquifère de socle, et les résultats ont révélé une bonne concordance entre les sondages (1D), la section de résistivité (2D), les forages et les structures géologiques.La géométrie de l’aquifère présente une structure multicouche présentant de haut en bas de la cuirasse ferrugineuse, des arènes argileuses, une zone fissurée reposant sur un substratum rocheux. Nous sommes en présence d’une nappe captive, sous pression sous les argiles, contenue dans les arènes et la frange fissurée, et présentant une épaisseur variable entre 15 et 30 m. Une connaissance détaillée de la géométrie de l'aquifère locale constitue la première étape cruciale avant d'aller plus loin dans une étude hydrogéologique complète. / The upstream watershed of White Bandama, north of Ivory Coast, is located on a fissured hard-rock, composed of granites and schists, and is a perennial aquifer for populations’ water supply. The upstream watershed of White Bandama, northern Ivory Coast, is located on a hard-rock aquifer which geometry and potential as an hydrogeological reserve is not yet well characterized. Insecurity of rural populations is partly due to lack of drinking water as well as still inadequate number of water supply points. A significant number of failures was observed when performing wells and boreholes for groundwater, one of the causes is a weak scientific knowledge on the environment.This study is to improve knowledge on the hydrodynamic behavior of the hard rock reservoir (geometry of aquifers, hydrodynamic parameters, recharge, availability of the resource) in order to drill perennial boreholes.The multidisciplinary methodological approach integrates hydrogeophysics, hydrogeology, geology, chemistry methods. It is to develop new techniques and appropriate exploration tools to refine the characterization of fissured hard-rock to better constrain the operation of sites, especially in terms of stability of pomped yield.To study the hard-rock aquifer of upstream watershed of White Bandama, we coupled electromagnetic measurements to lithological data to refine the geometry of the aquifer and to better constrain the choice for future drilling locations. This study presents a new hydrogeophysical approach using the multifrequency electromagnetic device PROMIS® to improve knowledge of resources on hard-rock aquifer, at the local or regional level.Our geophysical data are interpreted with multi-layer models consistent with the discontinuities observed in lithology logs and the geology of the site. This method is effecient to improve the characterization of the hard-rock aquifer, and the results showed good agreement between the soundings (1D), the resistivity cross-section (2D), drillings and geological structures.Results allow to precise the local thicknesses of the 3 main units of our study area down to 50 m, being from top to down, saprolite, a fissured-rock zone and the rock substratum. The fissured-rock zone constitutes the main aquifer unit under pressure, interesting target for productive water wells. Its thickness ranges from 15 to 30 m. A detailed knowledge of the local aquifer geometry constitutes the first and crucial step before going further into a complete hydrogeological study.
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Autour de quelques processus phonologiques et syntaxiques du Yowlè: langue Mande-Sud de Cote d’IvoireGadou, Henri 22 March 2019 (has links)
Le présent volume propose, en quatre articles, l’analyse de quelques aspects du yowlè, langue mandé-sud parlée au centre-ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire.
'La nasalité en yowlè', 'Le quantitatif et le qualitatif dans quelques opérations de détermination nominale en yowlè', 'Le ton haut comme opérateur de rupture énonciative en yowlè', 'Quelques aspects de la diathèse passive en yowlè'
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Making Room for Opponents as the Mission of the Elect: Reconciling Divine Election in the Hebrew Bible and Political Elections in Contemporary Ivory CoastAmegble, Yao Kekele Jean January 2023 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Andrew Davis / Thesis advisor: Ernesto Valiente / Thesis (STL) — Boston College, 2023. / Submitted to: Boston College. School of Theology and Ministry. / Discipline: Sacred Theology.
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Are Western Societies Heading Towards Civil War? : A qualitative study on the potential consequences of Culture Wars.Skagerfält, Truls January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to investigate potential societal consequences of the ongoing western culture wars by looking at a crucial aspect of the concept, the usage of extreme elite rhetoric. Specifically, how does extreme elite rhetoric affect the likelihood of civil war? The theoretical argument is that extreme elite rhetoric increases the likelihood of civil war because of the negative impact it has on affective group polarization which, in turn, creates destructive group processes necessary for violence. In order to examine if this is the case, a small-N case comparison is conducted in which the cases of Ivory Coast and Zambia are compared. The findings indicate that the difference in political rhetoric, extreme rhetoric in Ivory Coast versus inclusive rhetoric in Zambia, was a contributing factor to the difference in outcome, civil war onset in Ivory Coast (2002) but not in Zambia. As shown, this appears to be because of the impact the different rhetoric had on affective group polarization; a sharp increase in Ivory Coast whereas it was largely mitigated in Zambia. Consequently, in line with the findings, the usage of extreme elite rhetoric, and thus culture wars may increase the likelihood of civil war.
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Classificação climática segundo Köppen e Thornthwaite e zoneamento agrícola das culturas de milho e soja na União Econômica e Monetária do Oeste Africano / Climate classification by Köppen and Thornthwaite and agricultural zoning for maize and soybean in the West African Economic and Monetary UnionMüller, Marcela dos Santos 30 June 2015 (has links)
A União Econômica e Monetária do Oeste Africano (UEMOA) é uma organização de integração regional constituída por oito países da África Ocidental: Benim, Burkina Faso, Costa do Marfim, Guiné Bissau, Mali, Níger, Senegal e Togo. O presente trabalho tem por objetivos realizar: (a) a classificação climática segundo Köppen (1900) e Thornthwaite (1948), e (b) o zoneamento agrícola das culturas de milho e soja na região da UEMOA com base nos valores de (i) produtividade potencial (dióxido de carbono, temperatura, radiação fotossinteticamente ativa, fotoperíodo e genótipo), (ii) produtividade atingível, com elevado uso de insumos e tecnologia e (iii) produtividade real. A classificação climática de acordo com ambos os autores caracterizou a maior parte do território formado pela UEMOA como árido e em relação ao zoneamento agrícola, tem-se que a região da UEMOA é altamente indicada para o cultivo de milho e de soja, contudo, os valores médios de produtividade real referentes a esses cultivos são inferiores aos valores da produtividade atingível, indicando que o principal problema na região é o baixo nível de adoção tecnológica. / The West African Economic and Monetary Union (also known as UEMOA from its name in french: Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine) is an organization of eight West African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. The following study has as main objectives: (a) climate classification by Köppen e Thornthwaite; and (b) agricultural zoning for maize and soybean in the UEMOA region based on (i) potencial yield (carbon dioxide, temperature, photosyntheticaly active radiation, photoperiod and genotype), (ii) attainable yield, under high inputs and technological adoption and (iii) actual yield. Climate classification according to both authors characterized most of the territory formed by UEMOA as arid and regarding to agricultural zoning, UEMOA region is highly suitable for growing maize and soybeans, however, average values of actual yield in relation to these crops are lower than those of attainable yield, indicating that the main problem in this region is the low level of technological adoption.
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Inclusion, influence and increased durability of peace : Civil society organizations in peace negotiationsSköndal, Ylva January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate why inclusion of civil society actors in peace processes leads to more durable peace in some cases while not in others. It argues that the influence, rather than inclusion, of civil society organizations (CSOs) explains this variation. It is hypothesized that when CSOs have influence in peace negotiations, peace is more likely to be durable, as well as when a wide range of CSOs have influence in peace negotiations, peace is more likely to be durable. This is explored through a structured focused comparison between the peace processes leading up to peace agreements in Sierra Leone in 1996, the DRC in 2002, the Ivory Coast in 2003 and Liberia in 2003. The empirical findings lend support to the hypotheses and point in the direction of influence of CSOs in peace processes being of importance for the durability of peace. Certain evidence suggesting legitimacy being the causal mechanism is found. However, the empirical analysis also points towards other factors being potential alternative explanations such as war fatigue and sequencing of the process. The suggestive findings and the potential alternative explanations should be investigated further in order to increase the chances of durable peace.
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Classificação climática segundo Köppen e Thornthwaite e zoneamento agrícola das culturas de milho e soja na União Econômica e Monetária do Oeste Africano / Climate classification by Köppen and Thornthwaite and agricultural zoning for maize and soybean in the West African Economic and Monetary UnionMarcela dos Santos Müller 30 June 2015 (has links)
A União Econômica e Monetária do Oeste Africano (UEMOA) é uma organização de integração regional constituída por oito países da África Ocidental: Benim, Burkina Faso, Costa do Marfim, Guiné Bissau, Mali, Níger, Senegal e Togo. O presente trabalho tem por objetivos realizar: (a) a classificação climática segundo Köppen (1900) e Thornthwaite (1948), e (b) o zoneamento agrícola das culturas de milho e soja na região da UEMOA com base nos valores de (i) produtividade potencial (dióxido de carbono, temperatura, radiação fotossinteticamente ativa, fotoperíodo e genótipo), (ii) produtividade atingível, com elevado uso de insumos e tecnologia e (iii) produtividade real. A classificação climática de acordo com ambos os autores caracterizou a maior parte do território formado pela UEMOA como árido e em relação ao zoneamento agrícola, tem-se que a região da UEMOA é altamente indicada para o cultivo de milho e de soja, contudo, os valores médios de produtividade real referentes a esses cultivos são inferiores aos valores da produtividade atingível, indicando que o principal problema na região é o baixo nível de adoção tecnológica. / The West African Economic and Monetary Union (also known as UEMOA from its name in french: Union Économique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine) is an organization of eight West African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. The following study has as main objectives: (a) climate classification by Köppen e Thornthwaite; and (b) agricultural zoning for maize and soybean in the UEMOA region based on (i) potencial yield (carbon dioxide, temperature, photosyntheticaly active radiation, photoperiod and genotype), (ii) attainable yield, under high inputs and technological adoption and (iii) actual yield. Climate classification according to both authors characterized most of the territory formed by UEMOA as arid and regarding to agricultural zoning, UEMOA region is highly suitable for growing maize and soybeans, however, average values of actual yield in relation to these crops are lower than those of attainable yield, indicating that the main problem in this region is the low level of technological adoption.
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Mécanismes et enjeux de la différenciation sociale des immigrés burkinabe dans la construction d’une citoyenneté en côte d’ivoire. : Cas des habitants du village de Koudougou / Mechanisms and issues of social differentiation burkinabe immigrants in construction of citizenship in ivory coast : Cases of villagers of KoudougouZoungrana, Paul Edith 15 January 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s’inscrit dans une étude portant sur l’histoire des migrations en Afrique de l’ouest. De l’axe Burkina Faso /Côte d’ivoire et plus particulièrement des mécanismes d’intégration et de construction de la citoyenneté des immigrés vivant en zone rurale ivoirienne. La Côte d’Ivoire, terre historique de migrations diverses, jouissant d’une stabilité politique et socio-économique remarquablement apprécié, dans toute la sous région Ouest Africaine, a connue ces dernières années une succession de crises sociopolitique, qui a créer une fracture entre ses habitants vivant jadis en harmonie. Cette situation est liée pour beaucoup à la différenciation sociale et à l’exclusion d’une partie de sa population d’origine étrangère. Cette population d’étude, caractérisée par les immigrés burkinabés du village de Koudougou dans le centre ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire, nous orienteras dans notre recherche à travers la compréhension de leur trajectoire de migration, la différenciation sociale dont ils sont victimes dans leur lieu de sédentarisation et les mécanismes qu’ils mettent en place pour construire leur citoyenneté, en contournant les restrictions mis en place par la communauté d’accueil. / This research is part of a study of the history of migration in West Africa. The axis Burkina Faso / Ivory Coast and especially the mechanisms of integration and building the citizenship of immigrants in Ivorian rural areas. Ivory Coast, historic land of various migrations, enjoying political stability and socio-economic remarkably popular, throughout the West African sub-region has experienced in recent years a succession of socio-political crises, which create a divide between its people once living in harmony. This situation is linked to many social differentiation and exclusion of part of its foreign population. This study population, characterized by the Burkinabe immigrants from the village of Koudougou in west central of Ivory Coast, will direct us in our search through the understanding of their migration path, social differentiation against them in their place of settlement and the mechanisms they put in place to build their citizenship, bypassing the restrictions put in place by the host community.
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Sources environnementales de Mycobacterium ulcerans en Côte d'Ivoire / Environmental sources of Mycobacterium ulcerans in Ivory CoastTian, Roger Bi Diangoné 16 November 2015 (has links)
L’ulcère de Buruli est la troisième mycobactériose la plus prévalente dans le monde après la tuberculose et la lèpre. L’ulcère de Buruli sévit dans au moins 33 pays dont l’Afrique de l’Ouest qui présente la prévalence la plus élevée. Parmi ces pays dans lesquels l’ulcère de Buruli est rapporté, la Côte d’Ivoire dont nous sommes originaires présente la plus forte incidence de 36% déclarée à l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. L’ulcère de Buruli est causé par Mycobacterium ulcerans, une mycobactérie environnementale dont le réservoir et les sources de transmission à l’homme, ne sont pas élucidés. Notre revue de la littérature a porté sur les sources environnementales de cette mycobactérie en Afrique de l’Ouest. Sur cette base, nous avons réalisé une vaste campagne de prélèvements d’échantillons environnementaux en Côte d’Ivoire et détecté par PCR en temps réel M. ulcerans dans l’eau stagnante, le sol et les selles d’un mammifère herbivore Thryonomys swinderianus. Ensuite, nous avons prouvé expérimentalement que M. ulcerans pouvait survivre dans le sol pendant au moins quatre mois et que le sol était source d’infection expérimentale par M. ulcerans dans un modèle animal. Ces résultats suggèrent que, en Côte d’Ivoire, l’eau stagnante, le sol et cet animal pourraient jouer un rôle dans le cycle de vie de la bactérie. Dans le second travail, nous avons valorisé des plantes tropicales aquatiques par l’utilisation de leurs extraits dans le milieu de culture de M. ulcerans, mycobactérie à croissance lente pour accélérer sa croissance. Dans le troisième travail, nous avons montré l’efficacité in vitro et dans un modèle animal, du bleu de méthylène contre M. ulcerans. / Buruli ulcer is the third mycobacteriosis in the world after tuberculosis, leprosy. Buruli ulcer is widespread in at least 33 countries including West Africa which has the highest prevalence. Among the countries in which Buruli ulcer is reported, Ivory Coast which we come from has the highest incidence of 36% reported in the World Health Organization. Buruli ulcer is caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, an environmental mycobacterium whose reservoir and source of transmission to humans, are not understood. Our review of the literature focused on environmental sources of this mycobacterium in West Africa, which converge stagnant aquatic environment. On this basis, we conducted an extensive campaign of environmental sampling in Ivory Coast and detected by real-time PCR M. ulcerans in stagnant water, soil and feces of an herbivorous mammal Thryonomys swinderianus. Then we experimentally proved that M. ulcerans could survive in the soil for at least four months. These results suggest that, in Ivory Coast, stagnant water, soil and animal could play a role in the life cycle of the bacterium. In the second work, we have upgraded aquatic tropical plants by the use of extracts in the culture medium of M. ulcerans, slow growing mycobacteria to accelerate its growth. In the third work, we proposed the methylene blue, less expensive, easy to access as an alternative treatment for Buruli ulcer. It is appropriate to resume the experiment on methylene blue by other teams of researchers and after reproducing our experimental data, suggest the topical use of purified, non-toxic methylene blue in human clinical.
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