Spelling suggestions: "subject:"jobrelated"" "subject:"jobbrelaterad""
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Job-related affective well-being and its relation to intrinsic job satisfaction.Sevastos, Peter P. January 1996 (has links)
This thesis investigates the structure of job-related well-being; the identification of variables that contribute to either psychological well-being or distress; and the causal connections among elements of job-related well-being and intrinsic job satisfaction.Two large samples (n=3,044 and 3,709) from a white-collar public sector organisation were used to test a four monopolar model of affective well-being, and the two bipolar model (enthusiasm-depression and anxiety-contentment) proposed by Warr (1990). Structural equation modelling (LISREL) was used to test both models, and results strongly supported a monopolar structure of affective well-being (enthusiasm, depression, anxiety and relaxation). Following the testing of the models, canonical correlation analyses related the set of the four affective variables and intrinsic job satisfaction to a set of predictors. The predictors were drawn from Wan's (1994) sub-categories of nine features of jobs that purport to enhance psychological well-being at work. Two dimensions were extracted from this analysis. The first dimension was mainly defined by intrinsic job satisfaction (from the dependent variable set) and supervisory support and skill utilisation (from the independent variable set). The second dimension was defined mainly by anxiety (dependent variable set) and job demands (independent variable set). From these results a model was developed based on the additive influences of the independent variables on the outcome variables (i.e., affective well-being and intrinsic job satisfaction) that helped explain psychological well-being and distress at work. Finally, a model was also developed that assumed a causal direction from intrinsic job satisfaction to affective well-being. Using a longitudinal sample (n=220) these causal relations were tested with USREL. Results supported the hypothesis that intrinsic job ++ / satisfaction leads to affective well-being, rather than the alternative model that had the causal connections in the opposite direction. It was also possible to demonstrate with the same data set that one objective organisational variable, namely tenure, affects intrinsic job satisfaction over time, thus arguing against the proposition that intrinsic job satisfaction is dispositional.
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In this thesis, we explore determinants of Canadian workers’ job-related education and training take-ups by using the 2008 Access and Support to Education and Training Survey (ASETS). We implement three models, OLS, probit and logit. Regression results show that the three models produce similar and generally consistent estimates. We find systematic patterns across demographic groups in relation to job-related education and training. Most of our findings, such as the e?ect of age and education, are consistent with previous research. We also find two new influential factors, namely, individuals’ computer ability and their information search behavior, which are critical in determining job-related education and training take-ups. This new finding not only further completes the image of job-related education or training take-ups, but also suggests that government, educational institutions and employers invest more resources into internet to e?ectively promote job-related education and training.
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Stress i det dagliga arbetet - Sjuksköterskors upplevelser och erfarenheter : En litteraturstudieLöfgren, Marie January 2020 (has links)
Stress i arbetet, stress hemma, stress i livet, överallt finns stress, detta är en naturlig del i livet. Vid långvarig stress eller negativ stress blir den sjuklig. När det föreligger obalans mellan arbetsuppgifter och tid, kan detta ge upphov till stress hos sjuksköterskor För att inte utveckla symtom på utmattning eller andra sjukdomar måste det på allvar göras något åt stressen som finns, i detta fall på sjuksköterskors arbetsplats. Tidigare studier visade att sjuksköterskor upplevde och hade erfarenhet av stress av för låg bemanning och när de fick dåligt stöd av chefer. Att bibehålla de professionella etiska reglerna upplevdes också svårt. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelse och erfarenhet av stress i arbetet. Metodval gjordes genom att följa Fribergs (2017, ss. 141–143) modell för litteraturöversikt. Databaserna Cinahl, PubMed och PsychInfo användes för litteratursökningen. Detta resulterade i åtta artiklar. Fem kvantitativa, två kvalitativa och en med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. Litteraturstudien påvisar att sjuksköterskor upplever eller erfar stress i arbetet. Stressen orsakades inte av samma stressorer för alla, men många orsaker till stress hade artiklarna gemensamt. Detta var att särskilt hög arbetsbelastning som ofta orsakades av underbemanning och bristande arbetsledning var vanligaste orsaken till stress. Ett bra socialt nätverk kunde mildra stressupplevelserna. Med ständig underbemanning eller överbeläggning, är det svårt att upplevelser och erfarenheter av stress för sjuksköterskor kommer att minska. När sjukvården ibland bedrivs som företag som inte får kosta för mycket, kan en del av glädjen i arbetet tappas men också omtänksamhet och omvårdnad från personalen.
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Socialt välbefinnade hos barnmorskor inom förlossnings-/ BB-vård : En tvärsnittsstudie baserad på Job Related Social Well-being Scale / Social well-being of midwives within obstetric/maternity care. : A cross-sectional study based on Job Related Social Well-being ScaleAndréen, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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The association between stress and blood pressure in a sample from the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1)Hassoun, Lina 29 July 2015 (has links)
Objektiv: Psychosoziale Stressoren wurden seit langem für ihren Beitrag zur Entwicklung einer arteriellen Hypertonie untersucht, aber ihre Rolle dabei bleibt umstritten. In dieser Post-hoc-Analyse der bundesweiten Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutschland (DEGS1) wurden die Beziehungen von objektiv gemessenen Stressoren und selbst berichtetem Stresslevel auf den Blutdruck bestimmt. Methoden: Die Stichprobe der Studie umfasste 3352 Teilnehmer, die jünger als 65 Jahre alt waren, und derzeit in einem Beschäftigungsverhältnis standen und keine antihypertensive Medikation einnahmen. Der neu entwickelte Overall-Job-Index wurde zur Bewertung des arbeitsrelevanten Stressniveaus verwendet und der selbst wahrgenommene chronische Stress mit der Trierer Inventar zur Erfassung von chronischem Stress Screening-Skala (TICS-SSCS) gemessen. Ergebnisse: Bivariate Tests zeigten signifikante und negative Assoziationen zwischen dem durch TICS-SSCS gemessenen, selbst berichteten Stress mit dem systolischen (Schätzer = -0,16, Standardfehler [SE] = 0,03, p <0,001) bzw. diastolischen Blutdruck (Schätzer = -0.10, SE = 0,02, p <0,001), während der Overall-Job-Index positive signifikante Assoziationen für systolischen (Schätzer = 0,44, SE = 0,11, p <0,001) und diastolischen Blutdruck aufwies (Schätzer = 0,20, SE = 0,07, p = 0,005). Nach Adjustierung für Alter, Geschlecht und Body-Mass-Index blieb TICS-SSCS signifikant mit systolischem und diastolischem Blutdruck assoziiert, nicht aber mit dem Overall-Job-Index. Als Alkoholkonsum, Raucherstatus, körperliche Aktivität, Verkehrsdichte, sozioökonomischer Status, soziale Unterstützung, Pflege von Angehörigen und Leben in Partnerschaft als weitere Kovariablen zu den vorherigen Modellen zugegeben wurden, blieb TICS-SSCS weiterhin mit systolischem und diastolischem Blutdruck assoziiert (p = 0,007 und p = 0,001). Schlussfolgerungen: In einer großen und repräsentativen deutschen Studie wurde festgestellt, dass ein höher wahrgenommenes Stressniveau mit niedrigem Blutdruck assoziiert ist, während die in dieser Analyse untersuchten objektiven Stressfaktoren nicht signifikant mit Blutdruck korreliert waren. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf, dass Stress den Blutdruck auf verschiedenen Wegen beeinflusst und dass die Wahrnehmung von Stress das Ergebnis einer komplexen physiologischen Reaktionsantwort ist, die die Regulierung des Blutdrucks einschließt.
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Acidentes e cargas de trabalho dos trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital universitário do Norte do Paraná / Job-related accidents and workload of nursing professionals in a University Hospital of Northern ParanáSêcco, Iara Aparecida de Oliveira 18 October 2006 (has links)
O processo de trabalho da enfermagem hospitalar, quando inadequado ao trabalhador que atua nessas instituições, pode trazer danos à sua integridade física e mental, por propiciar a ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho típicos (ATTs) e/ou desgastes de variadas naturezas a esse grupo, com repercussões pessoais, sociais e econômicas de expressiva monta. A presente pesquisa foi realizada em um Hospital Universitário da região Norte do Paraná (HU), por meio de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, desenvolvida em duas fases. A primeira, sob o referencial teórico da epidemiologia descritiva, objetivou analisar o perfil epidemiológico dos registros de ATTs notificados pela equipe, elaborar o relatório das ocorrências, estimar indicadores de risco e identificar as 5 Divisões de Enfermagem que apresentaram os seus maiores índices. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio das Comunicações de Acidentes de Trabalho e das Notificações de Acidentes de Trabalho com Material Biológico, realizadas no período entre 1997 e 2002. Para a análise e discussão dos resultados foi preparado banco de dados com a utilização do Programa Epi-Info versão 6.04 C e a Planilha Eletrônica Excel. A segunda fase, com abordagem metodológica da hermenêutica dialética, fundamentada no referencial teórico do materialismo histórico, constou de entrevistas semi-estruturadas das 5 enfermeiras Chefes de Enfermagem das Divisões que mostraram maiores indicadores de risco, da Enfermeira da Comissão de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar e da Diretora de Enfermagem, com o objetivo de descrever as contribuições que o Relatório dos ATTs trouxe para o serviço, identificar as cargas de trabalho presentes nos processos de trabalho, analisar a relação entre essas cargas e as ocorrências de acidentes, e por fim, descrever medidas preventivas institucionais passíveis de implementação. Para a análise e discussão desses resultados foi utilizado o Programa Informatizado The Ethnograph v. 5.0. Como produto da analise dos dados qualitativos foram eleitas, como categoria analítica ATTs e o processo de trabalho de enfermagem hospitalar e, como categoria empírica, ATTs e as cargas de trabalho de enfermagem. Os resultados evidenciaram que o processo de trabalho no Hospital está organizado para atender a demanda dos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde, atendimento esse realizado na lógica do modelo clínico, individual, curativo. Foram notificados 392 acidentes no período, sendo 89% (349) os ATTs, cujo coeficiente de risco médio anual (CRMA) estimado foi de 9,2 acidentes para cada 100 trabalhadores. Os mais acometidos foram os técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem, com 93,9% (328) dos casos e CRMA de 10,4. Os acidentes que envolveram exposição aos materiais biológicos foram os mais presentes, com 64,2% (224) das ocorrências, mostrando o CRMA igual a 5,9; que atingiram, principalmente, as mãos dos trabalhadores no manuseio de perfurocortantes. As Divisões de Enfermagem que apresentaram os maiores indicadores de risco, em ordem decrescente, foram: Pronto Socorro, Centro Cirúrgico, Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Adulto, Divisão de Internamento e Divisão Materno-infantil. Verificou-se que o processo de trabalho de enfermagem mostrou-se dividido entre o manual, realizado majoritariamente pelos profissionais de nível médio, e o gerencial, realizado pelos enfermeiros, que estão, gradativamente, assumindo as atividades da assistência direta, especialmente nas unidades de atendimento ao paciente criticamente enfermo. As cargas de trabalho biológicas foram as que representaram os mais relevantes riscos conforme o ponto de vista da gerência, situação confirmada também nos indicadores de risco. As cargas mecânicas têm sido, aparentemente, potencializadas, dado o desgaste e o envelhecimento dos trabalhadores, chegando a impossibilitar parte do grupo de continuar na atividade laboral plena. As cargas químicas e físicas, pouco se levaram em conta, possivelmente em razão de pouco as conhecer o grupo dos trabalhadores. As cargas fisiológicas mostraram estar relacionadas à dupla jornada de trabalho, formal ou informal, às horas-extras e ao pouco tempo para o sono e o lazer. As psíquicas mostraram especial relevância, uma vez que se apresentam de maneira insidiosa, expressando a penosidade do trabalho na vida do trabalhador; ainda, a historia de vida, as dificuldades socioeconômicas pelas quais tem passado um contingente expressivo dos trabalhadores terminam por potencializá-las. O número insuficiente de pessoal, o elevado índice de absenteísmo não previsto, as contingências históricas e sociais vivenciadas na instituição pública fazem com que a realidade dos acidentes fique relegada a um segundo plano, dada a emergência de outras situações existentes no cotidiano. A instituição de espaços de discussão sobre a realidade do trabalho de enfermagem, a maior participação dos trabalhadores nas entidades de classe, as ações educativas amplamente desenvolvidas no Hospital, a implementação do trabalho desenvolvido pelo Setor de Medicina Ocupacional são algumas das medidas preventivas que podem contribuir expressivamente para a melhora das condições de vida e trabalho dessa população, que, se por um lado cuida da saúde dos outros, necessita por outro que a sua própria seja igualmente cuidada. / The work of hospital nursing, whenever inadequate to the workers in this type of labor setting, may be harmful to the mental and physical integrity of workers as it is likely to cause typical accidents and/or damages of several types with highly personal, social and economical impact. This qualitative and quantitative research was carried out in a university hospital of northern Paraná in two phases. Under the theoretical referential of the descriptive epidemiology, the first phase was meant to analyze the epidemiological profile of job-related accidents as notified by the team, to have a report of events, to estimate risk indicators, and to identify the five Divisions of Nursing with the highest risk indices. The data collection was made from the Communications of Job-related Accidents and Notifications of Job-related Accidents as caused by Biological Material in the period between the years 1997 and 2002. The analysis and the discussion of results were based on the data bank using the Epi-Info version 6.04 C program and the Excel Electronic Plan. The second phase of the research, with a dialectic hermeneutic approach and a historical materialism theoretical reference, comprehended semi-structured interviews with 5 Head Nurses from the Nursing Divisions with the highest risk indices, with a nurse from the Committee of Hospital Infection Control and with the Director of the Nursing Division, in order to identify their workload, to analyze the relationship between the workloads and the rate of accidents, and to describe the institutional preventive measures that were likely to be adopted. The computerized Ethnograph v. 5.0 program was used for the analysis and the discussion of these results. As a product of the qualitative data analysis the jobrelated accidents and the hospital nursing work were considered as analytical categories and the job-related accidents and the nursing workload, as empirical categories. The results evidenced that the work in the Hospital is organized in a way to meet the demands of patients from the Brazilian Unified Health System following a clinical, individual, and curative model. There were notifications of 392 accidents in the period under analysis, 89% (349) with average annual risk rate of 9.2 accidents for every 100 workers. Nursing assistants accounted for 93.9% (328) of the cases with 10.4 of risk rate. Most frequent accidents were related to exposition to biological material, 64.2% (224) and 5.9 risk rate, and involving the workers hands due to the use of perforating and cutting objects. In a decreasing rate, the Nursing Divisions with the highest indices of risk were: Emergency Ward, Surgery Theater, Adult Intensive Care Unit, Hospitalization Division and Maternity and Child Division. It was verified that the nursing work was divided between the manual work, most of it carried out by average level professionals, and the managerial work, performed by those nurses who are gradually taking over the duties of direct assistance, especially in the units for critically ill patients. The biological workloads presented the highest rate of relevant risks from the perspective of management and confirmed by their indices of risk. The mechanical workloads have been apparently potentialized due to workers aging and tiredness; a fact that has prevented some of them from keeping their full labor schedule. The chemical and physical loads have not been taken into account; maybe because the group knows very little about them. It was evidenced that the physiological loads related to the double shifts of work, either formal or informal, the overtime hours and the short periods of time to sleep and have some leisure. The psychic loads were seen as of special relevance as they are presented in an insidious way, expressing the hardships of the work, the workers history of life, and the social and economical difficulties a great number of them have experienced; thus these are also potentialized by the workers. The insufficient number of personnel, the high rate of unexpected absenteeism, and the historical and social contingencies experienced in the public entity turn this jobrelated accident context into a not-so-important consideration in face of other existent daily situations. The organization of moments when debates about the nursing work context may take place, a larger participation of the workers in their representative unions, the educational actions developed in the Hospital, and the implementation of the work carried out in the Sector of Occupational Medicine should be some of the preventive measures that could largely contribute for the improvement of the life and work conditions of this group who takes care of other people s health and at the same time needs to have their own health taken care of.
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A study of the dysfunctional behavior in budgetary control systemTsai, Huey-Cherng 07 July 2008 (has links)
Most previous studies emphasized on the single consequence with respect to the effect of budgetary emphasis on budgetary slack or other dysfunctional behaviors, however, the relationships among these dysfunctional behaviors are seldom investigated. In order to understand the relationships among those dysfunctional behaviors, this study attempted to explore a structure model of past performance, perceived environment uncertainty, consideration leadership style, budgetary emphasis and three dysfunctional behaviors including budgetary slack, job-related tension and managerial short-term orientation. The empirical data was randomly drawn from 175 manufacturing managers in Taiwan Security Exchange. The empirical evidence of this research revealed as follows:
1. Managers have no incentive to create budgetary slack in a business which does not evaluate manager¡¦s performance with budgetary goal achievement. There is a significant positive relationship between past performance and budgetary slack, but the direct effect does not exist. The effect of past performance on budgetary slack is indirectly through budgetary emphasis. Similarly, perceived environment uncertainty and consideration leadership style affecting budgetary slack isn¡¦t directly but indirectly by budgetary emphasis.
2. Between budgetary slack and managerial short-term orientation, budgetary slack and job-related tension may exist a spillover effect. While reducing the propensity to build budgetary slack might induce managerial short-term orientation and job-related tension.
3. Weather no matter budget achievement evaluates performance, past performance directly influences the job-related tension. The manager whose performance is poor could have the higher job-related tension.
4. In different industry, the factor that influencing the organization to practice the budget control system is also different. In traditional industry, past performance is the important factor that affecting organization to implement the budget control system and induce the dysfunction behaviors, but perceived environment uncertainty is the important factor in the electronic information industry.
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Employee Satisfaction Management on Job‐related Stress : The mechanism between middle level manager’s leadership and knowledge worker’s autonomyYiou, Gong, Shaolin, Ye January 2011 (has links)
Background: Resource-based view emphasizes that the competitive advantage of organization is built on two elements: resources and capabilities/competences, which are related to employees within it. And job-related stress is a phenomenon in workplace and a problem in employee satisfaction management. Aim: How are decision-making latitude in terms of autonomy, as the need of knowledge worker, and his/her job-related stress related? How is knowledge worker autonomy affected by middle level manager’s authority? What is the mechanism between middle level manager’s leadership and knowledge worker’s stress? Definitions: Stress: the overall transactional process; Stressors: the events or properties of events (stimuli) that are encountered by individuals; Strain: the individual’s psychological, physical and behavioral responses to stressors; Outcomes: the consequences of strain at both the individual and the organizational levels. Completion & Results: The mechanism among elements in and between knowledge worker and middle level manager is identified and presented.
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Job insecurity : emotional- and behavioural consequences / L. van ZylVan Zyl, Lelanie January 2009 (has links)
Current day organisations must revert to many measures to survive in the very competing business environment. One of these measures is to reduce the number of employees. This leads to perceptions of job insecurity, not only in the employees who are not made redundant but also in employees in so-called stable organisations who are aware of these measures being implemented in other organisations. Researchers found conflicting results of job insecurity regarding performance of employees experiencing job insecurity. On the one hand it was reported that job insecurity leads to higher job performance and on the other that it leads to lower job performance. To reconcile these conflicting findings Jordan, Ashkanasy and Hartel (2002) developed a model. In their two stage model in which they postulate that perceptions of job insecurity could lead to lower affective organisational commitment and higher job-related stress and this in turn could lead to negative coping behaviour (stage one). They then include emotional intelligence (EI) as moderator of all the links between the above mentioned constructs (stage two). They are of the opinion that employees with high EI will experience higher affective organisational commitment and lower job-related stress than employees with low EI when perceptions of job insecurity are experienced. They also postulate that employees with high EI will be less inclined to revert to negative coping behaviour. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether this model would be applicable to employees of private health care organisations in Gauteng. In the first article a literature review was conducted to determine how job insecurity, affective organisational commitment, job-related stress and coping were conceptualised as well as the relationships between these constructs. This was done to investigate the first stage of the model of Jordan et al. (2002).
In the second article a literature review was conducted to determine how job insecurity, affective organisational commitment, job-related stress, coping and EI were conceptualised. The relationships between these constructs and the role of EI as moderator of these relationships were also determined. This was done to investigate the second stage of the model of Jordan et al. (2002). A non-experimental correlation research design was used. Employees of private health care organisations were the participants. The Job Insecurity Inventory, the Organisational Commitment Questionnaire, the Experience of Work Life and Circumstances Questionnaire, the Cope Questionnaire and the Emotional Intelligence Scale were used, as well as a biographical questionnaire. The SPPS program and partly STATISTIKA were used to perform the statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. Cronbach alpha coefficients and factor analyses were used to assess the reliability and validity of the measuring instruments. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used to specify the relationships between the variables. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the moderating influence of emotional intelligence. It was determined that, in this specific research group, job insecurity has a negative correlation with affective organisational commitment. Job insecurity has a positive correlation with job-related stress levels. A positive correlation was found between job-related stress levels and certain negative coping behaviours, such as denial, behavioural disengagement and mental disengagement. A negative correlation was found between affective organisational commitment and negative coping behaviour, specifically the use of drugs or alcohol. All of these correlations were statistically and practically significant.
It was found that job insecurity as independent variable explains 12.1% of the total variance in affective organisational commitment. It was also found that job insecurity as independent variable explains 21.1 % of the total variance in the job -related stress levels. These findings indicated that the first stage of the model of Jordan et al. (2002) could be supported.
Multiple regression analyses were performed to determine the moderating effect of EI as discussed above. The results indicated that EI had only a slight but significant moderating effect on the job insecurity -affective organisational commitment relationship and no effect on the job insecurity - job-related stress relationship. The results also indicate that EI moderates the strength of the relationship between affective organisational commitment and coping behaviour to such an extent that affective organisational commitment's predictive value is reduced to closely insignificant whilst EI emerges as the primary predictor of coping behaviour (both positive and negative). This may imply that emotionally intelligent employees will tend to use more problem-focused coping behaviour irrespective of the affective organisational commitment that they experience. Although to a lesser extent in this study, it was found that emotionally intelligent employees also make use of emotion-focused coping behaviour appropriate for managing affective states associated with experienced stress. Concerning avoidant coping strategies EI significantly negatively moderates alcohol-drug disengagement as a coping strategy, meaning employees with high EI will tend not to revert to the use of drugs or alcohol as coping strategy. It was concluded that EI does not buffer employees against the emotional consequences of job insecurity in this research group, as proposed by the model of Jordan et al. (2002), but rather enables them to cope with these emotional effects using problem-focused- and emotion- focused coping strategies, but not avoidant strategies. The latter finding is in line with the proposed model of Jordan et al.(2002).
Conclusions, the limitations of this research and recommendations for private health care organisations and for future research were made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.
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Job insecurity : emotional- and behavioural consequences / L. van ZylVan Zyl, Lelanie January 2009 (has links)
Current day organisations must revert to many measures to survive in the very competing business environment. One of these measures is to reduce the number of employees. This leads to perceptions of job insecurity, not only in the employees who are not made redundant but also in employees in so-called stable organisations who are aware of these measures being implemented in other organisations. Researchers found conflicting results of job insecurity regarding performance of employees experiencing job insecurity. On the one hand it was reported that job insecurity leads to higher job performance and on the other that it leads to lower job performance. To reconcile these conflicting findings Jordan, Ashkanasy and Hartel (2002) developed a model. In their two stage model in which they postulate that perceptions of job insecurity could lead to lower affective organisational commitment and higher job-related stress and this in turn could lead to negative coping behaviour (stage one). They then include emotional intelligence (EI) as moderator of all the links between the above mentioned constructs (stage two). They are of the opinion that employees with high EI will experience higher affective organisational commitment and lower job-related stress than employees with low EI when perceptions of job insecurity are experienced. They also postulate that employees with high EI will be less inclined to revert to negative coping behaviour. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether this model would be applicable to employees of private health care organisations in Gauteng. In the first article a literature review was conducted to determine how job insecurity, affective organisational commitment, job-related stress and coping were conceptualised as well as the relationships between these constructs. This was done to investigate the first stage of the model of Jordan et al. (2002).
In the second article a literature review was conducted to determine how job insecurity, affective organisational commitment, job-related stress, coping and EI were conceptualised. The relationships between these constructs and the role of EI as moderator of these relationships were also determined. This was done to investigate the second stage of the model of Jordan et al. (2002). A non-experimental correlation research design was used. Employees of private health care organisations were the participants. The Job Insecurity Inventory, the Organisational Commitment Questionnaire, the Experience of Work Life and Circumstances Questionnaire, the Cope Questionnaire and the Emotional Intelligence Scale were used, as well as a biographical questionnaire. The SPPS program and partly STATISTIKA were used to perform the statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. Cronbach alpha coefficients and factor analyses were used to assess the reliability and validity of the measuring instruments. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients were used to specify the relationships between the variables. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the moderating influence of emotional intelligence. It was determined that, in this specific research group, job insecurity has a negative correlation with affective organisational commitment. Job insecurity has a positive correlation with job-related stress levels. A positive correlation was found between job-related stress levels and certain negative coping behaviours, such as denial, behavioural disengagement and mental disengagement. A negative correlation was found between affective organisational commitment and negative coping behaviour, specifically the use of drugs or alcohol. All of these correlations were statistically and practically significant.
It was found that job insecurity as independent variable explains 12.1% of the total variance in affective organisational commitment. It was also found that job insecurity as independent variable explains 21.1 % of the total variance in the job -related stress levels. These findings indicated that the first stage of the model of Jordan et al. (2002) could be supported.
Multiple regression analyses were performed to determine the moderating effect of EI as discussed above. The results indicated that EI had only a slight but significant moderating effect on the job insecurity -affective organisational commitment relationship and no effect on the job insecurity - job-related stress relationship. The results also indicate that EI moderates the strength of the relationship between affective organisational commitment and coping behaviour to such an extent that affective organisational commitment's predictive value is reduced to closely insignificant whilst EI emerges as the primary predictor of coping behaviour (both positive and negative). This may imply that emotionally intelligent employees will tend to use more problem-focused coping behaviour irrespective of the affective organisational commitment that they experience. Although to a lesser extent in this study, it was found that emotionally intelligent employees also make use of emotion-focused coping behaviour appropriate for managing affective states associated with experienced stress. Concerning avoidant coping strategies EI significantly negatively moderates alcohol-drug disengagement as a coping strategy, meaning employees with high EI will tend not to revert to the use of drugs or alcohol as coping strategy. It was concluded that EI does not buffer employees against the emotional consequences of job insecurity in this research group, as proposed by the model of Jordan et al. (2002), but rather enables them to cope with these emotional effects using problem-focused- and emotion- focused coping strategies, but not avoidant strategies. The latter finding is in line with the proposed model of Jordan et al.(2002).
Conclusions, the limitations of this research and recommendations for private health care organisations and for future research were made. / Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2009.
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