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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

南海油氣共同開發之模式:對中華民國政策之啟示 / South China Sea oil and gas joint development model: Enlightenment from the Policy of the Republic of China

陳子豪, Chen, Tzu Hao Unknown Date (has links)
從1982年之《國際海洋法公約》規定相關國家在爭議之海域劃界達成協議之前,有權利就爭議海域的管理和開發做出臨時性的安排。而共同開發正是作為一種解決海域劃界爭端而被廣泛採用的臨時性辦法,共同開發方案一經提出便得到了國際實踐的認同。 通過國際實踐案例的分析,並從中汲取國際共同開發成功案例中的經驗和啟示,總結出國際共同開發的管理模式及其特點並促進我國參與南海油氣共同開發,強化與周邊國家區域利益協調和合作局勢,積極推動共同開發合作建立,避免南海周邊國家避開我國簽訂雙邊或多邊協議去侵占我國南海油氣資源及海域主權,並就我國南海管轄權範圍內積極進行合作以維護我國在南海的海洋權利。 / 1982’s International Law of the sea has prescribed that the related countries are liable to make every effort to make an interim arrangement upon the management and utilization of maritime space after coming an agreement on maritime delimitation. Joint development that is the interim arrangement with broad adoption on solving the dispute of maritime delimitation, which now has been acknowledged in international practices. Through analyzing the international cases, and the ultimate goal of this paper is that R.O.C will learn the experience and inspiration from the successful international joint development model, effectively accelerate the joint development of oil and gas, strengthen the coordination and cooperation of regional benefit with surrounding countries, and actively promote the joint development and cooperation to establish, to avoid the neighboring countries of the South China Sea to avoid bilateral or multilateral agreements signed to occupy Republic of China's oil and gas resources and sea sovereignty, and within the jurisdiction of China's South China Sea within the active cooperation to safeguard Republic of China's maritime rights in the South China Sea.


李英璇 Unknown Date (has links)
南中國海內有零星島群,其中以南沙群島為最,乃是世上最多國家涉及主權爭端的海域,其背後有當年殖民主義所遺留下來的歷史因素、現代海洋法公約所造成的曖昧不清的劃界以及主權權利劃分的問題,以及海洋資源的爭奪與政治上戰略地位的考量。上述因素相互關連並交織成南沙群島的主權爭議,中華民國、中華人民共和國、越南、菲律賓、馬來西亞與汶萊六方各執一詞,從法理、歷史甚至是國土安全等論點來宣示主權,不過各爭端國在論點上各有利弊,所以南沙群島的主權劃歸至今仍無解。但是即便各方在主權議題上互不相讓,然而就南沙群島主權爭議而言,這些理性的行為者在幾番考量下仍願意共同合作。就目前的情況來看,先行暫時擱置主權,再進行共同開發似乎是唯一可行的方法,特別是合作的目標物為海上石油與油氣資源,因為能源資源乃是具有高度價值的不可再生性資源,而據相關單位估計,目前全球已開發的石油資源即將面臨耗竭狀態,因此潛在的石油存量才更加吸引各國的目光。 / 依照各方的合作意願與態度,本論文將以新自由制度主義中理性選擇下的合作精神與建制概念分析南海共同開發的可適用性與限制性。先論述共同開發的意涵,再闡述新自由制度主義與共同開發的關連性。接者為了配合南海的共同開發,筆者先介紹學者針對南海合作的觀點,再針對一九九零年馬來西亞與泰國暹邏灣大陸架資源共同開發案、二零零二年中國與越南北部灣劃界與漁業協定、二零零五年中、菲、越三國南海聯合海洋地震工作協議與二零零八年中國與菲律賓所發表的有關共同捕魚區的合作建議等四項案例作分析,從實際合作中探討未來針對南沙群島水域的共同開發可行性,並從新自由制度主義探討合作的展望與限制。 / Of all the islands in the South China sea, the island groups of the Spratlys is one of the most keenly disputed territories in Southeast Asia, where overlapping claims for sovereignty and territorial jurisdiction are hotly debated. There are a lot of reasons giving rise to the debate. First some scholars view the problem over the Spratlys as part of the historical legacies left behind by the former Western colonial powers. Second, other scholars place greater emphasis on ambiguous legal aspects of territorial jurisdiction. Third still other scholars emphasize political and geo-strategic considerations to explain the complex situation. Lastly nowadays a lot of studies focus on the possibilities of the discovery of major gas and oil field. Those perspectives above can explain why there is no concrete agreement among the six parties including the Republic of China, the People’s Republic of China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei. Although the issue of sovereignty and territorial jurisdiction is too complicate to deal with now, those rational actors still may cooperate and jointly explore and exploit. At present the only possible way to joint development is to first put sovereignty aside and then collaborate. / In this thesis, the objective is to analyze the feasibility and limitation of joint development from Neo-liberal Institutionalism which is mainly about cooperation and regime. First I explain what joint development is and then analyze the linkage between Neo-liberal Institutionalism and joint development. And the next part focuses on the Spratly islands and I analyze four cases including the agreement between Malaysia and Thailand on the constitution and other matters relating to the establishment of the joint authority, the agreement between China and Vietnam on Beibu gulf, the joint authority agreement on joint seismic survey of the South China Sea among the oil companies of China, Vietnam and the Philippines, and the recommendation of common fishing zone. I analyze and predict whether the joint development is feasible in the future through the analysis of practical cooperation.

User Interface Design of Head-Up Display Using Scenarios : An Early Stage Innovation Project at Bombardier / Användargränssnittsdesign av head-up-display : - En tidig fas i ett innovationsprojekt vid Bombardier Transportation

Agarwal, Rohit January 2018 (has links)
Head-up display (HUD) är en beprövad teknik inom flyg och bil, vilken gör det möjligt för piloter och förare att få tillgång till information utan att uppmärksamheten avleds från omvärlden. Liknande fördelar kan uppnås genom installation av HUD i tåg. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla ett användargränssnitt för HUD baserat på European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS). HUD kommer att vara en extra säkerhetsfunktion för tågen för att förhindra förare från att skifta fokus mellan instrumentpanelen och omgivningen, vilket leder till minskad förareutmattning och bättre observation av spåren framåt. Scenario Based Design-metoden har använts för att genomföra projektarbetet och i rapporten diskuteras metodens  fördelar och begränsningar. Användningen av scenarier har gjort det möjligt för designteamet att på djupet förstå de situationer som förarna står inför samt  har hjälpt till att under workshops få en bättre förståelse för drivrutinerna. Dessutom har rekommendationer för hårdvara, installation och framtida arbete beskrivits för fortsatt genomförande av projektet. / Head-up display (HUD) has a proven track record in the aviation and automobile sectors, allowing pilots and drivers to access information without diverting attention from the outside world. Similar benefits may be realized by the installation of HUD in locomotive cabs. The objective of this thesis work is to develop the user interface for HUD based on the ERTMS system. The HUD will be an added safety feature to the trains to prevent drivers from refocusing between the instrument panel and the outside view thus leading to reduced driver fatigue and better observation of the tracks ahead. Scenario Based Design method has been used to implement the project work with discussions regarding its advantages and limitations. The use of scenarios has allowed the design team to understand the scenarios that the drivers face in depth and has aided during the workshops to understand the drivers’ routine better. Additionally, recommendations for the hardware, installation and future work have been provided to support further implementation of the project.

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