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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stanovy společenství vlastníků jednotek / By-laws of unit owners association

Král, Michal January 2015 (has links)
1 Summary "STATUTES OF UNIT OWNERS ASSOCIATION" The thesis deals with the statutes of a unit owners association as they are regulated in the Czech law (hereinafter referred to as the "Statutes"). The Statutes are the basic legal document of any unit owners association, through which the rights and obligations of the individual unit owners are exercised. The Statutes should provide any unit owners association with a framework for its smooth functioning in relation to its members (unit owners), as well as in relation to third parties. Much like other juridical (legal) persons, a unit owners association is created when registered to the public register. Its creation is preceded by a founding legal act of the future unit owners, i.e. the future members of the association. Statutory law (i.e. the new Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll.) stipulates under what conditions the founding members are allowed to establish the unit owners association. For a successful registration of the association in the public register, ordinarily, the Statutes have to be approved by the founding members. The legislation sets out certain mandatory requirements, nonfulfillment of which would lead to a dismissal of the registration. The initial part of the thesis deals with the historical development of the legislation on flat ownership....

Stanovy společenství vlastníků jednotek / By-laws of unit owners association

Král, Michal January 2014 (has links)
1 Summary "STATUTES OF UNIT OWNERS ASSOCIATION" The thesis deals with the statutes of a unit owners association as they are regulated in the Czech law (hereinafter referred to as the "Statutes"). The Statutes are the basic legal document of any unit owners association, through which the rights and obligations of the individual unit owners are exercised. The Statutes should provide any unit owners association with a framework for its smooth functioning in relation to its members (unit owners), as well as in relation to third parties. Much like other juridical (legal) persons, a unit owners association is created when registered to the public register. Its creation is preceded by a founding legal act of the future unit owners, i.e. the future members of the association. Statutory law (i.e. the new Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll.) stipulates under what conditions the founding members are allowed to establish the unit owners association. For a successful registration of the association in the public register, ordinarily, the Statutes have to be approved by the founding members. The legislation sets out certain mandatory requirements, nonfulfillment of which would lead to a dismissal of the registration. The initial part of the thesis deals with the historical development of the legislation on flat ownership....

Condomínios tipo vila em São Paulo / Vila joint-ownerships in São Paulo city

Trevisan, Ricardo Marques 27 November 2006 (has links)
Em 1994, a prefeitura de São Paulo aprovou uma lei permitindo novos condomínios horizontais de casas em lotes de até 15.000m2, com a intenção de dar continuidade a um tipo urbano tradicional da cidade, chamado \"vila\". Apesar deste modelo ter sofrido várias transformações desde seu surgimento no final do século XIX como habitação para operários, o tipo visualizado pelos desenvolvedores do projeto de lei foi o das vilas rentistas produzidas durante meados do século XX e que nos anos 1980 tiveram grande valorização pelo mercado. Porém, quando a Lei de Vilas foi aprovada, outras referências urbanas já haviam surgido no imaginário coletivo paulistano, e os conjuntos decorrentes da Lei 11.605/94 já são distintos daquelas vilas de meados do século XX. Sejam elas um novo tipo urbano ou uma nova versão do tipo \"vila\", fato é que nenhum estudo consistente sobre esses empreendimentos foi localizado até o momento, mesmo estando esta lei há mais de dez anos em vigor e sua produção em crescimento praticamente constante desde 1994.Nesta pesquisa a intenção é fazer um diagnóstico do que foi produzido, apresentando dez projetos executados de diferentes padrões e regiões da cidade, descobrir o quanto se produziu por ano e por bairro, os motivos de suas configurações físicas finais, quem produziu, quem são e o que pensam os moradores a respeito dos imóveis onde estão morando. No final do trabalho, são apresentadas algumas sugestões para futuros projetos deste tipo na cidade, com a intenção de evitar alguns erros encontrados durante o desenvolvimento do trabalho. / In 1994, São Paulo municipality approved a new law that allows new horizontal joint ownerships in areas until 15.000m2 at this town, to continue the production of a traditional urban type of this city, called vilas. Although this urban type has been modified since its origin in the last 19th century decade as popular housing for industries employees, the goal seeked by the law developers was the form of vilas builded by the middle 20th century for renting. These ones had their market prices increased during the 1980?s.However, when the law was approved, other urban references had already arised to São Paulo popular knowledge, and the properties created through the law of vilas are quite different from the middle 20th century examples. Anyway, no consistent study about these cases was finded until now, although the law has been applied for more than ten years and its production has been increasing since 1994.This research goal is discovering what and how much has been done through these years, who are the developers, who are the consumers (and what they think about their living spaces). Ten cases of different kind of consumers and regions of the city are studied and showed. In the very end some project suggestions are presented, intending to avoid some usual mistakes.

Condomínios tipo vila em São Paulo / Vila joint-ownerships in São Paulo city

Ricardo Marques Trevisan 27 November 2006 (has links)
Em 1994, a prefeitura de São Paulo aprovou uma lei permitindo novos condomínios horizontais de casas em lotes de até 15.000m2, com a intenção de dar continuidade a um tipo urbano tradicional da cidade, chamado \"vila\". Apesar deste modelo ter sofrido várias transformações desde seu surgimento no final do século XIX como habitação para operários, o tipo visualizado pelos desenvolvedores do projeto de lei foi o das vilas rentistas produzidas durante meados do século XX e que nos anos 1980 tiveram grande valorização pelo mercado. Porém, quando a Lei de Vilas foi aprovada, outras referências urbanas já haviam surgido no imaginário coletivo paulistano, e os conjuntos decorrentes da Lei 11.605/94 já são distintos daquelas vilas de meados do século XX. Sejam elas um novo tipo urbano ou uma nova versão do tipo \"vila\", fato é que nenhum estudo consistente sobre esses empreendimentos foi localizado até o momento, mesmo estando esta lei há mais de dez anos em vigor e sua produção em crescimento praticamente constante desde 1994.Nesta pesquisa a intenção é fazer um diagnóstico do que foi produzido, apresentando dez projetos executados de diferentes padrões e regiões da cidade, descobrir o quanto se produziu por ano e por bairro, os motivos de suas configurações físicas finais, quem produziu, quem são e o que pensam os moradores a respeito dos imóveis onde estão morando. No final do trabalho, são apresentadas algumas sugestões para futuros projetos deste tipo na cidade, com a intenção de evitar alguns erros encontrados durante o desenvolvimento do trabalho. / In 1994, São Paulo municipality approved a new law that allows new horizontal joint ownerships in areas until 15.000m2 at this town, to continue the production of a traditional urban type of this city, called vilas. Although this urban type has been modified since its origin in the last 19th century decade as popular housing for industries employees, the goal seeked by the law developers was the form of vilas builded by the middle 20th century for renting. These ones had their market prices increased during the 1980?s.However, when the law was approved, other urban references had already arised to São Paulo popular knowledge, and the properties created through the law of vilas are quite different from the middle 20th century examples. Anyway, no consistent study about these cases was finded until now, although the law has been applied for more than ten years and its production has been increasing since 1994.This research goal is discovering what and how much has been done through these years, who are the developers, who are the consumers (and what they think about their living spaces). Ten cases of different kind of consumers and regions of the city are studied and showed. In the very end some project suggestions are presented, intending to avoid some usual mistakes.

Upplösande av samägande : Villkor för fastighetsbildning vid klyvning / Dissolving joint ownership : Terms for real estate when partitioning

Oscarsson, Johan, Mäkelä, Mikko January 2017 (has links)
Problemställning: Det finns i dagens lagstiftning inget uttalat stöd för att använda ”upplösande av samägande” som skäl för beslut i klyvningsförrättningar. Användning med avgörande verkan har inte styrkts genom rättspraxis. Ändock används detta skäl av lantmätare. Hur yttrar sig denna osäkerhet kring dess användning i förrättningar?  Syfte: Arbetet syftar till att visa på vilket sätt och i hur stor utsträckning som upplösande av samägande används av lantmätare i klyvningsförrättningar vid prövningen av villkoren för fastighetsbildning i fastighetsbildningslagens 3:e kapitel.   Metod: Studien initierades av att en för oss okänd företeelse upptäcktes inom domänen fastighetsrättslig lagstiftning. Det ledde till att vi ställde upp en modell som förenklat beskriver företeelsen och med vilka samband den existerar inom domänen. Modellen säger att upplösning av samägande används som skäl för beslut vid klyvningsförrättningar. Därefter gjordes en grundlig rättsdogmatisk undersökning som gav modellen en detaljerad teoretisk grund. Det resulterade i fyra distinkta typfall för användningen. Sedan undersöktes rättspraxis och slutligen genomfördes en induktiv undersökning av förrättningsakter. Nedan följer en beskrivning av hur studien genomfördes.   Inledningsvis gjordes en litteraturstudie. Denna litteraturstudie hade till syfte att ge en grundläggande förståelse om dels klyvningen som fastighetsbildningsverktyg men även uppkomsten och intentionerna med den. Litteraturen som användes var Statens Offentliga Utredning (Förarbete SOU 1963:68) som låg till grund för fastighetsbildningslagen samt propositioner till den och dess förändringar. I samband med detta gjordes även en genomgång av utlåtanden till propositioner och kommentarer till den befintliga lagtexten. Övrig litteratur som berör fastighetsbildning användes även i viss mån för att komplettera förståelsen för dagens användning av klyvning. Eftersom denna litteratur är av oerhört stor volym krävdes stor tidsåtgång till att genomföra detta litteraturstadie samt reflektera kring olikheter som kan ses mellan förarbeten och dagens användning. Sista delen av litteraturstudien omfattades av en genomgång av tredje kapitlet i FBL samt lagkommentarer till detta.  Nästa steg i processen var att genomföra en rättsdogmatisk studie av lagstiftning samt tillämplig rättspraxis. Detta innebar att det normativa systemet inledningsvis utgjordes av alla domar som berört klyvning. Angreppsvinkeln vi intog här var i första hand för att dels inte förbise någon typ av information och gallra materialet för hårt för tidigt och även för att lättare kunna avgöra vad som är tillräckligt med information att ha till hands. Under detta stadie gjordes en genomgång av de domar som dels beskrev hur klyvning generellt skall tolkas enligt praxis, samt de som berör sambandet mellan klyvning och lämplighetsprövningen. Här var utgångspunkten att skapa ett så bra urval som möjligt för studien. Tolkning av juridik är på många sätt speciell då den inte är helt fri, vilket innebär att tolkningsfriheten är begränsad av vissa ramar. Tolkningen är även alltid präglad av subjektiva intryck och tankar, vilket i viss mån är oundvikligt. Med hänsyn till detta har ändå en rimlig standard av rationell tolkningsmetod försökt att uppnås.   Tredje steget var att samla information om hur det vi undersökt i litteratur används i praktiken. Detta innebar att vi sökte förrättningsakter som berör klyvning och där uttalad koppling till lämplighet görs. Processen utgjordes av att vi använde oss av Lantmäterimyndigheternas arkiv via sökfunktion Arkivsök. Sökningen genomfördes inom fem olika län - med stor spridning - och filtrerades med kriteriet “åtgärd: klyvning” samt inom en femårsperiod, 2012-2017. Detta gav oss alla förrättningsakter inom det bestämda tidsintervallet som berörde klyvning, även om det skedde fristående eller i samband med andra fastighetsbildningsåtgärder. Eftersom akters längd och detaljmängd beror helt på det unika fallet och förrättningslantmätaren i fråga, har akterna skiljt sig markant från varandra. Detta medförde att mycket tid har gått åt till genomgången av dem, då det finns en stor risk att annars förbise viktig information. Storleken på akterna varierar även från tiotals till hundratals sidor. Det som söktes i akter var de fall där upplösande av samägandeförhållanden nämndes som skäl av förrattningslantmätaren. Detta urval av akter kategoriserades därefter under två användningsområden. Ett där avsteg från lämplighetskraven i FBL 3 kap gjordes med upplösande av samägande som skäl eller att upplösningen användes som skäl vid lämplighetsprövning. Det andra var de fall då upplösande av samägande nämndes som en fördel men inte användes som avgörande skäl i samband med lämplighetsprövning. / Real estate is a form of property that can be owned individually or by several partowners. Partitioning real estate is the most prominent way of dividing the latter type of ownership. What this entails is a fragmentation of ownership which in Sweden has come to be seen as positive for the formation of real estate as a whole.  Even though the concept of fragmentation of ownership is recognized as desirable, it is not clear how and to which degree it can be used as a motive to make up for lacking adequacy in real estate formation. The purpose of this report is therefore to study how and to which degree this motive has been used by the land surveying authorities.  Our foundation for the report is based on a study of literature related to partition and sections of the law handling partitioning as well as real estate suitability.  Within this study a total amount of 573 partitions has been reviewed whereas 23 of them use the cited motive in different manners. The findings of this report show that the authorities have been using the motive in a way that is within the leeway of the currently permitted usage, with a few exceptions.

Problematiken vid samägd jord- och skogsbruksfastighet : De rättsliga förhållanden / Problems concerning joint ownership in Agriculture and Forestry Business : Juridicial Circumstances

Toivio Blomsten, Caroline, Royson, Sanna January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze existing law concerning joint owner-ship in agriculture and forestry businesses. Joint ownership often arises through a succes-sion of ownership, therefore we will go through the most useful methods.Even if the owners of agriculture and forestry businesses are getting older, the numbers of succession of ownerships are still low. A succession of ownership is important to plan and its time is demanding. Often it takes three to five years for the completion of a succession of ownership. Therefore, owners must start their planning in time and think about what is to come of their business. During the planning, a decision must be made concerning who they want to take over and how it should be performed. When it comes to succession of ownership in agriculture and forestry businesses, three different methods are used. Those methods are inheritance, gift and purchase. These methods are also divided into unplanned and planned succession of ownership. For example, inheritance is unplanned and a gift and purchase, together with testamentary aquisitions, are planned.Inheritance occurs when the older generation passes away and the survivor inherits the property. If there is no survivor, the legal inheritance order decides who will inherit the property. Gift and purchase means that the owner gives away or sells the property to the younger generation. A combination of the methods can also be carried out. In that case, it is the compensation that decides if it is to be considered as a gift or a purchase. When the compensation exceeds the assessed value, the transfer is considered a purchase. Formerly, it was common that the oldest son took over the business. In this day and age, that does not happen as frequently. Far too often it is hard to find one person that wants to take over. Instead a succession of ownership is carried out to all the siblings. The reason for this is that the owner wants the business to stay within the family. This, even though joint ownership is to be considered as a bad solution that often leads to conflicts.Surrounding joint ownership, there are some problems that can arise at its origin during the joint ownership and in connection with the disposal. The choice of method, to transfer the farm, is of significance if a license is needed in order for the acquisition to be valid. It is also important to think through which stipulations that are put into the contract in connec-tion with the transfer. In the case that those stipulations are contrary to law then they are not valid.The problems that can arise during joint ownership often leads to disagreements. Examples of problems that will be mentioned in this thesis are which rules of law are applicable if a part owner has the right to farm the land and if the joint ownership is to be considered as a company. In the case of torn out conflicts, a possibility is presented implying that a de-mand can be made by any part owner that a sale shall be carried out at a public auction.

Problematiken vid samägd jord- och skogsbruksfastighet : De rättsliga förhållanden / Problems concerning joint ownership in Agriculture and Forestry Business : Juridicial Circumstances

Toivio Blomsten, Caroline, Royson, Sanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze existing law concerning joint owner-ship in agriculture and forestry businesses. Joint ownership often arises through a succes-sion of ownership, therefore we will go through the most useful methods.Even if the owners of agriculture and forestry businesses are getting older, the numbers of succession of ownerships are still low. A succession of ownership is important to plan and its time is demanding. Often it takes three to five years for the completion of a succession of ownership. Therefore, owners must start their planning in time and think about what is to come of their business. During the planning, a decision must be made concerning who they want to take over and how it should be performed. When it comes to succession of ownership in agriculture and forestry businesses, three different methods are used. Those methods are inheritance, gift and purchase. These methods are also divided into unplanned and planned succession of ownership. For example, inheritance is unplanned and a gift and purchase, together with testamentary aquisitions, are planned.Inheritance occurs when the older generation passes away and the survivor inherits the property. If there is no survivor, the legal inheritance order decides who will inherit the property. Gift and purchase means that the owner gives away or sells the property to the younger generation. A combination of the methods can also be carried out. In that case, it is the compensation that decides if it is to be considered as a gift or a purchase. When the compensation exceeds the assessed value, the transfer is considered a purchase. Formerly, it was common that the oldest son took over the business. In this day and age, that does not happen as frequently. Far too often it is hard to find one person that wants to take over. Instead a succession of ownership is carried out to all the siblings. The reason for this is that the owner wants the business to stay within the family. This, even though joint ownership is to be considered as a bad solution that often leads to conflicts.Surrounding joint ownership, there are some problems that can arise at its origin during the joint ownership and in connection with the disposal. The choice of method, to transfer the farm, is of significance if a license is needed in order for the acquisition to be valid. It is also important to think through which stipulations that are put into the contract in connec-tion with the transfer. In the case that those stipulations are contrary to law then they are not valid.The problems that can arise during joint ownership often leads to disagreements. Examples of problems that will be mentioned in this thesis are which rules of law are applicable if a part owner has the right to farm the land and if the joint ownership is to be considered as a company. In the case of torn out conflicts, a possibility is presented implying that a de-mand can be made by any part owner that a sale shall be carried out at a public auction.</p>

Zápisy vlastnických a jiných věcných práv k nemovitostem po 1.1.2014 / Notation of legal relations to real estates after 1.1.2014

Dubovská, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with legal relations to real estate. It compiles an overview of rights that can be written to the Land Register. The thesis also discusses the title to the property, the merchandise rights to real estate and the way of their land registration, each mentioned in separate chapter.

Reálné rozdělení polyfunkčního objekt v Dolní Bečvě / Actual division of a multifunctional building in Dolní Bečva

Grégrová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis „Actual division of multifunctional building in Dolní Bečva“ is to consider possibilities of real division of estates as a way of joint ownership property settlement. Theoretical section of the thesis explains selected terms that are necessary for expert work on real division. Practical part of the thesis proposes real division of estates, namely value estimation regarding current condition, construction alterations including respective expenses assessment, and finally value estimation of divided parts and ensuing property settlement.

Rewarding inventive ingenuity through patent ownership as part of the Australian innovation strategy

Eliades, Dimitrios George January 2007 (has links)
The government has indicated that innovation fosters economic growth and is essential to maintaining a competitive position in international markets. Patents are the preferred mechanism by which the Australian Government and other governments encourage their nationals to protect their innovations. The question of the entitlement was raised in several cases in the Federal Court of Australia where there has been a failure to name all of the inventors on a patent grant (non-joinder) or where persons were mis-named as inventors, who were not and consequently have no interest in a grant (rnis-joinder). In both cases, parties who were not themselves daiming an entitlement to the invention, brought objections based on a number of grounds, including entitlement. The results have been the revocation of the patent in the case on the non-joinder of an inventor and in the case of mis-joinder, the preliminary view of a judge of the Federal Court has been, that the patent would be invalid through lack of entitlement. The result is that competitors are permitted to 'exploit' the invention, as the subject matter is not protected by a patent. The implications are far reaching, For example, where a research team in collaboration with another develops an invention but omits the inventive contribution of even one member of one team or includes a person who has not made an inventive contribution in the patent grant, the patent will be invalid. In these circumstances, the author considers that the result produces a disincentive to innovate. Consideration of this area in other jurisdictions reveals that the U.S. and the U.K. have recognised this as an unsatisfactory state of affairs. As a result, Congress in the U.S. made provision in their Patent Code in the early 1950's, that in the case of error or mistake giving rise to a non-joinder or mis-joinder of inventors, the patent would not be invalid but could be rectified by the Director of Patents and Trade Marks (the 'Director'). In the U.K., the Comptroller has powers to deal with a wide variety of cases involving entitlement to ownership of a patent. The situations include but are not limited to cases where some but not all of the persons entitled to the grant have been granted the patent, i.e. non-joinder, or where a person entitled to be granted a patent, has been granted a patent together with a person who is not entitled, i.e. mis-joinder. The thesis will focus on the non-joinder and mis-joinder of inventors, but the U.K. provision addresses a wider field of parties entitled, whether entitled as inventors or on some other basis. In addition, the U.K. and Germany have made provision restricting the persons who are able to challenge a patent on entitlement grounds. This is restricted to those persons having an interest in the patent, rather than open to any person, as is the case in Australia. The Australian decisions have been determined on historic cases dating back to the 17th century. It is timely to consider amendments which will overcome revocation of patents under Australian law, for what is essentially a matter between the persons interested. These amendments will accordingly encourage innovation, particularly in an environment where intellectual property has taken on greater importance and where the identification of the inventor has become more complex as collaborations in research become more common.

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